PUBLISHED BY CLUB 100 - eVols at University of Hawaii at ...

Post on 21-Mar-2022

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Transcript of PUBLISHED BY CLUB 100 - eVols at University of Hawaii at ...



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~ EDIT-~ Sometlme ago a well writt~n ic edltorlal by Gary Uohida,appear­ic.d ln these pages oomparing the ic Club 100 to a fast growingtrel! ic whose spreadi ng branches ana ~ root. gave promi.e of developing ic lnto a sturdy fruit bearlng tree ic after much hard work and eacrl­ic 1'1ces by many. ic Since then the Club 100 tree ic hal developed even further and ic hal become to oocupy a promlnent ~ part in the llfe of our progres­ic .1ve oommunlty. However, likeall ~ other creation s of Mother Nature ~ it need. a world of oare ln the ~ form of fertilizing and pruning ~ by ue to make lt an even more ic beautlful and .turdy organlsm. t There 11 a .rying need for

i lome fertlllzer to be applied at thi. time to perk up our compon­ent follage and framework. Thi. fertlllzation procels can be fully aooomplished by the adop­tlon of a llfetlme member.hip duel pollcy or a .odlflcatlon of luoh. Too many of our member I are lagglng behind ln thelr dues payment, which have oon.equently dampened thelr enthuslaem to~ tlclpate ln our olub tIlnct1ons. A llberal amount stlpulated al the llfetlme duel and payable

It over a Ipan of year. wlll be a It stlmula ting shot ln the arm. ltldany of ua have pald-ln lome ltmonles a. dues already and after It these sumo are applled as oredit ltagalnlt our duel for llfetlme, It the rema1n1ng balance and It. pay­ltment over 11 or 10 years should ltnot work too blg a flnanolal ltbardlhlp on UI. * After the l1fet1me levy hal ::been -establ1ehed, each member *Ihould be mal led out ltatement. *.boWlog~ llfetlme duel amount, lthil payment. to date and hil *balance to become a pald-up 01801-

ltber. S1multaneoully, a que.tlon­ltna1re a. to whether he dee1re. It to oontinue as a member, or, 1f he Ithae 1ntent10ns of becomlng .uch, Itor,if he 11 totally un-1nterested *should be turn1.hed. It Onee thl. lnformatlon 1 •• e­Iteured, then prunlng ot the non­:1nterelted ones can be lnitlated.

Thi. 1. a draltl0 1I0ve, but hal :: to be taken a. 1 t la qUl te unfalr lttor non-paylng "dead headl" to Itbe ellglble to recelve the lame Itprlvllege. and benef1tl a. the Itpald-upl. A .are .ompact Club

ORIAl 100 tree with a greeter propor­tlon of active members 1. delired over a loose unwleldy group.

The operation and maintenance COstl of an organizatlon like ourl la high and revenue troll dUel should be derived to help meet the In time the leou­ring of an income producing clu~ houle may be the solut10n to our problem, a. the 1deal aituation would be where inoome from our premi.e. would be sufticient to meet our diobur&ement. w1tho~ any duel oollecti on. But,tortl:le prelent there can be no denying ot the tact that 80me adJustmentl will have to be made in our pre­lent duel set-up.

Our oftlcer8 have generouel;y .aor1tioed their valuable t1me to make our organization what it 1. today, while most ot u. oa t 1n the shade and watched. Going further and taklng advantage of their good nature, we call on them once more to make a concer­ted effort to work out a luit­able due. Iystem during the 1949 tiscal term. There i. a tee ling among our member8hip that the aooomplilhment of thll project will carry a hi~h note ot lucee. even if no other function il carried over the goal line for the rest of the year. The New Year Should herald our ofticer. and members to get going on th1. highly 1mportant problem.

The 1ntereat in the weltare ot our Club 100 tree i. there for a club like our. 10111 be in b1g deaand aa our family relpon­.1bi11t1el to our parenti wivel children, etc., inereas~s 101 th' eaoh pass1ng year. .

However, onoe the due. polic1 10 straightened out, it will be ent1rely up to eaoh and everyone of u. to determine whether we'll ferti11ze or be pruned.

All of ua SHOULD take pride 19 our organir.ation, recogniu e great promia e ]. t holdlfor

UI and our tamily members and the tact that a 8trong Club 100 tree would be a l1v1ng memor14l to the deceased of the lOOth Infantr1 Battallon.

(NOTE: This ed1torlal was con­tributed by an anyonymous Puka Puka-ite. More of these contri­butions on pert1nent clJil rna ttera will be welcomed. )

The remalns ot 72 4eoease4 lOOth In., eomrades arrlved in ulu on Ootober 18, 1948 aboard the USAT Thurman Klmbro. The 1~ KIA's came trom the Carano and Karzanelo cemeterles ln Italy. A brlet Ar.,-Navy-Alr Force ceremony was conducted at pler 40 upon

ahip's arrlYal. Partlclpatlllt; 1ntbe ceremony were : Chaplalns Ed.ln L. ~:lr"L.'Y, U.S.Army; Joseph C. Canty, U.S. Navy; and Hlr o Hlguchi, U. S •

• Oren E. Long, .eoretary ot Hawall, dellvered a .bort addrese. The tollowl~ ot our deoeased buddle. arrlved on the Sgt. Klmbro:

