Put the Title of the Module Here - NMSU RETA Programreta.nmsu.edu/lessons/pet/allguides.doc · Web...

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Transcript of Put the Title of the Module Here - NMSU RETA Programreta.nmsu.edu/lessons/pet/allguides.doc · Web...

RETA Training Module: Pet Store

RETA Trainer's GuidePet Store

A multidisciplinary early childhood lesson

Designed by: Laura Moffitt (l_moffitt@hotmail.com)Laura Shepardson (tinklaura@cyberport.com)Marilyn Kelly (marilynkkelly@hotmail.com)

Miriam Martinez (martinez_mir@aps.edu)Debra Gurule (sndgurul@nedcomm.nm.org)

IntroductionThe Pet Store RETA Workshop provides early childhood educators with a multidisciplinary, developmentally appropriate example of integrating technology into the (Pre-K-2) curriculum. It provides a hands-on opportunity for participants to recognize, use, and understand appropriate technology use with young children through guided activities that revolve around the Pet Store theme. Participants will be planning and creating a Pet Store by working in teams and rotating through a series of stations which requires them to create an advertisement, a presentation, plan and sort data, create a concept map, gather information, categorize and classify animals, and document their progress.

This module has a teacher participant and student participant module. The student module is designed for use within a balanced curricular plan and is not intended for use in isolation. The teacher participant module is a condensed version of the Pet Store lesson, designed to expose participants to the many ways of integrating technology into curricular planning.

Participant OutcomesAfter completing the early childhood module called Pet Store, teacher participants will:

be familiar with a variety of technology applications; gain an understanding of how technology can be integrated into the early childhood


RETA Training Module: Pet Store

gain an understanding of a constructivist approach appropriate to the early childhood classroom); and

will use effective classroom management techniques applicable to the early childhood classroom.

After completing the module Pet Store, student participants will be able to: categorize and classify animals using various characteristics; gather and organize information about animals from a variety of resources; plan and sort information about animals in a pet store; create a map of the pet store and transfer the design to the computer; create an advertisement for the pet store; create a presentation to tell about the pet store; and document what they have learned from the activity.

Technology UsageTechnology tools for the entire module should include (but are not limited to):

Internet access Microsoft Word/Clarisworks (for Macs) Inspiration Kid Pix or PAINT Scanner Digital camera Clip art MS Excel/Claris Spreadsheet (for Macs) MS Publisher Printer (color, if possible) MS PowerPoint

ResourcesOnlineNational Geographic [http://www.nationalgeographic.com/]Encarta online encyclopedia [http://encarta.msn.com/Discovery Channel School [http://school.discovery.com] The Pet Library [http://www.techbooks.co.uk/amazon/pets/gen.htmInternet Public Library Youth Division [http://www.ipl.org/youth/]Graphic Organizers [http://graphic.org/venexp.html]Venn Diagrams [http://venndiagram.com/]Inspiration (concept mapping software preview site) [http://www.inspiration.com/]Kid Pix Preview Site [http://www.kidpix.com]Care 4 Pets [http://www.avma.org/care4pets/]Yahooligans [http://yahooligans.com]Dmoz Open Directory Project [http://dmoz.org/]

Ask Jeeves [http://askjeeves.com]Critter Clinic at Beal School

RETA Training Module: Pet Store

[http://www.ci.shrewsbury.ma.us/Sps/Schools/Beal/Curriculum/critterclinic/critterclinic.html]Animal Alphabet [http://www.mrtc.org/~twright/animals/english/alphabet.htm]

Off linePet Store Concept MapMS Encarta CD-Rom Encyclopedia“Pet Shop” CD-Rom software by Fisher PriceThe Pet Store Sprite by Tracy WestMS. Pea’s Pet Store and Other Children’s Tales by Rachel L. PerezPet Store, Vol. 13 by M.T. CoffinPet Store: A Complete Theme Unit by Dana McMillanThe Best Pet Yet by Dorothy HandelmanArthur’s Pet Business by Marc BrownFranklin Wants A Pet by Paulette Bourgeois


