QJkMSU.....me lili i^tiji^k wliuh in tb In it UHl'n »\ Hi it I III \ in will hid It t >uur JIYIIII...

Post on 27-Apr-2020

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Transcript of QJkMSU.....me lili i^tiji^k wliuh in tb In it UHl'n »\ Hi it I III \ in will hid It t >uur JIYIIII...


3 3 3?S!33JiJ1TTJIJJ Z


A N D -

It il«trrmini>4 bj r.iltliful itttnntion »>>'l strict h<r.ity tn (Jn.inrvt! iu"l niurit tltu K<wd oi,iiiii»n "I I»dustuuiur^, by 4fllliii£



Record Db«|

la i ubluhc J evi r> Irnlaj »t lliglitstown Murd, 0 luntj N J by

STULTS & NORTON,Editors Hud Proprietor.^

TttiHi*—?1,.riU prr unmuii. pnyubla in inlvunfur olubd of six aubueriborji and ovor, $1.00 oaoh

un b:iH't u. Lnrjft


A fid will mrtko tv MEA3UfUC nnythiug in hi* linu

» I I t h o 4 h l i t i t J rt | l > l l I l o t l l L

If you want good, Huli.itMIthil

s rou loiiuI h i t irill lojk ir II i J u o i i » 11 L II m i i t i n nm e lili i tiji k wliuh in t b In it

U H l ' n » \ H i t i I I I I \ in will h i dIt t >uur J I Y I I I I i I t M II I P \ \

(Oi l I H M UIJH.lt \ \\ . 1 Si i LtuuStii-ut

Hi j l i t Uwn ^l>rlI I HI > - l y

Higlitstown Iron FoundryA fL) MACHINi: SIloR

r i l l l l iubi,rilir iiitiuiiLi tr iiniiitf 1 IM it theX old "t n 1 _I IUJJ t , ,il \IUI\ l.vJFUM ^ _

Mill Wm-k. itml n t h ^ r M i i c l i i i i r r r . rtiich its Home" o w n r tuJ . l i t huiv, M i V m * ( m i h i l l r-<It i t l c t V i i ' l n M i t t i l t n l u n l c i u u i d r i tHIIOI L imlit-n.

1'loivw and P l o w C:i*it!fiprH.Vi ily ill LIIL l i K u n i In J [ 1 U i M n n i n n l

uat;. will ul-i» tin t'-mtid iit. -lii-i t'«(,iiltli-liiii«iHT \m Ind u u 1 ILO n i Ir i t ( I Mi m t lurt \Ku ^1 h LIKISI I -»]i H W ^ i n II \ i * \A \

llrivin^ iihiilt H wet ni" |ijilLt:Mi5 fur the rigUt indk i t

11 RMS OFP i j m r n t f i r nil ii li i riiiii luoDtd liio on tho firat

III*I rti n nt llir It II UTIIIL, r it *

1 r t \ t . rx Fouiur- (1 lur tu n lints) Tor thi. firatmi rliuii U l h ( 1 M b mi l f\\ TN 1 Y r l \ I< 1 \ I -t fi r i vur> pub^iquimt li n rn n l>i | li \Inn 1 ut*. lil ii k Imtd I I to be iliiiifgid ii i inth i i im iirupurliun .iCL.oriliiig Lu tho Hpum orcu)> 1

In iV l i l n r i l r u i l u i . l i n w i l l 1 i, m i l t o lit ii » h j

m l i r n u to t l io . \ t i i l l r l u l l i i I t i t n u u r m o n I-iu 1 to t h J-K « h o i t lxt r t l t e b x l l u 3 t. i r j

A l l jnlVL.rliflt.irn nt1! n o t n m r k - (1 n n I l io i in x t h Ii i i i i i b i r L i i i i i t . r t i i i n r i q i i i i 1 H i l l b p i l l i - s l u t lu n t i l o r I t r l i u t m i l l t liiLr^t. 1 nt. i r hi i$, lx j

A l l t r i m i t i i t A d v ( . r t i 8 L i i i L n u U i i^ i i r t p u l h t [turn in thi p iper tint t be p tui j it i i a tt u

Dr.ti. « . MAllTHOI.O.lIl WHOMKOP«11HIC

I»H\MCft.N On feUKUfeOW.OllJtt in Tlntii fttrtct, ubuTC 11 iird.

Offi |kl III!

7 t i 1 A M, I t j I I ' 11I J to J 1' M

.nin, Ju ly IV, 18&9.—J

W O L L I J r o l Iful l} i iniinuiu.i I l i a i l i lm« p r iin u EitlV rt dulilL 1 t h e pi I t n t ot h i t I r I

i n p 4L t i ^h tn t t ii n K i s i i U n c n in h t o k t n t r i i liv, F o i m a n f u i i u i r l } oi,L.iipiuil 1 > W n

The Bottlo Autumn of 1862.


The Uii i of war liko fjtorm birds II7,Tho ohnri;i"g truinpot.* blow

Y*»t rolld no thumlur in tho skyNo «urthii»jiko strivo^ btjloiv.

And.ouliu anil-patient, Xnture koopaHer ancient pntniisn wijil

Though o7cr h<br hluom and gi-oonnuy* diY6Tho bivttlu'rt bi'ontii of hell.

\And ptill ?he w^lkfl tn g*iUJon Imnri

Through'h^rTcflt-happy |L(vrmAnd slitl t*li« wcara hor fruiU "nil Uon-uru

Lik« jowols u" hor arms.

What monn thi1 linln^HS of tho pliviuTiiip juy ufuvo IUMI mum

Thu mirth tliitl ssmkcalht; hyurd orgruinAndycll'^v locko u( cyru

Ah ! t-'vt'S may well bo full of tuari,And hckrtii with htitu ftru hot

But ovon-pacnii otpinit round tho yuarn,And Niituro uluniKuS not.

[QC_ Tho following letter and ciroulwr

liavo bcrn received by tlie Seorolury of the

Ladies Aid Association of this placo

Philadolphia, Supt. HOih 13G2

ToMtw J\l. S, Mormon, Ih'ht tou.n

A: J:

IU behalf of tha Olirislinii

wa .acknnwledga the receipt of one Jim

uud one Mil., stores (fruiu your Aid So-

ciety) ; and in tho nniun of our hrav<?

and suflcrinjr heroes tiu think you for

them. The articles will at otico be

forwarded, through our.Delegates, to those

for whom you intpnd thotu.

Very Truly, Yours,


Chuirman Christian Commission.

P. S. The Christian Commission netsindependently of the SaniUry Commission.

The C h i l i a n Commission attends to the

.spiritual interests through tho bodily ones,

I tl>e Sanitary Commission to the bodily

I ones alone. - G. II- S,

Tht in t t i w l i h 1 ill ur 1 tt tr ( ri

W l l h .•"iinija o u r ,rrtjiiii3 (•! pain

Hho tnock.1 \Tith t int of fhiwitr uud li

Still in tho ennuoii'd ]»au30, wtHi r -i t Hi ink i m i ill

Too ltcur to U ><l for ilouht ut1 ft;

Sht ih ;r » 11 1 t l 111 11 ilr i

ftho knows tho iiut'ilfj lio m*fe bt-TWu UrcA thut blu^t iitid b u m1 r_n


tho ni~!i returnfjow

Or. J.

H \ ^ roino\t.d hii real It lit t hi*, fiinn n tl (r ul l(.i I111; lr in IIinlilnt wi li fmlii>«t un

whero lit* will oontinuo tiio praotiiic of hid prof

&' (Jrdyru for hid profcnniiHiiil >u»rviciuR lt;fl." &t<>nicAof Dr. A. Dwrv.x will rccoivo prompt nt-ion.

tiiwn, April 19, IHfll

h*. n pt up tu || ^ [ j_i_in h Lit t n t m\ who in )

h vt i lor Lbr- irtii_l i t \ i i i Y o i I p i i

1,1 I I u I I* tnlLllllna ^t,ioll S i t l t l / I J i)(

d ur t ih n t ii tii_

I i H i •, n 11 I 1) i tl ii itit. l> tun | I not M I Int., lit m *—I*~mr fhi < H Ii | i n n [Wl I II II I I I Ml I I L I II I It"

J i l l w i i l i r t l I I 1

April ID. lsr;i. tf.

Ii. nt I

1-1 I <> I I T vS 'V O \ V N

VIt. I 1 II V II I in \n u r n i i i ~ i->t>-

1 ftriit* oT lutlloii lit AilTnnie

Aim put I in li i n | r (jr jl II XTIM kn,

(. mm jn i- ng Li u li l o

I renr-li ]>*-r (il rt r I I 1 I ir 1Pi I il 1 1 I i 1 . ,.1 lo

' 0(1111 (JO

I \]i i * i I r 11 • m lti nt md fin 1 t j In * [will}•Jn I I 1 imuu£ llu I npili

A It- Mr bi unler* L,IUI bo ucoommi d itcd in tlio Inmil> if h 1 r i ij i l

1 li *t n t n In o t pMrnnur the t.lin>l nh ul 1mHl r o i r l \ i|i) [i i n il

I I « 1 1 I I I I S A M I'-rm ljul

J I i ^ l i l M t i n n M i l U I ' l l J 1

Thi3 Way, Friends!THE !,A.I!Gi;ST A M U U N T , ' GREATEST


Saddlos, Bridlos,/V^hips, Collars,F L Y N E T S , itc .


i» v |_rr« i n »i it \J> I •

I> i\ A. « A W i: S ,^l l <iL<>\ I>I "s 11-.i A, fA^^ i A( ru iu u oi

1 V L O R R I P 1 I B T I G I M i l l I I I^-^^f Ol I f< I M M If ) HOI I H N S <c M 1* * t T r i ) l<=r s t j n | , | i , n, ol M u n ' • t r i o t iI iti t in I m i L T il I ( h u r h

\ U r h i i r iv I ' n u n t H u m I o -i i n l n i l lf»r 111 l l g h t n r A ml rl il 1 L I L I M I I I M , 1 ali ] I In 1 An n il n t t l [i i-i II 1 lit. 1

HiL,lit3tLvrrj l u l l IJ 18 7—1 14

ci * with 1 ir_«r ci. tlinn oura

Tho good of milTurliij; lj( 1

Tim htsarta that blojinom liko h«r (litwor*

And liiiDU liko her ooru.

0h t.givu to uK, in timta liko thoao,

'J'lio vinion of hi'r oynM

And nifiko hyr ficldij nnd.fruitod trous

Our ^oldon pro[>huuiu.i !

her finer enr.din

Oh L,ii/i t ) i

~Ali vi~Tln

\\n l o no il 1 h ur t lu 1 Lilt I f ohoLr

Kink i f i u i n 1 fr 1 un in '

The Christian Commission,

Wan organized by the VIMIII|> Jlpn's

( ' l i i i s t i i i i i A K S O c i a t i o n . t , f o r t l i e p u r p o s e o f

promoting tlio spiritual und temporal wtl-

iu i e of tho A i m y nud Navy 01 our Coun

ti \ li s udi iti dtl ^ es ab voluutct^s

to buttle .fields, to nid iu the oaro of the

wounded on the ground^ mid in rl'inoving

pt4nwiMit Ikmpimlo ; ali'H^-fo-I-Knpitnls, to

nd oh ip l i in i n l n r e m idi d, and to act iq

.iii)H in suuh IIoMpitiih and pliicea as

! l n i f nut bi 111 sup] Iu d b} tliL p n u u

ment, and to oumpa of our|'joldiers iu the


The stores pent to the Christian Com-

mission, if ipcLij.lly dm^md tor ttuy p ir-

tieular person, or regiment, or hospital,,110 ClIllllllUj— bt-Ut,— Wltlu.Hlt—ohllFgf,—to

thoje for whom they i)ro innriiifd Tt



Master ami Exinurer-in Chancery,Aotai> I'uljllt.

f~&* Of l i o > v i . r V t t h t i i H i t i n I M i s t r n ^ " J

H i - h l H t i i i r n A p r i l 1 I I s l l * t n i l ; I I



Vff~ Office noi t door to Wohiirdmn'a HotellliKhl»town, April I, 1BG2. —1-14,

WJLLIAMT. HOFFMAN,Altoincy at Law,


Solirlfor in Chancery,I I I O H T M T O W N . N. J.

QUlii>.jntrA Pnini.^j' 3 Store

J^"'M(>olIuulionn proniptly luiultj. [myfty]

Hutchinson, Taylor & Co.,

commissioH DEALEKS,isr,

\\tm~[ 1 r m 1\ t H md Out.ru.i 1

( ) N f l L i v — I I L L , fur t r u l l t , is a. n o r J

at l t i s t us o l d i s tliu 1 7 t h c e u t u i } , m i l

14 l o r r u p U i l troii i ti^ltLl-j an iir^kraii^ibUi m ^

lull w i i l o i IIR rl V CJI1I.I1 J h ^ p l i r i 1 ! ' V \ J I

t tl t n tu 1>L ]>u I i i tin In 1 S ill j , in

the • Mulb i ir^ l i i i l n , ' KiGH, H I ] «

F L nt H1, II r ti U I I i t j t 1

\nd Oldlinui (" Pm m ," 1()S3) Ins

Ki In I t 1na I'iiin to di<

111 h - i l l .I11P t i l i i n - l e l l 1

1 id ho int^rrod on ti*:k

l lu. statutu 10 Car 11 , agumt gaining,

pnntla that " it my pti iun ->imll losi any

sum of moiiLy so p l iyed for, L^CLCIIIIIJ;

tlio sum of JEIOO sit imy out time i r

uieLtiug, upon ' ticket, ' or c r c i i t , " ^a

P A L L A D I U M — \ word applied to 1111-

port int oliaitors, privilogL1!, &,o , which

ufli.et the jjolitical constitutioh of u pto-

plo or nation 'Him wo say, tnut by jury

is the palladium ol our civil rights —•

Origin ^Tho PafTTifiTini w is <i fiuioub oo-

IOHIUI statue of J l i u n v i or Palliif, p! iopd

in tho city -of ' l r o \ , nhich it was rlicldrid

could not be tak(.ii while t in t ttatup re-

niiiuiLil within tlie wi l l s ' lhe si iluu be-

ing tnrni'd i w i y by the Gr< "Ks, tho u t y

iftLiwird Icll into their hands

—t' T^FTEitVZTTVF ii a ter!>TgeuerifIiy"li>Hrl

to diitin uiHb_llif inoic modeiate of Jl ie

i ut f jr dutrlbilliiin win i f IIILst m.i.d(d,

iliM i n di-.lnluili.d by our own a c u i l i01 dl 1 i l l i Ml flM-oll

l h ill in tnd u p HI u s is il i l ly ini_ri us

in / . , n i J -i i v uf a l l s u r t i o r t u i L / i i l l i

in i d d, i ] 11 i i l l \ M H I I IH nri di i i p n a t t d

In r in B u t of i l l 1 t i i l i i i n , Nunu/ t\

tin b J «i> c m jniri li ist" m i l l it tin

n^hl llu t ". i t t in ) j r/,1 /in i , a n d i m

[inn li I L It f'l till/ It Inn I fjilut,- L l i e v i n l nii iul , . n II iv « i Un s i r \ u t ,

mi l ( l i d n n ' It , m d t in t in u in ! I M )

anil u i until 'I ui-Ui<_iif>>-r it tj#—ft i lL- l (Hnlh

u[ in t h e [i pi f r h I, , u l i i l t tin i £ l r

m i <il t h i n I n n U in Mini In Ip is i t

L r c i t i tli JI i 11 i i ix i it \ l i i Ix.

nil IL th in xi n i i u n i r i 1 b r \ i <, n n d h l r

n N ol b i l l s m d M n n li i u h en j nt to

in in n, m i ox (. r o n e h i m li cd rt n t k IIH ii

ot tin Infi l l t K p c t t i r i l i t j l u x i r_i,ii i-.

xo lu i i t i i n in di li ibnt i tliLin, m d t • 1.1x1

s v n i p i t l i y , u i s tr t ie i io i ih a n d p r a y e r s thi rt

m i l ]

— lli<- C( iiiiu ^ ion w i l l n i d i m i r to (In

t r i b u t e i v c r ) h in^' ( o in in i t t i il lo tin m bx

i x i i j b o d v , in m> a n d r v e r y p i r l ot t in

l i t l d , in i i c o i d m i e with t in p u r p o s e of its

u i v a i u / i t i o n , nrcinni i n v i i v <- " h d i s t r i b u

t iou w i t h t in consu l i t i i m s ul tin {_'( spi 1

I lie tu l lownif . i n s t r u c t i o n s wi l l aid

frit nils o f o u r si 1 IK i s a n d .sai lors in dr

e l d i n g x x b u IO ue in l , a n d h o w lo j i c k ,

•md hi w to d i u e t v.U it thi y M ml

1 As TfTWii vFTiTF^\n —MON t \ ~Tsl U s i ( i A i l It is nijiirliciou t> spendin me} or labor lor tiifiinn; iiitleles —Clutliinrr is pidit ly necd< d, mcli is colkini l m t s , n o i l i n shirii , noulcii Hocks, canton flnmel d r m r i , woolen diaxxers, s i rpioal shirts of the samp pnttern, but tu IxMtlrtipcs dowu tho sidea and s l e e v e , m-

of bein^ soxxed , onttnn /drawer.s

ti O • T O OK X *i A L T ' Suil l!i. lwir. ly

Kerosene Oil!I n b r m uii; thi. il u f airh li li f>r he

pul In- I li i \ t mil) to ii ix (but L will furn *m jili t h r h i . t i r t i t l . t ir tin li-nil in II < > CO All Oila t n i i t In f i n thi y I n n *h s i , r t *

HoturD *i 1 thi\t It, n >i pi ix t it itiiFu I ny m

3 A S 'MOVI 111 lUHIt en Hinhtilti<Tn ll.t- I ' IShtl - I t , -o t w3 ( j f l 1 VfN Ps VN1) OH Sol oxory 1I-H rip H

Clot, in ly b» IMIIII 1 lit m> LHt^bliihtiii m

Miadrs. WiTks, A-f.



N. J.r&lntifl(( (lonA. in n nuporior uinnner. anil wi»r-

ntit^il to jrivo sntinfuction. • Ordort. thniikfiilly rt.eiTe^. Hfur-prmnpt nltuiitiuil dlVoli lo Oioni: ~April J7, I8tilt-tf

Fielder, Mount & Jimeson,.COMMISSION 1)LA11 IU

(ii cot \ in \ ri mi11 ifAl M nitliiH|;lDii Iffilkt! *\ 11

MKliril ihT^ II ,W

\ U L uni t I u l l n M r < I*

Tory_ pftrty, -(Enfilnpd,) or those who,

lo-tUoy dLterihiiiedrj-SuppSn the old 1r|" lod™pf<w.h „> ,s of the country, and the strii t union | | ,ehuieh and

I irge enough to servo as punts in doors,dressing KIIW"*! sli])pers, ahoets and pillow cu oh, bandages of ruuajiu, four tn six

IN A l l . ,

J l I


ontcrit rfcturl I ill tr j ttni i[ jcai

OF DISABLED SOLDIERS,in r us or THOISE \\ no \t\\ v

DIFD OR m LNIvILLl D IN SE1U ICLI^tiniliiiiii JtonnfjTAMAnty IJonnty IJ md Arrcir^i

of I* ix nntl AlloiratiL.os nml ull olntin u nn thoIJ tk tJ4iV4irnDi mt vitumprly gnlluotoil An tha-m ist-nA-iiinblfl ttirald Zuform&tlbn oliLorfuily glvon

JOHV II WYCKOFF,llljIlUtowi NovrJrwy

EoinloHse Vryc\tt>1Tr Mills, April 1 1802 -fin



a Urge uwrtuiirtlt ot prepared CO Air, selected fromtfiu \tTJ >AKtfrt-tb«rlniirltf>tt with A viflwtD furnnthmr anBtomqn vtth tn lirtiulc xrell gulled for tin ir^sii, and utisnrpasfcil ID qunlity Jt will bo tfulti

raaian*bl« prioBH for


NEWS 3 TIMES A DAY!\ t Moollfj'i Hall I'apir, Book, i\o-

tion, k (li-ncral htadoiicij More.TVTEW \onii. A run \DKI i'iir\ DAD IIJ^1 . \ t. ii^ttiiul^ on b in I All kindf of SL.II 1 Uo knl t n , [ i e i l « ^ n i n i i < l i lit tin \ L W S T>1 Fi l lin ^t iliHir to KitliriiiiH Tn^ lo r A ( , d i J i o i t r xl*r»x i^itm x. SLUII bt jre et,rni.r uf Minn X MUL.K

"ton str t . t . t i

if chinch and bt Ur, xxould jot admit of

profit.--live lmprovonienin Unit IN Tins

nord xxas fint ustd in ith pri-icnt in pt

• d turtti us lite DI Jiumrx, 18 A), tor

though it ccituitily was occasionally u ed

in its litenl iLuse b) the elder writera,

(laitirul irly by Sir Thomas Jjiowtie, j e t

it hid beeome nntncwh it obsolete, when

it w ts revived in tlio fol owing at ntcnee

IQ tho Quirtcrlx Kt/vicx\, in u paper nt-

iributed tu Mr Crokor " Wa despise

and aboiuiuite the dotails of partisan

warfare, but we now are, as we alwnyi.


uttuoliod to what is called Iho Tory, nnd


ISUAEI. PI3AU.CC:,..Justice of the Peace,


ArtENT FOH INSURANCE,No. l i Stockton Stroet, Jlightjloirn, N. J.

