Q5 final

Post on 17-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Q5 final

How did you attract/address your audience

How I have attracted my audience in my front page -For the main image I wanted to make the band look powerful, this is why I made them pose with their arms crossed as it’s a defensive gesture suggesting no one can get to them. I wanted them to portray them as being arrogant as this suggests that they’re a well established band, interesting people to read about them. However I didn’t want them to look mean as this would make the readers think that the band is being angry towards them which would inevitably lead to the audience not buying the magazine as a way of retaliating to their anger. I made them have a plain facial expression as rock audiences are known for being moodybecause rock music evokes angry emotion, therefore my targeted audience is able to identify with this emotion.-I also used models with three different ethnicities in order to attract a multicultural audience as different ethnic groups can relate themselves to one of the band mates. I have also put a a female model in the middle in order to attract a lager female audience as the rock genre is large male dominated. By the use of models and the position of them it is obvious that I have focused on attracting minority groups and people that wouldn’t normally listen to rock music. I have purposefully done this as I thought that it would be a waste of time to only focusing on a rock mainstream audience as they would unavoidably be attracted by other things the magazine has to offer however it’s a harder to attract people that wouldn’t normally be interested in rock. I tried to conquer this as overall it would make my audience larger.

-The clothing the the models are wearing are typical clothes worn by people who listen to rock music, therefore the audience can identify with them. I made the model wear dark makeup, I also airbrushed her skin in order for it to look smooth and naturally clear, this was done in an effort to make the female audience envy and emulate her, and by buying the magazine they are able to get to know her more and emulate her further. I gave the white male red and blue hair as I know that rock fans like to have brightly coloured hair therefore they are able to relate to him and might consequently like him as they would feel personally closer to. As am aiming his magazine at a maximum age of 25 I thought that I should have have items of clothing that they would be able to identify with, that it why I have made my other male model wear a shirt however I made him undo his tie as I thought having it on made him looked too sophisticated. However by having it of and on the side he looks more rough which is how most rock bands are portrayed as being.

At the top of my magazine showed that my magazine offered a ‘Free CD’ I felt that this freebie would be appropriate as music magazine buys must have a passion for music in order for them to want to buy the magazine therefore this would interest them. I also have proof from my research questionnaire which confirms that most audience members would prefer a CD as a freebie to come along with a music magazine. Also a freebie makes the magazine seem worth the money persuading more people to buy it.I have also advertised a competition for my readers to have and opportunity to ‘win tickets to see cruel creatures’. The reason why I did this is because I know most rock music lovers like to go see gigs and live shows, however the one thing that gets in their way is the money as they a relatively young so they won’t be making as much of it. This competition would therefore interest them as it’s a chance to go and see a gig for free.

I positioned the main cover line in the middle to make it eyes catching as this would be the most interesting article in the magazine. Additionally to make it stand out even more I have placed two swirls either side of the cover lines, these swirls also connote royalty emphasizing the high status the band has in the music industry. The words ‘sex. Drugs. and rock and roll’ are the topics that the interview would be based on, these areas which would interest my audience as these are personal topics that the artists will elaborate on. I felt that readers would enjoy reading on these topics as most young people are infatuated with celebrities and there personal lives.

‘Sex. Drugs.And Rock And Roll!’ is also a well know saying therefore my audience will be able to recognize it. It’s also a classic motto which ‘rock stars’ have, this makes my band seem well established. I’ve put full stops after ‘sex.’ and ‘drugs.’ to add an extra pause to audiences can take their time and fully appreciate what’s being said. The full stops also make the words seem like separate topics that will be disused in the interview. The exclamation mark ate the end makes the interview seem exciting and interesting prompting the readers to want to read it. The name of the band alliterates the ‘C’ making it more catchy and memorable for the audience.

I’ve added this extra row at the bottom as I didn’t have enough space to add all the artists names as additional cover lines. This makes the magazine seem like it’s full of content as a lot of artists are mentioned making the magazine worth buying. I added a fire background to make it eye catching so the audience don’t miss it. Fire is also associated with the genre rock so audience will be able to recognize it.

For my additional cover line I have typed certain words which would interest the audience (such as names) with a lager typography as these are the words more likely to hook in the audience. I have also included quotes in my additional cover line, as audiences prefer hearing directly from artists it makes the information more trustworthy. I have also mentioned topic which I felt would interest my readers such as ‘rock anthems’

How I attracted my audience in my contents page-For my contents page I chose to have young models ranging in gender so that both genders would be able to relate to them. I also decided to use props in my photos such as a guitar, as most rock fans can recognize and play this instrument therefore they might be interested to read about it. -Again I’ve tried to use a lot of contents to show that the magazine has a lot to offer however I didn’t want to make it busy because my audience is young I didn’t want to make them confused. Because of this I kept the layout simple and I also made it easy for the audiences to access the articles by clearly placing the page numbers next to it. I have also included a range of articles such as ‘feedback’ and ‘news’ so that audiences have different point to read about.-I gave the subscription deal a bright yellow background so that it would attract the audience’s attention.-I got my main band to look at the editors note, I thought this would attract the audiences as the pose is uncommon because most models look directly to the audience.-To get audiences interested in the articles I used words such as ‘exclusive’ because people like reading about the latest news out. In the editors note I have also tried to make it sound more interesting by using loads of adjectives which rock audiences would understand such as ‘wild’ and ‘dominant’

How I attracted my audience in my article I made my article black and white as I thought it would appeal to a rock audience as they prefer dark colours. I used rough scratched typography for the title as it made it look more striking. I used floating quotes in order to get the audience interested in reading the article. I chose this image for the article as it made the female look dominant as she's pushing in front, she is grabbing the two men making them look inferior, therefore attracting more of an female audience.

I used a simile in my article to make it easier for audiences to picture what the artist is talking about.Use of actions in brackets- makes it easy for readers to picture how the person is reacting to questions or answers.I also used colloquialism such as ‘damn’ as my magazine is aimed at a young audience therefore they’ll understand informal language as this is the way they speak with their friends.

I called the bands album Machine Monsters - use of alliteration makes it memorable. The word ‘Monsters’ links with the word ‘Cruel’ I have used words that create a dark and scary effect as most rock music implies the same thing therefore the audience will recognize that the album and band are from the rock genre and will therefore be attracted to them.

I also used upper case letters to make the text look more eyes-catching as I was revealing an exclusive. Which is the reason most people read magazine articles