Materials: Markers and large paper for brainstorming Pictures of animals and/or plastic animals Prepared station signs/task folders with appropriate materials for each station Two-four diskettes for saving activities OR access to E-Groups Pet Store folder (created by

trainer, if necessary) Linking cubes or blocks Printouts of student samples Printout of Pet Store Rubric

Preparation:Obtain the templates, sample and station task cards from the Pet Store Module on the RETA Site (http://reta.nmsu.edu) or CD-Rom. Gather animal pictures, plastic animals, blocks or linking cubes for planning the construction of the store. Make student samples for each station and post. Prepare the station task cards and organize in the classroom for easy use by the participants. (Reminder: Students will NOT complete this unit in the same time frame as adult participants. Use of these activities must be part of a balanced plan for young children—not used in isolation. This preparation is for adult participants.)Remind participants that student use of these tasks MUST be modified and completed with the assistance of a teacher, assistant, parent, or older student mentor. Reading level ability will vary for students; young children must work with someone older.

The instructor must choose and familiarize him/herself with the hardware and software that will be used. Before the session, the instructor must prepare all the Task Folders stating the task and organize the stations appropriately in the classroom. The instructor must decide how to group participants in groups of 3 or 4.

RETA Training Module: Pet Store

For the Bridge to Practice session, have the Pet Store Idea Table document open on one computer. Participants should add ideas to the table; print this out for all participants to take home at the end of the day.

Tasks: (stations)Each station task card gives directions for that activity.

Station 1: Find Out (Resources) Task CardStation 2: Round Up (documentation) Task CardStation 3: Plan It (Planning and Sorting Data) Task CardStation 4: Map It (map the pet store) Task Card

Optional Task CardStation 5: All About (categorizing animal traits) Task CardStation 6: Make a Commercial (advertising) Task CardStation 7: Show Me (slide show of pet store animals) Task Card

If necessary, the trainer needs to prepare a mini-lesson on using scanners and digital cameras. Another mini-lesson may be needed on downloading images and using clipart.

Print the Pet Store Concept Map for use in helping participants visualize the tasks for the lesson.


Presenter’s Agenda: (print version)8:30-9:00 Introduction, overview for the day, and sharing of ideas about ways to integrate

technology into the early childhood classroom (contact participants ahead of time and ask each to come to class with ideas).

9:00-9:30 Set up the scenario of the Pet Store. Participants should then divide into teams of 3-4. These teams will brainstorm and create a concept web about possible animals for a Pet Store and how it should look when completed. The teams will then rotate through the seven stations.

9:30-12:00 Stations Station Description Technology UsedFind Out (Resources) Internet, CD-RomsPlan It (Planning and Sorting Data) MS ExcelMap It (map the pet store) Kid Pix or PaintAll About (categorizing animal traits) InspirationShow Me (presentation, slide show of pet store animals) MS PowerPoint,

Hyperstudio or Kid PixMake a Commercial (advertising) MS PublisherRound Up (documentation) Digital camera, Internet,


12:00-1:00 Lunch

RETA Training Module: Pet Store

1:00-2:30 Complete stations.

2:30-3:00 View the presentations for each team either by rotating through in a gallery style, or have each team present at the teacher station. Be creative!

3:00-3:30 Bridge to Practice and add individual ideas to Pet Store Idea Table(print table collection of ideas for each participant to take home).

Graduate CreditTo receive credit for today’s session and follow-up: Teach 4 of 7 activities from Pet Store station tasks (used appropriately within own classroom

themes) Keep samples of student work Make a digitized copy of the lesson with pictures of student work (including a web diagram

and constructed store) Reflect as to whether the technology made the lesson better. If so, why? What were the

problems? Share your ideas and thoughts at the next RETA class.