[Aug. 7, 18111-tf



, N JPor*K>ns deslrori8 of flnjoying the comfort of a

good fitting, neat looking Boot or Shoe are retruest«d tooftll nt the btora ul thQUabsonbcr, where bokeaps ou Il4hd nDd fi>r sale nn aswrtroont of Mfln'jsWomen'« and Chtldreu'8 Booti, Shoe*, Slippers,Ualters, *o ,"^g~~]I(i uiauufMtnTw tn (ipltr e «TJ lirtioln in bli line, of the m«jt durable mBonAll, and in thfl juost apprornd at^lo

- •• - ' ^ "~ • j r- i l t -bo-jps

which might with more propriety bo callotj tonuls, the works of BCienoe nnd litera-

tim CoiKtnialive party." Tbo WQrtfwttB I f " r ° r W l r u 1 1 a S l h o 3° f o r m0™] K T n i " "

thon *aken up, and has been in gonenl

u o uycr smco


MEll.—My arm has boen fltrengtlienod in

this war,, my "boyyby" the irj p|Ta;tioir~of

wornnn'eeffurage, and aided by her al

most miraoulous foresight. Only yester-

day, a fail; girl of 43 &urunier,i, thought-

fully sent mo a box, oontniniiig two gross

of assorted fish loots, three cook books,ldo^ spool cotton, three door platen, 2 °uKos, nor j . rs of jellies and j-.ro,

, , , . . i i T other goods Never send pensbably»rd3 Bro.i.1. carpet, a vrork on « D«- ,„.,„, ^ n ) c H S 8 p c o l j l l y 0 , | , e d f o r , t0eases of .Horses,", ten bottlea bf furniture

polish, and some will papor rYrcompa-

oyinj; theso nriiolea, BO vahiuhlo to ft sol-

dier on the march, wan a note, in which

the kind-hearted girl said that tbu things

soldiers. ITTfred 4 doso wf the furtiturrf

and he haT-Wt«o-miieh—Kke A flofa «

him ^ S S ;

lint, pic Led, not ioripcd,h indkerclui f*, ami siunll liair and ftJitinrpidslor fiaetmid limbs Kroui-s—oat-iiii il, tirnia, eorn-staich, dried rubks, so-di bihcnits, jellies, frehh fnnta, driedfiuita, lemons, xxlnto ^ii(:ar, brandv, xiine,bottled ill and portor, beef tja in rakes,cinued tneati for nonp, good black tc-i,eianbtrries, pickles in kegs, good freshbutter in suixll stone j rs, barrels ofunions ind apples, and tin cups , all theseare ulwajs wanted To Am Tilt &<>t -mEiis I \ CoititfsifiNDFNCT, pnpers, envelnpes and pencils O F RFADINO M VT-J)R for convilesccnts, a library is a val-uible hygienic apphanoo, and for tho able-bodied, good publications iro inontil andspiritual food For oon-mleSEon-ts, lively"tnterestinp bookw, tho monthlies, tho pio

ilal eulture.—soch as you would put intotho hands of a brother after sevoro illnessare euoh as arc wanted , and for tho well,also, good interesting books, tract.? andpipers Those, designed specialty for thouoHier and anlor arc tho beet, but send

TIT) ti"tah Our~noblc men love and deservo tboso that are fresh and tbo best —To suspend in the ho«pital, The SilentComforter, Green Pastured, and ChoiooHymns, aro ox"ollent

II AH TO PACKINC) —Never pick perisbable articles like ogps, Bausages, bread

, nor jirs of jellici and jiros withNever ;

apeoully o i l ed for, to sup-plj some place to whioh they can bo immediately seut Pack oitnblcs by them-selvn, in Bcp-nnte boxes. Tin oi\nsshould bo always nolderod, all othermoo.es are worthies? for the army Stonej irs of jt Hies should be corked nnd firm-*

worn intended- for ju^aink-anoL-woundgd- 4y^bemnt-wi<h oifed linenrw-batrrer-over- -oomposed^prlaoipaHy-of-yonng mon fc««u- Jip^ Get). C.

the oqrk, and packed, in saw dnst or bay.

inrj.a Jn»HerriJlrrj»gly,,ja bear tippJUK- Boxesshould w>t b* w> Targe th»t two oanliotj , i I . " . m i l . -Tf- ••T, I I I ' I ' T ^

III. AH TO DiRtcnoNH — Mark


President Christian Commission,

IJ Bank btrect, Philudelphia "

Murk, nl-oFrom—•— ——— [ ixinn; place and do-

noi j or L> ,i ictj'ri iiimn. ]No 1, 2, '!, \ c , [numbering ou from the

fit st bent to tho lant ]

Mark legib j with ink or piint on theboards, (e ink rub i ft ) Send, by mail,lu inxoice, ou p ij cr ibout this al/o nudnuttcu onlj on onu Hide, bpcoif)ing theirtioks, mil themaiKs I lid numbi-rs ofn c h pickige , and giMlig tlio Pobt Ufliceiddress ul full to which aeknowledgoinenis aro to bs sent IVunt Pi \IV,givn thn signiturp in plim bind, so thatIt can be rcid xvltbout mistake If thowriter is a mm, mention xvhether or noth e n a nmiisti r, nnd it a lad}, htakxxhother Mfii-yir *Mn

St nd nil Monc\ s to JosT i il P \ T i i t -SON, ]^s<i , TreibUrei, Western B ink


R i v U c l l i u I I NTi l ie, I) D . B o s t o n ,Hi ii Its Dtunuid, L>-(] , Boston R i vB i s h o p ] ] S Junes , JV J ) , Niw } ( rkRi x J i m i s ht IN, 1) J) , UrooLljn ,Miti lull IJ iMilloi, 1 M] , Wishinfton( n o II '-•tuirt, Tsi) , I'hil idilphiu. , JohnP Cm/Li , h (J , Pbi l i id i l th i i , J i) Tool t ,

, Phil nli I, bia K v M L 11 PIpsjil, 1 1> , Cin<iiiuiti Co) (_ Im

t ni l i I isk LS( I OIIIS J d i n ^ I m u l l ,1 ~n-| , ('I i, i , ;o , John J) Hill, M 1) ,Buffalo

* —KQ\RIMI HII ( uti i t —We find among

niif l ]nglnh ji ij erj u curious irtioh* fri in

(Jen T Peirou( t J hompson on thiv topic,

in xxInch be udicule i tho paiadc of tn\ j

li ry nhieb lus h i m nude ou the question

I ho enie is one uf tho inmnioncjl in irilh

nn tie, like the M|U i n root of 0, hi e log-

arithnn g( HOI i l l j , and the whole eluss of

;t(in^ where

nithout ever cinuiug to m e n o t alisxvi r"It it is asl cd w h i t aftci nil is the

propTition bi tx\ ceil the dninoter of awhcrl and the cireumfi n nc i , it Ii 1 ttr 5,1 H >'), i tc , eto , to is in iny hnuri s ofdccimiU ib nnjboJy s lu l l think it, xvorthwhile to dis over and add But id iu thec iso ef the squire loot of"5, ooming; tot h c i n l , \ o A^_the Irmh ltloi and oftlie n [ii, the emi Is rut ("ft Tf a m m\x i-s-in^ioti^ to lcrro"\7 thr ciruumlfTcnn ntthe oibit i 1 tin I niote^t of the plaueti toi h i l l ' i h i i i iJth lu proportion to the dl-niKtci , lis-i th in 20 fioures woulJ f;ivo itThe snnpli. t pioportion (or ( oiilnion pui-po en, 1-. us 7 to "2 J'he ni xt, whichthen1 is xr iy ••ililoin ore isiotl to go bij o n d , is a-, 1T5 to J j ) On which m i ybe fiveri n Tiopful puro of whi t is called'artiliuml memory ' I h o ablc-t m m itw n t v i r "ij' ch IIIDO to know,— Profisiorof Malhcinatici in the University of (Jambudpe—xv inti d this proportion one d a j ,md \x is o b s e i \ e d to he tiJgoting with a

Heartrending Soenes in Our Hospitals

Who shall describe, with "thoughts

that bitathe and words thrt burn,'1 m

lnnguago that shiill copiprcss a volumo

into a sentence, a seuteiioo into a wordf

the igon^ of mind an 1 body, which is tbo

pilila ? A^LII meT aud tender boys i»uff-<r ilike Ouo youth, tho veiy picture ofmanhood's budding beauty has lost a footor leg, nud limps iloug upon his crutchAnothi r xTith bandaged bicast and brow,remembers the fatal br&very which inspir-ed him on the battle hold, and weeps ln-luiuiit'irilj, os ho nr^er wept bofore, attbo sweot thought of home and mother —Ono touolnng incident wo boar of onethat xxill draxv tour a to every e j i , andthrill oaob bisoai with n pang Suxerilchiritublo HdieH lately visited one of tbomilitary Imsj itals ll\ory rufroahmentth it i ould hi furntflicd thoy supjrlicd —~lee cream was bun led round, und tbopoor imalids engi rly partook of it Inono corner of the room, hoxxcxer, thespoou and saucer h id not been touchedOu the bed, b^ thn little tablo com liningthem, Iny a }oulljr b •} , Ina features pule,hiH i>elids droopitij; A lady gontlj fin-Ultig bis lonluad, hottlj xxhfpori d, "thopoor little fellow is asleep, xvo must nutdistui b him n

"No, un'iitn, I'm nut asleep," ho anbwered II was a Kilvirx x me, full ofBwirtiirss of inno enee nud boxhnod

"Well, nix hltli fillow," cimtmued tholu Ix, Hi -.lie diew neirer , "oru jou nutfond of leu ereaiu ' "

'_ \ i ri much to," be ri pin d14 Diiln t i nu bee mo pi ti 3 this on ^our

httlr table ! " reiiohing" for the pi ito ofere 1111

"Oh, \o'=)" be answered, trtmulouslx,"but I shut in} 03 en and cried to 1113-sclf "

"C\led, my olyld ' whj, wbii undo3oil 01-3 , 1113 di ir '"

" O h , madam ' it jnu will pull tho quiltdoxvn a little 3011 xvill sti "

urins ' Uotll of thcui be hid luit 111 bat-

I f MAitr TUFM IlAPPy.—^ j ,

I Connecticut, ie a rcoent sermon^

1 as an all-importftDt element ID good

ing Ho aays1 "The great art in obild-onltqwI keep the littlo ones happy, * - ~

things as pleasant nnd bngbt 1' as possible Children vt\\\

enough in spite of you, Go4 i lU W#,thoni. And you younelf wilf be oooj»'polled to try them now aud then. It fe*t»-not bo riolpod. That >s 1( 9. Bot tbo ..

I less tho better. Tho worst, men iegmn. ^' early, and bad tumult*'and anperf »nd 'abusos when they-were littloj~mid ffOghtto hivo beou just laughing tha days pway.Homes of discontent, sour Tibmeg, oloMayJ

homos, irritable, jawing uadlviue, horma,mukii rebellious, and restless and uruuo-ccusful UVCB "

pi n md a nitce of pnpi rbinke out "1 here^ It IS sir "

At last beW u t i iloxvn

tlie throe first odd fi/rures by pairs, andh i ! 1 1 3 !155' Iout, them in two !—1

her telling this to thoh

p!155.' I remainiver of a French

e i l r i o l i t o n l lu P o n t N d l f , to h i s g i e i t

ddvHt He will inxer foriret i t , norihnul 1 ini, ".(irking nun to whom it 111 tybo exer Ilkelj to ho of me " •*"

SnooiiNtioi GJ-V Nelson—^'Iho re

poit, published la-it xveok, of tbe killing

»f den Nelson by Geuen 1 Jcfl C. Divis,

is coufirnicd by furthci udvicoa The tnl-

lowing appe irs to bo tlio most clcaf and

reliable account that xve hive si fn

. Lousvi I P , StPT. 29—Thoro- areiuanj confllttiiig necouuts of the sbpotiug —.

ot Gin Nelson, by Gen Il AbII i\ is About11 weok aj_'o NeUon plai ed Divis in command of the Iloino lord s of this cit} —At night Dixid n ported to Nelson thenumber ot men working iu tho entrench-ments and LU lolled for Borneo Nelsoncurst d him lor not hiving nioro Divisreplied that ho was a genera) ofliccr, anddemanded the ti catmint of a gonlkmanNelson, in an insulting m-inncr, orderedhim to report at Cincinnati, and told himho would order the provoat marhhal toejert him from tbo city

Ihrs iiioruuiL', Gov Morion and OenNelson were st wiling no ir tho desk of tho(jt-ilt House, when Gen^ Davis approuoh-od and requested Gov Morton to witiiess

Nelson. Ho .demanded of Nelson an apol-ogy for tho treatment ho had received

naked bin* toflpeak loudor. Davis againdemanded an apology. Nelson denouncedhim, and slapped him on the faoo. Da-vis stepped- back, elonobod his fist andagain demanded an apology. Nelsonslnppjjd him in tho face, and again de-nounood-him as a coward. Davis thenturned away, procured a pistol from afriend, and followed Nelson, who wasgoing up stairs Davis told Nelson todefend himself, and immediately fiicd,the ball penetrating the left breast.

Nelson died in ubout twenty minutes.

BURI-INOTON, N. J., Sept, 30, 1862

The Twenty-fouith regiment of Now

Jersey Volunteer*, nino months' men, left

Camp Cadwallader, at Beverly, this

morning in steamers, via Philadelphia, for

tho seat of war. Tho regiment is one

thousand strong and fully equipped. It is

the farming dtstnoU m the lower oonnties

The Twenty flftlr rftjjment,

raunped* at Buverly, ia-faHj-iid wifl

Poor littlo fellow ! the sympathy of .si-lence and tears wns all that oould be bostowed upon his wounded spin!. Tin: re-iiHinluanee of t i i t i r aiid hiotlier, of t j t h -n md mother, ot d u l l i s h trolus i n dplaymates lovoiTof yore, was nwrikvned'to i^ootho the faucy uf tho littlo sufTorer,and to «rO ithn h n y itn^ biow witli thestill tender beauty of rc-ii^natiou to thewill of God.—P/iilu Press.

Tho New JeraejLTwjops at €rfl,mpton'B

••A. CARROT PouLTiOE.~"Over here in 'f'onnecticut," writes s. genuit -rrieudTtwo"have too great,' not too groat, blessing! ;a eouplo of docfors, one who pfuaohs*and ono who praottecs. Tho Rav. Dr.• — — , our worthy pastor, haa ono weak-ness , ho is often sout for, in tho way ofhis profession, to Tisit and console thasick, aud having once experienced th»

I binclit of carrot poultice, ho recoomineudait for cvrrx thing Our village- medioatdoctor is SHU3 annoy od by this interfer-ence , for tho people think so muoh ofthe minister that they will follow his ifd-1 ice, nnd all the more about their bodieethan their souls Dr Pilla (,Ornea and,findo tint tho rheuinatia pationt has aeanot poultice , and tlio pleurisy has thaB&nie and tho sore throat baa the saino;-audJie n out of all -pationco' wftb -thaminister, who thus botbors him in hisbusiness

List winter wo had a parish—mootingto devise wnyg and means to repair thaoburch bell, which was unhappily oraokedby a sudden blow one frosty morning.1 ho worthy minister learnodly dmooursodon tho snlijeot, and surtjt could not b»monded , it inust bo taken dowu and ro-oust, or tt would never ring again. Then

-up-roae-Dr Pills, am} iiruvod that bofor«-ffixing up iho tell as Jost thoy should trywin* virtue thero was m a carrot poultice.Ijvoribody in town, ho said, that waa ^ljttlo cracked iv 13 using it, nnd hoTwouldlikn to 'eo it tried

'J ho hit wi<t pilpable, and produced anaudiblo smilo throughout tho sonous m-soiubly The tuini^fcr hid sense enoughto mko the juke, and from that time on-wnrd he his let tho sick people get wellwilhont Ib- aid oAfcJ-*""//firmer'? \ftijaztnt

A Inbuilt, loiri ispindent givm the fol-

lowing, 111 i i l i n u c e to the iSew J1ISP3

Br igu lo 111 the fiijit nt (Vnnpton's d i p

'1 he H n , , i d ( i of d o m lijr l l i tt midT u r h i r t b i d n l v m i i d hut a "hnrt dist un 0 btfort tht.3 txmi. undi r lue of the(nrmy L incc i l id in strung ft ice bolunii11 itmiLfi i l l , running alon^ the b i so otthe d p At tins puint n dcipcrito fightoccurred, and it w ts no 1H3 an hour ironitin time tho first shot WHS lired until theIn heli xvero HCCU fixing from tho eh irgoul the iScxx Jcrne3 Urigado of (.11,11 Torhi tt and tho Urigoile of Gi n B u t l r t t —Once routed the Hi belt di I not t-tundnpnin until tliC3 g i inrd tin orest of theMountain \ \ IK n there they turned mi lprepared to hold our ndi*un< ing column utbniJ_ J3u.t up th( «teop mount iiu ruthedtin g i l l mt Yi xy Vork, \Tuw Jersey, nmlI'eni i ' i lv ini i i bu3s, led by both thur DiMiioii nnd Urip.'ido Gincr i l s '1 he topof tbo mount nn g u n e d , anothir fit reestfuggle ensued , but tho encni3 fnnllvi^nio way and ruined in grc i t disorderdox\n into the v i l l ey bciond, l e i v i n g inour poftseision 4 0 0 prisoner^ threo rcgi

S000 Springfield rifles Tho rifles aronoxv used by tlio New Jersey brigado inplace of the muskets they jmmed before

W I I Y T W I W MONFT >IOT D O — T h elate Sir Robt I'col spoko in tho House olCommons, ill lh( \ear 18 JO, to 1I10 fol*lowing effect —When I was Chief Secro-tary of Ireland a murder wis committedbetwotn Carrick on Stir and Clominal -—A Mr -—•—Iind a deidly revengo towardsa Mr — — , nnd ho employed four men, attwo guineas each, to murdor him Thcrowas a road each side of tho river Snir,from Garnok tn Cloniinil, and, placingtwo mon on raeh load, tho esoipe of Ins

Ho waa, thero-and the oountry

victim wnn pfore, foully murdored ywas so shooked by this hoinoux crime that.iLtf-Govorniueut offorod a reward of JG500for the discovery of each of the murdor-ori, _ And_fan_it be_bolieied_i «airl Rnht.Pool, that the miscreant w}io bribed themurderers was tho very man who oamoand

being—a _httlo. rtnaf, ,gi_v9 tho information whioh led to theiri d i l d Si R bexecution , and again, exelanuod Sir Rob-

ert, with those handfi T pud, in DublinCastle, tbo sum of £2000 to that monsterin human shape —Kerry Star.

Gen- Hooker is rapidly recovering fromhis wounds He speaks in tho highestterns of tho conduct of the volunteer sol-diers, and says bo'would always prefer togo into battle with them than with theregulars. (Joining from this source—oneof tho bravest and truest soldiers in theservice—iho compliment to the volunteersis indeed important.

Gen. John Cochrano is of the opinionthat whon tho Robei army fled from A.n-tietam thoy were quite demoralized, andhid our Generals known their conditionthov might easily have routed them en-tirely ; 3'et thcro were (rood rind . suffici-ent rrapons for not hastily following the

tiofi in,, the army at _ ^ p pProclamation^ and JdsL obsmmtions areop to O i ^anforoing the Ooodorip ioq

f onlj-ln tlV l

TIIHR n uis Orr —Two un-i eu6utr3 Imses vmtcd Nib-

ln s, in New \ork, durins the ballot BO«.•<OII \ \ hi n tho hhort skirted gossamer1 lad 113nips mode their appearance outho stn^i , thpj bi came restless and fidg-etty "Oh, Annie " ' exelaimod one sot-to voice "Well, Mari "» «H ain't moo— I don't like it " "Hush'" « T don'to^re, it ain't nice, and I wonder auntbrought us to sueh a plaoe." "Hush,Marx, the foKs will laugh at you." Afterono or two flings and a pirouetto thoblushing MHS said "Oh Vnnio, lot's go—it ain't nice, and I can't fool comfor-table " "Do hush, Mary," replied thohis tor whoie own fueo was scarlet, thoughit woro nn nir of determination, "it's thofirst tunf I exer was at a theatre, and Isuppo 0 it mil be the Inat, BO I am justgoing to stay if out, if they 3anTo everyn g ofl their biok '


A correspondent of a Now York paper

gives tho following oonoernmg tho losgeu

in killtd and wounded at the battle of

Iuki, Mississippi , fought on tbo T9th~of

The Kcbel Gen Littlo and a largonumber* of Rube) officers were killed. WOhave, ilrfiuiy patoJed 887 of-Uicir"

~ly-wou»dod {ineruding~tlj6Tr hosp,tendint*) loft by them m the houses Andhospitals nt Iuka. Wo buried 496 oftbeir dead on tho field, and took sevaralhundred prisoners. Tho number I couldnot definitely ascertain They also carri-ed off aJl their slightly wounded, anddead offi ors, amounting to several hun-dred At a moderate estimate, their lossis upward of ij'iOOin killod,-wounded «ndT ~prisoners Among the prisoners we 1colonel, 1 riouteiiant-oolonel, 9 osptaina,and 16 lieutenants

Our loss in killed was 149 wounded,052 Tot»l, 801

Tbe surgeons say that 80 per cent ofour wounded will rceovor.


was a bqy," said an old niao, "we bat! *schoolmaster who bart^tuj odd way ofcatching irjfa hnyn. fit™out to us, 'Boys, I must hnvn ~olosor iit-7tcntion to your books.' The first one ofyou that sees another boy* itftej""!*1' ylBVyou to inform me, and I trill »ttend. to tba>oado.' Ah, thought I tD-myad' "Jqo Simmons th»-t XJUwV- „ .watob him, and If I see htm look"1

book, I'll tell. I t wag not .„.saw jo« look off his book, andly T informed the master. ' 'Inho, 'how did yon kBow he -mvAsaw him,' said I . lVoq did your eyes on your book wheni Was onught, andldbs boys again." ,

If we are sufficiently waj*,own conduct, we shall ,_h»Te'find fanlMn'Hrth«

AND 1SO ^omrH._j»j ro th« »rmy, irt.. .it 4 o'clock fi. ST., j»fcl!



ftrom pw special eorroi-posdtot.at Caijo, dated Saturday, states


Mr tronio|idous.;biUlB ju, inCuuiilb, MbJii, Tils "two

been flglitlng BuntinuoBily%inee yea-

sit"""*'^establishes a m ode of t a i -

i O T p t -th* •.'oldest inbab-~$a «une|l«ot on ; tUo part of

p y to perfnim their part In timelbleSTt.W<ax besides impooing a licavySJ'wtf fckttf preptred a briof rosurno of

ont last Jisne a Hit ofBit, Efiry porsoii,

(tifiniMttiyf priamin, pMtnorsliip ,dr oor-" * i 'obtain a lleense, ihall

In. wbjib hi shnll desigo" totlio, trade or occupation, firit, bis

or style ; and in oaso of an'MptoaMian or partdofsbipr tbe namua-and

itnoo of tha members of the nssQeia-?g b i £ j iocond,, the trudu or

• occupation for wliioh a license ij required ;t^ffiirdj tiie plaeo wboro ruoli trade or oo-1 :J,inpilioii is to hi carried on • fourth, if a."/•iBotilei1, tha number o! barrels be designs4- to rfetify ; l£ a pedkr, whether ho designs

•;ttfWaTil on foot, or witti" onp, two, or

Th» man ofjenio are rapidly gelling their eyes opento tho neoeisity of the government nvail-MjFitvclf efTt1si~TBtlhttiy powsr of tiie"

From tha Haw York Ttilmuo of W«du»s4»J.

W« publish clBowbero an importantgeneral ordor, iuuud to hii arniy bypT"Q'eBerat~McChjHan, ref-

be Con(cHHlonn and Experienceof an Invalid.

P OnusnKU'. pblt TUB IIU^KKIT AND, AS:i wariihig iiiicl a imtiUnii i« ydnug mou wlm »af-

j < i i l l t y l»«>iuMtiift>IJaauy*Bi w>p.

negroes,' USo thing is certain •, tho reb- orqnoo to the Emanefpafion IJroslaniation,With true Boldiorly obodionoo to d

if an innkeeper, the annualyulUB Of rental of the house ho inteudi to

:oBOBpy,j if tbo house U not rentodi thuAttestor •hall fix its annual value. The

"5p5fsMr will tboy etrtify ijTeso Tii'S'tii to'."the Collector, who will grant tbo lioonae' upon pajmont of the feel required - by'|

rvrimiriji iHMinMj,! i t i i n lg.T. ••«; i - • T~T_ T , — -

afternoon heaty oannonadiiiR wn<i licnrdnt Betlie!, 18 niilei fcoin-JJarJnth. Thersiult in not known, u tho Rebels havepoiseiiien of iho railroad and telegraph(south of IJetuel. Lust .night we received»rbT*SMt"jp«toh-froni Washington, giatingthat IBis battle had reunited in • com-plete ?iptorj for .tha .Union lide. TheReb'oli imdor Van Dorn, Price nnfl Lav-ell made tbi) tttlaok upon our forces utCorinth, but worn defeated with groatslaughter, leaving their dead and woun-ded on the flelij. Our foreos wero in fullpursuit,. .Losses on both aidei nrosaid tobe largo, Our nieu hohaved UIOHI splen-didly,

Gea. Morgan has evacuated. Cumber,land (Jap, aafely bringing off"1 lira, entireUnion fores, Hii rotruat is representedna tbc most arduous and haiarduus of thewar. During it» march northwiird, ourarniy.]Sng. eonatantIy throareiiBn*""^nnerii?'s cavalry. Morgan nialiitniiietlthe iiffunalvt1 throughout, Ono divisianmarched twunty-four suoeesiiive hours forthrao__djiys. Our trqopH had no waterbut that found in stagnant pools. Allthe guoi at tbo Sup *wor§ brought awayexciipt four US-pounders, which, were tyoheawy for transpoftntion, and "tha trunn-ions wore knoeked off of them beforethey were abandoned. Oil the BJ inst,,

-lie arrived at Urotnupshurw, Ky,, fifteenmiles iibova PyrtsiiiolUh, Ohio, havingleft the (jap nn the night of tho ]7th,—One account rep'rusents our men a*-shooless, htiUuSH and naked ; Imd been with-out rations n.n'1 conipullod to subHirft on.corn taken from the fluids. They Tjoro(ivorything with the grcatcal fortitude,—Thj> foreo in 10,000 stronp, with a fineplirk of affilleryr^ Four hundred wagons

"Worn safely brought off, and all the WorkBnt Cuiiib erliuid were destroyed,

FJPUI Springfield, Mo,, wo have newH of

.paann ^quired by,law.;_to_tnloLi•* nut Jieenne, and who neglunta or refuses

io (o do, ii liabln to a poniiliy ot throetimei th§ amount of the duly or RUIIJ ofninney imposed for auob lleense, onuinoloty thoreof to tho use of the UnitedStatei, tho otliyr tqihii use of the personwjsiojihiilL 4rat j ive infuriiiaiion of the

-'-~/pot wiiBroby lueh forftiiturevrns inaurred,• T h e tax impo'sad on fnrmoM ia very light,

I'hcy ire requireil.ro pay » duty (in FTTTcarriages worth withiiarnviiis over seven-

H l % i O O

a llt'lft fit SarerjKie, hiltnot-kfiowrj^-^ll-ia-^reportod—by**-:thiit nearly every nblo-bodifld in.iti inN*<Hit4«^A,rkansas ia ei t l ier j i conscript intlio Rebel army or a refugoo, Tht Hob-els, perpetrate all manner of outrages,seizing all property that can bo nf ti-tf tothem, and loaviriij women anil oiiildron tostarve, Ono story is Ui&t IMndni.in, tin?llubol ooniinandor, proposes to iimrcli im-

niouopolizing all tho ughtlngf as ths ex-H ^whito rffoo, Tho

ore pretty, sure to bo counted in-to this fight on one side or the other,—W« h» votiirpbwW^WWwTW wMekjsido they flhull be Bounted, Tho timemay come when we cannot, if wo would,have thorn on our Mo. That tbey areto some extent already' Dghting in therebel army is a well known fuel.

