Quantized Hodgkin-Huxley Model for Quantum Neurons · The Hodgkin-Huxley model describes the...

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Quantized Hodgkin-Huxley Model for Quantum Neurons

Tasio Gonzalez-Raya,1 Xiao-Hang Cheng,2 Inigo L. Egusquiza,3 Xi Chen,2 Mikel Sanz,1, ∗ and Enrique Solano1, 2, 4, †

1Department of Physical Chemistry, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Apartado 644, 48080 Bilbao, Spain2Department of Physics, Shanghai University, 200444 Shanghai, China

3Department of Theoretical Physics and History of Science,University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Apartado 644, 48080 Bilbao, Spain

4IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science, Maria Diaz de Haro 3, 48013 Bilbao, Spain

The Hodgkin-Huxley model describes the behavior of the cell membrane in neurons, treating eachpart of it as an electric circuit element, namely capacitors, memristors, and voltage sources. Wefocus on the activation channel of potassium ions, due to its simplicity, while keeping most of thefeatures displayed by the original model. This reduced version is essentially a classical memristor, aresistor whose resistance depends on the history of electric signals that have crossed it, coupled toa voltage source and a capacitor. Here, we will consider a quantized Hodgkin-Huxley model basedon a quantum memristor formalism. We compare the behavior of the membrane voltage and thepotassium channel conductance, when the circuit is subjected to AC sources, in both classical andquantum realms. Numerical simulations show an expected adaptation of the considered channelconductance depending on the signal history in all regimes. Remarkably, the computation of highermoments of the voltage manifest purely quantum features related to the circuit zero-point energy.This study may allow the construction of quantum neuron networks inspired in the brain function,as well as the design of neuromorphic quantum architectures for quantum machine learning.


Brain science and neurophysiology are fascinating top-ics posing deep questions regarding the global compre-hension of the human being. Understanding how thebrain works catalyzed interdisciplinary research fieldssuch as biophysics and bioinformatics. In 1963, the No-bel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to AlanLloyd Hodgkin and Andrew Fielding Huxley for theirwork describing how electric signals in neurons propa-gate through the axon. This work consists on modellingsmall segments of the axon membrane as an electric cir-cuit represented by a set of non-linear differential equa-tions [1], establishing a bridge between neuroscience andphysics [2–9].

A neuron is an electrically excitable cell that receives,processes, and transmits information through electric sig-nals, whose main components are the cell body, the den-drites, and the axon. Dendrites are ramifications whichreceive and transmit stimuli into the cell body, which pro-cesses the signal. The nervous impulse is then propagatedthrough the axon, which is an extension of the nervecell. This propagation gradient is generated through thechange in the ion permeability of the cell membrane whenan impulse is transmitted. This implies a variation in ionconcentrations represented in the Hodgkin-Huxley circuitby a non-linear conductance. Its resistance depends onthe history of electric charges crossing the cell, which isnaturally identified with a memristor [10, 11].

In the last decade, we have witnessed a blossom-ing of quantum platforms for quantum technologies,

∗ mikel.sanz@ehu.eus† enr.solano@gmail.com

where quantum simulations, quantum computing, quan-tum sensing, and quantum communication are to be high-lighted. Superconducting circuits is one of the leadingquantum platforms, allowing for controllability, scala-bility, and coherence. The combination of bioscienceswith quantum technologies gave rise to a variety of novelfields, as quantum artificial intelligence [12], quantum bi-ology [13, 14], quantum artificial life [15, 16], and quan-tum biomimetics [17], among others. From a wide per-spective, we are heading towards a general frameworkfor neuromorphic quantum computing, in which brain-inspired architectures strive to take advantage of quan-tum features to enhance computational power.

Recent proposals for a quantized memristor [18], aswell as its possible implementations in both supercon-ducting circuits [19] and integrated quantum photon-ics [20], allows for the construction of a quantized neuronmodel based on Hodgkin-Huxley circuit. In the classi-cal realm, this model reproduces the characteristic adap-tive behavior of brain neurons. Whereas, in the quan-tum regime, it could unveil unique characteristics or anunprecedented learning performance. Furthermore, thestudy of memristor-based electric circuits [21–23] sets astarting position for the investigation of coupled quan-tum memristors, which may lead to the development ofquantum neuron networks.

