Putting social media into practice: Tips, contemporary issues and privacy

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Transcript of Putting social media into practice: Tips, contemporary issues and privacy


David Houghton Kirsten Bartlett Fleur-Michelle Coiffait Jenna Condie Emma Davies


* What do you want from this session?


* Get involved in this session….


* The public-private juxtaposition

* Ethics… Is that near Suthics?

* Is a client a friend?

* Becoming engaged with students… It’s not all about Gretna Green

* #research #using #twitter

* Round Table Slagging Match


* Umbrella Term * Theoretical and empirical research across many disciplines * A basic right (Warren & Brandeis, 1890, DeCew, 1997)

* Intellectual Property & Jurisprudence (DeCew, 1997; Solove, 2006)

* Freedom from & conflict of surveillance (Warren & Brandeis, 1890)

* Method of information control & interpersonal boundary management (Altman, 1975; Petronio, 2002; Westin, 1967)

* Socio-Politically defined region of freedom (Westin, 1967)

* Physical Access and isolation, e.g. Toilet? * Respite from overcrowding (Joinson et al., 2011)

* Expressive privacy (DeCew, 1997; Westin, 1967, 2003)


* Four main types of privacy theory * Non-intrusion

* Seclusion

* Limitation

* Control


* Google “dog poop girl” * Click on images


* Participation in technology requires some degree of disclosure

* Definition of disclosure? * Writing/expressing?

* Observing?

* Visible thought processes?


* Subjective

* Dynamic

* Temporal

* Record Permanence * “The permanent record of transient events and

states” Sparck-Jones (2003)


Images copyright of their respective owners – no claim to authorship/ownership is made


* “Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence” * Article 8, European Convention on Human Rights

(ca. 1950)

* But this regards surveillance, not individual’s errors in judgement when releasing their own information


* Privacy Violations by friends involved/resulted * Uncertainty over information spread * Time Component (Time a healer?) * Upset emotional reaction * Disparity of Boundary Rules * Release information outside dyad/group * Increased caution * Expectancy to keep boundary/secret * Shock/Surprise


* Expectation of privacy based on how far it would ‘naturally’ travel across social network

* Natural “Degrees of Freedom” and expectations

Images copyright of their respective owners – no claim to authorship/ownership is made


* Uses concept of interpersonal boundaries and negotiation (Altman, 1975; Derlega & Chaikin, 1977; Petronio, 2002)

* Implicit & Explicit Negotiation

* Boundary Turbulence












* Privacy Dictionary Developed from linguistic analyses on various interviews where privacy was of concern or expressed, and a control group * Words involving other, other references, and

you categories, were used in the privacy condition * Words involving money, religion, and we, were

used more frequently in the non-privacy condition


* Linguistic analyses on 250 ‘normal’ and 250 ‘sensitive’ tweets

* More she/he, they, verbs, prepositions, family, negative emotions, discrepancies, sexual, and death words were used in sensitive tweets

* More present tense, and future tense words used in normal tweets


* How to deal with privacy, need for disclosure, need to connect with others and getting things done?

* Mechanisms for physical isolation possible?

* Look for words used by yourself and others?

* Utilise privacy assessment tools for SM?


* Facebook: * http://www.rabidgremlin.com/fbprivacy/

* http://www.profilewatch.org/

* Twitter, based on Houghton & Joinson (2012) * http://interactionslab.net/sensitweet


Kirsten Bartlett & Fleur-Michelle Coiffait


* * Pleaded guilty to the Racially Aggravated s4A Public

Order Act 1986

* 56 day jail term

* Guardian poll

* 62% think it was excessive

* 38% think it was appropriate

* Comments - http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/apr/08/victoria-coren-liam-stacey-tweets

* * Law student at Newcastle Uni sentenced to 200 hours community service for sending racist tweets to Stan Collymore

* "@StanCollymore has anyone ever referred to you as semi pro as in a semi pro coon


* * Racism and football a deep seated malady?

* 2004 Ron Atkinson football commentator forgot his mic was on & said;

‘He’s what’s known in some some schools as a f*&^king lazy thick nigger’

* Ron didn’t go to prison, he did resign

* Understandable in the circumstances?

* Shows lack of respect for students?

* You can say it in the pub but not on facebook?

