PrQPosed THE WAYNE HERALD Herald (1888-Present...Was ',,'.'...

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Transcript of PrQPosed THE WAYNE HERALD Herald (1888-Present...Was ',,'.'...


Se~tion OnePages 1 to 8

C. H. Bright Is ReelectedPresident of Gathering' ,

Helll at Collelle.


THE WAYNE HERALD 14PrQPosedCons.titutional Amendment

to Restrict L~bor Vnion

~oa:;:;:;:AQ~:;;.ingW. M. SiXTy::F~THYEAR ~._-._--. -- --.~-------- WAYNE. NEBRASKA. THURSDIAY. AUGUST 8. 1946 -'-~----_.~~- KUMBER THIRTEEN

We have a letter [rom Will M, S h' --I··-C---l---d---;~D-LEYA~TAHU5-TIONMCORBEIAL~SE·:IC·ounty Tax Levy BroMthaenr 0pf:a'WsseasynAeway Plane--Accl"dent - --ANI~~L~OF HIGH 'IrAtt d G d~;a~~~~'I't~l~'I~el~~~~ ~~:~~:~I~~~;i ::~IW,I~ i C 00 a en ar QUALITY USUAL AT _en ance 00proposed constitutIOnal amend· GO A I OV~R PAST RECORD S f Year Charles Hahn.'n, o[ near Cleve- 1Ft 1° W t THE COUNTY FAIR F Sh Tment to curtaL! the pm,er 01 labor Iven pprova - .. -. arne or land, O. brother o[ Dean H, H, S a a In es or ort 'erm

_~~~~s. ~~e ' CAI~TAI!\ c. J Sanders, Ne- _~ HaJl~ ot Wayne, died Monday last THE last ~~~ month will _

.* opposition has asked him to mar· Staff for ,Coming.. Term Is port;~at~~~ t~:i~i:;d~:t~~o:tr~~k Board Fixes A ..e5s~ent. ~e~·o~ ~"O~~~ ~~~~C~'lg~t~O~~~ Robert Theobald Ia Dusting cOU~~~mfa~b~:~'~es~~~~t~~: Number of Young Folks A~, shal fOl'C{'S against the movemcol, Announcech:rmis'Week \vHh contmued ferocity among As Based on ValuatIOn and Mrs. Hahn left Tuesday nIght Tomatoea When Ship Hits will be held in mid-September. Enrolled for MUSIC Camp

and no morc vigorous champIOn By Supt.;,Bal1er. the ranks of Npbraska motor- Of All Property_ by tram for the east to attend'the Wire at Stockton PreparatIOns are actIvely goingcould have heen selected. He says 15ts ,durmg July Twenty-two ntes which were "Thursday. De- • forv:ard for It. Last year Wayne Held During Week.paid advertising wA.ll be employed, Wayne city schoQI opens Mon~ fatalities, an mcrC'ase of 46 1'2 Wayne county tax Jevy was ceased, the youngest son in the Robert Theobald, 31, of Stock- county's show was at the top In Thrpe~w('ek summer session .atand If it IS offered to us, we shall day, September:! ThiS date and per cpnt over tl1f' f1ftcen rc· fixed by th(' county board Tuesda.y Hahn family, was the last of DeaJ;l ton, Cal, fonnerly of Wayne, was Ifme horses Its an1mal exhIbits Waynf' Stat(' Teachers College­accept and publish II m accordanec others on the calendar for the corded In th.. same month of at 326. the same as last year. ThIs Hahn's brothers, Mr, and Mrs. J, klllf'd lOstantly early Saturda~' -horses, cattle, pigs and sheep opened Monday with 198 enrolled,with publiC duty. But we shall glve coming t€'rm were deCided by the 1945, have be..n reported to the IS hased on a valuatlOn of $26.123,- 0 Wentworth took the Hahrts to morning when thE' plane h(' was -are always olltstandlng This thiS being fiR more than last year'sl'edltoria} support to the proposed board of education Monday evc- Nebraska safety patrol. ThiS 410 Thf> state levy is 370, making SIOUX City us109 to dust tomatoe plRnts n('ar year Will b(' no exceptIOn. 13f) Courses are m charge of Dr.amendment, as w(' bcllev£' It lS nmg, The schedulc caBs for hal! brings the ]946 total to 135 - fa total of 696 mills. In 1945, the ------- Stockton struck a wire !':o fur- SpeCImens from thiS area's Veto P!'vI P f C Hhigh time to check labor I,m ion day attendance Septemher 12 and an mcrease of 27 per c('nt mer state levy was 3.08. l- P k B dIther details of the aCCident have herds and flocks Will agam I,d~hl ~nd :'I-Il~~('~~rn~Elefson: Lm·leaders who have manIfestly bc- 13 y,hen thc f;ilr IS m sesSIOn. the same' penod m 1945 Cap- The county levy of 326 mills in.JJ ar on ssue ' been recC'lved here as )C't and no testify to excellent qualltH's 'come autocratic and obstrucllve..' Vacation lor tC'achers conventIOn tam Sanders stated that even Ieludes L;n~mployment r,ellef, .02~ word has come about funeral nt('s This county has been known: Hold ;\Iusic Camp.

* * * will be Uctober :24 and :25. Jor though there had he('n a large general fund, ] 4: brldgcs, 1~' I D f d H Deceased had enlisted In the through the ~ears as stressmg ; ThC' s('cund annual high schoolMr, ~\laupm explams thnt he has ThanksgJ\-'lng l'\"O\emhcr 28 and 29, incrpase m traffIC on many roads, R, fall', 04. A year ago the S e eate ere army all' corps and compif'tPd four gram :-J.nd hay to le('d and It 1S 'I mUSH' (amp at \Vayne collpgf'

ean-lad a union card for more than and lor Chnstmas from Df'cember hq:::;h\\,IYS, th0 prJnc'lpal C!1USPS 3;26 iI1cJudeo, General, 1.73; f b h I mamtaml"lg that reputaTion. as opf'npd Snnday .... Ith 168 students'- f I th d lIr d -'1 I' d 74 fair 08 r~l~rs ('~un~;;\'lC;nt:r~~t t'h; ~~re IrC'l-';lstered from 3,) northeast ~f'.sixly years \Vhen 11(" bt'came a 20 at 4 pm. untll January 6 at 8 0 many (J e aCCl ents w('re I ges,.r . oa 5";l 'I" d PIN d d F ,C'Xhlhlts al Ihe faIr ..... 111 sho\\ hraska and 1mq to'NTlS Thf' camp

memhpr, \\'orkers needed organ· am. Fin, I semester closes January carcll'ssm'ss, ('xceSSlw' speed, Cumhll1!'d CIty, sl'hoo '4~ta6e at roposa ee e ortyone ~~~;ICh:n~erlr~p~'at~~r;;:E'r~(::.)C'~tiey Amusempnl fratures scbedulf'd ,IS l<lrgpr than last year hut It IS

J:zed effort to protect their rzghts 17 and second opens Januar)' :W. riding; the cent('r~lJnP Rnd dnv- county ]('v[("s total ~ 4 4 ~~ Votes to Make Required he had been m bus mess by himself, for the otT<iSIOn are gUrlmntped snmr\\ n:-J.t smallf'r than the num~In recent yt'ars, With ne\-\' deal Spring va<atlon lS s\'t for Api'll 4 ers under tre mflupncp of alco- \\'aym', 3887 for Winsl ke , 4 d Sixty Per Cent. uSlOg a I)lane to dust trees and of higher ordrr than any hlther- ber at fmil rC'glstered. It lS under-

. support. they have Imposed on and 7 The 8th gradt> graduation JS hoI Jul} s::!:2 fatall11('s resulted fors'farroll. 3588 for Hos ms an plants 10 control of Insects to prC'sented \fhe county s blg- stood that the polIO scare m the. sources of productIOn \\ Ith brazen Set for 2\la} :22 and high school from SIX non·collislon, eight 22 for Sholes. d vVayne voters, at a speCIal elec- gest show promises to be suc- mld\\ est has affected attendance

effrontl'r} They have choked commpncement for May 23. School motor \chlcle - motor \ehlclc, \\'ayne CIty levy, base ~n lag tlon Tuesday, defeated the pro- Robert Th"oh~ld, the anI) son cessful 1I1 all respects So far as IS known, no polio caseschannds of reconversIOn With 10- closes Ma) 23. The calendar gnes four motor \chlcle·pedC'stnan,· valuatIon of $1,957,110, tota S pqsal to Issue $35.000 m bonds to of Mr. and Mrs. P A Theohald,!'lumeral)lc ,nkes. Thc) ha\e 176' days, 88 in each semester and thn'£.' motor \('hlclc-ral1~ mills, thc same as last year, In improve MC'monal park. The vote was born m \o\·ayne in ~Iarch, 1915 ---- ~-- --- arC' hear \\'ayne and every pIT-