Classical models comprising features of real neurons isan active research field, leaving open an extension to thequantum domain [24–29]. Furthermore, classical memris-tive devices have been used in the simulation of synap-tic [30–32] as well as learning processes [33]. However,none of those works ever considered the quantized ver-sion of the Hodgkin-Huxley model.

In this article, we study a simplified version of theHodgkin-Huxley model, preserving its biological inter-est, in which only the potassium ion channel plays a role.













The ion channel conductance, modelled by a memristor,is coupled to a voltage source and a capacitor, where westudy its response under a periodic driving in both classi-cal and quantum regimes. By means of a quantum mem-ristor [18], we quantize the elements of the consideredHodgkin-Huxley circuit, comparing the membrane volt-age, the conductance, and the I-V characteristic curvefor a classical input source [34]. This work establishesa roadmap for the experimental construction of quan-tum neuron networks, as well as neuromorphic quantumarchitectures and quantum neural networks [35]. Theseconcepts could find general applications in the field ofquantum machine learning [36] and a challenging alter-native to a gate-based universal quantum computer.


Theoretical Framework

The cell membrane of a neuron shows permeabilitychanges for different ion species after receiving electricimpulses through the dendrites. These changes allow forvariations on ion concentrations which can lead to a sud-den depolarization of the membrane, with the consequenttransmission of the signal through the axon. These ionscomprise mainly sodium and potassium, which have dif-ferent roles during the known neuron spike. In 1952,Hodgkin and Huxley developed a model which describesthe propagation of these stimuli [1]. They treated eachcomponent of the excitable nerve cell membrane as anelectric circuit element, as shown in Fig. 1a. We studya simplified Hodgkin-Huxley model, in which only thepotassium channel plays a role. This simplification stillconserves most characteristic neuron behaviors. In thiscase, we are left with two coupled differential equations,

I(t) = CgdVgdt

+ gKn4(Vg − VK), (1)


dt= αn(Vg)(1− n)− βn(Vg)n, (2)

describing the circuit shown in Fig. 1b. Naturally, thenon-linear conductance of the potassium channel, given

FIG. 1. (a) Complete Hodgkin-Huxley circuit and (b)Hodgkin-Huxley circuit with solely a potassium ion channel.

by gK = gKn4, can be identified with a memristor [10].

The equations describing the physical properties andmemory effects of a voltage-controlled memristor are

I(t) = G(µ(t))V (t), (3)

µ(t) = f(µ(t), V (t)). (4)

G(·) and f(·) are continuous real functions satisfying theconditions

(i) G(µ) ≥ 0 for all values of µ,(ii) For a fixed µ, f(µ, V ) is monotone, and f(µ, 0) = 0.Condition (i) means that G(µ) can indeed be under-

stood as a conductance, so that Eq. (3) can be interpretedas a state-dependent Ohm’s law. This ensures that thememristor is a passive element. Condition (ii) restrictsthe internal variable dynamics to provide non-vanishingmemory effects for all significant voltage inputs, implyingthat it does not have dynamics in the absence of voltage.

Notice that solving Eq. (4) requires time integrationover the past of the control signal, and this solution af-fects G(µ). This means that the response in the cur-rent given by Eq. (3) depends not only on the presentvalue of the control voltage, but also on the previousones. Hence, if a memristor undergoes a periodic controlsignal, the I-V characteristic curve will display a hystere-sis loop, which contains memory effects, identifying theslope of this curve with the resistance of the device.

The quantum memristor has been recently intro-duced [18], and is described as a non-linear element in aclosed circuit with a weak-measurement scheme, used toupdate the resistance. This layout can be seen in Fig. 2aas a closed system coupled to a resistor and a measure-ment apparatus, introducing a measurement-based up-date of the resistance depending on the system voltage.

