qlikview tutorial

Post on 07-Aug-2018

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Transcript of qlikview tutorial

  • 8/20/2019 qlikview tutorial



     TUTORIAL This describes how to login to the QlikView Serer with

    so!e b"sic instr#ctions $or #sing QlikView

    Planning &



    Document Version 09.02.16

  • 8/20/2019 qlikview tutorial




    Welco!e to this b"sic QlikView T#tori"l% This h"s been &roided to get 'o#

    st"rted #sing the QlikView d"shbo"rds ""il"ble $ro! (l"nning "nd B#sinessIntelligence%

    (le"se note th"t this g#ide is not co!&rehensie "nd will not coer "ll "s&ects o$

    QlikView #s"ge% Use the g#ide "s " st"rting &oint b#t inestig"te QlikView

    $#rther b' &ointing "nd clicking i!"ges) dro&downs etc to see wh"t res#lts 'o#

    get% There is !#ch hidden #nder the s#r$"ce%


    2. Data Protection Act

    3. QlikView Basics

    4. University of lasgow De!nitions

    ". #ow Do $%

    &. '(torial


  • 8/20/2019 qlikview tutorial



    QlikView is " web+b"sed tool th"t works with !ost st"nd"rd browsers% The

    $ollowing browsers "re s#&&orted,

    Browser -ini!#! VersionInternet E.&lorer /0oogle Chro!e *1-o2ill" 3ire$o. *4A&&le S"$"ri 5

    It sho#ld be noted th"t the !"in testing c"rried o#t h"s been done on

    Internet E.&lorer) -o2ill" 3ire$o. "nd Chro!e% 3eedb"ck on these "nd

    other browsers wo#ld be welco!e%

    (le"se "lso be "w"re th"t the inter$"ce c"n be slightl' di6erent de&endingon wh"t browser 'o# "re #sing so the i!"ges &resented in this doc#!ent

    !"' not be e."ctl' "s shown%

     To login to the Access &oint o$ the QlikView Serer) go to,



    where 'o# will 9nd " URL link which will t"ke 'o# to the $ollowing the login


    Enter 'o#r User :"!e 'o# #se $or other Uniersit' s'ste!s% The &"ssword

    will be the &"ssword "ssoci"ted with 'o#r &erson"l 0UI;%



  • 8/20/2019 qlikview tutorial


    Once 'o# h"e signed in the QlikView Access (oint will show 'o# the

    QlikView ;"shbo"rd 9les to which 'o# h"e "ccess) so!ething si!il"r to

    the $ollowing,

    Click on the d"shbo"rd 'o# wish to iew) so $or e."!&le let #s st"rt with the

    )t(*ent+Das,-oar*% This t"kes 'o# to the ain en( "s shown in the &ict#re


  • 8/20/2019 qlikview tutorial



  • 8/20/2019 qlikview tutorial


    Select the )t(*ent #ea*co(nt /via Aca*e0ic Plan wner b#tton $ro! the

    ain en(% >o# sho#ld see so!ething like the $ollowing which is the (i*ance

    t"b which gies so!e b"ckgro#nd on the he"dco#nt !ethodolog' #sed,

     >o# will see " n#!ber o$ t"bs "t the to& o$ this screen% I$ 'o# choose s"' the

    Career t"b then 'o# will see so!ething like,


  • 8/20/2019 qlikview tutorial


    2. Data Protection Act

    Data Protection Act 1


      These d"shbo"rds "re &rotected b' the d"t" &rotection "ct "s $ollows,

     ;ecl"r"tion, I #nderst"nd th"t "#thoris"tion $or "ccess to Uniersit' records is

    gr"nted strictl' on "n indiid#"l b"sis $or s&eci9c "nd li!ited r&oses in

    "ccord"nce with the re8#ire!ents o$ !' @ob% It is &rohibited $or !e to #se !'

    "#thoris"tion $or "ccess $or "n' other r&oses% It is &rohibited to tr"ns$er !'

