Push Protesting

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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When your advocacy web site has a message that is in opposition to someone else's, it can be hard to get the word out. You usually don't have the budget to advertise, and your target audience may be predisposed to not visit your site. Or they may not even be aware of the issue you are raising to even ask the right questions. This talk reviews techniques that use the programmable web (XML, KML, RSS, geocoding and microformats) to get your message in front of people via third-party websites. By allowing your data to flow freely, you can catch people's attention in unexpected ways. (Be sure to open the notes tab while viewing, and please visit my blog at http://skeptools.wordpress.com/2008/10/18/push-protesting/)

Transcript of Push Protesting

Push Protesting

Getting the word out through the programmable web

Tim Farleywhatstheharm.net &


what is this about?

getting your message out cheaply

who is it for?

when your message is in opposition

to someone or something


advocates (SaveTheXXXX.com)

consumer protection(xxxxSucks.com)

political or religious messages

scientific skepticism

why is this useful?

advertising isn’t cheap

google-bombing does not scale

top 10 links

your site ends up preaching to

the choir

what alternative techniques are there?

programmable web



Geocoding & KML

open up your data

opened data can flow by itself

third party web sites (neutral ground)

Importance of tone

key is getting attention without alienating

your audience

what is the skeptic movement?


alt medicalastrology


9/11 “truth”



victim reports

rhetorical tool

research tool

RSS feeds

RSS is not just for blogs!

all sites should publish

via RSS

third-party sites will pick up your RSS content


recommended: FeedBurner.com

Microformat: Geo-coding


GeoRSS example<item> <guid isPermaLink="false">whatstheharm.net.case.number.1170</guid> <link>http://whatstheharm.net/fengshui.html#loh_futt_keong</link> <author>whatstheharm.net</author> <category>feng shui</category> <title>Loh Futt Keong</title> <description>The neighbors both believed in feng shui, but didn't get along with each other. When one put a mirror on their house to reflect bad luck, the other did the same and the feud escalated. The argument ended up in the street with one person dead.</description> <pubDate>Tue, 26 Aug 2008 19:06:00 -0400</pubDate>

<georss:point>6.1105 100.362007</georss:point>



KML is Keyhole

Markup Language

KML Example<Placemark id="whatstheharm.net.case.number.1170"> <styleUrl>#case</styleUrl> <name>Loh Futt Keong</name>

<description>The neighbors both believed in feng shui, but didn't get along with each other. When one put a mirror on their house to reflect bad luck, the other did the same and the feud escalated. The argument ended up in the street with one person dead.</description>

<Snippet maxLines="1">Stabbed to death</Snippet>

<atom:link href="http://whatstheharm.net/fengshui.html#loh_futt_keong" />

<Point> <coordinates>100.362007,6.1105</coordinates> </Point></Placemark>

Google requires a “Geo Sitemap”


Google & Microsoft both use much user content

Yahoo Maps and others are lagging on this

Good for geoprotesting:YouTube


Bad for geoprotesting:PanoramioWikipedia

(edited sites)


Microformat: hReview


Restaurant, movie, web site reviews

hReviews can be tied to web site and/or geographic


Yahoo search starting to support

hReview now