The dynamics of the composite system can be stud-ied by a master equation composed of Hamiltonian,continuous-weak-measurement, and dissipation parts,

dρ = dρH + dρm + dρd. (5)

The Hamiltonian part is given by von Neumann equation,

dρH = − i~

[HS , ρ(t)]dt. (6)

The continuous-weak-measurement part reads

dρm = − τ

q20[q, [q, ρ(t)]]dt+


q20(q, ρ(t)− 2〈q〉ρ(t))dW,

(7)where [·, ·] denotes a commutator and ·, · an anticom-mutator. The expectation value of an observable is〈A〉 = tr(ρA), τ is the projection frequency, q0 is the un-certainty, the measurement strength is defined as κ = τ


and dW is the Wiener increment, related to the stochas-ticity associated with weak measurements.

The dissipation is described by a Caldeira-Leggettmaster equation,

dρd = − iγ(µ)

~[ϕ, q, ρ(t)]dt− 2Cλγ(µ)

~[ϕ, [ϕ, ρ(t)]]dt,


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FIG. 2. (a) Diagram of a quantum memristor as a resis-tor coupled to a closed system with a voltage-based weak-measurement scheme. (b) Hysteresis loops a quantum mem-ristor coupled to a LC circuit with a system Hamiltonian

HS = q2

2C+ φ2

2L, with C = 1 and L = 1. Time is defined

in this graph as the color scale, from deep blue to bright yel-low, which representes the damping of the memristor.

where λ = kBT/~ and γ(µ) is the relaxation rate. Solvingthese equations, we can have the relation between mem-ristive current and the charge shown in Fig. 2b, for anLC circuit coupled to a memristor, with a Hamiltonian of

the form HS = q2

2C + φ2

2L . We can observe the memristordisplays the characteristic hysteresis curve when plottingthe current response versus the charge, which is relatedto the control voltage as V = q/C. In the case of a cir-cuit with classical sources, or a circuit coupled to an openelement, there is no need to introduce the Wiener noise.

To describe the quantum memristor in a Lagrangianformulation, suitable for canonical quantization, we as-sume linear dissipation and treat it as a linear dissipativeelement in the Caldeira-Leggett model. In this manner,we replace it by an infinite set of coupled LC oscilla-tors with a frequency-dependent impedance Z(ω), i.e.a transmission line. We identify the impedance of thetransmission line with the resistance of the memristorand, assuming that the time between consecutive updatesis much larger than the memristor relaxation time, theimpedance can be updated (see Fig. 3). The Lagrangian

FIG. 3. Hodgkin-Huxley circuit for a single ion channel witha classical AC source, I(t) = I0 sin(Ωt), coupled to a semi-infinite transmission line. C0 and L0 are the capacitance andinductance corresponding to the transmission line, Cg is thecapacitance coupling the source to the circuit, Cc accountsfor the axon’s membrane capacitance, and V0 is the restingpotential for the potassium ion channel.

describing this circuit is

L =Cg2

(φ0 − φs)2 +Cc2φ20 −

(φ1 − φ0)2





2(φi − V0)2 − (φi+1 − φi)2




with C0 and L0 the characteristic capacitance andimpedance per unit length of the transmission line, andthe classical current source defined as I(t) = −Cg(φ0 −φs). The motion of this circuit can be described by Euler-Lagrange equations, d


= ∂L∂φ . Intermediate node

fluxes on the transmission line satisfy the wave equationwhen taking the continuum limit (∆x→ 0). This allowsus to write the equation of motion for φ0(t),

− I(t) + Ccφ0 +φ0Z0

= 2φin0Z0

, (10)

where Z0 =√L0/C0 is the impedance of the transmis-

sion line, associated with the resistance of the memristor.φ0(t) is our main variable because 〈φ0(t)〉 will give us thecircuit voltage. We have identified φ0(t) with φ(x = 0, t),the flux field inside the transmission line at x = 0, andwe want then to quantize this flux.

Given that the wave equation inside the transmissionline is satisfied, the flux field can be written in terms ofingoing and outgoing modes, fulfilling canonical commu-tation relations for a semi-infinite transmission line. Thequantization of this flux field has been performed for infi-nite electrical networks, see Ref. [37]. As a starting point,we write the decomposition

φ(x, t) =


∫ ∞0



+ aout(ω)e−i(kωx+ωt) + H.c.),


where kω = |ω|√L0C0 is the wave vector. By choos-

ing the state of the transmission line to be the vaccum,

〈0|ain(ω)|0〉 = 〈0|a†in(ω)|0〉 = 0, and for a classical in-put current I(t) = I0 sin(Ωt), the voltage response of thesystem reads

