
Post on 14-Feb-2018

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llXlil g1 DI' KVS-

gfg, Frothingham preached yis'erday nfter-vïio ni mi flic limitation i»f Christ, not in cxlenials, but in

T-ealiinit-nt»! (isra t«r R fernii-' to tin- variations m

«tv,W-S It «vial Illili si.¡»k.-M1«'»"' IlllRllt linvr liv. li t«» till«

«! .v .m a, x.-r r, i« »" «1 hinu*rlf. ami yet lie mlirlit n.-x. r

., .1 ia »a»in*, fxpri ssiitn tn tin- Infinite vari

.a «ii.iritti' 0 Di braa, wbaaa untimeiytb iib w» niourii as w«- BBBata Hi.' .1 uh «>f i n- bat .air

«narri klmir«"!. a niau of tin« world M :» BBBapi M B BM¦: B

¦.niau «v ii jual! tu w ali BBH In tli.'ir i*-« utiar fiiiliiiL.'» alni

asjawaataan s man of Baab ty, s wMt«Y, a »peaker .> m m

«4ili.«s,a f! «lui« an iii all r.ilik»; ¡k companion of« a frit lal «if tlie poorest, '"'«tOTB

1 r v-a« a r.'iv Ii. h«xc«l bv Hie-.v.,- ¡i i« n iln -.ii.ii obaai ling wla-river ha waal

«arilti l¡ 1 :at'-lx tb n rs in«

'¡'in j Bgbl ¡nul ¡ tlicit»«..»nu ..nil Linlt Uli.I X iilu. in lb«-in ; ->

, ii« Xatl.lll'.ll!«,.« .iii. Iba -"ni of

.a th« l-i niii» of Illili iii.iu. Ilt'iliaui.ika «...Ii.ii Utile lie illusir tb ti fii ibli » lu- l'ut,

j ii porpaBB, Hi- BBH BfaB "f

| ,|.,.t VVilllOllt l.lHillKi-, :, ¡t be kilt'«' baa i" ad

Itai «jot /«. »bal Ha wasaa Intu Ita< s pilli ,- pi ,-r. but lit- «MH-iu-T Hu'

t., .i philosophy better Ihm im »t phil--n-.,, uf he iii

\.a , ¦!.. |l -ha I. t»Ut )l.»a -Ii', am llirt.ilL'll Hie

B, nu li. m

,,| ma : " i,. «. w Bal s atave.l hi Di II' li»a<li«lis all feel

li«- lilli«!« i, f- ,st -,., |, ¡i,., tia'¦ai bub a.« all "in. tai man "f tin-

in, out« .l-i-,.ill ¡nue lli.iiiV.fiil 1«. «¡I at his

uiiLiit «« i will ti.«« «I« in Bavaa'a.! ;lu- bunqui i. ¡nt«l pr<»ii»«mii .¦ I

, i-tion ni» n it »kirn-.- ira ml nut CharlesM DO I«.I !" ant 111!.I I ill li «VI- el

M of Ti it «j, HIL' Of .!. -u«

.¦if child Hiul i«|s m a¦lu- Wt 1 vvi-li .'Cfint- uiitu nie v, xvlinart

'. Ii ¡«lill I Will ''.Ve lull re«t " Tilta mir la .ii

Hbaw inn li l'" I Iii« re xva« ii ¡mm.!nui even wiolwd buraartity; what lit

-I In Hie future. He ftuniil Hit'rv i 'un. iiiuoiijr the ri,

illkt in ki w Luv» to bru»,' it to as In livingw. ...ul .luí »t «ay: "Wb.v »I.Id we not i* ¡is

.1 a'a simple, ¡nul pureI" Hi proTOdtbal-a. VI' a«' I ll.'I.I.l -»ni

«l.nulioii, »en nu! toiL-nttcii.

m1 DlCBJtn-III WS Qg im; i;r.V.I'll. OB 1ITN.

lu v. Pr. Chapil pi« at lied at th«¦ FourthI ca, «"nui uf Filth axe. aid Katv

i.uni.hil', li,mi ttM litli « liapli-r of

1 "I anti« vim likewise joy shallPI a! ri iK-iit« Iii ii.on- lliiin

i-. j- rsuii« \v ,'iifli n- el nu r.'i't ni

-¡...k.-n by Hu ¡Savoir toIbaa aasl rii.iri«. es arba

iiiuTs anti eatniL' XkU.i tlu-iu,el .;.! .ir'i. ii.ii] lin-lit -r «ti,|i ct» uf Batta«

pi É Bl ii irei'iloiii from sin... ttM | «tysil, \kliiih is hu-

.. aaa tara bbmJ tba st ray mi,',i. a i m k to ins (,u,i us tia- iiii,,|.v le nu tiitlc after lil«

i" Baa ni li.ilure .mil thea "Il nilli us in lu-iiv til,

..¦ rtbe boga tbat tlMtaaMaMgber-..-lil than tin«, xv h, n -ii,i.« ».ni., ¡tilth-1.« fell

but mm baal f i. »m in«-, .n lu iii 1.1 rai lulu ui

li xktiiiii ¡« i at , iii.i-L-ti: na n

''¡rv io lie La Uviiiic .,lily for Hi.--.-I«-, sa

:. ;¦ ai« mt,, n,,-1tatara

,' l-i. mil xiiili tli,,i-t mm 1" it.

Ibv r»n- inrioilTicr-

'. '1 .» «I' i!- Ma-I tilW lull'.III lit.«Ill tlf

bal "f < bal.--ul think Hu m. ntl.>n ol

IT- T. I I.,Hil. nut. f,,r li« liasnus, f t«. n Ula iiiiiiicii«-,. |u <!,,, i» f,|t n, n,,.

n.ixe drawna xv« tren the

for the »«.mil. ,1'nii they brought Thenbe bo warona In a

k1 ,u or .1 In I-., but Dil ki DI vs.i«

a n.,.!«-,.-i. k.-i m,,- vviii, baa don« B linly ( lirisiiimM li". bj bil . Hi lilli-! lill.'. h i«

inn h« ¡ni», ¡lint euc xkhn has showntbotv ui».ui li!« r.iiiiie. Wt liai, linn li

' i .n the¦ají»»«, bind of treidus. When it «li.- It littles like a spar!.

U, ral fal It 1 i- .1 bUl «I n,'l,i VV Iii,' It is the total extinction of aaintelleotl <»i

Ita, a World ni «it. r ¡«ml IiilIi. r. frciudus BOW« "1 and lo

I. i« I« till -.(.<! 1

.lil.I « li|i Ki gfl \ 11111-11 \N T.WHAT 1 III.

BET. 1>R. mi i.mvs «aïs.

The ( hurch of the Messiah was well tilled1 i»)ii ina!,b anti dtLMiit ci'ii-

ni i-xjh t lutii'li ihat »onie ullusinii»..ubi Im Iliade IO the (b rilli ol the »mat novelist. The

v-rcist-s iiavi.-iL- baaa atastagt d, Dr, ii. w. ra i-

Siw« tts.k a« his ti x1 Hit l-l«-te i.f Si. I'uilI to tin5: " fufo nu vi h ¡nu It -« than the least

»lint«., is testa »ras« r-'ivni." Thus r-t. i'uul¡',:1 -lum«« If. Chi ii-t hail aire.idy salil that the li-a«t

K |--I .:,. ,,f B kB .'il'iilir than the »rreatest¦¡.lut-. M«: i.,ant- linns! If li-«* than

rjjrlei*. .», finit ba may «wkBW luixv i.ihI m kB«M',. III. .lil« st ulai luo-t BsMftaag Vessels ,,f honor

Bjal null, iturt-«« i.f trutli. ( liri«! Witta OH earth did not

a tin paaft aiul ilia-tram.« is opie of the earthhe miL'hl i xlnblt h s xv.. n lerliil pox«.. r», but he

-i I, ¡»...r tl.«h« nu« ii who pli« «1 their

«ktt«Bpst.-ii ti]«»ii the »li"its of Galilee that he in ¡.'litm !i«hii (- of nu n. ami fur hist faasaa dis« ¡i'l. a

Tb»r»v«.-¦ !,,-,i L'-'iiilemaii, in iloslnir, jiaid a tout blag» I)it ki n» 11, would not

hail Uniilit«! IIJKUI the theme but lur Hie«bsI BfB.wLi'li laid I» «n flashed :ur,.«s the ii« in nirrow. lian ly ha« tina» of inn !ua:i I't't.-i naide so inaiiif.-t

.. a« a« in Hi« w, rd» iib Hit« rest alni »mirtixv felt in thetiaortitin t»f ta*»AsalaiAg lamp, »iidiU-iily d.i»hed from4s* lu "' t.¦:.tin:»-. The blll'liilis. krl"W of u lull.iull

w:th lu- rKivcreipid ba un.te and lutter

l.«'V,vti u'i-tni Ina -ia Bl had the illllii-'t Tulls

far lu« ) »¡«lu ii-, and x.-t in-

B ji wa-i 1 vvUtli, djing. ht touid xusli to MutI i

vi tba inexbauslili'e »BBsM of hisWhat a plate

1 lu Hu exp « ic.' The. xv.r«« th after month ami pear

bl» i«r» ¦; ¦-. ¡it ami ii r. mt ii, ina kiiowl'l:.. furn vel ran ly disap

« -ii «um hewrot,-. t.,is is no1 tba tim "r1 "' '" ' t. ! 01 l'i il'ls. He Wa«-, i.s«,,, of w11 aad invention thal miirhr baye

l..b,,t, ami m ordtnury rases wouldlataol n ut it- ii».-! |, -i-

i-i iis- ami .-.,,ii,,iiii/:i,.. wptrori I!»- i» rf'tnuid notb«-¦ "". ,.,!. tera tra. to

le to appi inilinoHt r. 11 ti. -tiit« .,t mister nf the small« «t .1«

"!.«< nation», .: I f.u t-.iiui! In this¡h« biu.-b.t» Ilia .¡»., ihii « hair, ami pm-

' -Uasbi'is-lit «M. a ja ut. i, »ml he kiavi hi»., I II,a-n Ol

.ads true artist therein; ¡iLd in the wish t"i'l,rJ.'"e, i wera apoa a

arisbrj) pure, t-hhstt m ii,''¦>< 'a barttjr, and fooâ, as "¡.

'.¦" ;. .«v, ano an!of th« «¦mimili liumaiiitv Ile

...ui .tiihnvsl in m «oiiltl

r<Tirx»,t, H. i,., ia ti., truth. Ills spiritual knife"*',.' P li« »UL''

Ile doubtless uni., nu. tigMa: -1 ,!lr Hlntllit) ,.ff,.(t ,,f

V*m¿¿ '¦'. "'''"' .' *¦' ''" 1:'''' ('I'l""«.' "H-

k_,_*^_**»-'b li>l»»risk absind, illili Mills pmx eil It.»Ml«jrru,,_ i;,,t. aflt-r all. that f..r vv li , h 1 i nvy

___« .i,;,» !lM. wiual r»'«ii urn-filliaT^H» ll '« H" k'!i«i»! use mit for ti..T.. I" ". "" « rrectl.f vmiki,«« um

- i,.»-, ¡in- «v. ,i a i r« ' (»k'li!êtres» -ti« ti, ,,,,.. Ht ,,^a* «..., tr.» «he »«*- I'V ¡re he

»i -I- in» aiul

Y__*__|. I"' »i n.« M 'it r.M.i r I ¦ ox y,

it- ,i pleasureCr**»* «:.» .-i. hi v» arid, and th« absorhiiisT gratlfl

"»»kiVliA» ||..-, |o aJJ sa.rt» nf people In ls>th____TSBrtia. Ob. »hal a if»»llike pleasure 1«. »hi «I «o

B»"fi"h ,:" "" n" ""Ul .lilli tll'V.I heal'!,if Oil «'«III

OtJjS^'^ wb , ha.« L'iven so mu« li tiieaaur. ra Iutil«_aj_^J_*««l«llt tin itirli neil sut mut Ii toll, ill awn so

bss____*°_" b«r- ,»» |. f M» b.i> hastenr.l the uiuiarl___a»»«»JaV.I,. ^n« f m. i, |,y h;s .» ritilisfM «.»-ti Mess.I» '-s . ., ffattor! Aud he was blessud

C, M"*|J, »». ii...r» 1.'.e.l, ami Uhu rui tvcl hi« own

.¡.*_*iiu: | .. air«, from IO WbtaTfl*'üim~^'" '-¦ " ,'M"' »-«ii r' "" " »;rlt: l" ''

¦BBj **" ___5tn Ml IiL« bl« iiir.T aatUltS. Hi lived toeat J* -_BMMJ| u (. ..«n.»: ¡slnaiii I blightDtkal Inniii ,.