    "#thoris"tion $or "ccess to "n' other indiid#"l% I $#rther #nderst"nd th"t "n'

    d"t" held in) or e.tr"cted $ro!) or int into) centr"l records !#st be &rocessed

    in "ccord"nce with the &roisions o$ the ;"t" (rotection Act *??1%

    3. QlikView Basics




     The login screen $or QlikView,



     The 9le 'o# o&en in QlikView,

    'a-  These "re the di6erent t"bs ""il"ble inside the ;"shbo"rds,

    B(tton  This is "n e."!&le o$ " b#tton on the -"in !en# o$ o#r !"in

    St#dent ;"shbo"rd,


    I$ there "re !ore t"bs th"n the screen "llows the $ollowing b#ttons"re #se$#l $or n"ig"ting between t"bs,


  • 8/20/2019 qlikview tutorial




     The le$t "nd right "rrows "llow 'o# to scroll le$t "nd right

    to see "ll the "rio#s t"bs ""il"ble "nd then 'o# c"n click on " t"bn"!e to !"ke " selection%

     The down "rrow t"b "llows 'o# to see " dro&down !en# o$

    "ll the t"bs "nd 'o# c"n !"ke 'o#r t"b selection $ro! here,

    List Bo7


    on the

    le$t h"nd

    side on



     This is "n e."!&le o$ " list bo. which "llows 'o# to select in this

    inst"nce " College,


  • 8/20/2019 qlikview tutorial



  • 8/20/2019 qlikview tutorial




    e w,en




    Selected "l#es t#rn green "nd #nrel"ted "l#es t#rn gre' i%e% 3#ll+

     Ti!e "nd ("rt+Ti!e res&ectiel' in this e."!&le,

    V"l#es co!&"tible with the c#rrent selection t#rn white e%g% i$ I select

    the College o$ -ed) Vet D Li$e Sci it beco!es green bec"#se it is


     The School o$ -edicine "nd School o$ Veterin"r' -edicine "re

    rele"nt to the c#rrent selection there$ore the' "re white%

     The Ad"! S!ith B#siness School "nd the Arts College Ad!inistr"tion

    "re not rele"nt to the c#rrent selection so the' "re gre'%


    !lterst,at are




    to& le$t

    o$ !ost


     This shows wh"t ite!s 'o# "re c#rrentl' looking "t i%e% wh"t 'o#r

    9ltered selection is,

    Clear All  The cle"r "ll will cle"r "ll selections "nd de$"#lts to the c#rrent Ter!,






    Use the er"ser beside the selection% E%g% i$ 'o# select the er"ser

    beside the Ac"de!icLo"d er"ser on the $ollowing selection,

     >o# wo#ld then get,


  • 8/20/2019 qlikview tutorial


     The er"ser c"n be #sed in the C#rrent Selections bo. "t the to& le$t)

    or $ro! the indiid#"l lists beside College :"!e) School :"!e etc%




    val(es in

    a list


    -"ke 'o#r 9rst selection b' clicking it "s nor!"l then !"ke

    s#bse8#ent selections b' holding down the C'8L b#tton on the

    ke'bo"rd "nd clicking re8#ired selections%


    -(ttons  To c'cle thro#gh di6erent screens% See the one in the

    College9)c,ool Level t"b which c'cles between the $ollowing



    g *ata




     >o# c"n onl' select one ter! "t " ti!e% I$ 'o# wish to e.&ort d"t" to

    E.cel 'o# need to do this in se&"r"te e.&orts $or e"ch ter!%


    or*er of

    *is5layof *ata

     This c"nnot be done e"sil' in QlikView b#t the d"t" c"n be e.&orted

    "nd $or!"tted in E.cel i$ re8#ired%




    3or d"t" &rotection r&oses) when either the Disa-ility) :t,nicity 

    "nd (lti5le De5rivation t"bs "re selected then both st#dent

    det"ils t"bs "re s#&&ressed%:75ortin

    g *ata to


    Choose the E.cel b#tton $ro! the t"b 'o# wish to e.&ort% 3or

    e."!&le i$ 'o# scroll to the right o$ the )t(*ent Details t"b 'o# will

    see the $ollowing b#tton,

    PrintingSee the &rint b#tton in the College9)c,ool Level t"b which lets


  • 8/20/2019 qlikview tutorial


    'o# &rint the $ollowing screen onto " web &"ge% The 'o# c"n C'8L

    ; P to &rint it,

    4. University of lasgow De!nitions

    )tan*ar* )t(*ent




     The St"nd"rd St#dent (ol"tion !ethodolog') "s "greed

    with Colleges) onl' incl#des those st#dents who "re $#ll'

