Psed 7

Post on 27-May-2015

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psed 7

Transcript of Psed 7

How the teacher teach science

For me, teaching science to kindergarten should be fun

and meaningful. Teacher may give different activities that

suitable to the lesson and level of the children. If the lesson is

all about hands give the children activities using their hands.

They can make hand collage, can trace their own hands, and

draw their hands. By this children will be able to enjoy the

activity and stick to their mind the lesson that the teacher

taught to them. Showing a real object can be a good idea in

teaching science; teacher may let the children discover new

things around them. It helps little learners of all ages understand

important concepts, and these science activities for kids give

them the opportunity to discover something completely new.


At the end of the lesson pupils are expected to:

a. identify the uses of hands

b. trace their own hands

c. tell ways on how to care hands

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Hands

References: NCKG pp. #39

Materials: pictures, real objects

III. Procedures:

A. Preparatory Activities

1. Review of the past lesson


Sing the song: I have two hands

2. Motivation

Show real objects to the class like pencils, pens,

clays, tooth brush, spoons

B. Development of the Lesson

1. Lesson Proper

What are the things you’ve seen in the pictures?

Ask the children to get their pencils.

What part of your body did you use in holding your


Show picture of a child washing his hands and

cutting his nails.

What does the child do?

Why is it we need to wash our hands?

Why we need to cut our nails?

2. Activities:

a. Art ( hand tracing)

Direction: Trace your own hands on the bond

paper using your pencil.

b. Generalization:

o What is the use of our hands?

o How do we take good care of our hands?

c. Application

Is hands are very important to us?

d. Valuing

Our hands are very important, most

especially to us people having our hands we can

write, we can hold things, and we can play toys

by holding it. We must wash our hands before

we eat our food. Be thankful to our Lord,

because we are born with complete hands.

IV. Evaluation

Direction: Ring the pictures that do not show

uses of hands.

V. Assignment:

Make a hand collage put it on the bond


How important music in teaching science

Millions of children in schools enjoy music each day by

singing a song during circle time, learning to play an instrument,

or singing a part in a chorus. Music can create an imaginary world

that stimulates a child’s creativity because of this children will love

the subject they will participate in the class. They can imagine

how a butterfly moves from flower to flower before re-creating

their own interpretation of pretending to fly like a butterfly. With

the help of music they can easily digest the entire lesson that the

teacher taught to them about science. Through music, children

learn acceptable outlets to express feelings and relieve tension

and enjoy listening to the teacher.


At the end of the lesson pupils are expected to:

a . color the pictures

b.identify the different color

c. appreciate the sense of sight

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: sense of sight

References: My sense adventure

Materials: colors, pictures and visual aids

III. Procedures:

A.Preparatory Activities

1. Review the past lesson about parts of the body

2. Checking of the assignments

3. Motivation

Read the poem with your teacher.

I have two round eyes.

I use my eyes to see things around me.

I can tell the color, shape, and sizes of things

with my eyes.

B.Development of the Lesson

1. Lesson proper

The teacher explains the poem to the children.


What do you see around you?

Can you see different colors, shapes and

sizes around you?

2. Activity (individual)

A.The eyes can see the colors of the things.


Trace the color name and color the pictures.


What is the use of our eyes?

What if we don’t have eyes what will


How many eyes do you have?


Is eyes are very important to us?


Eyes are very important because of our

eyes we can see beautiful things around us. We

must take good care of our eyes we will not

abuse it, let sleep at the right time. Let say thank

you to our lord because he give us this part of

our body.

IV. Evaluation

Box the thing that has different colors.



E. 3


V. Assignment


Cut the different color of the eyes and paste it

on a bond paper.

Psed – 2


A child's cognitive development is about a child developing or

constructing a mental model of the world. Imagine what it would be like if

you did not have a mental model of your world. It would mean that you

would not be able to make so much use of information from your past

experience, or to plan future actions. Within the classroom learning it

should be student centered accomplished through active discovery


For me, student centered is the best approach that you can use in the

classroom; consider your learners first before anything else giving them an

activity that they will enjoy is good enough. The role of the teacher is to

facilitate learning giving chance to learn from his own.

Piaget, cognitive development was a progressive reorganization of

mental processes as a result of biological maturation and environmental

experience. Children construct an understanding of the world around them,

and then experience discrepancies between what they already know and

what they discover in their environment.

Therefore, teachers should encourage the following within the

classroom. Using collaborative, as well as individual activities so that, they

can learn from each other. Evaluate the level of the child's development, so

suitable tasks can be set.