Q: Did you …last weekend? I cleaned up the kitchen last weekend.

Post on 19-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Q: Did you …last weekend? I cleaned up the kitchen last weekend.

Q: Did you …last weekend?

I cleaned up the kitchen last weekend.

I talked on the phone with my friend last weekend.

I did yoga last weekend.

I drove to the supermarket last weekend.

Time Activities

Sally on Saturday

went to the library


on Sunday afternoon

stayed at homedid her homeworkstudied for a test

on Sunday

on Saturday morning

on Sunday night

sang and played the guitar

flew a kite

had dinner with his friends

I. Listen and complete the chart.I. Listen and complete the chart.

What expressions did they use to make the dialogue sound natural?

I did not see you... Like what?

You did? Well…How about you? Wow!

II. Pair work: Information gapII. Pair work: Information gap

1. A: Well, I have a lot of hobbies.

• B: _________________?

2. A: Yesterday, I was really tired

because I cleaned the house for the

whole day.

B: _________________?

Like what

You did

Wow! I did not see you... Like what? You did?

Well… How about you?

3. A: ______________________last weekend.

Where did you go?

B: I went to the cinema. _________________?

A: _______, I went to the swimming pool.

B: ________! Sounds like you had fun.

I didn’t see you

How about youWel


Wow! I did not see you... Like what? You did? Well… How about you?

• ran back upstairs and called for help• watched TV• put a pizza in the oven• talked to his friend Julia• drove his father’s car• cleaned up the kitchen • found a part-time job• drove the car into the garage door









III. Put the events in order.III. Put the events in order.

Rick had a _______ weekend. On Saturday, his mom and dad _____ away for the day. They ______ at one o’clock and then he was ______. He _____ the pizza in the oven. After that he _______ Julia on the phone. They _____ for about an ______. He suddenly found that the ______ was on fire.


lefthungry put

talked hourkitchen


IV. Fill in the blanks.IV. Fill in the blanks.

He _____ the fire department and they

put the fire out. But there was _____

all over the kitchen. He ______ it up and

it _____ him two hours from 2 to 4’o clock. Then

he ______ to the store to _____ a pizza.

And then he ______ his dad’s new car

into the garage door. When his

mother came back, she __________ him

because the kitchen was so _______.




wentget drove



He _______ a part-time job at the

pizza shop

on Sunday because the garage door

was___________ and he needed

money. And

George’s weekend was________.




V. Group work: retell the storyV. Group work: retell the story