    registered "t the ti!e the d"t" is e.tr"cted% This St"nd"rd

    St#dent (ol"tion $oc#ses on the !"in c"tegories o$

    st#dents Undergr"d#"te) (ostgr"d#"te T"#ght "nd

    Rese"rch who "re b"sed &ri!"ril' on+c"!s%

     The St"nd"rd St#dent (ol"tion e.cl#des st#dents $ro!

    the $ollowing c"tegories,

    Ac"de!ic (rog, /*F= G Clinic"l Schol"r

    All Li$elong Le"rning LLL "nd Higher ;octor"te H;


    Ac"de!ic (l"ns with " 3ield o$ St#d' l"belled "s


    Ac"de!ic (l"ns owned b' the Le"rning "nd Te"ching


    Ac"d+Org ?F?FFFFFJ%

     The n#!bers &resented re&resent &h'sic"l st#dents $or

    the indiid#"l criteri" selected% A st#dent !"' be"ssoci"ted with !ore th"n one College or School i$ the'

    "re doing " @oint degree% It is there$ore &ossible th"t

    indiid#"l School tot"ls !"' not s#! #& to the College

     Tot"l i$ " st#dent is "ssoci"ted with !ore th"n one School

    i%e% the st#dent will be co#nted "s " he"dco#nt o$ one in

    e"ch o$ the indiid#"l schools b#t will not be do#ble

    co#nted "t College leel% The s"!e "&&lies "t Uniersit'

    Leel when " st#dentJs (l"n is @oint between 4 Colleges%



  • 8/20/2019 qlikview tutorial


    (le"se be "w"re th"t o$ten i$ 'o# "re e.tr"cting the

    det"iled st#dent d"t" to iew on screen or to e.&ort onto

    " s&re"dsheet then there !"' be !ore rows th"n there

    "re st#dents% An e."!&le o$ where this !ight h"&&en is

    th"t " st#dent !"' h"e 4 rows o$ &l"n d"t" i$ the' "re on

    " @oint &l"n which is "cross 4 Schools "s !entioned

    "boe% Another e."!&le is in the co#rse d"t" " st#dent

    co#ld h"e s"' 5 or indiid#"l co#rses "nd there$ore

    the' wo#ld h"e 5 or rows o$ d"t"%




    St#dents $ro! the $ollowing Addition"l Se&"r"te

    C"tegoriesJ) while not incl#ded in the St"nd"rd St#dent

    (ol"tion) "re &resented "t the re8#est $ro! indiid#"l

    Colleges "s "ddition"l he"dco#nts which "re oer "nd

    "boe the St"nd"rd St#dent (ol"tion,

    E."! Onl'Christies

     Thesis (ending

    Er"s!#s O#tgoing) E.ch"nge O#t "nd L"ng#"ge >e"r O#t

    ;ist"nce Le"rning


    Sing"&ore Instit#te o$ Technolog' Engineering "nd

    Co!ter Science

    Uniersit' o$ Electronic Science "nd Technolog' Chin"


    Scottish Uniersities Eniron!ent"l Rese"rch CentreSUERC

    -"@"n Uniersit' College) O!"n

    :"nk"i Uniersit'

