Qfive 2015 Avial Pursuit Prelims with answer

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Qfive 2015 Avial Pursuit Prelims with answer

QFIVE 2015 FIVE 15

Avial Pursuit


Arun Ramanathan, Yagnyeshwaran Hariharan

& Venkatesh Ananthasubramanian

Title Sponsor

Associate Sponsors

Our sincere thanks to

Our sincere thanks to

Dr. M.S. Siva Kumar &

IIT Madras Quiz Club

Our sincere thanks to

RV Prasad (Murugappa Group)

Gautam Jatia (Starmark)

Shrikant Wakharkar (Westin, Chennai)

Hemu Subramaniam

Rafiq Sait (Gatsby)

Baradwaj Rangan (The Hindu)

The Chandipur Beach in Orissa exhibits a natural phenomenon whereby the sea recedes by 5 KM every day offering an opportunity to literally walk into the sea. At times you get to see the water and other times the same spot has nothing but Casuarina trees and creeper sand dunes. What is the local English name for this beach which is named after a game that kids play?


Hide and Seek Beach

While this feat occurs pretty often in the Ranji Trophy, this has happened only four times in all Ranji trophy history to this team. The most recent occurrence of it was more than 65 years after the last such occurrence. If the first 3 occurrences are in the following matches 1. Nawanagar : 1937-38 2. Baroda: 1949-50 3. Gujarat: 1950-51

Which team would occupy the 4th position and what is the feat?


Innings defeat of Mumbai in Ranji Trophy. 4th is Tamilnadu

The surname is believed to have originated in the Chinese surname "Ruan", owing to China’s long domination over this country. During Chinese rule as well as its dynastic power, the name was either forced upon the public by new regimes or adopted by the subjects voluntarily for various reasons. By the early 19th century the dynasty seized power & unified the country, and this prompted another wave of surname changes and adoptions. Which country and what is the surname which an estimated 40 percent of people in the country have ?


Vietnam and Nguyen The overwhelming prevalence of Nguyen -- on a percentage basis -- even surpasses the popularity of "Kim" and "Park" in Korea, "Singh" and "Patel" in India; and "Smith" and "Jones" in the Anglo-Saxon countries.

Scannel and Brian Warrington who worked for 40 years inventing drugs for pharma companies came up with a paper in 2012 which showed the plummeting efficiency of the pharmaceutical industry. They found that for every billion dollars spent on R&D since 1950, the number of new drugs approved has roughly fallen by half every 9 years meaning a total fall by a factor of 80. This empirical finding is now the name of a law for the Pharma Industry. What is the law?



Who is the person acting as the waitress with a near poker face type expression?


Lady Gaga


Despite being one of the strongest creature on earth for its size, with the ability to carry 850 times its own body weight, these enormous insects are still hunted by numerous animals throughout the jungles of Central and South America. Id this gentle giant which is the largest and most well known of all of the rhinoceros beetles. Incidentally it share its name with a 2014 movie.


Hercules Beetle

Frank Pick, with the help of calligrapher Edward Johnston adapted the winged logo of the General Omnibus Company in 1906 to create a logo commonly referred to as the Bulls Eye. The logo has been adapted into fashion with even specific brands being created. However where would you find the most common usage of this logo and what is the current name of the logo?


• London Underground Logo -- Roundel

Amidst all the celebrations during the Common Wealth Games opening ceremony, there was a somber moment. The stadium observed a minute's silence to remember the 298 people who died in Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, which was shot down over Ukraine. How did the Malaysian team headed by Fatehah Mustapa pay its tribute ?


Flag-bearer, cyclist Fatehah Mustapa carried her country's flag, which was flying at half-mast for the MH17 victims

Which word often associated with journey finds its origins from the literal meaning of being in sailing vessels (like the one shown) with 3 or more masts?


Embark literally means "in barque (ship)"

He served in the dangerous role of local tax collector, and ran the Apolda dog pound. With access to dogs of many breeds, he aimed to create a breed that would be ideal for protecting him during his collections, which took him through many dangerous, bandit-infested areas. He set out to breed a new type of dog that, in his opinion, would be the perfect combination of strength, loyalty, intelligence, and ferocity. After his death in 1894, the Germans named the breed _________pinscher in his honor. Identify this breed which was first bred in the town of Apolda, Germany.