Participant’s Agenda: (print version)8:30-9:00 Welcome and Overview

9:00-9:30 Share your ideas for technology integration into your early childhood classroom.

We need your help! The RETA Land and Animal Company is creating a Pet Store. We need your ideas to decide which animals should be included. As a member of a 3-4 person team, you will rotate through a series of activity task stations to create your Pet Store.

9:30-12:00 Rotate through the Pet Store stations to learn about ways to integrate technology into your classroom. There are seven stations so don’t spend longer than 30 minutes per station.

Station Description Technology UsedFind Out (Resources) Internet, CD-RomsPlan It (Planning and Sorting Data) MS ExcelMap It (map the pet store) Kid Pix or PaintAll About (categorizing animal traits) InspirationShow Me (presentation, slide show of pet store animals) MS PowerPoint,

Hyperstudio or Kid PixMake a Commercial (advertising) MS PublisherRound Up (documentation) Digital camera, Internet,


12:00-1:00 LUNCH

1:00-2:30 Complete the Pet Store stations.

RETA Training Module: Pet Store

2:30-3:00 Share your completed (or almost completed) Pet Store with the other teams. Be creative!

3:00-3:30 Bridge to Practice. Also, think of some other ideas that would work for the Pet Store. Add them to the Pet Store Idea Table. Don’t leave today without a copy of these ideas.

Graduate CreditTo receive credit for today’s session and follow-up: Teach 4 of 7 activities from Pet Store station tasks (used appropriately within own classroom

themes) Keep samples of student work Make a digitized copy of the lesson with pictures of student work (including a web diagram

and constructed store) Reflect as to whether the technology made the lesson better. If so, why? What were the

problems? Share your ideas and thoughts at the next RETA class.

Participant's PresentationsPowerPoint slide shows can be printed with six small slides per page for participants who want to keep copies of other team projects. Participants will present their Pet Store plans to the other teams either in a direct presentation or through a walk-through gallery style observation. Participants will also add ideas for classroom use into the Pet Store thematic unit database. Copies will be provided for each participant before going home.

AssessmentParticipants will use the Pet Store Rubric as a checklist of activities to be completed and an indicator of expectation and level of competency per task.

Bridge to PracticeReflect on how the ideas learned today can improve your classroom. Does the technology connection make a difference? Use these strategies in your curricular planning. Where is it appropriate? For your next RETA class, bring samples of student work that incorporates a few of these strategies. Share with the group your successes and failures.

RETA Training Module: Pet Store

RETA Curriculum GuideTeacher Plan

Pet StoreA multidisciplinary early childhood lesson

Designed by: Laura Moffitt (l_moffitt@hotmail.com)Laura Shepardson (tinklaura@hotmail.com)Marilyn Kelly (marilynkkelly@hotmail.com)

Miriam Martinez (martinez_mir@aps.edu)Debra Gurule (sndgurul@nedcomm.nm.org)

IntroductionThe Pet Store RETA Workshop provides early childhood educators with a multidisciplinary, developmentally appropriate example of integrating technology into the (Pre-K-2) curriculum. It provides a hands-on opportunity for participants to recognize, use, and understand appropriate technology use with young children through guided activities that revolve around the Pet Store theme. Participants will be planning and creating a Pet Store by working in teams and rotating through a series of stations which requires them to create an advertisement, a presentation, plan and sort data, create a floor map, gather information, categorize and classify animals, and document their progress.

This module has a teacher participant and student participant module. The student module is designed to be used within a balanced curricular plan and is not intended for use in isolation. The teacher participant module is a condensed version of the Pet Store lesson, designed to expose participants to the many ways to integrate technology into curricular planning.

Student OutcomesAfter completing the module Pet Store, student participants will be able to: categorize and classify animals using various characteristics; gather and organize information about animals from a variety of resources; plan and sort information about animals in a pet store;

RETA Training Module: Pet Store

create a floor plan map of the pet store and transfer the design to the computer; create an advertisement for the pet store; create a presentation to tell about the pet store; and document what they have learned from the activity.

