Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace— … · 2017-07-18 · Psychological Health and...

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Transcript of Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace— … · 2017-07-18 · Psychological Health and...

What is Canada’s National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace—and what does this mean for your business?

Frequently asked questions



The National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace (the Standard) is intended to:

• Reduce people and cost risks related to mental health

• Promote productivity and engagement

• Reduce potential liabilities related to the workplace legislation and employee mental illness

• Develop and continuously improve work environments

The Standard was developed by the Bureau de normalisation du Québec (BNQ) and the Canadian Standard Association (CSA Group), through a technical committee of health and safety professionals, labour representatives, executives, government representatives, experts in law and policy, and other stakeholder groups. Morneau Shepell was pleased to be part of this committee offering our expertise in mental health. The Standard was commissioned by the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) and supported through funding by the Government of Canada, the Great-West Life Centre for Mental Health, and Bell Canada.

This document summarizes the key aspects of the Standard that organizations need to know, addresses frequently asked questions, and provides information on resources from public sources as well as from Morneau Shepell.

Full documentation of the Standard is available at:

Why does it matter to your organization?

Research shows that the cost of workplace mental health issues can be significant. According to the MHCC:

• Mental illness is one of the leading causes of disability in the Canadian workplace,1 and costs the economy $50.8 billion per year in lost productivity.2

• The Workers’ Compensation Acts in British Columbia and Alberta have joined Quebec in expanding their definitions of eligible mental health claims.3

• Both provincial and federal occupational health legislation has incorporated the concept of mental injury in the workplace and specific workplace accountabilities, with reference to harassment.4 The concept of mental injury and other issues related to workplace mental health are relevant in seven points of current legislation.5

Each of these and other related issues require a practical and effective response. The MHCC has provided the framework for this response with the Standard, which was released on January 16, 2013.

1 “The Facts,” Mental Health Commission of Canada, accessed January 20, 2013, 2 “Mental health leaves most costly disability to Canadian employers,” Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, accessed January 20, 2013, en/hospital/about_camh/newsroom/news_releases_media_advisories_and_backgrounders/archives/2010/Pages/Mental-health-leaves-most-costly disability-to-Canadian-employers.aspx.3 “Stressed-out B.C. workers to get expanded benefits,” CBC News, accessed January 5, 2013, story/2011/11/03/bc-work-related-stress.html.4 “Workplace Violence and Harassment: Understanding the Law,” Government of Ontario, accessed January 5, 2013,

pubs/wpvh/.5 “Tracking the Perfect Legal Storm,” Martin Shain, accessed January 20, 2013,

Workforce_Tracking_the_Perfect_Legal_Storm_ENG_0.pdf.     3

What does the Standard provide organizations with?

The Standard offers a framework to reduce risk and promote health and in so doing, to improve the economic opportunity to Canadian employers. Specifically, the objectives of the Standard are to:

• Provideaframeworkforpreventingpotentialpsychologicalharmarisingoutofworkconditions. The benefit offered in this is the reduction of undue absence, disability, health costs, productivity loss, and legal liability.

• Promoteapsychologicallyhealthyworkplace. The benefit offered in this is improved organizational retention, recruitment potential, engagement, and performance.

How can Morneau Shepell assist organizations with respect to the Standard?

As a participating member of the development group for the Standard, we have the acquired experience and expertise in the interpretation and practical application of the Standard.

Morneau Shepell offers guidance and solutions, and ensures that the benefits that are available through the implementation of the Standard are fully aligned to the practical needs of organizations.

What sets us apart from the competition is our:


• By organizing ourselves around the issue of workplace mental health, we make it easier for organizations to benefit from integrated solutions that are flexible enough to meet a range of needs and objectives.


• Our consulting and service expertise in occupational health and safety is aligned with the occupational health and health foundation upon which the Standard was built. As such, we are well positioned to support organizations to create or build upon proven and credible occupational health and safety programs.

• Our Health and Benefits Consulting, Absence Prevention, Disability Case Management, Worker’s Compensation, and Employee and Family Assistance Programs (EFAPs) address the broad spectrum of workplace mental health issues, from risk assessment, risk management and strategy development, to crisis response and employee support, to return to work, and everything in between. Each of these service areas also has targeted programming that address an organization’s specific challenges and objectives.