::~~~o;tr~~~~:~~~~~~~~~e:n~~ea:~~g~~ th~'Z~h :~~~~~ ~:;}e:s [~7l~~:,nc~s road (TO'5mga~~.. ~~~~r~~~c~F~~2:f;~~~~!rJ~::;~~~ 437 lor and 334 agamst the ~~~i~ 2~~~=~~~L~t:;~~sr~~~:Hurt in Accident ~~~::~~~~s~~~~~~~:u~:~;::~~~~ommodlty p Ices. They arc caus- A. Landreth, pnnclpal. A. J. At- C B f d bonds, ,4, mtersectlOn bonds, 8.5; SlXty per cent was requmxi to Michael and Cathleen He also E f H k- 'all the tIme and 1S watchmg the-ing the \:ery mflation agamst klns, IOstrumental musIc; Geo. rops ene ite band, 5, auditOrium bonds, .5, avi- carry the election so the pro- leaves his parents, and one slster, ast 0 OS IDS health of all students carefully

~~~~h h~t~,~Yg~~~~~ ~~~e S;aOyut~~~ ~~~~~);C'll. ~~~~l ~~~;~b~~~ m~.~~~~ atJon bonds, 1 All are the same b~~~t:e=~df~;7th~f;~~~s~al~~~ MISS Marian Jo Theobald, III Palo I ~~eh ~~~le:tat~S h~~~h ~:h~~~~:~sgfewer worklng hours, hut want dridge mathematics and Enghsh; By SoaklOng Ralon apSarlk:Sstg~~ar4eaXnCdePtpIna~,~~at~~nld9s451issue would still faJ! by 16 votes, AHo, Cal Mrs. S. R Theohald of Hoskins Car Turns Onto Top The pool has beC'n closed andprices for what l1wy buy kept !I-'lrs C H Lmdahl sCience. Fred mill b B:r ...... ards, the vote Tuesday San AntOniO, Tex" IS hIS gr<lnd- f other rp('ff'al IS sub t t t d fdown In additIon, they feel free Rickers, sClCnce and athletiCS, R Wmslde s Iny IS 16.23 mills, stood as follows. mothE;r_, A ter Striking Poles youn~ folks Ion s I u e or

~~e~~~kd~~~~%~~~:~h~;~~ i~l~~~ ~~l S~~~:ti:a~~~l:;~II~tl~;" p~~~ Moisture Comes to Bring basC'd on valuatIOn of $331,335. In FIrst ward ~f{ Ag~~~st DloscusS ServI.ce Along Highway. th~h~l~~~;;~~c('o~a~~O~a~h~nd~~out <lOXIPty or responSibility. Jean Skmkle, commerce, lVIISS Relief from Heat and thiS (~~)(:ltll~~,~lt<~~I~~~.. ~lilf.I~~ de- Sccond ward 138 1:20 \~I"[~lC:xJ~~~ ;;~~t~I~~~t6fi~f\\~~s~l~es~ Kf'Jlh \\111 prf'spnt In fu-st C"On-

'* * * L-aurentza Edwards, girls phYSICal Drouth of July. ThIrd ward . 192 83 d cert at lh" \\'I]jnw bowl Thurs~y

O R I L- sufferC' a broken collarhone, Ud-

Granting that many tmPIoYers~€'ducatlOn and Engl1sh, MISS Wil- !\; h k d ura Ines fractured nhs and cuts on the evenmg "'-I I: o'clock A pubiJc con-in the old days .....ere arbitrary and helmma Johnson, hlstor) and I[ \\ ['stern rams I~U~d~\rasl:\ae:I~(T Teac'hers Chosen TOTAL 437 334 n head and Side Wednesday, Jut) 31. cert h) tht' bdnd and the l50-pleceunreasonable, they caul not. If Latin, 11J-s, Alice ScacE' Ilhranan' -. C"> j The total \'ote of·796 contrasts about 11 a clock when the car he chOIr wl1] he given m the Cltythev \\1Ould be so now and kee M' !VI H k h . 'I broke a hot, dr) spdJ and boosted «'itth more than one thousand votes d f S dafl~at ThE';' thl~k they [wn thel~ in~tSr~c~~;s I~Ct~~' g~~~e~c~~(?m~~~ crop prospt:'ets o\('r fhC' arCd I R ISh lUll To Follow New Procedure \\as drl\mg alone turned over one au 1 orlum. atur a) evenmg Aug-

GrC'at 'wxlel) \-\as 1C'11 lor the n ura C 00 S ~ ~ y cast at a general election On REA Construction and a half tlmps a mile northeast Iu."f 10, at 8 Both runcerts arcuusmesses or mdustnes, wherea r>.Irs, \"JOkt Rickers, 7th ::VIlss I ' h I" - h In ayne The result shows many of Hoskms. lightmg on Jls top. frpC'they must. m unlOn-ndde cpnters, Grettal Hackenberg, 6th .:\1lSS corn crop \\ IC 1 1"- now ~n t e neglected to go to the polls to ex~ In Wayne County. ?\.II' Eckman was alone and was on Choral ilCtl\ltlCS are undf'r therespond to the whlp-cr cklOg of Eleanor Edwards. 5th 111s5 Ber~ Critical tasselmg stage 1 hou~h Most Districts in County press themselves. f P f,R 1 Andlahar bosses or close up. ~ nice Langenberg 4th, !'vllss Made- (onslderablc damage \\as done, ~ ~__~ DISCUSSion of Important ne ...... d(~ hiS way to Hoskms from WInsIde. ~~~r"\'~~nL~ a;:lS'tedus.s~ Ja e;~

* * * lme Patton 3rd ~llss HazE;'1 Re(>\e ('spe('lall:) m flclds wh('rp corn Have Instructors for Ch I J ff velopments affectmg rural electrl~ He lost control of the machme K t f W k r Id'G A. S m h' In· our 0plnlOn, !"c!f sh union 2nd, MIss 'Ruth" Ross, 1st, :\11S~ \\Cl.S planted on cnnchpd SOl!. the, New Fall Term. ar es e rey flcatlOn and the operation of REA \\~lCh t~re down eIght posts of the of~~S~~nd, ~o:~eC~ 6ud~~fleaders 118\(' otten hog 'ed down COlla Potras. and lcmdergartpn, rains rame ITl lune to h('neflt much fmanced dlstncts featured a. meet- ~~~h\\a) Im( fence before It halt- Albion and Vernon Jacobs ofmdustn,', r:rl!'plpd the )economlc ':'1,ss .J('an('tt(' R,lp\. .:viI'S I Il'nr\' of thC' crop Tlw dry spC'Il hRd County Supermtendent Marie P S dd I 109 of REA personnel of r-.;C'bras- S tsystem and callspd the general ~ul! I" 5-l'Cletar/ and C (~ las1C'cl throuc;hout clul} m most \\'rlghl reports that the followmg asses u en y ka last week lo Columbus accord- Passersh) stl)pIX'd to help Mr. c~lhJn('r dpubliC to sufler cndlcss~hardshlPS po\\-ers ,md lienr: John:,;oll all' part" of trw tcrntor} \\'il)n(' county rural school teach- mg to representatives·' of thc Eckman Une of thf'se \\as Dr D. \'ISIO~ .;:~n~~~ u~o~~ t~ ~~~~

J "Th d I I I J ef'S ha\e been chosen for lhe 1946- Wayne county dlstnct who partlcl- CJ. ~alg, \\hn ""as rpturnmg to . A J .in trying to struggle lack to a custodians IS lain IS d \\on ('I u lr p, 47 school year. Rites Conducted Wednesday Wmslde from ;-';orfolk He took A~SISllnr:: are . Atkms ofpeace~llll1C foundation. ald lead- Bills totalmrt Sl -31 qi) \\('I('·t! hut J1 t,.\ no ml ans assures thc paTtehd

e, d,str'c! S"~'lng th's areall\-Ir. Eckman to Wmslde for carp ~\laYtnc, \,T,C'h~. AI hhart[ 0N[ rfStalntonJ'

ers do not seem to have spnse lowedtn th('t~J~·rd,l;;,-, < - crop sldtpd A~E .-\nd{'rso,~' I\'f'- .Ulstnct 1, Vera Anderson, At Wakefield with Burial "-'~ nero nCO kenough to know when to let up. Gener-al "ontr"1 .!\ ". [,'(,11 hraSKH {rop slatls11C!Rn 1)(,Jn t \\,akf'flf'lrt, ;-J LaVcrda Romberg, was represented at the mpetlOg by and ;\1: Eckm~n was able to go LPsllc n Grunz e of r:me~on~ 'andand Iherolore, we ('onelude, they T I I C c '$;,W' T;' Lo d lall II a million-dollar ram Sa}, "'ISner, b, Mrs Ray Agler. Jr,. In Wayne Cemetery. A. G, Sydow. presldenl 01 the home laIC' that afternoon. Duane Schulz o[ WlSnerneed the restralOmg lOfluence of tePlon,erd"~" 'k ~~293Jl(' HI' {rathpr thRt It did a 101 of good" \\lakeflCld, 7, Bettc Ann Utteman, Charles Jeffrey, 72, reSident of board, R D, Slagle. manager, and Patrolman Bill Green said that . '

, the proposed ainendment. Ie ass(, '~~~'~l twd ~~:I ~.Ii,.:" 'II~'" , am Reports of corn proSPPC1S. arc Hartmgton, 8, Rosahe Hoeman, near 'VI-'ayne for many years, dwd MISS Jewell Robinson, bookkeeper the car traveled about 180 feet Expf'ct BIg Enrollment.* * * espe-clall)' pn('ouragll1g III north- Wayne, 1U, Helen Mann, Wayne; Monday noon sufferlOg from a sud- At the Columbus meetmg, the from the time it left the htghway All lOdlca\lons pomt to a veryMaupm has been a printer. puh- cast and c('nl ral ar('as of the 11, Darlene Deck, Hoskms; 13, den heart attack ..... hile slttmg In a local group also partlClpated 10 a unt11 It struck the fence posts. ~lr large enrolfment at the college <

hsher and roltor, and_h0 is a Jpf- Crop PractlOces statc, ;\-11' Anderson not('d \~Ivlan L~ndm, Allen; 15, Donna chair at his horne at Wakefield. discussion of new proct'dure re- Eckman reported that a passing here !hlS fall. 1he ll:crease amongfersoOian democrat, and while WG' ""a) Ill' Stah !\:atJlmal hank Nelson, WRyne ~ Funeral ntes were conducted commended by REA for Itne eon- motonst SIdeSWiped hIS car befora men rn-~ng pspeclally notablt'.have not always agreed with hJm, HIS'S"I gnug'p r('.£':I~l('1'('cl 17 Sunday morn-· District 16, LUt"C't!e FiSCI}(~r, ~'edn~sday afternoon at 2 from structlOn done under contract. Un.- hP lost ':,ontrol of thp machme , Terrac£' h~JI IS fUll and 40 men

der thiS proc~ure. tho dlstnct ,",Ill The Eckman car was bad I;)' h,a\£' theIr names on the waltmg\\(' have had hlf!h' r('!'ipecl for hiS e p av'e 01 mg ann ') sunrt:-J.) Olght Carroll Wmslde, Hl, Mrs Eth!'1 Koles, the Hypse mortuary In WakefIeld l:U '- dedi t Th h I h bo h 1~d W d purchase all the matenals used III amag is e sc no . as ug t 'J\)reconi all good mtenl10ns (' I got :2~ and 9 and \"'"msldr :2S and Carroll, ;2fJ, Mrs Clara BuskIrk, an at 2.30 from Wakefield Pres- construction of new hnes If the beds to be used m rooD1s of the

~O:j~erDa:~~cnt~W~~~~dedPO~l~~~1Wallace Buck Tell. Kiwanis I ~I s\~'~~;;j~~~1 gHUg, ",!SIc-red ~::nc~/lM;;~~eM~~hra~~S~~~~ ~~;~~r~h,~~~~r;;thMR~~'R~i::~~ ~~":t~~~t~~b~j~~~~du~~el~~~~t;~~t~Roland Krieger ~:~;~l:n~hr~~~:s~:a~a:tw:·=over lahar union trends. He partlc- Of Need for United Effort The Y'am that: lsrlpd :"\l'lJraska, :23, :'vII'S Theodora Petersan, Pll~ berg sang "In the Garden" at the only rather than on both labor ~'Ill be m each room. The 56.hous~ularly mentions pnnters cxcesslH'! Fe· from ()maha 10 \aJcntll1i', Sunday gPI', 1:1. Kathleen Neill, Pender; parlors and "Beautiful Isle of and 'materials costs. as formerly. Sh Ch 109 Ul1lts are reserved. AU t~demands 10 la!'Je centers which I or onservahon. night \arlpd lrom a half t(, an;26 Mrs E:JJC'n PhilblO, Wayne; Somewhere" and "Old Rugged The plan will relJe\c both the d1S~ OWS ampion trailers are taken. The,,~~onsetthrea1en 1,0 sen the wag,t' ,SPlr<l.l1 Crop rotallon, proper pld(lOg OI/IOCh In, thl~ !(,!,;I!o.r) :\'()rJ(lI~, rc- 2H~, Laura Jane Qumn, \\-'ms,de, Cross' at the church Bunal fol- tricts and contractors of the un- huts are spoken to~ ~ it 15 ex-up to the crashing pomt La\\rence meadows and crops, tt'rraclng and ports 24 and 69 SUndCi) mornlllg ~HS, LJOttlC' Reed, Wmsldr, :29, lowed m Wayne cemetery, Pall~ certainties of the present maten- ppcted that they will be =-eady bysays skyrockC'tmg \"'agps In Wash- olhC'r pn:H tlCl'S that consene nch and e\cnmg Ranrlolph gol 1~. J{'iin Thompson. Wmslde, 31. Mrs bearers were Joe Keagle. Paul als SJtuatlOn. It 1S expected 10 at- TenThousand Attend Wisner .falL

~~~~~~ ~~~s[h~,~:fo1;~~~,~I~d'l~~ I~:~ ~~~ll;~.~reB~~,~'s:~I~II,:~~~~a)Sh~~:~~~I(!;~~~~(~~/ ~1)7Ilr~:;I;~1 ~~:~I~~(;lY~:1 ~ 7~',17;~t~ ~~:~d(:C'~~r~·~:::'ld~X~~~~~. :3ii r-:;~~ ~~~'~~~be~d~::~ersS;~t~~~ ~~~ tract new contractors mto PO\\ el Exhibits and Program S F CIcent. a motiUl1 !llctUI(' to KlWiHIJi-l.ns gf:r~ ), Slantun I) (T'I'lghton s nUll' .)oq:;f'nSf'n, Wakefield, 3'1, Jdtrpy, line construC'llOn, to reduce the Held Three Day&. i om ass

Maupin ,IU:(': t~, Ow amlahll' Mr. Buck lS fW\\- dl~tl'j('l soil con~ 13,1 IS the !1f'il\J{'sl In 1111:' df{'d llanwt Lpmpkf', \\'ntrrbul'), 03, (harles H Jeffrey, sJ'n of Alex- ~~::n~~ ~l~~ mC~~~;l~~~~~tot~p~~~ Roland Krieger of ",'Isner, 12K' X rrela11()J1shlp t,et\\C'C'n Indu~tlJ and scrvatlOl1lst j(JcdfPd at \\.a:rnc S L~ghtnll1~ ;:(('l)m!~;Hly~ngh t~lf' Mr;.; r.arJ \\'ade, JIosJ<JnS. fnder an~ ~argaret~%ffr~y, was up servICe to new ~sum('rs Ihlblfpd the grand champion ~tecr, Here at Reunl"on

AssIstmg him \\a~ Herher! holl· - un a}- nlg 1t >; nrm " ttl(" Ie. VlstrlCt '-lo, LJia Metc Anderson lOrn 111 a tlmore, "eptem- The general seSSIOn, at whIch a hea\y Hereford at the ~lsnerlabor unions Jl) :'-:l'bl'aska with no morgen Wa,yne s:Qunt) l'onsena~IT(,lldk(' l'('sldcn((' ill FI(']'t'( and \\'lIlSIdf', 3H Marianne Van Slyke, uer U, 1873 When a child he these new procedures were dls- stock show hpld August 2,3 and 4need fOI lhc IJroposl'd am('ndment tIOJ1lSt. ICaUS(>d a 11Ic tllat r('sult('d 111 Randolph, 4(J, \\'ilma Alleman, moved wlth hiS parents to Iowa T hWe ha\(' h('ard rumors that con~ Mr Buck, who compllmentpd S~,50\J loss 'WmSlde, 44. LOIS Bauer, Carroll, and when he \vas 13 the faml1y ~UsStr:d~t~~S f~l~v..~~ b~~:o~~~:II~~ li~~t ~~~~'~rd~ ~~il~~hl~~~~' b~

