Q3 What have you learn from your audience feedback? EVALUATION

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Transcript of Q3 What have you learn from your audience feedback? EVALUATION

Q3- What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Michael Knight

I have learnt from this coursework about how vital and important audience feedback is. I understand that audience feedback helps you to really improve your work thoroughly and receive a greater understanding of the work.


Working independently producing the media product sometimes means that others opinions are very important into finding issues and alighting what’s great about my product. In the process of creating my main product and ancillary texts, I have received positive and negative constructive feedback which has meant that I could do what is necessary to improve my product. Once receiving this, I was able to correct this and the feedback has just made my product even better.

Working Independently

I received feedback targeting on issues

with incorrect continuity and different


Music Video 1ST Feedback

People noted that some shots of the music video looked either unusual such as unwanted camera movement. I then was able to correct this by re-filming with shots that worked with the rest of the music video and I made sure that unwanted movement was removed.

Lighting was an issue that was

pointed out by students during

audience feedback. There was clear

inconsistence in lighting due to

uncontrolled lighting. From this, I was

able to re film and control the lighting

by filming at consistent times while

using curtains as a block to filter

through light.

Final Class Feedback

“Much better


“Like narrative of

relationship between

DJ and LEGO woman”

“Very Engaging”“Individual close up shots were a great idea”

“Love the conga”

“Mini plots was a

great idea”

“Pace and cuts were much more accurate than before”

“A huge improvement”

“Much more movement is great”

“Face reaction was so much better than before”

For my ancillary texts, audience feedback targeted

on opinions of colours and shapes.

Ancillary Texts 1ST Feedback

Many people had different opinions on what colours and shapes I should include in the texts. Some suggested that I should change my colour scheme to darker colours such as black although of this I also received feedback suggesting that my colour scheme was correct so I took an executive opinion to not change my colour scheme.

Originally I used circles as my main

shape although after audience

feedback I was told to try squares

instead as it may follow more with my

theme. After trying this, I realised

that squares did look better and I

kept with this.

“iTunes/Google logo is too

big”- I made the logo

smaller to fit with the

poster better.

Final Class Feedback

“Stars did not work”- I

removed as they were


“Change/Remove Thanks Book”- I removed the Thanks Book as it did not follow my genre conventions.

“Typography is hard to see”- I looked at different fonts and I changed some settings to make it easier to see.“Shapes of CD were

different”- I made sure both CDs were exactly the same shape.