Pto. Ralph Y. .•.•.•..... (II) Pto. Hlroshi !lataukawa •......•. ( A Pvt. George EU •.........•.... (Hq) Cpl. To .... y T. lIat.umoto •..•...• ( F Pvt. IUohard T. Fujl1 ......... (I) Pvt. Kazuo lI1to ........ ...... .. ( Pto. Yutan Fujl1 ............. (C) Pvt. Tauyoshi 1I1yog& ........... ( Pvt. To.hialtl Fujaoto ........ ( D) Pvt. lIorl0 IIhumoto ....... • .•.• ( Pto. Takeo rujlyama •••......•. 1 A) Pvt. George K. 1I0rlwaltl ........ ( Pvt. Telko Goya.......... .. ... C) Pto. Sabe lIurakeml ............ (

Kiyo.hi Ha.ega.a ...•...•• ( C) Pto. 1I1tsugl lIuranake ••... ... .• ( !lasao Hlga •••.•.•......•• (Ill Pvt. Setauo Nagano ............. ( Takemi tau Hlga ....... .... (II Pto. Kaoru Nal to ............... ( Tellto Higa ............... (A) Pvt. Hitoshi lIa1tai ............. ( Bert Higaahi .......... . •• (D) Cpl. Edward l>. Nakamura ••.•...• ( IIi tsuo Hiraki ••......... . ( E) Sit. Yo.himl t.u Nakaaura ••..••• ( Hll1eo Hlratanl •.......... (Hq) S",t. IIasao Naksnlshi ••...•....• ( Yutaka Hirayama •........• ( II) Pvt. Taro Nl.hitanl ••.........• ( Edward Y. Ide •.........•• (Hq) Pto. iueo Node •..... ........ .•• ( Shigeo Igarashl ..... ... .• (B) Pto. Alfred S. Nozawa ••... • .••• ( Iaamu Ilteda ............. (lied) Pvt. lIa.aru Ogata .............. ( Rlchard H. Iahl1. ........ ( C) 8",t. lIasayoshi Ogata ........... ( Katsul Jlnnohara ......... (C) Pvt. TsU!10 Ogata .............. ( lIa.alehi Kateude ••...... (lied) Pvt. AUra Ojlrl .•••.........•• ( To.hio Ka.amoto .......... (B) Pte. Randall II. Ota ............ ( Yutan Kawamoto .••......• ( B) Srit. Ulohi Sak8ll0to .••.• ..• . . .• ( Yasuo Kawano ............• 1 D) S/Sgt Shult1chl Sato .........••. ( Albert G. Kawsta......... A) Pte. Takeo Shiaizu ............. ( Stephen II. lays .......... (A) Cpl. Henry II. Shiyama .......... ( R10hard K. Klno.hita ••.•• (E) Pvt. Take.hi Suzukl •.•..••..••. (

Edward Y. Klyota •......• (B) Pte. Hltoehi Taguchi .•.... .... . ( Hayato lohum ........... (Ill Sgt. lIa.aharu Takeba •.••....... ( Fred H. Komeda ........... (C Cpl. Kateu.hi Tanouye .......... ( llaru.hi Kondo •.•••..•.••• (Hq) Cpl. Haruyo.hi Tateyama .•••...• ( Ichijl Kuroda .•.........• (E) Ptc. Lloyd II. Ter8ll0to ••••••.•• ( IIasajl Kutara .•.........• (II) Cpl. YasuJl Uohiu •••.•.......• ( IIstsutada lIaltl.hl •••....• ( F) Sgt. Kazuml Uemoto •.......•...• ( Se180 IIana •...........••• (El Pto. 1I0rl1ohi Uyeda .•.•.......• 1 lIasa IIs.hlta •...........• (A Pto. lIa.aru Y8ID&JDoto ••....•...•

Tadao Ono while on a malnland sojourn killed two ~oose wlth a

ISln~le stone. The former Able se.ond platoon rlfleman took a trlp to San Franclsco to be flt­ted for a new artlflclal le~ and while ln that clty ~ot marrled to 1I1ss SUlll Oda of Chieago. The couple flrst met ln WashiD«ton where the ~rooll was hospltall~ed at the Walter Reed Hospltal.

Albert Okl (Hq) has assumed hie posltlon as DAV servlee off­laer ln Honolulu. Albert lnTites all Puka Puka members to drop ln the VA lIul1din~ and talk over your probleas wlth him.

~ Our deepest symphaty go to

.. \/ Stanley 1:8.sal on tt,e pass lng of his lntant son ln Ootober.

Hldeo Sato bas galned full possesslon of a two badroom home on 2827 Emmellne Place. 'Old Man' bae been tol11ng dally on clearlD« his lot and we hear that ths loeatlon ls highly sultable for beer busts.

Stanley Kawasakl (lIq) retur­ned to Olaa,Hawal1 to pursue his earpentsrlD« trade there. Stan's steady bowl1n~ will be sorelY mlssed by the headquarters ke~­lers.

Harold Tamashiro (Hq) was

00 conflned ln Trlpler GeneralHos­, pltal for an appendeotomy opera­

tlon. 'Tama' ls up and around and slPplnf llquids ln his pre­operatlon speed".

Weapons platoon of Company A had a rouslng shindl~ over at IrvlD« llasumoto's manslon on Iaauwal Place. We have learned that one of the umbreago Able men aruleed allover town for a whole hour attemptlD« to locate

~ his wlfe at her frlend's home. In the course of his roamln~ around to"n ln his Jeep, he 18 re­ported to haTe been challen~ed by the Sand Island and Fort sentrlp.s. Sad Case!

Anyone lnterested ln showlng lS mm. colored movles takena' the September 2nd War Dead Wel­oOlle program at hoce may do eo by contactlng the YBA offloe, phone 55082.

