
Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Q5

Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?Isabella Browse0028 | 16607

Front Cover

First of all, I knew that my main image was going to be the centre of attention of my front cover and that it was going to tell potential consumers a great deal about the magazine’s identity. Therefore, I chose an image that was minimalistic, to represent the indie/alternative pop genre (with the block colours and the simple costume), but nonetheless an image that is full of impact, to portray an image that the audience will want to aspire to, (with the stark contrast of colours and imperfections have been removed).

The layout of the front cover consists of my main image at the centre, being framed by the cover lines and the title, so that audience’s focus is drawn immediately to the main image. This is vital as the main image will relay to consumers, the identity of the magazine. The main image itself has a huge amount of impact and uses a direct mode of address, which in harmony, catches the attention of potential consumers, enticing them to enquire further by reading the magazine.

The artist’s minimalistic style fits into the indie/alternative pop genre, which appeals to the target audience of this magazine as it gratifies their ideals of ‘being different from the mainstream’.

It can be shown in my questionnaire and feedback that my main image achieved this. On a macro perspective, I have carefully chosen the typography to look modern and sophisticated to appeal to the younger audience. To make the magazine look more knowledgeable I have used the appropriate lexicon of words from my planning. This will appeal to music buffs of the indie/alternative pop genre and reformers.

Contents Page

The artist’s minimalistic style fits into the indie/alternative pop genre, which appeals to the target audience of this magazine as it gratifies their ideals of ‘being different from the mainstream’.

It can be shown in my questionnaire and feedback that my main image achieved this. On a macro perspective, I have carefully chosen the typography to look modern and sophisticated to appeal to the younger audience. To make the magazine look more knowledgeable I have used the appropriate lexicon of words from my planning. This will appeal to music buffs of the indie/alternative pop genre and reformers.

This cover line is particularly effective for appealing to an extremely wide audience for numerous reasons. Firstly, the buzzword ‘Exclusive’ suggests that this magazine contains new information that cannot be found anywhere else about this artist which will entice reformers who seek enlightenment, but more specifically; fans of the artist. Secondly, the artist himself would be widely known to be gay, thus will have a large, loyal following from members of the LGBTQ community and will therefore they will want to know the “Exclusive” information found inside the magazine. Finally, the Brit Awards logo will engage with the masses due to its own extremely large audience and its highly-acclaimed image.

The semantic field created by verbal codes is quite formal, and combined with the unconventional layout, young artists and the occasional casual words like hottest and 24/7, my magazine appeals to my target audience of 15-27 year olds, and the smaller social groups within it.

The subscription box shows the different platforms that this magazine is available on. And for a target audience who is digitally native, this will look modern and convenient. The social media links show that the brand is connected to the online world, meaning that it is constantly updated with current news and that LOUD is more than just music magazine.

Double Page Spread

A plain white background is used by high-brow magazines, however, to adapt to the narrative of my magazine, I have added the card suits (to carry out the pun of the artist’s name), which makes my magazine seem creative, yet sophisticated.

The pull quotes also attract the audience’s attention and gives them a hint of what the article is going to be like, making them engage further with the magazine. These pull quotes also target various social groups in within my target audience (women and hipsters) by gratifying