Pyschology video clip project (1) (1)

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This the the report for our assignment 3

Transcript of Pyschology video clip project (1) (1)

How Lee Jing, Yee Algel, Tee Hing Nian Page 1









WORDS COUNT: 1805 Words



Name Student ID

How Lee Jing 0315669

Yee Algel 0315890

Tee Hing Nian 0316316

How Lee Jing, Yee Algel, Tee Hing Nian Page 2

Table of content

Content Page

Cover Page 1

Table of content 2

Acknowledgement 3

Introduction 4

Methods & procedure 5-6

Discussion 7-10

Appendix 11-13

Reference 14

How Lee Jing, Yee Algel, Tee Hing Nian Page 3


We owe a great thanks to many people and friends who helped and supported us

during our social psychology assignment three.

First of all, we would like to express the deepest appreciation to our lecturer Mr

Shankar Thiruchelvam, who has the patience to teach us and correct the many things with

attention and care in our assignment three. Without his guidance and persistent help this

assignment would not have been possible.

We would also like to express many thanks to Taylor’s university by providing places

and facilities that helped us to further our education. Therefore, we also like to thank to our

parents for providing us transport and resources such as money for our assignment.

We also feel a deep sense of gratitude to each of our team member Julie How, Yee

Algel and Tee Hing Nian who gave full attention and corporation when doing our assignment


Finally, we would like to thank Chin Tze Wei, Egbert Chin and Shaun. Without their

help, this project would have been just a distant reality. We also would like to extend our

thanks and appreciation to everyone who involve in this assignment again.

How Lee Jing, Yee Algel, Tee Hing Nian Page 4


What is that shapes of our attitude? Why are some peoples such a good leader?

How does prejudice approach and how can we solve it? Social psychology is the exploration

of the interaction of an individual person and given situation/environment. There are three

main areas in social psychology which is social perception, social influence and social

interaction. To understand more about these three main areas, on the 10th of February, we

were grouped in groups of three, who were Julie, Yee Algel and Tee Hing Nian, to complete

the task for our third assignment. This assignment required group members to work out as a

team and conduct research of the various conceptual topics that had been covered by our

lecture. A social psychology conceptual video clip was then required to be made to show

that we understood what we learnt. After a handful of discussions, we decide to film a

typical female driver as our storyline for this film.

According to research, from a number of 6.5 million cars accident, women driver are

more likely to have higher percent to encounter an accident. They also discovered that

women drivers found it harder to negotiate crossroads, T-Junctions and slip roads. Due to

this, surveys had been done by insurer Metlife, the results shows that 51% of women

believed that their driving is safe. Thus, insurer Metlife also made observations on how

women drivers persuade people to believe on their driving skills. Back to our assignment

three, we decided to choose this topic because it contains a lot of social psychology

concepts such as stereotyping, self- fulfilling, prophecy, Leon Festinger’s Theory of Cognitive

Dissonance and persuasive. Finally, we also reviewed the behavior of women and their main

problem during driving.

How Lee Jing, Yee Algel, Tee Hing Nian Page 5



1) Suzuki swift Car

2) Canon 550D Camera

3) Tripod stand


Step 1: Discussion about the social psychology conceptual video clip.

On the 2nd of May 2014, we gathered at the architecture studio 2 to discuss about

our assignment three. We have discussed about how the way we want to take our video. At

first, we wanted to take film of the response of people when we litter the rubbish in public

places and also film the scene to observe what the reactions have shown by the people

when we stole others belongings. These two ideas are very interesting and they contained a

lot of psychology concepts such as prosocial behavior but it is hard to do it since we are not

that professional. After that, we decided to make video clip based on a story line but with

only three members in our group it is also quite hard for us to hold many characters in a

video clip. Finally, we came out of an idea to film typical women driver for our video

because this video does not require many characters and it also have plenty of psychology

conceptual such as stereotyping, sexism, Leon Festinger: Theory of Cognitive Dissonance,

heuristic and persuasion.

How Lee Jing, Yee Algel, Tee Hing Nian Page 6

Step 2: Creating script and Filming

On the 13th of May, we gathered in front of the administration office around 11a.m

and we started to create a script. In general, the scene will start when we are doing our

assignment and out of nowhere, Algel’s friend who is known as Shaun wants to have lunch

with him and we decided to follow him. Algel and Hing Nian refuses to drive, and after being

persuaded by Julie, they got into Julie’s car. While driving to McDonalds, Algel and Hing Nian

noticed that there are a lot of mistakes and dangerous driving happening when Julie was

driving but at last we have successfully reached Mc Donald without any accident.

Step 3: editing the video

We used up two days to finish filming and the total of 30 video clips had been taken

during filming. Our group members Algel handled the editing part which needed for two

days to finish it. Finally, the duration of our psychology video is 3 minutes 33 sec.

How Lee Jing, Yee Algel, Tee Hing Nian Page 7



A stereotype is a fixed general set of characteristics or image that numerous people

believe represent a particular type of person or thing.

