QB SUNRISE SCUTTLEBUTT SUNRISE SCUTTLEBUTT Scuttlebutt is a weekly newsletter highlighting the...

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Transcript of QB SUNRISE SCUTTLEBUTT SUNRISE SCUTTLEBUTT Scuttlebutt is a weekly newsletter highlighting the...


Scuttlebutt is a weekly newsletter highlighting the activities of the Rotary Club of Qualicum Beach Sunrise April 1

April is Magazine Month

“Service Above Self”

Every Rotarian Every Year Contribute $100 to the Rotary Foundation and become a

Sustaining Member

*2.5 Billion people lack access to adequate sanitation facilities. *3,000 children die each day from diarrheal diseases caused by lack of sanitation and unsafe water. *6 hours per day is spent by women is some rural parts of Africa collecting water from remote sources. * 783 million people don’t have clean drinking water.

“Around Rotary’s World”

*** April 1st Meeting ***

Late Breaking News from Evanston Illinois

Rotary began when American Lawyer Paul Harris and four of his Chicago friends met at that first Rotary meeting in 1905. As Rotary grew it was only natural that RI’s headquarters were established in the State and close to the city of its founding. While Rotary has indeed become truly international it’s growth, its impetus, even its official currency has been American. That is about to change. Over the last 20 years the growth in membership, as well as many of the dynamic Rotary leaders have come from Asia. Membership growth in Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, and India is vigorous and has more than balanced the declining membership in Europe and North America; three of the last four Presidents of Rotary have come from off shore, two of those from Asia. This growing Asian influence has been at the centre of calls for change. Well the change has come, in meetings that apparently were held in Evanston over the weekend a decision was reached regarding the future of Rotary. Effective July1, 2015 the new headquarters of Rotary International will be located in Delhi, India and the Rupee will become the official currency of the Rotary Foundation and Rotary International.

Birthdays & Anniversaries Rotary Moment(s) Announcements Rotary Fundraisers Program

Kay Toth is celebrating a birthday on April 4th and Ron celebrates his birthday April 6th (sorry Kay no photo)

Happy Birthday Kay and Ron!


Rotary Moment

Bill cited the Nanaimo Daily News story that featured the Polio story and Rotary’s involvement. In particular the story highlighted the eradication of Polio in India – the last case was diagnosed on January 11, 2011.

WE CAN implement rainwater-harvesting systems to collect and store rainwater for drinking or recharging underground aquifers


Rotary Moment

Ron and Yvonne and 11 other District 5020 Rotarians and spouse will be traveling to the Maritimes in late September on a Rotary Friendship Exchange. Ron’s Rotary Moment focused on our hosting of the Rotarians from District 7820. We pick them up at the Departure Bay Ferry Terminal on June 1 and we will be hosting them until they leave on June 4. Stay tuned.

Guess whose coming to Brunch will happen on Sunday April 13 at the Thalassa Restaurant. Barry circulated a sign up sheet this morning.

WE CAN build wells to extract groundwater from underground aquifers


Allan asked for a show of hands for those interested in attending our Recognition Luncheon to honour Robin Campbell; the response was good. That week we will have our regular meeting on the Tuesday followed by the Luncheon on Thursday at Eaglecrest.

Mike was sporting a nice new vest with Rotary Logo. Vests are available for $45 and the club name can be added at no extra cost. See Mike if you’re interested.

Welcome back Hugh! In Hugh’s absence our Credit Card ID information has been misplaced. It was last used for Roses. Contact Hugh if you can shed light on our lost info card.

WE CAN provide water treatment capability through the use of filters, solar disinfection, or flocculants, to

make drinking water safer

Qualicum Beach Rotary Club hosts their “Wine Fest” at the Qualicum Beach Civic Centre on Saturday, April 5th. Tickets are $30. The Nanaimo Rotary Club hosts “Skyfall 007 A Hero Reborn” at the Grand Hotel on April 5th. Tickets are $90, call 1-877-414-7263 for Tickets


Ron provided an update on what he described as the “Best Ever” Spring Ball. It looks like we have netted in excess of $11,000. There will be a wind up Spring Ball meeting on Saturday night April 12, 7 pm, at Rotary House. Spouses are encouraged to attend; Ron wants lots of feedback. Sounds like this get together might end up with some kind of a social happening!!!

Rotary Fundraisers

WE CAN promote low-cost solutions, such as chlorine tablets or plastic bottles that can be exposed to sunlight

to improve water quality


John is a long time member; he joined soon after the club was chartered in May of 1997 and served as President in 2002-03. He recalls that as President Elect he was presiding over the meeting held at Pheasant Glen in President George Venner’s absence on Tuesday morning Sept 11, 2001. The meeting that morning continued but the Program of the day was watching in horror as the two planes crashed into the twin towers. John was born and raised in Edmonton attending school there until Grade 10. His grandparents had a farm close to Edmonton so John spent a lot of his time on the farm. John has 8 brothers and sisters, 5 older sisters and 3 brothers. At age 11 John and his friends formed a band and with the mother of one of the band members acting as manager Gigs were arranged for the band in small towns in Alberta. He remembers one Gig, while playing for the Parachute Club in Edmonton, 3 Streakers ran through the hall but the group played on not missing a beat.

While in Grade 10, John’s father bought a Trailer Park south of Parksville and much to John’s disappointment the family moved to the Island. (he said it was -32 when they left Edmonton and +32 when they arrived in Parksville so that made the move a little easier to take) John graduated from High School and went to Malaspina College to become an Accountant. However good paying jobs were plentiful, particularly in the Lumbering Industry and John worked in Sawmills and in the Woods in and around Port Alberni and Parksville Qualicum. During this time John was still involved with his music and that’s how he met Sara who was a vocalist and sang with the Band. John and Sara were married in 1974 and about that time John got a job with Jack Collins. He was encouraged to follow through with an Electrical Apprenticeship, which John completed and continued to work for Collins. John and his brother Norm took over the Company from Jack, who John says, was just to busy, to continue in the Electrical business. John and Sara have 2 boys, Nathan who was born in 1978 and Andrew born in 1980. Nathan lives in Ottawa and Andrew and his wife live in Qualicum. They have 2 grandchildren both living close to John and Sara here in Qualicum and Nathan and his partner are expecting their first child soon.

Thank You John!