Uol, Niukerion, of tho 1-lth Maino Reg.imiiiit, who,' tholiallijwoll'ffaietttnayajIN u "liffl-long deiiioerat" and a man ofbrains, in a letter to the Kookland IJeui-ooratiu Free I'l'd's, nays ,

"I am roudj to state upon my oallthat I ."nvi negroes among the most od-vnnnrul in tho Jine _apinat_ 'us, On_-tim-

igh aftor the fight wo sent out' threehuudred enlored mun, tinned, to wiiteiho iiiDveuients of the 'enemy. , It only

shows that tliey.osin bo trtiiiled when nee-ed. In iny opinion tbey will provehriiiselvos iiiiiimg the most brave iffluient soldiers. Wo brought iu onelundrod and fifty of thorn this luoriiinijil if need bo, if tlioy are with mo, they

sliiill h/ivo n.eljanoe-to fight. -.Tho pres-ent policy is a luifUnkm one, \Our fnjoesnro insufl'iciont. There are negroesenough i nud they will flwht, Kvery riinnin my re^iinehl will testify to the eorroot

of what I have said upon this subjeut," -. \

And ngain, writing from Dillon Jtouge,under date (if the IGih ult,, he says :

"AJ1 thht BeTtles nothinff. We eiinnever conquer^ tho Bnuth without aruiinpthe negroes—never, noter, never ! 1lurir it niay bo too lute, even now, I fuarwe sliul! never bo aide to ponntra.te. tjieifvrriifiryTimfnoiigh to get "htrid. of

:fot:two .horses, $i ,00, Wate of Mver,over Forty oumic*. tioy, 3 per cent, perptiooo. Wo apprehend that hut few of

"BUT roadoTS-lreop-for-use-iiKiK tlian -fortyounoos of iilvor j if they do, they must

) . the^iovoiiiio, st.iml.inl, orrto"TJnoir -i

n the e;

y p y pmen plenty of rich plunder in that city

From (Ion, MeUh'iliin'a iirmy wo howhole company of"thai a , ..

isylvaiiin, who werebriilgH nt Pawpaw,


the 5 lili Piirding n railt

ibout half wayI'uinlicrliinili



iiilitary and nival forces are but tbo ng-outs of tbo Uonit|tutionnl (Jivil "and Ex-

authorities, and that this procla-motion, and all others regularly tau - tbe F/widgtr&irariot.t.O b». diseOiio'J,but iinplioitly obeyed. This ordar, iadoubtleis the immediate reault of Eresi-,dent Lincoln'i reoent visit, and impliesthat there is a perfect understaBding be-tween the Fretideut and his GeuBfaland that henocfdrtli wo shall hayo a eleurand iweli'dennedpoliotiHn tho conduct—othe war,

.Wo begin to fet sonio particulars othe hpleneiid (ighliiig nt Coriiith; ) J t "began with skiruiiiliiiig on Tuesday of lusi^vuel{, and there has -been—lighting, evsrjduy since. The llubol Joss in about, SOU

Hrilltrf-Birfi'rum 1,500 tiiT.SOO; wmrmledOur side biiye 1,500 TWbol pHsohors at (Joriutfa, 800 oil the Ilatohee llivfir, and more are .coming, on hourly, Whiive.gathered several thousand BtandH o

Jious, mostly new of Hiiglish liiakc, whiotho iiobela have tlirowu «w;iy in tliciflight, • Our losi is put ut 800 and ubouil,0U0 wounded, Corinth was much diiinngisd by shot and Nhell, On Buiidoy(Jon, Ord drove the Koljela five mileover a rough nud partially wooded countryfighting them for seven hours. The Reb-el Uun, Hogori wan killed. On our side,UBn, Ord was slightly wounded ; Oan,Ogli'sbj' bus died of his wounds. It ispretty ofnain that the Hebels had ninelitho largest forue, 'J'he principal factshere meuUoiiod nre oorroboruted by (i,en.Grant's Inteat dlapatoliiiS to the Wul' JJe-

t i ^ ' ' • ; ^ '

rm > y .y pj n g i i t ttli!Kurno tiniu till! lliijiuia uf Mill-lJulB, Jjy

>ue who liiifl Buryil liiin«t.'lr fur Luiytf: liut tu groatnrt tlinmgli mijillmi tmiiiMitiuii mid i|iiiiokury,nrlnMnR i pnat.]) ild (idilruMid miviilupei binglo



MAY STILL B I POUND ATTBE,. ^IJ^itiiBilraaMlonr holnw BMOCKU,-

•r*'sspy^^lfS?iH¥Sfi^!i"S(a?riiiia«mill eualflinqrii, •nd especially thatportion of the community dDHirin);

, _ . ^ " JuTli is firiJjantJLntiScd'SVKls sKe-^rioiu flndiiij theirownelotbcnii han It Bia

up iiTh (dperlor nuinnor nnd at rliorteit notioo,I'lirtioulnr attiinllon pBld to CUTTI.SO.

«»1I mid «en the Wiiitcr Styltfn HUB rondj| q « J 1 8 f l a H <

/•\T OKS'TnAL BANK UP TO TUBW of (Jutobi.r a, IMS i '

Lofiita and THaGouiiti,i i k l l i i s iltiiiau uiid'Flxlurcs,lluid nnd SilvijFi

i'ijili Ui!i« mid Chijuk'i,l)uu iVum uEliur Buiikd,


uiUur i

J M,

*I37,723 006.7UU U0

7,610 m

12,01(1 OS

gltlU.OBU 85

JTJ.OOO no.i(i.:«i7 iu7;i,;wn no

soB, IlEliD, I'liisident,

C.nlilur. uiD-lt.

Dividendrpl lF, JiIlUIOTOUS 01* OKNTItAL BANK OKi , N, J , Inivu this diiy.Ui-vliircd * llivjiloiid of

U H Iu-rliiil Kt:vonuv Tax,lbOU, .„ H - - ..: -

Oet 8, IBOJ. 2w,

i-iiitt 3i!iy:ibiP



f that fir^t fliioKS to us, un:l wereturned baek! My God ! how fimlish senmito he the prOHunt policy! How niiiuylives lihvlj bneif siiuritigjcl, Iiosf niuolimoney has boon spnttt, to pratify ntheory. There ought to be no theory butto qonquer, Jjuf tliifrbi! the motto—let-not only money nml lifu ho saorifieej tothii*! but prcjiiiilcii, nml wo may yet sue-

"EiMjil. I h<i|iu fui thu bust,—but—it—famiugltid•with fear,"

Wo have Port lloyal news to tlin 4ihinsf, FiirrSlIiuTffFiins not lioi'n attaoited, PoHOrterg frnni Hiivjinirdls rnport theiirrival there of (Ji'n. Denurognrd*, who

ti d l d

The New York pnpors of Tuesday con.tain extracts from lliulimoiid piipera uf

twi'oil Hancock nncl (iimherliifm, " tvnrciWnptftred by a ticbnl'foroo on 8:it.urd;iy,At ihri Haiiio time llul. JUiiKe^ririlil.-i, wi'ha body of our cavalry, cnplurUcT tlio en-

HJiiHlpmont of tlio -Rebels,- bringing—off tvut-caiiiions,-twelve wagons, and Histy hurai'Hnnfl tuuloH, A Btrong'oaviilry foruu-WiiHjoBt;in.piir5uIt._Q[,tho...rtnJ)t)lH;._.:^,.,_:_: . .

A bittfe lsexpcotril to oeeiirvMv soon

* IJutehors are rflf[iiirnd to ke-pi f all ailiiiiali fliiiiglitoi'ud. Any pnrHfmor porsonN, flrlnis or doiiipaMins whon • bns-incM it is jliiiijlitnr1 any eiittle, eiilvos,Miejp or hog», simll-Xiwnish-.-nionthly tnlhe Aisiatunt AHHOjjsor, under oath, thenulubnr- iluughtered, and at the giimo

p'ly til tU'j 0jlloijtuk" t'.io fui-

Horiiod cattle esoecding eighteen'.;•••.• nionlhs old 30 eotits uaoli,

;;CalVffH and cattlo under eightein•-.;..• niontha uld fl eeiits ouch.

Ilogi uv.sr «ii months old 10 cents nnoli.•Slieep 5 oents eaoh.i

''-;',...-.. Aiiyattenipt nt fraud in punialind by a' ,J jeoaTty of §10 p'or hfidof oattlf, Balvusi,

^iJ.nGogfi, or sheep so fraudoleully ilaiight-

have "JUriimi

y,'ijljntj myn noar tlml. ph\dertitrnl advaneo was

i>, a n i l ' t i n 1

only fouruiilcfl.ofT on Saturday, . Blcirmifliwa liniltaken plnce, and 000 Itobel prisoii'T^ hailhaeii tulien, Kirby Hniith was at Kranlt-feTrt~hr'ilir~10,t)(}0" inonr'and llumplirpyMTruhall was OP. liiH Way ihere willi ,r),'000.

WASIIINOTOJ;, Mondny,-Oot.-G, 1802,The fiilli!wing dinpatuhi'S hnvo bsuu ro-

eeivud at headqiiaiturii here ,


n P T DISPATCH,OiMKr's lip, u>if!T ti

n, Ti'im , 8 il, HI, ilul,

ILillttli, UnttiaUin-Ghiif


Pdr»rirlinblo-to"taX aro'-Trrrntred—to-out and band to tho assistant ass-the list, of'property owned hy"thoin

to taxwion, andif this rcfiuirem not complied with, fifty per oeni

will ba addoil to tho tax, besides a "fine. ~"^Ut-|:ffe--npprehcind

t.iiiNEUAL , Yosterd.iy, the ltohelH iI'fioe,. Vu,n Dorn nnd, Liivell wiircpi.iNiid.fr.Qui_.tli.t.'i,r,jiLltf!.!k iiii.,,Uuxi.i.uli.

siblo, and wo adyiie every person to call

-tain frbnThflg,; By^following <luB,opurso_ nioney _jwill._b£

itttad, a trip or two to court nvoided, theanhnyanoe of having a stranger prying

; fin to the private details of your honsoholdB b i 3 ^ d the •oonioiouinta* of h i

duty as' a, ''.Jojral,' law: Tho power-giyon to tho

Mseasor li anipioi and the penalty for ob-; ilraotJn'g him in any way h fery ievere,' t o t . w h o p e that no ooeasion will arisetWiling;jn*pIj\yTthe iorirfl requireiuanTsS^f thV ponal code of the tas law, as Unelo

j i s kind, old gintleiaan when, but rftthBTtart whoii-hii ehildrno• rube

grout DiaurjUtor.The eiiiiiiiy ore in full rotreat, li'iiving

their dead atM woundud on the iU'Id,Roscoriin's tiilo»rji]ihs t n n t tiie lr>.«>i i-

suriuUH on our s i d e , ji .irtioul nr ly in 'ilii-ours , bu t beura no ooiiijiarisuiT wi th tlinof t h e eiiniiiy. . *" '""""

Uufi, "TCokleiunn fuir whilu gallant!;brlfiiiilf*

Gen. Oglcfbj is dunyiiroiiiily wonndgiGen. Mul'herson, wnh hii cumuiuii'

'j'-hn llebel Congross is disposed to (id-urui and the public mind is inuoh de-

ireHHed, The Esiiininor waiils Congressu-tiold on, saying that *ttho~{fenorttl—tii)^

qiiiiioeiioo iiiithe Kxeoutivo uirinageiiicnt,rijjlit or wrong, li'iis brought to us its hit-ler fruits ; a elosej vigilun,tr and firm p«r-(oriiiiinee of Cgn(|roHsioniil dutio.N ts anil|iij'|i_<hMii^inli,il JJJf_fl

p p p n ^ pinp t'lut'hc would retake Fort Pulafki in130 driys. The Fingal and another bat-

TUFy"would be rdjnrj*in two WTiLTks,

The Uiillimnre Aomrienn has a speoiii!diHpiituh iinnoiinoinj the capture by ourtroops of the wrigon-lrnin, ciinnnn nndsiimll-iiriiis of thrj Imti'd llebol a-rtilltryoiriuer, liiihodfin. Fifty prisoners weretaKon, inifl i:oi. ^loluiyiini.is.wiih ins euv-iilry force, WHS in hot pursuit of those..who.

PERSONS INDKISTHU ON THE BOOKS" UKUHIIB W UuWAii.i, now miijiH'd toa, Tcrbuli, VVil iinn tt. juiininjr, iilid An-

druw ' J , Jiit«|i:iiigli, I railing in "Torbiill, JonA Co,," urn iioilriHd to irmke liiuiivdiiilo payto Iho suhioiihur, aiii.t »uvo ooalii.

,i, J . ELY, A t t y ,:u4 Out. 1, I8M. quO-tr,

NOTICETS I lKHimV (IIVKN THAT T1IK FITIM OFI UUTC'IIKH A .lUllNSTUN, wnii diamlvod hIBiiluul eonsLint, an Ihi' 141li o('Bujitmiibuf, 1803,

NiMT Ycirk, Out, i, IHiii . ; .

Wm. J. Oweps & Co.,

No, 37 HAST STATE St.,

T IX E N T O"N, N . "J

rTAVK NOW IU3ADYI i l plclo stock of


On Riiliirdny hint Hnn. Siihnfifild .it-tnuked the Itiiliols nt Nowtoniii, ri4 miles

jiiu.lli.iif Siirinjifit'ld, Mo,, mid attur twoi h i h~~hours'

in all imy- W1 O N « i.M



briplja aSiTThe fiirco of theat 15,000 iiien.




China, Gloss, a»ia Earthenware,CJTONK OHI



Me»'«er Oi'iihons* tJoui'l,TEUM OF SEl>TKMDER, 1803.

MuUnlliiiril, Aamluialrftlnf, *.J,, of Airrodl'lilliin, tiitoollioU. llylii to ihow 8«ui« fur auliiuf landil to puy ilubiJ,Tlio Hiilil AdiiliBiBlriiiur hiivilig tnocli' nml ex-

ibili'il I" thi« Uuurt, undiir Bath, 11 truu nml justuaoillitor tho pu'rfuiiill ojiiilu ilniiilubU of miii

louunacil, us fur II J lie uiiii dincuvvr iho fiiino, yndt linnuiiriiiK tliiit the porsoiilii iHtutu of naitl do-


/ ' : m, m i l


uiiidliiliiiiiiilii!lB(itWS)3ylii«T(ald:doUt»rinidriiyilig till! uld uf the Court ill tlm pruml«6a : THEiiiiiiT fiii;nm;i'o!f oitiiKn, tlmt nil periatu Inter.ndid In tlii' in In I is wliiub iviia urimid doooused, ap.JULif bufiirollnii (Juurt, uu TUESDAY, tho Ulir-VIMIIII iliiy urJanlliiVy unit, iu sjiojf uauso, if anyhuy hiivd, why gfi niiieli of ttiu iiuida and rual ui-cilo uf snld d'sBBasod, Jn the dnvmty of Morccr,lluiild not he Wild 118 will tat; auffiUimit to pity Iliamid dubm. Fruin tha milltitsa,— TiTcirAiiD

27., ISii'J, oo5-6w.

buu,uuy TOloj'd^s, Now Stool Plato CountyColorM Mnp^ef tlio^ Unffed

.-States,' Canadai,- andNow Bi-unswiuk.

Frnm riMii'iilmirvoys, eoinplcted Aug. 10,1802 jcost Slio.UOO to engniTo i t ,nnd one yvar's'tfras.

fiunertsr to unj S10 map evor inudo by CoHou• Mitulldll,' and liills lit the low prio« of Fifty

Ciints; i)7U,b(J0 iiaioi-s nru angrared on tlii.i map.I t is nut only a. Uoiiiity J(np, but it is utsu u


- |olIJt tu^ ju , i1o!Khb»ri_iiii H- B T 0 , j ^ g

Till fiitliir, motliuf, antof, brothur, »nd any one

Tull It la the ooyntry, and toll itUlroiiiih thotown— B

Along.thi! hills lind Talloja, tillyqu m»k« tht »ir. rcnuund |

rhyaiciiiiis, liiwyoM, olergyiaon, nnd all th« BOBof tiillii!— .

With gruiit mid iiimll, both liirge iind tell, whst-— •, —oTqrbo-thiiirnaimr; " ""jrell Ikii oilp, tell that one, nnd tin. other ono too--And iMtyou fiiil of toiliiiij Boiae, kooj teiling It,

'' thai a yon j •', : • - . " " " :Toll, tall, I nay ! Tell what » you illy. I ' l l toll

yon what to tell \ .Thnt there l» just oik ptrnjo where yoll oan go and

buy your

Call and Winter


of the Uliitod Htii'es and Unnnrtaii uomliinod in «B«.Kiving i.vnry H A I L H O A D STATION nnd diatBn.!H-.i biMwi'pn, t

tinnrunlco nny woman or man S'i to $fi pur diy ,nnd will laki) hack nil Maps thnt oaniiol hu soldand refund ilia money.

Hind for SI worth jjp try.Priiihid iiiilrueticifflr how to annvasa well, fur-

ril«liod"(mrii||onii —-.— -., ...«,;«..,,_,^ ,..,..^,WASTSU— n'hnlcinlc Agonii for our Map« in OT-

'ary Suits, Onliforllia, paiiiidil, England, fWuse,and OubB, A fiirtuBo may be BHUIU with n lowkiiildrud.dollars (SBfiitnt, NO Craii'liT.ITlUN,

- " ~ - * ^ ^ - J " T " T : T L " " 0 Y D No. 101 liroiiilwiiy,K-KW YonK,

The War i)opiirtmont uses our Jinn of Virgiiilii,Miiryhind, and Pennnylviiliin, {lioit S100.0UU.) onwlilah is mnrkiid Antiotiira Crnck, Bhiirpabufg.Mnry!nnd Mighta, WilliliniBport Pjfry..H-hBri..|)riiluNulan'a i'urd. iind all otllnrn on lllc Potoninqj anrtevery ulbor nlnol!: in Miiryland, VirisllUa Iindrennaylvania or inoney refundiid,

T.LOTP S TOPDOIlAPillOAL MAP' OF KBN-•mlUKY, OHIO, IND£ \SA. ' and 1LL1NO tS, :tlio only authority for (lea Dnell nnd Iliu War

Diilmrtniyiit Alonay rufundiid lo any ono fludiiilj

TIIAK ANTT OKI! B L n W i l t , «1!I,L,


No, 14 Church Street,

'TLTEJ o ffush niJortiiiont of


jlijejij'ili beaindja lijin.the


Al«ii, nil nmir tnie i i t of

Tti Ills nfficiiii rppoi'.t of t l io b i i l l l o of I

»fiOTilJBi'*Uiniji;rul I l n i i i i l t t m oljiinij

t l i , i r ' 2 , K 0 Q then ttiot, sjrid l o o n q t i o r o d aVcstlngs,

• : --'-.— . -FrlHB thb Trlhune, Ailg. i ,r1 tiXcpj-ii^ iUAF^tJP^VLHiitN'lA, AlAli.

rusjsHVl,VA!fl,i—Tlii! Miig Is vory liirga ; ill! otmtla but M oeilts, iilid IT IS II1B IliiST WHICH CAS BEI-UIIUIIAKBU.


;IH !t hold eontr!>l of the army," ThvpnpnrN sepiu to nn'icipntii a great efl'cirtn tho part of tlin North very soon, and

,'iro iirjiius? the iDOst vigorous proparatioiinto repel it, Thuy lire prciitly diNgiifltrrtwith the loyalty of Miiryliind, I'resiiieiitLinecihi'd proclamation is not much writ-ten about • what little is said is intended10 show that tlio document ia of BO greataccount except ns1 proving tlin infernalnntnPe of the Yunkerfi. The most-inter*

documents-from IUuhinon'1 are thesuls befoM C'ongroiis to retaliiile

upon tha North for this Proclamation,which tlio llobela assert to bi! so futile.—Mr, Chit ton of Ahibiinm, proposud thntJeff Davis keep.*-n« felons, until tho 1stof ilftnuiiry, all Union BoinnjiHsionod ollteers ho can oiiteh, and that if Mr, Lin-coin's prooliiiiintion remuins unrevoked,'Irli'anBtiiTJ'cff'ByyirpTCiBoed- tcliaiig sueh-Union officers, . ,

Newbern, N, C , news to the 3d statesthat the Hebul Unnfiulenitd Governmenthnd seized nearly all the negroei in East-ern North Oiirolinii Bud taken thoni toVirginia to work on fortifleatiTOs, ""OoTTViiuue has caliod a council of leadingNorth Uiiroliniiins to consider President

0 0 0 , p i i i l m l ill p i i s i i i n i i m i l i i i ' u l l y f i t r i i ' ng .

T h t cu t im i o ' s in ( J i ' n . l lnini l t i<n'H diviH-

ion was (18^,5111! iiiiiro tliiiii •100 w o u n d e d

r o h u l s , w i th a lurjft! ' n u m b e r fif i ih lq-

w y r q e;iiJituri ' il .

"Tlio'Minstiia lii"] fniil \Mipnrs gennrntdclby lh« lint, Him will b<i fui' niord ile»iJ!y toour vlimteiTM tlinn tbu uiiiMii}''« bnyoii-ets. I s the luili'in nml Criiui'uu ' Cum-paigns, Hnllfwuy's Pills worn li* ud inertiiniiMiH (iniiiitliies. They kept theTroop" in piTl'uct lieiilth. Only !i5 oontHper Box, Siibli'ra supjily ytiijraclvos.

tu IIIILUO tu etdnr In n MliT'EHTOli MASiUiH,


to with iJiuinptui'ifs, iind tho fit gltaran.

nml Wm. IJowull, Miaiiasippi Jliviir I'ilots, of Bt.LoiiiHi Mil i allows uvery. miin'ii piuiitiition nmlownur'a niiiiKi froin St,-l,,oui» to Iho Uulf of Mexi-oo—•!,H50 jnilea~i!Tory HILIUI-LHU. isliiiid, town,

-litii*! I irgi-fln<tHvU—|ll ilUBtt—20—mil Bk-hiiek—fFt*!it4liiirivur—ooloitid in lsnuntiea mil. Hliilo!!. I'riuo, SIin alioets, K , Iraukiil form, and $2.lit) on liiiua,wilh riiilora Hiiidj Hopt, 2Ul . _ ;

. NJSVV Ds:r^TiT!ij;iiTi;Wniihiiigti>ii,>Svjil:::TT,i18f>*, -.J,,T, LhOYti—H/r : 'g'unil-nie your Jliipnf tiieMtyaiwliipi Itlver, wilh (iriui! pur hil'iulrl>d oopiri,lLe,,r^-.VdtiiiTiiI Uliiii-It.'?;-| r^I>ii>ii^~"eoi!tiaitinifTij;"ttMiam^iippi .=quu<lruii, iH.liHtiiorixi'd tu purahii.^-.many nil urn luqiiirBd for lino of I lint -(iHii.lrMii.

lUUJ-ION WftLLKK, .ou!-3t. Humetiiry of thi! Niivy,


undsr the oariMjhiLibitt nrllsta or the dny.

• . . •' O, B. GASTON,14 CucHlH.aTKKET,

P , S.—Peniemher my Gsotla are all now andfmshi Iilid wirri i i tgd-tree li-uln liluib, j tuj , . • .

Siipt 2, 181)2. . . . '. .:


\XjnVhD NOTt l 'Y TIIK I j ; i IAll[TANT(i OFVV Ilighteliiwli and viuinity tSut he In stilt hi-

In ' •

hc.cuiiiiiiiii.a siiccesNfiilly the pruatisf of hi*, TLMMII fruln oim to wntifi^ Si'tts jii3,,fU

in atM-uritaiiUii wilh nil ihy liitest mid inipruTRilpriiivi|iU-P. on j>..i.i, |il.,ilinii, silver, viileiiliiti', ii.inl

l 4 4 4 F H 4 i d l h 4 l l |



YorkTiintsiiAY, Out, 0,



rtfti, rut i'"LI 1 iijiauj" ( sluTlilifrlhiiy. a t ; .

tiMiipt tn iiinvo tow.'ird I j i l i v a r ho, wil l.fullnw'to tiint plnon, " ~ :—

OBII, Iliirlbiirt !.« ut the tliitohie llH-flrwiih 6,000 or 0,0U0 uion1, uiij U uu d.Hibtwith tho pursuiiig enlniun.

