Python for High Throughput Science by Mark Basham

Post on 27-Jan-2015

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Python for High Throughput Science by Mark Basham

Transcript of Python for High Throughput Science by Mark Basham

Python for High Throughput Science

Mark Basham

Scientific Software Group

Diamond Light Source Ltd UK.


• What is Diamond Light Source• Big Data?

• Python for scientists• Python for developers

Diamond Light source

What do I do?

• Provide data analysis for use during and after beamtime for users

–Users may or may not have any prior experience.

–~30 beamlines with over 100 techniques used.

• With 12 other Full time developers

Where it all started

Client server technology

Communication withEPICS and hardware

Scan mechanism

Jythonand Python


Communicationwith external



All core technologies open source


• 1.0 release 2002• 3.0 release 2004

– Jython introduced as scripting language

Beamline setup and data collection speed


Universal Data Problem

Detector History at DLS

• Early 2007:– Diamond first user.– No detector faster than ~10 MB/sec.

• Early 2009:– first Lustre system (DDN S2A9900)– first Pilatus 6M system @ 60 MB/s.

• Early 2011:– second Lustre system (DDN SFA10K)– first 25Hz Pilatus 6M system @150 MB/s.

• Early 2013:– first GPFS system (DDN SFA12K)– First 100 Hz Pilatus 6M system @ 600 MB/sec– ~10 beamlines with 10 GbE detectors (mainly Pilatus and PCO Edge).

• Early 2015:– delivery of Percival detector (6000 MB/sec).

2007 2009 2011 2013 201510




Peak Detector Per-formance (MB/s)

Doubling time = 7.5 months

< 100GB/day< 1TB/day> 1TB/day

Per Beamline Data Rates

Data Storage

● ~1PB of Lustre

● ~1PB of GPFS

● ~0.5PB of on-line archive

● ~1PB near-line archive– >200M files

High performance parallel file systems HATE lots of

small files.

< 100GB/day< 1TB/day> 1TB/day

Small Data Rate Beamlines (Variety)

“I have all the data I have ever collected on a floppy disk and

process it by hand…”

Principal beam-line scientist when asked about data volumes in 2005

“I have all the data I have ever collected on a floppy disk and

process it by hand…”

~1 TB so far this year

Processing Data (Variety)

• Experimental work requires exploring– Matlab– IDL– IgorPro– Excel– Origin– Mathmatica

Processing Playing with Data (Variety)

• Experimental work requires exploring– Matlab– IDL– IgorPro– Excel– Origin– Mathmatica

• Issue is scalability at all and at a reasonable price

Clusters (Velocity)

●132 Intel based nodes, 1280 Intel cores in service.

●80 NVIDIA GPGPU’s, 23328 GPU cores in service.

●Split across 6 clusters, with a range of capabilities.

●Mostly used by MX and tomography beamlines.

●All accessed via Sun Grid Engine interface.

Python is the Obvious answer

• Users have used it during their beam times.• Free and easily distributable.• ...

• BUT – how to give it to them in a way they understand.

Extending the Acquisition tools

Client server technology

Communication withEPICS and hardware

Scan mechanism

Jythonand Python


Communicationwith external



Data read, write,convert

Metadata structure


All core technologies open source

DAWN is a collection of generic and

bespoke ‘views’ collated into


The perspectives and views can be

used in part or whole in either

the GDA or DAWN.

Acquisition Analysis

Main Dawn Elements for Python



Workflow PyDev Scripting

IPython Console

Python Actor scisoftpy module


Scisoftpy plotting

Interactive console

Run on CMDReal-time variable


IPython interface


Scripting tools

Breakpoints andStep by step debugging

Interact with the interpreter while paused

Python @ Diamond

• Anaconda–Numpy–Scipy–H5py–Mpi4py–Webservices

• Astra (Tomography)• FFTW

(Ptychography)• CCTBX


Processing Playing with Data (Variety)

• Experimental work requires exploring– Python

• Scientific Software team– Modules for easy access and common tasks– Repositories and Training

Aside – Python for Optimization

• We produce a very fast beam of electrons (99.999999% the speed of light)

• We oscillate this beam between magnet arrays called Insertion Devices (ID’s) to make lots of light

Insertion Devices (ID’s ~600 magnets)

Individual Magnet (~800)

Unique MagnetMagnet Holder




Perfect 1.0 0.0 0.0

Real 1.08 0.02 -0.04

Simple Optimisation Problem

• From 800 magnets, pick 600 of them in the right order so that they appear to be a perfect array.