Jackie Murata (A) ls wlth the frel~ht dlT1810n of Inter-Island MaYl~atlon COllpany. It you're Y181tlO! the outslde lslands and wlsh to send your auto by boat ~lye Jaokle a buzz at 1356.

Hldeo Uchida (B) has put up a 8/S~t Edward Y. Xlyota Me~orlal Golf Trophy 111 lIemoryat hie buddy from lIaker. The ~0l1' club members haTe been practlclng overtlme 111-order to eapturetha oovetedaward.

Jlmmy Ishimoto (A) employedae a mall oarrler by Uncle Sam's postal dept., presents a'sharp' appearance as he dellvere lIaU up Paclflc Helghts way. The former Able weapons man atop his brand new shiny 'cycle ln h1a well prtl!l­sed ~ray unlform presentequlte a contrast to the frontllne Ishiwe used to know. (Atleast now he has enough halrs to shave every other day).

Ka~uto Yoshloka, ~en1al Xaual Chapter member,spent a few weeks ln Honolulu on a vacatlon. Xazu's faml1y aoeollpanled him on the trlp. He cordlally lnvltes any Oahu Chapter eoftball teu to II.IIke an lnvaslon to sample the flne hospltallty of the Garden Island members.

Tsu~10 Tsuru (A) wae oonfined ln Trlpler General Hospltal for a mlnor operatlon. He's all ln one plece agaln and dolng flne.

Howard 1I1yake ls another of our paesans ln Trlpler. The hard workln~ Able-lte who assumed the chalrmanshlp of Tarlous club functlone 18 takln~ a oomfortable rest cure. We wlsh to take this opportunlty to convey our best regards for a full and speedy reoovery to him.

Our dp.epest condolence go to Itsuo (Shorty) lIorlnaka whoee father passed away ln Kekaha, Kaual.

Larry Hlrckawa (A) has packed up his belon~lngs to move over to Hl10 where he ls now connected wlth the Department of Publl. Welfare,ln Lyman Hall. If you chence to Tlslt the ralny clty drop ln and pay Larry a vls1t.

Shi~eru Inouye (Med) returned to his studies at Unlverslty of Kentucky after spendln~ the summer wlth hls folks here ln Honolulu.

IIl11y Takaezu (II) repaired his home to weloome hie bride. Baker boys helped him to ready hls love neet for the new IIrs. Takae~u. In the faee of hi~h bul1dln~ costs, let's have more of these 'I'll kokua you,paesan' mutual asslstance proJscts &mODI us.

eM (J{D.ll4Il &.undup Ted Hlrayama, Nobuo Uyeda,

Kenneth lIuroeh1!e and Allan Oha ta acted as next of kln of war dead and posed knotty questlons to proepectlve escorts at an esoorts sohool conduct ed lit Fort Shatter by the armed forces. The Aroerl­.an Graves Re!istration Servlce thanks them for thsir wholehsar­ted cooperation.

Yoeh1masa Kawamoto (C) ls the proprletor of Y. lawamoto Paint­In! Company. Give h1m a eall it you've !ot a house to be palnted or other !ad!ete that require a new "look". Yosh1 may be reached by dialing 826~~2.

Joe Nakayama (mad) has !one into the plumbl~ business with h1s brother. For your plumbing repair. and installations, Joe is on hand 2~ hours wi th h1s effic1ent and prompt service. Just phone 93936 or 97125 and he'll eee to it that all's well in your draine.

Kenji Nobori (C) sutfered mult1ple burns wh1le du t1 fully perform1ng his firef1ghters role when a local n1!ht club was bur­ned to the ground rscently.

NOTE: The Club 100 office w111 be closed from December 27, 1948 to January 10, 19~9 as our executive secretary hae been granted a two weeks vaca tion1'l-om h1s chores.

We are 1ndebted to Kunim1tsu Hiramoto for the installation of electr1cal plugs in our YIIA off ire. If you have any w1r1ng or other electrical jobs to be done around your cassa, oall Kunimitsu at Dav1d K.Hiramoto Electrical con­tractor, phone 5828~.

8h1!e Hokama hae moved h1s residence from the Manoa HOU8i~ project to fertile Waimanalo valley where h1s parents will be enga!ed in farming. The former sergeant of F and A companies is connected with Dil11ngham Broth­ers a8 an accountant.

<= FRANK IKEHARA '" Delivery ~nllce

I ,· ......... 1 ,"" •• fo." Ct.o"e.

***** T. I. Market ***** 318 N KukUI Sf =~ "'hone !l8]60

THOMAS' FENDER SHOP Results Guarant.d

Speedy SerYiee ~'" THOMAS MORlIQ 'I?'

Phone J22J 1403 L1l1ha St.

AUDREY Audrey, 5 years and 10 montha

old seeing eye dog and constant companion ot plucky Yosh1nao pmiya, was h1t by a truck on November 23 wh11e she was enjoy­ing her daily romping. All eff­orts to save her wsre in vain as she died wh11e an operation was be1ng performed to eave her.

We bow our heads in eolemn tributs and offer our heartfelt thankfulness to her for lettin& "Turtle" see through her eyes since February 22, 19~5; for es­oorting h1m to our various club function. and for answering her master's calls for companionsh1p wi th her deToted leaps and bounds.

If we were still in the army, we are confident that our lin. C.O., down to the last priv­ate in Company "F" would write her up to reoei ve the Congressional Medal. Of HonOl'--she d1d her du~ to our oountry, her master, and evsryone of ue--beyond call !