,trolllllg SPll'lts m eastern labor KIWilOiS on lIs dcep mtcrest In \\aynl'rp('C'.lv('d 1:') of <tn Inch of 45, Rhea Kal, Ppnder, 47, .Ardyce came to Wayne, methods, attended hy MISS Robm. Russell McGill. whose HerefordUnfOn.,r~n~: are ('agt>r t~ tighten agrl('ultu['e, urged the combined ram an? \\mSlde If) Tupsday Lutt, \\'akcfleld, 48. \Vilma Bol- Deceased was baptlz.ed m mfan- son. heifer also won him a reserve

~~~u~;.g:~~~'~~~fll;XI~I~b;~~~~na~~c/fort 01 all to sec th<it land IS mght. \'-'akpfIPld had none. ton, AI.le~, '19, Edna M, K~~el, CY~~,t~~f~;:~bY~;~~eJal~~na B, Mr, Slagle 10 talkmg \\Ith p('r- championship The grand cham-d t d It ff th t ~ sa\ed Hoskms, .)0, Patty FIckle, Car- R h W D be ~3 sonnel from many othpr districts pIOn hClfer, a Shorthorn, was SIX of the 23 students in the

~n us ;~' an PJ I lC~. ld a .f' Engmc{'rs WIll sunc} the Elk- WOf f F roll, 51, Mrs Howard Ellenherg, 1~~~ ey ~n hayne 1ece~ br d feels that they are In thc same sho\\n by Gerald Ehler of Ban- class of IH96 wpre present Sunday,r~e. C'lamcn men w~u r

horn \.'alle) and other parts of the leo ormer \'layne, 53, Dorothy DaVIS, Wm- , an t e cou~e ce.e rate dlstrlwsmg circumstances for croft whpn their 50th anniversary wasa f~l~ab e p~rpos('. 11 at t uc, It Mlssoun rIver water shed to Side, 54, Frances French, Carroll ih~r gOld~n wedd~n~/ast ~lTlt~r. t Imatetlal as the Wayne dlstnct Leon Rathke \\as Judged the celebrated at the annual reJiruoncou 0 no ~r~ ..!L ,recommend \\a)5 of sa\ mg soil. P t H D- District 60, LaJeart MIlicI', Wlo~ .;... r. an Mrs. ~ rey Ive a Wash'mgton personnel a; th(' champIOn showman of the I':ehra"ka normal school at

A' . g( t d h" Maup N j I Mr. Buck fpels that the legIslature I as or ere les SIde, 61, Ardene Helthold, Waym'; ayneT~X years a tel' 1t;elr mart meetmg lOdlcated that ~ehraska Other grand champions m the' \Vayne college campus Mrs. ElLabra~~,as~s"';;'~fl~PShl:gl~ sou~~, ~~~ Will ca;ry out pro\'lSlOn~. oj the _ fi~, Ruth T:~IC'Y. Carrol~, 63, Ar- ~~~%flel~yat:~nr~~~~ed rza~e~r districts are not alone' as thiS classes llsted arp Purehrpd Junior Wllhams'Holmcs and Miss UzzleIt shoulrl he kcpt so Through lhl'lllO'n g mC'('I1i 11 the peoplc all' solidly Rites for Mrs. R Moehring l( ne Marqu:-J.ldl, yvmslde,_ 64, Borr farm near W y e In 1922 When material con d I t Ion prevails hORr, Duroc, Randal! Bprgt, pure- WillIams of !\orfolk, and' Mrs.v('ar.::. of t'1'<lrk- )ot olltical hllos- bchmd thC' mO\-,pmC'nt A dam In '. nC'llf' MJillken, ",ayne, 6;:1, Wanda an,' , throughout lhe United States bre-d Jumor gilt, Duroc. Lean Rath· Manc \\"lllJams Norns of Chicago,~>ph}' 10 \\!llC'h IIabo; union r~dlca'lslthC ~Ikhorn IS onc of the IJro- Conduct:d Wednesday In Pa!r~s Br~nswlc~; 66, Ard~'lh ~~~e~7;:~~ m 1942 they ,",ent to At this time the dlstnct a\\alts kr purt'hred btU'r, Hampshirf', .....ho <ire SIsters were among thosedJntrl'hutPd, thlS statl:' has k{' titS posals, HastIngs Church. Jl;hmnn, 'W:-J.ynf', 6H. ':'101('1 Allv]l1, M ' nd material promised for sh.ipment ]11 JOl' Gross, grade gJlt. Duroc, Mel- graduated m 1896 and all weref t tt d d I ~ t The speaker SUgg('sted proper Wayne; h9, Mrs Elwyn Jones, I' Jeffrt'y I~aves hIS Wife a September 191) and January \ern Horst Junior market barre\\- hpre for fhe anmversary. Other\'~~c('{~~ h;~rdg"~~u~ehafPof = :p~ land uses as a \aluable means of Mr-;,. R I\IOI'hnng ~Jf(' of Ill'v. WaynC' 7(1, J~nc Whitney, Carroll. SIX children, elen, now Mr~: 1946. Pro~lses ~f'constructlOn ar~ Hampshire: Joe Gross. ' mel1l,Pcrs of the 1896 class presentsen'ed d(-mocracv, NebraskansPbe_lsavmg fertIlity, Often thp placmg Moehnng v. hO. \,\ pas lor 01 R{'- .DIstrict -. /3, Joyce Tarno\\., Floyd Hupp of Wayne, Inez, nOd voided as leaders plan construc- Total attendance for the three I\\'ere Fred French of Olathe, Colo,IH'\e With Grov~r Cleveland that of meadows and corn Ilelds WIll dC'emer L~thera~ chun hill \\-ayne \\ lsnpr, I~,_ Mrs Marlon Glass, Mrs. Paul Soderberg of Wakeflel i tlon on promises of suppliers \\'ho days \"'as estimated.. at about RoHle Ley of Wayne, and J. 1 h Id t th prevent great losses, Uther prac- Irom Un:2 to 1.119, dll'd Sunday, Randolph, 1:1, B('tty Lou Wmter- Florence, now Mrs Vernon Van °d 111 turn depend on factOries 10000 Other entertamment m-IPauI of;~~ en~)t 0~h(' s~t:eo~me~t g~~'~ tlces also help IJuly:2H ITl a Gr<ind Island hosplt al stelTl, Carroll, 77. Eileen Kleen- Wakefield, Lila. now Mrs. Fre f As soon-as last allotmen't was cl~d('d a quIZ show conductpd by Ahout 75 In all attended.p(>()plf' They shrmgk Irom govern- The hus·Jn(,ss of a city IS detcr- :t~~c she had ~~~f'r~on(' an 0pL'r- sang, ,Hosk~ns;(7F:, Charlotte Dil~ ~:~~e~f ;~~c°:1~r~~lrJ~~g~~y~f received, orders were placed for L~'le r DeMoss, of radIO statIOn C. H Bright of Wayne, was re-ment pa1erna!lsm and governrne t mmed hy th(' fertility of thp land, I, Monda), ) H lin. \\-Inslde, 79. Gladys Reichert. G . C I All h A materIals With promis('d shlp~ Vv()\\', hall games. grand parade, eJccted preSIdent. Miss Anne desubSidies and other fantastIC cre~- stated the speaker. Farml'rs must F unC'ral ntl'':; \\en' (onduclpd ~t WmSldf' ~nn~n, o~. d 10are ere::o ments a year from now wrestling match, band concerts, Groole of ~orfolk. vice preSIdent,tions that destroy self-reliance and prospC'r to make a town prosper, lIast,lI1g~ last .v"pdnt'sda) at St .DIstrict RI. Vlq;1I11a Lpttman, ~oh' ayne, Ie y~a~ldagn' __ ~ ~_"'. greased pig scramblp, calf scram- Ralph Crockett, \Vayn'e, secretary,threalen mdcpende-nce, They do and fertlll~y determmcs the farm- Paul s r_ \ a n.g { I I C a I Lutheran \\- mSldp. R2, Donna 'Stoltenberg:, M er~ f~re ~even gran ~ I hre . ACCl"dellt Ilk L'atal hiE'. and a dance each evenmg and MISS Pearl Sewel1, Wayne,not want to be am ered and con- er's flOanc181 standmg church whH h R('\ Moehnnh Randolph, :"\3, Edna Mae Wagner, r. ,e rey eaves two rot ers, 0' .r -- _. --~~- treasurer.trolled by gove~nm~nt hand~out5 •The flim shown, sponsored by sel'\'('s as pa~tor R('\ H Gopde Wmslde, 1-14, Velma Allar, Carroll, Alex a~ ~~y~~~yn~__ . T R". d M Gravel Contracts Dean Sandahl, ex-serviceman,Labor Union evolutiOn 10 recc~t KlWHms IntematlOnal, pictured and Hp\ J I\. \.Jar·xC'n ,oJfwJatf'd H5, Fram'f's E Kennedy, Stanton, 0 al roa all .....ho had heen a German priso'ner,years has t)('('n In the dlrecuon of Joss of SOIl fertlllty by shod Bun~1 WetS m SUlton, ]\;dJr, eem- 86, EdIth Plwenltsky. Hoskms, Property Tax U\"y ~__ Are Let by Board spoke to the group of prison con~more government in busmess waste, which IS a gladual thln- eten , HR, Mrs Stuart Baller, Wayne Ed. Dolph Suffers Injuries Contracts for regraveling the dltions Dr J. 1'. Anderson gavemore government mterferenc~ mng of the SOil .. and stnppmg the Mrs, !'vI~Phnn,g s ,n:.lld{'~ na~e In Stale Approved Wayne~Plerce, Carroll north and an InterestlOg talk. C. H. Bnghtwith mdustry land IJ~ dIggrng minerals, etlc, was Anna DUlslTlg dnd she \\as Concert Planned Friday in Switch Yard south and the Winside-Wayne presided. _

* * * from It Years are requlrl?d to re- born In Germany At Fremont Station. highways were If't Thursday by Dr, and Mrs. Anderson wereThf' polley of getting more for budd th(> Joss The aim should bc Deceased. w~o \\',1.'; ~4 last ~C'h- At Park Friday Amount Is Increased Half the state board at Lincoln to J N. made honorary members.

less \.\ Ith ut tel' indifference to the Ito preventJhl' loss b('(ore It oc· ruary 10, If'av('.'; hfr hushand, WaynE' city hand, undpr the dl· Mill Over Last Year Ed. Dolph, 63, railroad employee Einung of \Vayne. Three other The reunion will be held the;needs or welfare of the general curs, , ~r~e dau~hters. Anna at home, rec1Jon of A J Atkins, will present By State Board. who used to live here, dwd Sunday contracts In this part of the state flI'St Sunday in August next :rear.publiC has In a measure Infected Agncu!t (' is a heritage and e wig w 0 IS a nurse at Hastmgs a C'oncNt a1 Bressler park thiS Frl- <rfternoon of lOjuries suffered Fri- also went to Mr Emung -non-Union groups who have Qften the AmerHan pepple should pro- Lutheran hosPI1~,J an~ Mrs Loweil, day evening at 8 o'clock. The pro- Nehraska's property tax levy, day when he was aCCIdentally A Schuyler firm was awarded DI"rectors Electedtreated jobs more as a ma~eshift 1eet It The film closed WJth a Gross of Lmn, Kan., and two sons, gram lO<:'ludes: "Port Conway," aproved last weelt by the state struck by a car 10 thp Fremont contract for regravellOg the WiS-

, 'than as an' occupation. 'They tootqu~tatlon lrorn Thomas Jefferson Rudolph of Omaha, and Theodore march, Rlchat:'ds; "Drmk to Me bOard of equalization, is 3.3 mills, switch yards. Mr, Dolph was on ner·Way~ad. F' S". D" "• aflen accept employment ~ rcluc~Iwhich says that "Land bC'longs to who l~ attendlOg semmary 10 Mm- Only With Thine EyE'S," Paola Tos~ the highest since 1927 when thc his way horne from work when the Mr and Mrs. Einung, John, Rob- j or 01 Islrlcl

tantly.. look on the employer with ~h~ people, the fanners only farm nesota. ,tl; "Pennsylvania Polka," Lester levy was 3,75. accident OCCUlTed. He was rushed ert, PauJ and Mary' were in thecontempt and ,suspicion, and do as It.., Mr. and Mrs. Fred HeIer, ... sr:, Lee, "Finale, New World ISym~ The tax for 1945 was 2.84 mills. to a Fremont hospItaL city Thursda,y when Mr. Einung Board Will Convene Mondaylittle as possible to get bY.' the BeSides the soli offIcers, R. A. MISS Martha Hpl;,r, Mrs.. Er:ul phony," Antone Dvorak; "McGe- That was lower than 1946 because Deceased leaves four children attended the ml:ie'fing_while feeling underpaid, and mis~ McDuffee was a gUE:'st of Ed. Bahe, Vahlkamp and }o red HeIer, Jr., hee March," Richards, vocal num~ $1,300.000 was transferred from Mr, and Mrs, A. W. Dolph, the ' '" In Wayne to Organizetreated. As emplovers sweat andlDuane SchUlz. John Abatt, Joe went from here to the funetlaI. bers to be selected; "Cavalier the surplus in the assistance fund former a rather of deceased, No Decision Made For New Year•..vorry, they relish hearty and Grunz and Merton Welch were ----- ---~ Polka," cornet solo, F. H. Losey; to the general fund, resulting in a went to Fre ont Mondayfriendly cooperation, not hegrudg- v.:lth Prof. John IR Keith, James ROE HOME BOUGHT "In a Persian Market," intennezzo credit of .5 mill to taxpayers. On College Head Norns Schroeder and Alberting, spileful submission Lack ofIKOC;>ntz, Vernon Jacobs. A. G. BY ALBERT JOHNSON scene, Albert Ketelbey; "Un- AppropriatJOns made by the BROTHE OF WAYNE St t ho rd fed t' t \Vatson were elected directors ofmutual confidence is, we judge, Smith, Ivan Caldwell ~nd MrS. J, Albert Johnson of Fort Col- Kung-FoY·Ya," Chinese inter~ legislature will be met with the MAN DIES SUNDAY Om~ae S~da~ an~ca~~~dr;:; ~~ 'Wayne COlHlty soil consen'ationthe spirit of insatiable labor union Duane Schulz werc With Prof, lin~J Colo., bought the late L. W. mezzo, K. L. King; American bulk of the new levy, 2.73 mjJls. A Henry Muhs, 48. of near WISner, consider appl,ications for the presl- disye~~t ~~~~~rt~se;:f~~ f~~~leadership, and that -is what weIRussell An~erson, ,and C, T. John- Roe's house at 614 Pearl street and trumpeting: ararngement and Taps special levy of .1 is for restoring brother of Ernest Muhs of Wayne, dency of, ~ayne and Peru colleges. board and Watson is reelected.are against. son of Denison, la., made up at- plans to move his family here soon. harmOnized, adapted by Henry losses in the permanent school died Sunday evening after return- No. d~~Ions were made: The Unofficial returns give -Norris