Doberman Pinscher

Dharakhadars are eight hereditary office holders who were directly subordinated to Peshwa. These officials were • Diwan • Mamalatdar’s deputy • Majumdar • Daftardar • Potnis • Chitnis • Sabhasad

What was the designated name given to the remaining official , responsible for accounts of receipts and disbursements , which literally means “maker of Lists”?


Fadnavis / Phadnavis / Phadnis

The following is the English translation of the non-chorus part of a song written by the lyricist wife. The song in turn describes the leading lady of the movie. Identify the Song and the Lyricist

• Melting ice cream - Is that her eyes’ theme? Black coffee - Is that the fragrance of her hair, let free? Crispy chip - Is that a word on her tongue’s tip? Fizzy soft drink - Her zesty spirit, I think! Climbing onto my tongue’s end, Chocolates, she does vend! She is stuck in my heart beneath, Like chewing gum in teeth.


• On a winding cement road, far, She takes me along in a car. A child clothed in soap bubbles; A bangle wearing rainbow; A sari clad crescent moon; She is the model of this planet! Like a cloud of talcum showers, She flies up in the sky of ours. Becoming an air-conditioner breeze, She joins one’s breath with ease. In a microwave frier, She sets hearts on fire. 12

• Ladio -- by Karky... in I

The University of Chicago’s basketball team reigned supreme in the early 20th century winning the championship in 1907,1908 and 1909. X played guard and forward in the 1908 and 1909 teams. In 2009 John Grunsfeld an alumnus of University of Chicago and an astronaut took the game winning ball on STS-125 a servicing mission as a dedication to X. Identify X and what was being serviced?


EDWIN HUBBLE and the Hubble Space Telescope

In which Company’s premises would you see floor plans such as this?



• Netflix

The effect shown in the video is explained through a law that provides a common understanding of how electromagnetic circuits obey Newton’s third law and the law of Conservation of Energy. Who is the person after whom this law is named?



Lenz’s law

Coined by Sam Raimi during the filming of Evil Dead, this term is used for someone who appears in a film as a replacement for another actor. What is this term that is derived from scenes like this that help in the finishing of a film even when the required actors are unavailable?



"Fake Shemp" is a term that refers to the final four "Moe-Larry-Shemp" Columbia short subjects made by the Three Stooges, completed after Shemp Howard's death It was later used for actors filling in for missing or absent actors who have left the shoot, been injured, died or whose roles were never cast in the first place.

Which movie provides the background while these musicians perform ?



Prem Sanyas / Light of Asia

This wonder of the ancient world, was built at Halicarnassus in remembrance of a Persian satrap by his wife Artemisia II of Caria. What word derived from the Satrap’s name was given to the Ancient Wonder ?


Mausoleum named after the Satrap Mausolus.

This Goan dance is an attractive mixture of folk culture and Western music, danced mostly by Christian girls. All the gestures in the dance are borrowed from the Kathak and Bharata Natyam and this song-cum-dance is performed only by women to the accompaniment of folk drum "Ghumat". Identify this dance which literally means "bewitching beauty" and which movie would you have heard an adaptation of this folk song ?



This is a series of portraits created by Wes Naman called ---------------- ------------ Series. Naman's series of monstrous faces stemmed from a silly encounter with his assistant as they were wrapping Christmas presents together. A year later, Naman began taking portraits of his friends' faces made completely unrecognizable by the common household product. Fill in the blank with a specific brand name.


Scotch Tape Series

Norman Stingley , a Chemist at Bettis Rubber Company ,

invented a kind of Synthetic Rubber with extreme elastic

properties. The rubber contained Zectron which in turn was

made using a combination of polybutadiene and hydrated silica

among other substances.

When the invention was rejected at Bettis, he took it to Wham-

O who created an object which upon vulcanization had a very

high coefficient of restitution.

What was the object that was created and what sporting event

derives its name from this object?


• Super Ball and Super Bowl

• After watching his children play with a Super Ball, Lamar Hunt, founder of the American Football League, coined the term Super Bowl for the match between the winners of the AFL and NFL. The media immediately picked up on Hunt's "Super Bowl" name, which would become official beginning with the third annual game.