Yea, Audrey now reste peace­fully in Omiya'e backyard. Her epan of llfe wae short and yst ehe hae carried to us a moet Tit­al meeeage •.•.• Yoshinao needs and deservee companlonshlp.

We ehould aU str1ve to be his see1n! eye dog in the absence at noble oaninee like---AUDREY.

~ .... ? .... .,... .... ~-#.

(plea, II~ $ewi,c,e





~~~~~~--.~~~--~~--. lIJI#dll dtEIlIYBl, )


~:~ J'eue ~Uzh..r~' 2912 E. MANOA RD PU 902155

-----------~-------Dick Sasaki's -tr VEGETABLE



j 11shop Venta Glass & Real Kstats


'alii! SOli Kolt .. Street Phone SU52 (ITf Res. Phone 72~383 ..... " ............ -...

IIalpb Fukunat;a, Tom Noese, I:UDt;O Inl, and our sxecutlTe secretar), naITow!)' eseaped serl­ous lnJurles wben a ponderous royal palm tree sot tlred of 11vln~ and 4eolded to orash on RalphT s 19~6 Chevorlet sedan. "b11e 12Ie auto sutfered extenslve dama,;es, our paesans fortunate!)' oame out unscathed. They were reported to have sald, "It would haTe been a darn shame 1t we were to haTe been lnJured at home after surTlvlns the European battles." (Editor's Note:Atleast all of thea had GI Insuranoe.)

PEEPS Jan. 1, 19~-~uote:"HaTe a e1ear Ill)' w11'. (I\a ve blrth to a boune1n& bamblno thls mornlns". Jan. 8, 19~8-0ahu softball aetl-1'1 tles eOll1ll1enoe, Fuml Tani),'" leacue manAr;er. Jan.18. 19~-Ha"al1 Chapter 1001;11 In lieaorlal Iaeeball Lea,ue 11th 11d ln usual Hilo raln. Jan.27. 19i8-General Mark Clark luau held at Kalub1a ln oonJune­tlon wlth ~~2nd Vets Club. lebo 7. 19~8-ie.ond annual Oahu Chapter beneflt danoe. Hldeo Sato, ehalrman. Feb.22,1948 -Baker Co. re-unlon. Kar. 6, 19~-Able Co.sta, sb1n­dlS. Kar.21,1948-laker cops softball pennant, Hq. flnlshee ln run~ up slot. Kar.?7,1948-Maul Chapter Easter Frolle. Georr;e I:urlsu,ehalraan, Apr. 7,1948- Softball league blow-up at Smile Cafe, Apr,15,1948-Club 100 ROTC plaq­ues presented to U.H. and b1gh schools. May 7, 1948-ldward Kltsugl Sato dles ln Kona, Hawall. KatalO, 1948-TetsuJlro (Ish-ka­bl II succumbs to sudden 111-nells. May 16, 1948-Koomel (Peepslght) Yosh1sato fatally electrocuted. Kay 18, 1948-Bowlers start balla rolllng at HBC alleys. May 28, 1948- Hldeo KaJlkawa eleoted Oahu Chapter prexy. Kay 30, 1948-0abu softball team launches beachbead on Blg Islan~ Hawall Chapter annlversary part)', Yosb1o Yanagawa dons prssldent'. robe. Kay 31, 1948- Nuuanu clubhouss offl01ally sold. Jun 1, 1948-Club 100 offloe moved to YBA Bulldlng, Jun 5, 1948- Oahu annlversary party at tau Yee Chal, Jun 6, 1948-Maul Chapter plcnl0 Toru Orlkasa assumes offlce of presldent. Kalua plg galore. Jul. 1, 1948- "Omolde" lnltlal performance. Jvl,17, 1948- Club 100 conven­tlon. Riohard Kl.uta sucoeeds James Lovell. Jul,30, 1948- Charlle Co. beer bust.

Aug.15, 1948-"Omolde"at Halelwa Tneatre. Sept 1, 1948-USAT Dalton Vlotor), arrlves ln Honolulu wlth 34 KIA buddles from Eplnal & Nettuno. Sept 2, 1948- Terrltorlal War Dead Weloome program, Large Club 100 representatlon ln funeral prooeeelon.



AT '48 Sept 4

t 1948-Dog Co. stag affair

atller ert Yamamoto's IDIlns1on. Sept 8, 1948-Gala Hq Co. p1cnic. set! 26, 1948-Hawa11 Chapter mem­or 1 servlces. SeDt 29. 1948-0ahu Chapter memo­rl&! urYlces at Hongwanj1. Oct. 5. 1948..Jaok IIhuha elected outright to Kauai County Board of SUplrY1aors. Oct. 12# 1948-Bow11ng league ce8ses Ire. Hq-l t1t11st. Oot. 18, 1948- Arr1val of USAT Sgt. Thurman Kimbro. 73 Puka pWQ deceased reach home from Italian oemeter1ee. Oct.:lO 1948- Bow11ng party. Yuu taGlta loop prexy for 1949. NcO'. J!' 1948...1oe Yamauohi romps 1nto st HeweU House of Repre­eentaUve .'at. Nov. 15! 1948-0ahu Chapter dona­te. ,.. to Honolulu Communi ty Chait Dr! ve. DI~ 24. 1948-0ahu Chapter Xmas pi 'I. Dec. 3~ 194~Quote: .I'mgett~ eld1 bOy can walk and talk alread1. I can see my age m his dlnlopm.nt. •


Feb ... El.ctr10 Ware .... G. Shira1 Mar ... Veta Enterpr1se .•

•.••...• 0. 1I1yashiro Apr .•• Pall Electric .••• T. Shira1 1a'l ... Elec. Eqpt Co .... T. Oshita Jun ... 24 Hre. 8ervloe •.