    ". #ow Do $% 

     This section is "lso cont"ined in the !"in QlikView d"shbo"rd $or 'o#r



  • 8/20/2019 qlikview tutorial


    &. '(torial

    )i05le Q(ery :7a05le

     To se"rch $or d"t" 'o# @#st click on so!ething 'o# w"nt to know !ore "bo#t%

    *% Select the ain 0en(%

    4% Select the )t(*ent #ea*co(nt /via Aca*e0ic Plan wner b#tton%

    o# c"n select the Clear All b#tton "t "n' ti!e which re!oes "ll 'o#rselections%

     To select !ore th"n one ite! in the s"!e list bo.) hold the CTRL ke' downwhile selecting "ddition"l "l#es% I$ the ite!s 'o# "re selecting "re "d@"centto 'o#r 9rst selection) 'o# c"n inste"d hold the le$t !o#se b#tton down whiledr"gging the !o#se c#rsor%


  • 8/20/2019 qlikview tutorial


     The d"t" shown in "ll t"bs will now rel"te to "ll o$ the ite!s chosen in the listbo. e.ce&t $or the -;4F7=F "nd SI-; t"bs which "re " s&eci"ll' selecteds#bset o$ st#dents%

    ;"t" c"n be e.&orted into e.cel b' clicking on the Send to E.celJ b#tton

    which c"n be seen circled in red below this is the ;o!icile t"b,

    Co0-ining )elections :7a05le

    Another "l#e in "nother list bo. c"n be selected in co!bin"tion with "&reio#sl' selected "l#e% When 'o# select "n o&tion"l "l#e $ro! " list bo. "ndthen select "nother o&tion"l "l#e $ro! "nother list bo.) QlikView will show theco!bin"tions belonging to both selections%

    *% Re!"ining in the College9)c,ool Level t"b select the Clear All b#tton on

    the ;"shbo"rd% This will cle"r "ll c#rrent selections "nd ret#rn 'o# to the&resent ter! "nd show the d"t" $or the whole Uniersit'%

    4% S#&&ose 'o# w"nt to know how !"n' Undergr"d#"te st#dents "re within theSchool o$ Che!istr' t"king Ac"de!ic (l"n, 3*F=+44F/ Che! -ed Che! W()-sci%

    " In the list bo. College

  • 8/20/2019 qlikview tutorial


    c In the list bo. Career on the le$t) &l"ce the !o#se c#rsor on the "l#e"#$ to select #ndergr"d#"tes%

    As 'o# went thro#gh e"ch o$ these selections the he"dco#nt o$ then#!ber o$ st#dents selected ke&t red#cing%

    d I$ 'o# then click on the b#tton entitled #ea*co(nt of )t(*ents8egistere* on $n*ivi*(al Plans second one "long circled below,

    e >o# will see "ll the "c"de!ic (l"ns "ssoci"ted with U0 St#dents within theSchool o$ Che!istr'% Re!e!ber th"t "ll d"t" $ro! d"shbo"rds c"n bee.&orted to E.celJ b' clicking on the Send to E.celJ b#tton) circledin red,

    $ >o# c"n now scroll down the list to see7select the in$or!"tion 'o# re8#ire%

    3or e."!&le) b' clicking on 3*F=+44F/ #nder the Ac"d (l"n col#!n) this;"shbo"rd will show the n#!ber o$ st#dents on the selected (l"n%


  • 8/20/2019 qlikview tutorial



  • 8/20/2019 qlikview tutorial


    g Click on the )t(*ent Details t"b to dis&l"' the indiid#"l st#dent d"t" $orthe s&eci9ed selection st#dent n"!es h"e been re!oed $or d"t"&rotection r&oses,

    h All t"bs c"n be "ccessed $ro! the b#ttons on the ain en( t"b% I$ notisible nor!"ll' i$ #sing " web browser other th"n Internet E.&lorer)where "ll t"bs "re isible then the' c"n be "ccessed #sing le$t) right "nddownw"rd "rrow "t to& right h"nd side,

    Le$t "nd right "rrows !oe "ccordingl' thro#gh the t"bs% ;ownw"rd "rrow "llowsselection $ro! " list%

     The c#rrent selections "re "#to!"tic"ll' c"rried "cross t"bs $or 'o#r coneniencewithin e"ch t"b%