I« ¦ siorj PutLiri »¦' rstioi mai

**«i»riL i**K ,l'v' '. ""' now' .*.* i-'"1"'- wl11¦» UimtuLt^111"-* of 1"lt" K'lnlall'n- It l- sluiWli III

thal vvi.ik will, h 1« ima pamsilli?Braa^B», tl'r"", is-rhap« liifoiupU'ti nu! which»«tli»?-. * ll* b'.' ¦'' ,--,"v s,"-'i«-I tampli 111«

¦"- "' " who has in- full b.ii..e-t

f », 7'Ir,'' *i"d 'r" ' ',"lla.,,1 fl" ,'1'- < :"'lM n ul,ti 'Ul1"'''

aangbBM '""" " >« ruf»m t-v »flow«w. nui ,'u"' ¦¦ examplel Is not tba »uii

iliMrul. ni.,!.-, ;ilJi| u ,autl by till» -J- Um li* baie lui.le In »how h"W L' ¡I

" .' i'ilV '" ' "' '". "oi»»lb«k bax. lae« n .1 »III»

, __,*" "ur rouisioii huuiautty Hi- j.i.tuie».!»«,f life uiiilol the -.. lal

aaaajB»a«|* 1! '"'«a.» ' w..ill, I.«i,l lunn,,!, -o ii,.'.

l«l DO! le t"lii|tl|s|| If h«. van» mil

Í'..a " .", V' '''li Ka,: i- li-liuill« 1.1 II «, ii'-

»VI Lk**^ liutakUuis, <%.< »uwot ti^iuiiscs« «ma wwii-U

nni«t Im- I alen on (met Would von r ilatf» m iinc»t|nn nato tlie t liri-ti nilly of men Uko Washington anti I Inoin. or evi n l-l ksii«, l"»t the Inquiry I» rai»i ii, - w t

¡«ti. Ita of ChriHt: .»lilly vttiinh micTi metí l-aBBOt repte*« nt f liickeux'a CiiriaUiinlly ouiflit not to be called1U tlllt'ritlOU_._


lil Bl t KHI--.T. t'MVI KS.W I«T rilt'Hl II.4-ÜII.-|.|<l\'» M M'AY..-I'lKlTLAL Lilli AND


In .itv.titl.iiicc with a re«()liitiiiii «if tlie UnitedBtates (. intent un o! I'niiei-atiHt-, l.».«t iiai.tli. nioiii-

in*- »«i vi«. at t!ie Illt'St ker-' Cinr. h ii-ii ni tv wa« de

toted t" th. chiblren. Thecliuuli wa« gfOfaa ly deeo

rated with licaullfill tlower«. th- di»pi.iy of laaM mUmg]m: Iii iilurlv titi» . and the children, Who ne tillt: .,| the galleries, parin ¡pat' ii in the evr-

,i.,. mid tin nish« »1 tim mii»ii i, Mr. Mi'i'l-ir

nu iiiieii fiotn ihe last: " ved the chilli gre«, amiV1 y, til tit. filled w it li w IsdotB, lltld the ir» .'

vi a- upon linn.'' iin.'tniar his remains ho thee hil-them that he la ga steel who aubdot «

V tt, r the »'rtii'ili. «hont ."ti c1 tlilreu WON11, ,11 ti 'I ti tin .««" li' '«¦ "f (.oil 11 y the Mllipil Iel t.elllül-fu e. :i -in" v o' tbe fit'. » ii»t Inn li the Ii ii ni »ti r

land i'" ». .-it 11 _ them ¡iii «¡iii iioiniuet» offlos» ra.[B the evening, Mr. BweetMl lavm lind fruin tlie lett.

ft ni an«, v m f .r to iM'eiiina lit minded Is death, hal loIn apirituall« initithd i« life and peaee." «This laying.«¡i i Mr «arit-. r, Is a hinge, apon which Un- meaning ofa mil p:,rt oi tin. New 'J'. »I¡itin nt till li* I.lie alni .li a! ii,w h it ¡ne th. \ I What is the iinaiiiiit: ot tlio«- toim-a-n«eit in ciiri«t ¡mil hi« I.postleal Thal la a qaestlon of1 limai v im port h tu-«' to ¡in um,! r«t. m lui-nt min ti ol theirino«i vital t< achm».'. In trv ink.'lo interpret nur p»»»agcin whi li on- of the««! word» incur», we mn»t Inn lu

adrad thal thej are capable ol different stgnlf] «tiona,sud thai their preper me min»- ¡m only ta determinedfrom the connection In which tney »tumi. Tin» ina, n

i- ti. physical or lo the «pinto..i nature ofmankind, win, ii tbei refi to i« the tir»t point to be de-t> linn« «l. The only debatable point then left ia, what ¡.»

»pinto.ii life or spiritual death t for, norn erntni phj ti ¦»!it. and death wi hare non lirtous disputes; those di»put« -1" long it i.« t to the realm ol natural a k n» th ioof religion. But If it be derided in aay case thal a splr-Ituallifl or death l« vi hat tin Bible incalí» lo len li, tin nthere i» room for centroverey, for a« to the nature olST» ri'ual life and 'tenth the ( hri»tiati wor,,l i» no1 ¡uTecd.Thisis Hu i-i al point Ht lame between the Orthodox aadthe 1 -" a in'ii-, no1 properly the duration ifspiritual Ufa ami death so maoh aa the natur«' ofMuli life iiml death. Their duration i« properly itsu '.». am ni oi ». h i tinn. and di penda upon ti li nature,in d' !. training th. ti ni|ioiary haru» 1.1-, or the eternityof spiritual Ble aad »l-.»tli, the real Question to i>-answered i«. Does eternity Inhere in tin m in virtue oftheil vert naturi, or dm-it ¡mt f To ¡i;i««vi r it, we must¦mow whM their natare la. To begin al the other end,lad to .«-«nine to determine their relations before theirnature is known, la like trying to re ni béfete knowingthe alphabet, and createat adit m uni iti»f i» tory disputes,liketbatof philosophers who disputed tor years asto

er electricity t onslsted of oni fluid or two, und ofcoarse eoald mver s tile the point, shire», as I« nowknown, there is no fluid about it. Mr. Bweetaei thought

Un logical principle which b< declared had Menau j n ognlzed m the peat, the Christian world would

¡tiri-c. ¦!. as It la, there are two general thiaato the naturi of spiritual life aad death, the one nr-lived ni bi ii i« nu i'ii ii and pervert» d method ol n

11ne other derived from direct examlnatlexperienr» o'rii thingsthemselves; theonethetheosome theoioiriiin«, the other the theoTj ol Uuivenit.d'il- pi in statement of the Bible; the Ural nspiritual death to be th. natara] complete condition ofmankind, consisting in a total Inal .t.. to do any good

a state ot laflnlte sin meriting infinite pnnlah«u -tat" into Which th- nitllti' »lui

not iiiini,- bli.aalf, imtl from which he» anne, fit i bims« ii. but i in onlj he freed bj mirai nlonai ¡!t !. m on, « i.: «j e ritual iii. ii«i»t in such deliver.ah»'. .tint I« ¡I «tat- ni I« li ir III whll h Urti nid't ai,lal In e

for all has bei n n deem« d ii mi the dangera of his formerstate. Neither life norfcleatb, according i this theory, is

a voluntar) state of being; neither dependí tin Individual, beyond a certaini ulled eonver.ion. ¡mil that only uri partially, and InnnaiatentlT va iii ti- n at ol the scheme, bul a spiritnallj

di .ni mun i« like a fl«h upon drj land, I p] iiiIts own a, ti-n.but spawned therein some puddle ulm hI..»«liri» daw it from It,and ¡»-tt it b« atix iboulto meei tv ltb \ i,.» » ug death unleas s. Und h tnd». res It and throws it intothe water, and tbe apiritua Ij...i. man la like thal flan ariel Is ng t -« i luio. enn. Aad a« th»- Ash vi In ii on the 1.1 cm ml not w,! kti» own deliverance bj .mi welldireel dell rtn n»: v »m- n may « omi r- lib« i tvit mai swallow all the smaller fish within Ila reach, a .!li" |t!\ III» ¡IU W lil pi. Ii. »|| li- It 1,, !.. |,,I. L nstomsch and to looa out for the net« of men, Bo ¡taught that " no multitude or n .- ti a ol »i .Ili.II ¡I ¡t 1! ¡ill U BO hail olil'e a-.«ili

believed In Ihe vicarious atonement. Thoughman spend six days Ina week In gorging lum»» uti

ghbors'property, he still swims frei Intheeianol (rod a love, while h« who baa re civi

«m ii aspe» lal assurant and do» snot bon« tom nu ut, though in spend ». »en days of tinu deeds «if Ininti to all mankind, i« beyond the b»I th< refreshing billows of Uod'a love, and Uto writhe la agony forever. Bo says th« iii«t i

The other tin mi makes both lil« and deatb iium irt «later, of mimi m, soul wi,.me ii»,!! ...

continue with us aawe aeeept or rajeet tin s] idltiuna upon which thej depend,« urdini .. \

or disobej certain nal ural «pinmai laws orilalneil foinltimate good; It regard* spiritual lil« ami di ii

oi lae eil of !he fiituie, It l! ol tin pisays that spiritual lift Is to be sought ii onoeoi Its ownaccount, and spiritual death la to Is tiiunni lato

.1 »at - Ih it" tob« rai litil. bUt 1 ipil ) llll'l'lt d Vi

ken man with bis tnreefold nature, toa n . v.

¡na two Stories ami a lui», un nt. li- i« th. ...ti,ull¬

in indi d tuai, «lio 'ni-« .-it a na ii.\ In thi haaemeulna'nu , Mii'orilinutiiiir lu« litrliei capu :i., lium! lu» »oui to hi» lower, »iln-h nature Buchslb ad IO al! tin eii.iov in« 111» whit li In- lia» WhOOCCU]t '., ,1 part mi nts ol b tuttun as tie j ould laOtt-upied. 'lin spiritually-i luded man dm-a n«>tdist iid tia u. of his lower naturi anj morí

keener en! rely día arda the basement; bulno1 live there, be Uves above, win re be can nan un it

,,k oi bi iven,audwh n beean bt siren« ti nedbvthe thou-,mil messengers ol (. d benefice! whichcome in at the open windows oi his mimi and »¦

v iin ti 111 v »pli itll ii tuan l« ,n ,|.a

ntl pi'uri-; bul while be lives In this w< 'i

Bs also In the higher world, and um a it lutin two in- i-i t- it i benefit« of eachas hi aidwlsa, for th » W" iid ¡»mi the ui I», i w.. d n t,.

»¦.». h otht Uki the two poles "f anmunt graap them both tu ¿u thi real forceam of Ither. None mit spii

thi r- al thrill of i Iel nal Uti.lli'iM NAH Ki. M VATUBl'fl GOD.