Statlon ...• II. Takahashi ... Ed. lIor1kam1 •• H. Kanemura

Jul .•• Ed. Yoshlmasu ••• R. Ka1numa Aug ••• Nlck Teves ..••. I. Kawasakl

..• August Ace ....• E. lis tsueda SIp ... Dr [. [ometan1. •

.......•• E. lis tsueda .•• September Aoe ...... II. lmal

Oct .•• lIIIIIboo Inn .•....•.• W. Iwal ... Ootober Ace ..... L. Amazak1

Noy ... Dr.R.Ka1numa .• F. Shinohara ... November Aoe ..... 11. K1gawa

S/Sgt Edward Y. K1yota lIemo­riel 'rop~ Over 72 holes was won", Eddie IIstsueda.

A golt olub party 1s slated to be held on January 22, 1949.

I llakaru 'l'aoka Was unanlmously R ltated aa preUdent to head our D~:l~=1~haPter. He suoceeds

, .. Other officers for the oomlng I' Will be: Taketoshi Chiga ... ,

Shigelch1 Kawaoka, Tanj1, treasurer

; Walter Iwasa and •• ud1 tor ••

V ENE T I A N II LIN D S!! - - Guaranteed-Workmanship -

Hakaru Taon" Phone --l337-C Loko Dr., Wahiawa -._.------- .......

Hldeo Kajlkawa.our Oahu prex1 reoent11 opened hi. publl0 acco­untln« offl08 at 667 Kaplolan1 "oulevard. Kajl, who 10 .V.d­uate of Ore«on Univsrslty, Is on11 the third AJA Certit1ed Pub-110 Aocountant In the terr1 tory. We taKe ~nls means to ofter hi. our con«ratulat1ons and best1l1Jlh­es for his auocess.

Oahu Cfiapter members eontr1-buted the sum of '443.00 to the Honolulu Communlty Chest Drlve.

..... 'ib •• Me .. , ·· Wh,"hWb_NIIt.W

. ~~~!;I]l~~~p~OP ~ ~~~ ~ ~ 1159-C Iaplo1ani Boulevard

Phone 55609



Five Yeal's Ago Noyeaber 1, 1943.

A and C strated and enell)" planes v101n1 ty

Noyember ~,1943. turno RiYer .ross1~.

Coapanles bOllbed by

ot Allano. Last Vol-

Novellber 5, 1943. End runand oapture ot H111 600.

Moye.ber l~, 194~. Transter trom Z and r oompan1es to other oompanles; In. reor~an1zed.

Noyember 24, 1943. Lett Santa lIaria OllYeto by trucks tor Cbll1; arrlYed 2200.

November 30, 1943. Hl11s 905 and 920; ru~~ed Colll aotlon.

De.ellber 10, 194~. !n.re11e­yed by rren.h troops atter two weeke on the hills near Co1l1; on truoks to Allte.

December 13, 194~. Pay ln Allre.


Decem ber 16, 1943. Ryder ln In. area. a11 ~o home---after oyer! •

General 'Yee, we'll 1;he war 18

Deeellber 20, 1943. Major Clou«h new Bn. C. O. llany promo­tlons .. on~ ottleers; General Mark Clark awards proaotlons.

De.ember 30, 1943. Doughnuts and oottee seryed by Red Cros ••

Deeellber 31, 1943. !n. lett Pledmont D' A1lte,arrlYed Perean­zano at 2010; Snows tor ••

We.t1 ~hou. e Aoolloance .

ftt1t;k"Jj;;,;;:,til /t ClREtfy /.ec04- x;:--170 NO. KING ST. PUONE2502


I --~ .. ,. 'S

· YOII ~"f11I. ", ~ . ' .11 . ... WII BILL kOMODA 1'" I'" ._.~

I· . ....,0" . b52:/0 ~E~~' .21 Wlrd AIi4!

• TfRWllf~C.MTRU.


Members 0 ompany !:

Please permlt us to take this meane ot conveylng to you our deepeBt appreolat10n tor your kind expressione of sympathy and beautlful floral offerings rece­lved durln~ the recent memor1a1 and burial services held for the late PFC. BATOSHI MATSUOKA.

Gra tefully ,

14r. and IIrs. AsaJlro llatsuoka and family.


if. Ii ~ , jUatuaf ~~ j! if. £c ~at; " , I' ~ • AT THE •

if. ~ NEW EMMA CAFE I ~ '. J:~n~'r" It ~r. II!!', DISPENSER GENERAL ,~ = 192 S. Seretani: SI. Phone 6S932 ~ ~~

"Chance" For Organized Reserve Commissions

New regulations announ~ed by Headquarters, USARPAC, make 1t possible tbr warrant offlcers and en11sted men and women serv1n, ae sergeant or higher to become oommlesloned offlcers in the Or~an1.ed Reserve Corp ••

The new re~ulatlons also a pply to veterans who Berved as a warrant off1cer or f1rst thr~ ~rader ln any oomponent of AUi a t any time between Deoember 7, 1941 to June 30,1947.

All app11eants must bave the equ1valent of a hi~h Bchool edu­eat10n and must be at least 21 years old. Unt11 October l,194g only, the upper a~e lim1t bae been ra1sed from 28 to 32 year. of a~e.

If you are 1nterested,oontact Headquarters, Or~ani&ed Reserve Corps, Bld~. 2, Pler A, Fort Armstron~.