* * * tendance, Flilmore fund and paying part of the state ing home from the Wisner stock board will have other SessJODS to Schroed 43' tAlbert Wat-Maupin questions the good faith MEET IN CHALLENGE his tor i c a I society building. show. He was taken suddenly III sift the lists of candidates and se-- 32 ~~ . ~~~ 30 and C A.

~~le~~~:nt.b~:;;~~gn:::rn~~~;;~:el~ PROP;'~~EB~~~gJELED wau~A~~.AJay~?R;~~~~ FIGU~~SS~~~l~~NSUS ~~~h;~,gg~~ f~~th~f~:;e~n~ ~~il~i1~~n;w~o~:~~et~~s:~~e~~~~lect. ~ S~a1ler number before fina1I~~ 23. WID .a handy means of attack in the Robet;t Webb and Loren Page teams playa challenge game this' Wayn<l has 274 boys and 273 aid fund. Funeral rites will be this Thursday deClSJOn 15 reached. , ~tors whose hold overabsenc;e of something better_ We ~urchased the fanner Jones prop- Thursday evening at 8:30 at Nor- girls between the ages of 5 and 21, at Wit.ner. In VeteraJl8' Hospital - are~ J3ernar.d Split!-ierber, Daveknow our motives are ,elfish only ..tyon East 10th street. They will folk ball park, acording to the 1946 school census Two Are Discharged. The county service office will be Rees and Ed, McQuistan. ,in the la,rge sense of wishing to remodel the- upstairs into apart- recently compiled by Mrs. Julia Recent discharges registered in Is 111 at Home. closed. for several days as W. A. Mr. Watson, h~ been chalI1Ilanpreserve essential fundamentals~_ ments and have a business down. A highway patrolman will bc at Haas, The 1945 figures show that the Wayne county draft office are Mrs. A, MeE.chen, who was tak-I'Lerner, director, went to the vet~ since 1940, The, board !"eets Aug-freedom to work~andwe have no stairs. Both aI:e fonner Wayne the court house this Thursday there were 302 boys and 279 girls LeRoy Jones of Winside, and Wen~ en quite ill at her home here j'ri-, erans' hospital in Lincoln Monday ust 12 to organ~. t" r -aL._ ~ (Continued -ou Page F()ur? college students Fd veterans. , afternoon. between the same ages. dell Korth of Wakefield. ~ day. is much improved. for examination. p. J. Hamer was eIectlOn.?~.I~l


105 :\faln

CANTERBURY TEA4~:g 36C16-Bag Carton 130


~~3SCSpare Stamp No. 49 valid tor

.5 pounds.


Make chocolate-flavored syrupthis easy way:

:lh CUp Hershey's CoCoa

b~~s:rtgar l1T;~:~~~:MIx dry ingredientS. Add suffi­cient water to make a paste,then add rerpainder or water.Heat over low flame and stirconstanUy until mixture boils,Boil three mihutes and."add va·o111a. Makes two cups.

PLUM lund:

21M, ripe pLalms 1 tsp. ground1 cup brown sugar, allspice

firmly packed or 1 hp. groundgranulated sugar einn§lmcm

1 tip. ground clo.ves

Wash plums; pit; cut in quarters.Cook with a little water until tender.Sieve and cook until thick. Addsugar and spices; co"'8k about 1 hour.stirring frequently. Pour into hot,sterilized glasses; paraffin. Makeseight 8~oz. glasses.

10 Ib~, ripe tomatoes 3 medium·size6 medium·size turnips

carrots 2 large green3 medium·slze peppers

onions 3 tbsps, salt'12 bunch parsley 3 cups water4 stalks celery -

8cald, peel and' cook tomatoes inlarge kettle until soft, about 30 min·utes, stirring frequently. Put othervegetables through food chopper,using coarse knife. Add salt andwater. Cook vegetables in anotherkettle until tender, about 15 -min­utes. Combine coqked vegetablesand tomatoes and cook slowly about10 minutes, stirring frequently. Pourimmediately into sterilized jars, fill­ing to !1 inch from top. Adjust lids.Process in pressure canner for 60minutes at 10 lbs. pressure. Makesabout 6 quarts. Before serving, add1 to 2 cups water per quart and boilfor 10 minutes.

••Co.n.cI' ~1tI:I.kt.. Dhw,", ': .The Homemakers' Bureau :

:. .If. &Jr. S4/~_y$nYic# :

I . •-•••.••.•.•.....•..•.....••.

I)hone 147


Carhart Lumber Co.



Spare Stamps 9 and 10each arc valid for 5 pounds

of cannill~ sugar.

Thompson Seedless Variety;Sweet, juicy tJrerrie.l'l

\ ;;-"1

Carol Drake,s!Canning Guidee,~ -To receive this easy- ..'to-use, 20-page Can~ .:..ning Guide, just send . . . 110c to: ;::CAROL DRAKE, The . ,-. '.'Homemakers' Bureau, "Box2110,Dept,J,SanFrancisco 26, Calif. II

Everyda:; Values

Grapefruit ~~~~;'r:'~;."ment •... N~~; 33eGrapefruit Juice i~~~:e .4~~~ 2gePrune ~~:;;"~;c".,, ..B~1: 28eSpiced Beets ~:~;,;;m" . .'';;:: 12eCarrots Llltle Blu' BoY, dIced" "NC~; 12eGreen Beans 0."", cut .......NC~; I'e'Tomato Soup H,;n,:;'NC;.~~-Je

Check These Pnc~s:

Edwards Colfee ~~~ ''Sc " 2J~~ 5TeNob Hill Coffee ."",, , 'B~~ Z'cMalted Milkcucnatlon " ~'7;; 3leB b F d C'app'.' 3 Sm.n ZOea y 00 s ,t",'o;d Can.Big-While B~~~!l;~II~e ..•...•....•.~1i~' Be;Old Dutch Cleanser 2 1,i:,;15eAerowax .. :t~, 20e B~,t: 31e

Jars ~~~z~' ;~~~.l.i~~.; .. 59c l~Z,Z. 69cJar Gaps ~~~~~~:~I~~~~lar. o~kf2 1geJar Lids ~~~;~:~~i.n,~: ""'" .,.~k1~ IDeline Caps Regular-size 0~"f2 23cJar Rings Regular; ~turdY oi~~' 4cParaffin f~~::a~~:jams.. .~~;.. 14cP' J IFor b'ettE'r 3·oz. IIen· e jelly and jam"""", .Pkg, C

Ab,ove prices are effective thru August 10, in Wayne'\

Guaranteed to .,Iea_" YOUor your money baek!

Safeway Meats


'!'be I-Iomemakcu' Bureau ••• ..f" &tr. r../~wa7S"lJi(~

Rib Steak Gc.d.-A Beet",,, "Lb, 59cGround Beef Lb. S9cBaked Loaves Lb• 53cB"logna Rlng-otyl.", , Lb. 43c

,Frankfurters L;.,... :w:. 'Ie

C~Home canning is giv~ new signifi.canee by the famine emergency abroad.Canning and freezing of fresh produceby individuals are impartant ways toavoid. waste in the foods that areabundant during summer months.You'll help when you preserve for lateruse some of the surplus from farms,orchards and home ~~de,,!,. By fill­ing part of your family s wmter foodneeds from your pantry shelves. yo~'11release vitally needed foods for shIp­ment to families who are hungry."

ConJ It)1l.ll1z.t.. Director

Other Canning Supplies

Vinegar ~'I~::'tIl"."""."",,''1~~ 4geCelery Seed S,hllllng's. '~:'" 15eMustard Seed Schtlllog's; whole, .'~:" 15ePiekli~g Spiee S,h[[lIng'.; ~hole .~;~', geWhole Cloves sdimtng·. """'" 1 :t-;." ge

Piekllng Salt."." .. """"".",~:' 21e

Elberta Peaches In bushels. from minois

Moorpark Apricots in lugs, from Washin~ton

A I Gravenstein; l4epp es for eating and cooking ..... , .. ",Lb.

L 0 SCalifornia; l2cem n large, juicy, .•• " •••• ". ".,Lb,

Cabbage Well-trimmed; solid,:., •••• ,Lb, 5c

C ols Tops clipped;. ' Bearr serve ~ooked or raw, ."".. ', •.. Lb.

Head Lettuce r:~;:lrl~~~~ .: ... ,.Lb, l4c

CelerY:e~l~I~~~~~~i, .• .....a ••• ...n,,' .Lb, 10e

A1tpnds ConVf'nUoh.M. D. Fisher was in Minneanolis

from Saturday night until Wed~

n{'sdny to att{'nd th{' midsummercanfer0nce of Coas1 10 Coaststor~s. Many itC'ms of men'han­disf' in such lines as automotivE',hardware, 11Ousewar('s, rlpctrical.sporting goods, apnliances. furni­ture and farm sunliC's, which hadbeen restricted during 1he war,were displayed. One featurp Was atoy and gift show, which revealedthat holiday items in th(,8(, lineswill he, more plentiful this year.

Vi!';it~ Dixon COllnty.M. L. Wilson, dil'(-'C'tor of agri­

rultural extension work in th£!United StatC's departmrnt of agri­culturr R.t Washington, D. C., vis­i!pd the Dixon county office inAllen. MI'. Wilson sp('nt a (cwdays with his hrolhC'r, Charles,nf'ar Dixon. Mr. Wilspn Was inter­('st{'d in 1.-I-I cfub organizationsand their projects.

For .JlIlIy Comr:ulps..Tolly ('omrao('s cluh lnC't Aug­

ust 1 with BC'!ty Bard with fivem{'mbrrs presC'nt. Girls deddC'd to('nl,('r club praj{'(~ts in 1h(> Ran~

dolph junior fair. A class of slr('ctrlrc'ss(,s WilS judgrd. Mrs. C. A.Bard s('rvpd refrf'shm('ntR. Theclub will mpet August S with RitaKirwan.

To Bf' in F.mpr~on.

(;I'orgp n. (;('rm;tn of rlHlio stR~

1inn WNAX at Ynnl.;lon is plnn­nine; to at10nd tl1(' northeast Nc­hraskrr trl-f'ounty paslur('-foragc­livps10rk program to 1J(' hrhl atEnwt'son, Nov('mhpr 7. WNAXplnns to rovr>r thr nrogrnm :mdth(' ('orn and gard0n show. forwhich plnns a1'(' now hping madf' .

OOPS to Annapolis.IIugh Dral{C', .ir.. of C;rrrlf'y,

('010., gr<-tndson of Mrs. G . .J. IIl'S'sof Waynp, pass('d C'xflminnt ions 31Annnnolis and was induct('d thprc.July 17 as ;j midshipman. His ad­drpss is: Hugh II. })rnk('. 1(', 6106Rnnerflfl hall. 1T. -". J'\;nval Acnc!e­my: I\nnnpoJis, Mcl.


AUGUST 11-12-13


Early Show \V~dnf'sday at (l

.~··S_if .~

~'::'Zr·-'%·· D ,OICA....I.••.·.:.••:...•.•,~.·...•.....' '.,•.'••..,•.•. '.•.••.'•....•...•..'........•.....•..•.•........•...,···.........•'....•..•·.•~.• '.'....• 'M.f! PALj. .' ',.X), ttl"" ,~ "','.' ' ·i•.· ·,.ir.·.. ~1J&rA

'''J!:i).,,:>:.J<.».,..J,. .""

.~. A MONOGRAM "m": ..":' ,.... PiCtURE "M".~~ ....,~


., " " • • . AY· ." THOSE "YOUNG and G • Twile th FUN~ GIRLS ARE BACK ••• ~HaYI~tgh ;"'--YWile as Many Men!.. VI.' ;....;.--"'


Double Feature Program

SUl)lR~Y ·MONDAY "'tU[SDAY.' .. , Matinee Sun<]ay at 3

Early Show.M:on(lRy p.t 6


)roJlPrty Dppds FilNI.Property deeds filed in Wayne

count.y include the following;City of Wayne to Glen Johnson,

August 1 for $1,000, lots 21~26,

block 23, College Hill addition toWayne.

Harry L. Nplson und wife toJennie N. Bridenbaugh, August :2for $10,000, SW l,4 and SItS of SE l/~

of 12-26-4,Mutual Benefit Life Insurance

Co. to Gertrude' A. Hancock, Aug­ust 5 for $4,800, N Y2 of SW 1;4- of29-27·2,

.~~'!""'~.....~'!""'~~~~~~~~'!""'~~'!""'~~.:II!~~~ IWi~u::~~r,B~~~~lS~n~ f~:f$l,t~~~:of 13~27~1, except strip for road.

Herman J. May and wife to Her­man J, and Ida May, August 5 for$1, SE',4 of 19-25-1.

Albert Hensler and wife to Wi1- Finns Have Phmtc.rre~ Nuernberger, et al., July 29 The Fin~ family h,ad picnic din-for $2,000, Sth of S% of NWVi of ner at the Fred Thun home near5 and SE ~ and W% of NWJA, and Wayne Sunday to honor Sist.ereast 70 aCres of SW;4 of 6-2?~5. Helen Marie of Raton. N. M., f,or~

Edgar G. Stephens and Wife to merly Ellen Finn of Wayne, andWillard and Gertrude Moore, Aug- Sister Mary Leonl~ of Omaha. Theust 3 for $700, lot 13, block 9, sisters came Friday When Mrs,original Carroll. Thun went to the city for them

' and thf'v returned to Omaha Mon-Oats Yield Is. Large. day, Sister Helen Marie then re-

Henry ,Wieting harvested 14 turned to he-r teaching in theacres of Cedar oats that ave~aged southwest. Othern at the dinner6.6 bushels to the acrq, He IS on were the Mike Finn familv' ofone of the He~an Muller place Randolph, Matt Finn family ofnorth of Wal,eflCld. Norfolk, Leo Finn fatnilv of

Creighton, John Finn fami'ly of." I Home from Hospital, Carroll, Wm, Finn. Dorothy Ann{Jerman ~u!ld. sr., who sUffere.d and Douglas, and Miss'"Irene Col.

j===:~~~~~==..i"'i..1;3:_.,ll,r9ken hi!? In, a f~ll•. hIS ~ins of Wayne, Marguerite Ward of"-,,,,,~; ;t1bth~,.f~Jt:I, a, loc,al hospttal"'.1Ues- Creighton, and the M. W. Ahern~:r'iC?~:l~t_week.\ family of Carroll.

Program PlannedIn Late November

Finish~up of the 1946 Nebraskapasture~forag('-livpstock programwill h{' lwld in Omaha T1H'-sday,November 26, and a nllmbf'r offarmprs from Dixon nnd Waynecounties will likely a1lcnd. Fiftyfarmrrs and ranchevs and theirwives will h0 honored. Tht"' pro­gram includes forenoon tours,-------- ... noon luncheon at the Livestock