〈φ0〉 = I0Z0sin(Ωt)− CcΩZ0 cos(Ωt)

1 + (CcΩZ0)2. (12)

Actually, this is what is obtained when studying the sta-tionary solution of Eq. (21) with φin0 = 0. Assuming thatφ0 is a valid quantum operator, we compute the secondmoment of the voltage,

〈φ20〉 =~Z0


∫ ∞0


1 + (CcωZ0)2+


sin(Ωt)− CcΩZ0 cos(Ωt)

1 + (CcΩZ0)2



The second term contains the voltage squared, which hasa classical origin, at variance with the first term. The lat-ter is related to the reflection of the modes in the circuitand is associated with the zero-point energy. It divergesas ω → ∞, which is a purely quantum mechanical ef-fect [38]. We can eliminate the divergence in the voltagefluctuations by subtracting it to the second moment ofthe voltage for the transmission line in a thermal state.By considering the limit ~ωβ 1, we find

∆ ≡ 〈φ20〉Thermal − 〈φ20〉Vacuum =2Z0

~πβ2. (14)

Here, β = 1/kBT , and ∆ represents the quantum fluctu-ations of the circuit voltage.

In order to observe the system memristive behavior,we introduce the update of the resistance of the mem-ristor, considering the dependence of Z0 on the circuitvoltage. This approach is valid as long as the relaxationtime of the set of LC oscillators, which represents the in-stantaneous resistor, is much shorter than the time scaleassociated to the change in the resistance. This is equiv-alent to an adiabatic approximation [39], where we ini-tially consider Z0 as constant to obtain the value of thecircuit voltage and is consistently updated later.

Identifying the inverse of the impedance (known asadmittance) with a conductance, we can use the potas-sium channel conductance gK(t) = gKn(t)4 to updatethe impedance Z(t) = Zminn(t)−4, via Eq. (2), such that

Z(t) = −4Zmin






(15)Thus, from now on, we identify the potassium channelconductance with the inverse of the impedance of thetransmission line. Notice that, in this treatment, we haveassumed that the voltage measurements used to updatethe impedance of the memristor do not perturbe the sys-tem, considering measurements in this setup to be auto-matic and non-invasive.

Given the dependence of the impedance on the cir-cuit voltage, we solve Eq. (15) numerically to obtain

the change in impedance of the memristor. Then, wecompute the potassium channel conductance and themembrane voltage. This is equivalent, as mentionedabove, to a strong adiabatic approximation, in which theimpedance is considered constant in order to update thevoltage of the circuit.


In this section, we present the results of the mem-brane voltage and the potassium channel conductancefor the single-ion channel Hodgkin-Huxley model. Thisis done by solving Eq. (15) for the update of the mem-ristor impedance using the results of the membrane volt-age. We introduce the solutions of membrane voltageand potassium ion channel conductance for the single-channel Hodgkin-Huxley model, which we use to comparewith the results for the quantized Hodgkin-Huxley modelwith a classical AC current source. In each case, we findthat the potassium conductance reproduces qualitativelyand approximately the s-shaped curve of Ref. [1].

1. Classical Hodgkin-Huxley model

The single-channel Hodgkin-Huxley model with anAC current source is simulated by solving the Hodgkin-Huxley equations, i.e. Eq. (1) together with Eq. (2).Then, we plot in Fig. 4 the membrane voltage, thepotassium channel conductance, and the sodium chan-nel conductance, for a periodic input of the form I(t) =I0 sin(Ωt). For the membrane voltage taken to be initiallyzero, we plot it versus time in Fig. 4a as the blue curve,the red curve in Fig. 4b corresponding to the potassiumchannel conductance.

A spike in the membrane voltage can be observed, witha subsequent decrease and adaptation to the input, lead-ing to oscillations around the zero value. This is be-cause we have taken the resting membrane voltage tobe zero initially, and have set VK = 0, where normallyit is taken to be VK = −77mV. We have chosen this ac-cording with the results for the response of the quantizedmodel, in which this classical DC voltage source does notappear. This does not change the dynamical behavior,it just gives a displacement of the voltage. In fact, theprofile of the voltage, aside from the oscillations causedby our choice of input current, accurately fits the plotsdepicted in Ref. [1]. The potassium conductance is repro-duced with great accuracy according to Ref. [1], featuringrising and adaptive behavior.