¥-~r:J~.~~L ,', I j\ l2 Ver;::; etablea. Groeerlee

...-/} " .. , },feat and Fifth • //lf~V&/Wauz;Ce. p~, 726Z15 iii UI,I. lIITLElrR.JIA

OPERATION K -0- K - u- A Blood Banle - Give and T alee


I. HEADQUARrERS: 1. II. Okazak1 2 . K. Suehlro 3. S. Hamamura

II. MEDICS: 1. E. Katano 2. II. Goto 3. J. Enomoto 4. ~. Hatakenaka

III. BAKER 1.T.Tanaka 2. H • . Naka1 3. R. Nosaka 4. Y. Suzuk1 5. K. IUyano 6. S. Takashl~e 7. G. Maeda 8. B. Komoda 9. T. Shira1

10. Y. Takata 11. F. Nakamura 12. G. Kurakake 13. J. Muramatsu 14. S. Tomal 15. R. Kuroda 16. J. Seklne 17. T. H1rayama 18. S. Imamura 19. U. Wozum1

IV.AiLE: 1. M. Kamel 2. N. Uyeda 3. N. Yama!;ata 4. Y. Nlshimura 5. T. Takahashl 6. P. Shiral 7. H. Sato 8. C. Ikehara 9. J. Matsuda

10. II. Yamamoto 11. H. lIoromlsato 12. II. Nama..ra 13. S. Nam1kl 14. K. Yul 15. Y. Matsumoto 16. K.. Okamo to 17. F. Ikehara 18. N. Yamagata 19. G. Sumlda 20. II. Namhara 21. J. Ishlmoto 22. Klyoehi Kaml

V. RURAL OAHU CHAPTER 1. S. Kawaoka 2. Y. Tanabe 3. H. Taoka 4. C. Kuwahara 5. M. Na!:llkl 6. S. Kawaoka

VI.~: 1. D. IU,uta 2. M. Kawamoto 3. K. Kanazawa 4. S. lahl tanl 5. S. Ish11 6 . R. Okazak1 7. Y. lIaeda . 8. T. IIlyash1ro 9. R. Ikeda

10. S. Ito 11. S. Okamura 12. N. lIasumoto 13. K. Hlramoto 14. T. K1mura 15. R. Ikeda 16. K. Uyeno 17. T. Kimura

VII. 11Qf!: 1. C. Kunleda 2. R. Watanabe 3. I. FuJlmorl 4. K. IIltsunaga 5. R. Hosaka 6. l. 100 7. H. Harada 8. C. Tsukayama 9. K. Arakakl

10. K. Arakak1 11. K. Yamamoto 12. K. Arakakl

~: ( No. of Plnte---~, or, lmmediate family)

1. Kateuml Maeda ......... 27 11. Ralph Ikeda .. .. ...... 5 2. Shlgeyoshl Kuraoka •.•. 9 12. Ted Hlrayama •.. . . .. .• 1 3. Kenneth Mlteunaga •.... 10 13. Jennosuke Uyeno • . .... 3 4. Rlchard L. lIaeda •..... 1 14. Kaname Yu1 •... . .. . .•• 1 5. Toehlml Ohara •...... • . 2 15. Harold Kanemura •..... 1 6. Tad Kanda •..... . .. . ..• 1 16. 14asaJ1 Ueul ....... . .• 2 7. lIasao Awakun1. .••.... • 8 17. Stanley Hamamura ••..• 2 8. Mlnoru Yoshlda •..•...• 1 18. Yasuo Takata •.......• 1 9. Kenlchl lha •........•• 4 19. Yoshlkatsu lIatsumoto. 1

10. liasayukl Yoshlmura ...• 2 20. Klyoshl Teubota •..... 3 TOTAL PINTSliSED . ..... ........ " . ...........•• 8~


TOTAL PINTS USED • . ....... " ......................... .. ....•• 85 ~ BY COMPANIES:

eWB 100

Headquarters. • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • .• 3 Med1cs ............ . ••...... . .... . ...... 4 Able •... ... ... . .......• . •........ . ...•• 22 Baker ••........ . ..•........•...•. . ..... 19 Char1le •.....•.......................•• 17 D6g •....••........... ... ......... . .... • 12 Rural Oahu Chapter •........ '" '" .. . ..• -2

TO'tAL PINTS DONATED .......................... ~ BLOOD BANK DEFICIT, NOVEMBER 15,1948 .••.•.......•. 2

NOTE: 85 plnts blood 0 $42.50/plnt ~ $3612.50 - SAVINGS to members. -==<=


10 1948 BOWLING HODGE·PODGE Hq-l romped away wlth top

honors ln the th1rd annual Oahu Chapter Jowl1ng Lea!ue wh1ch wa. oonducted over twenty two weeka at the HeC alleys. !e!lers on the champlonsh1p team were : Geor!" Aokl (capt), Donald Ish1kl, Stan Ita"a eakl, Sh1!eo Tamash1ro, Roy Honbo, and Wally Sh1!etanl.

Dlek Sakaba copped troph1ea ln the h1gh avera!e,C1ass A h1!h avera!e and Hl-3 oats!orles. W. Sh1!etanl posted a 617 tlree game serlea, but mlssed out, due to the taet that he did not partlo1pate ln suftlc1ent games.

lIob Kondo, Masa Nakano ant!. Tsu!10 [lyohlro "on awards tor bsln! the top bowlers ln Class I, C, and D respeotlve1y.

Yosh1 Maeda rolled a h1!h slng1e ot 166 and Wal.lJ' Teruya was Jud!ed to be the moat­ved bowler ln the loop.

lIow1era and thelr !uests he~d a tl ttl"! dlnner-dance atth. Lau Yea Chal on Ootober 30 to oe1e­brate the oonc1uslon at a most suo.esetu1 season. Varlous tro­phles were presented by Warren Iwal, presldent of the Lea~e,at that t1me.

Don Ish iki being presented the Air-Flo Iright) and Oahu Chapter Team Tro­phies by Art Kamiyama Ileft) and Warren Iwai Iright).