Trinity Bundaj w.t- duly observed :it St.Pin l'a Church, Kiftj-niiith «1. und Iflntl :» '. Thi all

"tatiil in »tri-t conformity With f

'Hie ,'iini» laira willi three liu'lit». the botiqer» of ratty three colora, aad lae gold n diniai m stun i.t-win- all »iniltoüt ¡ii of tin

ii., h M i«.- wat tald bj ti». Dev. «T. P Bodflrtb, and after¡ill a'llii'illici-melit of the i Xpt ft» i! lilli! li- 1.tin Kev. lather Heelier, the m li m WM gBot. H. 8. Latee, and Is as distinguished for Huoi thought and beauty of language i»young im .i' i.ii. Hi« text »-as 1In., vena .' Tin art li Is full of Hla praise." v.

tt \, Mid the preacher, to form a définit« Idea of theCreator, we find ourselves baffled, and iithe prophet « woiil«, " Ti ni v He Is a hidden God." Andyat wa all wish te fcDoa something if bim, Hi\ v tar ii-v.iv. What trootl BBWS, then, ii OBthi«" blight sunday inoriiinir w< rould li ira .» ». ni

Wim h would draw us nearer to Q nicb i

te» i'1-t. If we will rtgbtli meditate upon the Isthis world, we shall find ft a wonderfii ifoi " riie a: h i» lull of Hi.« Praia Kg n, wes*in In.iv s rintun that " the Beavi nsshi a r«*rthtbiit i. oA, ami that ali His works u i' to thesons of mea." lath¦. d, lo n làhoiightful iiilnd, thiof Niit'ire eau beeoaia almoat m precious m the »acred

n» themselvi ». A» In thi we« authe separate trees and crags which c»vei the

distant iuoiiiitaiiir», and «vea the llttl down,t» side, and vt t. la the shitde, I

na«* ¡so the though) of God- thai sui Ughl ol the«Olli.r»-teaii II« t.' U-ailtli« Hi tin ', .¡t"!

ila- beauties, lu their turn, lead us twek to II lui I»Mitti i» i.o.l h studio. Tin »<¦. beavutiful «cenes olNatue are Uod'a pictaree, tiny an Hit warka ofa,t .¡ni «i. I oae of tin ira a in.i-t« rpiiAll'tln \M»e and krootl and l_Mgbtful men ol oui rec,

l»,.vi fonuti tin» world a revelation of nod. In tin«

I ta-.ln n philo-oph. t itiul Catboln saint speak Un sam«

thoughts m alniosl Un «.net langui S '.

olden times used In his daily wall to gentlj struketbiflowers along bia path ami Myla them, "Oh.isn, »lient von tiilii..ti ha.« in rou for love of me,um] >i t I do not love Him.1 uiiilt r«:¡i¡n¡ roa; r- pin,,. .noie foi luv intri uti; nile. A 'I": III I. an

Ithelat wM called by »tome duty to thi we»t«-rn part ol

oui continent Bl md ug one 6th. Itlghestrragaof the li«» kj Moildown ui»'ii the valu ali ch wam m of flowers ¡nid \. ni in ..i 'i

traordlnary beaut) ol tin seene, tin ami to his y.: d .u, nu -i-tihle «.' nvit lion el Un t .*...«!'

tin ator Yet these peiwona only did what Bl I'iaven one can do tbi J it ana d "the v-

«, .i from the linn».- thal are -.¦ ." u t ut

!.. think thal vtliatt ver i- b a itlfu lu Natur.Satine'- dod. 11.11 'I.i- an »aeb '¦ i" ti

«m matt« t» val n I, .¡in g1 '¦ thi " ¦; i."

.,,.1 in t«. t aside ami binn It« u. VV' stml« the nu

i v-eaoi m. '» ;»¦ tiona; wet onal«l( I ti« |> lu« pi« io! p III

kal parue», v». reflect opon ti« de «- >"

-a . t.o'l .imln I- too va t ..I toolol mir on- den ti n. Vet vv»- . an i ipplnens in th.»e w.u.tilt Ulinga, f( "

tin human In iii U 1 U U 'I .'' ' '"! '" "' "' '~

ti. .iii the cp'k: tin» will, b cm uelthei thluk nor

aiiout them, but n m- ino» i,.in n 'n dilni -'"'-' howtin v. tv id- pom forth n n hymn of ti nk-il.i-t.-n tothe mue of m.flin proplu-t ofold: -l.'-i-

upon the rainbow, and btoas ii «"hti ii uh It: ItI,, .iiititui In It»lirlghtii«fV ' '

witt, oi Its glory. TI ban I« >1 lh( Mi ,1 -, ed it." When you Boabow I» ¡I'lliftl! thal ( .-¦ st "' thouitailed in the rotat BBd li von «tlllld«..».milli sky, and watch -tar afiei »tai gli«ttsltvt r i ha-ici -, do notn I the 1ti nain '.oi four soul and I oa li ii ti" bupnlag la .tl»o a belagof InfliilU purity, ah« y«»uthe sua aatting la glory, with d- crown of cloud», letral.i ia .«ii-- "> (-oil M .n ly, who "d nll«-lliin liol Inacceaaible." op. yi ii j.« t n- Hupuri iii»pir,»lion- willi h on, !ioiii these in.-.v thluga,ami then i"".i tin ¡n all h n '. at Hu f<

CBBlsffliJI Hl-'llilS! V -ll.Vl'.s all IlliM.ÏWAHI) l-l I'lil li.

Notvcitli.-ttiilKlilig llie evtn me lu .it, vi «ti,I'iiinoiith llniri 1» WM pachi t». .. i ll'.v. ii /. Mr.It«»-, mai pi' Bl ht '1 from I Pt !. i. 1«! ii .pt I, ' III und Tee.

vein.»." Hheieiii w. gKatlj It thoUgll li"W f«»T n

»x»aa»oii (,f net ti lu ; J» ¡ii. . iinouph luaiutoiilt. ., ptat ..a-, n. t tia inal of .v,,.¡i taltb,being D m

pif lona 'han of gold thal p rlahi ah it Is triedwith tin. inii'hi i" fn .mi m .¦. ¡a "i andglorj ai i.',' apa» urlugof JeausChriat." It la hire manl

.i th..n.I. ('liri ! bat mai J ¦. m his cart

uaeuiaui sultuia,»'«. lu MM sMN il u viU't, opuitiul

rmitin.-, that Is t., lie »i-|iarit«-d from the lto-hm r part"t his ttttiiiij. All of these trial» siuT aft!., thin« sliiehwe experience art mt m .blent.ii, hut providential. WoBare no rieht lo supiMise that 1hn«c who rio nof bivi-iii»., i.mtiirt» :,r,. oa iii, raad tn a biabar Main nf i iliicliff, i'l mr «vi, pin h.«l butta » In ti.«- Of life,Ullil .»lilli. I- foi tin «i||,|. ina, | of the higher Ii it II'«-B«* fa "P Hu ai .mill, Is eSis! ill .1 fin' »I Bird oiitllilloiisway. Then art' also -lMilal rxmlirta,wneo muui cn-.itpu«-ioii ia to lie »iib'liied. Men do mil nan, Into Ufi asCtkilrttl veteran«but aarai nut« tin v iTequentluilMiiiit .t trial when It «c«-i,,« a« Hi.uil-ii Hie, vv

K through a tarnana of fir««. Me pi« an m In Chrisban life a« trsTeiers ob a rabal.arning unir tbe leve]ami» ««r th- rallej but by und bye whi n they cm»« t.« ¡>

lot 'k, ami BBS all tin «r m.l s. eiúrv of he siin Mindinglatin,u v. tin j -ti ti,, n was m,m- ,,f t li - at iii,- be«-innli s

pfthejouruej 1«« tin ..Hutu u.i« pi ,« !« mtiful,but tluv vt. i. n t 1ul.1i i to wt ,!. Tin m mitliiiu.'s whb b ob«.-¡in- tin moral x -nan. lager Is a h ni'«!wbii n hub « on, mu,i hlablgbi r miium. if, bowen i, hep. -, v, t - ami, iiiiqaers, tie elouds will .!i«ai pear,uudil i, v a t.,r v."' f-nl iiiiii.. if ilttlns; al th-- feelof liH«.w«.Ii,n m.-i, i,mu,,mu .a a,,. ,t truiibb s wini h havHi., i n s.m apon i'ii in. Tin v in i,i,,ken, int only as tbaBax, batan It is to be m ni« nao thread and white Mil exists iii the .i ,;.|],,t er|lj -i,i,'\ ,-,.n,- mmm»I.n. M niv im a't mouth« are fountain»! f hltti-ilui! aft.- a,spasm of .iiiiiiii-.ii th. v i.i omi- pin ii« «I ¡imltb». wool« flow a- waters from tin- river ol Ula. Bowmuiiv Hi. i. an- «In. do no1 know Wl it i.'«l I« .IminrforHiern. 'I hei ai ine. I.iiin.ilib until i ,,.1 »mitra tin m ¡;.-'Iln track I li.« m«!v,- .N,, mall, wh it ru-liIns: and ronfllrt befalls a man. the victor« la worth m raHum all his lu«. Wei.ei.l to be «pu it luili/cd, no1 nnlvlor tins in,., |,in for thr Ufe to tom.. of amanall.lllile lllll-l lu ll.-i ipili,, ,1 |. f,,|, || ... ,,,, |V. I hli-t.

11--- in I !,, ti,, -, thal t.,11 on th, u.'iit. H nbard forth« roan* Mrds ta he shouldered off theil warnnest, but they must get otu before IbeytakB fiv Wh.itxvoulil a bml be jf ¡t alum« «¿airad in lU Beet,God desolate« the rradle, snd titea I. atti U*to taste th. i;pi«er air. li i- ptoi t.» lu- af«tbeti-«I. Tin purified «..ul Is roi re pn « ion« than tine«- in.- a in in Is like farming. Piral Um husbandman« ul vates a fea seres around in« cabin, but ewe! v v. irlie eiilar ¦!. « hi« Iii al«, until ut !a-t in,mi ¡u r. - art i,' nlv1"I tin- plow, (mil brunis .-ill.dum« I if lower li.iluie,lui bl ni', , and clears up om ia« nil» after another,inn ii at last u complete transformation ha« i» i d Be« u -i.When Uod feeds men'a spirit« thej rounnnr, hu! vinHi bid-Mu ii sense« thej bless Him and Bing of Hisi-'oiiiit-t-. Min i. »ik at t-xt, mai« Uod at Internals. Hulook« ut tba In-art willi a Divine ive. Ile know! timv.ilii. of the «mil He lasten.« li.'v. liomin- love«. It1« not h.mli . it is minv. .ila' j linn bave foundHeaven hi following their children to tab« Brave. Whenwe begin the Christian lire we are dlsec-tiraged i¦«.< tu««we lind so mm h bad lu oiir«.-ive«. Ibrongfa suffi n.,. theftuft of «pirttual pnritj I« Irroughl lo perfection. Whenthefowlei Brea lui«» a tio«-k tn bird« they .«¦-,. und Byhigher; «., w :.i u troubles come wt sinm Id r; e al»oveliii-in. Bl ii ki i'|i mi ase lulliii' so long as tluv vu tra to ba nutakara of tba Iiivine life, we muai fol¬low Iba i.¡y path which Cabria! Oral Mod. am!,»ti,! many n.iis, vin shall i|,,d thucrowu of Joj xvli.tliHi h M pi. ¡'iiieil for us.

¡ill «KI.l'i H Is\! til-' TIIK AC.K.