Comparing the conductance as the red curve in Fig. 4bwith the ones obtained in Ref. [1], it can be appreciatedthat, with the introduction of an input signal, the con-ductance rises and adapts to this signal, according to thedepolarization of the membrane, with oscillations causedby our choice of I(t). The I-V characteristic curve in

FIG. 4. Classical Hodgkin-Huxley model for a single ion channel with a periodic input I(t) = I0 sin(Ωt): (a) Membranevoltage (blue) over time. (b) Potassium channel conductance (red) over time. (c) Membrane voltage versus input current. (d)Membrane voltage (blue) and potassium channel conductance (red) over time with an adiabatic approximation.

Fig. 4c displays a hysteresis loop due to the periodic driv-ing, which forms a limit cycle when the system saturates.

It is interesting to see that the spiking behavior of themembrane voltage can be reproduced in this simplifiedmodel featuring only potassium conductance. As the val-ues for the coefficients α(Vg) and β(Vg) were obtainedthrough comparison with experimental results [1], thegate-opening probabilities for different ion channels maynot be completely independent. The, the mechanism ofeach ion channel cannot be isolated, as the transmissionof the nervous impulse is a balanced process involving (inthis case, two) different ion permeability changes.

When we solve the quantized Hodgkin-Huxley model,we use an adiabatic approximation. In order to fairlycompare the classical and quantized models, we need tostudy the classical Hodgkin-Huxley model with an adi-abatic approximation. The potassium conductance isgiven by gK = gKn

4(t). Then, when solving Eqs. (1)and (2), we consider n(t) to be constant. Consequently,the straightforward solution of Vg(t) with the choice of

input current, I(t) = I0 sin(Ωt), reads

Vg(t) = VK + I0gK sin(Ωt)− ΩCg cos(Ωt)

g2K + C2gΩ2

. (16)

Here, we have only considered the stationary solution,given that the transient one provides fast decay. Usingthis result, we solve n(t) at any time step. Then, we plotthe results of the membrane voltage and the potassiumchannel conductance as the blue curve and the red curvein Fig. 4d, respectively. This result is exactly what weobtained in Eq. (12), meaning that the voltage responseof the system is classical while the second moment of thevoltage displays purely quantum terms.

2. Quantum Hodgkin-Huxley model

The simulation of the quantum Hodgkin-Huxley modeluses a classical AC current source. On the other hand,the solutions for the membrane voltage, the potassiumchannel conductance, and the characteristic I-V curve

FIG. 5. Quantum Hodgkin-Huxley model for a single ion channel with a classical periodic input I(t) = I0 sin(Ωt) : (a)Membrane voltage (blue) and potassium conductance (red) over time. (b) Membrane voltage versus input current.

are presented below. By solving Eqs. (12) and (15), weobtain the membrane voltage and the potassium con-ductance in the quantum model with a classical inputI(t) = I0 sin(Ωt). The membrane voltage against time isplotted as the blue curve in Fig. 5a. There, we observe adecrease in amplitude and a relaxation of the oscillationsas it adapts to the input.

The conductance in Fig. 5a (red curve) does not fea-ture a desired delay in its growth, but its saturation isclear, and it resembles the desired s-shaped curve dis-played by the saturation of the potassium conductance inRef. [1]. Note that the membrane voltage and the potas-sium channel conductance plotted in Fig. 5a are the sameas in Fig. 4d, illustrating our statement that the responseto a classical input source in the quantum regime is thesame as in the classical one with an adiabatic approx-imation. We introduce the I-V characteristic curve aswe plot the membrane voltage versus the input current,shown in Fig. 5b, featuring a memristive hysteresis loop.The system will have longer saturation times when theinitial values are further away from the final value of theimpedance. However, the system always relaxes into alimit cycle independent of the initial conditions.

