Quality Assurance in ODL Programmes in Mauritius Praveen Mohadeb.

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Transcript of Quality Assurance in ODL Programmes in Mauritius Praveen Mohadeb.

Quality Assurance in ODL Programmes in Mauritius

Praveen Mohadeb

Quality Assurance in ODL Programmes in Mauritius

Government has an obligation to ensure that its citizens receive quality education.

The Government has to ensure high Quality delivery while at the same time encourage investment

It has to ensure long term sustainability of the education sector

Reputation of the Sector - BAD APPLES SPOIL THE BARREL

DE / ODL Programmes

Fastest growing area of education in the world Separation between learning and teaching / space, time… Requires special course design, learner support,

instructional techniques, media, technology and organisation

DE and ODL in Mauritius

Can be traced back to 1865 – correspondence programmes by University of London

Setting up of MCA in 1971 Very timid growth initially Gained importance in early 1990’s in Tertiary Education with

establishment of TEC – ( Teacher Education programmes + publication of Code of practice and Guidelines for Prospective Students of DE Programmes Offered by local

and Overseas Institutions) Basically in soft areas MCA, UoM, MIE + most Private providers Enrolment in ODL programmes 25 – 30% Creation of Open University of Mauritius

The Tertiary Landscape in Mauritius

Publicly funded institutions offering own programmes Private institutions offering programmes of foreign/ local

Universities Total: 9 Publicly funded and 46 Private More than 550 programmes Total expenditure (public and private) about Rs 6.0b A Regulatory Framework since 2005 (amended 2007) Basically includes Approval for Setting Up, Registration,

accreditation of Programmes and Quality Assurance/Audit

Figure 3.1: Evolution of Tertiary Education Enrolment by Source, 2000/01-2007/08















7,507 7,515 8,110


















2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08




Overseas Private/DE PFIs Total Enrolment



(36%)36 %






(estimate)36 %

Quality Assurance in ODL Programmes in Mauritius

Some changes in the provision of Tertiary Education worldwide

1. Education -Traditionally State centric but now no longer hegemony of the State (specially TE)

2. Demand for Education – Increasing

3. Emergence of the Private Sector

4. Pace of global expansion in transnational Providers

5. Increase in for-profit providers

6. New modes of teaching and learning Reforms in financing (shift from state to students and

households, income diversification and cost recovery and support to students- scholarships, bursaries, loans, HCC’s…)

Quality Assurance in ODL Programmes in Mauritius

No country where the government is not involved in the supply of education.

Private provision is seen more as a supplement than to a substitute for the public system

Many countries have come up with regulatory frameworks for Assuring Quality

What is Quality Assurance?

Many definitions and no one size fits all A systematic management and assessment procedures

adopted by education institutions and systems in order to monitor performance against objectives and ensure achievement of quality outputs and quality improvements

Quality is a product of planning, monitoring, control and coordination; It depends on products, processes, systems and people

Quality assurance

Facilitates recognition of standards of awards, Serves public accountability purposes, Helps informed students choice, Contributes to improved teaching, learning and

administrative processes, and Helps disseminate best practices with the goal

of leading to overall improvement of education systems.

External Quality Assurance Processes

Provider registration – to protect the public from ‘fly-by-night’ providers

Qualification and sometimes ‘unit standard’ registration Provider/institutional inspection, review, audit or accreditation

(often through a check on quality management systems) Programme accreditation based on more transparent criteria,

procedures and evidence. Emphasis increasingly on outcomes rather than content.

Programme review across the system External examinations, sometimes coupled with centrally

monitored continuous assessment and portfolios

Internal Quality Assurance Processes

Those policies, systems, strategies and resources used by the institution

to satisfy itself that its quality requirements are stipulated to support and sustain existing levels of quality to develop and enhance quality to monitor, evaluate and act on resulting


Separate QA system for DEOL or Integrated?

It is argued that external quality assurance for DEOL should be integrated into ‘mainstream’ quality assurance processes in that

the distinction between face-to-face and distance education is becoming increasing blurred

the same staff are often teaching on both types of programmes it is the key way to overcome notions that distance education is

second best there is an increasing emphasis on outputs in quality assurance

Quality “ball on the hill” (Koch,1991)Quality refers to standards an institution sets itself to achieve at any one time. The standards are dynamic and quality is about continuous improvement



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Approaches to Quality

Fitness for purpose: examined in the light of the institution’s mission and objectives

Fitness of purpose: examined with regard to the manner and extent to which an institution’s mission and academic activities take national priorities and needs into account in relation to how the institution meets national goals, practices and targets.

