PSIR 2012 II

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Transcript of PSIR 2012 II

  • 8/13/2019 PSIR 2012 II


    r' : : v,itf F DTN M QTJB


    Paper IITime Allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks 300

    INSTRUCTIONSEach question is printed both in Hindi and inEnglish.Answers must be written in the mediumspecified in the Admission Certificate issuedto you, which must be stated clearly on thecover of the answer-book in the space providedfor the purpose. No marks will be given forthe answers written in a medium other thanthat specified in the Admission Certificate.Candidates should attempt Questions no. 1and 5 which are compulsory, and any threeof the remaining questions selecting at leastone question from each Section.The number of marks carried by eachquestion is indicated at the end of thequestion.IMPORTANT : Whenever a question is beingattempted all its parts/sub-parts must beattempted contiguously. This means thatbefore moving on to the next question to beattempted candidates must finishattempting all parts/sub-parts of the previousquestion attempted. This is to be strictlyfollowed.Pages left blank in the answer book areto be clearly struck out in ink. Anyanswers that follow pages left blank maynot be given credit.

    2 7 7 ff i rf:0 FY 7Turrr t

  • 8/13/2019 PSIR 2012 II



    1. Answer the following in about 150 words each : 12x5=60

    (a) Examining political phenomena through aprocess of cross-global investigation has becomethe fundamental function of Comparative Politics.Discuss.

    (b) How did the struggle for representation increasethe level and quality of democracy in theindustrial societies ?

    (c) Do you agree that liberal international theoriesare essentially 'Eurocentric' and not necessarilyimperialist ?

    (d) Review the increasing role of Multi NationalCorporations in the policy making process ofdeveloping countries.

    (e) Why is the 'polarity of power' thesis less relevantand meaningful in the present architecture of'balance of power' ?

    F-DTN-M-QTJB Contd.]

  • 8/13/2019 PSIR 2012 II


    1. ir(A d. 11 { W 1 ] 1 .[#11 150 711: 2x5=60

    3T] -krkftT 34*(7 ir q 4r2zrrr 4th31.41164) tir(Ne..-ftaft a rtrfivoiii1rt a r r*-r4 tell 1f-A7srfar-4NN -Nti 4 34--irr-waf-4s r-*R o-r-r ft 2

    (T) cl-q1 3W1 *1J-R-] 4,31

  • 8/13/2019 PSIR 2012 II


    2. Answer the following in about 250 words each : 20x3=60(a) What are the great debates between 'classical' and'modern' realists ? Is there any thin line of

    continuity between these two traditions ?(b) Does the perspective of Dependency Theory offer a

    robust critique on the nature of mainstreamdevelopment process taking place in Africa andLatin America ?

    (c) Is 'terrorism' an essentially 'contested' concept ?What are the different manifestations of 'terrorism'as a concept, and as practice ?

    3. Answer the following in about 200 words each 5x4=60(a) What have been the main challenges to India's

    foreign policy in the last two decades ? Are theseessentially 'concerns' with domestic politics or'strategic' issues ?

    (b) What constitutes 'national security discourses' ?How far have the IR Feminists questioned how'security' has been problematised ?

    (c) Evaluate the nature and distinction of anomic andassociational interest groups in the pressurepolitics of developing countries.

    (d) Elucidate the transdisciplinary nature of moderncomparative politics and identify the contributionsof political sociologists towards this goal.

    F-DTN-M-QTJB Contd.]

  • 8/13/2019 PSIR 2012 II


    2. ViHrcirtIcl t atl( 3 1 1 P TT 250 -7T $t : 0x3=60) at 311e qzir2krkzif-T17 tr l I c -fq -Tq

    1#713# q- 1 1 c 1 k-e t rt171Ert qTl t ?(Er) =Kr E rufk-- -d-r 1 2 1-ft aT ErrTs\r 3 T s b - I T r

    sT4-k-kr 8 Erta- t -1 1 L- rarrr fq-TR:r srTtr I ,sr0 r) *-myr) Irce-rioirrdi ?

    (Tr) ail `3Tr-d-Tarq' 37174- tcq i c h tf-44ET1*-icbc-4.-ti t ? kit:by-L H ' T t=0 4 4, at{ otIc W It

    FIT #, r - ir - 9 2 1 1 f a r 7 9 . 3 T F I T-fdz r 1?

    3. frp-irrrrtgd rt 1A7 7TP iTT 20 0 4: 5x4=60(T) fa1 -q-r4 T R - d - air rfircr cr;)

    ? c r-qi z l 3E-47rT (t,r 1-79,(Hiri lFd zu `ter-relfin' TJ1 tiff

    (Er) tat' wrse-Tzit T a-tir-Tzu EraT 61311&31 t. -110 3TrqTR-q-rq-E 1 T# Talur c i c ht i( 10 .1 3a-r7 T 'Tut' fT{R- srTRTR i:Era-of c idr f-z rr irtir t ?