The area of the hysteresis loop can give us a hint aboutthe memory persistence in the system [19, 20], such thatthe larger the area, the greater the memory persistence.Then, it would be interesting to test whether the intro-duction of a quantized Hodgkin-Huxley model, allowingfor the use of quantum state inputs, represents an im-provement in the persistence of the memory. Particu-larly, entangled states are the desired states for this test.The information carried out by quantum states can berelated to classical information through Landauer’s prin-ciple, being classical dissipation the link, where the areaof the hysteresis loop intervenes.


We have studied a simplified version of the Hodgkin-Huxley model with a single ion channel as a circuit fea-turing a capacitance, a voltage source, and a memristor,both under a periodic input in the classical regime andin the quantum regime. The latter was achieved by in-troducing the concept a quantum memristor. Then, wecompared the membrane voltage, the potassium conduc-tance, and the I-V characteristic curve in both regimes.

This work shows that the behavior of this simplifiedversion of the classical Hodgkin-Huxley model can be re-produced in the quantum regime. The voltage responseof the circuit is found to be classical, but the second mo-ment features a quantum mechanical term given by thereflection of the modes in the circuit. The conductanceis in good accordance with the experiments carried outin Ref. [1], rising as a s-shaped curve. This is a result ofa displacement from a resting value by an input sourcewith an eventual adaptation, unaffected by intermediateand relaxation oscillations. This saturation or adapta-tion is identified with a learning process by the quantummemristor.

A study of the two-ion channel Hodgkin-Huxley modelin the quantum regime amounts to adding a second mem-ristor corresponding to the conductance of the sodiumchannel. This would unveil new characteristics of themechanism that rules the conduction of nervous impulsesin neurons. Among other things, we would expect tosee an initial spike in the sodium conductance, knowingthat the mechanism of the sodium channel consists ofa fast activation gate followed by inactivation. All thiswill require an additional effort in the model, a study oftwo quantum memristors coupled in parallel. Anotherinteresting line to follow is to study the effects of quan-tum state inputs on the system, where memory effectsare revealed by the area of the hysteresis loop. How-

ever, memory effects are more relevant when displayedin connected neuron networks. Studying, for example,the output of a string of neurons with an entangled stateinput would imply yet another novel discovery: the dy-namics of two serially-connected circuits involving quan-tum memristors. Recent work describing the dynamicsof serially and parallelly coupled quantum memristor cir-cuits [21–23] can give an answer to these two questionswhen taken to a quantum regime. This would set ex-cellent starting points for any advances in neuromorphicquantum computing and quantum neural networks, withdirect applications on quantum machine learning.


Circuit Quantization

We give a brief introduction to circuit quantization.With a Hamiltonian formulation on sight, a description ofelectric circuits entails defining fluxes and charges, fromwhich the voltage and the current can be obtained bytime differentiation. In this case we employ a node for-mulation, where node fluxes are the main variables andplay the role of the spatial variable, with node charges be-ing the conjugate variables. This formulation with nodefluxes suffices to describe a circuit featuring linear capac-itances and inductances.

In a Lagrangian formalism, dissipative elements suchas resistors can be treated by adding a dissipation func-tion to the equations of motion of an effective La-grangian [40]. However, the reversibility of Hamil-ton’s equations, arising from a Hamiltonian formulationneeded for a proper circuit quantization, conflicts withthe irreversibility of dissipative terms. A solution to thisproblem is to assume linear dissipation and treat the dis-sipative element in the Caldeira-Leggett model [38].

Quantized Hodgkin-Huxley model

The Lagrangian of the circuit we are studying is

L =Cg2

(φ0 − φs)2 +Cc2φ20 −

(φ1 − φ0)2





2(φi − V0)2 − (φi+1 − φi)2




Computing the Euler-Lagrange equations for the inter-mediate node fluxes on the transmission line, φi, we find

φi =1




after taking the continuum limit, ∆x → 0. This isthe wave equation for a flux field at position xi on thetransmission line. The general solution to this equa-tion can be written in terms of ingoing and outgoing

waves, φ(x, t) = φin(t + x/v) + φout(t − x/v), with ve-locity v = 1/

√L0C0. This leads to the relations

∂φ(x, t)

∂t= φin(t+ x/v) + φout(t− x/v),

∂φ(x, t)



v(φin(t+ x/v)− φout(t− x/v)),


which allows us to obtain ∂φ0(t)∂x = 1

v (2φin(t) − φ0(t)).The Euler-Lagrange equation for φ0 is

− I(t) + Ccφ0 =1




having taken the continuum limit. We use this to obtainthe equation we presented before,