1. 2. 3. i. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Hq -Hq -

II -Hq -

D -II -A -C -C -

1 .•••....• 66 ••..... 56 •....• 11 • ••••...... 62663 ••.....••• 797.9 3 •......•• 66 .••..• . i6 ••.... 20 •..•.... .•• 51100 ...•.• ..•• 77i. 2 2 .••.•..•• 66 .••.. • . '3 •••..• 23 •........ • . 51102 •.•••..•.• 77i. 3 2 ••...•..• 66 . •. . .. . il. ..... 25 ..•. ..•...• 60397 •... . ..... 763.6 1 .•.. . .... 66 •.. .... 39 ...•.• 27 ..... ..... • 50554 •......•.. 766.0 1 ••.. .. ..• 66 ....... 36 •••. •• 30 ..•.......• 51233 . ...•..... 776.3 1 .•......• 66 ....... ;n ...... 36 ...•... " .• 60093 .•........ 759.0 2 •••....•• 66 •.....• 28 •• .. .• 38 ••........• 48605 .•.......• 736. i 1 •.••...•. 66 ••..... 25 •.••.. il. ......•..• 48731 • . .....•.• 738.3

10. 11. 12.

In -D -A -

Hq ......... 66 .... " . 2i •.•..• ill •..••.....• i66i5 .•....... . 706.7 2 •.......• 66 ••..... 16 ...•. . 50 •.. ..•....• 47225 .••.... .. • 715.5 2 ........• 66 •...... 16 ..... . 50 ••. . , .... . • i6720 .......... 707.9


lakaba, D •••••••••••. . .•••• 177.8 Shl!etanl, W •.. . .•.•.. . .••• 173.1 Takaezu, •• ..•.•...•.•. .••• 170.7 Morl, T •••..•.•. .. • .. .•... . 170.5 Aaazaki, L •....•. .•... .... . 170.1 Ieh1kl, D •••........ . .....• 168.5 Aokl, G ••........•........• 168.5 I&uta, G ••....•.... . ....... 168.1 Hattorl, J ••. ...... . ... .... 166.9 liaeda, Yoo .. .... .. ......... 166.9 londo, R .• . ........•...•.•• 165.3 1,,&1, 1f •••••••••••••••••••• 163. 9 Takata, Y .................. 162.9 Ikeda, G ••.•••..•.......... 162.3 lana&awa,l ....... .. ........ 161.8 [awano, R ••••...•.•....•..• 169.8 [aJlkawa, Moo . ... .......... 169.6 lIa!aaakl, •..•............ 169. i Furuta, !t ••..•.•••.••...••• 159.1 londo, )1 •••••••••••••••••• • 159.9

Taaash1ro, S • ..........•.•• 158.7 Hlrata, Ii ......... ..... ..•• 158.5 FuJllloto, l •• •••..•.••... .• 158.2 Nakamura, F ••••••.......••• 158.1 Okazakl, II .•..............• 157.3 Honbo, R •......•... . ....... 157.3 Lovell, J •.•. ....... .. . ... . 157.0 Nakano, Ii .................. 157.0 lIasuda, ll .. . . ........••.... 156.9 Shobu, W ......... •.. ......• 156.5 Sumida, G ................• . 156. 2 II1"a, R .......... . ........ . 156.0 FuJ1eh1!e, W . . ...... .. ....• 155.3 lIaeda, [ •••.• .•.. .......... 155.1 Teruya, W ••................ 15i.8 [unleda, C •... . .•.........• 15i. 5 Kawaeakl, S •.••........ . ...• 15i. 2 [anellura ,F ..••.....•...... • 154..0 Yamamoto, H ••..•....•.....• 153. 9 Hlrano, D •.... .... ........• 153.1 Hamada, R •••••••...••.....• 162.5 Uyehara, J .••.. .. .........• 162.1

BOWLING - Cont. Taira, R •....... ...... .. ..• 151.2 Ille, T ...... ..............• 150.7 lPukuda, 11 •••••••••••••••••• 150.3 Uyohiro, T ••••... ..... • .. • 150.1

, Iawashima, J ..............• 150.1 Arakaki, K •• ••••••.....•••. 150.0 lIiyuhiro, R ............... 149.1 Oda, N ....................• 148.6 Nlohibayaehi, '1' • ••••••••••• 147.2 Iamib.wa, F . .............. • 146.2 Oka.oto, 1 .. . .. ............ 145.9 Hiroki, H .... ... ... .......• 145. 7 Hoeaka, F •• •...•.......... • 145.4 Urabe, H .. ..... . .. .... ... .. 145.2 Omorl, R ..................• 145.1

Nadamoto, I ....•..•.......• 145. 0 landa, T •.................• 144.8 Tab.shllle, S ... .. .. ....... • 144.3 Nlshimura., Y ..... ..... .. . .. 144. 0 Iobayaehi, T ............... 143.9 Iodama, R ............ . ..... 143.8 Yamamoto, R .. ......... ... .. 143.6 1I1yamoto, I ................ 142. 6 1I1yashlro, Roy •............ 142.5 Harada, R ............ _ ..... 140.5 141yaehlro, S .........•. ..... 140.5 Olluro, R ....... ............ 140.3 Ioehimasu, E .. .....•... .. .. 140.3 Tamashiro, H ...... ......... 138 .3 Hlmura., N .................. 139.8 Uyeno, I ... .........•.. , ..• 139. 5 Sasakl, D . ....... . . .. . .. ... 139.3 Ige, D • .. . .... .. .......... . 138.C I nouye, I ............. ..... 137.2 Iaj lyarna, J •••••••.•• • •.•• • 137.2 Toyofuku, R .... .......... .. 136.0 Sakamoto,S •.......•........ 135.8 Hlra.yama, C ................ 130.1 1I1yashiro, Roland •... .. . ... 127.5 Nlshlda, Yoo ... oo .... oo .... 124.0 lIuroehige, I ..............• 115.0


