PSP Game Review - Neopets - The Wand of Wishing

Post on 05-Feb-2016

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PSP Game Review - Neopets - The Wand of Wishing

Transcript of PSP Game Review - Neopets - The Wand of Wishing

PSP Game Review - Neopets - The Wand of Wishing

• A lot of people may think that Neopets is a kid's game. It may be aimed towards children, but adults are like the Neopets games as well. Neopets: The Wand of Wishing is the first Neopets game on the PSP.

• The Neopets brand used to only be an online site where you could raise and create fantasy pets called "neopets" or "petpets". In the website game your pet is able to participate in battles, go on quests, and play mini-games to get things to upgrade their stats.

• The PSP version of this game is a lot like the online version. You can choose your clothing and weapons, talk with the villagers to acquire quests, visit the multiple dungeons around the game, and upgrade your pet by training him. You can also fight in the battledome against computer characters or with wi-fi with other players.

• The PSP version of this game is a hack and slash type role playing game, which is actually my favorite kind. The game is similar to most other role playing games. The map in the game is broken up into different sections of settlements, jungles, and dungeons. In the settlements you will find shops to buy weapons and clothing/armor, you will also find other petpets that you can talk to in order to get more of the story. Some of the petpets will give you a quest when you speak with them. In the jungles and dungeons is where you do all of your fighting.

• Unfortunately this game has a little bit of a lag. When you push a button or move the "joystick" it takes a second before the action is actually performed. Sometimes it gets in the way when you are trying to fight. This is only really a problem toward the beginning of the game. Once your character is more developed and has better weapons the lag doesn't really have much of an effect on your battles, because you can do more damage and you take much less damage.

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•Thanks for reading