− I(t) + Ccφ0 +φ0Z0

= 2φin0Z0

, (21)

The fact that the intermediate fluxes inside the transmis-sion line can be described by a flux field at any position ofthe line when taking the continuum limit sets the start-ing point for the quantization of the field. Since the fluxfield on a semi-infinite transmission line can be written interms of ingoing and outgoing modes satisfying canonicalcommutation relations, we can write the decomposition

φ(x, t) =


∫ ∞0



+ aout(ω)e−i(kωx+ωt) + H.c.).


Here, ain(ω) and aout(ω) can be promoted to quantumoperators, and thus φ0(t) is promoted to a quantumoperator. By combining Eq. (21) with Eq. (22) andwriting the Fourier transform of the current, I(t) =∫∞0


(I(ω)e−iωt + I∗(ω)eiωt), we can express the out-

going modes in terms of the ingoing ones,

aout(ω) = ain(ω)i− CcωZ0

i+ CcωZ0− 1




i+ CcωZ0.

(23)R(ω) = i−CcωZ0

i+CcωZ0is the reflection coefficient, and we iden-

tify s(ω) = 1ω



i+CcωZ0as the source term, with

I(ω) =√ω

∫∞−∞ dteiωtI(t). Then the circuit voltage is

〈φ0(t)〉 =− i√


∫ ∞0


[(〈ain(ω)〉(1 +R(ω))

− s(ω))e−iωt −H.c.


for a given state of the transmission line. We computethe second moment of the voltage for a vaccum state ofthe transmission line, meaning no excitations, and find-ing a purely quantum mechanical term which is diver-gent at high frequencies. Then, the regularization of

FIG. 6. Hodgkin-Huxley circuit for a single ion channel cou-pled to a semi-infinite transmission line, introducing a quan-tized source on the left modelled by a second semi-infinitetransmission line. C0 and L0 are the capacitance and induc-tance corresponding to the left transmission line, and the onescorresponding to the right transmission line are C1 and L1.Cg is the capacitance coupling both transmission lines, Ccaccounts for the axon’s membrane capacitance, and V0 is theresting potential for the potassium ion channel.

the quantum fluctuations of the circuit voltage is per-formed by subtracting this quantity to the second mo-ment of the voltage computed for the transmission linebeing in a thermal state. This state is defined throughBose-Einstein statistics,

〈ain(ω)ain(ω′)〉 = 〈a†in(ω)a†in(ω

′)〉 = 0,

〈a†in(ω)ain(ω′)〉 =





)− 1]δ(ω − ω


〈ain(ω)a†in(ω′)〉 =





)+ 1]δ(ω − ω



for the number of bosonic modes. Here, β = 1/kBT ,kB is the Boltzmann constant and T is the temperature.Then, we need to compute the following integral

∆ ≡ 〈φ20〉Thermal − 〈φ20〉Vacuum =



∫ ∞0


1 + (CcωZ0)2



)− 1],


which by imposing ~βω 1 reduces to



∫ ∞0

dωω e−β~ω

1 + (CcωZ0)2(27)

Approximating the solution for large β up to second or-der, we find

∆ =2Z0

~πβ2. (28)

This gives the contribution of the quantum fluctuationsof the circuit voltage without the zero-point energy. Asexpected, this quantity goes to cero as T → 0.

To study the circuit response to quantum state inputs,we replace the source with a second semi-infinite trans-mission line, thus introducing a collection of LC circuits

in which multiple frequencies can be excited. This circuitis depicted in Fig. 6. In this scenario, the input currentwill be introduced by 〈QL0 〉, where QL0 = Cg(φ

L0 − φR0 ),

for a given state that satisfies 〈QL0 〉 = I0 sin(Ωt). TheLagrangian describing this system is

L =



2(φLi )2 −

(φLi − φLi+1)2


]− (φL0 − φL1 )2



(φR0 − φL0 )2 +Cc2

(φR0 )2 − (φR1 − φR0 )2





2(φRj − V0)2 −

(φRj+1 − φRj )2




where now the capacitance and inductance correspondingto the left transmission line are C0 and L0, and the onescorresponding to the right transmission line are C1 andL1. The Euler-Lagrange equations for φL0 and φR0 are