Fi'oiii 700 ti> 1,000 pri.Mnnrs, bG-fi.lotho woundod, arc luft in our ImmU....

• . ' . . - U. S, O.IIANT >

Liiioolo's Prooltiiiniioh, Unioniups wore held daily in tho» faiiut A* ujffbarn..-,. Siic j e w


Jiulcaun, Tnuii., Oat, 5. " 13'JJ jTo M ijpr,. II. W, ILilluek, (JbaoraWn-Uhiii!

8. Army, , ;'' . . . .GKNKitAL : Gun, DrJ, wlio fol'osod G;!ir |

nint tli'B ciitihfr' to-iay on tl'O

trm^ftH-oyit-Htpginient-frotrrlinn, hove heen awora iu. The TJnioiimen rf CaiiideD Uounty liayo" pctitioiieil-l rusiil-ent— Iaiiioohi- lor- the privilege otdriving all the.Rebels out of that county.

Gun. Higi'l's HOoutf_._who , returned onMnnday fruin Tlioroughfara Gup, reportno nnuiHy iu sight this side of tho ruiiuii-tuiuj, .-Tliny ' furihor lsanved tLiut thoonniuy'i main fordo waspt WinohffHter,—Tlio llobel wagon LralonUiad all been sentto ytaiititon, sud their oattlo to Mt, Jack-ion, -LongNtreat-'i col'iiiim win- repnrtBdto liiive commenced rylruating to Rich,nioud.

doIiye, ,Corn, .Terany Yellow,

" .;" * White,''ChitH, Jursoj-,

l<"l.OUIt AND'MKAII .tinarliiiii, S:V40 In S5 GiL

38 i I 45aOu 1' 20• TO it 84

HO to HiUS to OS60 Is SO


Octlilipr 0. IMS tf,:




*. uxtra,Fbmr,

$5 fi5 to 6 m-fT5 TO to 84 BO

." jj'iUnTSS AND

Polatnes, PuntihlilowN, $1" 50 to f l ~h, Jurioy, 1 ,1'2 to 1 S}8.oonnnnh, I 25 to 1(52

" J'noVIMONS.'J to JO74 to 'Si

•nutter, Couritry, per lb., __ I J to JIrl ""' * 74 to 'S

O s of tho IIi(ohie, os 1 untlor-itand frpni'i diipateh, onU droVo tliuiu

the stream, and ant poasaxion of.

_. Mwiwir lhiillit i f tabUTlH%oii, it ihall belUtMt' iHieHor to leave s i tin

in • • (l^KpSFlOBi^wiEn fenie psrwin... ,„_ »II 1 ilUwrifiOBi If jiurt•bi.pjraimit,

.jpu> •ItpixiL In tho b u r b c pMt offlo..- ndiltfar ltu moi-nnddm, JMirMiM to ineli

1 ' ' inHih*w.>^.pBi«Ilfet^TOh

tha hi|htf With our troops.• ^Genr-prB- toot two buttb

^ tmm MIA il llq of »ooh nots or njomorln

iirod, u«lbri)«!d,n«hD. lUt or IbtM

e r i i i l i lw itrtalllto

ilirtl•«SHB,'mil' Ii. i.1

^ireif Un-ntor Into »B.l

. . , , . .. Maki,mMiditloti whlah -h» «in obtain,

pp toot two buttbrios an.l nbotit

200 p ^A largo port-ton of Gen, noioeran'a for-

oos woro i t CiiBvallal, " ' / /At.tMi dtsittinsri oFeirything IOOIM /most

favorable, and I oannnt sne litiw the eno-flfrHtehinj but tbeir smtill

1 UavB strainej evarything to toko in-to tha;BghtBti-*iSc*piiiti) forue and to g«(thoni ta the right plaoq,


, el-

nt (rf'tnVbB5rib-

Oop, Middloton of Mon'aoiith, wasnominated for OongreSf by tho DonjooTa*oy of the *3ilJD!**rwt-a.t3iien±ijiii onAVodisJBsdsy of la.it wook. Tbe rejoin ioaa ofthe Sliito Cocrvantion were adoplcdi—*-

(JapUin O-EorgQ W JMondill, ofthe rogalar itriny, ldloof (iofiurat Kc»r-

5* Swift IWS

ay', Obt. 4 1.803.\ dinpntoh rnm Uol. HiDley,

"Moitb df theObippewa l lker, Sept,28,"\\'e mat a pJrty uf C j J d l l d l

f fromani who had separitofi, from tho CrowIndians btibgin* with' them"01 "A"Hifor pris-oners whom thev liar); been" insliuiiierital

ridansingJViim LitHo Crow's party,"Many of tho jirupliOM ars j'OBng wo-nrr who are . eohipretoly'" oWfwTiSTnKsd*

with joy to bo frcad from the roathioniR"" f of ?rliiff "Wvfttrr-tjSjttoT»:: -A,

Imd at WopJ Lnke,. Sept. 28,resulting in the Tepulig of tho Indiatii.—Oivr men Bnriod fourteen Indians,?1 ,',, ,

.Sibl^y-in arreafing nil Indiani

MlSPKLl.ANKOUS.Huy, par 100 lbs.,.


Eo, SOi) (jrsenwiaTi St., uorBor ol Murriiy,


The yroatest.dealer In

TEAS, . '

• • " anocERnrs.i'LOUn, and

pnovrsioNS,IN NEW ronK cm'.l i e CUB fell jiin


^"-OtBSgg-ffjtBia "

TJY-vrnTUEOFJD to mi! iliiculfd, i.Miiid mil (if tho jiurui.r Ontilman IMoiis. will ho extjssvd to snlo lit I'lihlio Vendue, u^ mmpAX, tbo aUJiTii DAX QK SO;VKMlrtitt NEXT, nt the lii.nir ut two u'cluiik iiiIlie iitturimuii of •iiiil ilny, lit Hioliiirilsoii's Jliitul.ill tlio Borough of llij|htiitoi¥n, in thy Cuujuj. ot'Mfriior, (ill Ihusii two cyrliiill lots of iiind nnii|!r,:iiiif*t.i3, bolou^ing to Jydcfih Wiinii, situuti^ intho JJuruugh of liightiitovrn Tswuihip of EiisiWindiOr, County of Mercer, New Jc r i e j : pail!Ijita fnnitiiK uu 'Mereer sifeot, ndjniniBg lundu ofJohn My»r« nnd otligri. On sftia loll (hero ii aguod new Burn, &Q,

SuijBd lUlithi' liroperty of Joseph Wood, iind ta-ken in 'i!xl;aiitiun lit tho suit ol' .Alfred Parrlns iindWilliaai Wiir«iok,,iilid to ho suld by

J O H N MUiiiii j i i i) , Intl. shcriir.Dated Hopt a, 1802. oyT-Jw

Uhlorofurii! judiduu.ilv, adniinisteFed

to Ib pmll—nt-lila-u.

f hif! work iiiiii judgg forj i W y anti h

N, ,1,, ,luly 31,






56 tn 00y, p ,. ^White Bonus, per. bus,, $1 TO to f 2 00

W«ifA3f, liKK Ispi.tfKKGB ASP MISSION!-—Tliflef,H^-otuf ffunian on Hoyisly ii*niD^uiiiitlly ilispiii.fed hythe esrtranriiinftTy pd^ep pfho gNerts Is sinuliorntin^the railo. asperities of life, Tf-nile the light of herIheds it« ffinllimiiigTftya upon ths e-iirafd mirehof ei¥ili7.at*on: The ftiosrnaMoivor our guiirdianiinqel she Wiitsliea by the er-idlo of our helplessiiifjinej, e on uol u» tis^ in t M iidveMltiog ,,f=,hnr.-fniin-himl, nnd la ever to'lie foand ni thu eoilch of lipk-

Don't forget,

II, AONKW,O r e n n w i e h H

j y ffluspeoted of hilling ,'piirtiaip«'tnj in the'mitriiBM on, th'e frontiir, »fiS Will'eiseuteall found "guHiys on the ipot, • ,

Mijnr &ehprtl,Joiaph Hooker, Ilnitadatfls Voluiiioera, has been appointed »ig^iier gouctftl tn tha regular array, byQ. trieaidonL ajLan ofiiaial reOfsniiifliL-fif

hill viluabln ocroicw. Gen., Hooker ia nnative of AlassiKihusotts, nnd is ono of ourablest ficld-niarsliald. He comvpandod a

d in the battle of Antietam.y

in MAdins ih« prr-a-iripltond,*»n^ xpftnut tUforrnit ( t

i«THlu»bli>. noil brn

nf psstileneo .or the fear of di*ath, Wornitti U i sb .joat t , niAny IriiiUfrOm whieb ninti iae^ynipt, ftnflher nitilve iliillori6y.;rqstriilryi ^hrir- framthmu nucrtt grlnf/l to frlonil nr till

,4i»ll« o»n hiniilovltttild'Jj, ,„ - .I trA "poggtiibie Pill?, whioh arii. ailiii>tpii tosln'lun slid SSflditiiin, either, nf in¥igi>rfttii,|f Hdnlfteato slRto of hoaith, or TWg'uiatin^ the vurlon;'-fuiiolinna! .ti«oriluf« inwiilcnU.! to ilia fsninlc sya-iiMn, whuthor it he lit thefir^t hluHli nf woitiiinliouiinrn t the tnrifnriifi.Bt «hi8h1Mioi>:fierliid nfjiifiConqe id f,rodiie.ti?s nf epDil'qiifneep se ffiKhtfulthat itya!h-itsidf w nld-be fur nrefecabte ta nayh amoakctymSi ' • --• - • •'•ityslRris HP*ih'ii -' - ' '

Tlie..AdTOft!Merl kgTing.been restoreil tft' JieatlhIn ii few WM' g, by'a vcr j jMihpIt* remedy, afterhnring Buflforoil i«ver,il jenr* Trllb n Fn-TO lungnffcotfon, .&nd that drftud dl^flniio ooit^u'Dipffon, idmixiou»-taTJO"k<-knfnTii tfr hl'i fun<m-im&n--«r lmrnnn of cure,

Tu *tl whft Ui'lire it, ho Tvill liflnd a c^py of thirenripfifin u^ei], fieo of charge, trith tuq dirDot-

f fc i t tbo i^rao, lrhioh th<iy'mrprittftn 4«'l"ii,

p p ], glona for prfcpfrrin^ ami uittng tbWill find * Sure Cure for O"n'B h t l »

Cheaper than Anybody Else,nBOimse he ntlonik to his buiincas liilnsnlf J nirri n j his Btnre, Its pays no ' 'for eiuh, he pay^ue BJmtM^'liysrin^tirQ-sheamiirket, floii giVca'liiaouiitoraiiM tho berti-tit of ...unabliTi- hil,1 10 ioll uhuiijior thftii any othor Uru.our in the oity, • '


Old. Brandi esFoil

Ami nil other kindl of Qooila k t p t U a firs! olilM


BT VfRTfra OF A WHIT OF PI. BA 10 MBdireetcil, leiuod, out of tile High: Court of

Clinnoery, of Now .fBrsBy, will bo uxpojiod .10 sale'at I'ublis Viindue, on MONDAY, tliiTTWEKTV.SKVKNT1I liAY QV OOTOUEH, 1M2, at the lionrul' ;l o'lilock'i'n tho aftoriiooB ul' »nid ilny, at lilah-ardsnn'B lldtel. in theUorough of lliglilalunn, intbi'-eiinniy iifMcresr, all thiit eoitiiin Lot iif larManil pi'fini3L-aoii whiiih U now.ijrueteil, aitiwtij inTtrg~huTIIIIlh uf Ilii Ut.iLuiin Kf«T8giibiT-lyitiy.wMt.boing on thu welt mrte of Aendeniy atroot, and ii

Tpariieuliirly dosoribed asfuilow»! ;

inniflg lit a stake In the west edge ofsnid'tin»l'8iiffth'dfiif(T oMjiiBplfTljSinpspn'l T.6R


•li u'feeil west, -i'6 foot to H atnU«i theiioe (2) iibrth74 dugruog west 182 Ilnka to Mr. JleKiiijjhl'a lino ;(lionee '(it) iilnng his lilli north IS clegrc>st n i t 40feet-toWtie-eorner-^if-BiiluVJoiofili-IhtiDiiuooiiLloLt,!heji50.(4) iilohjj bfi line iouth JS.degreeJ oaat oneohain ii ml S3 finka to aaid streiit, ihu'plaec of by.Uliilillix, uoiiialiiiiijj 4800 iquare feet ol land, more4ji- less . -~_ - : i - - - -. '" Buiji'il «« IhopropcTty of Elim Rtrntton nndwifi', and liikeii in execution nt the suit of Jua ,ph8, lily, and lu bu Hold b

UI l

Ife'j tu Hi*! pnhji,1

Fcir iiew iMit made Mini olit OIISM miuidqd,Of every fiiNhton, ilzf_iiiL,.t aurt,. -. .

, The very Wit that e in he biiught.

liontl ond Phnni to nrijer mute.And «very attention will Ipo.pnid,Neatnesf. rtronglh mid ijusu tomljlned.And jirieea «uiUd lu thu iniiid,

ISoots and Shoes to Tit thii lnine,and neiijneaaj-I

Tin1 nffttijiir ahni'ii that CHII bu worn.Hut jjtl 11 are unity"lu a corn,

BonlB nnd Slia"(miitle \This is iiddort to thi!Thoy will rupul ihu mliiB inid'siiow,Aud keep you dry wliyrc em ypii gs.

J need, not reqoiniDeiid,BeoiuecOB*tliemi you unit depend.

You iievor bettor eiin "bo suiUd,aABON C.

y . .liyTOHUfSQN. Shi-rilT.'


Sew York.

NOTIOI,A M ' l»EiraONrT»Ii«TiTKU TO THE i,ATKf a . firm of.Hsbbiiu, T«ylor A Co,, on Jfiitc, lioiik

lt t h i d i l. . . . „ . . . _ - _ . — — , _ Aueuiint, or ptUeiwi™, uro ryquca-cd-tnanll (HIrhrtmnHT—tUViipjiy, I3i>3irBTH»t-niiff- -HISABUMrlbM*-,* r A\»i old jjtjtjij, _ft|id^«[,11[a j h» -fnw iif tho dijpfilerj. eiil HIMI upnii Kinju-wuliout^ehiy, ^ . . . — . , . . .

lhit ii tlmetv . reeoiirso to 3

Hept. 3). 1803, 2ff,IIOHIIINS A,Pur,LliN.


Oloofc and

Main St^ Opposite the/ IIIOllTWOWlV, Tlf. JV

rT'IIE Bt'nSbBTIiERS desire to annoiineo -toJL their frieridii J l i d th j tuthlio thiit they h«ve,

taueli itie slnrq iufiiierly ucuuulud bb tt, W,—tirir^'ARU, where lh»y,Brr. pfppnred to niest the do.tniiuda of the eernluliliily for olleiip*h f ' j - '

UiHiLi.lUfc,,^, .

• • • • • . ., r u o v r s t o s s ,nnd all ririlolen iliunlly fmind in Cniinlry Sluren..'

[loping io ree^'ive jLTghiiru of' piiblio,patrunii}|i;,thoy wllfeilileilTor to uatijrv ibMBfHhii Biliy favorthoni with a mill :

. ' T l fos ATl'LEiJEJ,• , • O. M. NORTuN. •'.-.

wH, B«i.t^24, iBBj. ' " ' ^ i . -


Hlght»Vo*a,.OiitoJier 1, 1R03.Applegnti n . : Tio* Mrs, E1II..BItuljmun Mrs, Jfhnnna JInuut Mia Mary M

"Bergon iMi.-a.LjJia A Mo Co j P a t ' , •

Dobnw nr««Mary Biekpi Mr••. II11 miin -HTernghnm Etimbeth jk Satpb^.n .T«pinliPisher MiiH Aiinii , • • Btiwnrt Mw»ra ", •'.'••fir ,yer. . '•>.' % :-- .*' r^%tet{tsft Bi^^.. =/' ^ •' -u

of1 K«llsv'--Mi< Sirnfn»l'2"i"-Tlia*Biu Mia Artulaldo

Boots aad Shoes,-t.'. .' ; M R THIS...- " . . . •


rrutE aunsoniBEH •sTOutuL Iy invite BttoBtion to hiif liugo iirid.*Qmplel>

Miinitnuiintiiit Ilul* nab Oilpi, inert i&nS,'8lioeii,oornprisiiiK every .fntioty BHd*^lylo.

I biive iVJen'l Silk JI*«, Low Crown stiff Jlrimllmii, High growntMl Rfiff-lln'in.-the nurrnido llm,MeUlelLtli1 UiLtB, Msn'a Soft'Ilrft* if iverjt a\siorip.


Oaltfra,: Hoots,

CLQCKB a» j ^n ^ j Tirgoni wiling fur LntUira j» the abaw lilt will

Sifoll ta fluid »nd 'mi- ploiwe viy iTiVBlltmEIi j: ' " ^ " -

tyMllroN*wflri__ ftu&rrl 01i*ini, <HO|TJ II:

Silver Pencil", (lolil Ptna,- ^ _ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ ^ Oold McdAllion», Hrrft.it Pina

or every TRrtetys JB*E*od-'Bing<irIliiig»orMHriir«iit— IT had Q u o i n SAytr TiA-*»d Tnble

'taa«ltiTr*(ttirI*', - — - - •

funello ami - i ip l i u t

Da1lil«lilvSiloeJ,iadle»' OIt T kindi, - Miases

' " * ' • : ' ? . " , . . ;

WTOBBR 9, issa.

TAKE NOTICE Iordering work rfone at i

Uvtr,y iktreuf,

• M, I>Bi"rKf»OH.li * <5©.,


„ Tha following intere«ti ng lottor1ms bean handod tons for publioaiion :

iKKwairBOKinsxAi, TliiprritnPuiut Lookout, Md., Out, 2J, 1802.

MY DKAB So swiftlyhave

tho bours passed, it seems uliifost incred-ible that I have nut boon in your beauti-ful homo within throe months;' yet, it iseven so, and I romlnd you, aftor ao longIL time, ofmy Siiajflimfti And. tbut I h-ve

_-,-tint-fijrgnttemny olil friandl.Warira here enriiiiairow point of krid

that hai befth trying ihesa umiiy years toBtreteii itsBlf out aorgsi the mouth of tbeuiojoatio Potomac, head it off, ntid dry itup -""Buriike every ntlmrgrcat-ehterprUe,started', by ::Diiie agoJiiHt anything intheio United Stntot, this has been a fnil-nra ; still the Egteiimo rolls majesticallyonward toward the ever sunny oliiUils,—So roll Rmttiwnr-'lly al! ths .mightyBtreams of' water, and mighty streams ofBuldiera ; iind all tlio eflorhi of thn .plan-ters of cotton shall not avail "to preventthem.fi-oin moving onward to the (Jtilf ofMexico, bearing their burdens and theirfruiisiifos wiih tliina to return honiuoVe

tlUjlio turliu jhero_ajniny, no warring musket's

tone being lienrtl to break tho holy s.lilluosi. May it be soim !

As I was going to say, we are i t the

• beautiful Oheaiipaaltti Bay, 1 kilt Wush-ingtan71he~flfth of July,'"coming down to(insist in "establishing a Huspifnl," oursbeing the first boat thnt oume andbrought stoieaifor that .purpose. Allrcjlnuiubqr very wull the sail do•srif theI'iyur at night, for j win Vi'ry' weary, m»

to atiaieh a nap whnrovor-tileramnMiaVft a aiBllliet'rfliiulliiUi

ittvo so generously given to thoio in.qth-!r;hpipitili, for thi pbiflhrt ind Witdra-.ionof.'tbose lionorable, dsiepving, and

I mgpmi I need only to1 l l J ^andjfl,

he kindneii of your hearts with many jhei ycta will gend them. Xou

" _ T = ? '• - " —

• 116B-i-•• GRANOB JuDDi'BuWishor, 41Park Bqw, New Yorki- i l a year r~lQoenti a number,;' ' •Tbis atnglo number of theJIgricidlUTist

iiiiuluii.flvaf-ort AM'wfwrf' md fifty nrii-

dior, and bo blust with his gratitude. Ifyou to do, forward them

propaid to my address at Point Lookout,Md,, .via Baltimore, in oaro of Uoi,. B«l-gor, and I will BUporintend their dlstribution.

Wo need .pipstj at present, woolenihlrts, drawers, and Bioakingfr, old nms-lins and linona for bandageg, slippers,ivines, jollies, dried and canned fruits,[luney, pepper, good tea and coffee, cornrtftreliTTwi em\)""oTriSr""Milfig's as tlig;~B1i"itilonors can think of,

IJuving one liundrod and eighty pa-tietits under my earc, L muat retire now,so I ean' take pood care of them to-mor-row. Inure is plenty hero to talk about.



DRVand iuslruotivo. The",Crop Eoporta.inthis number embraea tbo opinioni of over j ullOOEttlEB,•a thousand reliable, observant farnioliiw:.dlflerant parts of tub country. These,with ths nrtielei on the*orops abroadj willafford the best nwans of judging of futureprices. The other articles in this numberare too numerous to particularize. The Tuns,engravings ore good. This is the busttiuin to iubieribe, ai each now subset ibergets the paper for a dollar.from now un- [ JBB'flffifi &



I'oura, truly,•A.M. CORY,

Acting Asaistant Surgfon, II. S. Army.

, W~ We are rrqiiostod to sny that alldesirous of ooiitiibuting in' response tothe above appeal, will send in tjieir dona-tions'"numadiately. A box or boxes willbe packed fur Dr. pory to-nioiTuff (Fit-day), at 2 p, ill.. In the Old . BaptistCiurGh, by'tho li.-idics of I ho Aid Associ-ation,

gtil.the end of the iitiift year, (Vol. 2-J,) or1.4 months for the price of 12; aud in nd-'ditiou, oaoh subioriber geti u splendidmap of Virginia, eoveririg moro than 10square foot—just tho thing wanted now,

Iihqrfr-joarB of unrojeTrttptifd—Hiecees- —


APl'LEDEE FOll TIIK BOLDIEilS—An e».Urcinl nppciil hiis boon mail" fur auppliiii of DriedFruit fur thu BsneM «f Biuk iind Wounded Hui.ilieM hi llifi ilo«[iitiilH iliiring the enminj; Whiter,iinujlii! Liidli.g ofJUe riightslgwii Ai I Asmgmtic.iiprnpnsi. hoiiling an iippta-bai! fur ill" purpieo ufprcpnrlrig tlio fruit for drying.

Thisi lids hcim nn nliuniliilit iippl" ycur, und thiiorslinrdii in- tills vluinity i n bonding with thiiirgulden freight. To FiirllH'rl, tliorofors, nnd otlmrs

(Ulipliiidj till) llldli'Srilnku an cspooiul appuul for libqnil donutlotiil of

have raised FRANK JJKSLIE'S

TEri NEWSP.U'KII to the proud position oftho leading Pietornl Puper of this con-tinent. The toiimiencenient of the 15thvuluiiii; affords the public the opportunityof subscribing to what is now a house-hold iieoussity. Every iuirrortiint evtotof tlio liiijo is dtsi'i-ibod arid illustrated,more especially those now transpiring onour own ooutluent—-as iheru novar liasbeen a star of cqunl (tilerijst to un Amer-ican, so (hero never hai bean ona sofaithfully illustrated, Frank Luslie hay-ing dispatched Special Artisls to overyprominent field uf .notion. At the la»tbottlo of AntioUm ho hail three Bpddia!"Artists and tJoTrsspfitidwiiti nooonipany-ing the dilTurent tjivisoiiM, The resultis, that no- grant victory in the historyof the world hus ever been s'o eonipletelyillttatrn.teJ. IjeBJdei . the interest ing il-




To -lints


-^-l ied. l i i ig, , . • .!—ijtollii in Furi , clothes, i o .