At the J'li'sliv m nan ( hiinh, Madison-arc.and Tw« iatj -fourth -!., )«sl! rdn.v Inn noon, tba Bar, I>r..Vil'ilii« pa a, bl ii llolll Hie )Vt!) IVa m. 11th vi in« " 1'nltelev h. «I to 1« ¡IT tbj IiilllU'

" Ibil piuvi r l-l Ila a s a BBjalouiiil s. It Is i,< ,xx I.- Ige «Ul I';«- pill! of Mu- muli who liMereil

Bometiroe« one wonders thai sa« h ¦ ¦«< x ..m of Oodli n .-Ion to ii', r it ; but it boa - thal

11 iv ni. after all, was a atan like ourselves li.» a doublelu- n it is bo! wat s net --n i that downright byi.urj¦I.I'll« 111!. l-l.I, bul ,. coIi« «I« V .i!i\ «;. Ii, (Ililli, i||,lll-I,iii!litv ol li nipt I'. 'I'll" :- .ipp.ipl late to the

present ! in««s, '¦...- n an «... ««t« ri/. «I i«> more of uncei1.11 n tv in i, ¡j ni n ii Li,, i. ii, hil', than might rea«onablri» « p.. i. ii it this period of btotorj, < m tim .me band.

ii a a- a prominent plaee lo Ute arrangemen » olKH-ietv. Tin Chiial an Church in «ome count rii« is estahli-h.-tl, .,. .1 lino, a ti s, ,|t,is uii iii nia!, d aiul lionned with forum of respect tar tb* < faristian rollarlos. InHam loriu« m tin- Church million»sroedni d. ,\'

the ».i . ii. iii v an the nu id« v. li liis d vv th iVuibi tk.ii the h.r.ili.

ir.v- Influence« of rellgtotai edneation, ¡in«,-m,ina i n-!..i.i, are not sntü, nut

i im bl n ditai ¦- ..ubiIn.! to b. .«Miffed ¡it, foi DU I .¦! le'lLUUl '.. i','-- f v

Hut how n i v sr« «riven np to hollow, besrtless, real¦ml t literature shows ii Nolesaap««r-

¦"II Iban ia«- ib ¦,., Mil -i-1 "t cn «t Britain tini not below lil* tal Is and n nutation to di p In the

'. li ., I. tldei i ul Mu linn -

i .ni di ntl ii lu i¡ Ki rj « in re nu u ice', a.« pi,, DI al, I i.

'..> DI ii but lil¬

li lu i n " gow, I ¦.re, i- 11 .¦ time forcontrast«. If we ha »¦ faith we

« If there is unisi t those im t

li' lll'i|.'l-to.«l.ible ( Ulli i-i between rs

a .i . , foi i- bul theI vv n. n troubled v il h

-. ii r, iiuin ii"i -,

ii -i. II di |k uti»I'l IVel lilli«! !"


nu :..«.« i i r vi. \i 11 « gi i..

leeting waa held beat night inChUrcl "f M. «'.ford Bad M I-laii-.i».

i.i j ti p 'm. î" Ri v. ataba K.

o kma d tbe opening bj out, oil. rodí ti¦ lei Ipten -. Tin i:-the mi Hmt sa lb« Batty ol

I '.I Moll toI'stliolii .-m Ut ,'i ti lied

'-i to history. The rEruroe.iiI. Ill .-.IV al« ii alni ,11 oil

th.-min: I¦

. r .ul lo uni lit theiri.. be hi bl m M-pt« mitti- m t.

I,., l. i I. .' ,a Prca .¦ ter! ,n mlniater, < oir. »pou n- !.. n Iii .il Alliant e, and

'. ':,' rli m < b i" m Parla, ninrc«s. .;: on tin ia.ituri- ami design o! the1 va Il ai « Ulm, falstol 1 of II« SeTI lill

0 IO lu IMBI, till I, ,'i

i d in Amaterd un In ia !, the fourthin pari» I the Hfl h In Berlin lu 1 t, It « a- a

it- DHrH)ting of Hu «Ki uni. ii.i al. bouldoci nr m Um ¦ ia j e ir a. tbe

i« -¦ i-i «I a« Iden! ,'.. but nil!« '¦¦

1 ¡au phi lots ala loólo ti pro« Id' lill li.the I mt d to h.ive Los!

ii -1 oi«', ni i, I a,.; -I'M. i., t vv -, Romani tnII in «va-li.ia-:. lied here, to lu-lim.-ht oat

i i., i « iii- Prim« followed v- itli -m arida.-Ililli in It«,.

Tue K«-« Ir. Co«] lil that aei linn« badit prui al ii ;,,i all tin-1 . ¡i« - irutu the contint ni of

i-.aiiiv to i .au« from England,'IllploV lill .1 foi 111- Iinji« the

f,,| I!.i ¡n nminmi.»Moll of all would bi¬

llin, k1« ... ..i, I,peek I, and In eoneluslon tbe Immense

i ti« hymn '" Thi re I« ¦ fonnl iln : d« i, ., ,¡. a ., win, ii tin pastor pnaoiiin.ii the benediction n,i! tin congregation dia.--.i-td.

" ggVl KI Ml ."The bright Bammei weather nf yetvterday

;¦¦! tb ¦! i! WBjI H«.'» Tr ¡lut x .-iii! lav,a ilav [i n ii.ali din tb« i.pi«i'op.t! 'hiiii h, luid

tbl I lb -, I O! ||, .al,. t al balllll-Oll't li. lil | iii M. (,.

of Which tbl li. v «-tepln Ii II. T> til !.:-j«,i-elected for the m rmon wa« it« x rent e.

nee waa to be con Idered the solemnitv or inniaf«world Was ailed With tba tokens of Mod's

t-.--,, -iv nd power, but .1 m« r>- t-ontemplation ol out«. ii r i ! to r« v« nm t foi Mod. be

,-i,i,,, «ai- not to las obi.uni ii bj ¡ne:«- d.-mon-f pu lu '., f,.i Ood -i ti it .1 roui au

,!,(-ipa ion ol His truthfulness, «strut rorereasi rouldnot «in «t willi doubts of hi« truthfulln «». Man'sli ve-ÜL.ilJi-n lin-'ht love illsi-USKioii, hut revi ii-iie«

.I whi o U'-i n *-. L'an, although conviction¡u-m ia the 11. d >.f ui«. .i.-»ion. The feeling of rerer«

not one ol repugnane«, noi trembuas beforei..iii .,, |. .,¦ r mt «>f filial ni-1 M.-ii ; -mil aroeUagol

<¦ xv a- in- ii«, lo I,« ti. ami Hu- -oh lu ml J Of ti ne

,,i!,,tj,,| , ,,,Mu'l-U .-, L'l.'.lt L'hil'.»'. 'Till «illili ofl.oll'svi ita li ib ait With hum ill «in. alni Hi. ill

en to mai isb «inner, and not aa a being of e.un-

ji a n ii.ii:' power, mo! to enlarge iii- sphere ol ipe« lulatireUm ghi, bul '¦¦ deliver him. Fear wa» no1 et>ii«i-ti ntvvitii nvfiilie. .-mil iv lure tlur« wa» fear tll'l« WBaV BO

,,. a, bunill no n-rerence. Beveren«-« m

i. ,-« ia, o b to tin n .ib. i, ¡1 ml ill tim ilei-i. e ni w- li a ii r. t. n in »¦ nu luaseil tlnl our |mi «on t. bli

m g tar..«I. li v|;\ \p, \s's ||l It sf.

The ;i!ini\ erantl bl this deservini: City .Mi>-tilv vv i« ii lebruttd la«! eveniiiL-, ¡it Uli'

s,, '.'oc Mnlbi-irv a xi Uli tba n-iial rr«»f.»

I. ,, 1 i-'.i'.ite« Tin- l;,v. Di T. M I'. I. r« ii'iid tlio

I, will, li Wa- :|s billow - Nilli, In I if ItillialC-,a P I- .' I'olli.llllsls, '.l| I; .1. V« I -, nt

lil I«, iii-litiitiim-. .ii to fin mi-,, ..

left ol ow n ni .nd. an; tlisinl »t «I. j: number of I«»iIitiiil:-«.number of nu ila, ti .1 n families rbüted, 11 ¡. pel

,,- v ts be seen bj Um p port, all -< rta,|,i«, ils .11 1. eiv. «I and nuil for illili! Hi- v Hull a

II, or an 1, .-Ion ti 1,. t lui r fin ml-, vu an lüv.-iin,, ut 1.1 InatltaUoa to be an d tor.

ru,. I:, 1 lu. I'nii« 1«- a brief aibir.SK. enmBissit-tilg upon the I.I «lone b» «lulah.iii ih.ililv, ami uli-

,,'i. and hospital«, and Un- t an t tkt n ofvv U, Iln 11.1«» iv ¡Hid WT» n lu dm-» oottSe

tai i Mu.,m uistitiilion« amoug thekioiuntil« anti I'l thrtrugh iwiib of wm«aeD|( |,tS la' || I li. .V !|.|V1 ll^ ^0^ ^W ^Ï. ^ Jl^l I II |o|

low« ii III a bril ..ddl. «-.

S'o. JOS hut Uta Ik bein Tell'« d bv' Hi«- mati-

Bt. narimba* tor a du» nuratar. la which work«lueui a.- «' bv« Um ki ihii-u«-n wiua at wink dartag

lill Bl I'd.MH) « III B4 II «1N')D.

The (,« in lal Synod of ihe Ki lninieil I lim«, in .St walk tliillliis' MU «lav «past,

adjoni ¦! al ae.a ttatna^ttaj, t" bmm i M Albany-d.iv m .inn!-, mt timm« mi" r« w. n«

.. r « ,' m the privat« iwspllalltj ol Um Itj lu s,! i,,m, im w nine-t xpi« tsloi Thepam, ular S>iiimI, titan «Iii-li ttppt ii«

¡, w.ii .1; «mt tb' plot e. illili;« neaHat. nt.

\<i nu vi OB Tin: ki.i>hi.n«í kaii.ud.vI).

[sate on Satiiidity aft« rnooti Mi. líoluit Al-,- «..hill ,,n his way lo nsiik«! and I rossini.' the

track of ib« íIbbMii Balliaai ut Dab hKiii», waskiii.-ti

bj Mu e.. nui« tram, wini li wa» aplin M Iuhl' Irom the.

n il, .M.- al nlating the distance of the locomotive, bo

Sttampted toBprlagatTOSs the tr,i«k,biil was alunk liyin. " i snd hurl, «i into .» reen aimut tm rael diataaiin tram al ppexl, uml \\n «ivm« iiiin was taken on

b ,i,| .ntl mim viil lo Hunter'» Point At the l»'-t mit.m x m 11 nation yeata i dm, a "creal mimi., r of Internalalai «I« li lil wo Uni» W«le lolllll!. TIMS ItUl'iid t,lii

pant, li i- limb «n»..!. win aid th.- family, win. are in «

tut,,, .,,, nu,.,, li,.- Is Hit- liMiilli -m uti nt win. ti,ni. d.n Iln m a-h'M.rh.I ol liutih Kill«-um'

,«l «-lillian I. Timm i« nun ii ti at ! OB lb«« I ".ul Wv foolalni Uki li.',i I a nu In um Bill bllgeil lo

blow tbe xvliiSlit several kaaMM bk'Iois tbi> will ita»« Hu.tiavk.


the olvtiti tiona», ( ()\ , kntiov.tiik wo-


Movtimi III!, June 11..Ihe ('oiHtitiilionalrotiti uti ti to'!»i pru»»etl nrMiti the following pro|Mi»ilinns of amendment, and willi the following ie»ul!TOBUtheiias the I,eiri«liifure to till vitcaiu lag lu the

BOU* alni Si nate R. |»-< I« d bl Miall,I ., ¦;!,. ,,||, if, tile tit Of the -llprem'- i'olirt to thi'

Governor with tta t Kmentot tin Ben«««ta. th'Jeeted byH to .

T .'ive the I» illili lo WiMTM'tl. Ite¡e«teil I'V U-H t'i pi oi le I' IIB ti -«»«lilt» LUSt» ¡ni of iMiliutil, a« form

. fit. .tdopteil b] HI to 115a.Mo«t of SB fit,J wa- »pent in dlitcll-.tlni'thlelBnt propoai

t II. Toe female Mltlr.llO' l| lle-rlf I« «li vva« pa.»-ti d uponwitt mil » 8| em h for tu awaiti»! it, cither in Committee. r iu tin- t m v, nu,in.