    (Tr) fact)ftRild te al Tara .)}1 kFirrilrcr T1 A n .(ktF4T) i16-coic4-1.6 (3w lriTcrir--@) fedTITO1;1 sr-0- A sr4- Tr 4 - 1 s -q ic h-I alr--7(Er) 3E119-T rfIcHch (141fil r0al

    - 1 1 - 1 * - c u k a1f7 A l srr7rkm-1 htt~l bratrA

    F-DTN-M-QTJB Contd.]

  • 8/13/2019 PSIR 2012 II


    4. Answer the following in about 250 words each : 20x3=60(a) How far have the UN reform efforts of 2004 5,

    transformed the concept of 'Sovereignty' as afundamental principle of International Law ? Doyou think that UN reform discourse represents a`biopolitical reprogramming' of contemporarysovereignty and global governance ?

    (b) How would you explain the future of 'NuclearDeterrence' ? Do you think that 'preventive war' isa good substitute for Nuclear Deterrence ?

    (c) Examine the significance of ideological and policyaspects in the structural growth of modern politicalparties.

    F-DTN-M-QTJB Contd.]

  • 8/13/2019 PSIR 2012 II


    4. P ll-ditilidc f 71( 1 1 1 . . P T # 2 5 0: 0x3=60

    20 0 4 5 q N .Z T. k TA R S raTR # 4 r7:1 *IT donaimit-zr fallT 11a da,c,Ndi A toAidfici

  • 8/13/2019 PSIR 2012 II



    5 . Answer the following in about 150 words each : 12x5=60

    (a) Illustrate the issue of illegal cross-bordermigration in South Asia and its impact on regionalalliances and bilateral relations.

    (b) Human Rights constitute the Third Generation ofRights. Analyse the range and complex dimensionof Human Rights in the globalised era.

    (c) Is there any linkage between a shift in China'srelations with Japan to a perceived shift in herrelations with India ? Examine in the light ofChina's so-called 'anti-encirclement struggle'.

    (d) Comment on the essential elements of India'sforeign policy that are required to secure energyand security in the Indian Ocean region.

    (e) Is it correct to conclude that the 'Arab Street'revolutions have radically altered the politicalpower scenario of the West Asian countries ?

    F-DTN-M-QTJB Contd.]

  • 8/13/2019 PSIR 2012 II


    5. vIt ft WPM 1 5 0# (9)] : 2x5=60) tr1FErr # 31t4 mr-Err( sr3/4#4 3 / 4 / 4 4 ,

    3 r r-at3/4 #F-1zt 3 } f 4rt T I T a-fikSPIN cruoi 72 3/41f--4

    (/N) T(R 3 / 4 1 4 3 / 4 7, 3#43/4r# 3/4) c-41E r TAI kvalF 3/4r #, 744 afEi3/474 R T I 4 ath

    f zM rrR chl foRtiur 3/45f-(Tr) 414 3 4 -( .r IN (-14f1 v-P:bior, aft{

    3 / 4 fr (7T4 37( i449) 17(yr A(44,14cwr3/441 34 3/4g4 g ? 14 k 4Err3/4144

    147-4q)-#fr (4N4' 3 / 4 **kr 4 7:r3/4) itvor3 / 4 1 f -A7

    (Er) 7{4 3/41 fair 4 31--T r-73 / 4 3 / 4 (fallot tr47 lt4t srk7r dr,347/ 4 - ijW T 3/4) ijfR ia - 3/474 k 74743/44-r *4-4r R i z i f t f f-vbictir Tre 3 / 4 Va'3 / 4-ff-7 24 4 trfi4 krT r E r r (11 /4441 16 4, 7TrThT r f T -T r 3 /4 4 Tiiff Tcr 1 4 - 14F(41&I 3/4{ fc4r

    F-DTN-M-QTJB Contd.]

  • 8/13/2019 PSIR 2012 II


    6. Answer the following in about 250 words each : 20x3=60(a) How would you describe the contemporary worlds

    beyond the languages of North/South' and'Developed/Developing' ? Is the presenttransformation driven by domestic compulsions, orexternal overall crisis of the global economy ?

    (b) Is power a zero-sum or variable game ininternational relations ? Can zero-sum gameexplain the mixture of conflict and cooperation ofthe present dynamics of international relations ?

    (c) Assess the scope and importance of setting up thePublic Diplomacy Division in the Ministry ofExternal Affairs in strengthening India's ForeignPolicy.