— - • • - — ; - TUB— ; -"• "




John flloorc's Plows mid -tMlnp,

Jayne's Medicines,«AKCI.IM« OIL,

Dr.-Uam'sJnyjgoraiing Fphif,

fruit.Tho apple.outtinn' will held in tho

(now unnciuipieil) Bituiilcd on Morrison nvenuf,nuitduor ta the rnfltlcinie of Mr. Jiieub Stulls, onFliinAV, OutulmV ITllif ignimouoilig lit 0 a. in., nmli-ifiitlliuilig tliriiilglioul tho (lily.: Tllu Liulloa oftha A.-iaoa,alien, and othur frieittrlrf of thn Dftusuwho fciil (lispiiBud to efimu and iiiiist, will hiTSW;

lu briiij} H iliuiJ-riurrfuf Ihu Uljtu,

on a thouaaiid beds that night J— liofipit.il bods pilud up in the saloon.-^This IIIIS bueu iiai1'! us a suimiier resort

a verylarjiu hotul, with outbuildings, and aboutone hundred-aud twenty, ono a .d two

"story eotiageeV They are plain h<n very.limit, and pretty, and areplaced


.areowned by tiit) Viiiiotiii purlieu, .from" all

hiiere.Now thi-rn U a Inrge Hospital in uourse

of ereolion, and nearly finished, that willbis second to niSiir. on tlio globe. It isuniii|joaed of |(iix!e<m buildings each

-rwrtny.tvft fcof wid*7TixTeen~TWr high,"ond one hundrud and seventy-five foot

);^ One otaiie nuiuber, tbattin the Biiy, iii fwo «toriea high, sntl fiftyfeet wide, to be occupied by the , Sur-goonii, fqr (ifliues, Ao. The buildingsstmid in radiation froiii one common een-tor like the gpokc^ of a whoel. The dia-tiinee aernss the openennter is over threehundred yiifjs. in Vvhiuh is a laundry,

"liiU'hen, ite. They Htand thirty live foistflpart iif tho inner ond, and are to beutinneo'tocHjy a eoverei plHii'lr'WR 1 \q"that there will ho no need of going outof doors all winter-, wo onn itay tu thehouse and eraek nuts l ikejtpirrejs. _

There is sniiie "nice cottage furniturelierojhat had been left by tHo eottageowners, whioh we hiiva. appropriatod to

ljuiitleiuun uro requested to priliioipute on th-j• ' , - i " - ' ' " '""'rout- IliomaiilreJ ill pninu ring

riiit, whk'h niuj Im Flint dtjiliy -linni iluriug-HieiOMiliig wcuk, iirnnHhe.diiyTiproiUeil, lo lhchous i !kvliuru' tht! '• Heo" la to be held—(if, if more eouvo-111 CM11, til thi! atorea of Mr- 'John Wuulluj^iiicl Mr.

lustrations, FUANK IJEBLIE'S N

bus always one uv mate itamaTiqe!, of rurofseallunoe, continued in it'n pages. Atthe prcgeut tiiiie << \rurner's Pride" und"Aurora Fliiyd" are oauamg tho deepestsensation, Tlio iiiijoellaneous nrticlos,

Toutry, G-usiiip, etc,, are of great merit.

®il 50 por anjiuin.York,"



The 2'Jil Hegiuu'iit N, J, Volnn-eouiHHiuilocl by Col. Furnett, in

which is the Coinpiuiy of Uapt, •Ayreg, ofthis place, left Trenton eiiily nn Miuidiiy

• W a s h i n g t o n , •'• I n

Onn eopv on*- ynnr,Oriy uopy fur H[.t£iR(iiiuuupj. i'ur 17

; Hillb-^*.-.^.". •-

Tl-IKMH, •n r M iininhorN. , . . . « i O I Iiithii, or yu liumbgig.-...* i iiii

Carry-All Wagon for sale Cheap

for want of Use, by

' •," 1. SMOCK.


Qreat Victory!

Tlif Iwiifiiiifs of .IC»:oiiomy


Slate Insurance Company of

. ft 4. t i l Pi ',' 4 0

DUDLEY a uitEaou v,IAS. O. SIHHON.

TliOMAS ANDKKW3,«. WKSTOp'i'r, ,


Maiilialtaii Fire Insurance Comifanj'OF Si. Y CITY, Orgmilied in 18211

- suoo,iios

A. o. zAHiiiHicrn,11. MeLAUlHILtN,ANDllKW CLKlilv,Nimu U. lAYLOli,,i1, U.1VBCKEK.J. ILBliOTWKLL. „ _

CAPITAL ar.cl SUIU'LUB ovef $400,0007PilfliiMilfir HttpfltiongiTtni to thp-InSufJiTiee of-

Farm l'ropiirHf's iind Isoifiieil pw&iring?,-fof 1, 3.ur b ye;irsl i\\m, Lifo InHijran^e t.-ffi.-eted iu the

MUIUALJ!EN£i'lx.-. -

Life Insurance ('onipany of Nflwarit)N,. J. Total ABiSETTS, f t lOU.UStf i5 . -

|^^*Luenui jironiptlj' adjusted &i thin Agpnijj*. _.. I ' i JnLf tOUTON, Agent

jnlSjl*.:"*'" ForHightiloWB Bfia vlaimiy. "

Oholoti Srort * HlMiiTn. _.; Koflnurt SUOAUief*!!*

from thb oulcbrfitei Uouao sf Crsn i;i|

Boitled "Wines nptt JLiof plioioo branils'for Fnmlly »BdjirtW|]

All who deaire ty flaye-iijonQ^ iil=itasae_dij «D Iiv fluraliiiiing their-tlilOBffiltl



LIQUOB STOKE.!*Hb.5«iribt!r in sturfl ft full atouk, whioii

ihv luwt^t liviiig flgurtia f.jr


Tlio tf prepft^itSeni (uyHks ull othorH) are

"Nut diLng roiiH tu the Iliiman F^tnily." *'•lUiW tio ant. dio on ths promised,""TIIMJ are ILP sdly lafaUibly retnodii'i knewti,"8iliJ yaapfi and morg satablishgd In N" Y, City "

U<cd by----^i\iB Ctty.Voit Offles,Uxed'bi," iho City Prtsoiii end Btittiun IIuii^!^Used by-—^=tho-Olly-Sle«ingrai Ships, A?,

Used^hjfrr-«Uw-tity Hotel?, Astgf, h Bt.Niuhttl^.Tr$td by the BgardlBg Hey jui, Aq.= :

Used by^=ii\om t^tin §0,000 Trlvato r&xailius^

t^*«*?fff fl??* QF two fiperimfiis ef what !•* ISr-ei'-if-'whtrt said by the iPiople—lidttori—Dealers*

..ire. _- - . . - . f......-.--. - . . - , , . „„„

llOL'SKKBliPEKS— trnubli-d with vermin m-pdbn so nn loiljttfr. if they use ^-OUSTAU'S" Kstr i ini .natijr?- Wn lniv-ti uauil it te our siuiHfiiu!kni. unilIf u biJ* 6usi J,*i Wvwiiuirt-hiiv« it.—WiTlrrid'fi'tCTfiiiiiiuns. bat tlir.v vilpetrd nothiii^; bill COST.UI'Piirtiolii knniJm Ihi! hri>liih oul Of ILiitB, MWi>. Itini-L*h*s,-ttiiiLJliiiLiiiiigH^flUJ^kt..r th1111- wp uaii wrjtu it.It 18 in grntit ilt'iniiiiU iill uv 13r tlm t'uliIUl'^.™fifT7^din a [O ] (itisrue. .

M t m E ORATN nml prnvUions arc ,l.;slr.iyi-.liiiiiiHallv ill Uranl Cn. by vorliiin. Hi:in wiuilil J.IIVIVir tniia'iif thi> Huluiiil iiincc-t Killiir.—Ltuieutfrr[Uli.] llrrald. j r

JIKNIIY II COSTAII—Wn lire BolHiij; ymir rf"1

pafiiiisii.1 rii|*i*li.y. Wherevuf they liiiyii hiiiui 113=IMI, Riit.", MfoOi ItQuylirs niiil Vi-rmin diHii])]iL-urrilniJly- Ki'Ki:u A: HrcpffVEiii llfiigsisl».

" ' WimlJur, Mil.

EYE, EARS OATARRH.TN COMlMiIANGlS WITH TUE RKQUE^T OF-JL piifi¥iiis Hud oitu'i^ dealriug truiitoKriit

Of 1.16 -IVt-m fllllti Ulri-.cl, New .Vurltj

Will nxtrn!l hin atn^ ill Trgiitiin, at thy

TIIKSTOM HOUSE,tu Nuvcmbrr Istj nnd Oiiii be QniisiilttMl an nil


AND ijialJAHIIS OF THE tliltOAT.pi-nfm-fi!, Jlylsua in tlio lltiftd, DieehargiJS ffiim

tho Ear, tliif-nshe, Cntarrh in iLM vjiridLia fuima,and tilBiiaiiiiii gf tin1 Thriiat, pcrtn.ilnLMItlJf yurtiil.

All the yaiiuui diaaaaiia yf thy h'ys inegyEisfiilly

OpemtL^ns fur Crgss^Hyos, ^Ciiiaffirmod to the uiiUri' anlli'ftieMun <if ttit*

Artifiulul Kyui iuir-'rlfd witli'suu jjmove in )*iTfuct h&ruioijy with am! U»

. A c , pur*i


Cornet of State and


Cain & Soft Hats^ Straw Coo«!(j <&6fi

gelt nt iiriaos.tu suit th&tlmi'S, . • '. ; .: ;Uall in and cxiimlng our atogk, »nd yon will find

WINKLEH,57 barren htrcct, Trtfikloti,-tor-

AIANf'f ACTf.-JlKK AM) iJl^ALI'.li i=f

I uopiopies,


tlletf passago iliruugu DJUHIHIIC IIIUJ

wore coiiipliiiianloii by a oorresiiondent ofthe N, Y, Tribune as bqing she linoat andmost substantial looking men Ihiii had

TOii..rora-TlP^J-Jttt"ttUle-^' Y - ' l " t m " ' 1 ^ SI-

paaaed throngli- tlieir_|iroBta. Wo knbwtlio'matoriariif thu 22il, aii'l tliuir friondswill look eorjlidantlj for.uiguijd rupatt oft h e i r s e r v t o e a . ' • • • • • • • • • •

Prqviiius to tiioir daparture, caoh oithe nioii froiii this township was presentedwith a rubber blanket, by means of asubscription in the hands of Mr. A. F.Jab—wliofe untiring effort fnr tho com-fort of tha,ftrtldicrs will be grutofully re-

by thorn —and their manyfrlnndi will hiive the sritiafaotion of know-ing that they Inree gone., thoroughly

•' 1U III)Onu o s t i u e n p y tua jinrsun pending a oliih tif fivu.

Twn ,!.\lr!i d-tjiii^ to IHi. perNijn ann.Uiij! 11 lilnti of

B*#T']'lie Laws uf i . t /cfor Ootobor, is.rifoiivoil. , lJublis lied by Siniiuoys &."(ju\

EA'RJ Th'u, AND CATAHLUI.—In aiiotli-

r c o l u m n w i l l b o fguiiil tiiu a i i v t r t i a u -

of I)r,- Ilowo of New Y.orlt, who hassliide

•quipped to .battlo wiih the elements", and

against rdbellion.


"tong a iid pefiiSr«iitreiftfftB("mrTltriTnTrufour PosttiiaBtar, :wa are tiniilly etijoyingthe brnefifs of a-dailj umil to aiidfroui

city, Jiiiiiifi arriving from Phjlailel

wo oan use without objection of course;eflll" ws.oufthj,,|t}M

a i

Mjlioy "won't let ua have any

here ; io it h hard living, jotl m:iy. be-lieve. ; I- wouldn't give a By for n prnin-isoofjiloitsurij wttliout l%di«»," It .wo'uli]bo duke without sugar or fritit, nnthinytut doughy Wu sliiLLL.Ii3ii.rii hare, in Ion g

"ahsened, how tn-itppreuiatc thorn;- rWon ' rwq loto 'ciiiu.lt when we returu ? whethertlrey icold o r n o H - ' " ' — „ - • — , - — - ----.

Wi ImVe twelve surjooni nnfl fifteenhundred.pntients : the new liospital Willi i d t Atid iiow 1

pliia nt S, and from Now York at 0 o'clockA. M. Mails eloso for tbo former plat'o

the 11th of August, Tha tlrniandH forbis jirofuasinnal services hiive buon sti"real that he lias extiuidod his stay inTronton to tho 1st of November. OurBidhangea nicntioD many cures perfurtuuiiby him siiieu then. We oopy tho follow-ing :

All we npk in our


Earthen and Sto^e

;iful u l l


iH'l^N u ? i ! n l l y fmi in i i n n F i r s t


"s'J Eluetrle Pow 11 cr,"TuFTn?cdfIT~io, AKH $1 DOERS, JSPTTLEH ASP FLASKS

D i^i PiBKa ran I 'I .ANTATIOSS, Smi'aBOATS, iioTELjjj AcM AK5

' 1 * To pruVisHtt thq piihlin fiHim Ini-upon by hfiuriong and highly prr>ii*

iiA't, Ji nu'w Iiihttl. hn.s booh jjru^srHi



AnJ nil HI ulu ul Wiru Wink

nr. \Lnii L.H

i niriill}'. Alan

qt:l»[AN ft ITAAmi iill artk-Ii'?1 ill i

P i l l CENT. hWB: , .:• .Iliiin theuiuiil r^tibil priiicH. . . , . .^«..t«_. liVANH, tlio iiruotiuiil"halter, nlwiiyrin'MteBd*

iinayi v'_ L . _

tHAYBR-* P H I H I B i , ' '-'•Oily IIBII HiitgtiireiTr!iBtoa;H,,J't;


LINK BOOK M ANITF A C T T F H E t t i^ J ~ ^ ~ •'— - - ':'"• :^,~VSI*---r--SZ?.-


THUNTON, N, J.p * All Ofiliirj promptly ftttuniloij to, ami1 i rorkiiiiitoed to givq uiitistoiiuii, = . . .pril Itf. .IMil. if, - • • '.


igMusiLiU 1,1111:,Julilljll.il .111.1 llM

art, iI I I I I l l l V

EilWI>' SCOTT,Brave Soldiers ard SaUors.



Ni J.,.Auguat.2f), 1802.This is to oortify that, my daiiohtor,

having been afflicted for the last eighteenyenni "with deafness nnd diRehtiriges fromboth ears-, caused from scarlet fever when

anFi l l el" w o l l In


CIT «»TOC!1€

hor uirdw tlift oaro of Dr. Howe. Now"her hearing la restored, Shn hearsdistinctly unil tho disoliarpea ' fr'otir

jjars,ls.entirelyjWppedi..^j?roin my inter-with Dr. BoWe, I feel jilftiflbd in[lolidiiig him as a gentluuian woll

v(?rsi>d~iii ihu disoa^BS li» umkea a Speuial--ty of.


ing BOinc vory'Bne ppaehei seni by Mr,,il. 1 . Miirriion,. froin Jiis .orchard j i jOoonee, Illinois. They wore of tbo IleiiibCling variiity, vary large and cif dulioionsflavor, and in a goodstate of, proaervationoonsidoring the" lon | aod rottfTf journey

Steward of State Lunatic"'Asylum.


Congtftntl^ih.hiirirt ftt lowest prlers.

;-pJ Sa/J Hi'rryirhni-MrAJl^Wltiil^^Lt: DllijUUiHTH i_n the llirg'' qitig.^

w ~ h-uiilB uf thumiahmh Jlgente for JS'ew York City.Sliioflulin Hrqiliuri t. Co.; H. A. FiihuijiituL'k, HullA Co.; A It. A U. tt^ldl A Co., Wbttulor 4 ILutii.rainiia l i . ,A«iiiuwiUnsS!oWII & Alluii; Hull,liuqkel A Co; 'ihumnii a t . Fullor; 1*. 1). Qrvij]Hiirrul, Kialiiy A Kitehen ; Hush, Oiile k Itubin-siiii; M. Ward, Cl8iu ,t OIJ.- MuiCiiisQH ii Ugbhins;Ik S. "Jliirura * Cu.i F. O. Woll* A Un.: Lnjolie,Mursb * iiarilner ; Hill, lliuoll t, Cu.j (Juuriidi'ux,

AKD OfltBHi.

rliilnrlalphia, Pa.T. W. Dyott .t Gy.; 1J. A. I'ahniiatQQk A Co.; Ush.urt Rhr'i.-1-niiki-r A Un.; rrnicjll, R.leh(irdg A (jo.;


And h.v itri'ffffhm, Oreriu's.-hlnrrhrjimi nnilLiflailn:* 'Mu.riiny In itll %jQiiniry 'liurii*

OF STATE A (Sr.liV.N. ST.,isrfli Till- !-fi*r ni-rK-jnJ ; ;

. Every Solslinr's Knapsank nnd Rfiftftftn'H ph*Rtiinuhl In1 iiruviihHi with lhi?3HViiiiiiibly remiidiijl, -

— • — ' — • — - ' \ \ —

il UiKu L'fi|)OuijiI eitfo Lliftt thsy beVilla niul Ointment!

t!OAI, Oil-! I.AWI'M!


* nKTAir, I>KAI.I'.R t s



LnriltiilR-g'.nitsofl, Ilrilminlil iinil T'liitail Wuf e, Cu-(htr Wftrn, iiiriili; to imlor.

|7^^SpFyiitl iittontiuii puiil til Framing FirfNr?*.

i f you hnvf lMitnuiw Worth FramiiiKS Fraiui'd.

All ivhr* linveor Ks¥_\*i fiho1*1 vtth.od ttj |iriiyitly iti.HiMit i'lin hv PpnL tliUiiV by i_hp|rW^ti |'t r o v e. i" t o li i; t b a S Jhil n tfr


Will bA(tpuuiHl.r rutiC'vuU'and cffaetanllyoumd^bjnsilng iiit*?*? aitmlrablu ini'ilibinei, a nd by p^ytnifjuisprr HttcffiLifin to ihu DlryBtluHa it-hiuh ars ntia»jliMil tn xnwh I'uL ur tyim*'HirK IlnAUAi'iti;* Ash WANT UF

Thoio so f?ifltU*n us, asuslljyitncas, ubiitrue>ted

gtrouble ur

Uon, or fTitlHj; ? l t firifkiiijf ^ h i i i j ^ v r ^ i y^W..yfjfyijrtuijus ihiiK obstfuoting rho nuoHjiful iMjtlsn of ' t oejivfr and HiuiMnalt. TneaD orguiii muat be rolieTedif you dt'sirH tn ho wuH* Thv IMIls, ,takgn fteoord-in^ in tho jifiistirt din-utluuii'wlll quiykly prddiiBata hcn\ihy iistimi in botli lj?«r awl i tomsehj a t i d u& mttiiriil. eyyiec|uenu(j & ele&f ht ad and geed ap*|MillU"= • . |

Wi-iikiiiBN ur Dcliillty Induced by sviJfl^nllfftiv

Will snail flianpponr by tho a^o nf thele iavainabla1'lHs, utid tii© NiliUor will mibkly uequito addition

^ flbuwul b iLh floi Hiiiluly ayti-flH l l ' l M i l

i l l l

y qlet thflbuwula bo uiLhar g f l

It may seom gtrange thaih m G H d e d f u ' r D j i o B -

pnosing th&t thoj



ua m-iny more.' Atid

:hsyp to eajno to tho pnOent", tho noble," l f i B i i ' 'sugaring goldior«,-*tiiu

have proved-by 'their deedsreally

i -

. of IioroUin1 iind* talor, tliatlovu uur yuuutm-r-ewi-yi

B wbo rend tlio jjapjra at homo yoanp«T,er learn tiiorej what W« BOO of wiHor-

J j i i t r i ipMi oanhot iwrfraj-'it. Imtg.IPptfMible, this «friTal'.J»fr Iho "Joiin

i T i h T r f bundreil.

Plain 'anu fignroil De^nins, Par-me'ttas, Morinos, Sacking '.Vlanhets andOlbalting Cloth*, JSftJmorah and HoopSWrts,. qxobangod- for Hoatafle Btanips,Postal OiiTreneyi-Deniand Notea, Q-80

7 f ]d by yoirupSn me foTBtrabismusjor

ih i h I b I'evos,) with which 1 was born,rosuUiiii tu tiio oiitiio saiist.ietiiifl of.-iflY^s-'clf nnd friends. I bop luavo to add thisJO the UijiriylFStvuiiinijilflymi already jiqs-_

""• in this branch of yourTOUTS viiry truly,

M. -D. 'NAAII.Assistant Editor fif.the True Aiiierioani

ML&, J., Si'pt, 25, 1802.certify that-*13r. Bowo hag

Operatod on iuy niooe. Miss' Einina Hoff,it 74 .Union it feet, -for itrnsbUmus orross eyea, with wbiflh ulie wag offlietedInco lufanoy. Her eyej whioh wai croii-

THE FAI.Ti.TKUM will comnmnte OCTOBEH13th. in tllu Huhqol Hnoiu fijrriipii7 o^eiipinil

by MliJ EiijViifilii^Jiniif Oui M. H. Ohnfell,

Tronsnry Notes, or'any olherUovernmontat Ajjplugot &. NoHon's, Try


ing in BBrtUa and-, on the daok on. iiiat-traiJSi. -You im soaroely itop betweenthem. Tii*re-is. one delirioui, OBlHngiiiiV.s-ni.uiaiA'a-poorfeliow ! ho. will Boonbs.aitried t^QjiV;«torgrceai obinotery,—There is another lyWg quipt and motion-leii, wilb bis loilrou* oyoi 9s«d opon u«,

^ajos |p, earnestly, floM- ho need-- (Il ll j b t 7tb« i t

'ftp-' TScn'd" T."'K/AgnW«""adv5rlttBi-niontin'to-ilay'e pnpor, hoadad, <' WJioiodo you buy your Groceries V ME. Ag-now's entablWiniont. ii ona of-the best andohettpeii.in..the:JJfl(tort Statfls..'....._.-,.-—


forj t h o i i i h l a i t l , in' ,'iexoh'tingb'for "anykind of goodi, ot Appleget & Norton's,

'Tlio Poat, pffioo-at New Sharon,-was diiootitinued a «liprt timei eiboe,

hai agiio Men opened, we undflratanJand- Jlr. -James' D. Hall appointed Post.

will tcii jou mora about Tibia i t lomootber'tfiueT)"l^hero are To many bcaidc^him ih*t" nood wimcthidg to 'encourage

ff, u t i * .sboir -£beyppare romomborcd by_thogo at home, that I

St«sK'n^*r;'v}tli»t^Wnii^aoht o»d jia^j

Sharon,triotioof H(g


— • : • — •

The Itepubliean County Con-vention of Middlesoi County will assom-bltTst the City Hall, m New Bmnswioton Monday, Oft. 13tb, at II o'olook,, A

. (jg^ Don't forget~to Toa^tbeliew ad

Wyes* : Commnii Kiin ; Briiriehea, (a.00 ; High-ir il'i. from S2 flO I'd JS'.pil: N"u uKtrn ehnrgus.J'nuilai'urJiiah their buoka. ..

n, Fupt. 2S, laoa.

?ory badly, is now'quiteThe opoiation waa but of ghort duration,

my uyiuu aujli sausod scarcely-, any

E, BAttWIB.Kuiti Front Slruul,,

Copartnership Notice.rpliE COPiRTNIRiHIP HBRSi'OfpnB EX-X latins- betwoeo tho nndcroignod itt tbo Ori>-

and -ProyUlon bunlnfii, nnder the firm ofIINS, TAyrjOB & Uo,., U thii diiy diisolf^U by


M-TIIDS. J . P U L !i Sept, SO, IBM, 4w,


-X1=IIIN, |iriT!ttii, af Uumpnny jl, 14th Iisgiraeiit2Jew_ Ji:tsisy Voliiilteera, hiiving dyiurttd .thqirOompiiny anil Riglinoiit »lTOym|i Hooker; MmW'noy, Marylnnrt, uh Tliursday, Siiptcmlicr l i , IBM,» ftowiirtl of S4 *fll Uo paid for the appi«lien«ioiinnd ilullvSry uf yiwh of Iho Illinyo numiTl do«crti-r«,at thu mnst eonv-unlont pnst or Rijur^lting fitltioli.