Content Area and Grade LevelsThis module provides a multidisciplinary unit which simultaneously integrates technology into the fabric of the lesson. This lesson could be modified for use by any elementary students, increasing the level of difficulty in the tasks. However, though the activity is designed for use in the early childhood classroom, modifications must be made to provide students with reading assistance and technology management, possibly provided by a parent volunteer or older student. Children in grades Pre through 2nd grade would be particularly interested in this theme.

This lesson may be adapted to upper level students by implementing geometry math skills into the floor plan and assigning more research into the types of animals that are best for pets. Insurance, building costs or rent costs, vet costs, and the true pricing of the animals may also be brought into this lesson.

Content Standards and Benchmarks Language: Content Standard 1: By speaking, writing, and/or signing, students will express themselves

in a culturally appropriate manner for many purposes.o Benchmark K-4 A: Students will express likes and dislikes on topics that are of

concern and interest to them, with their peers and in the classroom. Content Standard 2: By listening, observing, reading, and discussing, students will

comprehend and interpret oral, written, and visual messages on a variety of topics.o Benchmark K-4 A: Students will comprehend information on topics of concern

and interest to them. Content Standard 6: Students will use the languages studied to reinforce and expand

knowledge of other disciplines.o Benchmark K-4 A: Students will apply information from the languages studied

to other content areas.o Benchmark K-4 B: Students will connect experiences and new knowledge from

other content areas to what is being learned in the languages studied. Content Standard 7: Students will use the language studied for personal emjoyment,

personal enrichment, and employability.o Benchmark K-4 A: Students will use languages and knowledge of cultures to

share personal experiences, feelings, and decisions.

Mathematics: Content Standard 1: Students will understand and use mathematics in problem solving.

o Benchmark K-4 A: Students will use problem-solving approaches to investigate and understand mathematical content.

o Benchmark K-4 C: Students will develop and apply strategies to solve a wide variety of problems.

Content Standard 2: Students will understand and use mathematics in communication

RETA Training Module: Pet Store

o Benchmark K-4 A: Students will identify and define mathematical thinking in a variety of contexts and forms.

o Benchmark K-4 B: Students will use drawings, discussion, reading, writing, and listening to access, learn, and communicate mathematical ideas.

o Benchmark K-4 C: Students will use a variety of media and methods to communicate mathematical concepts, thoughts, and problem solutions including charts, slides, graphs, maps, drawings, pictures, sound recordings, video, e-mail, and others.

Content Standard 4: Students will understand and use mathematical connectionso Benchmark K-4 E: Students will use mathematics in everyday life.

Content Standard 5: Students will understand and use numbers and number relationships.o Benchmark K-4 A: Students will construct number meanings through everyday

experiences and the use of physical materials.o Benchmark K-4 C: Students will develop number sense for whole numbers,

fractions, and decimals.o Benchmark K-4 E: Students will interpret the multiple uses of numbers in

everyday life. Content Standard 6: Students will understand and use number systems and number theory.

o Benchmark K-4 A: Students will describe how to solve problem situations using number operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Content Standard 8: Students will have a foundation in geometric concepts.o Benchmark K-4 A: Students will describe, model, draw, and classify shapes.o Benchmark K-4 C: Students will develop spatial sense.

Content Standard 10: Students will understand and use statistics.o Benchmark K-4 A: Students will collect, organize, and describe data.o Benchmark K-4 B: Students will construct displays of data such as graphs,

tables, and charts.

Social Studies: Content Standard 3: Students will know, understand, and apply the language, tools, and

skills of social studies.o Benchmark K-4 B: Students will gather information from diverse sources by

reading, listening, observing, and questioning for social studies concepts. Content Standard 6: Students will know and understand how personal and group identities

are shaped by culture, physical environment, individuals, groups and institutions.o Benchmark K-4 A: Students will describe how personal change and connections

to people and places are related to physical development and place. Content Standard 10: Students will know and understand the impact of economic systems

and institutions on individuals, families, businesses, communities, and governments.o Benchmark K-4 A: Students will identify examples of the various institutions

that make up economic systems. Content Standard 12: Students will know and understand physical environments and their

relationships to ecosystems and human activitieso Benchmark K-4 B: Students will use basic spatial concepts such as location,

distance, direction, and scale as tools for mapping.

