Psychodynamic Revision Tasks

Post on 02-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Psychodynamic Revision Tasks

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Psychodynamic Revision Tasks


1. The Psychodynamic approach is concerned with the influence of the ___________ ________.

2. The Psychodynamic approach focuses on _____________ experiences and _____________ with significant people especially our __________.

Research Methods

3. Describe the use of the case study method within the Psychodynamicapproach.

4. Evaluate the case study approach.

5. Describe Freud’s use of the case study method

6. Qualitative data

a. What is qualitative data?

b. How is it analysed?

c. What is triangulation?

d. Draw and complete the table below in your own notes, to evaluate thereliability, validity, subjectivity, objectivity and generalisability of 

qualitative data. Use Brain p 73-4 and Angles p88-9.


Strengths Weaknesses Relevant researchexamples






e. Split an A4 piece of paper in half and list the pros and cons of using

qualitative data.

7. Describe and Evaluate the use of the correlational method

8. Under what circumstances, would a Spearman’s Rank CorrelationCoeffiecent Inferential Statistic be employed?

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Psychodynamic Revision Tasks

9. Copy and complete the following table describing and evaluating CrossSectional and Longitudinal Designs

Name of Design Description Strengths Weakness


10.Describe and evaluate 4 sampling techniques.

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Psychodynamic Revision Tasks


11.Describe Freud’s theory of the Psyche

12. Split an A3 piece of paper into 3 describe in detail:

a. Id i. Erosii. Thantos

b. Egoc. SuperEgo

i. Ego-Idealii. Conscience

13.List 3 charcteristics of an Id strong personality

14.List 3 characteristics of a Superego strong personality

15.Evaluate Freud’s belief that the personality has 3 components.

16. On A3 draw and complete the following table






17.Describe in detail the Oedipus Complex

18.Describe the themes and analysis of themes within Freud’s study of LittleHans in1909.

19.Evaluate Little Hans in terms of methodology

20.Why do we use defence mechanisms?

21.Identify and Describe 5 defence mechanisms.

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Psychodynamic Revision Tasks

22.Describe and evaluate Freud’s explanation of gender development:a. Oedipus Complexb. Electra Complex

23.Construct a table within which you compare Freud’s theory of gender to those

from the Biological and Learning Appraoch (see Pg 85 Brain for guidance)

24. Discuss the credibility and believability of Freud’s work

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Psychodynamic Revision Tasks

Key Issue

25. What is your Key Issue for the Psychodynamic Approach?

26. Describe the following techniques employed within Psychoanalysis:

a. Free Associationb. Dream/Symbol Analysisc. Slips of the Tongued. Use of defence mechanisms

27.What is Catharsis?

28.Describe one piece of research in detail which discusses the effectiveness of Psychoanalysis.

29. Conclude: Is Psychoanalysis effective?

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Psychodynamic Revision Tasks

Evidence of Practice

30.What was the aim of your study?

31.What were your hypothesis?

a. Alternative (one tailed or two tailed?)

b. Null

32.What were the two variables you measured?

33.How did you operationalise them?

34.How did you design your questions?

35.What ethical guidelines did you have to take into account?

36.What was your procedure?

37.What was your sample and sampling strategy?

38.What inferential statistic did you use? Why?

39. How strong was your correlation? Was it significant?

40.What conclusions did you draw from your results?

41.Evaluate your study in terms of:

a. Use of the correlational design (advantages and disadvantages)

b. Sample

c. Apparatus

d. Ethical considerations

e. Generalisabilityf. Validity

g. Reliability