Genua! Plumbing liT R~pllmng 24 H OIr' Suviu

BU5. Phone 93936 927 Sheridan SttHt

Res. Phone 97125 3349·8 East Manoa Road

KAPA-LANI SERVICE STATION "l Gas &. 011; Lubrication

~ Auto Repair; Welding A

.a~· 0 " ~ . Warren Tonakt

Phone 76391 Cor. Kaplo1ani & Kapahulu


On August 5, to 1Ir. and IIrs. :rt:l Albert 1I1kl0 Shilll1zu, 2863 - A ~ Kaloa1ul1<1 St., son ~

On Augu s t 30, to 1Ir. and IIrs. • Hlchiro lIatsumoto, 3015-B Hard­ing ATenue, son.

On Sept. 8, to IIr. and IIrs. (olchl Nakamuru.1237-E 15th Ave •• daughter.

On Sept. 9, to· lIr. and lira . 111 tsuyoshl Fukuda, 1411 1Ia11l81u Street, son.

On Sept. 15, to Mr. and lira. Hldeo Tamaru, 3301-A Campbell Avenue, 90n.

On Sept . 17, to IIr. and Mrs. lohio Sasakl,908 Wlnant St.,son.

On Sept. 18, to Mr. and lira. Clarence Gunlchi Yamamoto, 623-A 11th ATenue, aon.

On Sept. 19, to Mr. and IIrs. Tony Klnoshita, 912 Lukela Lane, Daughter.

On Oct. 2, to Mr. and IIrs. lIasao Kanesue,719-A Cool1dge St . daughter.

On Oct. 7, to Mr. and Mra. Charles Masato Takeshima,2823 Lol Street, daughter .

On Oct. 16, to IIr. and IIrs. Saburo Yokoyama. 1315 Auld Lane, Bon.

On October 30, to Mr.and Mrs. Yasu to Furusho, 1618 Pokl St .•

daughter. ~' •• <7/,.

irll~jIll_ m. S7S53


... ~:IJ~:/~~::~n~ ~;;j::;1 * ~ _~.. 1106 AlAPAI sTfim \l~

lAll'H N :~~: COR. HOTEl sun,

~:!~~!!kG~~ukl I Matsuna~a and 1I1ss Helene Hatsu- ~' ml Tokuna!a. 'i'.:

On Aug. 19, Fred Sellchl lane-mura. and 1I1S9 Joyce lIaalr'ko Iu .... ta

On Sept. 4, Thomas Kazuyoshl Morlkawa and Mlss Helen Tomle Sugal.

On Oot. 16, W1lHam Sellchl Takaezu and I41se Kay 11yol<0 YOll8-mlne.

On October 30. Harry H1sao Amaltl and 1118S Ilargaret Mutsue I' Takeuohi.

On Nov. 6, Henry TsunelQh1 Tanaka and II18S Joan Sum1.ko Nake-murs..

Renewal of Term Insurance

Important thin!s for veterans to remember about renewal. of term insuranoe are: •

l.. The renewal. of term insur­anoe is for an additional. five year per10d,but at a higher pre­Ilium.

2. The veteran must submit an application for renewal of his term insuranoe prior to the ex­piration date at his orig1nal. term polioy. Two months before tbe policy is due to expire,the vet­eran w111 reoe1ve a warning let­ter and applicat10n forms from the VA. If the veteran does not reply to this letter, a second one wl11 be eent one month prlor to the BltJ)lration date.

3. The whole, or any part of the ori/p;inal pollcy may te rene"­ea. However,the amount not re1n­stated may not be re1nstated 1n the future.

4. There ls no /p;race per10d for the f1rst prem1um on the re­newed polloy. The renewal. appli­catlon and first premlum on the new policy must be submitted prlor to explration of the old contraot.

5. Term insurance has no re­serve val.ue ard no allowance from the old polioy will be oredited to the renewed policy.

6. New insurance numbers will. be issued for all. renewed pol.i­eies.

7. Veterans may convert the1r old term po11cies to anyone of six permanent plans of NSLI rat­her than renew their old term contract for another five years.

The renewal. provision appl.ies only to National Service Life tera insuranoe issued prior to 1948. Since most of the local veterans took out term insurance prior to tMlt and consequently would be affeoted by this prov1-sion, VA off1cials are ur/p;in/p; veterans to /p;ive serious cons1-deration to their insuranoe pro­blems when the1r term contraots come up for renewal.

ETSURO SEKIYA Bus. Pho •• Res. Pho •• 73326 55372

CARDEN FLOWER SHOP W~dd;ng BQuquers, Wuaths, Sprays, Corsages, uiJ, Orchids, Anthur;um Plants, Orchid PJan15.

We Deliver 142 S. B~RETANIA ST. Across Rapid Transit Car Barn