Exchange, afternoon idea "swap­pC'rs" and evening banquet at. theChamber of Commerce.

Tri-county PFL program andgarden show will he at EmersonNovpmher 7. Howard Gramlich of

I Chicago, will he speaker., Mr, Gramlich, general agri·

cultural agent for the ChicagoNorthwestern Co., was previouslywith the animal husban,gry depart­ment at the college of agriculturein Lincoln.

{ii: !:';;\' :~_!~g~~~~ .",_",__",.",__=,======,...,--="=--_"1=' . TH~~~~~~~~~EB~SKA, TIUJRSDAY, A'b..:.(lUST 8: 1946

1\{'! I 'S" th(.~ Mistlct~t' ex[)rC's~~ comp:anJ' in \ a white silk 'embroidered cyeletIIs Elected Head , . 1BRICK PLANT LOST I. Rf;turns to 110me-. }~artn Burt>AlU .to 'Met~t.•.l~'",,~~~·I"}' at , .erV1C~ Oklahoma City. Igown with a low rounding ncck- l l d G ' IN BLAZE IN SOUTH MISS Myrtle Johnson returned Logan Valley Fann Bureau will

.1.:1. ('..,1(1 '1'I'}'" ,Okla·h·o'hl·a A wedd. iog dinnc.r w.8:i ~iycn by line, full skirt and cap sleeves. She Of MId an roup , .Most of the brick Plant. bc!ong-I h?mc last week from a local has- meet Tuesday evening, August 13.,~1. tll(! bride's mother and sislLt, Mrs. had white silk elbow-It?ngth mitts . Ing to O. A. Harker, son-in-law of pltal ".'here she had undergon,c an in the Alvin Roeb()r home. All

. '\ " , Lcatha Pparl Simmons, fq1llowing and carried a colonial bouquet. Mrs. ~. T. BrC'ssler, was dl'struyc'u ioperation. members art' urged to be prescnt.Mis~Loui~~'Slandridge'Bride til(' cl'rC'mony.· Miss I;:;unice Gieschen of Omaha, by fIre at PuryC'ar, Te~n, la~l I .

-, . . ,-----,- ------------ hridesmaid was gown('u in white wC'C'k.t.The hlaze startl'd In Ii fan Ton.('('1·~\"pD1·~rl'f'.. Tn IUtl's in Omaha,.Of Robert


Pa:liner Who Is W ' 1.' ( S )''' . 'e' diet . fashi~ncd with tightMfitting Which was heing u,sedto ~()(li a kJln I ,Herman J. 1':wkhoff c~[ Seattle, _ Dr. and 1\1rs, ,J. T. Gillcspip we'rC'~- Now in Norman. {)( UI1tg Ll VI~" -' bouice, full skirt, puffed sloeves of brick. 1\\-':lSh., .formt'rly of \\'R.ynC'" rC'- In Umaha ,last Thurs5lay tu attend

P f I I--t 'tnU sweetheart neckline, She wore " . ('('IV('S hiS M. A. t}(>grefl th(' mIddle !junC'ral nfes at S:~(TC'd HeartRobert Palmet', son of Mr. and : __ er 'Ornle( - :~ere ~iJitC' silk' clbow~l()ngt"mitts and Mrs. Fred Ba~tc1s IS JIllprovl,ng of. August a1 <?rl'eiC'~. Co~o. lIe church for the formers aunt: M'['s.

:Mi's.'_ Wm. Palmer of WnytllJ, al1tl carried a~<wlonial bouquet. at R?ehe.ster.. Mmn. Russc'll Bar- wJlI teach musIc a~am thIS year Mary F lanna~an, 98, who {bed in

~~i~~r;a~~1~ri~ts7~~~~~1~g~~fgr~~=Miss Norm~-Po~ers Is Bride Alexander Bauer of Lincoln, l-wrry DQ{lcsb of ~~ne, wns :r. t('ls IS_~lth~~__ __~~t~l~::~_~~~~:':_ _ f ~anta Ana, Cal.jng-toll, Oldn.","were m!ll'l'ied. Sa.tUI'~ Of Harold R. Stoehrlat Ol'pht,\v of th<' l1l'ic10groorn,' who ~(,C('I!\.soloist at the ::lyne Air --------------

tlay, :Tnly 20. nt 6:30 at thp hom{' Church 'Sunday. ~\~t;~:,I.,ll)a~~l'I-~·:'~I7-~~)~~~~·fl;~lltl~~:~~I~ri;'~~I e,;:~~t~e'linC' Wightman :lnrI ]Jf'r- y ISX~1:l~~~ l~~~~~ing\~'i:~le .~~~ijl~~~i~~ Mi~~ Norma J .. ,nnwm's. daugh. the rings on a whIle t'lik Jllilow. man Wacl{('-'~l Of~Vayn("1arC' t"P\\' \ 0 U RHO M E ESE R V ES, THE BE 5 T!(,t-'ri."lllohy 'in the presence of iIll" {1'1' ()f jvII'. anI! ;';-11>11. L. ,"V. Po\\"ers TIl(' bridC', given in marring{' hy stl;~lfn~'l~~S (:~' ('h~'~~I~('~!rr7


llwdiatc l'C'lntiv(>s and fl'it'I1ds. Mi~:; of \V';.)!lH-, and Il;ll'old It. Slo('hr, 1H'1' [allwl', was gowned in white in ··~vay~C' ';m 1;~lsin('ss '~'i;i~ til(' FLOR'\'i'lrna Peck of Oldahol1l:l C'ity, son of i\oll's. ,)amb SJ(Wl' of' Lilwoln, ~:~itl :~~~~,I/, \\'Il~~!~'t n(~\1f::~~'l'i~Zcl:'~:~: DOlT !"('l'cl Mill. Mr. Davis elmr" . _ , _~•..,.... R.-~ • ij__~lt:~~;l(~~', ti~~ (~;l~,~;I{'~f ~:i)(-'~;)l~~~d~~:·= ~\'~)I:::I:~I,~~r:',I,:'~j(I~::::~l~\y~~~;\I.~;~:~\I'll'~~~\vhill' nel ruffle {'u1 ,to form small terNI an airpJan(' 10 fly out 10- , Ru!>t won't "freeze" the copper-plated pred-sion par~1".nI' o'·II.'.sl,·"g.", .·,nd Charlf's Fos- !'aul's 1.1l1!l('1·;1I\ c'!Jlll'('h in \A/;I.VIIt', cnp sl(-,('\,(':; :llld \vllit(' sill, (,Ibow- Ch;tmhf'l's onI IH[lsin,~'sl~' II of the FLOR.LEVL.POST. 'It', the ~,n••t .d·lu,t.ble po.t-- ,~ Il'ngl11 Illills. IIC'I' flngt'l'tip vpi! II. \"1. Hil( rt't 1 0 ,,('arn{'y, PW TI1('1' of St. Louis, arc ollieI' s}ll,('jal with Ht'\' T ,1. (' ;';Chilidt ])('1'- l"f'll fl'Olll a ('Ol'OlH't. She wore 11 to Norfolk Satunlny moming to that money can buy-safer, ea$ier~to~use, better-looking.l'rlC'lHJS of the bridegroom who fOl'lllin.,--: l!ll' dO\lbk-l'inl~ ('c'l'l'l11ony string of 1){>UI'ls, it gHt of 1~1e catch a 1fain fur I(oarnpy. Never an "eyesore" _ it's right at home 'in the finestWNl' present. ! in 11K' lJl'('s('ncl' or I:l() gU('St."l IJrid('grool1l, and carripd a linen Planes vis.i1l'd Wayn{' from Blair, basement recreation, room. Guaranteed to lift andfr~~~b~~:;y:;~'llh~~~ ~~~~~OfY;I~I~l'\\~:~~ pa;II;;:,. ~~~:,:~:'I:ll~~~;I~,:~\~\;;~!l:)\~t1\":~::~ llandkerchi{'f whkll belonged to Estherville, 101., ~'ort ~~rth, T~~., sustain 25,000 Ibs. with safety.served 18 mon1hs in the navy,'now hydrangl'IlS, gln<lioli nntl while Mrs. Harry Mf'Millan. Her bou- Miss ,Loueva Pflueger, d~Ughl{'r Kansas City, -'. o'j ~Hl~a~o.lsiheing an h!)prentice first class, aster!;, q\wt was of lung-slemnwti red of Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. PflUt'gN Minn .. Sioux (11y, <1.. ('S 0111 Compare These EXCLUSIVE "MAGIC 8" FEATURES

I'Oses. of Wayne, has bef>n C'1f'ctC'd prpsi- and Wisner,stntiOl1C'tl At the n.aval hospital: in Miss Mnr]PIl(' Sif'c!mwiln sang Alex Froscheis('r of Lincoln, dpnt of Phi OmC'ga sororily at 1. Precision Parts Coppl!'r Plated. 5. Past Cracldn4) or SpreacfllCJN,orman, Okla. He expl:'cts his dis- "I LOVC

1·Y[nlil TMn~IY'''ASh(~ w~; n~'- servC'd as lJf'sl man. Uslwrs were Midland eollpgC', Fremonl, for !he Orra"Mom,.rl',' l'nl":'lmrrl.'V~d)SI)hito·aml.n Aug- * Screw Will Not Rust and "Freete:' ~~ep:.llted by W.lded·On Bottom

C 1nrge. soon.. compull 1'1 )y ISS nge 11 ... I{'(' - Albert Milliken. J'r" and Richard K . ,- 0::: 2 E hi DI.t (~tl l dMrs. P ..lmet was graduated mann, vho also played 11lt' wl'd~ Powers, both of Wayne, tht' latt{'r co~~~: r'}~~~~g('r, who will Iw a ust 1 from lhf' vl'lorans' hospi1al • R::t~O':;~~ire,•.~t~ir~u:~:re::e. 6. Handlom., Maden Appea"';'

from Lexington high school and ding marchi'S. a brother of 11Il' bride. junior at Midland. was gradu!llt'u in Lincoln~wh('l'rhl' hno undC'rgonc ONE TURN 3. Guarante.d _ Lift and Sushin ~~at;:;::o f~':iCJ~~~ ~:l'~o~tllo:-~took sJleclal training. in ste~lO- Miss Della Warrwr of Wav(']'ly, Miss Joann Powers, sister of the' from Wnyn(' high schoo) in 1944. an op{'ra1inn .July 17. II£' cntpred 25,000 Ibl. 7. EalY Ma10r Adl_lt.ent with 5.g~'~'a~p~h~iC~,~,.o~r~k~, ~S~h~e~i~s~e~m~p~.[O~y~e~d!a!t~"!'~hO~S('~,~.v~ed~a~s~I,n~a~i(~1 ~O~f~h'~ll~,o~r.~,,~'o~r~e! IhriUI\ and Miss ~My]a Granquist, In IIrr firsl t\\'o years at Mid· the hospital July 9. WEEKLY "Nesting Sectionl" _ Adiustabl6

cou:-:;in of the bl'idf', lighted tlw:21 lamL Miss Pflu<,g(-'r has hi'!'!) ac- ., 4. Rounded BearlnCj Surlaces and from I Foot to 8lh F••t. 'white tapers. Both girls ,w('l'C' tivI' in til(' LutlH'ran Studenl nsso- \\'ayn(' Playl'r \\'l~ds. BRINGS Swivel Points. Eosy Lift-No 8. Easy to Lift. Jad Screw Has 12

(.;. AY' t'"-'h dl'l'ssPu in whi1e formnls wi!h red ciatioll and Ihc' WOn1rl1's A1hlt'!ic... Miss BarIJnra,I(Prbolslwim('r of Shoulder load from Off-level Threads to the Inch for Maximum" -I eatre rm;p <.:orsagC's. associalion, aIHI !l;tS srrv{'rl on the PiNcl'. was manl'it'd Sunday, Aug~ FLOORS Surfaces. Lnerage.

.' '. ' '" ,.i " , Mothers of th(' bricl{' and hride- govcrning board of BC'C'glp 'hall, ust 4. to Lf'(' olto, also of Pierce. lACK TO Inatal! Flor.Levl-Polt Today. In~fll!l it yourself in your pruent home in •

--._..:.._-......~.......- ............--~--...---1 ~.~~~n~,o~::~~',sl;:t~;~dC;~~)~~. dresses ~~~mr;.n;~n~~;;~~m~~;r~~~~ ~~~ r;~~:~:~~, ~;i ~,~~;~~ :~~('~~:~~ ;;;larl~~ /;i(:)l~~,r;,~ .ORIGINAL, matter of • fe~ minuin. Insist on HOR·lEVL.POST in your new home for

AUGUST 7 A rec('plion for 100 guc'sls fol- award Ihis spring as thC' ou1stand~ ll'agu(' baseball team lhis sum- S."E, LEVEL ;~:~;::t~:n:~:i;s~ei;~:ld:~~o:es:~:~l~~~h~,:~~:~.~: ;::;~p;:~:~, by completelo\\;,t'd in til(' church pUI'jors. Bas· ing nl'wswri1('r on Ih(' sInH of TiH' mer. IV"

kels of white flO\Vt'1's and whi1e Midland, campus IH'WSpap('r. and IN YOUR PRESENT HOME:..... Giv8$ Your Floors the lift They NeedcandlC' holdns with bluC' candles slw has also sprv('d on thr s1aff of Tu \\'('lhliJl~ of ~I'phf'\\". POSITION 1M YOUR NEW HOME-"lnsUrllnCe" A9.inst .Found"tion Settl;ng

~~(:~;~;~tI~~~l,U;'~~'ir~~Ol~~f t~~,rsi)()~;,~~i~ the Warrior, coll('gt' yearbook. Mrs. W. If. Phillips aO'om. *family, lJal·a'd tlw Ihr0('-1jerC'd l ...C2inn NC"\\"S ~~~~j('~r~.C'I~-::;t'()I:~:;~0;~~nc1 ()~~;if~!C~~~wedding cak('. Mi~,-·s 1)orolhy llel· l! Lakc'. la" to Hastings Saturday tlJ INSTALL ITgren and Mrs. JIowaI'd Gaunt of Irwin I •. f·kar<; Po!';! No. 4:~ al10nd on Sunday 11l1' wpdding ofWayne, sf'rved. Mrs. Duane Lind- Stall' ('onv('nlion of 1h0 Amf'ri- J<:(hvard Ban'l~, son of the Iowa YOURSELFl~~;\.h~(~(,~~::I~~I~'~' (;~a~:;'~' 7)~f'~~i~~:~:~: Cl\l1 L('g-inn \dll h0 hrld in Lincoln folks, and Miss ,June Stowr ofsister uf the hriuegroom, poured. ~~~;U~:lsl~~'4(;1~1~~~~I/r~'a'~'~('islo~'~~ ~;~~t'~~;7;~'I~tl:~J1~~::m~~1I~7i~:rl~'~,I~i~t~

'rh(' young folks left on 11 short tillC'd 10 six df-')('galf's, Mpm!Jprs 1hrC'{' yl':Jr:-; in 1lH' Pacific. The

~)~i~let~h~~;(~Sa~~r~~~n~~~l~:Y ~~~ who will !l(-' ahl(' to atlC'ml1tw con· Iowa and Waynl' folk" rpturnedfit a two-pi('ct' navy blue L'i'{'pt~ ~;~jl~~~I~t.ShOUld contacl the post Slln(l!ly I'\'.:.'" '-_=-:-dr('ss with navy and whitC' flCC('SSO- The n('xl r{'gulnr mp('ling of thC' tl~. _K~ .ries. Thpy will livp in Lincoln post is Aug-ust 7, al H p. 111., in t!w '".... ~-......, '~)~J~~ -- -- " , .

I ~~i.,.. . where both arC' C'mployed. L('gion room, dly hall building. ')~ ~:\t -:~ "-' '~'. I r:J ..:~g!:vi~~NC~n=~El~1 b.US~.:~O,;.Il~~&NII;PU~~~~~R~~~;Npro~r:L,~U~~Nr?~llr~ ~~~~/'~~~(~ ThC' hridp was graduat{'d from Officl'rs for tl10 yrar H116-47 will •••••••••••••••••••••••••••lET' -, db R d I h C FJ Ih O' db W,,· C.... \\layne high school. She has bp('n be installed :ll this mp{'ling. f' d J


",10'1 ond, SaHl'lpl",y by ,ic; oyor • ,-,o('ute Y U ° f> ' 0 Ow' lreele 't ,gm "P t t ,I Add h f ''-. -.:. ll'mPloy,.d io Liocolo the past ~11 Tl'n rifll's for tile firiog squml ut summer rut s an ')lege a .. eSc,,::, t ese avorlles 10

... months. The bridl'groom \vas grad- hav(' hf'C'l1 rec{'iv"d from lhe Hockualed from Lincoln high Bchool. Island ordnance d('pot. hie I • c b dlie was in 'he air forl'l's a y,·a'· aod Accordio~ to latest fi~lIres, ( on your pantry s e 'Yes. • • an now '" your c.anm,ng U,P oarn half, serving some time in Eng- WaynC' counly has a total of 1,2~5

land. vC't{'rans and of this number 411 'OY winter eating " says Carol Drake : ~~~:~:~ndU;;:d~~::nse~~:r:~~we~~~~~-~;~~ ~~~s:;~Sc~rrs~O~:.11~ ~~~ I;}~gi~)~;~~iri(~~ ('~/;~Ol ~,r~ ~~i~~ l J. '. : mterest and vanet)' to next wmter s

EuUe, Mr. and Mrs. Alf'x St(whr, Rnd Waynr. Of 11101.2.15 vot('rans,' _ -'--: me!lus.Mrs. Jacoh Stoehr, Mrs. Ralph a t01l11 of 7;-)9 live on farm.s. ~?~ • TOMATO VEGETABLE SOUP