Transformation: assessed with regard to the development of individual learners as well as the country’s requirements for social and economic growth.

Value for money: assessed by considering the extent to which efficiency, effectiveness and economies of scale are embedded in the management of the core function of the institution


Approaches to Quality

- that the institution is fit to discharge the responsibility it has assumed

- that the institution has articulated its MISSION and its OBJECTIVES and can demonstrate that it is fulfilling its mission and achieving its objectives

- doing things right

Fitness Fitness forfor PurposePurpose


Approaches to Quality

- That the institution is responding appropriately to the socio-economic needs of the country

- doing the right things

Fitness Fitness ofof Purpose Purpose


Quality Assurance /AuditObjectives- Assess the strength of the quality culture

- Facilitate and determine the commitment to continuous improvement

- Appraise the systems in place for determining/setting academic standards

- Evaluate the systems in place to ensure that measures taken to maintain and enhance quality are appropriate and effective

- Establish whether the institution is fulfilling its mission and achieving its objectives in an efficient and effective manner

Quality Criteria (South Africa)1. Policy and Planning2. Learners3. Programme Development4. Course Design5. Course Materials6. Assessment7. Learner Support8. Human Resource Strategy9. Management and Administration10. Collaborative Relationships11. Quality Assurance12. Information Dissemination13. Results

Quality Criteria -Mauritius

1. Institutional Mission, Aims and Objectives2. Approach to Quality Assurance3. Administrative and Management Issues4. Curricula and Programmes5. External Examiners6. Research Degree Students7. Collaborative Provisions8. Industrial Links/Work-based Experience9. Community Service and Good Citizenship


Quality Criteria 1: Institutional Mission, Aims and Objectives

Institution’s mission is explicit. It is understood and owned by its staff

Aims and objectives are compatible with the mission. They are realistic and achievable


Quality Criteria 2:Approach to Quality Assurance

Adopt a working definition compatible with the mission

Quality assurance is systematic and comprehensive, and is guided by an institutional Quality Assurance Handbook


Quality Criteria 3:Administrative and Management Issues

Policies are clear, transparent and accessible by the public

Policy on equal opportunities is implemented Consideration is given to physically disabled and

mature students

3.1 Admissions3.1 Admissions


Quality Criteria 3:Administrative and Management Issues

Principles of good governance are evident Top management leadershipManagement of fundsManagement of academic activities

3.2 Governance3.2 Governance


Quality Criteria 3Administrative and Management Issues

A Students Council is operational and it represents students views in various committees

Students Council voice is considered

Students welfare is operationalStudents welfare is operational

Students are encouraged to use the services Students are encouraged to use the services providedprovided

3.3 Students 3.3 Students


Quality Criteria 3:Administrative and Management Issues

Staff Council is active It defends the rights of the institution’s employees Contributes to effective management Staff welfare Staff Appointments, Appraisal and PromotionStaff Appointments, Appraisal and Promotion Staff DevelopmentStaff Development

3.4 Staff3.4 Staff


Quality Criteria 4: Curricula and ProgrammesCurricula and Programmes

Curricula aims and objectives are explicit and are accessible by teachers and learners

They are consonant with socio-economic needs Curricula provide an appropriate balance between general

conceptual skills and personal skills, transferable skills and specialist skills

They are up-to-date in terms of specialist developments and current thinking on curriculum development and delivery

4.1 Aims and Objectives4.1 Aims and Objectives


Quality Criteria 4 Curricula and ProgrammesCurricula and Programmes

Programmes meet students’ needs Access to programmes is extended to non-academic routes Procedures have been established for validation and approval

of programmes Programmes are periodically reviewed Input from professional bodies and industry

4.2 Programme Design, Validation, Approval and Review4.2 Programme Design, Validation, Approval and Review


Quality Criteria 4: Curricula and ProgrammesCurricula and Programmes

Academic environment, physical and social, is conducive to learning and level of research is appropriate

Teaching accommodation is sufficient and appropriate for curricula on offer for full range of students

Ancillary facilities – staff accommodation, storage space, preparation rooms etc are adequate

Physical environment is adequately maintained – safety, cleanliness, repairs and décor

4.3 Teaching and Learning Environment4.3 Teaching and Learning Environment


Quality Criteria 4: Curricula and ProgrammesCurricula and Programmes

Teaching staff establishment is sufficient to deliver the curricula Teaching staff complement is suitable for the curricula, in terms

of mix of qualifications, skills, experience, aptitudes, age, status, etc

There is adequate support in terms of library, technician, administrative, student services, staffing, etc.