Mohamed Fadel Fahmy, along with two other journalists Peter Greste and Baher Mohamed - all working with Al Jazeera - were arrested in December 2013 for "publishing false news about Egypt" in support of Muslim Brotherhood. General Fatah-Al-Sisi after listening to arguments put forward by the trios lawyer is thinking of a presidential pardon. Who is representing the trio?


Amal Clooney / Amal Alamuddin

Images show the paintings produced by a colorist P. Tetsis at the island of Hydra in June 2010 during and after a natural Phenomenon. The painting on the left features a more aerosol-rich scene than the one on the right. What is this natural phenomenon that is the major source for mineral atmospheric aerosols ?


Saharan Dust / Saharan Dust Cloud

ID X & Y


Rohan Gavaskar (X) , KL Rahul (Y) Dr KN Lokesh, a Mangalore-based academician and a great fan of Sunil Gavaskar Thought Gavaskar's son name is Rahul instead of Rohan and named his son KL Rahul

In 1999 Otto Reich a lobbyist at Washington drafted Section 211

of the 1999 Omnibus Appropriations Act which sought to deny

trademark protection to Cuban business products expropriated

after the Cuban Revolution. This section of the Act has been

challenged by Cuba and the European Union and the WTO ruled

it to be illegal. What is the common name for the Act?


• Bacardi Act

It is an artisan product made in Modena or Reggio Emilia in Italy. Made with white Trebbiano grape must ,it is simmered to make a concentrate, allowed to ferment for a minimum of 12 years, matured in barrels of progressively decreasing size, made from different woods in order to impart different flavors. The result is dark, rich and syrupy and is to be used very sparingly. Which EU Protected - Authentic traditional artisan- condiment is this?


Balsamic Vinegar

The Emblems shown below are called the "Sun of May“ , where May is a reference to the May Revolution that took place in 1810. As this event marked the beginning of the independence from the Spanish Empire in these regions two countries use these emblems on their national flags. Which two countries ?


Argentina & Uruguay

In August 2012 , In a county game between Nottinghamshire & Durham, Graham Onions picked 9 for 67 in Nottinghamshire's 1st innings. Who was responsible for denying Onions the full 10 wicket haul in that innings?


LJ Fletcher run out ( Direct Hit from Midwicket) by Onions

What problem often compared to poaching and habitat loss, is believed to be the cause of death for a large number of endangered chimpanzees and gorillas ?


Ebola Virus

People under the service of last Maharaja of the princely state of Mysore generally followed a certain practice in naming their family members to reflect their association with the Maharaja. What is the naming practice ?


Prefix Jaya in their name in honour of Jayachamarajendra Wodeyar. Her father was Jayaram and her brother Jayakumar to emphasize their connection to the Mysore palace

Which brand , which means small wave in Japanese , is derived

from the name of the founder and his associates – Kagemasa

Kouzuki , Yoshinobu Nakama , Tauso Miyasako?


• Konami

In 1907, Prince Scipione Borghese, competed in the first-ever trans-Continental motor-rally which was held between Peking (Beijing) and Paris–a 9,000 mile race across hostile terrain. Prince Scipione won the rally. This victory was celebrated in Italy as a major event. What tradition that still exists started in honor of Borghese victory ?


Italy adopted its famous Rosso Corsa (Racing Red) when Borghese won the Peking to Paris race in a red Itala

It is an honorific Sikh title used by someone learned in the Sikh religion and who often leads the congregation in prayers or in kirtan. The word means knowledge and used to denote someone who has spiritual and religious knowledge and can help the congregation in understanding the Sacred Texts and the history of the religion. What is the word that we typically associate with a former Punjab Chief Minister ?


Giani / Gyani (Gyani Zail Singh)

Who is the original composer of this song and what is the name of this Tamil Anthology?



Thiruppugazh by Arunagirinathar

These are the first results that are provided by Google when you search for this 2013 song that reached the top of the Billboard charts. This song was also featured in a short advertisement showcasing the return of Lebron James to Akron in 2014.

Which song is this?

