Public Administration Objective Questions Part 5

Post on 04-Oct-2015

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It has MCQs of Public Admin

Transcript of Public Administration Objective Questions Part 5


    1. According to Elton Mayo, a worker's performance is primarily related to

    Ia) interactive organiutiau

    selling in ""

    (b) the wnrker's pnsonaJ;ty variables

    (cl kchnolc>gy nnd tools mad~ avsilable to the worker

    rrtl socially n,quit~d attitudrs of thf wo: ker in thP post :md nutside the fvctory

    2. Consitl~t Uu: following statement~ with regard to ('itizrns' Chnrll'r

    'lhr irk;, nf Ct1Iz~ns C:hartn had


    '' 4. Which of th~ following statements rcflccl the vtcws of Frederick


    An mdtlstrial organir~1tion Js govcrn~d by definite" n:gulnri\k~ \tnd li!WS.

    of vanous act;vitic'' and other factors of production is n.:ccssary.

    1 A radical scparatwn between planning


    8. Consider the followmg_ 5(atrnwnts on 'line-rhm budg~t

    I. It is u llritish kgary.

    2. It is oriented lo n system of chec.;ks and nnmt~rchccks.

    3. It fcwilitatcs dccentr~liz;>tion

    -i ft 1~ aitncd at rij:'id con!iol over expenditure

    Whirh of llw Hnkmcnh given aJ.m,.,. ,,re corrrl[?

    (u) l,~and4

    (i.JI 2 JJLd I nnlr

    9. Wl>"'h "f 'lrt the correct answer u~ing the cock given below

    Cowing is lhP first orthodoxy nf Puhlre Aclmini~lralion th:n g~ve blfth lo rile dt~nplrm of Puhltc 1\drr inisltll IJn


    12. Dwight Waldo and Herbert Simon challenged polilicsad minislralio n dirholomy for diffcr~nt reasons. Which one of the following r~asons lllilY l!l: Cffll 1 'lH \ ,If!< I 1'11''''"1'1'[

    iil'f,l '", ," n1r"liy ,, 1"" h.1nd "'l',"lll( ,IIHI 1hl,J",'



    15. The most widely ll.sed model of Sdect the correct answer using the the communication proc~s~ that evolved from the w


    18. Which of the following metaphors is/are part{s) of tile organization change models fonnulat~d in interactions with cnvinmmcnF'

    2- Rational mr:t


    22. Match LisH with Lisl-11 and select the corrert answer using the code given below the Lists

    List-! /Type of




    ------------------"' r-

    25. Promotion in the Jap


    25. Promotion m the ,Japanese Civil Snviee depends on

    L seniority

    2. managerial ability

    J. negutiating skills

    ' professional rxcdlcncc with demonstrable obility , dmft legislation

    Sdect thr rorrect answrr uoiii!'. :hr code given below


    (a} I only

    {r-1 l_ ? m:cl ?. only

    !dl I,

    26. The Mastrrmn n Comm ii!CL "f 13rita in d


    29. Which of the following is/are correct wiUr regard to the US Civil Service?

    I. Highrt C'ivll Sencice- is both specialist and generalist.

    2. ProfcssionAIM serve as Bureau Chiefs.

    3. Bureaurracy is fragmented.

    4. Civil servants do not haw the right lo organize unions.

    Select the corrrc"l answrr using lhc code given below


    (!1/ 2 only

    (!J/ '


    34. In thr perspective of public administr,lion reform, which Bmong the following major idea&

    w~r~ mtroducccJ by the 'Rcinvcntin11; Governnwnt' I 'hasc (1992)?



    Government sllmll\l empower citizens and public employees

    ~like. Govcrnml"n! should be

    ~ustomcr and mission driven.

    Government should not nnllt!pnte hut solv~ pmhltmc.

    ~- Guwrnm~nl should b~ cnlrc-!"rncn npen an:! dnscd models of

    organi.,-~'llion have be~n ~xplninPtl in tcnns of r~rccptions uhuul ]_ the nature of human b~mgs 2 llw rnle ~ml !ignJflcatlcc of

    mgltni7~-.Lion i~ 'ioti~ty 3_ the org:mizatmnal environnwnt

    1. the te:hnologiwl impact on Lhr opera:ing orgunizJton



    38. '::':~!':'h one_._of.-~~~_Jol)o~~~L2~ not belong to ShamS\ll Haque's typology:-----orthc -~e--;:;s;;;;:;;;--;;-1 ~ti"il't,d.~iiity -;n- the context- Of ;Cntri,Prcneurilwn

    40. Which one of the following about Article 243G is con-r-eO

    (a} Panchayuts should be r-nabkd by law to function as an ctgrnt of the State GovcrnmGnt

    (b) Panchayats should be .. nablcd by law to function as instituion nf self-government

