Quality Improvement Projects 101...that 68.33 % of individuals determined to need urgent care were...

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Transcript of Quality Improvement Projects 101...that 68.33 % of individuals determined to need urgent care were...

Quality Improvement Projects 101

Presenters:Linda Isbell, Director of Network Operations

Amanda Outlaw, Director of Provider MonitoringCordelia Chavis, Director of Quality Improvement

Disclaimer:Information provided in this presentation pertains only to the counties in the Eastpointe LME/MCO catchment area. This information is specific to Eastpointe and may not apply to other LME/MCO’s, providers, stakeholders or individuals outside the Eastpointe catchment area.

Presentation slides are brief, bullet points of information and should not be used out of context.

Contract Requirements

Elements of Quality Improvement Projects

Provider Monitoring

Director of Network Operations, Linda Isbell

Eastpointe MCO is evaluated annually by External Review Organization(EQRO) to evaluate compliance with state and federal regulations. The review determines the level of performance demonstrated by Eastpointe. During our review in November, it was recommended that we develop and implement a written plan and process that will hold providers accountable for individual Quality Improvement Projects (QIPS).

ALL agencies with a Medicaid or State contract are required to submit three (3) Quality

Improvement Projects (QIP) annually to the Quality Improvement Department.

MEDICAIDArticle II, #4(h)

The Contractor shall use best efforts to provide data to the

LME/PIHP in the implementation of any studies or improvement

projects required of the LME/PIHP by the Department. Contractor

and LME/PIHP will mutually agree upon the data to be provided for these purposes, and the format and time frame for provision of

the data

STATEArticle II, #4(h)

The Contractor shall use best efforts to provide data to the

LME/PIHP in the implementation of any studies or improvement

projects required of the LME/PIHP by the Department. Contractor

and LME/PIHP will mutually agree upon the data to be provided for these purposes, and the format and time frame for provision of

the data.

Director of Quality Improvement, Cordelia Chavis

An initiative to measure and improve the service and/or care provided by the organization

Identifies Problems/Gaps

Areas of concern

Simply ..opportunity for improvement

Improves clinical outcomes for enrollees

Results in increased enrollee satisfaction

Reduces over-all cost of total health care benefits provided

Improves operations internally

Produces organizational ‘best practices’ and supports or even develops industry-wide ‘best practices’

Overall healthier population/community

Company Name:

Activity/Project Name

Project Staff Involved

Reason for Selection

Action Taken

Evaluation of Results

Project Barriers

Project Outcome

Activity/Project Name: The activity name should explain the purpose of the activity and begin with an action word that accurately states what the activity is designed to do (e.g., “improving,” “increasing,” “decreasing,” “monitoring”).

Examples are listed below.

Improve the patient experience of care

Improve access to behavioral health services

Decreasing practitioner complaints with the referral process.

Increase percentage of members who attend 2nd appointment

Improve NC TOPPS submission

Project Name: Increase percentage of members who received a face to face service within 48 hours

Name, Title and Credentials of staff involved with the project

Who is knowledgeable about the project ?

Project Staff Involved

Example Staff involved:

Cordelia Chavis, MSW, Director of Quality Improvement

Linda Isbell, MA, Director of Network Operations

Amanda Outlaw, MA, LPC, Director of Provider Monitoring

Reason for selection:

Give a narrative of why your agency chose this as a project. What problem/issue were you to address? Why is this project important? Why did you chose this project?

Example:Frequently, member/enrollees failed to attend scheduled urgent appointments, despite follow up calls being made by the Member Call Center. Data indicated that 68.33 % of individuals determined to need urgent care were provided face to face service within 48 hours. The remaining 32% were not seen within 48 hours.

This Quality/Performance Improvement Project will assist the organization in achieving our goal that people in need receive appropriate services for recovery, growth and quality care. Timely access to care is critical to protect member’s health and safety, minimize adverse consumer outcomes and promote consumer engagement in services.


What did you do to carry out the project?

Steps that went into implementing the change

All the steps that went into implementing change!

Example:• Collect/analyze data

• Reminder Calls to members

• Survey members on reasons for missed appointment

Evaluation of Results Look at the data

Look for trends and patterns(trend among complaint)

Analyze your data

Example:Data was reviewed and discussed for FY 2014 by QIP workgroup consisting of Medical Director, Member Call Center Director, Director of Network Operations, QI Director, Director of MH/SA Care Coordination, Chief of Clinical Operations and Chief of Quality Management. Presented "reason for appointment missed" report to workgroup. First Q -Baseline goal of 70% was met, with remeasurement of 76.6%. Second Q -Baseline goal of 70% was met, with remeasurement of 70.8%.

Project BarriersWhat’s preventing change?

Why aren’t you reaching your goals?

Example: Lack of transportation in rural areasLack of appointment availability

Project OutcomeWhat was the result of the project?

Did you see an increase ? Decrease?

Example: No increase in appointment attendance was observed during 3rd quarter.

Member Call Center making reminder calls the day before the appointment did not impact the project.

Incident Reporting(do you have a high amount of incident reports?)Surveys

Medical Record Reviews(peer review)

Focused Care Studies


Grievance and Appeals Data


Provider Monitoring Result

Director of Provider Monitoring Amanda Outlaw

Non submission of Quality Improvement Activities but not limited to may result in requirement to submit a Plan of Correction(POC).

Remember the role of

Provider Monitoring Department is to:✓ Ensure compliance with standards, quality assurance, routine monitoring,

targeted/focused monitoring and monitoring required for Provider per Provider Contract.

✓ Provide follow-up to complaints from consumers, service providers, stakeholders, and other MCO Departments.

✓ Provide Technical Assistance to providers regarding compliance with standards, quality of care issues, performance expectations, development

and monitoring of corrective action plans.

QI Projects are due by close of business

July 31, 2019.

Projects can be submitted:

Via email at QIP@eastpointe.net