RETA Training Module: Pet Store

Science: Content Standard 2: Students will use evidence, models, and explanations to explore the

physical world.o Benchmark K-4 C: Students will recognize models as representations of real

objects and events, and explain how the models work. Content Standard 5: Students will acquire the abilities to do scientific inquiry.

o Benchmark K-4 B: Students will describe and use simple eequipment, tools, techniques, and a variety of information sources to gather data and extend the senses.

Content Standard 7: Students will know and understand the properties of matter.o Benchmark K-4 A: Students will describe the observable properties of objects

and materials. Content Standard 10: Students will know and understand the characteristics that are the

basis for classifying organisms.o Benchmark K-4 A: Students will demonstrate awareness of living things.o Benchmark K-4 B: Students will describe life cycles of plans and animals.

Content Standard 11: Students will know and understand the synergy among organisms and the environments of organisms.

o Benchmark K-4 A: Students will explain how an organism’s patterns of behavior are related to its environment.

o Benchmark K-4 B: Students will describe how all animals depend on plants for food either directly or indirectly.

Content Standard 14: Students will know and understand the differences between the interactions of science and technology.

o Benchmark K-4 D: Students will identify the contributions of technology such as computers and telecommunications to scientific investigations.

Arts: Content Standard 7: Students will demonstrate knowledge about how technology and

invention have historically influenced artists and offered new possibilities for expression.o Benchmark K-4 B: Students will use various technologies to create works of art.

Career Readiness: Content Standard 3: Students will demonstrate the technological knowledge and skills

required for future careers.o Benchmark K-4 A: Students will use age appropriate tools, instruments, and

equipment found in the home and classroom.o Benchmark K-4 B: Students will demonstrate basic use of the computer in

classroom activities.o Benchmark K-4 D: Students will use common tools, instruments, and

equipment to perform hands-on activities to design products to solve problems within the school.

Content Standard 5: Students will develop effective leadership, interpersonal, and team skills.

o Benchmark K-4 B: Students will interact positively with other students.

RETA Training Module: Pet Store

o Benchmark K-4 C: Students will work cooperatively as a team member to achieve identified goals.

Technology UsageTechnology tools for the entire module should include (but are not limited to):

Internet Access Microsoft Word Inspiration Kid Pix or PAINT Scanner Digital camera Clip art Microsoft Excel Microsoft Publisher Printer (color, if available) MS PowerPoint

ResourcesOnlineNational Geographic [http://www.nationalgeographic.com/]Encarta online encyclopedia [http://encarta.msn.com/Discovery Channel School [http://school.discovery.com] The Pet Library [http://www.techbooks.co.uk/amazon/pets/gen.htmInternet Public Library Youth Division [http://www.ipl.org/youth/]Graphic Organizers [http://graphic.org/venexp.html]Venn Diagrams [http://venndiagram.com/]Inspiration (concept mapping software preview site) [http://www.inspiration.com/]Kid Pix Preview Site [http://www.kidpix.com]Care 4 Pets [http://www.avma.org/care4pets/]Yahooligans [http://yahooligans.com]Dmoz Open Directory Project [http://dmoz.org/]

Off linePet Store Concept MapMicrosoft Encarta CD-Rom Encyclopedia“Pet Shop” CD-Rom software by Fisher PriceThe Pet Store Sprite by Tracy WestMS. Pea’s Pet Store and Other Children’s Tales by Rachel L. PerezPet Store, Vol. 13 by M.T. CoffinPet Store: A Complete Theme Unit by Dana McMillanThe Best Pet Yet by Dorothy HandelmanArthur’s Pet Business by Marc BrownFranklin Wants A Pet by Paulette Bourgeois