.',ior thii»ii I'illi wllloofrusttholivotBndBtbta*iiiiil thug reinave iill ihn aarid humsrs l^sa-ih* '

atpm. Thiajilgtljyino wiirfllvg lone and ylgsr ta

thine will atop Han r-=5 this finnfln3"nis\ii

u of tho:Bu

^ and rJiGenii litstehei and BB „iiiily L.u niiiicollvf'iiri.il if ths Villa are Ukon

iisstsUiniitiio prTfitod.liiatruotisns. If t r s M ^ ^ B "iiiij Dthgr mitliLiiir li iiy dry up in Olio p&ri te brepjfout in anolhiir; whereas tliiu Ohitmosl wlIlTESiay*^ihu hi.TTinf. ffom ll,n«w.l».nniTirt-lwrf

[ jnmlthy nrnn." It-ffttrT»qirrfg»Tp ^ ;.Per Wounds cither accaaioncd by the BaySBfti

SBbr, or the lliillu, Snfeg or Bruises, to:

IN'lJRDEIi-TO OFFEK To .THE TUBtdCOoods at rouonihls-prir-rii, hns piifchiiaod his

Fall nnd Svinlor Slouk uT DryOooili at lotulooumtirilli aiirlior Ihiin vinal, feeliin onnridoiii tbiiiprigos wijulil llliyo ail imwnrd tondonoyi und Unittlinsis who boiiaiit onrly eouhl sbuitn the -groatwtbargum'i ond biTing netnd ntt'thftt -prinsiplB, Iurn eoiiiuqiioiitly [iropmcd in uihilill. U my ouiy-mers Qoodg at lpitat from 10 to.15 ptTr-sL hhBpthan the PRBHENT WIIOLKHALIS PRIOES INT11B CITY. My stnuk hill ncvor hfon io full

iid.Beiiiplcttil4ll.ii.(bi»Ji»aoBreohipfili*liig a fullinis of ••• - ' .

nv>, LOTT, Corporal, is. b fuet 10 intihns inlafc " . . . . . . .

, . . _ _ . . . . . 1TB», ,ii S foot 10 Inehei inhyight, iiiindy cofflplusion, _blue_eyes, gftndy uairiHg, born ID Middlesex eaunty, N. J.," and livod attha time of hi«aajhlniaijtatjrji;ar'Lll»lt Aorr,"


do., on ths'florBor of M*in rind Htoakton'itreiita.will fur the fntu ro be EOndubtgd by ths undor-

. under tho iitot ofllonniNS A PpLLts.0MAB,-b."BOBBINS,f. J: PULLBJI.

n, Sfpt; M, 1I0J.





Middl«58s County, N. J .BYMMBS If. STULTB,

iaptain'Oo. H,- 14th Heg't N, J.'Vol;-,'Oaasp Hooker, MesOGaey, Md

. SepW SOjlSO*; A .-_:.. .... ..•....'.....-.•..;;:;.W*H*r:


- r-


Tho snbaoriber disireB topuielrast

10,000 Bushels of Oatss -for wblah th« bighe^t market prise tfill" bo paid,on d»llTory»t hii Stort.

nightstown, July 31, 1102. tf.

W INDOW OI ASS, PUTTY. 'AC , IN QUANllllflfl (V < Ul i ***u tiim\iiTii^ r> ^ n ^Tniir L7*ui D^

Old Bank Building, UightitowB. 8s4tf

ENOUSH.FE ^jN u l l . Tooth and Clolhen Brusli*«, tOB«tber

i t t X U \ l d J t t tiol

Ani by ti« Druggiats, BftrsittpiTi, and &••aiiert lonornliy. ' , . VT ,

CftOfl(TJ.J)Bj!«tSM SB_ord.«LML^«!lft__Or address ordon diroot-^iot If Prioea. Termiio . . Is dmtir«d, t y s s n d Kir (1862) Glroulu

d d l l i

R t COSTAB,, N. T-TSrucwte

k lof the



To which Livery Boldior anil Bailor ate Habloj Uioroiinii ho mtidimiiuH io aafo guro, and usovsBieni M ' -llBllowuy's Pilla and O|ntment, Tho poor wo«|Bd«dnndi(lnioj|!lyi«ij*u(rqf«riaiBlitba*q-mw*ott»aiI«-,mediatuly drsg^gd, if ho wuvid only prtrids hipjelf; '•wiih this nuitiihlcMi. Olntmonl, .viieh should"*—'thrust into the w'oiiiul nhd gmiaisnToreiwttha

imorning6 or8 Pllll, tocuol ths 3yStuiaMd proTontipSnmmalioa, .- <: i. ". ^"^J^^^y^^:.;:? ' .

[^CAUTION !-==NonoT)ro gonuine woloM th» r

disgerniibU as ft Wittsr*Tns.rk M, 6V__hook of direutloqa, aroand eash potbr ko3E,f\j|i<*tamo miy bo seen plainly by holding tw /*fl t#flf''

tight A hantfuomn lovrurd will bsflTva t oa^one rendering ^uclx inforuoiioo fta Hift-y leatt^to

,e doloctwn of any purty or partlce oouatytho mcdicincn tir >LudiH£ tho I "- * "- mrluut


Jtyleu ^ . . U M . M J . dmiriiblu Jtylea, c o n 8 W 4 n f pr n n o d u r » r l 3 plaid and plain. Plaid nnd Pliun

tioiij . , Vnlonolin 0 H y _ nppi , , . .Enr .Cloths, and nBPLKNDJD STOOli OI' OHUIGBSTYLES OP MOtJB'. D'LAINKS,

iti all the now


iirocho, StellaT THbet, "Wbul, midCaahmere Shawls,



f M t oolera»l 1J1 oonta. v ':","• '•,-

***Bold at thoTTanufaotory of fmt .SO Maiiton I^ane, Is'. V., uiii by.ftUv

tmloia in Mudioilio thtpiworld.Jn poll, « 25o 620 Mid

\Jf*Ihcre in a consideFlTblo JUTlsg Yiythu larger siEfla. " ^ ^" K B —Direction* for the -guidance of

s ovarv dianrder, aro alExcd to,fiaob. box.

How lost!Ju«t PitbhtAtd in i $rtdtd Enijlape. PZJOLIIL ?

' A Lecture on thlr!J*tirto,iIc«4tnisnl:**lDy«i-il,;Oars of Spftrtnattfifahteft or Stuolnil^lInvoluntary EmUnlom, StiunlJltb

d h t ^ M i f t "


and all DOMESTIC QtidD3 at Jess

slpal Inoaptioity, rualtuSTroBy Robt J. Oulv«rwgin MOutEtt BOOK,, io . ^ ^ j

Tho \rot|d'renoirnfid dth, ol^arly -proTfli'i fil i qv

sifnotiially rtmoved irigut d«ngorou« f g l l l

U lta6ur«jkl ODOfl certain fcnd \



operation ofetiee-iB-diff-

tho country v»no» more

ia ana faro alscl m m»Hj 6T~1tiir

»nd Middle State* »nd C v ~ J - _

^-«t(«BliU wh«reyor it* use is common it ii

bigb estimation. In Baying


Isometrieal Perspective



gIont «jlrill more than pajs tho in-on irt cost

of drilling wheat m.i)

j brufly stated as follows • It «cat-

tern the seed moro evenly over tbc ground

'ihiti iq generally done ID broadcast sovr-

i n g ; tbe wheat ia not so liable to bo

thrown out_by the fleeting and_ thawing.Jtb«t occurs here during tbo winter, tbc

depth at lrhioh the aoed ia placod in tbo

ground can be regulated to a certain ox

toot, «• tbo moisture or dry floss of the

ioilwnay require to insure its speed; gor-

iuinstion. It tnkoa less seed, tlid -oropH

— looV'bettei' and ripens more evenlj -than

if iown in the old fashioned way ; and

laitly the UHO of tho drill insures » mora

h h i of tfia—ground

d l ig p p g p

vioua to seeding, being A good cultivator


As to tbe points io bo possessed by a

good drill: It should supply tlio nrtd reg-

ulurly snd equally to the uepurato drill

luhoa. Tbo grain as it drops into them

should be plaiuly in viow that tfic ope-

rator may see tlioy nro working vtull. It

should not be liable to clog so ns to pre-

vent iha regular flow of seed. It should

have an index to mark tbo qannlily o(

ground sown, and a fixture onubling the

u»or to regulato tho amount of need per

•ore. There should bo a contrivnncc to

raise all Ibe drill tubes off tbo ground

when tnruing, each should work indupcu-

-doutlj-of"tba-Otliur4T.and-b« so-attuulicd

lb»t if« angle of inclination wit.li tbe

ground may bo altered to regulate depth.

Tbe drills should bo ciyht innlien nnnrt..m. M^J %J S. • a A J SJ " ^ " •* ^ * *i* ** *^ ^Jj^_*J_J_^_*lJj W U MM "*• ^ '*^ f "

aud eipbt in number A pood deed Bow-

er should be atuclied so that grusa irud

Jittfy bo down flt thn same tuna tbc when I

is Tbeto points arc postered by nU

drills of recent manufacture! iHtJ b i n ,

though tLcruarc miny differ, nt niulitm

cnl contrivances to secure tliew cndi —

Drilling outs succeeds admirably noun

times but often fiulB The cnuac of fjil-

ure I think it, owinp to dnlliug the sti il

ton doep, the ground at tli it_spjj>pfl _ji.

Cold, nnd soed pljocd too'deeply in the

ground Ha lonp tuu" iu coming up tin

- jJanin-i i r • " ' • '



agricultural writers bnvo doubled' the

-nflcOBflir-y of givinfi-animnls suit. 'I'lio re

marks as to tbo effect of salt upon licnltli,

-by-Pxofciiaor-JiJinston, may—bo relished

by thoso who still put Halt in their own

puddings, nnd allow thciV cnttk u httlt

now and I ben. Hosnj-j — "

The wild buflulu friqiunli tin

oi North'wcaterri Anntioa ;""tlio wilil mii-

mals in the central p.irts of South Africa

(U'O a Buro piny to (lie huntor who 'cun-

ucais himself behind u Hitlt Hpritig ; aujl

our domes'io cattle run peacefully to tbo

haud-tliiiiioffcrji-theiu a_tasto-of -this do-

livioua . luxury. From time iiriiiemor-

iul, it him beeu known thai, without-salt,

pjsujirould unurnhly perish , and ainuug

horrible puiiishiiieiiif, vntniling curtuiu

death, tbut of feeding culprits un millions

food is nnid to have prevailed in former

times. .Mugpotu and uoniiptions are spo-

ken of by undent writers us tbo distress-

ing nyiiiptomH whiob nnltlesa food ciigrn-

dtrs ; but no ancient or unobnmie.il mod-

ern oould rxplnin bow sueli »ui]'ering<-

aroa^ -Now we know why the niiimitl

oraveaiWlt, why it sulfera di-eom!'nrt, and

why it ultimately fulls.iuto disease if .Halt

i b i * l * J : — t r p w a - n l - of—liulf

llie saliue matter of the blood (75 per

cent) consists uf oomnion salt, nnd as this

ia partially diseb/irpcd every .day thiougli

thu akin and tho kidnoyfl, the neocsnity of

ountiuucd suppli 'a i f it to the bcalrtfj"! ody

becomes sufficiently obvious. The bile

also conttniA sod'i ah a Bpccial nud nulls

penpablo cons'it uent, and ?o do nil the

ages of the bodyt Stiut the aupply

of salt, therefore, and neither-will the bilo

bo ab c properly to asiint [ho di^LStioti,

^ ^ S ? ' H W h car-Ulsgos to -ba-bjtijt bp



B t i r t i u ' ; . ,


, If • . 3O Honili Wlmrim,

:Tb7i JVfapv're in annufjiotared from pitro HAWBaniii, and Wirnntcd to coatuin nil tliiMr originM•rgauls m^tttilt—BO barnuj ur culi-incd boD«« nr.jiwd, nnd it )• "Old nndqr a gunrnuti frum thoUUlllfMtartira lh«t it U irto fnrm ttdulter«lJun

t leuon the doujund fuj-.thiA.manure ex-rif74i»7~ fvrm«r ono. nnd with f*>w «x-

j altl bnvo bum highly fiTornble.—N« J>«in» wilt bo ipurcil to maintain itn ataiidarUf M H t ti i i men ramni kiitbt

ttOOOlhu, CASH,

Chround Bones.

A large sujipljoa fcuid for Full gu

X&~ Tht •boVv llanurca can bo had of rojnl.nJ«r>, or of

; Sown,_ , * > «D. SOBonih VhstTU, Vbllntelpliiii

N&RTO1Y Ag>iuforn,ghtsu,,7-17m3


a\J or Mmtatt, mada on.?D IBM; .Noting fa hertby

" BI ol»lln« against the w-i, I«te of tbe Townahip of- — — (ho •«•», nodcr


, T»wjt»,




This work .» oommendod to tho atten-

tion of all who .iro mturcuUd in





Elegantly IjUhograplicd


It ii mounted en catuasi, with rollurn,

aud mil iidoru the wulh of tbo

IUVDVV scitoor, t h e

LECTURE KOOM, thestuDi, or the


It baB been conntructcd from


nnd will be found


to those engaged in

1 LCTCllLXL, on the HOLY L'JM),

or i/i



On the subject to which it refers.

7 Darrip/ivc Manual bound in ww/iii,

and an utdlt/ie Key accompany the View

Price, Ten Dollars,

The following extracts from letters will

ihow tho'opinion of ciinmnt Kiblic ill udio

liri in rifiucULU 49 "Sij

H i ! " • i

•f tl IIJ I I

W k >blirTir

I Irnnl Hint It u i l l Imngou till i

(Ihniiiiii.ln r .jur i n n l u y - i UUJI It uni

II. r I IIN 1" D. m . n I) D nulh. jr of 11 IT U

' l l JJm 1 n-1 ' t o —

I enn he i r t i ' \ uml iMtb LOiiIi 1 II (* r ' niniiion I

it lo bi> us. J 1./ i m l n j oh iu l j un 1 IJ.Wu I J I H tt

rim Intu ReT J I I E ^ A\ /LrxA^Dm, I? D , et

I t ought lo it ind in tin TI rv 1 IS(I< i t r mk oi

" ' r ik i i KKripliiu i l lu 'Lrul i iuu i.l b r i | . i u ro '

II T r i i w i n u N K m it Vl D o f U n t n n

I f i lLnmn this rii.li und bi luliful lun|i n< n vi

i n ! . ih ib i t .u t i uf the g, mr i i l I n i i i n 1 »l l l u Hul l

<-IIY mil i d i . in i ruuj

It. r J o i [ l l A U t i I> 1) of I ln r l f r l , ( 1

I i I Ii >k upon tin t n i p I v i m to lit. [in nt in

Ihn |ni lil_j>jji_in£l_u)|ivll | t i m t n l ]* w I M n,, .

Kiv Millie H o i k i i i l i b I V "i l i m o l Willmui <

'M.ort ef an nct.lfll ri-ul iiotli.it,; o in II l o l t i i

>tlrt|it< <I_(t. KITII nn m m r iti m i l u n l U i t i n g un

}iri 'rtiyr ot thu L sat roil ncoiit. "

i m v, •• r » i i - n i) i) . r \ in i i . r ^ i« I I . , .

Ullll tlBllfj fn>ni | i r m n I obirTTIltlllll I th

*.• II nd b i i u t ) mi 1 IIMIIIIUIIL 3


FiSSI-NOFR TltAENS LEAVE fllOnTSIOWNduilv, (Sundnyi oxecptfid,) A3 follows

Firiit trfiin leaves at . . . . .7^5 s-ctock,' A.'NSnjAnd^ lOrA^ *•-.--.-*-.-*>. ; i « , . Fa.00"- • : *' • P- MThird dojit , . : J3.42 " I1. 31

Kir«t train »t . . ..« 01SLcoml ilo lit . . . . 4 JOThird do, A t o m , nt 117 " 't u u r t h d u ' a t . . . . 10 15 " "

run numiKHTQWN A TnicsiTni1 irst trivin at . . . . . . . , . . .Y 5i o'clock, A 3lfi.i-o.iildo 8 OX " A MThird ilii , 4 10 " P IITuurUnlo . . . . . 5 37 " P MCnpnpr sTriiln, for Anihoy, loiivftsnt 4 30 P hi—Ihiininn^jri! for Fr. olioM, MHn«tapriii and EIIKlinlilown, ivill tiiko tbt 8 A M , and. 3 12 V Mtriune

I b r Itnr for Ni-w Ytrk Bt 1 4 2 nlops only "IJmueflbiir^ anil for Ph.la nt 4 10 only nt llorili nturn nnil Jlnrlln^t n, ull other Irmnu Btop lit nil

Viii4«'n'K'rr«lnvi. N W V . r k from 1'lfrl NnrthRlvir, li\ »tp niitr nl II A M 1 2 i n . l r i l ' M

I rum I'hilu l.lnhiu—liuiu fu it ol \\ ulnut UtrtelI t 6 A JI IJ 10 2 nn 1 j P M

M I M H Y IK lTN"5rim- IVinri Inn Odin f r Nnw l i t k n t B l>7 I* MLine PrliiLutnn iiuim I r I'll• In Iclphin • l i » i

AARON (.iJVVAltD A ; tHi^hliiliiwn April HI IH'*2

IEy Industry we thrive.


Ca~rxrfag1 e E m p o r i u m .

Ti l l ' SUHSrn i l l l III hnfii un lianJ "n nii'-ortmint if I MlHIAdL'i und um |ru|ninil ti

innnuffii turo ut ^hrrt n iti i nity urti lo in tinubiiMiltni nt PKK.] N As I,OU'un thu Him iimiliy Jil b t liuil in Ihn Sljto mil \ \ AIUIAVJ. llusiiiin In ( I K "ltnlui.li in

\V « huvi- n Turn ty ol irlii Ii fl in tlio


jon noRK -2*vn KJ:J\IIRL\G

[MI HU mil "1\\ NTRiiiini ~m»r^ir.( K oi J Pltl

'* ^ °" I 1 DI \ i SON


Sevtrina; Machine Co.,York.

r p o P \UTIL-I J II II } V( QU \TNTI I) millL (h I ink I \ Man inuMi M w MM- v tin.j r < J n l i r t i ^ - i i i l t h < < m i l <. i i TI I u

Li>f h u > i o n 11 H v ( r> " | J L L I 1 I u n r l \% i l l h j i > u u 1i l o i l l H i n t n i L t i v i h ) v n K l » n n i r p i n 1 w i l l iI I H L I I i It11. Hh I i w i » i l l u b i i l i ' b y i l l i l i t t J i n u l i l -i n . r m I M I L ( I I )

I I n 1 >1I \ u n K 1 i I I f q i n t it if n i* * h i l r f t i t i , n U nif t l i r - ,. n l i r . < i r t i l i r

' I I n n M i h m i s t t t r ii l u i i t i . I t h i m n » \ o i h


r r h L M i i i j . - M n h i m m M i L i l u t i<> t h eHi I fll"i tRl ( n 111 H I V i r n t V <il 8 L ^ lUf^ H ( [ H i r I III

IL | i ' i i i i l > I M IL w t l t «i w f n u u l i n n t • t » r n t > t i n ki n H ^ r l o l M ir.4 i l l i f ) \ M M I I > I I L ^ l i i p l n j . m i l l u i i l <*_\ L r y u t i l i x l i ] I I r f i i l W i l l bt \y f r o m t h o l n i L i t^ ' i i i i j i i t o t l m I f o m i l L ( . l u l l l H I H I «>w u Ltiu i t o i l t f r 1h i i r t n . i t It f i l l , E w i t h o u t r l n t i t ^ i t r ^ t i w ^ j j s ^ ^ r , t i i y t f j '' I I I t I HHUl >T I l l H k l l l ^ U l l \ H(l j l l l t11Ul llX lT*iTl"^ 1 111i v h i i t . \ < - r

The Now American Cyclopaedia:A DICTIONARY Or OFNEBAL klsOWLkDur

EnirB" • *

. Ripley aud f has. A. Dana.

IMC,doubts columns. Vol. I 10 II «cirami tiutttr.wiy* • volume, ieill It- i

every thricvrfoitr month.

I'LAN OI' THE OVC'I.OIMiDIA.Tho Now Aiimricnn Cyjlopluillu pronoiilaa puno-

rninlo yioir of alt huiuim kiiowlmlKn, « ' ' t liiistn uttho premint aiixnont. It ombrimr* and pii|iulariio»ovory nubjict that t i l l ho thought ot Jn it» ui.ti inivo".olHini ) In conl itm d 1111 1 tit \\*e jstiblo fundof a.jcumli) mi<l (jrnclicol i.itormnlion on ArtiuidSoiciici), In all thoir bruin;!."", innlhiliiiK AIi-i.li.iii-l n , Jlatbtmntion, A4iroiiJiuy, Philuwi'l'l t l i uni»try unit rii\plulu|(y in t , n " t n r CUHIII.IK.Iand MiuiufilUuron, 011 ],i» M • " " " 11111IIIn.nl!)„•> 0.1 Lio^rnjliy und " ' " I r> II ^r IJ In milLlbnologr 011 I'll.ti< .1 J on i.n) tho Trnd 1 Invontionn', Politic.!, the Thing* of ttuminoii Lift, und(ionurul Liter.Lt.irb:



Ballou Bros.,4UO BrMilwor

ouitalready nnmhi'rrt TH'EI.VK TIIDI.'HAVH nnhi"!.. from(ivory aontlon of tin- inninlry. whiuh ovlileiiinm lluuniver:.i.l poptilarity of ttiiM Niitionul WorkTill-; NEW AMF.tnCAN <:VC LOl-JEO IAU sold oiol .)»ivnly -In- »nlis.:ri|itio.i, and A«pnt iliuvti huo.i up | , i . i n t .d for ulnm-l ull wcliipnP of IhoUnion. I n cfiKii. hoirovcr , ' A^iwit.i uro mil to hofound, wo will ra'cFlvn iiilwrriplioiiii, nnd forwurdcoj.ii'H or thu w o r k , Iron of eipunwi , «i. rn re ip l i.fthe prioo. l 'ei«on« ut n 1li9t111.au m:iy rend monoyfor omj or r n o r e v o l u m i ! " n f i i ' t l i n i 1 , U ni.t IIVIIIKnoiiounury Io tuku tho whot(\ I t V-OI.IIIH-JI ft! outnnl«i..i thny fool inoiiiif.l to • !" no. TIIOHC IIVII.K Intho city will rind a Hubforipticn book ut our Ml JIIw i i T T o - n n n n r n n - n - w i i n . 1 n r o r - n n 1 ii. v . iuiurtf im 1 ub l . hod «i 111 to un\ ) il ( f tin I i n

1) APIM I KIN ^ t f. Pi HI I HI UT41'* \ 11& iiroRilwuy, Nuw Vo.lt

Circat Improvtmtnt* Iu



SHUTTLB^VIACHINEPutciited February 14, 1S5O.


F . Y. S.

lvi null, hv nil lljc pnnclpdi dtnlirs lhrouKhoutPJtlio Unltril


riftMTlttli AiM) UUtMVAItfc

^MPOEIUM.> I I I ! S ( l t r i d II him n i i n t i r i t l j on hnn 1

1 ^ d t i m h U J I A R D W VKI i m l l l j l U S ti l l t l wlui Ii In ID r i H l v t o d i » | i • ) 1 I ut Hinduralo jii-ir.i'i.", wi th rt iwoniiblo prolit, .IK- ivill KirsIn u-'touiciH HI* j ; n it in.r 11111 t 1 tlm in )in \ i \

nil* I U4 elm Im bought ti t l .Lr .1. .Nin l v r k T

Miiludi'll'liiii, or iiny intoruiediutu town,A Koiijl n*dort.ut;iit of

and Alcchaulcs's Hardware.M'UH1-- k l l l H H S HOIS CIMINs K \ M s

au'l H | ' " r 'I " " ur t l ' l ' " l «l J" ' ' ' " 11 I . 1111 rt.1I MSI 1 A M I l ' i l l l i I I I L l l l I f l i i i r j i n g iuconooordioi ; t o q i i u l i t y

| I l j \ ing \i_ n 1 .i>f_ in bn in i ia ni 1 had muc-h oTt11 n ii i ' Tn IT pi IM « I n nlluiK th i u ini^ ui nr,i.[i^lLlnt.r md n ln L attulitiiMi In I b i i r lu l ld , to

' m i n t u i initiiiu IIH i i t j n b l n r ' l i ioiiu^ii r - » I ' a r l iL i i lu n t l in l i i in p u d I • PA11LOR and|


Dppofitc the i.l.l Itiipliit Churchijjhtslown, Muy Hi, tSI52.-*a71

i iKCBfl l CBftAlVTEKt I\o. S

OKDKIl OK K.MTKI) AJIIMUfAXS.' p l l l 1 ^ biuni b ol Hit Oi 1 ir l i t i i l . lnl i i 1 pi I I l i^htnJ_ t m i 14 not i n l \ 11 ill 11 tl tin 1 Ii nii/oli nl but

l i t rn i ry in itH trhurm't i ' r , iin-l oiri.-.rd fucilititirf loriiiiiiitul iiulfurOj r:iti"iiiil iioiii^i-inont, mid 3oL-inl.11 tt IL Mil -It IIDI [II-I 111 I 1 \ llll\ ^ Lll 1> 111 lIllH ] 1 II. LIniti.ilinn IVi' S2 .'ill. Yi ' i ir lyd.u. , '*-! 110. liononl.1in rtink-iiiir.M i?^-0U por wi..t..k. Fuuuru l bmu;lit;i


Thin M i i l n n r is i»n,tini_t. il mi nn cntncl) m »pmiL.jiI. ol iltotliiiui1!!]! ji H e m^ Pi niy n n nut l u *" f

viluulli imiirnvi minbi l i n i n g h e n I M I I I I I I il li> » 1 " III!th must iir iftiiiiii) , N , , u n uni p n n i n n i i i U i . i l A m rl> >"3 ' " l i i . i n llu I , H "f i i ^ l i l u n m i lSIMl ' / .K I I V Hid PI M I I ll<t/> I DMI1IM II l« rh 111 11 i rn , lo bi Im in lulu n m i l In Fur

Ihi M l nln; , irctl .L iililn.il il olji-i-ll i .-u.f,"! " M I " ' " " ' ' ' ' • ' " ' I I J 4 l « » ! l.v « | | i h i i i , ; illuKUii'.t 'ii winj» Mi him — Hi i 1 TI 1 i i Mil i

r j n c i t i n ^ U L In 1 I OT ry Monday 07t n in^ ivttn •-( ir t riu i

1 l \ n MM, liill^iiu 1 ) 1 4 I n u p i n l t t n - .n rUlL UJ II ltDCt. j 1.1^ dL i^lll tnirt til

2 I i l l i l l . t j t9 ,,-a OUt 1)1 I t i l Ml"onli r I rj Di^uirio* \\ Ii* m ionli r

1 l"(j i u i1 t routi l t lind |

Tl i I'll Ii JOHNSTON1 S' / hem,\\1 IU (' , / (


JOHN -WIII blstnwn, Arp.l 1 IMIU — U J


r u n , \ i) 1: L r 111 A .