AMtlil.-ul.l riOH-TIIK 11)1.1TI' VI. »I i ( V I IO!.Tin: wini I'iM.-i'ovr.i s. «i.s.vini;, ac

Di-Mi;, IM...lune 10..The Republican«»c tii\e:iti,,ii ,,f Dalawait Wttt in thin lily yo«terdiiy.Bvarj " 11 ii tiiln-il ' in the Mate ni» fully n prc»»-nt« dMr. .lohn Woodall of Kent was »leeted .»resident, withthe follow ni»; Vin Pit «i lent«: A. W. I.i ni li, Newcastle;Mil. inv Mi Ilvaiti, Ki tit A.C. l'epl^T, Sun»» «.. On theflr«t ballot for a ««- for (.ovtrnor, Thouin« I!' lill v of kent te. . ivcd in: mt«'« .nu! In. I--.te Jump,al.f Ki t. v f. Mr. o!i!»ev waa then di elared ."

I» Pi,- bolee of the t'oBvaaUoa. and bia nomination waamade unanimous. The first beflol for Member ol Conti.«, n-nit.d aa folhiws: Joshua I Hi ¡id of Wiimn.trIon loa \ ate», Lewis «taeaipson of Mill creek Hnndred,voll-. Hie niiluin.itloli ol Ml lb ¡titi wan lu.nie tilianilliini«.

.»¡\ rt solutions, di fining the position of the, n \ ot i>i lau are, a tv passed by the Convention by aun iiinnuii» vote. Tin iir-i resolution r> n.-nt/i - theXlVih and XVth Ainemliiii lit« of tin United Malt Bl on

«tltlltlmi ¡i« B llnal in lost -i til» ment of I Lit- VOXi ti i|iift»tlaaawhleh have axeuad the country for manj >¦ ara.The «i omi le«t,Intimi favor« a tr« lu fal ¡illili» «tv, thoughit lim » ii"t iii: i.-t iiikiii it i». n nunn .¡i iii policy. It i» asfollow»:

H n' rt"!«* mi! tw'irrr th» tia»11« D' ar at lnn,l irhrn all of :h Nttrietioiiai «a ta BSpeeaSsiNMpeeeaasiaaBaaS'belliaa wai aa raaaaeatl B/itBeeS ¡,a,.,r la tha i»',<< al ¦.'

Iin third resolution oxpresex's coulldiiuoe In the Aitlinn -i t ¡it um of i're.«itletit untnt, tlrawlag ¡t tiiwnai Isonbetween the present vig lunee, a onomy and atmest1 Intin control of ihn national tinao* ¦ and the <-.iiitii ofpublie .itt'iii'» under the pnoedlng aldminlatraa^K italao 11mann - the i otrupt ami extravagant îuauaîWiieiitof the pre», tit Mate ,o, iiinent in I leltt'.v an'. Tilefourth resolution rehttea to education,and eoouaila tim1'iifv to the plan of providing aepatrat» m hool« foi raltired children. 11 mt ulam» 1 nat "ii i» the duty ot theState io provide f.,. i hoolsforberehlldreBvas everyHa»- and condition; and thal th¡» otrfeetean be inoro

effet liiaily ami hatinoiiioiislv sa« ured by Hie provision of», hool» for tin- « n of ih,- newly enfranchised >iti

sertn,separate from thoa not estahllsheii," The fifth and¦Iii i> «- ni n ni » iii .1 to the lni»inuhiii.'ciiieul ol Slate

ntl iii» under the ntctlon which baa bad control duringthe peat sit yean, and a ntdloal ahauge of policy, 11 »m-

oini foi \ rata..en a , pi idelice for iii »Ii MnOSS, !» demarni« d. The di bl ol the State, now nearij ll.aai.ftai. ao-i 11 iniil.ti» ti until r lie 11nu r it li rule, i» hut d' n »ona ; it wasim urie.! in aid ot the Kebellion,and via» samten bysinlim lui blunders. Tin ii vi mu devoted to it» liqul iaMon have been in.-ara u perverted lo other pnrpoaaal h.-pirti recognizes the obligation of every Bitüaatohelp to ps» iin.» «lebt, odious aa ki mag lie, but dumaadaa mili t'|iia; li «;, !ian of laxalion.

\ it -<»1 uti»»n was ii-" ni - d ii'-pe.'tfnlly re.|ue»tink»Un ->. Hull«., of li, |,|, ulalu,« to pa'-« Mr. Bailiburv'sSenate bill, now brfori it. appropriating|3 v,ooonu ila on ii ii lion of a piei m the barlaor ol the Dele*

'. ' ii Kit 11 .-.- of n piii»- from Ileweaatle,three from Kent,and three fromSai x, wa«,«al, and ino t nr., nlaui adjoin i,«-d.

lill, AMill't r

Mt. .Ii »si; u.t T. IP aid, the m nu nee for tilt Hil ter nf Cnn-

¦. i» one of ihe Banal energetic Itlaaneof Wi in murtón,a ni ha» be» h id.-I,tub I with many "I Ila best Impiote-n n ni«, im im! ¡n e it» itj railroad aad park. Be waa aleeo, !¦ o( the mo t ¡n tit. pini for. of the WuinlmrtiQ ai d

ig Koli 'ni. which oiiin ti» the former ,itv witht ... ioiI min» o' Pennsylvania. He la a man of ranrigor, all wire and al el, andlf eli it. d. of whieh them la

i.. pi ..ia ii '.vi li rig im m

her» ..r i it ii ¦" Mr ih ai i» i¡. Oouraei of Ki Blythecundldate for Governor, la a farmer, it-ahllug imar lu tierica. II«' basa« bit t d a »pul tal i'i ala aaaaya na

dfor v .tin ma pracl.ixpeiimentain agramílate.II iniil u »iii vi n»v

T''f iii nii.i t iii. man.nt. at tin- 1,,-t ehwtioii la this.-tit" was ¡...u. u» follows: New matte Utranty, TO;Ki ,.! i, i, .:.-, .uni -,.-., \ (Jouiily, 1,319. tío colore«! vote of the Stat« la between ¦.'"' ind«VOah rakine»

ti.iin Irtoo, and di lui Uua ni foi the mimbiu voters noi Min u.- ii voting iin Democratic

t 'a i, we have li t! a K pulilfi .in m.i]oilty in th. Mata Of» n. tun parti are m>i saniculne, however, as itha

.It in K' nt an«) I.« v (ininti, ». Tin- ion al tote luKi li Is ¡limul IJtmX The In iii", ra'a ln.l|ol 111 l.hclealIh .iii tam wa« l...,«. 'I'm» im iid ;;i\e ti» ii majorityof early 111 The colored vote Ut Sussex will be abouti. -a to oil-' i the last Ii nmerutlc majority ol Lath, Balloin lia« ii, i n um'¡tin, iii h i «nr-1,1. rabí.- feeling Inregard t., tin nomination tor ilovenior. Tin mon

,-. r alll' K pll lia SHS till lil« the I.I l."|o<» hale tai,, li

t. r, it i part In tb« h. ni th it. « to the Cob-v, n ion. 1 in» III» I'.-eii du. it »i .iin»., mole t»i a bulli of

¡tea ü to the in .rt« ih« ¦m», iv «. Tin toi nu rhave lita ,,:,.i m from th. polls at primary elections,w lui»- tin- color d men have boen thoroughly oriraalsedii. li aiIUi «, and hale i.e.till ¡ill Voted. They have alltot. ii. loo. na ii. i, irate» ph-dired lo the nominal ion mtMi Omitaey. Tais bas eaaaad great ill itsall taetieaamong the white hVpnblleana. Ilelegatea to nominatingcoi,, eut ion» lu thia State are t lex ted by a popular rote oft a 'pat i.v m .o n "hundred" (townships), so that thaIntlueu« of a solid colored vote baa been vin groat.i ila la a new thing, fur the üouservativea ol tbeuertiand the sttuatlou is mu accepted with tha beat gracevv. thlah, however, Hut! In »pite of all diflteultiea, washall. .»rr.v n -ian bj in irlj a thouaand majority.

bi ii ii n an» un nil wini im. ronIf the It, pnitlieaii pai't.v comea IntopowM m mir ta-iri«

lal ire, the whipplug-posl and th» plUorywllI oeaai to.,. the State. Thi Civil Rights bill has already

¡ii".ii«iit d th. m ia tli iitv of Wilmington, formerly, atia, i> seaslou oi im Mavin 'a «mi .«'¦.>! iii tailored p« *

w.ii- whipped in tbe et. llallyard. rase Court.whichwaa lomjH. iii of th« Hayiir, tin Udt-rnuvn (an «»iii. .-r

»III, il.ll to till' Ile. illdel .ti S< W Nilli,), uni the I'll «¡,I, Ioiiin- City Council tried, among other crimea, thai oflanciO omniitli d I'.v in .., am! mill illo' .«, tin pt-liaitjf whn h wa« m lliinr n,ii ilaverj and whipping. These

i-i « of lan iii wen ti lui bl Hu lulu li ot r_tg_tl a «

wltboul Un- Intervention ol a Jury. The Mayor andAlderman alone geaentlli attentjed. acting toajethai 1«

jml.'i aad Jury, and seiitenring oolorod meu to Shtverjami physical "put Vam pt nain al Slaver) In.une a fail o iu ici i.c w at liegan, negrotas ballia sold for

a nominal sam ol lui oi ten tent.«. Win li Joihua S.Valentine,aBepublicau, i"iaine Mayor, tha Couti d»-

u to tri negroes wader speeial Laws s|rplylug totin m only, on the ground thal the« bad no right lu no » 1 ihe Civil k:_lit.« lull.

vt ti maoToa.T!i;»t!t.\ hu« tteeii the o iii I le pu li! ii:in 'uninunity in tlie

HI,i le, alni Hu lit inn, ia! »ale tit el mi ned to».'! t m»»» »-mil

of it. iJuring the last suasion of tim I«eipjsl_ture, accordn.ii the city chartei waa "retrisad." vu tin iiounell-im li were tin tied out ot i.tlt- I'lie nit] w.o. d,v I,li d intonile wntil» 1ñatead ol livi »n k' IT> iiiaiultrifd" that theIn min lal» SlllUBOSed thal Un y Were .«lite of a lil.tlolltl IIIthe t oiiin ii. lae li« 'punlit au.i, howi vi i, hate Uituaiteillo mi nu- one in.i.ioiat). The ollie: of Alderman wa»

,ilioli.«lied, and all tin < ».« on ille_-,ii rotillg wert- daattWJeil. iii-p,ctoi« elected bj thi-pi opie bava beea turnedoat aad others appolaled, au the aa_t_oaa of tin D.«lal., l«egUlature have beea la vaia, howavar; foraowthat the in tjiiM « toti vu BWMB «ivory wini lu the City.

a, v tn»t voted at a »' in n I el mi lion » few wi ck» »»tfo, amiitiiv »duval omini-v-ioiiei It te)d wa» a li, pu lilli an.

I Bl rilli- »I NAl'iK

AJÍ the iiroiiiimiii nu lulu r-i of UM har in the Stat« ¡ne

luoKii.t; au'.ion.« y towanl 'Jie !'intei| Battîtes tv nat.Un m are Edward Q. Bradford of Wllaungtun

al d Natlkatliiel 1'. SiultherH ot Kent. liwlll u! Un »e are

good u publican», aad theitMeads ¡in »orhlng rigisoualy im them J mitre Hall of tha UmtedSut» » Diatrbi( ant, Wilmington,bow oa« Hyaara old,la al»*» lueu-lloui d lu Un- omi' lum


Tlir Bl I'I II .K'\N C\Mi|l»\TI .'...* Itha (»OVKHNolt.¦I III .»I I'I A HON.