RETA Training Module: Pet Store


Materials: Markers and large paper for brainstorming Pictures of animals and/or plastic animals Prepared station signs with appropriate materials for each station Two-four diskettes for saving activities OR access to E-Groups Pet Store folder (created by

trainer, if necessary) Linking cubes or blocks

Preparation:You are creating and generating ideas for your Pet Store. Set up your dramatic play area as a Pet Store. Allow children to practice what it is like to take care of a pet. Displan an array of different kinds of stuffed animals for children to choose. (You may include a note home to parents asking for stuffed animal donations.) Brainstorm with the children about what kind of pets they would want and record it on a large sheet of paper. Talk with children about what they think pets need. Encourage children to choose a pet from the pet store, then gather books from the library about the pets. Highlight a pet each day and read about what is involved in the animal’s care. Allow children to use boxes as “dog houses” or beds for their pets. Be creative! These introductory steps will set the tone for the lesson.

Obtain the templates, sample and station task cards from the Pet Store Module on the RETA Site (http://reta.nmsu.edu) or CD-Rom. Gather animal pictures, plastic animals, blocks or linking cubes for planning the construction of the store. Make student samples for each station and post. Prepare the station task cards and organize in the classroom for easy use by the participants. (Reminder: Students will NOT complete this unit in the same time frame as adult participants. Use of these activities must be part of a balanced plan for young children—not used in isolation. This preparation is for adult participants.)

Student use of these tasks MUST be modified and completed with the assistance of a teacher, assistant, parent, or older student mentor. Reading level ability will vary for students; young children must work with someone older.

You must choose and familiarize yourself with the hardware and software that will be used before attempting this with children. DO NOT use these activities all at once. Work them into your unit, thematic planning. Decide how to use the activities to further the lesson and learning, Before the session, you must prepare all the Task Folders stating the task and organize the stations appropriately in the classroom. Utilize parent volunteers and older students to assist children with the reading and manipulation of the technology. You must decide how to group the children for the tasks and how to integrate it into your classroom schedule. Consider how to use these activities as part of the balance of the thematic centers. Classroom management is essential!

Tasks: (stations) Do not use these cards for your student tasks. They need to be modified for use by young children, adding more graphics, larger font size, and simpler vocabulary.

RETA Training Module: Pet Store

Each station task card gives directions for that activity.Station 1: Find Out (Resources) Task CardStation 2: Round Up (documentation) Task CardStation 3: Plan It (Planning and Sorting Data) Task CardStation 4: Map It (map the pet store) Task Card

Optional Task CardStation 5: All About (categorizing animal traits) Task CardStation 6: Make a Commercial (advertising) Task CardStation 7: Show Me (slide show of pet store animals) Task Card

If necessary, the trainer needs to prepare a mini-lesson on using scanners and digital cameras. Another mini-lesson may be needed on downloading images and using clipart.

Print the Pet Store Concept Map for use in helping participants visualize the tasks for the lesson.

Participant's PresentationsStudents can share their final Pet Store Portfolios or Slide Show presentations. Work should be displayed. Teachers should positively acknowledge and discuss each team’s project giving students the opportunity to view and communicate their thoughts and ideas about each.

AssessmentUse the Pet Store Rubric as a checklist of activities to be completed and an indicator of expectation and level of competency per task. Most importantly, use the Pet Store plans. Refer to them often. Observe student use of the technology in other applications.

ExtensionIf there is a Pet Store in town, plan a field trip to visit it. Map a restaurant, convenience store, the school, or the neighborhood. If you have Internet available, have the students (upper level) access the map web site: http://www.randmcnally.com and find where they live and/or where certain streets in their town are located. For special programs students, have them go to: http://www.newmexico.org/maps/index.htm and help them find their town and some information about it.