4.4 Staff Resources Ancillary4.4 Staff Resources Ancillary


Quality Criteria 4: Curricula and ProgrammesCurricula and Programmes

Physical and other resources, including equipment, materials and ICT facilities are sufficient to deliver the programmes

Equipment is up-to-date, readily available and effectively deployed

Library, audio-visual, internet access, appropriate hardware and software and other academic services are adequate for the curricula

4.5 Learning Resources4.5 Learning Resources


Quality Criteria 4: Curricula and ProgrammesCurricula and Programmes

Programmes are effectively organised and managed Teaching programmes are clearly articulated and regularly

monitored Coursework and assessment are systematically scheduled Feedback from students, employers, moderators and auditors

are analysed and acted upon

4.6 Programme Organisation and Delivery4.6 Programme Organisation and Delivery


Quality Criteria 4: Curricula and ProgrammesCurricula and Programmes

Based on explicit learning outcomes Teaching methods are innovative and appropriate Teaching is planned such that it meets students’ needs Teaching approaches encourage independent learning with

critical thinking and students take responsibility for their own learning

Learning is enriched by reference to cross-curricular links, current research, industrial applications and development of generic skills such as communication and teamwork

4.7 Teaching and Learning4.7 Teaching and Learning


Quality Criteria 4: Curricula and ProgrammesCurricula and Programmes

During application and enrolment, potential students are given appropriate information and advice

Appropriate assistance in curricular, vocational and personal domains are provided

Students know where to turn to for specific support Effective support through systems of induction, course tutor, personal

tutor, provision for remediation and curricular choice is provided Students are adequately prepared for next stage of study or


4.8 Student Support4.8 Student Support


Quality Criteria 4: Curricula and ProgrammesCurricula and Programmes

A range of assessment methods is used for diagnostic, formative and summative purposes

Coursework faithfully reflects full range of curricular aims, including development of generic skills

There is an effective system of monitoring students’ progress and providing feedback

4.9 Monitoring and Assessment4.9 Monitoring and Assessment


Quality Criteria 4: Curricula and ProgrammesCurricula and Programmes

Performance indicators are regularly used to inform institutional achievement in relation to educational aims and learning outcomes

Results are monitored and analysed and appropriate action taken

Quality control arrangements are applied consistently

4.10 Output, Outcomes and Quality 4.10 Output, Outcomes and Quality ControlControl


Quality Criteria 5: External ExaminersExternal Examiners

The institution has clear policies regarding the

appointment of external examiners and generally

should ensure that: Appointment is for a fixed period not exceeding three years They are from reputable institutions with necessary expertise

and experience Terms of reference are explicit


Quality Criteria 6:Research Degree Students Research Degree Students

Institution has an established policy on research and on Research Degree Students to ensure:

Students receive guidelines on their responsibilities Role of supervisors is explicit Continuous monitoring of students’ progress is carried out Resources are readily available


Quality Criteria 7: Collaborative ProvisionsCollaborative Provisions

Institutions concerned must ensure that programmes are of the required standard and are offered with the same rigour as those in the parent institution

Students benefit from the same standard of resources as the regular students of the awarding institution

The awarding institution assures quality of educational provision under the collaboration


Quality Criteria 8: Industrial Links Industrial Links

A committee comprising institution, industry and other stakeholders meets regularly for purposes of manpower planning

The industrial sector’s help is enlisted in curriculum design and programme validation


Quality Criteria 9: Community Service and Good Citizenship (CSR)Community Service and Good Citizenship (CSR)

The institution plays an active role in inculcating the spirit of a healthy community

It provides its services and expertise to the community to promote psycho-socio-economic integration and development

Quality Assurance in ODL Programmes in Mauritius

The QA system should: Lead to a system of education which ranks among the foremost in the world Lead to a high level of competitive performance as defined by benchmarking

and use of best practices Promote LLL and enhance student mobility Be reasonable and should not constitute barriers Easily understood, not to confuse and not be unclear Not be cumbersome and bureaucratic Up to date Consistent Transparent Based on regional and international experiences

Quality Assurance in ODL Programmes in Mauritius

Thank you