     The "bilit' to drill down to indiid#"l st#dents is ""il"ble $or "ll t"bs e.ce&t $orEthnicit' "nd I!&"ir!ent d#e to ;"t" (rotection constr"ints%


  • 8/20/2019 qlikview tutorial


    ?ee5ing 'rack f @o(r )elections :7a05le

    When 'o# !"ke !"n' selections "t the s"!e ti!e it c"n so!eti!es be h"rd tokee& tr"ck o$ the!% In order to hel& 'o# with this we h"e introd#ced " C#rrentSelections window into "ll the "&&ro&ri"te t"bs within the ;"shbo"rds% This is

    loc"ted "t the to& le$t o$ the screen%

    3or e."!&le on the College9)c,ool Level t"b 'o# will 9nd " C#rrent Selectionswindow in the to& le$t h"nd side o$ the screen% This lists "ll 9elds in whichselections h"e been !"de "nd the "l#es selected%

    3or e."!&le i$ we select Clear All "nd then select U0 st#dents $or the c#rrentter! *

  • 8/20/2019 qlikview tutorial


    )earc,ing Val(es :7a05le

     The !ost co!!on selections "re ""il"ble within list bo.es on the le$t h"nd sideo$ the screen% Addition"l 9elds "re ""il"ble $ro! the Se"rch bo. which isloc"ted to& right,

     This lets 'o# se"rch on the $ollowing 9elds,

     >o# c"n #se the "rrow on the se"rch to select $ro! this list or #se te.t se"rch e%g%to se"rch $or Moolog' 'o# c"n t'&e N2ool in this se"rch bo. "nd 'o# will seeso!ething like the $ollowing,


  • 8/20/2019 qlikview tutorial


     >o# c"n choose one o$ these &l"ns or i$ 'o# select ret#rn) "ll &l"ns cont"iningN2ool "re selected note the se"rch is not c"se sensitie%

    )earc,ing for an $n*ivi*(al )t(*ent w,ere t,e $D is known

    *% In the )t(*ent #ea*co(nt section i%e%select the )t(*ent Details or )t(*ent Co(rse Details t"b%

    4% Select the Clear All b#tton to show "ll st#dents%

    o# will onl' be "ble to see the st#dents in the St"nd"rdSt#dent (ol"tion so i$ " st#dent 'o# "re interested in does "&&e"r then

    the' "re either not registered) "re in the Addition"l St#dent (ol"tionc"tegor' or "re not &"rt o$ the &ol"tion e.tr"cted "t "ll G see the0#id"nce t"b which $#ll' e.&l"ins which st#dents "re incl#ded%


  • 8/20/2019 qlikview tutorial


    )igning o(t of vario(s $nternet Browsers

     This c"n be slightl' di6erent de&ending on wh"t internet browser 'o# "re #sing%We h"e gien instr#ctions here $or < co!!onl' #sed browsers%

    1. )igning o(t of $:>

    " Select the . "t the to& right o$ the screen in order to indiid#"ll' close "n'd"shbo"rds th"t 'o# h"e o&en,

    b Then 'o# will see the Access&oint browser window% >o# sho#ld select Sign%ut which is "t the to& right o$ the screen,

    2. )igning o(t of irefo7 or C,ro0e>

    " Select "t the to& right o$ the screen in order to indiid#"ll' close"n' d"shbo"rds th"t 'o# h"e o&ened%

    c Then Select the . "t the to& right o$ the screen in order to indiid#"ll'close "n' d"shbo"rds th"t 'o# h"e o&en,

    d Then 'o# will see the Access&oint browser window% >o# sho#ld select Sign%ut which is "t the to& right o$ the screen,

    ee*-ack an* co00ents

    We ho&e this T#tori"l hel&s to show 'o# so!e o$ the &otenti"l o$ #sing QlikViewto e.&lore 'o#r d"t"%

    3eedb"ck on the d"shbo"rds wo#ld be welco!e "t &l"nningPgl"sgow%"c%#k

     Th"nk 'o#

    See A55en*i7 A> Qlikview B(ttons (ick overview of *ata (n*erlying

    eac, $or $#ther in$or!"tion