Women were stereotyped as bad drivers during the period of transition where

women began gaining equal rights. During that period, men were primarily the majority

gender that drove. Then women began driving more and more, and them being

inexperienced at first, allowing them to come under much scrutiny. With the men of that

era, women were essentially viewed as the inferior gender in general, the stereotype

evolving to include driving skills as well.

Women are seen as more dangerous and less confident in the field of driving. There

are lots of jokes about women making silly mistakes or being unable to park when behind

the wheel, but these are not always true to life and men certainly make their fair share of

errors as well.

Notably, women are also often accused of getting lost more often, as women have

been known to make embarrassing errors on the road, their sense of direction not as acute

then those of a man.

The main problem with the stereotype that all women are bad drivers is that it can

be believed by thousands of women themselves. If they take on board the criticisms,

whether they have difficulty driving or not, women can begin to act according to the

stereotype, despite being perfectly capable behind the wheel.

How Lee Jing, Yee Algel, Tee Hing Nian Page 8


Sexism is the belief that the members of one sex, usually women, are less intelligent

or less capable than those of the other sex and need not be treated equally. It is also the

behavior which is the result of this belief.

The fact that the vast majority professional racers are male is an example in itself

about the selective nature of the sport, as people/companies tend to drift towards hiring

male racers then women. Speaking of accidents, men may get into serious/fatal accidents

more but this is only because overall men do far more driving than women. Women actually

involved in minor crashes a lot more than men.

Generally, men have more driving experience compare to women. So men can make

good use of the performance of the car to save time.

Men are better at special things like driving and judging distances because of the

way their brains function, as they tend to think to the more technical side of things, so in

essence they should and are the better drivers. However, their testosterone makes them

take risks which can lead to reckless driving and car crashes. So men are better at the

mechanics of driving, but woman are more careful

How Lee Jing, Yee Algel, Tee Hing Nian Page 9

Cognitive Dissonance

People tend to seek consistency in their perceptions and beliefs. So what happens

when one of our beliefs conflicts with another previously held belief? The term cognitive

dissonance is used to describe the feeling of discomfort that results from holding two

conflicting beliefs. When there is a discrepancy between beliefs and behaviors, something

must change in order to eliminate or reduce the dissonance.

When an attitude is not in keeping with a behavior then there is a dissonant


The conflict:

We have to drive to McDonalds to have lunch with friends.

Men don’t believe in a women’s driving skill.

In order to reduce this dissonance between belief and behavior, they have a few

difference choices. They can call a taxi or drive themselves instead of asking a woman to

fetch them. However, they still board on the woman’s car, due to their laziness and they

have no choice.

Most people want to hold the belief that they make good choices. When the decision

that they have made turns out badly, it conflicts with our previously existing belief about

our decision-making abilities.

Cognitive dissonance can often have a powerful influence on our behaviors and actions.

How Lee Jing, Yee Algel, Tee Hing Nian Page 10


Persuasion is the act of persuading someone to do something or to believe that

something is true. In the video, it shows that the girl was trying to persuade those guys to believe in her

driving skill. She told them that her father was a car racer, she must have inherited his

father’s talent.

After a few moments of persuasion, they have been influenced by her talks and

changed their minds, attitudes and behavior towards women drivers.

Persuasion is a powerful force in daily life and has a major influence on society and a

whole in politics, legal decisions, mass media, news and advertising. They are all influenced

by the power of persuasion, and influence us in turn.


Heuristic is a mental shortcut that allows people to solve the problems without

thinking and make a judgment efficiently and quickly. This process help to speed up

decision-making time and allow people to function instantly without think about their next

course of action.

Heuristics play important roles in decision-making and problem-solving. When we

need a quick solution, we often turn these mental shortcuts to solve a problem or make a


For example, when we get lost, the mental shortcut allows us to think that GPS can

help us solve the problem that we are facing. It could lead us the correct ways to get to the

place that we want to go.

This shows that heuristics can shorten our problem-solving and decision-making

process, they can introduce errors. Just because something has worked in the past does not

mean that it will work again, and relying on an existing heuristic can make it difficult to see

alternative solutions or come up with new ideas.

How Lee Jing, Yee Algel, Tee Hing Nian Page 11


Info-graphic sources from:

How Lee Jing, Yee Algel, Tee Hing Nian Page 12

How Lee Jing, Yee Algel, Tee Hing Nian Page 13

How Lee Jing, Yee Algel, Tee Hing Nian Page 14


1. Women Drivers Crash More Than Men. (1998, June 16). Women Drivers Crash More

Than Men. Retrieved May 28, 2014, from

2. Tomooka, C. (1994, April 28). Psychology 499 Paper3. Psychology 499 Paper3.

Retrieved May 24, 2014, from

3. Stereotypes About Women Drivers. (n.d.). Women And Cars. Retrieved May 29, 2014,