Cg(φL0 − φR0 ) =


Z0− φL0Z0, (30)

Cg(φR0 − φL0 ) + Ccφ

R0 =


Z1− φR0Z1

, (31)

respectively. Z0 is the impedance on the left transmissionline, and Z1 the one on the right transmission line.Theseequations can be written in this manner, since the waveequation is satisfied inside each of the transmission linesfor a flux field. We use the Euler-Lagrange equations tofind expression for the outgoing modes in terms of theingoing ones,

aLout(ω) = aLin(ω)R0(ω) + aRin(ω)s(ω),

aRout(ω) = aRin(ω)R1(ω) + aLin(ω)s(ω),(32)

Now, these modes have reflected and transmitted con-tributions on both sides of the circuit. The reflectioncoefficients are given by

R0(ω) =1− iω(Cg + Cc)Z1 + ωCgZ0(i+ ωCcZ1)

1− iω(Cg + Cc)Z1 − ωCgZ0(i+ ωCcZ1),

R1(ω) =1 + iω(Cg + Cc)Z1 − ωCgZ0(i− ωCcZ1)

1− iω(Cg + Cc)Z1 − ωCgZ0(i+ ωCcZ1),


and the transmission coefficient by

s(ω) =−2iωCg


1− iω(Cg + Cc)Z1 − ωCgZ0(i+ ωCcZ1). (34)

Averaging over the vacuum state of the right transmis-sion line, we write the voltage response of the circuit fora given state for the source

〈φR0 〉 =− CgZ1



∫ ∞0

dω ω3/2

(1− ω2CgCcZ0Z1)

(〈aLin(ω)〉e−iωt + 〈aL†in (ω)〉eiωt

)1 + ω2


20 + 2C2

gZ0Z1 + ((Cc + Cg)2 + ω2C2gC


20 )Z2



iω((Cc + Cg)Z1 + CgZ0

)(〈aLin(ω)〉e−iωt − 〈aL†in (ω)〉eiωt)

1 + ω2(C2gZ

20 + 2C2

gZ0Z1 + ((Cc + Cg)2 + ω2C2gC


20 )Z2


). (35)

Computing the second moment of the voltage, we find

〈(φR0 )2〉 =~Z1


∫ ∞0

dωω(1 + ω2C2

gZ20 )

1 + ω2(C2gZ

20 + 2C2

gZ0Z1 + ((Cc + Cg)2 + ω2C2gC


20 )Z2


)− ~Z1




′)t − 〈aLin(ω)aL†in (ω′)〉s(ω)s∗(ω′)e−i(ω−ω′)t

− 〈aL†in (ω)aLin(ω′)〉s∗(ω)s(ω′)ei(ω−ω′)t + 〈aL†in (ω)aL†in (ω′)〉s∗(ω)s∗(ω′)ei(ω+ω




where the first term is again related to the reflection ofthe modes on the circuit, and it is purely quantum. Thesecond term gives the frequency correlations of the modeson the left transmission line.

The following step would be to find a quantum stateof the source which gives the desired input current inthe circuit, and to explore what quantum features canbe used to enhance this model or to reveal interestingdynamics.


The authors acknowledge support from NSFC(11474193), the Shuguang (14SG35), the program ofShanghai Municipal Science and Technology Com-mission (18010500400 and 18ZR1415500), SpanishMINECO/FEDER FIS2015-69983-P and Basque Gov-ernment IT986-16. The authors also acknowledge

support from the projects QMiCS (820505) and Open-SuperQ (820363) of the EU Flagship on QuantumTechnologies. This material is also based upon worksupported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Officeof Science, Office of Advance Scientific ComputingResearch (ASCR), under field work proposal numberERKJ335.


X.-H. C. started the project proposed by M. S. and E.S., supervised by M. S. T. G.-R. performed the calcula-tions and the simulations, supervised by M. S. and I. L.E., wrote the manuscript and prepared it for publication.All authors participated in discussions regarding feasibil-ity and quantumness of the results, and in the revisionof the manuscript.

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