~~~~h;;~n~n~to~~~C'~~d~~~h:;~~ of'J;I~~ ~r~r/r~7 ;t~'~~~na~~ <~~~~i~ ~:Mr. and Mrs. A!('xandC'r Bauer na] IN1V(' pay hill. ~

and AIC'xander, jr., Mrs. Rena A. L. Swnn has s('rv('d in :In px- •Klein, Edward Miller, Mr. and pmplnry mR.nnpr as po:"1 s('rvicC' of~ •Mrs. Alex Froscbciser. Mr. and ficer since I)('cc'mher 8, 1925.Mrs. Andl'f-'\v WarnC'r, Mr. andMrs. Wayne Marolf, Miss Betly])orn, Don Sdllleider and AI. Kir­lin of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs, HenryBmlPr, Mrs. Bpr1ha Hamer, Mrs.L. W. Brown and daughl("rs ofMinnpapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Clar~

ence Kay of Sioux Falls, S. J).,

Miss 1':lpanor T-Iammpr of r.r('pn­wood, Mr. and Mrs. H{'rman Kayand Mr. ;tlld Mrs. Fr{'d Chicoineof Sioux Ci1y.





The staff of lifeBe")1 like it. and at Its~

~;~."":~ for 8e :n.::; '13te


8e ~o~I!'~lth_ "-OL 2ge


Table and Canning If'J,:'".1iPLUMS. 1'-;-'

l\lake your sf"lection amouc several '-choke 'varieties at our Low Prices.

~:~ ....... 1ge * :;::1 ......0-


Fancy U. S. No.1COBBLERS

15 Ip~~k 490

el/.. PEARS ~=::




West Randolph Ballroom"Where the Good Bands Play" ,

Friday, August 9 ..-- Musicby.--

Cliff Kyes and His OrchestraAdmission: 83c plus t 7c tax



iI..oz• .cop

Coming Sunday. AuguSt 11Jimmy Thomas and His Ilopular Orehelib'a

Admi:ssion: 6~c plus 12c tax' i••••••••••~~••~!-.-!~.~~~!-~~.~••.


A million little plum1l-er. In ea.o:;b can

Ottens Drains Like a Flash!


CAN '., 23e





SUNKIST ORANGES, 2 Ibs•.•.••.. 25e

SUNKIST LEMONS, 2 Ibs•••••.••. 25e

RED·RIPE TOMATOES, 2 Ills. • ••. 290

!~'~b~~!'. ~~~S~ .. _ 2ge !~~~~~!Udl~_Or!b~~.r -!!.~U~~~~:~~~~I~~.~" ~!~~~~. __ 37e ~~~E~r7!_~.~~.~ 31e~,~~~~!~!~~ !~T_a.TOES 13e !1~~!!~~.!.,!.~~~~~~.uo. r 37e~~~!~~. ~!~~DTluN~.T_S 55e ~~~U~~~b~~~~ltI .. '" •c 14e


.I.IL $'

OAK*a...~ California E!.BERTA

. PEACHES2 Pounds .. 23&

Special Price in Lugs

('onf'ordia Ev. Luth. ('hllrf'h(Re\' . •John E. Sl1thf'rlr:l.n(l, paslor)

Sunday, August 11, church"eh()(!1 :JlHI bihh' cl<1ssf's 10 a.m.TJi\ illl' wllr,:hip, 11 a.m. 1'111' \\'om-

Part v at Rusf'r's.About 2S fripnrls and nroighhors

wprf' f'nlertainp(1 in tlw Fred Rus- .fir home TlIf'sdny ('\'pning of lastWPf'\{ in honor of Mrs. Huspr'shirlhday.

Obser\'(', Birthday.Thf' familif's of Leslie Do£!'sdwT•.

Floyd Johnson, F.lray Hnnk, \Val~

lace Rygg nnd Art D()('schC'l' \"'preguesls at Carl Dopschel"s Thul's­da:y evening for Mrs, Doeschel"Sbirthday.

Youth Rally Planned.Dixon county Youth for Christ

meeting Will. be held at Allen high

Jilts Major 0l)prafion.Clarellce Tuttll' undl'l'wonl a

major oppration in a Wayn!' hog·pH al Thursday of lnst w('pk.


