Psychology behind product development orang fab

Post on 23-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Psychology behind product development orang fab

Psychology behind product development

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Software is eating the worldMarc Andreessen, 2011

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Mobile ate the worldBenedict Evans, 2016

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Software is booming, but …

For the first time, the technology industry is selling to everybody

Benedict Evans, 2014

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Smartphone will be IS the first computing device in every pocket

Smartphones don’t interfere with our life,they aren’t innovation anymore

Smartphones are part of our life. This means that innovation called „smatphones” is fully adopted.

We have new restrictions & opportunities we need to take into account

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Why is mobile overtaking PCs?

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75% of Americans admit they’re using their mobile phone in the bathroom.

19% of people from other study admit they dropped their phones into loo.

51 % of UK residents said that they suffer from ‘extreme tech anxiety’ when separated

from their devices.

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Smartphone – the most private device we take everywhere

We use mobiles when we need, not when we merely have a possibility to.

We have many quick interactions to complete small actions.

That’s something new and we need to design for it.

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The effect is change in interaction model

The most successful apps focus on solving one problem at a time.

That’s why we have so many apps in stores.

This is the true power of mobile.

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Users have similar problems but individual way to solve them

What is the biggest challange for desginers?

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We have only 24 hours of user attention

For the last 20 years we were focused on CTRs not on people.

Researches are showing that the ads effectiveness is more dependent on ads creation and our

interactions time than on our clicks. That’s why a big change is coming – attention economy.

We have to draw people attention in our apps and align actions with their plans.

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We have to design actions for intents

It’s not that brain isn’t capable of doing things. It’s that representation of things are different and our

brain takes shortcuts. We do things we don’t really want.

This is how our brain operates when it’s flooded with too much information. As a designers we need to

take care of it and help users to do things better.

We have two „brains”, which sometimes don’t work together

We need to assume for a fact: Our brain is stupid.

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Automatic brain

Used when our brain know how to respond for stimulus. Our brain triggers response without our knowledge.

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Logical brain

Used when we brain doesn’t know how to respond for stimulus. We need to take extra effort to response.

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We don’t make rational decisions (Daniel Kahneman, Nobel in Economy 2002). Sometimes our automatic brain response to things that we don’t know and our logical brain doesn’t notice it.

Scarcity of self control -> is easier to say than to do things

Scarcity of attention -> we are focused on wrong aspects

Scarcity of cognitive capacity -> we perceive things in different ways

Scarcity of understanding -> we have different mental representation of things

Our decision system has constrains:

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What users do isn’t what they want to do.

New interface makes things easier. We need less effort to make action.

That’s why we have so many interactions in mobile -> there is less effort

need to accomplish our tasks.

We can solve many problems by removing small unpleasant costs of doing things.

Our decision system has constrains:

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Innovation in always is the new interface

We think deeper (analytically) when we are stressed.

We think wider (creatively) when we are in good mood.

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We are influenced by our emotions

Visceral -> we are attracted to things that are nice in our eyes.

Behavioral -> things that we do automatically, our habits.

Reflective-> It’s our inside voice. Why are you doing it? It’s ok to do it?

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Beautiful things work better,even if they don’t work at all.

We perceive things on three levels (Don Norman):

We solve users problems by making their pains go away.

With our products we have to change how users do things.

From our perspective great products build new habits.

Mobile is about building new habits.

Our decision system has constrains:

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Great products change user behavior

We need to show users how to use Automatic Brain, when they use our product.

As a product designers we are responsible for our products.

We should design for good things not addictions.

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Habit – a behavior done with little or no conscious thought

The more we repeat actions the easier for our brain is to do them.

Positive attitude makes doing things easier.

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Habit forming is about frequency and attitude

by Nir Eyal

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Forming habits –HOOKed model





A hook has a four parts:

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The hook – is an experience designed to connect user’s problem to your solution

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Hooked model by Nir Eyal

External –> the information for what to do next is within the trigger.

Internal –> the information for what to do next is informed trough association in the user’s memory.

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Trigger – a stimuli that makes people act in a certain way




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Action – the simplest action in anticipation of a reward

BJ Fogg - for any behavior to occur we need:

Seeking pleasure

Avoiding pain

Seeking hope

Avoiding fear

Seeking acceptance

Avoiding rejectionPowered by

Motivation – is increased by:



Physical effort

Brain cycles

Social deviance

Non-routinePowered by

Ability – is affected by:

Tribe – social rewards

Hunt – search for resources

Self – search for self-achievements


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Reward – what we get for our effort

Our reward system activates with anticipation and calms when we get what we want. The unknown is fascinating. Variability causes us to focus and engage.

Loads next trigger of the hook

Store value, improves next use of a product


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Investment – what user put for future benefits

Money, time, personal data, emotional commitment, effort. Investment should be connected with next

pass through the Hook:

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Hooked model Canvas

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Hooked model example

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Hooked model example


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Piotr BiegunCEO at Whalla Labs


+48 607 127 551