
Post on 12-May-2015

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  • 1.A Game as a Tool of the Teaching Trade Using educational gamesin the EFL teaching Powerpoint Templates

2. Games are forms of entertainment derived from a set of artificial rules, typically with a known goal to be reached. Games can be in the form of mental or physical activities, or a mixture of the two. (Wikipedia) A game is a physical or mental activity or contest that has rules and that people do for pleasure.(Merriam-Webbsters Learners Dictionary) Powerpoint TemplatesPage 2 3. Powerpoint TemplatesPage 3 4. Every game has a goal. If you use a game in your class, you need to know why you are using it - you must have an aim. Games are motivating for children. If you use games in your class, you will probably have to prepare a variety of materials. Games are both enjoyable and create a positive environment for effective learning. The most successful games are those which are simple to explain, understand and playPowerpoint TemplatesPage 4 5. Games tend to be repetitive and are good for consolidating and reinforcing language structures and vocabulary. Real games always have a goal and purpose so they can provide a meaningful context for an activity. Games are fun, and enjoyment helps to develop both a positive classroom atmosphere and a more effective learning environment. They help to develop children's language skills. Games are a part of children's usual behaviour. Games encourage children's cognitive (mental) development. They help the children explore social behaviour and feelings. They help Powerpoint Templates their friends. children identify with Page 5 6. Games help to provide variety in your teaching approach. Games help to create a context in which children's attention is focused on the completion of a task without necessarily realizing that language items are being practiced. As a result, language learning takes place in a context that children can directly relate to. They cater to a variety of learning styles. They prepare children for the use of English in real world interaction. Games provide a unified, cross-curricular approach to learning. Games help children learn the natural way or the way they learnt/acquired their native language. They cater to the learning needs of the whole child, not just the language learner.Powerpoint Templates Page 6 7. Code-control games practise new language items and develop accuracy. Communication games develop fluency and more meaningful, authentic communication. Powerpoint TemplatesPage 7 8. Luck Competition and Co-operation UncertaintyPowerpoint TemplatesPage 8 9. Is it going to cause a dangerous situation where learners are outside the immediate control of you, the teacher? Is it going to mean moving a lot of furniture? Are frequent changes of place going to disrupt the class? Is it going to lead to noisy, excited competition between teams? (and if so, is that OK, or is it going to cause problems for other classes, with the school Head etc.)Powerpoint Templates Page 9 10. The game you choose to play with your Young Learners may also depend on the materials required. Time, availability and cost will probably be major considerations in your choice as will the effort of organising children's groups, and, the storage of the materials. Powerpoint Templates Page 10 11. Games are not just time fillers. They can be demotivating. We use too many games. Games are noisy. Games can be difficult to set up. Powerpoint Templates Page 11 12. Back Forward Powerpoint TemplatesPage 12 13. Back Forward Powerpoint TemplatesPage 13 14. Back Forward Powerpoint TemplatesPage 14 15. Back Forward Powerpoint TemplatesPage 15 16. Implications Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Game 4 Game 5 How are the children learning in these games? What problems do you envisage while playing each game in class? How would you overcome them? What other themes and topics can be taught using these games? How were groups organised? Could it be done differently?Powerpoint Templates Page 16 17. What questions should you ask or what areas do you needto think about concerning issues below?Classroom management Competition: Winners/Losers Rules of the game Language Materials Other questionsPowerpoint TemplatesPage 17 18. As you plan your game, answer the questions below How will I set it up? (I.e. demonstration?) What is the purpose of the game? How do I deal with the losers? What material do I need? How do I set it up physically i.e. seating arrangement etc. Does the game require knowledge of certain language? What can be learnt from the game? (I.e. language? Other educational benefits?)Powerpoint Templates Page 18 19. Powerpoint TemplatesPage 19 20. Games and Learning Circle Gamehttp.7/ Games for Classroom Practice Interactive Word Games Two Word Games I went to the shops... The YES and NO gamehttp.7/ Taboo Stand Up Sequence Word Snakes Master Mind, A. and Superfine, W. Developing Resources for Primary. London: Richmond Publishing, 1997. Toth, M. Children's Games. Great Britain: Heinemann English Language Teaching, 1995. Powerpoint Templates Paul, D. Songs and Games for Children. Great Britain: Heinemann English Language Teaching, 1996Page 20