THESE OBJECTIONS. |I t l n u n i t i i u ^ t i L I n i <1IL JI r i t n i l i i i l u m i n m i l t |

Hi I o i k o r M I I I 1 ] J M i l l I I i v l m Ii m i l n i i t h i r1111" n i 1 I V \ I I u m l i u h L t i n 1 i th l l i s p . 11 In ilrh I r/il tin "*!•* n I Dittir •! I

n i n w | i t i l i i t ™ W 1 I 1 L . I I I i n 1 } d — i i i | i l i u n I f i n i l l n i l i l I " I I \ m i l " t n i l L I n i l D l i i ^1 1 i l l I U l l h i l 1 1 1 l i l t H l l i - I N u n , 1 , M n - . h n m i l l i l l ' / ' " / / • ' * <'«" "I 1>1 t t I « l t it i n lini.ii nr xilk t l i uud II in llm i m l l l i l h M i i i ml OIL ruti I iiiiiiibii A I ' I U I M. \ I i \ K I ,11111 r u n 1 % tho A t t

II ivint in l t l i . r ( AM n n ( ()(• \ \ III 1 I n n d t h f l \ l n ~ - . n r / i nl i a r i i i j i l l l i r r i n i i n , i r rnna i - m . i T j l 4 i - n M ( ^ t t i 1 i i _ [ ^ M T M I I I IU r i l l l l i m i Mi i rnu i tu r l iw n nn

Emphatically a uKll^ss

pKUD l.y the com-

. l i fTii- i i l t j K i t n t i i i U H ;1 < ( r ' l t i i u r y t r i u m p h ,

1 -"fuHT n\ rri orm tin m iwiili^ MiL--ltino Urt. It m1't-fninlly CJH* WO iiD*r ,-*ny

iiipiiruM with U tn ihi» iov t ! H T l i l i M M i l V — . - l l t f l O H t W i t h

irlth Mhn h* Jt iuKuti.iiKinti d m lln^


it.i t n i l rum jim


I twil l^ivo vii iidmirubl* iiton *f-urd it.- niijiitollt plnoon."

Itiiv. JOHM P. l , r > » u i , for 111 jour* a mi

iu rtyriu und tho Ji'.ly I.un I

"Ailmir.ilily n.lnplod to b'undiiy School and Hi

hlo-oluai iiidtructiin.

Tim Into Rev. N. 4Munn.1v, D. D, *f Kliiabeth. \Jtimvy

' I tcunnot full to |Jroiitl.y iicsiiit ti-nohora of Sun-

duy whoula and pul ton hi thoir- Uiblu-cluj-iua. '

Hov. FUANCIA Vidros, D. D,

"Hemnrkahly distinct in tho dflincntinnn, uudwell otdculntiMl w iiuprefffl rclativo luuulUU-a unlliu nirmory "

Iluv OcunnE It CIEVUKU, L'Jitor vf toe Motlrnd

I "

IUT bcLiHL^H Tr-.ii D 1), . r Nuw Y»rk

KI-T Rituiitn J,tT.ro\, D Ii, «f Philadu

^ « will rurnluli the Munual und Outline Ko)fir tlm use of teatlmrn In • rcr i ft.hool whtri- thew.irk is introiluocd nt J.1 por don-n Hingk corpli iwill bi si nt Tof miimitiatiiin *n thr rccoipt »f 10leatd in poatngt, atmniis

A l.nw ilewrlptno citnli>guG of ciunl iv 'vihoollibrnrr Links «n'l l»inpl« coplaii nf nnr pajwr mil

jig_fuqiljli«iljriiliil»miiiljr ou mipUoniitm

•*Iliibit\tcr, lionet Lo/(tlt

cvpr pnulu-

Proprietors of the Sunday School Timet,

148 South Fourth Stroot,


OH I HOW SWEETND FUAGRVNT, ARE jnr, PEltFL*ME3aud Toll.t "" dA nr, PEltFLME3

aud Toll.t fl^ip., dfjipon.M OT H0I.COMBE,at the t.«w Drag 8t*r«, in the Old Bank Jlufldiog,ilisbtitoiui (kufi


[nut iFXCi-pliim — luktin tin* II1^1I(.»MI p r n n i i n n , \\h nn u r Llm MiiKlihli! IMH ho.-ll pn>]>urly ( Jtliihitnl in

• nipotitioiV^lth oilitT lirnl-.•!(.,-- N r u m - M m - i r i i H -l|ttm:u in it (lint wo firu lilil^ toi .nVr tlir 1 ' I .DIBII I ,^iiin-jiiiU'ti/vJ7,; •' Wo ivnrriitit «vcry Mu^liin « t-<;II to £\V*} ItKTTi-'it HiiLiHCilCti H th'Lii uny irtln r*M iTii'g Sltn;liin*j in nmrki.it. "<»r nnnuiy riitund' 1Wtt n«v«r a e l l n tiincihinir on «ny o t b o r tornlH, 'I'ltt-(riiiLrtLntoi} U IIH. t't-'ltnlilo an tin; nulo of uny Unt*im*!(.*IIIILII in thu 1,'iiid- Fiir Hiuru ( I n n llvo you id h L\<\\r rolii 'd HJHUI J<IIC.II I'nctn for tlni ri*l>ntiLti^n ofuutMuehhu! ; nnd wi thou t n fill-in t r^vul i i ]^ it^t;iit intho fiulil, Wmrii in uoiirtM-ly a iioi^liliorhuntt on (h<_

mtin**nt whore tho Muuhino U «»t invnr.'iblykti iwn \\*. tnt for atn,h '* L* puLILLIUII t J Lnu Li ud»n uniTi ' tnlkin points us tli y ir< Im hm IL] 1 ^

<;n!lu(l in tlm tun ic llcitCU IV*1 ninko JjUtum* kin I>t' Ptitoh, vix., tho lo ' ik-st i tch, nl iku on both siiKrr r q u i r i n ^ only uiit; 'tliird tiio thrt-iul u t 'o thur k inds>f dtitrtii-J.

M • ti, LDOSII Afiuntfl wiLiiteil in r v r r y oountvIlirmillhoin \\\M Wldti tttruoiul iiiiluOiTtnrnU of-f. r . <1

LYON-S—1VT 00-!S ISfiOAHWAY, NK\y YORK.1911'.!-ty

Noni:nn\<; IOK 1 HK

A" Necessity iu Kvery Household!!



[ I'ruil }y a AltluriLtUi Ci mi-iit. d ltiA —^\ rti

It i* ."*o cimveniont to huvv in (Iii Lxmen

thl-1 ^omnicmUnt.

flnrl it /bofiy."—J\\ Y. T p

w n Intvo tri*;*l it. nhou**.-H* ffiiU*r."—IVtt&

I*< ice

ii'it oj't/it Timc

Cents per RoUlc.

Very Itbouil Roduohona to AVholon tie

Dualcr* Tenirt CASK

[37 T1'*1" "^l^ ''V nil l > r »^ "i^t11 ftnil blon kut perirnll^ thrMij^li ut





I^ATTKItNior nil tlm modern styles of Wroujund < n^t ltvn 1 tin Itiff • Tor f. eiueterms. Ih

\urd^ Di»Iditig-i A.r , mfiy li« Mtu and cYumitiedby riillip^ nn tlu wihacrlber. who in pi pared to putup the rtunie ihith either 11VQ or nlnrble ponlst lu([IMII) nrder unil nt abort nutlet.

Apni io, liai. Tnos.r. PEIRCE

WliccIwrighUn- aud/

r b ^ h p * , - Ktlll~fl&rr!ed on ftt th^oli]atnnd, in Motrl»nt ilreet Work warriuited toglte utlifuttnn, «»d ptiiiei to mit^I>« timen


TJArjJTOTI., KAHI*"Orr,, MAUHIJTCKY OILJT -Lgioh«r Otr(,*itd- rirf^f.uTBTT kltRIor OTT

btained «l UOLCOMBE'S" D n f Rton, nl


M t ' II. I I I .( i n i i i )K t n i t i l n n l i r n m l i ^ ( I M V \p l l l \ I f , l \ l L U t l l l - 1 t l I t l l l t i ~ |

Wen n i i l l i i l l ^ i n i i t j i l l t l i i^f \vK > i m \ d t MM I in [ i i h t i n i n < l \ t ^ w I t l i i ^ u p ( u r II i i i I 1 1 i. i l l i n 1 i

i M i n i i n i I l i i i I n i m i l h i l M \ ( H I M |t > n t III i i n i i v i H p L 111 III i i u n . 1 d u I I I i u l | t i t t h i

l u t r I | U I , , t 'M l III I M S I I M i n i s DI !1 ^ , M \ K I I i< I I \ ( II M I M U s ( l ) l ( S | 1 M \ K I I IS ]J ^ V I I J Jv I l l l l l ^ S|J()T i t l ^ j j l j ^ .^ I

V I ^ 1 ^ I l \ 1 I I M I N M \ K I I s 'I I O S D M M A k l I s

1 i,-.Ht i n m n n i l h e ' l l )11} n i l l m i l l

( / Ol If If III\f s C OVPI I III ' I I miih M i l ' m i . i l Ni ' • - i i i i l l ni n l |n tnr ni. ,i II \ i 11 u •.!/! d i ^i i

( nhnut-i lit ciinj I in 11/

W i n m l \ i n t - I I n i l i n n I I - . i n t i n I n l l ' i l M i l * - .i\ Ii i t n n ii it i n t L I I I I I I K 1 il 11 h d u n i l m i

I \ \ I U M l 1 ) 1 1 s t i u p l \ 7 T ~ I n t i n l ) i p i i n i r v ,i n t i t l u i l l l n t i I i n I I i h I l i l t i n m 1 | i t i n

I t p q n u n lO 1*1 I t ( I N I ! i " » I I l i n n I t I 1 I . I I i i _ u _ U u i . O fclUniBJ . l " r p i n t l . . t w i l ln u i j i i i M i i H i i . K i n t i i i u l t \ ^ n 1 1 2 \ i u i I i , ] i i> Iti i i i n i l i t l i u l i h m i l l n i t l i i l iL . i i | i \ | | i i 1 ) 1 T M i l l I I N I I O I I i l l l I O V A i t m '

I i i i - t i m , . ! ] ! m i l \'. i n . J L i fill s ! \ | i I I ' • i n m i J l « u I I . i i t u n . N o „ h r u t l i ^ l i i i hI n i l i l m I i m p ^i l h i n , i r i P h i l n l h h i . l ' i

M i l h S


Tht Heroes Of AVar!

Dyspepsia BemedrDR. DARIUS HAM'S

AROMATIC INVICIORATI11O II'IJRIX.Tins I\ftrlict7if hat Imfijt used by tht-vitblicfirr jttxyean, vi'tli irieirauiig fiivur It tn-rrmmmrii-itfd to cllrti pgipffittir. 'Ifeniamniium, Ilraii-

JJurn, Co/it Jfntut, Wind tit xhr btoiruirJi,or PatiM til tin lioueh Hradtuht, J)rnii.

Ittint, liito&tc.ite or p/y

A £TA MEDICINE, it i #quUk. mid *.Oeot«n| , „-x i rinjf thu inout AiFgrnrnto'l <in»^a ut lilapnwiu'Kulury Coinpliuntu, itnd nil other tit rii)ijriiuiciitji oitlif Mom ILII nnd itow* I", ii ii ppci dy innniipr

It Y- ill nipt m th n \ ivr niplnm holy nn,| ^r*n*|*liiijBpinU «ndro-«tnrL tin v*i ik, nt-i-rous nnd ntLIit« htjtllli hfri ngth find \ i^or

l'erfumnwho from tlio mjudirioiiA nio of Hqimra,hi me Ln oine dtjtuttil, und Un 11 Vinous #$ tuiiikh ltitr* d,—otmht-ititlntiiH bniknit floirn irto th it ImrnMo enrm fl| hum init> , (heI ll l I l Uwill ulnnf-t imnu Ii i ly, U PJ the h inpy

y f D J[um « Iu

IVI1ATIT WILT. DO.Dona — Olio wimj ghifltffull im oftonnOin ilom vi ill m i n » u nil JJnd fijtiritd<>no lions will oui'u Jlunrt HumTh ire du.ivK will euro Iiidi^t^tinn

U mduiM* wljl j^ivi- you u a,n,d ApuutHoi will iiujj tht didtre-.fijiK » unj „! j>n1 * " " i » , , , , , r

ihlo ill. l imit Wind uml Fintin -lin nn h i m in i tho Iiiii^imiiInitli-isirig loud uml nil imiiiliil K i ln i " , «'ill ijt rinun id

t*n») dole v, ill rimoin tin? m e t <liof Culm < i lhir in tliKKtiniiiich ir hn

A I m i|iHii.nill rviiiuii. ill Dbfltm t ioa i in thoKiiliii.i lilnddcr or Uriiinri Oiguw

Ftr i i i m t n . ualy iillh l i d m t l , iny UJIJTILY Tdm

id as IIOII ii?"h v l ' n t tin

"K P "

p p y n j l i r r L 7 y i i llofto (>r tiwiund u rudiiml euro Uy ihu umi <ir..nu ur two buttlua'

mid IILI IhIi nt h. .id IL.II


k m

n l ing ton lnnoh ny i r n . - l i t

1 "f "i nil, in ikniJ* -iddim H lu , mil hnd ono duju mi l r m i u n ull bud

1 IIIIIIH orwoukly nnd i i ikl j Kinilitutionx Wn.uliltuko tlm iimgiiriiting Min t t h r u I n u uduy itmil iniiLo tin in atronK h .ul lhj md luppi , m u m nnil ulHtrui.tif.ii3 und ui ig i i luul ics lrun thi IIHII-Kti II I ) ' i tg LII-, und ri -(turn tlm liltnniyf hnulth undhi inl> t j thu i iiriuiorn t u i

Dining prihniiiiii it will l)d limnil nn invulu ihl,•nidi i n u t o n n u i u ili<iiikrivnLIu i n , , ! , „ „ , l t t i , 0tun uli VII tin pru| notiiniHKi lau trial mill tu

n dun llu In hm put u p t h i Im i uruti£niii I ut [I. i ui >ii i ti ijn irt >1

In in n l dt | nl, Is Unt i l s t r u t \ Y ( . n u n .\ n ' i i t lu. l'hilu.lilphiii, I tt U i u i ^ i , , na

; w i h s i, ,i,t «t *• 'Iul

und 11 i ^lliot kSil.l III C m Ijr rlT Iiy Tuhn S

Ji.mi^ If ( iiitivi rInno 21 IKli) *

, Miiiritii:

• n Hi^htatown, bT J II WVLH-KS


in in l ln of i t i pnlil i . u h m It M a n t n t i n Ni «^ f r l i t nrnr ly 2111) J I I ^ I I M m , n| th,, l , 1 M 1 1

md JlyiniLi ivtro w n t t u i i nxjircHajy fur n,j.« \TO].

nun I t will ri inn lit 11 p ipnl tr J III! j n d n 11 ur(Dull A'o' I) irliii-h IIIIH run u p to tho nnnriui 111i uiulu r i I I7'I Hilt) i n p i n m \ i n i i.nt^tiii.iiiiini l . '•mi liiy -li h . I bi >k ul a i i / L i » n . d in llu"Luui l l r j . ALu, hnth Voluini;fl n r r honiiil in om.- ton. niniiidiito vohuolii wi<lhin^ them in thnt fnriul*ri*;UH l)f Hull NO; 2. pHJ.OV 1SIIV1-M. lil UOII tn, ^ 1 2 IID0 Di .und , 2S ui-nts. 5-1S iioj-IIID. Cloth htiui.di mil i d ,ill id i.ti S-.'J pi r Inn ] ill No 1 i n|mr u o y i a }i rtrt. iill) pur. Inn l l n n n l m , , i . f i n

i n Idt' Ililla Aiu 1.1 2 l i iniid I j i t l u r j n , i ,

7 1 " | » i l l i f l i -' i u p m _ l i i ^ J i V I " ' ,'.1'.' " l 0 1 ' n ' 'f Ll UW

• • n i u j i . i i i h i h i u a t t in ri t nl p in iH O I L A U , \ \ I T I K S I'libliM, r_

fi l i l ) tlm^a 411 l>rn .ilmfv N m ^ i i t k

_Ulr'll_, I"-1 ' V _lll4lf3lr)((J)'U J J - I L ' , .^ l-i^i"TTff~noniv roi l rr\y~s^ i[ooj,s

nliii m i l y ItyIt mil-.

i illi 1 llu I) V\ SCHOOL III LI nlont i in i i nl ill 2H0 p i m nl i h u n .( ii I m I l u i t l i I r n i Q in i r t i i t s IUKI ( l ioruunniiiiii of Minn u i i t l i n i \ | r i i . - . | j Im l l i imi i iK In.• ld i 2 piiKH i I (In I liiiH.iiM oi M,i | L J i n | | .

I M1MA1 \FWn i l lul l I n I i / i n i W i t t t t "M t i n r ]"> u

l l l < U > u k n o w n j ' E


W i l l 1 >t r l>llt ' 110

Pliotopitiphic Portrait Gallory,| in u iu h u ill III Ii il I ir tr l i t , if i n i r l j nil tin

I i n un ut Alin id \ i n i r u i nut i \ j n n ^ liftIII I- l.illi U i u i , D - l l I 1 I } 1 m l i hi t 1 nth

r i U 1 i it . I'rit i ol IV i tr t i l l s? * i r d o n nt un hi it in I.i ]n n l



!••: OIT T U T

in i I til II hi 1 i il J iv\ i

I il Hid in i.thi i

\n roil Tiir TJMON- <nnd in nten u* ipii- fiirm

,i nt s

J I A K I I I A C E . — I I . l . o v , , ,,,,,1 ¥ > „ [ , . ,n n* md HIIIMM, lni|irrf mid InirK, r<^'iL-n mid

.y.-; MANIIOOll, ln,« l,,M. Imw ri-.«l..r.-.l ; Iliir miI ur. In i l t u n t ] i i in t II^I It

M i l l u n t i r \ I u n I, Il i t Ull I I I II

r - u n . n l » , i l I, 3-.il i t d I 11 s I -V " . 1 I .1 i | i111 i n r i i i - i n 4 t II i i i n p i n i i I i i . i n i t ' I " , , , I

I I n I ill I . i | | m i l r i i l l t l l i i ! I l III I I I \] I - . JU r I l l l l l . -x| I Ll . . . I , , I h . Vl V M 1 \ . 1 . - I H U

(?*4 in Pnrifi[ ^utnl und Fri

n .S^utliiinl, Iroliun.l, AVHIOH, HulLiiul, Svrhui-1, Spain, on thu KHhio, In Athona,yj'l, Tin-ktiy, t|io Jluly l^iiinl, Chlnu, In

in, IJubii, illtii , •Vo.,-.to , till mji/fit i/ui,

ii INM IM \Mo< '-siLiuu'-roriL \n wsThe Qieatcst Wonder of the Age

I l r \ l " , ^ , ' l VI " \ \ '. l l , " ' " l r ' . ! • ' " . " H i e I l l thp i i r t o r , , , , „ „ ! nn 1\ i , V i . • ' . . " ' " i " 1 1 1 " ' " Hu ni h.rur.l w l . r .n. i i i i r fofuhi i l i , orlliLI. <k I. i i l l b . lu l l . , l i . n l - . l i n n i . , , ,n r r " n, r h , I m i . n . i .iu. - n .1 . . . tin ill rht iB t , ] , . . „ ,

ILII I ( \ u i in in i r u ii inI I.HueirliI tin ir en mn t n i I u r i pi in In , . n un Ii . m i l It ut il ti 31111th in i ui ii> HU 1 i I 1 i r p IHlul l ) . \ | 1 . iu. I . i r> p n n Ii I ku ivl, I, i LI ut'hniilil bu kn in , n h t r j J,' n i l It ir lull 1 . n^i Ii-"i|?—, t n tu i l ft di 1 < IL 4 I l i l l m i ) m r-diuulil kiimi Kill) it i , n l,i dt t i n t ill ll.I hi I u l , 1up ill I li.it III ill) ,lit tht h >n^i I t m i l hi n i t t iHIM lum mi ri t .) t t.t 21 n n ' - in i 11 ii in i nt I i

\d In Hi Vi M •* IH S i . IJt, --1 n u . it

n<• I" i i 1 . . . . l l . Hil l . , k h l , i ,

llT M I I .K II 1) vKJ> Iinat tur u h i t >unr dnuiiHti inii.i l i l . f . r t i u put

" und r tlm i i n "I n n >f tin u ili.r.i ui ' i i—ii In. m l i . i ti i in tin

, I a . - i p v . t L r "

in tin* IlnCAT,\i.M

\ i \T< ^tun n i itit


on bundof Stcrti

. nnd plintrf nf nil HUTil IM i i n t f i t i

- tho lar t

• phiu Al


Ity mail

ow York.



'JTi:\ U'ARB.^ , rpilL slIBSCltrnFR IIAs TON-

" "g X -tinti-i inrirvnd a u I i-woTl"r S j - m i n t ill Ol'I K ), PMll tm AN'])rODklNU S l t ) \ l s , auitiil.I,. f.u n«rytin- ycur, wl.ivh cnnni.t ho pf uountry, uilhi-r in regard In

n thin rii?utiun

K€0\0MY, ITILITY or DlUABILITY,ALSO, nfull mvnrttiiDrit nrrnuily innilc'TIN.'JA-

PAN NKD. AND HIIKKT IKON *A11E, ivhluli huwill Ki-11 «t tkv very lowt-at CASH

Gutters,»11 kin<li)

dftn^ in thp be*t uiiiiniir .md with Uli'luiti.li IIn\ui^ hnt^'nllich vxponcnm in roofing he tt-vli* lon-h li nt thiit k, mi I {givo p* rftt I gufinttntion tidhu tnki i pliimure in j . i ju .g Unit .ill work will hi

Stricrntlitiri.-n *ill be pTiil to ri puir.ng rlthcrtin w u r c ^ t o n a, or any tiling in hu. l.ni of Im..

uino nnd try mo bof^rf; li"M>kinir olKinvwill fin<l mi* Ht M«.-7, Stockton utrrnt.

TIT CANS of the LAT1SSToii"h7inil.