    7. Answer the following in about 200 words each : 15x4=60(a) The effort in restricting illegal migration from

    Mexico to U.S.A. and Canada has been one majorgain for the United States through NAFTA.Comment.

    (b) Bring out linkages between environmentaldegradation and neo-corporatism in the globalisedera.

    (c) Nations and States have become virtuallysynonymous. Elucidate.

    (d) Despite the potentialities, India's 'Look EastPolicy' requires a major course correction. Discuss.

    F - D T N - M - Q T J B 0 Contd.]

  • 8/13/2019 PSIR 2012 II


    6. - 1 4 - 1 0 ( . 1 c 1 1( 1 1 1 1 -7 250 7E4 .420x3=60)i c r N i a,IM1 44r4 dty*Tr'

    ITFErr3t 4 affixFR- Tr@ obkf-fr art 4147 cr-qi a4rrF1 : 1 7.1Tht t, zif aft77 312.11-R - 1 1 - 1 4 - 0 - 1k - i o n d Rr fitureicr * ?

    (w) ,4-4r1 grr>fi at-dezr *44tff RT 7 L P :rut] r zrr ErTa-1# ? izrtir -kiFT-414r V1 3i-trIzr *-itiEfra-a4r9- Trfd - f t zwzr l-rr frTswr 1:r-jraaar ?

    (TO I1T{7. fik7 fin Norr qkzr 4-1.604BI \Ida, ta-R n r r a sriTrEr 1 T Errrz rff TT4 =41 p r--T rWAR I

    7. LIIHrtelfi ld. t 1 q , -1F]tl7 , 7 1 T 11711 200t : 5x4=60() AMSEF4 4 zi 74.7. hdisl TiEr Naa al

    S 1 1 7 7-R 1 7 . rzrm wri:r7174.7. ou, Rch sriFr 7riT 3TT # l facrittf7R

    (u) A7 -t7 Wel, 144riciku1q friHrichkur 311{-$-a1l-iRdal kTh c-pricir3t zrT Nionwsirmkiv3117 R-11 -1-4BT B 1 1,1 2 1 1 yr i .R-dikt i1 .Qfq-R

    (Er) 44r&rd13# ITR7 t 4T4 - 1 1 4 0 7 4 % T q r--FTT- -d-r * i

    trtri Tiff

    F-DTN-M-QTJB 1 Contd.]

  • 8/13/2019 PSIR 2012 II


    8. Answer the following in about 250 words each : 20x3=60(a) Do you think that Iran's 'victory' in the NAM on thenuclear issue has brought in a new debate on the

    relevance of the Non-Aligned Movement ?(b) What are the political and environmental contexts

    of the Siachen Glacier conflict ? Comment on thepossibility of environmental peace-keeping andcollaborative arrangements being worked out withPakistan on this aspect.

    (c) Examine the idea of a 'balance' between 'security'and 'liberty' in modern international politics. Doyou think that the liberal international order ismore 'security-friendly' ?

    F-DTN-M-QTJB 2

  • 8/13/2019 PSIR 2012 II


    1 1-/R, TTITIT 250: 0x3=60

    () TEfT 371t fa-4R #, #rf#-*14 t 1 #r#' I T`ffiw'r 4 jje-f9 TIT

    7T 7 cii

  • 8/13/2019 PSIR 2012 II



    etlal H ?1211 31 -i f iftEr TRIM11`49 - 41 I Ipee 300

    rfewr- d ) 3 7 1 R - 3 1 7 -71 c)-fl 4: ow gf f t i R I E 2 7 7 7 4 J 1 1 43179th W*4'14 f --eu waT flT Sit4=4 er arc sly fir w g rff3ife ff Pfftz- T 7 7 E R crra/m/ c/ / /k / 37 77 - to

    rfficr iR gr/ Tri finT *3 1 3Rr ft 47.44f f ? T IP Jcrt rIT th)e 3ith -157 PIA-4TiTfl. fie-ii 1 311T 5 37Prci 1 I th e ' Ci31 O iw & ieous cb4-#-err e C 7 rqthT714h J T - N j r g i L fs r&e Wei a r a 3ith SF R' th 3h # fai 17 UZir3 t thaalt gsa3?' E =fre, rif ;RR ?oft umvpri-$11-**3r77- T ff2r-wpi f f l 3 yge f 312f rie fl 3pr e 4 civrd-(Acgile P 3774 earl or 47-4*wsft stinftin-srm i * rdT znr r4T e )37If l ,fir affeT 31TiT T u f &Per /

    3m rier zwAt yul hzngt Firewri4erell v1(141eguytesi&arffIMFscul air ye, Mr wear g

    Note : English version of the Instructions is printed onthe front cover of this question paper.