Al (.1 »IA, .lune H.. llju l.ejiuhli« an State ('«m-vi iitioii meet in tin» tilt on the lath met. lint. (li.iiiil» i

lam, hav iiitr hail loin eh a tioii», letm » uraci Ililli anti lu

"gaaiaaeaTa" PatiMH wm\ BMaajwin «-»»niesi for ItaaUt-e» eriloli. Till 111' ml of (¡It h are ililli Hy hut carin »tl.vut wink, lint ii» io», lhere i» nobittiTiii ii*. Kverythini;linlli ate« a vltroroiu can va»»-In »Inch lim fricuda andliait.-ali« of eu« h .»mini,it. will 1» »|a »lively do their"liici b» »t "

a "» ll|'.ht" In t olivt litlon, will» uo

side IrvnUCH, cntiiurolnise h or »lit eimoii«, am!Ilma Is a »i n t lui *. «i'U« «« « m I lu the Ksuit or it

inn I». No tin«- will I»- tv i»t' «I in complimentait vol.»,

ami tin op]Mule.iiiln « for tin ««In.', for coiiiIiiuhIioii» andu in kg) in. nt. are iniueuall) limited. The tli«t tine w ill !».dec tai ve. ii,, ability,, and liitearritj tv) each" (hu i "

i» gem tall» on« ed» d. aiul it i« ploaaanl to oharrvethal t:.» itrugzlc Cor vletory la earned oa tor themoat part w i|)j pinpi it t) alni dei otum, so that, w 11.-11 « verlinn Wi Hie reault, wc thall lian "paaee," .< aiaa-muaioua i aBBfaicB.

lill VMilDATIS.

(iin Hi.iriiiel «TSej m a n.ilite of (ilford County,but MM laen foi immy yean a I Mm "f, "ni thoroiikrhl)itleiitiHi-.! with, th.- < itv of Kangor. Pi-rrvonally he i» one.

of the Biu»t popular men in tin Ht it«, lu «tature he in

jik»t I» low the in» ilium Bight, -'|ii.ire built, nml lliilinodto ni puh lu v. Ill- la ad ,- I,np ¡»lal wi 1! »(iiii« i!, lu-,toe «Tank and Imndaoiue. iii« maiinrts w-nuiii not berailed p«4labed, and henetrer mya or deas Baythlag for¦ it,, i. Iii« add i tv« la m-vi i tin leas t Keeedlugl« eaptit it

nnr, nini what in- i.i« k» nt *¦ |m>>i»-ii '¦ i» more than madeup hy n 11 rtaln wai nilli und heal ti ne«« of greeting uni

expression which Biaheaom ft as though "be had alwa] « known him." \ atare »Im ero and thnroiiKh*v m mi)mau .nu ha» nnr a slmln UOBU nipt for «hain, lap U t|>.ami tinii bl il whether In aorlety, bsMinriaa, politice» tH n-

iiA.-K.ii, ii would in- haiii io lind. The di in iii hu» agreali ini'i tor what l«\ mistaken tot dignity,ami tl'ii'l Klioiw how lo " put OH air»;'' but Whetherasea ,»t Ma own iMeipltabM bnme, in the Bkaaht, alin« pi.».', ot baatttaaa. ot m tin hail» of legtalut inn. In- i« tin -a.n« mil ural am! frunkniau, iii la »In-tliiifiilelii-d for ni».'»- ti] ami pia, li

a, coi.n »in»«! I ought perhaps to have mentionedliehin Ihnl In h a« the lieallle«l alni jolli»'el lailiilllllMam. it would ..iiaiii» baa stn of .tstoa no1 lom, i.ino, thal la it ol be iimler»to"<l how.n r Hint it

IsBVuigai uni iioi-v gai «w. inn a r"ii»;ii, ragged aadbul n nat» haw-haw, but genial. Jolly, robust and catchlug lust null .» laugh aa.» llaea to toar, and equallym ,i t, ,1 t,, ti,, drawluir-i.doi cam u- lien. Heraei Is

[town Beat" lumia ruiau, and own» I irgrl» m the liml'-i Ulli« ultA4iaaud«n;vviie»A0¡ lui. VUiUiu olalva. Ill

Uli« business lie lina ne,! a fortune ami I« one

tin rn h men of Maine. Hi« pro|»eiTy I« variously BBHin,lied at f« «»m r""i.i»i)t'>»i.«wi.iiw. Be Ma Maauag aam tbe rjitlrersalHil «t- notaliiatiiiB of tbe hi.tie. and con

Mil.III.» fnily toe nd ila various finnis. l)Di of thbail,im«-« i af Wnflnoiik seminary In «ulled "li«Hull." Ile Ins bad Considerable legislative ftp« rumlu IkiHi branch«»)« of our stile ls-glsl..tiire.imd li« B OCMinal laiiuwii ii«i-of the various Intsirosts ol tba ufare.The lion. Sidney l'erhaiu Is a native uf WotalslosV, OB

ford<-ni!,ii, Mala« Hiiwaea farmer's boy, BM earlInured to toil. Re know« bv m tu ii experience w :sb«,r l-i, wlnrh iri'iv iM'tuiint ba tim alniost BB.mied sepaelti f r work walch be baadlaptayed »tut

eoiiiiiiif iiitaipuhtic lif«. The iiiumoii »c11001 edinathat he n <«xv, «l baa been supp inentod bj an Immen»«ainoiiif of hard stodj and reading Mnee arrivingli ia n'a estate, BB that BU M IB daj OB* of t hi-be»t uf oi in«

Ililli in lb» ,Si,,1,. Iii» peirninii appf.nain e is «oo«l, luinot »i ikiiiL'. in« in ii ut r» .n«» ¡ubi!, eonclllatory, aa«

pie isin« Niibodk f" bl Is- m,ne ulmat. iil.iliuiis niitl nu

sasttmlng Uti u ha Hlsi ount> nanea Mi o|»cii, and n» lu »

coiilbl« in« lila «Tin >l appi araiic«' and 0 mt

lllipli vat.» une »V iln tin i |, ,i ht H Dei f« « M> -ill' « IW.Wh li.- it i« nui tan «'.i Mi.ii hell bil'vnt. Il »"m- toim generally etnasaMaal that be is a seaod thinker,¡uni a »|» ni moi . iii.m average ln»«rli Hi« publiclife ha« b.,-n mail, ti'.> Mi, moa! uiborloa« and painstaking alii inn to v > iluiv, .nul ir '»ifli'vibb a»lin n m-, io the principles will n be has nitoealeA. Hi*»i v vi iii«'r« .nil m ,. m «ton wrought no char Inbia principles, life or balala, au«! he returned to bl« oldI.n nun -ia hill« oi Oi d wita the sum p ¦.

tasi i and «impie baMU of his early life fair, perliamm v.i lo»! hi-inn ii «t m Mu null, and la.- love ba .. i,

ullin, ¡mil bosh iiitli.v, foi Sim k* ami lu rd», sad his disin lo impimi Uti «.Ill loB ol'the I.irniiii!' potinlation,and to make farming more profitable, ,iii«.t».ii «e<l «eli n

Hilf, ¡u m ni nt,s ,-ilmo I b, till, asia -m. Ile liai« lu« n a life-Inn« alni i tilisi.-it n; inlv ,H ali ,111a I« iiipi-iaii« e ri f,«riu,imi he ii m,Hai "pig-headed." Ininti« tl»*vr»le,ni iroilltliv. Iii lina 1,1,11 || fnvollt«. vv Mi Ml.-

nnipii.mii, nu n f,,i sivtial ve i», and lb.itelement unmistakably point« to him al th« iisesenlinn« -.i- Mair iii«! india t cholee for the «ui'iriui^riainomination. Mr. Peri mi i« also a promin« ni Uoivareall«t. lie r« pi. sent«ul Woo«l«t«»cai and other towns n in Ute si .n- legislature In tb« year 1« in«tre«a v« «I th. h ¡.-li e, mi] ii men! of im election totheBrai M

ship at the seme session, tie waa twice elected erM al« ba UxfordCounty,and,although no1 traiaed '«»rtin- bar,exhibited ia-. ipiajlfli loon ft the posltl'ttiami -erveii to the great B4%eptanee of thetxmrt, tba Masami th. people, li« «raea i*r« «ni. eta tor kauiul in 1-C,J be was le, nd bj Hu lb ubi' -m« BJ Mi i.

her of ciüu.-1'i «- from lae lid District, which oflle« ti*I*«-1«I for three i« nu «a win h m Oongroa« be dtotlnguisbedhimself as un mineiitly prie h-t'islat ,r. He wa« ii

patt'-1 n ot Industry, aud «ave to all -ui.jci t.« Laimlng iii»alteuUoi M« most careful Un ii« it. Hlscoll« agues «howr-dHu li apjiit-f lati'.li nf his opinion alni judi.-liu nt bv li v., ii

aid} i . m-ii In ii^ Ina, m ah mat!. Is of impoi tam i, ami byunusual maiilieetatlona of regret when be garawa«, it

Ins »mctsHor. Intelligent, I.i<i, sound, um.- -inn,pr.n.Mi al.»m h a man is Blaney Pei basa.

WHO Will. liKT Till. BOani kllONlif the galegatea wara aMsgetl to faaaa Un a cimi.-.- upon

gkapaaaoaal merita of tba «-¡iiKii.Mtt» h, tiny weald ti »t

tin l.i-k uii«|H-iikitlilv ililli-ult ami in,pit ; lu.I, for-

tlinulely, olh«a «m nit i.itioii« will inlluenee the resillt-Al the »birt «t vv.i« faM I .til x .supposed thal linn, lit rsej 's

pros'.i if» were liiimea«ui ably tin- beat, bat npliilonh it s m«! pn val to-il.iv ,ind unit-s» some vi nt, no-.v unfoi« .« «n. m tur», Mr. I'liliani will be« «I bj a

li uni -hihi majority. It M understand that Oen. Herseyhas tbe warn support of Renator Barnim and HpeakerBlaine, Pnltod tMatea Marshal Maihh«, and«'. .1. Taib..i ,,fWilton. Huppieuii ntod by mont of Hu- roestti takenthroughout Mu siai«. Ordinarily, UiUforee, If not inv in« -iiiie, would be at bast foinnd ilile and hard to >» alMr. lerhain number» among bl« more pr «iitiii. ni friendsn\ ii.iv. Morrill of Beadfleld, Hannibal Belcbei and JobaIl xi ii,».,nof l-T-anlillii, ¡mil W. II. Karxvi ii of Au.ii-in.Of the lead ig papen In the The Portland vrtm,

Tnrl'unil </r. i li.M r. ami I iii,-I «, .Imirnul «upp ti I'mham, ami i lu Uunffor Whiff and Huth rime« support Herrev \', h .1 -¦ em-', . lia nl.v to illili, .it. t\\i li iiniaat tin ofI'itIiiiui i-tim «etitiineiit In the im:, that It li a favor-aide nt to iteoL'iti/«' the "advance «nun" oi Um

.a ¡i. «'»i"« them Uiecandidate oftin ii choice, N 1 Hi if MT. I*i i linn I- ian lui« or imprsc

a,i Mi ii Mr. II, i- ) i« an iialvoea!.- of lita i. ir

freen.Imtalmplj lieraase .Mr. I'ernam seem» Lobethe n lui «entat1 vi mau ni Ute e««XB««standoon«cienUuttat« mp nu», i dm n "i Ute ',

AN XV li toa <U TIM «j VTI s.