DAVID V.CAIMIAIITrtlowiK April 12, 1802,-4

flit. Victory PollsliinxFor olnnning uml briffl.tcniiiK Silver. White .M<

tnl. Oolil. l l r a i i , Ac, Thi" nriivlo i," unl ike nil i.lh-h lnr poli


hnwdof^. from the f:ict llu.t. it will

l '^ n cKntr brilliant po'Mt lriltii.itt .tlicli-nsl .'InnEvr «f stirntchln^: I t in tliv olionpt^t mid hi'Ut ev-er Invented. Pni -up ID n«At -wiwhltTn-tHiJca-ar 15nit ptrliiM. K'ofniiiiiy nlionid full trf gol it. ForRftle nt nil l)ru|f itud IIurdiTHru nturi'i*.

Q. W.- WIIFTMiiftR, Tnviintor.ipllO-^m 177 "'Illllnm Bt , N o T Vork.

Fnirmcrs, Aitention 1PQVSV1 <>F WOOL WASTED\f\ fififi ST

» J U , l / U V bf PVITUW AiMubAT. lllghutownN J, for Which tho bUh«'t cart j.rlcA wllrba nnld "

M«j»l Im


"Wnuld TP5pccfrfnll.r unnounco !.# Farittcr.1 -ftinlitlhcrn tint Imviii ' K ^ " 1 hiH iLitcnti n m l u w htu thu I rm.tlHL ( f \ uli rllulry Alt ln.Hn i\\ I ^nr^ry , innl l i t i ? brnnchi?, hu is pri>p:ircd to nttumlimniiptly U> thu CJOU of ull who muy fuvor himwith ihrir ]intritmij<e

Ilia i'\p*!iiunuv unil ftutice_g* \n troutin^ the vuriotiH tijijurtvti of the hori?u iii'luci; him to btiloivtt tlmthe IIIHT rLumtnftMy ln>p» lo iwont tlm CCJUHIII IKD

^ t l tl hlp{j/ p ntt tnt l tn will bo pjtd to tin r

tion of. uoltd in Lhu Huro4t nnd ino^t d-])provt;il l

J l in j amin l ln i l l ' i i i j , t «1 it Al '-mith1 U131I A\ IIIJUT M b , Win \V iriTi^k J ^J O Norn* h**i M«j 1 H Aiml.jn(o

VU(i M la>liir 1*1April 15 13C1 ^tl

ijig|jtstofoii JHi

r f iHr 'SUt ' -Oninin hmoiipnod n mnrblo y irdI in MUJ, b l U r i T , IIMlit,l,,,v,, wlio/u hj

will bu found rendy tn ijut tounlvr, nil kind.* uf

MARBLE WORK,including rinln nnd OrnnlnontM MONUMENTSHI All MONKS, MANTJ-hPILCr-. 1AU1.J. nMtoi M I u WP1;, r»iii» fi-r ouiETEUr P L NCLS i f jiTory vnriotv, i o , Ao.

llo kii.piu.iiijtnntlv mi lnn.l MtklaitK of Atncr-Iruu mid 1 urutjrp jl.VUItLE which he mil acll nachLapmcub bu puriihiuod in Jinw " i lJ o * y

A slmro of puhllo pA(roi.»i;o Is tollrllid Orderstint. It*! to witli pruuilrtJii5M ijn.il

r of buiincu, noxt dour to

I»m I'm a brour,Olil Dank Ituililiug, llightstsirn.

30.000 CopieK of *h

DDiiii^, \ttsa ui mi?muryT Hnti uitn4iixfrom flArlyortorsf bj fallow-

rcn In mmtjdioiU vork.

ABE tNYITtD TO CAKLGrdsr* by mull -wlll.fwiirni aipooiiU a.ttcn-AH k M r« il hl» duty, in rafi hldolo tiaitilhor hod fur the

(j^ y p U attcn

tlon, AH w»rk warr«ntM -j* rot.ni»ii<rd, or nol JAMBII M l

, rJAMBII Mf AVl t lM.

fnllowlng frmtdiM* , p< rfr , r i l i c i t n o L cmh

•Obrd. ATau'< CATHA« nr 1'ji i » have brrn pr«rhth ll hh h l i r

nllowlng frmtdiM ire^ifcrrd to^the puljli*u tfa* Hit, moat p< rfr* t, which mrilicalicitnoL cmh

C 1' h b•Obrd. ATau'< CATHA« nr 1'ji i » have brrn pr«r

p«*dwUhthe-, t m i ) l t .kill whl.h the tnrdicl iro r

£"•* i? O ' 'lli lK" PO"'"««. • n d t h l " r •ir«t» ihow? " f !• h i l b l i

lli l K " PO

Hit fountiim. of Ivfc and Tiuor, — h««ltli tour..., . l e w through th, body, i m d V .«k « „ , . ™«llaIfim fh«r , „ »U«.»d to di.c«.c, B l l d i ; , , . ' ,unit, fur when takrn 6> out in llnlth th . j Broduc.hut lml«- rff.ct. Ih l . l. the ptrftctlon of lordum.It m nutAgiuiHtic to II.IMSI., ind no more r.nil.rchildri.ii nuy tnke them with jnipimilj. \( ,),.„are nick thty will .lire them, if tbpy tirt woll tli»iwill do lltem no hftrin.

dive ..theni to tonic patltnt who hns bern prof-tr&tpd with bilious complaint nut; his bent-up, tut-ti rinK fonn »trait)itiu with strength ngaiu , «i« hi^lunK-loat •piietito n turn , Bel hu climiuj ftiturw.hloinom Into k l t h G tl t llK piehloinom Into

, j titurw.Gne tlum to .tuiio !iulln»r

b rU llwlioic foul blood has bur.t out in s t roM* nil hu• LIII m conr td Mth ,OI?i, n | l 0 stanut, or »iu. , tlies in anguish IK h.i. bten dnnclud insult i n dnut with eier) potion which ingenuity could JUK-(?cit Givi him theso I'll i.i, timt niaifc the slleci»te the sc lbs full from his body , s ie th* m, , , furskin tli it iitiu Kroiin undrr thim , tee the 1 iti l.ij.rt h i t / i s cli in ( m r Ihim to t lm whmr MIUIThumors have plmitid rlnum itimn in hi« jointi) midb u n i i , more liim snd ha ' . n u t t i n with p u n , hetoo hin biiin auiktd t]iroiif(h crtry muscle nX \imIMIIIT iriih liiiinimtx jiid ailvvi, (,IYC him thaa*1*11 L I to purify hu blood , tin.) muj nut cure bm*>,for, nun ' therr ^re easpi nhuL no ninrti.1 poWiM7

cun reach , but in irk., hr w ilks witU crutches UKIT,Liid uni* he wulk^ slouo, they h-ivt rurud kiiuGive, them tt. ihr 11 III, inur, Knjjpard dv9[itpnc,irhnav Kn^\Tin^ iitomAih lu* lnii^ -inft eatcp >itciysmile from hn face and ever} muscle from liu body.S. a hm i|ipctiti r i turu, and with it hu, liealth, >eiitilt I W I . iiinn,—Sn-hrr^th it irnTTidiant-with hrrttUnnd lov^hnins bli?tcd mid tuu eirlv witknring»w IT , wint of t i n t u t or mental aiiijuish, ur somelurking dini-nse, L u JomnffJ tht intirnnl o r ^ n .of digi^timi, unMiuilation or seCECtiun, till th»y tLu-tin lr olBie ill Her bloud is t l tnted, l u r health i«(•one Give h<ir t h e n P n IJJ to stinuilat* tht vitilprmcipli> Into r e m n t d Tijtor, to cast out ihr ob-etru, tions, «nd mfute a new vitality into t in Mood.Noiv look itt nn — tti» roars blosiom on her chirk,nfcd Tihire IiLtplv sorrow nut jo} bursts from evtryfeature See tin. swi «i infant wuittd with mri««.ItH WIlIl, SllkW fLatlirLS tvll )OU lUtllOUt U4S|(Ul3epand piinfullj d l m m t , that thty arc c i lu i i Hi U/dmiiT It« pinchi d up nine and f i r s , and riatlgin"Itepings, till the dreadful truth m KiiKuii|;r wlmlje n r y luutlur knuwii Glie it the T I L L S in Km«dosei to siveip thtac Tile pir isi tn frnm the budrJIOM tui-n igain mid vti tin rmldy bloom of child-hood I» it lmthniL to do these thiiipa ? Is 17, in itin ) mil the nnrTi I nf thia a^ii ? And ymt thay medone .round )ou e\ir> day.

i l ive juu thi less serious n^mptorns of thvie dts-tLtiipirs, thri arr tilt easier cured Jnunih e.Contiiem^s, HniKclic, Sidencht, Heartburn J D I JStoiinch, ?iaunei, Pirin in the-Howelx Himl t i ic r fl n . i n r Appftito, Kmit's fcvil, l » i u n l B n , Omit »ndkindred comul nuts ailarixc from the dcrauRvmrni*wlmli thrnt I'll i s rjpidly mre lake thmn raw.

1 " " HIM t-uuHHI til » Koi.H 'i'li>ti".nir Tim t i n , if nnt, t iko them juriiiiouilf b» nirhadvice -\* « t ^ITP vim; -inil the diMrt-asnig, daujji r-oua iliaf.iiiir«-tln/\ tnrr , wlnrTl 2IT1|LI~SO nianT millions of the huiiinn, r.ico. orf cast out like tfiV'dciiUof old — thrymust.biirn.1. in tlir hiutcs and in tk»sen. Price M centn per lioi — ,'i hoxes for £\.

Through -i tuil of nun* M-irj nnd throi^h everynation of e inh/ td m m ATlh u( HVKTT pLt TOILXLhas tircii found to afiord liuire relief nnii to curemore e;it>fii of puhnim;ir.T distune than nnj othi-t-renndy known to minkind C i i u of nppaitatly.rttled CMi^mnptiuii l i n e bttn c^ved by u, andthomaiulM of uulTiTcra who were drrnied bfyond Ihnrtach ^t( human aid rhi4Te bt.-n rcntorvd lo th»irfriends and unrfulneiii, to wiiunl hvnlth lind

j f Iff*., T.r i I'd i . t v . r i of llu hini,i md thr n t Hrre a lolil h dseitlnl im Ihi- liinjji I h e du Inikinx t l i.ijli thegl it^T r l f . Mill till l>.ll, , thin fntnijii nf him who« i 1 iff ' l"-i) u.d iti IIIR, iilu., cr tf nil bul himf tiNfi MrmiN l ie t n i . n e r r iliinit, but tliodi i 1-.C- if. Kni«iii|; u his ^it^ls, nnd show-i usfitil in iiipluini imirt jnd muTO im rai l hm fr in aHe 11 t ikll)£ till C liyiLKl r i t r i l K l I in ur il h . istopptd hi* it)ii|h md m itti hu b i o t h i i ^ I-T*I ,hu ».l(ip_i^ -yuiul ^l in^'it Jui.jpjt . t i t i Lilmi «,_jnd i i i t l i it hi tn ni th Tl.e dan nhicb pi^rcuJ111 j «idc i1. biokm iiL^rrtlv nhT nci^libfirlu i d cmbe fi.uiul nbull lui nut Ht.nii- hvini tt. phv Ilk* thuto oh idow furlh thi virtues winch. D IT« iron for thuC HI i m r P> t niRAi in irtipen hahk r tnn^n 1, titi ufcrfidm9i tUic^ nut mil hsr* N I T it

ii. ul-i im - . i t i j mil nrigi i* i n Lhil nrlinniy pliili. . inort li> piivctitinii than curr Tut c .nut^ ^ i 1 " ? 1 ' 1 n"ll!iii ' i»i:i!. '_!l"J.ri l y ^ a ^ - " " V i l . J i t s colil- ii"f co j h . whuli ,t l u r i . ure Ibe ,cfd.'. ! " " . .".f. ' V." V ' i ' " i" , .I"1"' ' »!"B<-<rr"th |/ wbicli .T.iiild li.vi- ripcmd lilt , a dirjdfnl h n r . l

•un i i i u i i i i i t , nlni tl,. IIIRKIIIIII » i r ih .ml . i i f imi r 'b l i hi a>rs. ] i imir i i ra , rr iup BrrnrlntK,' " " " •' ' ' " " - y ol l ' " h "ttlllllivt mil .ml < III «ri£|it^._l ltMIliV A\ limlpilii, ( • nffn, mil .ill i r,-I..in,.; milMr nil iiiiiiiiiui lli it ni tiuulU iv, II . n n i i m »t ll.r throjt and IUIIKI are ei - i l / cnrr.l hiIII i i \pirii .niid in nnlin.i.i,- ill 1.. ,111111 ri lu u ,n 'Nil.- f nr«Hi P i t n m i i •f l ikin m . H . I n I v i v.nth /ml In m i n i m i ' kill in i m ol llu in , t fVmili I 'II uld MTI- it hv them ind Ihi-T ITI I And itlinli l i i n n j l i n u t j i inprnni) , I n i p i n . ^ i i , I I »*i nuj ln ib le protri turn I m thw m.ii'i u i p i u h rinr, in I mill r ] i din in . v i . i i . u l iliHillil- — xrhirhi imi 3 nil thi p i rent - ihfp frnni many a lluoK,In IliiplullJ ill ill . I. i I, nM n i l un u ml id ll thr (li l l inj Im h frnni mini a hnnu

III t (ii it* r i i <ltii ID i \< n iTit Illl]rll<1.5 (ft 1(1 f If I 11 IlM

Liion ( l imibii ixiul in i \i i l|r in t < f i(.. A in *J 0 ^, ' " « ' * I n I 'd m I L i L]it«_ I jt (.1 HUM l)y MMILII t\« 1 ill cumin til in I t Hill IM 1 iuml_t( bt thL•« I 1«H k <\(.l I ^ i i n r f o r Srui l l i i r ic i . \ i itUlnli~-tml Pul . in ^i.ho Ii A f m Kiinjitp j i , h -iVt Ihc1 in uli- l i u u in I III^-i u r . K i i P i i i n i , i r ul

ttt tfpin.1 nnd j^«t mn» It tAcitnipilcil by I IOKACIrVuthm ul h i l i lm th Vlnrnl lit II —

^ M 1 nil 1 - whit, ll I)JIM li ut till (. II n-111 ,m J ,1,, ,,1Olin npif t) in -( v n l r i I ' l l L |)ti| (.r l l l U H _oH, ^l ) \n r 10U , bullli I (H t tlitu $22 JH r 100

il th bmiu I ciiibu^j-f d ' i l t 40 11 iit-,, $ ,0 pi r 1002> n piiri t uriii-'lh.a .it lliu 1U0 p rKo Af i ik i l iron

( llm r c t j i l pi it t

HOItACl Tl \ I f lt^ Fublinlurfi.liI ' U»n\ i JSl UroAilbiij ^llH l t ) ik

'ihc Horace Walers Pianos,M M Oil] ON-. AT L \ A M > U L OlUi \ N ^ \ \ l t 1l i l i U J U l A U l ^<.Lk.>mti(I . L O L I \ ^ 1>I \\{)^.U o llm TniL-'t n i t rn in t n n fur 1*11111 r" mil ( litir hJ L " " } 1 ^ " " -A l-^r.,'. "-••i 'lrj"" 'it ' m. .b» sot u-±L.(Ins m » W m i I,,H .-.I H R O \ J J l \ \ \ l , , i w , i f iinland \. J. 11 im, sin ^\ Lu li vi ill I v iuld At ox t roiiudy low p m ca i*nLin*n HIUL "Me ludi OIH II 0111 h t ini in in >ki r- m w i t n i l " u u m l himd. to lei nml n u tullo^t. I l l jjiin hn i d »f Jj(.r ii^l ft m n i t JI mlM^

tt> rt.LLiM.il fur thu •Jiimu AIHI> doLttnd lumdPJ'l LiiL-t m i l .Mu] di

2> lo StIOO "-'IILk m 1 .f Mniic At. 1

fit p;ruii hiirniiun p uI M u m , \fuin, Ilonlii ami nilhiindi^o ut Wur pricunUOUACX. WArLJUj AK>mt


All k i t c h e n ( In i- t can bi imuU mtD boud bO^J

l»fe t n t H D u x

».* 1 m l j iitnila h i ( b 11 IM n m k i i ^ i L i i i pL Ikt ^IiLiiutuLtmcd tmly IJJ LLO I'jilLiittLi —

Ta. S.iH MamTf.irlurin^ (oni]>an>,No \21 W limit M m l 1*1UL \-VLT PJIIA

I t It \2 l» -l)rc

MIOU I J Q l l D 4 ,1 ,1 ' ! .


beft artidir of LiqnM (ilnn i*vor inmle.tfiidy Cor iirtLv uml HIWIIJTH uHt/fni in c icrMid L\rrT]iJii>i ot bUr.rn.in ft niniJ*g int.I utivtm il.dlurrt. whero it qn trt cm.

i mi M ..ml if .'iiiiiii^niii hf-tikt ^i.btiuHh butLluFin* milt: liy Diii^'iftri nnit Oculars ^(.-iiot'iillv

O 1"1>\\ VJ 1> Mi JM>VA1 1) sol, Priiprn I irnju lo-.im • 177 William til.t Nuw Yoik.


T Paters'on'sr of

1TV>r snle bj tbo nnuiufitoturor nt Division street

rw\d. jUifil^uj Ami by hit) u^-nU in thin mitl o(Iu-r

It id pit* up Hi hpuv of 100 flml TjOlbi uul i , iiudninrki I wiiU tho maker $ nnint.



tiio old* t \ui\n ifnoturur i>i biJipur J'hu^jihtitt.of Lhnt in tlm Union

AOENTH—JAMKS M- CLAIIKK. Crnnbvrrj; J-C, VAvnt'.VEitE, buuth Urunrtiviok ; C. M, Noli-

PURE WINES, BHAMHES, Q1NS,Wlii^kny, for ->]ile in qiuii>titi«K ttt suit.

OM Bnnk Bmldin

dhfr'n frt>ni many a flooK,msinv n htini*

AiitlirntieiiLvfl fvidrnre of thtjp fnt;ti.'in-it)i dirtn-tidlld fivr thf tl'rntnirnt ot %mfh COinplftint, Tn.TT'l>«Jinind io .A)#r'.i Apirriuin Alnri.T£t pf_ " h ' "pii'ih'h three millifiim mid •«( nrr "fK ni hOTi-r the c^rtli, \\\ orAur tliai rht nirk cTrry Whcm«T hRTr hpfiirt' thflli thf ttifnriaation it contAllr)ru^giBt*t and drfilrrt in' tnrdirinc pc*ntr«llT hnthem for di^trihntifin crfiti*, H11*l AI"" for nalr th^remedies, prrn^rrd hy T>n--J. C AT»» , I'rAcritAnd.Analytical ChrmUt, L(^tllf M&sa.

Gl»rk.0. MOI

MOUNT, HightHlown;, 1tri.jniii.il Mfrry ; C. Vin»'l<Tb.-rk. A l l rn iDwn; O

Physiolo^'il View of Marrnge

2 i O P i i ^ c i m n l I tft" F i ^ r n n ^ i - I ' r i u m l ; J >

O t V t l i r i i i l i r i i i l l u o f \ 11 i l l 11 m l i i m l U i i n t l i f i ]i m ^Illf U l r ( . l f o | l l ( i i t r j l . l l l l \ H l f i l l O M LH15UIL, lit*l u l i u n r r v u m i H I\I \ ri * n i i o i H [ > n i n ] t t l ] i i n n

i m t i o i H l i h ' f ] i i i i j . t *i*»li t , H \ * H u m r i i u i l i i ^ r f i i t n kliiiSltudr ti it/ t l ff* ton* of Ihulliiijit trim of *hu tidtit^irhtlal J\lt* 11 (^oUejt itu I ut a if011 iig/ 11/1/ &>r I t n d truth fill »*\\ I 1 r to Mil 111 irrit 1 un t(him. con I* \nj lutiu^ m w f> »„< WIIL LtttLrt tin imn tI jijj tif "f tin ir 11 j •* 11 •!< ifii'lilu n mid rtjt* n iimn un

of li i \ i n^h^Trd id the bout tli Imppmr^i ntifl | i rni(eg erf ta wlttc h everj bunuiu '><-iij£ id oiitKlrd

l o t t o i^Jt^ honri tnmhkd with m iki i fs f n-c m l h c.uii-o.l by nWd holut in youth, thu etT^Liiu-fn f i u h u n dizziriL t pTind,f'ugetfiiJin,-t« injiiirlijut'* n

ig of tlit, (.uri ^\Cuk L\\.?t VkcakiiLflatil tlir li ILKTTf textrfinf tifa tmnfUPUHJ iif nj^n« Inwi t>tnnfTn

ciry w it li IHL] tiiLlinl^ , in tv be tnri. ii hy tin imtbui jNew Punn innl J onduii Jri_MH»ont

\ \ 1. lui'V ( ii»r tin. L,rt iii 1* |i irt n| (ho pjial y n irdtvot>-4 d our hint in \ i^niitK tin? I ur qn nu Hut4[ ihila uviw\in^i-uiriuNi ^ nt the knmwli il^nm 1 rtKC-ir^bi inf thv -In >t -liilli d IMIT iriiilHfitnd Mlr^i oim in t utv\ rnn \

u i r u n will n i\ h wi tliL lull 1 1. nctitof thi litinv-N( w Mid I fix IK i"iM lUmerlicb trlm.t) nt. arc tnitblul

HntniiliHL ntliM-ur prjiolnse, jintl thi public nuv>( t l u"K p

j p p y11-1 in-Hurt <i*>. tin snu* >i nl us-idmu bturn 3 uudi(tLiilioii btuif; p nd (u ihi ii" cn^en \nnt,h Imi^uauo-

y K d u>hi>rLttolort!, art-M. yin our I't-'ouliiir tU-piirtinviiL of prufushioiiiil pmtiiso,for thu |»iHt.. A yeiti*ri t t>i 'H Fi'MALK PiM.s.-Liidii-s nlio wish for Mcd

iuinjj, thu utVminjy of \vltioh hna bt;txji tij,«ti-*( in thou*-1 ntliof HI l"i.itinjTR^*rfailLi|.l*ioffijol'aii-trl/«iiri.*without iiny bnd riMnltii.tViH astnone but Ur. DLLU-nry'iiiVniiili'pKtiiiilionl J*ll|i. Tho only piccautiimniiai-'iiitry to bo obdtrvt.'d in, Udied should Hot ttikvthi'in if thvy lmve VOJIHUH to brli^yu they urn Mi rertitji sitH(iti»ii^{\\m piirtluulNrFiiTwiriijh n ill hu .-run

tin tlm v. r ijipt riiiLDDijiunvii gciu h bov )thoiii>]inlwjij^dif* A li« ilthjy^i'ut.iitit, >ammoin( . nmt luy

P i n t ^t p* r box Uii<-_\ LIHI btimuKd to uny pnito f t h o U i i M t

»d v 1*1 r withiLj;-ird tonn> of gpt ml- t« 11lm.I1 thi.it Hi In Jiti tir^iiDizution r. IKILItin m lirrHn* nrt-^Hrrttiftli'i'W i imti iHirdm*'ult'*arf«

i l» 1 lnlrutwil i mn. llrijUi_tni,' fur " " ^diLHuht^t liuillLVni not iiduitt tjrwl»'bi*v«nndc• il't' toiui-rfn^t.' Hit'ir tHPtiHus,nnvy.bt; ubtitined nu i -but t It if i»i rlt,otlydjit. mitl h«f bt* t\ tx tnis iv u \ ju t.d during tb^. jufftH^if m Pilr« r^dac* d to $10I ^AdLiul iu i i^ i t i l j . inmiHA M till U nt ni^Ut,

uml ou '•iiiidjt^dtroiii 2, l iu l* MMi.'*Hi,-itiLf,iviMi i'ii 11 (Ureat

Itb<.iri<\ intrhjtty

cnt to nuj purt *fl

j pI j putii.iitKC<>ii.iiiiinicntltitt

U ttor lIniiHLB-'Jc*>rrt#ponilt!iu 0iiLli.* iss*till locfttcd ti^tstnblinhrt], un*

iund. Albdiiy, i\ Y.July l l t IHiii.-ly

TO ,

AND Ttrosb HAVING PAINTING 'to DO.rriin: iB<;itt»Lii IIAS I^ IOHE J ^DJL if coiiiUnntlj rcci-H l«(f, »H kiliils lit 'Plfnla,

0il» A ,111 n l iu , Pnlnt oiid \ arliinL Bru«ho», CHni-sl Hulr l ' tncili , Ac „&.<*, . , , * '

Tn pirions vrffntlntfAA>tiling in the nnovt l int ,11 IA niipiolfully iliirointfl Hi«t II will lit tn theirdt o VAII LrlAr« i>nr<ilinaiti^ d l