* Sociology teaching assistant (demonstrator) Bianca Baggiarini working in Toronto * Comments - http://oncampus.macleans.ca/education/2011/03/18/york-ta-apologizes-for-criticizing-her-students/

* Nancy Mandell, chair of the department, said that the teaching assistant accepted her comments were "regrettable and inappropriate”

(The Times Higher Education, March 2011)


* * A demonstrator accepted students as friends

* The demonstrator is a student but also in the role of teacher

* Is this appropriate?

* * The outcome was a disciplinary meeting initiated by other students who felt it was inappropriate

* The students felt that there was a danger the demonstrator would be biased towards the students who were friends

* Should the demonstrator remove the students?

* * Redirect students to linkedin or other more professional


* Not necessarily about you and the ‘friend’ but outside perception of the relationship

* Power imbalance

* Have two accounts?

* Have a philosophy and constantly up date it

* What about twitter?

* Some comments - http://academia.stackexchange.com/questions/1539/is-it-okay-if-a-professor-friends-a-student-on-facebook

* * Some possible rules;

* never initiate contact with students

* do not accept requests from undergraduates until they graduate

* accept requests from peers including supervisors/lecturers

* attempt to never post anything that could cause you problems


* Student teachers showing lack of awareness regarding what is or is not appropriate

* Question of parental concern

* Stacey Snyder was prevented from graduating as a teacher after photos of her as a ‘drunken pirate’ were seen by school administrators

Carter, Foulger & Dutton 2008

* * I've worked in Education for 7 years, and have seen twenty-something year old teachers pressured out of their job for living like a twenty-something year old.

* teachers having to live their entire public lives in a bubble of 'respectability' as defined by the loudest complaining parent. (relative to the spine of your administrators - my former employers were spineless).

* teachers have to hide their lives because parents believe adults drinking is 'inappropriate'.

* * I have a daughter who's school-aged and I don't really want to

see pix of her teacher getting sloshed on Facebook, nor do I want to question or worry that she's coming to school on Monday morning w/ a hang-over or wondering if she hits the bottle too hard and too often to the point it's affecting her job.

* * Take care with your posts, consider whether something you write could be misinterpreted

* Take care with who you friend

* Teachers and practicing psychologists are obliged to adhere to a regulation that states they shall not engage in activities that may discredit their profession, whilst at work or not

* What about you?


Jenna Condie | University of Salford | T:@jennacondie

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Private Public




Private Public




* There’s some serious negativity

out there

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…Need to develop professional identities Flickr: creative commons licence http://www.flickr.com/photos/56832294@N03/5718593516/sizes/s/in/photostream/


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< 49

Social Media Ambassador Scheme Focus on Employability

Embed Social Media Induction

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…and with a network of support!



Jenna Condie | University of Salford | T:@jennacondie


Emma L Davies Oxford Brookes University

edavies@brookes.ac.uk @I_am_emma


•  Is it a waste of time? No! •  Academics and institutions are taking

Twitter seriously •  Networking increasingly taking place

online •  As a PhD student – can you afford NOT

to have an online presence?


*  * Consume * Connect * Curate * Connect




* •  Make lists to manage people

you follow •  Organise your timeline •  Start a public list for other

people to follow

•  Be creative •  Think about your research area


* Participant recruitment

* Online surveys – easy to spread the word

* Not to be used as a sole strategy

* Issues with consent and participant consent

* Finding the latest articles / news


* Alcohol researchers

Conferences using hashtags

Meeting other students

Finding out the latest news

Access to new papers

Finding out about events

Participant recruitment

* * #acwri * #phdchat * @thesiswhisperer * @phd2published *  Other students


* http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/impactofsocialsciences/2011/09/29/twitter-guide/

* http://www.slideshare.net/anneosterrieder/enhancing-your-online-presence-with-social-media

* http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2012/06/28/survey-finds-few-british-phd-students-engaged-new-media

* http://www.phd2published.com/


* * Getting started with Twitter - short video http://bit.ly/ABzcJw

* LSE Guide to Twitter http://bit.ly/uRgcIl

* Twitter at conferences (@WhySharksMatter) http://bit.ly/xIbWFV

* What Twitter offers academics (Mark Carrigan) http://bit.ly/Msn2eF

* Social media & psychology: Friend or foe? http://bit.ly/9OCXgh

* Twitter & downloading papers (Melissa Terras) http://bit.ly/HRNgVE

* Navigating the Twitterverse (Kimone Hyman) http://bit.ly/zJPCdJ

* The perfect Tweet (Shea Bennett) http://bit.ly/i73JHq

* Twitterchats: An overview http://t.co/m7KPjr3