    (c) Panchayats will act us lhr irnplcrr.enling agencies for crntmlly :sponsored schemes

    1d) Gc1m Panrhayats will be answernldc

    l'an(h~yals DIStrict

    41. The curli~st roots of ~lunicipal !\Jminlslral:on m Jndi,. ,-~n he lnKtd Ill

    {a) lhr Govfrnnwnt nf lndi~ Ml, 193!,

    (hi L"t


    42. Which of tlw followmg dicl Luther Gulick list as factors impacting the span of mmrol of an ofrlccr in "-!l organizationJ (a} Age ar>ri loc~tinn of the

    l)rgunizlltion, nul1.11c of the work done ,end personality of the supervisor

    (h) Span of attention of lh~ SUfJ~1ior, coopcrat ion, diligence and punnualil,v of workers

    !c) UHe of cmnpnlt:n;, morlnn mformntion and \'Oilltnllnic~tion t~chnif!~

    (d) lnform~l rdati,ms and conlru:-ls with of

    subord mntc,;, kaders of mformal

    org3nizntions within tlw.lonro?l o,g,ni?ntwr ,mel location nf till org~ni~alinn

    43. \Vh,.



    The following eight (81 items consist of two statements, Stateml'"nt 1 and .Statement !!_ You are to txanune these two statements r-arcfully and select th~ answers to thce.c 1kms the code given below


    (n) Both chc statrmcnts arc individually r-m:h \'r M



    51. Statement 1

    A pt1blic corporation in India is a statutory ~ntily.


    '" li!LJElll[ll'"!:nH, IJ I''.-\\ IIJI,I;lfjill, ;('>'pnn;,:ctC'" :111rl !

    54. Why is M. P. Follett's concept of 'Constrodive Conflict' considered innovative? 1. ll rejccts the convcntin Dcccntrn\imt>on fiipon",; 1-it;M!llltl



    56. Which of the following ~tat~ments is not true regarding Sci~ntilk Mana(';emcnl Movement in public nrlmini!;tratirm? (n) Both Frederick Taylor cmd

    Henri Fnyol contributerl tn thr rorpus of idPa.~ calltc!Sdcntifw ManagPmcnt



    \\'hik Taylnr Jyicurn,cl_v '''II "'"n"g''" ,ldrHllll"IJ,\!ivcil;la(co rakmi: so1md adJllll\ 1 str'' 11\'t' d.;Jsiuns.

    :i!rrl :Lr ''IJJ!


    60. In which of the following circum stances, courts are debarred lu interfere in electoral matters?

    n~lin,it~tion of con~tit162. Th~ evolution ol the study /disdplint of Public ,,dministrntion has witnessed mmy pantdign 1s. The polilics-admimstration d who! omy pru-adigm identilieU the lonts of public administration in the

    (a) Govcrnmfnls' burcatlcr;~c-y

    {b) Lcgislalme

    {c) Judiciary

    /d) Council of Ministers

    63. Mtn the ScTund W"rld Wnr, the scope nl lh~ slitdV '"'rl pr:H:twe of l'ubli


    64. The conceptualization of organiza-tioh 'as a designing process' may be regarded as limited, one-sided and

    im;um!-'kl~. IJ!



    69. Which of the following is/:;ne wrrect regarding the Planning



    1. Deputy Chnirnwn has always been a whole-time member.

    2 Some Union Cabinet Ministers haw been part-time members.

    3 Mtmbers of the Planning Commission enjoy the stntlw of a Cabinet Minister Number of whnle-timr expert members ha~ \'CmPd

    Select the rornct answer \lAing the code given below


    {oJ I and '


    'i 3 mily (c) nml I (d./

    ' 2 ctnd I

    of illfo 1-fJIJv;;mg fl!T Whi~h !he nn -tl i -'' st it1:rc options cf priv,'' i~atnn entc.pri.;


    77. Which one of the following is not lme of the attributes of New Public Administration:>

    (a) Ba"cd on nnrmntiw rnliti,..,J theory

    (Il) Adn1inislration with ~ocJa!



    CCtrlcrms. humanism, par-l!cipation and democracy/ dercntmlization

    Scientism '"'

    fact-value ~CP1 the Finnncc Corlllnis,,ion as to tile

    disttLIulion uf nrt plOtTed' nf (.1~'-'-' belwern tlw UnHm '""I Stales

    ptinr ipk~ gtJI'


    81. Which oftht folluwing are \vilhin the mandate CJf!lw 7Jrd 1\m


    86. The paradigm shift towards liberalization, privatization and globalit"l\ion in public policy has sp01wned the

    NfW Public Management appn;.:wh

    2 rejedion of the ~dministralh:C-slate

    3_ reliance illl ptrblic choice-based appro;;wh

    1 burfaucmlinls, hlit

    1 r!,rtivc.

    lluman nrrds ll('(\Jf '" duster".