• But we already have code in Fortran–Bit hard to use–Not that extensible to new systems

Objective Functions

• Slower in Python than Fortran–Original code ~ 1,000 times slower–Numpy array optimised ~ 10 times


• Python improvements,–Caching ~ matched the speed–Clever updating ~ 100 times faster.


• Artificial Immune systems– Global optimiser– Need more evaluations

• Parallelization– Threading with np to use processors– Mpi4py for data transfer and making use of the cluster

• Running on 25 machines, 200 cpu’s

• First sort with the new code has been built.

< 100GB/day< 1TB/day> 1TB/day

High Data Rate Beamlines

Archiving (Veracity)

• Simple task of registering files and metadata with a remote service.

– Xml parsing– Contact web services– File system interaction

• Nearly 1PB of data and 200 Million files archives through this system.

• Extended onto the cluster to deal with the additional load.

< 100GB/day< 1TB/day> 1TB/day

MX Data Processing(Volume and Velocity)

MX Data Reduction (Volume)Fast DP - fast



PointlessScale, refine in P1

Scale, postrefine, merge in point group

Choose best point group

Integrate Integrate Integrate Integrate

Output MTZ File

xia2 – thorough

downstream processing...

Experimental Phasing (Velocity)Fast EP

Prepare for Shelx - ShelxC

Phase - ShelxE

Solvent fraction


Find substructure - ShelxD

# si



0.25 0.75

Experimentally phased map

Fast DP MTZ file

Results location: (visitpath)/processed/(folder)/(prefix)


• Full application being built in Python– 4 full time developers

• CCTBX– Extending and working with this open source project

• Boost– Optimization when required using Boost

< 100GB/day< 1TB/day> 1TB/day

Tomography Data Reconstruction(Volume and Velocity)

Tomography Current Implemetation

• Existing codes for reconstruction in c with CUDA– Only runs on Tiffs– Minimal data correction for experimental artefacts– Only uses 1GPU

• Python– Splits data and manages cluster usage (2 GPU’s per

Node)– Extracts corrected data from HDF– Builds input files from metadata

Tomography Next Gen

• Mpi4py– Cluster organisation,– Parallelism– Queues using send buffers

• Transfer of data using ZeroMQ– Using blosc for compression

• Processing in python where possible– But calls to external code will be used initially

Multiprocessor + MPI “profiling”

MPI “profiling”

Multiprocessor/MPI “profiling”

• Javascript

var dataTable = new google.visualization.DataTable()

• Pythonimport logginglogging.basicConfig(level=0,format='L %(asctime)s.%

(msecs)03d M' + machine_number_string + ' ' + rank_names[machine_rank] + ' %(levelname)-6s %(message)s', datefmt='%H:%M:%S')

• Jinja2 templating to tie the 2 together

Where are we going?

• Scientists are having to become developers– We try to steer them in the right direction– Python is a very good, if not the best tool to do this

• Developers are having to work faster and be more reactive to new detectors, clusters, software, methods,....– Python allows this, and is being adopted almost as

standard by new computational projects at Diamond


– Alun Ashton– Graeme Winter– Greg Matthews– Tina Friedrich– Frederik Ferner– Jonah Graham

(Kichwa)– Matthew Gerring– Peter Chang– Baha El Kassaby

– Jacob Filik– Karl Levik– Irakli Sikharulidze– Olof Svensson– Andy Gotz– Gábor Náray– Ed Rial– Robert Oates

Thanks for Listening...