RETA Curriculum Guide

RETA Training Module: Pet Store

Student Plan

Pet StoreA Lesson for Pre – 2 nd grade

Designed by: Laura Moffitt (l_moffitt@hotmail.com)Laura Shepardson (tinklaura@cyberport.com)Marilyn Kelly (marilynkkelly@hotmail.com)

Miriam Martinez (martinez_mir@aps.edu)Debra Gurule (sndgurul@nedcomm.nm.org)

The MissionYou are the new owners of a Pet Store. But, this Pet Store needs a lot of work. It hasn’t been used in a long time.

The children in your neighborhood are eager to buy pets to love and care for at home. Can you help them?

You will need to learn all about the animals for your Pet Store and plan where they will live.

Getting ReadyYour teacher is getting the stations ready where you will be working to make your Pet Store.

You need to read about Pet Stores and animals to give you some ideas. Try these books in your library:

The Best Pet Yet by Dorothy Handelman

Arthur’s Pet Business by Marc Brown

Franklin Wants A Pet by Paulette Bourgeois

The Pet Store Sprite by Tracy West

RETA Training Module: Pet Store

Ms. Pea’s Pet Store by Rachel L. Perez

Divide into teams of three or four. Work together!

Now, you need to think about:

The name of your Pet Store

The types of animals your store will have

The cost of each animal

The hours that your Pet Store will be open

SuppliesMarkers, paper, pencil

Pictures of animals

Books about animals Stuffed animals

A folder for your Pet Store Portfolio

Building blocks or linking cubes

2 formatted diskettes A computer with Internet

Your teacher will prepare the rest of the materials and supplies you need for the Pet Store stations.

RETA Training Module: Pet Store

Your JobYour job is to work through each of the Pet Store stations

until your Pet Store is finished. Station 1: Find OutFind Out Gather your information.

Station 2: Round UpRound Up Gather your pets.Station 3: Plan ItPlan It Sort your information.Station 4: Map ItMap It Make a map of the store.

Station 5: All AboutAll About Web one animals traits.Station 6: CommercialCommercial Make an advertisement for

your Pet Store.Station 7: Show MeShow Me Present your Pet Store to the

other teams.

Stay On Track (Assessment Component) checklist:Station 1: Find OutFind Out Gather your information.

Station 2: Round UpRound Up Gather your pets.Station 3: Plan ItPlan It Sort your information.Station 4: Map ItMap It Make a map of the store.

Station 5: All AboutAll About Web one animals traits.Station 6: CommercialCommercial Make an advertisement for

your Pet Store.Station 7: Show MeShow Me Present your Pet Store to the

other teams.

Your teacher is using a rubric to check your work.

Dig Deeper!Think of some other ways to make your Pet Store. What else could you put in your Pet Store? Be ready to give some ideas when you come together as a class.

RETA Training Module: Pet Store

ResourcesOnlineNational Geographic [http://www.nationalgeographic.com/]Encarta online encyclopedia [http://encarta.msn.com/Discovery Channel School [http://school.discovery.com] The Pet Library [http://www.techbooks.co.uk/amazon/pets/gen.htmInternet Public Library Youth Division [http://www.ipl.org/youth/]Care 4 Pets [http://www.avma.org/care4pets/]Yahooligans [http://yahooligans.com]Dmoz Open Directory Project [http://dmoz.org/]

OfflinePet Store Concept MapMicrosoft Encarta CD-Rom EncyclopediaPet Shop CD-Rom software by Fisher PriceThe Pet Store Sprite by Tracy WestMs. Pea’s Pet Store and Other Children’s Tales by Rachel L. PerezPet Store, Vol. 13 by M.T. CoffinThe Best Pet Yet by Dorothy HandelmanArthur’s Pet Business by Marc Brown Franklin Wants A Pet by Paulette Bourgeois


animal  living  pet  money  map  designcare health family habitat food  team

CreditsMicrosoft ClipArtAmazon.com (for book images)