1\ll's. Roy Johnson spC'nt Monday cousin, Miss .1anr rrBoy]f', ('<101('wIth MIss Clara Juhnson. home with him for a w('('k's visit.

.Joyc(' Nf'lson IS spending a fE'w Mrs. John Volle!'s is ::-p(,llflingin tlll' Olaf Nl'lson 11Onw. lhis w('('k with her d:1I1ghtl'l'. Mrs.

Clar:] Johnson sp<'nl Thurs~ l\:a1(' Ht'\\ inJdp. SIH' spl'nt [['om(by aflprn(loll at WYInore Wallin's. 'Nerln('sday until Sunday of last

C('orgia Ga,l) :lIlt! Char.m VO:!4('I'Fi w('f'k in 111(' Flnnl Jol1n.';on homf'.S!H't11 Thllrs/!:Jy at Eddjp Kirch- Lr'my ()]<.;on of Clarion, la., \vnsniT'". a wppk-('ll(l visitor in 1110 (iC'orgf>

]\JOlTi" <lnd Clarfl Johnson spf'nt Olson hOIl1\', Cal Hogle' cam(' \'lithTlllll'o,d,ly night at Alhin )l.'jcr- him and visilrd in thr 110mI' of hisSlln's. 1daughtpl', 1\1I'S. Elnwr Schutte,

1\11'. :mr] Mrs. C' J. Magnuson north of Dixon.

~~~:)I:l'l\ln:lJl Emil Nplso!1 Friday aft- ~~;;'{'~::~~~ ~;~~~r~,~!.~f' 1~;~. ~;~~lI )arn·II Holdorf spflnt a fpw Mrs. Floyd P('tpl'son, Vivian jI('tpr­

f1;I\S of last w('('k in tll0 J:lek El'- son ilnd Evonn(' Wallin of Omaha,\\"l~l hilml'. TIH'y \Y('!'{' :-:;ltndilY t!inn(',' gUf'Sls

Joan ;:It Alliin P('!prs(lIl's.·Ml'. :Jnd Mr.s. Rirhanl .1ohn<;on

,1,'11)('1 C:lIlW f]"Om LilH'O]ll Frid'ly. Bjell­

ilnd MI's. I':ric .1o!ln<;nn c:J11- Ill'll had !J{'pn ;Iltendln.l.'; til(' 1)ni­rt! in lhl' Raym01H! 1':rj('\<soTl 110n](' \'('l'sity of N('\lrns],a dlJn!1~ tlH'S;rl~lrd;IY afll'n!o(lIl, sllmrnflr l('rm. TIH'v \w'nt 10 thejr

1\11'. and Mrs. Jim Dranaman of hom(' in POTlca Sal;Jl'day.Lin('oln, \\"1'1"/' \\'I'I'k-I'ml vb-,i(ors in Miss Ev('lyn Em1l: of SrrihnC'r,tl1(' han C!:lI'k 11om('. and Mrs. Cesina Still!' of 1){'hl-

Mr. and 1\11"s. (;rreon Allvin ing, camp S:Jtunlay for a vLsit in

\ ~::~II~~1I7(7:J~T~r:;~'n~~)~, Clrjl'a John- ~~ru~~~;;)\~ol~~::I~t~11~)(7f~I~:.~\\~:. ~~~~~Lylf' ('jf'v('land atlf'n(]e(] a remainf'd fOl' a longr'I' vi"il.

JII'wi1t-('I('\'plilnd family rf'llI1ion Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. Vollers, Sioux City Sundn.y. IJohn VoJll'rs, Mr:--. r{;tte Hr'\\·inl<k,

MI':>. !':Imy Hank and Lois Rusf'r MI'. and Mr:--. C, I I. I )oes('hel', Mr.Iwlpcd Mr's. Kalf' .Rf'wink\.. coo\{ and Mr". Arl })O('.s('!ll'r, .;vIr. andfor Illr\2S1"j.lT.'" Thursday, IMrs. Elroy Hank. M~', and Mrs,

~.TL<;'. (;(.'orgl' Ma.~nu,,()n ca1kd on ILunulf Kunz and I';];IIIH', lVII', aJl£lMr". J[,ln" John.son in n \Vaynf' Mrs. Oscar Nplsnn, MI'. and Mrs.hllspilal Friday morning. Art Sehagf'!' and Carl Vol !PI'S and

!\1r:--. Katl' R('\\'inl<ll' Ci1l1f'(] on Dona allf'nrkd Ill(' flH1Pr:1! of AlyaMrs, LuhlwrsfC'dl in thC' Wm. Go- Olson at IIal'lingtnn SllIHby,illl.; home' TlIl'sday aftpl'noon,

:'Iliss JacfjlH'lil1c Boylp was a din­nl'r gUf'sl of Miss Dorothy SIal·lillg Friday in lhe Wrn, Slallinghome., Mr, and Mrs. EVf'I'f'tt Hank andchildrpn of C'le-ghorn, la., wprE'Sundlly dinner gu('sts at Carl Doe­sehC'r's.

Mr. aml Mrs. John CRrlson andEri(' Larson \\lerfl Sunday :l.ftf'r­noon visitors in the IIjalmer Par·son homf'.

Mrs, Harold Gunnarson nnd Son Is Born.daughl('r~ spent TUf'sday aftN- A son WH~ horn to Mr, and 'Mrs.noon in thC'. Virgil Kardell home Hans John~on in a \y"nynp hos·m'ar Wayne. . pitai Thursday. Tlw olhpI' children,

Mr. and Mrs, C. J. Peterson and Danny and Marit" arf' stayin~ inMr. and Mrs. George Andprson the Emil Swan.son hOO1f' for awere Sunday afternoon visjtor~ at w('C'k.Roy .Thhnson's .

Mrs. GC'orge Vollers, Charm andGC'orgia Gail went to StantonMonday for a visit in the Robf'rtKpnncdy home.

Mr. and MrR. Wallace Rygg anddaugh1prs, Lorraine and Janet, ofTacotna, Wash" are visiting in theCarl DOf'scher home,

Mr. and Mrs, Hans Johnson and Hold llihle Camp.children, and Mr. and .Mrs. Albert Young folks' Bible camp at PolkNygren visited in the Emil Swan- will be held August 13 to 18, spop­son home 'Friday afternoon. sOrt:'d by young people's groups of

Mr, and Mrs. Eddie Kirchner the Free churches, Rev Carrolland family, Walter Meyer, sr., and Nelson and Virgil Bergman areMrs. Gertrude Meyer and Junior the evangelistic team and Prof.attended u! rodeo at Norfolk Swn- Wm, Hollman, th~ Bible

Olaf Nelson and daughter, At Bloom Home.Doris, Mrs, George Vol\ers, Charm Mrs. Eric Linn and Mildred,and Georgia Gail visited in the Mrs. Ruth Johnson and Genevieve,Carl Lindvall home at Wayne, Mrs. Helen Anderson. Mary andFriday afternoon, Alice, Misl'> Amanda Johnson and

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Magnuson Mrs. Axel Linn were guests in theand children, Mr. nnd Mrs. Waldo Adolph Bloom home Thursday.Tohnson and Dennis and Mr. and afternoon in honor of Mrs. Bloom'sMrs. Quentin Erwin, were Sunday birthday,I'l\},dinner guests at Thos. Erwin's.

Gary Don Cleveland returnedhome Sunday from a week's staywith relatives in Hornick. ia. His





PllYS Court FilH'.JTarold ~1("P'1Prr;1I1 WilS fined

$10 and costs in [loliep ('ourt Mon­day on dmrgps of intoxication :lndpr()vnkin~~ a fight. II£' paid thesum,

nip," at ('hadron.~'IlPt. Sl,mldp of Ch:ulrnn, who

dif'd a eoujllp of \\'('PKS ago, "',IS

thE' f:JlIH'r of Miss ,lt~al1 Skinld4',who will kneh conmWITf'\VaYllf' hIgh ~("IIO~li.

lIa<; Majol' Olwratiun.l\Il"s. l'alll Sp1l11g('rl)('1', \\'110

undpr\\ pilt a rnajor :\·l()n- By Mrs. E. J. Hughes

~~I~'l(;::~ ~~~~(~~ ~'~:llaand f'X~~:~~,I/~t:.;~; ~------====-~~~~~=",--","--","~........._,,"'!,,~=..........=-=-=---=............=, Igo Ilomp within a fow days.

('ORN STARCH, ('linton3 for

BA~~~:; ~OD.'\, Arm & Hamm~'r 25c

(;0(;0£\, JI(1rslH'Y'~

}','r pound

(~()( 'OA, nalU'r'sI z-WllInti

BAKING POWDERClabbpr Girl. lO-nz.

BAKING POWDER, ('alullH't1)1'1' pound

BAKING CHOCOLATE·Wnrrtpld. 8-07~

CORN, Yellow '\lbol(' KernelDel Monte. Vat·-IJai:'k. 2 for

DICED BEE'rS. Superb2 fOT

PF:Alil. Fairmont Prldp2 lor

MIXED VEQ.ETABLES. Our Family2 for

RED BEANS, Harvest2 for ,..

CORN, \Vltltf' Cream Style__~M_ornin~_I~~f{ht.. 2 for


-- ~-- .._--------------~- --~--- _.._-

25c-----"--~---------;. __._-

BE~:~~r:.h~ef~:r:ng ....25c-----_.._---~--""-.- ---~--




200 size

















POPPED WHEAT, P. & G.Cello -bag. 2 for .

CORN TOASTIES, POst'sLargp, slzp,

QUAKEIt OA'rsLart:tc sizp

WHEATIESSma.n size. 2 fo~ .


. ~~£12c15e

~-- ~- --_._-----''-----

.... 23e

... 25eCOItNKIX 25__2_r_or_.__~ ==..:..=.."~~'



Cabbage_.-.- -~-----

Fresh Tomatoes------- ---_. ------.-


Q{TAKE~ OATS. Small slz~ .

Celery~--~- --_._~---

Egg Plant

SCHOOL <i:ALENDAR-«(;"ntlnUf'll from Pnl':"~ One)


moml & Stpphens Co., r(~gister, To Midland Assf'mbly.$1.60; Anwrican Stencil Co., sten- Miss MarybeJle Samupison, Mi~sdIs, $·1.:25. Aletha Pflueger, Mrs. HE'n Meyer

lnsll'uclional sprvicC': AUyn & and Mrs. Emil Backstrom ar(' at­Bacon Co.. books. $16.73: Row tending lhe Midland assembly til

,~et~~;~.~n ~n~~~1~~5,~~:)~~: ~i}J;.~~; FrC'mant this WC~k_~; _

Omaha School Supply Co., sup~ Talu'n III In Omaha.plies, $:lm,75, I When the C. C, St1irtz family

()pf'ralion of plant: City of was in (t)maha Thursclity, Jprry'Vt/ynl', llght and pnw('r, '$19.~9; Stirtz wa.s takf'n ill \\lith 8tr('p1l­F.d.w, Spymour, gas hill. $21.11; coeeic sorC' throrlt. IfC' ('ntpr...d :l.Huntington lahoratoriPs, $~19,8::!; hospilal and will bp tlH'n~ 8(,\'('1'.'1]Industrial.Cht:.'1ll.iCUI Lahoratories,Idays. Mrs, .St il't;,;: r('J11ai/1pd ill 111('~1~·1.:i(): firf'stonf', hullls, $4.44; city with IHm, and Ronald n'!lll'n­N. W, BC'1\ Telephone Co., $2,65; f't! with Mr. Stirtz.Ell\\' SI'ymIHlr, express, $:~.2R. . - __ _

!\t111mtt'J1;J,nce: Ff'!t)('r Pharmacy, Tu Fir/'l}1f'n's 1\I1'f'tiTlg,hlat'k l'Paf. $2.50: Carhart Lumber Wnynp was l'pprest'nfpc! :11 till'CO.,I lumher and a~)ha1t. $a,25; Norlheast NeiJraska l'irenwn'sHardy Furniture Ca.,"sh.a.des, $3L~ meeting in Osmond last ThursdayOR; Gpo, Hupp, repair of roof and by L. B. McClure, M. L, Ringf'r,building-, $415, W. S. Brpssler, E. E. Flt'C'lwood,

All:'<IJiary agf'ncies: MI's. Julia Geo. Bornhoft, L. W. Ellis, Ed. In IlIinoi"i lIu"illitnl.Haas, scllool cpnsus, $27.50; T S Sala and Dr. H. V/. CnSpl'f. I'\l'xt lIa\'id H. i\1:1111, son of 11,lys :\T:.linDenlsorl & Co., hooks, $2.57; Chas. year's nWt'ling will 1)(' in \\'(lst Iof E\'~I~"ton, Ill., .and .gTandSOn (dS('rihncI's Sons, lihrary hooks, $6.~ Point. Mrs. \Vltlifln] 1\1<1111 of Waynr', hasSf.\; B(,I'Kh~y Cardy Co., books, $3.- ----- --,"----- - --- lJ('('Jl in <l ~11 J',\;lns!IJn tll('~1: Capital City Bool<!Jinding, Cnll for Hills. I~asl lwo :I h:I.1t \\"('I,I,s l'l'('I'i\·-.

~:~l(~~\~::.i~~~~'lS$~r;1~ 1~~~~~1l~3~r~~'t~1; ha;;~~ll~;~flf~rl~~~;~~<~'fi~,~PI~~~t~;'f~~ ::~~n:;:\"~~;Ir./,.I{' suit ('Inl arC'J'('ll,'al

L. of. K,lmn ('Slate, $50. rf'grll\'f'ling }ll'Ojf'ets in ('('dOlI'

Capllal ollll<lY: .r. G. Erp!schnf'i county: No. 12 hl:·tw('('n F'ordyc(' Pay" FiliP in ('oul'l,Co" canvass wvers, $7.68; Schmol- and Crofton, No. 12 from north of Efl Bt'osrhflit pll'a(\C'rl ~~\lilty in1pr ,'V Mupllf>r Puino Co., horn Hartington to 1Iw Dixon county county court ,Iuly ~1 10picce, $,1.:!0. line f'ast of Obert, No. H4 from no~fund c!H'r'k for $10 10

. -------.---- Hartington cast to Dixon rmrn1y Council Oak SI01'I'. lie \Vas given:Mr. and Ml'S. Wm. Millf'r arriv(>(] lin€', No. 1l!,) from No 20 at 10 days hul was not 10 1)(' com-

home Friday from a visit wilh 1'1'11'. Beldf'n to No, 9H south of Carroll milled if Ill' mmk l"l'slll11tion fornnd Mrs. 0'0(' Surhel' al Houston, and No. ;';9 !>0tWf'('n Magnot and tho check <lnd p;}id ('osls oj $(j.H;,Tpxas. junction with No. 20. Which he did.

I THE WAYNE HERALDE. W. Huse, Editor and Proprietor

The Oldest Established Paper in Wayne County



/nfH?CIATIONa .~





la., to visit his sister, Mrs. Keith.Martindale, a few days.. Mrs. J,oe Hinkle and daughter,joy, visited in the Glenn }linklehome at Maey from Friday toSunday

MI'. and Mrs. Stid 150m, Bellyand Stirling of near Cal'orJl, were'Sunday last w('ck dinner guests inthe Howard' Marsh home

The Albert Nf'lson family ofnear Wakefield, Visited in thehome of Mr. Nelson's mother,Mrs. Mary Nc!gon, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. James Friend anddaughters went to I thf' fl. R.Thorpe home at SP1'geant muff,la .. Saturday amI \"jsiteu there un*til Sunday evening

Neighbors and frwnds sUrjJl'isedLyle Pr't('rs SaturdClY f'\'('ningWhen' fhey went to his home Inhelp him cclebratc h-is hirthday.Luncheon was brDugh t hy theguests.

Sun'day ('wning lasl w('c], gtH"slsin tllf' I!ow;lrd M;lt'sh 1101110 WPl"f'

~;,:;~(~a;:~:ll ~~~~1\1. ~1~~'s~la(:Th~(:tfolk. and the L('sln Bodrnslpdtfamily,

The Isidor Kuhls \\'('nl 10 SouthSioux Clly Sunday. Mr. Kuhl and