Continuous innovation

• We understand that workplace mental health is a multifaceted and significant issue. We invest in research and continuous development to ensure that each of our services are best-in-class and address the specific requirements of the Standard and are flexible enough to address unique changes in each organization.


Will supporting the Standard be onerous and disruptive to my business?

• The Standard is not intended to interfere with business operations in any way. Actions that are guided by the Standard are intended to 1) integrate with and enhance an organization’s culture and 2) implement a framework based on their available resources, priorities, and budget.

• High demand, cost-conscious workplaces will benefit significantly, given that the Standard supports the sustainability of both of those business requirements.

• The Standard is voluntary and aligned with the occupational health and safety standards as well as best practice workplace health strategy.

Is the Standard meant for large employers? Do smaller organization need to adhere to it?

• The Standard is intended for organizations of all sizes. Annex D of the Standard, specifically provides a Small Enterprise Scenario, where an organization leverages the core aspects of the Standard in a manner that is very attainable.

• An organization need not implement all aspects of the Standard at present. The framework is very flexible and offers benefits in even its most basic application.

• Morneau Shepell is available to support organizations in understanding their specific opportunities relative to the Standard, regardless of their size or current situation.

Since the Standard is voluntary, should I pay attention to it right now?

• Yes, the Standard offers value in managing some of the most significant employee health costs and risks you may have right now.

• The Standard offers the same benefits for workplace mental health that occupational health and safety protocols have offered employers for workplace accidents, the related cost and liability, and ultimately in improving product and service quality, employee relations, and profitability.

• The Standard also supports organizational performance by promoting a mentally healthy workplace, which supports engagement and productivity.

Who are the early adopters and what does that mean?

• Early adopters of the Standard are organizations that have publically declared their intent to implement the Standard in their workplace.

• The public declaration illustrates commitment, leadership, and the organization’s investment in workplace mental health.

• Morneau Shepell has always invested in best-in-class workplace mental health strategy. The Standard is a significant step in continuous advancement.

• Given that Morneau Shepell actively participated in the development of the Standard, we are very well positioned to coach and support our clients to make sure the right things are done to meet the Standard.     5

I already have an Employee and Family Assistance program. What else is the Standard recommending?

• An EFAP, also known as an EAP, is a foundational resource to support employees and managers in the prevention of mental health issues and promotion of mental health.

• Your EFAP organizational report can also be used as one source of important data in planning your mental health strategy.

• As part of the implementation phase of the Standard, “highlighting” or promoting utilization of the EFAP is recommended to optimize this trusted and established platform of employee and supervisor support.

• Given the multifaceted nature of workplace mental health, organizations may benefit from building upon the EFAP with policy, training, and corrective actions including disability management and other initiatives that ensure a comprehensive approach.

What should I do now?

• Talk to your Morneau Shepell representative if you are a current client, or email if you are not currently a client.

• Regardless of the size, industry, or type of service you may have with us, we are available to support you in aligning to the Standard and addressing your specific needs and objectives.

• We are available to help organizations:

• Optimize your core services with Morneau Shepell to promote a mentally healthy workplace.

• Address specific issues in workplace mental health through enhanced programming that builds upon each core service. This may relate to your own unique objectives or the objectives defined in Morneau Shepell’s 5Rs of Workplace Mental Health:

• Resilience • Recognizing Risk• Recovery • Return to Work• Removing Stigma

• Implement the Standard through a fully integrated strategy that manages potential risks and liabilities related to workplace mental health, promotes the performance and engagement benefits of workplace mental health, and fully leverages the Psychological Health and Safety Management System.


What is the the Psychological Health and Safety Management System (PHSMS) and what services and resources can help me implement it?The PHSMS is provided within the Standard as a framework for strategic action. The PHSMS leverages a proven and effective framework for workplace health and safety, and applies it specifically to workplace mental health. There are 5 phases in the PHSMS.

THE PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALTH AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The PHSMS should be integrated into, or compatible with, governance practices and other systems in the  organization.

MORNEAU SHEPELL’S OFFERINGS An integrated system of services and solutions to assess, design, manage, and evaluate workplace mental health.