If « verv itv. low ii, anti plant Ubini» fully represented,MM <"uv< uti"!! will coii-ist of 1,1 g D«!« ««!,«, alni a i-oti of " slii't-.s," made liy L'nib ni'ui ia,,s

parla of tba Blata, toada ta tba t^ewabaataa »bel Peritanwill ha', e a n a.,ni Itj "f bit'.vein MB and ga, r«'iio),M-ot,

9Delegate«,will l-o solid for Beraay. Aroetrtook, v ith IV» l)ele«ates. will go ¡ilm.-I (bul not tpa t»)111 ia Uli. .. -I » I! 11 lint wa,. ia, I nilli! a of KlIOX. 1 III

soin, and waldo «rill give him small maliiritic« Ba iiiuii,,, will probaiblv m ni.t evenly divided. Kmhain, the ( .»iiuii«--. ot Uxford and Arnim«,.«««!!!, with|U' ,inl ,»'. lui» li itf« i.--|ii-i Uti Iv, vv ill pi«-eui au nu

broken trout. Ki inn t« J> .«) will be almosluna lum î- m tin «am wai. « 'um ». ri, m I, Washington,ami York, w na an Italogatoa in all,will give bim taréem.i .»,nu-. Hancock »ml Prauklln «mm Inclined Un»niin .v iv. ami ttatnereet, with M Delegates, will probablj,m 'alf and 'alf." Tbe fait that Perlten wasMi. ima ol the on ve ii i nui i-i j ai opérai« i labia luvoi. ami Hu- "aiiiio-pheii ¦" of ibu numil, wherelim « o'lveni.i» tn lu- held, i« «!,-» ¡«I« «M., favorable. '

oin «e till« stat. limul mai no! lu- Justified Di the v. Pt,but it niii.-t be leine ini.i n d Mill it Miaims to representenli what bow uppman to be Mu- Mm itiitti uf the rase.¡mu ¡ii, ,u,p.un ii (bibil nf tin- poli« ¡ii «itiiatiun.

1'oi.m.wd. Me., .lune 11,.The r« turns ofiii I,¦ «al««« lo tie Iv pul« If.lil Si.tte Convention, -I» na r i d. pla, t l'i i bulli ii«,ut ".Dahl id o! (on lb m v

for i;«,v,ruoI. willi Iln- t ham -,-s thal Iln pi:..i.t,., ,,I

m tim a, iiajv bebelg in i hua«» bssmbbmm »f ii««- ««tat«- petto hear 'ruin; lint ii is li, 1¡. ved thal Mu II. r-, y ,1, I. | li «

iiniv lu « I nul iiioie Miiirou«hly than the l'eih.nn, own«to nun e oin pi.-le ni «.Ui i/a I ion.

Tin: <ani.i;NATi>iii.\i. CAB! iga.I»\th. M« ...lune lj..At »he Ki iiiililicin c.turus

last rv. ion«. b"> di-i«-.- iles wer«- Bat I teil, .i majority ofv\ bom ¡n«' uvti.ibii t.« Bara v.

(¡en. Jiihn P. C. Shanks has been uinini-miiii.sli noiiiiiialeil for it i-lei Mon to « on«riMM by tin I.«

panIn an» of tin- IXth District of Indiana.The Dellini'l.lts ol West Vilr'illi,l have liom-

iimbil the follow in« tn kit for Statt- o!li BBS!i.iTfrnnr .lohn J. .laeobs of llainpslilif.J tullir ni Appeals C. P. la, Moore of Mason.BerrtlnrffftfState J. M. Phillipa of M.i.-ua.»1 )i«/'i u K. M. Bennettl, m,m, i ,|. B. I. uri n tt of Ka na w li i.

Altin-m y linn rut-Hpr.««.



It was announced recently that Philip r'aileyof the Ceil! la I Dett -i ti v .- t lili. -, in I lil» ¡I v, tl'.ut-<! a

« oiinii'ifiit in,in píate aa ena of tba ftnari aaraUroetW,lo l.iiL'l mil, in w Id li i nuiitiy In- hail be. n cn« kg d, with

lim ii.«-ls|ii!i.f of some of the detoi fives there, m vvorkm a

Up the ea«e. l'or MstwBBBgy anti skill, 77n' / irfr/nml Mir

fury paul Mr. F.irlcy a ln«li i «miplliii« nt, and adthd ti ii

tim plait- bad is n .inn d to Parla b> tba eaanti rfl liars,to vi Infinity Mi. I'jJlcy lia-1 K°'ie h Iiojm s of it.-i m

t t.V ill

The fin Is are: That Col. Whitley of the R,-, n t Porviie

I), p ii'tiiitiiit, hal m« obtainetl iniora ¡itioii of Hut win r>

aboli!« of 11 I tam «urn m y i nunl.-rfe it. «, arrest. «J a man

named I'leieo m Mil. nl.v last .-iiuiinor. .nul imiiieiliatelythiiiaiiei pr..<.. tied to Boston m search of ors Carpenin,-.mi te boa mt mi., r of Pierce'« gang. Carpenterwa« arresb d, and,« fii«hteiu d, «¡mi thal a maaIn Hu« m h ,,i lu bts p -.i plata for th< printingof Mian buiitia <»f i be Central I'm-ni« Kai a nail Oompeny.On visiting tbl» inaii Mi- di tecUvea fuuml bim on his death¬bed, but before In» death be n«iii«--»«-.i tt..«i the |hail bi-en In bl« BSSSM «sim but Mint it had been takt li lo( ,m ula, foi Mm purpoKi of having the Iwtkilapi m ti ti.One of <"npt jminl. n'- agents weat to ransds md

imia ti Mu- «.in«, ie|«r« »e ni 111« himself a» a printer Willingto engage iii tile laaiilug ol iii» spurious bond«. Au .n

i i -, iir-iil vi .s m ni« willi him t<> prometí to Uriel i ml,vv li n- Im would r nul bv Die t-muili Th ilei «, ami w In r.-

lln Work ol pi lUtniL- would iiiiiimdia!« Iv lie «miniminiIn o cor,I nue willi Hi«' n-i|iif«t of the .»tli«-. ra of thr

Koiul, sup, ntetitlt ni Jtiiiidaii tli.-palt In ti Mi I ni,

Bngl uni i" aptare tin- plate (>u bl« uni» ti there. Parhy engaged the »»-rvic-s of »onie of the lai«iish ,i.i.,

tis. -, nuil wa« »non nu Mu Mall of the counterfeiters,w In mi tin v ¡it I i-l «li «i ov i id hail ilf(ilin|ieil, li W11« su»» I'.iti» rintlit-r la.r.. > followiil Hiern, tiiiil al

list ills, ovi rim.' Hu n Mt .tt, Inillitl tba pi ate, anilon Ills v. iv hiilue w iib It.The engraving Mstrld to be admlrebly eieeated anal

bul for th'iii.i«! witll xvhl,h tim .t«t XTa« WOrJted Up,ami tim gang conpelltxd to H» from place to place wttnnut au opportnnitj of piintui«. i-oliMil« i.i -i.

Btigbl hau lu en ilone.

TIIK MHAI'I'KABAN« I. Of KKIDI KM K BTBOLDPOI si vi lal dgyi pttbl the <lisa|i;y«;ir.iiii't' «if

Mr. Fn .I. in k lit/ Bl ttsBBB Bf I unm Mu.. | J ..niniaim uni in« uilier of Hu Hudson ( mmtv lio.ntl ef In.

boîtier», baa aaaaad loii-ub ezeltetasrat» nu tia-;iilh Batt» be left l,!s bon», to M to Hi ul»-, port, a bri, ]..»m lo ««lie« t «onie money. It wa« reported thal on theliallowing daj h.n.-« n d mlarlj |0M aud «»tartedtoitarn home .iii«-«- Hint lime fas baa H f faaaa sein I'was I, inarki ti is a sins'ii'.ir i in uinsLaii, i khal Mis I ,,, i»... im d io lake do trouble to IdenUfj bod Bethal had Issenfuiliul ami th.ii xveii- repre»i nletl to bera« bruru« a elo«MI« «» iiiblaliee to Hi.- iiul,hall« ti de«i llptum of Mi lil., blWneuth« brother of Mr Bl «old, h ivlngrislasd Nea Vorkt.« make «mm- Investigations, retm urti to Union Hill, Mr»l.i/i,i,l betray« .1 do aux!« ti tn keare vu, ii bad been di«inverell, but itppiiiH'd to be nt!. rix um , meei neil. A

large number «a crediton of Mr ti/obi now state «bat afew days before he disappeared be harrowed monejfrom t li« iii. It« port» plan- Mu« immun! n'ituiiitil bj MlK.!/ubi at Milln ll.'.lksj to ti ,ia»i. Ila pi,,|»r!, left bl Mmmissiii. tuan has lieenselted by Hi« Bhei tt ul Uiulsnui «uiiiiv to satisfy a part of lae claims of in» creditonMr II/nul « repula! um bnui snag ptWTa4Mkl to hi««lisapp. .trail, e.


< 111 lll'll DliDlCATHiN IS OBaJtOB, N. J

Calkary Millindist Kpiseniml (liurch, nearKast iii,in«e, B, J, waa thalliaUd yt st. rtlaj walli

appiopiule ti« nunile», and In prost-n, e of a

fakrga i"i i.-re«atioii. Al half pa-t tea tba li« v

Ill-Imp Janes pi «'Ii, lied the deiln itorv «vi riiionlunn Umuuii» I lil,'. " I am d. bim both to Hu-.k and m the barbarian: both i<» tba win mdlo Hie iiiivvis. ga loin ti as lu in, I«. I aui n-.ulv ti«

pre i h Hu (toapel to von Muí are al Borne al«o, for I amliol ah in i ,1 of tin«Gospel «»f < "Ul i-f, lol It I- the jatiWrlof «mil uml salvation lo v rv «im-that belMvotb, lo w lu a in,! also lo ti.« l.l. i-k- li Ina lu Is Mm lU'hl-eouam i .,. t,.. i i, vi Bled bom faith I faith, aag i« writ.alu Üui Bat «ii».-, a v ki Uj laiib. Xbu u lua-Jjitg vi v, 1» vu\Uv»t>,

the» foundation of relierions soetettes and fhv*», fhei

Hpealter «aid, was as murh tlie pr<'¡vhiti»t of the flo-tte

s>. the «/ral leiaehing of the Word «rf Uod. The pnM«aaisaof faith lit the Ooapel made It the duty of em h prnfe-»«*»«Christian tri sid in the wnrk «yf l.uihling U-mplew forth«worship or (,<»d. The reuaoa why the hilsthtn «houki«rive hi« aid to the work wtv«, that the pt.w» r of aal vat io«

by Jisii.4('hn«t initrht lueti iiipilllOii ami Its I* ncflt» fullvuiukflit. ifjxjti the general doctrines of salvation hy fnthI ha Hi.hop »poke with im Hupt« »«.vent*»* that produ»»*da marked liii|ir«t»mn>ii upon lil« hearer«.

In tlie afternoon, f.» rt Theodore km.yon. Mayor F'-rrr,Mu) the Kev fcfj Kviii.m. l';i»tor of Un-» 'luir« l¡, addreaaetftlie [ttvipi«.; niai iii lae evening, the He v. bl Daehtell,I'n sident of !»u klnarrn Caliere, deinem! a ssnoon. TimInn, h i».i« fui uni. byaofeetlon«f. Itlsbutltol buck

and two »tories hiir'i. tin- lower «t»irv cm, tri ii mr the cl»»*-room». Tlie io-t or the hitii'h, with the I'.t ipon whichIt tai re« tul, I« .»i«»tit a^,4»u, of ta_>aa_BalMM were col'icetc'l )e-,tertlav.-,.-.

bWWI i.aít NKiiir.

I_0_UM Walliiee ol' Xn. Ui 1'irst-nve wa«

BMeatht 'mad hy Jame« Maítl.'-w», w lin w.i« arre»ted.Win. Fort« a flret! a n-.. l-i r it !.. vrea |. .. i,oiría, ¡U

N0 ldaTll'tlip-oll «t.blll Wilhflllf Ott.', t Koli,,'« e«. Il»-.|

I!, an of .Vii I T «t w a« ItinP'cut In a

el reef Bght, lu ir hi« r Ide .¦ e

j,i u tnd IS andu Miva,I v iikiiarwet. r ft qtmrrt k d v« itfa Jam« K¡ ». nnj -rt No.