    Sdf-;wlunliz:llinn fl(Tds :m of lr,pmost itn]JC>lt:,,wc all the lrmc.

    'l'hc cnw';c'-'1" ,. of hnman n~n!" 10 >~' ttdwtl

    \\ 11ich uf lhc otCJil'l:l:>11:, ''1'.


    91. Which of the following conditions 1s{are necessary for 1,mdertlllnng the exerc!se of Performance Budgeting?

    1. i\dvanc programming government operatwns on B short-term basw

    End results of the programme must be meas11rable

    3. Total outiHy must be capable of ailnri:OithtlCd~ c;1 mlc.,.l"'~' 1111ct tlw rorrect nn,wcr m;ing the codo;,> given bdow


    (a) I, 2 and ' only (bj md 3 O:JlV ,I c) ;md 1nly un I,

    '' 3 ::md 1

    94. Whnl e~rc llw r


    95. Which one of the following is not a ftmction of a Stale Finance Commission?

    (a) Det~rn1ination of !~xes, duties aml tolls whi


    99. Match List-1 with List-IT and select the correct answer 1-1sing the code given below the l-ists

    List-/ {Featucc)

    A_ Internal accounlability

    B. Self-serving bureaucracy

    C. Efficiency, Pconmny and dfecttvcness

    f-ist-ll (T/lCory)

    1. New pub!k management

    2. Taylorism

    3_ Publk choice theory

    IJ F:f~ci< Weber's


    to./ A


    ,., I :\

    '~ . l I) )




    IJ I





    bur~auc-r~lw th\""


    102. Civil society's contribution to 'good governance' has in recent times been highlighted in Robert Putnam's research work on 'social capital' which stands for

    J social cohesion

    2 democratization

    3. civic ethos

    4. network cl primary associations

    &kct the coned answer using the code given below


    (c) J and J only

    (b) 3 nnd + only

    (cl 1 :'l nnd 4

    (d) ~ and 4

    103. Thl f.' irs\ Arhnmistnlli\c Reform~ Commi,sir>n rcwmmtndrd gr,>da-liuns when writmg thc


    106. Which of the following arc true of New l'uhlic Administration?



    !1 1" dient ori


    109. WhiC"h one mnong the following recommem!ations of Salish Chandra Comm1ttee for recruitment to hieh

    li ; a philu~ophi< ,\I nllw~m,nt ol Uw I ! ,-rb

    It ,.:,v..cs trelmiq1H'S over -1lue

    It loeus~s on issue~ ol socwl eq,ity and sonal chan!;'-'

    It is h;IOic"tivr.

    Ciclr-d 1),. :nnnl ""''''wr u>Jr 1; thr t ,,,,. ,,,,,,.n !>dow

    I Iiunehip with the Zii:L ''"'ishllljll1hi>


    113. A number of streams nm through the 'Open Model' of organizatiJcl! 11-r;hnl< ;J) w,ood'''" ,. progrnmrnes.

    ' lt.'. rlWI'l'.IH :m_

    '"''"] c:,-J,.,-! the nm,,t .rtt>ll'', ''\''"' 1l1r i udr PJI'I'Il hlm;


    H I, ' 'I"" (hi :! mrl

    ' Ill\'

    (,-I ""d ' 'nh

    (, l! "fl(l I



    118. Which the 2od

    of the following arc recommendations of the

    AdministroUv~ Refonns Commission?

    L Creation personnel

    of autonomous boards on a

    statutory basis for assisting political the high-level


    2. At the higher level-say the Joint Secretary level--all posts should be open for recruitment from a wide ariety of sources inrhuline lh~ open market

    3. Constitutional safeguards pmvided to civil servants under Article 3ll sho\lld be considered sacrosanct

    4. The specialist should not be required to play second Iiddle to the genen\list at the top

    119. \l!hich one of the following is not correct ir: respect of the Cil'il Service of France?

    (a) ENA is responsible for recruitment and training of higher civil sen'ants

    (b) A careN civil servant cannot hold a minis1erial post

    (c) A civil scnant is rccnl!tcd to a corps and stays in it fur the rest cf his career

    (dJ A civil servant can gc on deputation with right of 'reintegialion' into his corps

    120. Which of the following matters arc brought before Staff Councils attached to each Ministry in the Central S~cretariut for discussion? I Welfare of ~taff members

    2. Working conditions of staff Select the correct answer using the membem code gJVCn below :


    (a) I and 2 only

    (b) 2 and 4 only

    (c) 1,2and4


    N-DTQ-K-RWCf4B 60

    3. !mpr01~ng efficiency md stanC:ard or work

    4. SalMy structure and perks

    Select the correct answer tlsing the code giv~n below :


    (a) L2,3and4

    {b) 2 an.:J 3 only

    (c} I, 2 and 3 only

    (d) I an:l 4 nnly

    l l