1. Commitment, Leadership, and ParticipationEnsure that the responsibilities and authorities related to the PHSMS are defined and communicated throughout the organization.

Workplace Mental Health Consulting • Education and Coaching of Senior Leadership• Obtaining Buy-In • Policy Development • Obtaining Employee Input • Ensuring Confidentiality• Ensuring Multi-Stakeholder Accountabilities

2. Planning Identify and prioritize work-related psychological health and safety hazards, risks, legal requirements, management system gaps, and opportunities for improvement.

Workplace Mental Health Consulting • Gap Analysis Relative to the Standard and Mental Health Program Best Practices • Integrated Data Analysis – Organizational Cost and Risk• Mental Health Risk Assessment Questionnaire• Objective and Target Setting• Strategy Development and Deployment Approach• Workplace Mental Health Programming and Resources Plan• Education and Communication Plan• Change Management Plan

3. ImplementationProvide and sustain an infrastructure and resources to achieve conformity to the Standard, including preventive and protective measures related to hazards and risks.

Workplace Mental Health Consulting • Implementation Strategy• Data Management• Integration of the Standard in Existing Occupational Health and Workplace Health and Workplace Management Systems

Workplace Training• Mental Health in the Workplace for People Leaders • Mental Health in the Workplace for Employees• Change and Transition• Conflict, Communication, and Relationships• Addictions• Emotional Health• Stress Management EFAP • Manager Consultation• Manager Coaching• Counselling (in-person, telephonic, online, and self-directed)• Resiliency Coaching• Work/Life Services (legal, financial, child/elder care, career, and health)• Trauma Services     7



• My EAP Mobile Device App• First Chat• Video Counselling

Online Programs• Mental Health Risk Appraisal (stand alone or part of a full Health Risk Appraisal)• LifeSpeak On Demand Videos• Online Stress Management Program• Online Enhancing Your Relationship Program• Online Separation and Divorce Program• Resources • Microsites : Stress and You, Managing Stigma, and Understanding Mental Illness• My EAP Mobile Device App• First Chat• Video Counselling• Online Health Engagement Tools

Targeted Health Programs • Work Assist Counselling for Mental Health Disability• Depression Care Intensive Counselling Program and Medication Consult• Substance Abuse Program• Structured Relapse Prevention • Echo Proactive Life Event Support

Attendance, Disability Management, and Occupational Health• Disability Case Management • Attendance Support • Treatment Consultation• Work Assist Counselling for Mental Health Disability• Return to Work Facilitation • Mental Health Accommodation Planning• Workers’ Compensation Consultation and Services• Occupational Health Consultation and Services

4. Evaluation and Corrective ActionEstablish and maintain procedures to monitor, measure, and record psychological health and safety conformance and the effectiveness of the PHSMS, respecting the confidentiality and the privacy of all individuals.

Workplace Mental Health Consulting• Progress, Quality, and Outcome Review• Process Evaluation• Impact Evaluation• PHSMS Review• Workplace Mental Health Scorecard

5. Management Review and Continual Improvement Establish and maintain a process of scheduled management reviews of the PHSMS and the degree to which objectives have been achieved.

Workplace Mental Health Consulting • Ongoing Cost Risk and Needs Assessment• Qualitative Feedback Review• Ongoing Development and Sustainability Planning



Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace Familiarize yourself with the Standards by accessing the full report.

Psychological Health and Safety: An Action Guide for Employers The MHCC has created this guide to help organizations understand and comply with the Standard.

The Road to Psychological Safety A whitepaper that discusses the legal, scientific, and social reasons why a standard is necessary in the workplace.

Building Mentally Healthy Workplaces: Perspectives of Canadian Workers and Front-Line Managers

A report based on a national survey that highlights the workplace challenges faced by employees with mental health issues, and provides insight into how employers can best support these employees.

Guarding Minds at Work (GM@W) Assessment, action, and evaluation resources designed to help employers successfully implement GM@W in their workplaces.

What other resources are available?

In addition to the support available through Morneau Shepell, several publically available resources are available to help you understand the Standard:


Download the My EAP app scan the QR code now.

©2013 Morneau Shepell Ltd.12-0437


