Psychology Photo Album: Chris Delude

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Transcript of Psychology Photo Album: Chris Delude

Chris Delude

Prologue/Chapter 1

Applied research is used as the studying of dust on the brightness of chandeliers is a serious issue in the light fixture business

Case study is represented as “one bad apple can spoil the bunch”, just as one particular case hopefully is representative of the population

Basic research is used as teenage hammer strength is measured purely for the sake of knowledge, and has almost no practical purpose

Naturalistic observation is utilized here as the Delude family is being studied in their natural habitat without knowledge (later debriefed and gave consent to use pic)

Chapter 2A

Reuptake is represented as a cashier gives back any excess money which can be used later by the customer (sending neuron)

Somatic N.S. is represented here as voluntary movements that you have control over with the computer mouse.

Endocrine system is the slow and long lasting communication system, represented by the tortoise’s slow and steady traveling pace

Endorphins are represented as they are the body’s “inner pain killer”

Chapter 2B

Corpus callosum is represented as the only connection between the door and the wall (like the 2 brain hemispheres)

Thalamus is represented as mail is delivered to its proper places, just as the thalamus sends sensory information to its required area in the brain

Cerebellum is utilized here as it gives the balance and coordination necessary to balance a ruler

Brain stem is illustrated as it is the most simplistic region of the brain that every living creature has for basic survival needs

Chapter 3

Circadian rhythm is represented as a 24 hour timer that turns devices on and off throughout the day

Latent content is the actual messy and unacceptable filth that lies inside the tables drawers

Manifest Content is the falsely clean appearance of this children's table

Dissociation is illustrated in the Matrix as Neo is unplugged from his world (conscious) and shown the real world (unconscious) while both simultaneously occur

Chapter 5

Concrete operational stage is illustrated here as conservation is acquired and basic math skills can be utilized

Habituation is represented here as eating some peanuts is enjoyable, but constant exposure leads to a lack of interest

Teratogens are any harmful substance to the fetus, a good example of which is tobacco products

Object permanence is professionally represented here as a child would think the stapler had entirely disappeared if a piece of paper covered it

Chapter 6A

Difference threshold is shown here as these 3 shades of yellow are all able to told apart

Case study is represented as “one bad apple can spoil the bunch”, just as one particular case hopefully is representative of the population

Priming is easily done by looking at a photo album because it stimulates retrieval cues associated with a memory

Absolute Threshold is represented here as the lowest amount of sound that can be perceived

Chapter 6B

Fovea is represented as the center of focus similar to a camera’s focus before a picture is taken

Human factors psychology is represented as the help desk on a website because it is attempting to bridge the gap between technology and humans

Blind spot would look like the following image if the brain did not fill in the small missing piece

Cones are illustrated here because of the vivid colors and detail that the cones allow us to see on this stitching

Chapter 7A

Classical conditioning is represented here as merely going to the edline page itself makes me anxious after viewing homework and bad grades previously

Shaping is represented by this Lego instruction guide as it gradually adds more detail to a process until it acquires the desired end product

Positive reinforcement is illustrated by this sportsmanship award as it encourages baseball players to cheer on their teammates

Negative reinforcement is illustrated by the snooze button on an alarm, as it relieves the bad stimulus of beeping at an early hour

Chapter 7B

Fixed interval schedule is shown by every 3 hours the heating/air conditioning turns on until it reaches 71 degrees

Variable interval schedule is shown by the unpredictable dripping from the showerhead at any given time

Fixed ratio schedule is illustrated as the specific 10 number of times riding the train rewards the rider with a discount

Variable ratio schedule is represented as the photographer took rapid amounts of pictures in order to better his/her chance of getting the perfect cover

Chapter 8

Proactive Interference is represented here as old our old cereals are preventing us from getting new ones because there is no shelf space

Implicit memory is represented as the golf swing is supposed to be done through procedural, implicit memory so you don’t consciously think during your swing

Serial position effect is used here because it is easy to remember the 1st and 26th letters in the alphabet, but more difficult to remember the 14th

Chunking is utilized here as the numbers in my barber’s phone number are divided into manageable groups for easier short-term memory usage

Chapter 10A

Factor analysis is represented by the vegetable drawer in the refrigerator as it groups similar produce into one single bin

“g” is represented by these baseball static averages, because excelling in any one of these categories allows the player to be seen as valuable

Savant syndrome is represented by this TV remote as it is outstanding in controlling the TV, but is not very good at anything else

Sternberg and his triarchic theory of intelligence are represented by this tripod, as each of the legs stand for the creative, analytical, and practical intelligences

Chapter 10B

Predictive validity is illustrated here as the weather forecast is supposed to predict the weather that it claims will occur in the future

Reliability is illustrated here as the watch consistently offers the same result of beeping once on the hour

Content validity is lacking in our assignment as it does not cover all of the chapters in our book, although it is a cumulative review project

Test-retest reliability is represented here with the expression “measure twice, cut once” in order to make sure you get consistent results with your measurements

Chapter 11

Industrial/Organization psychology is illustrated here as the optimal workspace layout is used for obtaining the best results

Drive-reduction theory is represented here as we go to bed in order to reduce our tired, exhausted state of mind

Homeostasis is illustrated here as the penny may fall and spin at any time, but it will always to go back to its preferred, flat state

Flow is represented as finals week will force students to have constant attention and focus on their exams

Chapter 12A

Shachter’s two factor TOE is illustrated here as your emotion is accompanied by the magnet (cognitive label)

James-Lange TOE is represented here as the hot water faucet is turned (physiological stimulation) occurs before hot water is poured (emotion)

Facial feedback is represented as the Pokémon Gloom wears a constant frown, and is possibly gloomy as a result (but only correlational evidence)

Paul Ekman is known for showing there are 6-7 catholic (translates to universal) facial expressions to emotions

Chapter 12B

Adaptation-level phenomenon is represented here as fashions “were so last season” just as our judgments of stimuli change over time

Type A is represented here as a stereotypically annoying driver is impatient, angry, and competitive

Biofeedback is represented with a thermometer as it electronically records and displays physiological changes in temperature

Relative deprivation is illustrated as me believing I was a good golfer was shattered when I saw my dad’s numerous trophies

Chapter 13

Superego is illustrated as my assignment pad tells me everything that I should do, and all of the assignments that I should complete ideally

Internal locust of control is represented as I did have control over my environment as I was able to knock down the dominoes as I wished

Free association is represented by a totally blank piece of paper as there are no guidelines and no restrictions to whatever is written

External locust of control is represented as Gil does not have much control over his life and cannot change it, but I still do my best to make him comfortable