SB J.ll.n « ¦«!., uti tin Wall t,pi«,«¡li .N, w < haiiili. I4.»t.,and .!. >iii Mavin eui Ki k. nil der, au inr

."'mit woiiml. Roth the r-lavltia were «ni--t«-.i, *udKi,kinta) wa« »»-nt to Bellet w II« p u«l

Twaorn I'» rung Nbw«Tob_. to Cn*< iNM ii ah. Km its .«>.»"nr. if. «t i.i held al Clueltvm ||, .lu el« Th< Bi e llallwi ti >¦¦ x

iii »Ion I Irateta N, w Y',rk '" ' " l'1" '"'' '" ":l '. ?""".nu thirty days fi.i.... ,..... i.n lo".»-ti

tlioI'oiiipaii) _oe,Mt Broadway.

Li ii«.»' Union Ai«l Stci't.v -fH bold a

strawberry, Koni, and val ai ta. oldHonu No v. Port -.¦ « i. -i.. near

i Bl le n«. di i; ",n rfaalay aad hit it«, w li be»

Oil I Mil.Ill,Oil._

Ilovv Co Leek Von ! -»ixieenD« n't paint or u-« 1 » II« r la ri fly »r(» H»ns»*t

M.,,s a., mm rsai hat, ase) arel hm i It >>'.

Kain«: lara u;.,,ti asa Bah | '«nr,«.«ft ai. n»n.r>l. ai'I r *» .-.nt t ,l »liât li l it. It r-ni'.v.« artSMMk (M

¦¦. np/mark«, ii,eli ¡o'''i'« BMI Malta [- .. .,! » r»'i ram«

BWS «nu Bala lbs marni» ] of SS i-i'¡u ¦. 1'. v. u eu luke

¦p.i.1 J .ni'.ii, A'!,! thaw Sal '. l" » aylWBwi bead

at'bur I,» tb» Ka', .ini'n »lui a !.«.!' - «t » wai; ef

iSsSBBaSSa IlrotL.r» wiall»»» nu BMSBW a.«t«.« «in I gjtm »rta.lea

.jn «i'«.bl.

Kroetl«»'» Hool». >.. Isaf, .: «TI am.! «a..i. ',.» Oaavuntaa -iii aiuti a ii .v. «t» ".«¡.'a.lue i* th«- Urx^.t eatal «.mem to Baa 1: I iv*.*»m. t«. v»ai»i BstaL

Ohiat Rant*, ti ,»

Barun »*.»a» ii its Pea » 11

Joltn K. Ilenrt.s I iilleai'-i'lei c. Vi'n-.Vit-l «VeteeWof tu lanr»«! Mi lu-.I li.'iH.t a, »I..- .«..r » tar) i a« all

a an .tai,'!«..». ru»'L«l yi-,, umu*-jll!, «J.J L»iif.Wau >,f u.arU1 atsa.

linanvHae.IS', frartty »ml an* mi. 1'ri M .. AaPS» »»«1 iu a la j..

TU«t lUaV'JB Usai Iin Kj!:u.-»t Bat . it.

Wrlliii nnd t imtiiiAi I uro»,W», l- j tu jbli a -i'i- « r. Ou» ,, ii Caracal


Be .. 11 Ker U'. li" rl»al. J. Jarrel Ilaka n I -a > -

IlDVV.lUiitVV S ,... ,

1 -e.Jahn I, ü,»* i,f 11,»,tob tu .«»rall ,l«vi,b'.jr of ti.« late JmigrJ.aVawassSk

lliivv u\|i. L' i:\¡! t, j.H|Ttewpaoty larateal ¦»..

i, « i .... ».

TYMi-l HHNKl.1 -Oa T -I I : «»-

beta, N 1 by lu» Ker. Juara H-»»4

M..i!»Uüht».-'»fll., baa J U i .

All NetmM ol' Mama gm ""'-'' mt fan-'I witk '' Unanu unit aiùiri»i.


BIB1M ti ¦ illnr«,li'- .f til

TI,» ralstiica sn«l Meada of I riled la nn «dii.. ..

i airs,at a eloet [.» oi vi

iiIf. T., J »¡,. I. , .. ,!,aaThUr-,1 Mr. :..,,».- « MB.

ilirea «r. r^^1' ».!,¦ _| I tu .. -' '» i,,. a r ¡:. :... V li.

Cbaeat !ln»r»ti.i^. .>:¦ »iu',.ai MM i i o-ryByseahtj «tia. ot.

Dlil.M'iMt D -OS .»it'iria... Jil' I U, '¦ IbsdMI.ia a|T"

Ta* ula:...« aad Mealisf the fatally, siso thai '. ara,r, »I Illa.

ia..'fr>'iu Bi,-I « ( aibadral, »iti..ut narStal a,-.iu..i.,n.

roWABDa .Al PtataCaat, oa >nit.i,i eonn.«-. JBaslI, BsbsM (X.

FUdsT-vt u-'i f, 1» I, ia Bel lase 11 b 0 M -f itaue ¦...¦ C.aad

i,..,Traiaalaara Uaasar*aVota«, »t..:, d¡t||. e»

¦lip :«) nirjiUM ..ui '1 b.rtr fiiiirt'i-»» »

trnin».RAIaa On «ntl lar Jil-,- !.' Ain. ra If,.«re. »:fi- .I .* i. iW 'ii»Th fui.rril »m1 kalte piara ,: Bet Dr.

(ttli »t. m a V Ital¡

Ill't.liii- v Rvital .tic II. L bbtli .--»r., '...

i' ir.

fruin M. Latí I t«»»ia. II

MAltriN Bi ir,Testais,eaSala -fl. A.,viifr ,f K,lv»«Pl M.rt.n

f Ih» fimi'r «r .1


II K Hh|«,;, lbr;^ili»t »t 11 :.i«. u..

MKXi'KV--Si:'.r!o J.iia-II J. '.- V. ¦¦ li »

Lil'l-alat hi« Uti,uce, fJSaS*Std-| at I

I p BL

MILK« Oa » itataar _. IMWill am A »j Vieta? at H M M,

I'me-ral fnnu ti «. .-.-..-.t ,-r Barei-..

Ma:..!«. Ih* I tlaata, St 1! a. 111.

>!()l(KIII.U)-v ir'v. JaatII Mr, 0 rta 4 vv | tt..r«_.«i .1 li.ei.-'.i.r ot M K ai.'! K I) Munn i.

daylii relitit.Badi are ie*|»e»l*«lrr li i » aani'..»,, IvUeiaat-, «:j,< ii'«« p. n,, I ','»«'»,I j

»iLIV'KR AM .. ii . Hr«ni-,- on Mar IT. 'I ».»

... ... t..

. « . .ir i. reqi ela ¦ a» at .»I .wvBeal .! It M lit!., at 1 J ' -'

famil. »r» ipviiol m SSM stPKBPLBTOM.Kraaeai Matta, aUasWl | taa,

là« i lui lu. i, i ofUm ti . i

t. «-¡in ni, » i.u!:iirr ti ii.vil.n.,,: II ,1aI'ark. . libaattil' -t.l'.oll !,, BM> It« " CIO. . II;'

PR! «HIN In Beaafclrs « -.' a.»*Kt» Mas, wit.' "f w in .->. I'n .n,n ti Ih

Kia., ral - r,...- tiber re« !i i'J BL. Bid M the Cat i V L, ia-ti?e. lad fneede "i iii» baily, ¦_ .»

sad r. ti taita, a¡,.- n. »,»:. full, nu,i II ,i :«!.i. hnheen,,i."^

H Kit« m .r' : BBSS,if I. ¦¦ ¦ .. , .ly

Ur.j. ¦>»¦.¦! VV ,| ,ni .»,'<.' <li (.Him'.«,! areal. > II. .'. II . M I, 'i M '. .¦

Theftteada ire rt-aneetfaily iarited laat*ea.i ¦ '*¦ ¦- ti«ita h;

»»vmiiIi at MM Tin ii iv.

SI. )"l I.K -o» .»«iii-! v in..rome Jsas ti i III tieri a'^bleeMvv ... «n, aad Jl,. Set !. ¦-.

mc. a at' Ht. B«¦iiiiij" latas as

ai .. r ml -in^nL

ôpfciul totters.(|niii n. ii..- ii. « ..

COMPLBTB o 'ii- ': .

i..l-H\!'( 1,K«. BILVBU I'!.I, - IHKr.illl.K «'1'1'LKKY. AT All 'I '¦



Iliiitlinti the Hu«n,¦VV llil'l. "!;. Si il fil si' im: « e- »,vi III Iii hil M II I'lll.Vl l'INM R >ST«'.1.5 II KI « | «'

( nl.tiKlii) AMI 1.11 r II h«. IIDIXNKB «his It, PIKIM --.('< AM) t.iLI

MAI HVA .. s i»

_- 'amy.IliiilliiiAi Ihe i.n ine»».

SlI.Vh.R |>l A I hil) ll'l: I'I I .

Sll.V hil l.Vl rl> ILA SKI ''-

ML- K11 PI, V Kit I'OPPRK I.-li v KB l-l. v ' KI) li KivIV'OUV IMNIII III MIKhllli.JI DI*.*, KMVKIr Iii. li iZk.NIVtiKV IMNIH.K1) - I K1'h', I > I'I »»r-aíi KN1VBS»>... 111« lio/.r.Nh.v BRI UiM. i»> llh Milli

VV " l ¦.


1'lie lltniitinil it» Art.

WI.IHUM, 4>1 lill B, ft*),

OVING l < >N UK» 1 lli.Ks,BJ«»l)Ki.V.N

(lu Is* Vak ,'niall,, ¦« St ' t n, (mr»-«, tra]Saat uavl in "Ui -¦

ajnp nnoN/i I ii,"

ml .«n iu. ol'." ¡a a,«,-;..,»» ii 'a i U,, na _M 'tf 111* l«t«<l In«*»-.

(BrtMhslthssaaslSlBasi ! «ndnj . BBjtaa} tlir «tn-atien nf :l..-a', ha . IT« t.. ,.iu)»aina«aa,,1 our Bata fm 'A ¡II Hi » ¡(is V re.! --«.i.N'l. i. UliNA.Ktiitea KerTv rar. v*-» 'be BSSI

_tat), t\*, «1,1 »MO Pt'! fiiv BT ., ni i'i n.«

V -neillllti I Ililli I ni .'Minti» e«vl«|,l,al latltUrp a;t 'J' » - « ..' ,.'... a,,or»'u»,- Al»., en Baal uni n i ruin» «

and nalia |«M phatagraaba and fall"VII \ le !.,.,.

Hnrt-alerrei. ir .«»«» laiaraieil ,H.«jio» io» nu»,., 'iii... .ra,,»ae'lii»! »rr» ui .'...», «infen» ,i,.l r»»iur-, '.

vatualilr aut,»»:lu!. for na. lu juair .' eu: aadaml(i, ,

. ulai li VV. ,m i', 1.1 ,| |,IJ4 li I ,,,.

RUhleenllt V»«enil,l> Dlalrlrl luina Iii tiahltiaai, a«octnll.ilt. V r.',u .»; ii. n ui lb» ¦¦ -,. !Ilinr l,.»l«;u»,.rl. «j.l foal .,, lill ,1 v S v,

Jua» Il »¡r.til.i.i; I! 1 AN | r,J.«ian VV Th -.i-««,N, Seel« tar»A \ iiubi Auiktir saraal , »

Iriruï it «a»' ''"'..'t «ri,t I..1, ,,r »r. !U. II j,-, »UM«_*.,« I .. ,..« te*»«,.«» ...