~~~n r.;\;~~I KlI7h~,:r~·~~lJn:,a71~dloI[.:~~Ann \'isil('d wilh 1\16;. 1': i\dsunJfl SOII,1 h SIOII,"; ('Ily,'

Sunrlay afl['rnoon hUt'sls ill lllCLy]C' Pt>lrrs homc til hrlp Lyleccl('bral,' his hirthd"y werr' Mrand ;'I.1rs, Paul Obsl and Lloyd orRandolph. :\11' and Mrs. PaulSchrad and Gary of Sioux Cily,Mr. and .\lrs. L('u Stephcns. 111'.and i\-lrs. Hay :\i('!son and sons and.:vIr. and :\iTrs. Utto Peters

August: Drug Savings60c Yodora Cream 49C $1.00 Soretone 89c 50c McKess~nAs- 37cDeodorant ......... Liniment ....... _. pirin. Bollie of 100

50c Albolene .47c ~~el Vitamin B $1·98 CalOx Tooth 50cCleansing Cream. C mp. 100 cap.... Powder.. 25cand

Foam Rubber 29cShampoo and Bath 50c Dr. West ..... 39cSpray. Fib $1·19 Tooth PasteBath Sponges . any faucet.

Ingersol Stropper $1 00 Shaw& Soaples& 59CSoothe Skin Hand 39CLotion. 8·oz.For all blades..... • Suds. All purpose

l.iactona Nylon ... $2.50 Darby Cream Lo- 50C SOc Burntone, for 39cHair Brushes tion. For.sun burn~. burns of any kind

Kellogg Quality $1·75 Johnson Wax. . 59c 60c Alka Seltzer 49cBath Brush Paste Or liquid. lb. 25 tablets



The Mode

YOUR COAT-Solid colorShorti~with revers that are so.methmg.The collar'" bound wi~h your.Ruiting checks, Everythmg hereis BIG news: sle.eves, .armholes,pockets. And !;(ay and giddy. hut­tons add the fmal smart WOl d.

. '$23.75

Genevieve Roberts

CHECK-up!Pard{)n' the whistles when youstep out in this smooth JU~li,or~

Lane! No one can h~lp admirIng·this outfit. Yumm)·, soft all-woolShetland that's really IT for styleand wea~abiliiy. Here's what youget:

YOU)( SUIT-Cardigan n~ckline .-with a sophisticated pma~or~yoke that's mighty liecommg.The leather lined belt cUlchesyour \vaistline to a wee sp~n.

There's a smart Ewing to the ~kll--t;with pleats done just rIght.Bro\\'n or' black checks Withwhite. $23.75

II. J, Felber and Walden. Felber

(;ive Y ollr Wardrobea Glamourolls

FELBER PHARMACY_ Prescription Dnlggists

statement and conversion of Na­tional Service Life insurance, Thehouse originally provided -tor fullpayment in cash. Then, the presi­dent recommended payment inbonds because of the excessive im-



C::.;e uur lay-away plan


.{l~$3·98 to $10.60

Swan"sApparel for Men and Women


Cardigan Suit Winner

$29.7-5 ~:~"'r


In a Wide Selection of Colors


\\'ondt.'rflll Fall cla,..::-;ir fa\'orltp cardi­gan ::--lIit ~ You'll lon' it...; haIl(L..;ome braidedging, ea~y walk,ing ~hirt. lll'\\',Falll'olors,

New Fall Sweat'ers

tish-u·Knit Sweaters are famed and

notionally odverti.ed as the

"CLASSICS in a class by themselves~

Fashioned in caressingly soft 100'/.

wool in slipovers and cardigans, !

Kansas City, came M~day morQ-~~~~-~rs,Howard Ander--I--------;-~·r(.lJarefor to visit a few days in the Emil son spent ,Sunday with Omaha The 4-H clubs and club members

E~~~~n~o~~.Clarence Holm and ~:I~~iV~~rs~!SSt~i~~g,LU;e~'u~~~ ~j~~<;onfO~0~~~~1ya~~i/:~~~~~~s~family. Harlan Swanson and Don- with them for a three weeks' va- B~i»s alT geltinj:; hogs and .calvesald Rasmusscn of Omaha. were cation. 'N'ady fur showin~ and girls areSunday dinner and supper gucsts Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Jonnson and working un, handiwork. the Paul Olson home, children of Fonda, la., camp to the

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wen- Joel Dahlgren homc Sunday af'l- ..., ('ut in "'aU.

~~av~dt:~edM~a:eu:a~~ i~~~~~~ ~~r;;:~nMon~:;, ~~~~~; fa:~~~~~ Ronald Brindley fel! Wf'dnesdaymorning to at1('nd tht' funeral maincd for a longer visit. The afternoon las1 wel:'k from a rafl('rservices for Albert Tell which ladiC's arC' sisters. iwhlC'h brok(". and suffered,a cut Inwpre held th:J.t afternoon. They rc- 'lhl' hack of hIS head which rc-turned TUf'sday. \V. H. Nangl(' of I'<orfolk \ISI1(rl1qulrt'd 1\\00 Slllt.:~f'S IlL' dlsn suf~

, Sunday m the Dl T T Jont s If{'red d ~t,lt on the heel of a footed~~:rdR~:~~~I~y~~.~~\~~n(~h~~CI~;·~ home. SatUrd:J.Yl5 _father pas:;ed .away in RE'd UakIa. Mr, apd Mrs. \\"f'nstrand and'family If'fr Saturday morninh" tobE' wilh thjr famJly. Wf' extcnd uur Ideepest sympathy to them.

Birthday Part.". IMr;;. Clarence Holm enl('rtain('d 1

som(' littlp folks and lh('ir mo1hf'rsfor Linda's 5th birlhd<J.Y SaIUl'rlH~

aflprnooll. Those pre."l'nl WI'I"('

Mrs. han Borman and sons. Mrs.Harry Baker and Larry. MrsLHWl"l'nCe Nelson, Donna and Mar­jie. Mrs. Roy Holm and Lois. :\1rs.Reuben Holm and Janice. [kttyl:lnd Shirlt'Y Slollc'. :\lr'i f)PWHJnP

Paul and" FI:lln(' Anr!('l·c.U[l (of()maha. At tl)(' closf' i\h ... IllJlmserved ;,1 Iwo-cow·s!' lurwhpun



Mrs. W, C. Ring IMr. and Mrs. Theron Culton ann

Marjean spent Thur<;day ('veningwith the Lawrence Blatlf>rts

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fplt andMyron,wpre Sunday dinner guestsof Mr. ana Mrs. Marvin Felt.

Mrs. Emma Lp\'('nt' accompaniedMr. and Mrs. M. F. Ekeroth 10Minneapolis Friday for a visitwith relatives.

Mrs. Kennl'th Packl'r anddaughters were TUl'sday rlinnerguests of Mrs. \\-'alter Ft·cdrick­son, her sister.

Rev. and Mrs Buchner, :\1rs.Otto Sahs and 'Ylrs. Thcron Cultonwere Thursday luncheon gUt.'sts ofMr:;. Minnie Miller.

Mrs. Bertha Bean and KC'ithwho was home from Wqusa, wereSunday dinner gupsls of Mr. andMrs. Ernest Packer.

Alicc Wiggains spent se\'craldays last week with Elsie Dahl­gren. This w('ek Marrl('lle Mor­tenson visited Elsie a f('w days.

Mr. and Mrs. Ivan I\'ix:;on and.children werf' Sunday dmnf'r andsupper guests in t h(' HenryTonj("s home and attcnded thestock show.

Elton Miller eJrcomp;mier! hIS

cousin, Irvin Burm('slet. of Lyons,and Dick Johnson of Oakland, ona fishing trip to Minnf'sota. Theyleft last Wednesday night

Miss H(']en Hanson and brother.Bob, rcturned Saturday evenmgfrom a trip to Yellowstone park.Miss Hplpn wf'nf to ()m"ha Sun­day evening to r('sump hf'r wnrl,

... Mr. and Mrs. Rohert Blatchfordand daughters at/end('d funeralservices for his cousin, Alva Ol­son, at Hartington Sunday. MrOlso"'s team ran awav causingfatal injuries. • .

Mr. and' Mrs. CHtn Sahs. Mr.and Mrs. Thc!"nn Culton and M<lJ"­jean w~'rf' Sunday dinner guestsof Mrs. Minnip Millpt". Mrs, '&ihsrC'turneri homp C1fff'r ~pf'ndlng afc\\-' rlavs wl1h her moUlC'r. .How~rd Anderson who is em­

ployed at a Sioux City Dentallaboratorv r('turned to hi;.; workMonday ~orning. Mrs. Andersonwill go to the city \\"ednesd3YwhC'rt' t ht'y ha\'(:' an ilpanment.

Mr. and I'vIr·s. Adolph Berg ofHawarden. Ia., were Wcdnt'sda~

supper guests in the .lopl Dahl­gren home Mr. Rnd Mrs. Bergcame to altl'nrl funeral :;f>n'icesfor her cousin. \Valter H('rman.

Mr. and :VIrs I-Ijalnll'r Lund

St. Paul'" 1<.:". Luth. <-'hureh.(Hf'\'. T. J. (' Schuldt, pastorSundi(\/ s('hool, 10 a. In. The

Sl'l·\'lt"e, 11 a. m,Brot h('l'hood meeting. Tuesday,

August 1:3, H p. m:'\h't'l ing of Sunday school teach­

ers and officers, Thursday, August15, R p. m.

\Vomf'tl of 111(' Church, Thurs­day. August H, ~::m p. m.

Lllthe'r Lf'aguf', Thursday, Aug­ust tl, H p. m.

BIRTH RECORDA /';011, weIghing 7 pounds, 1::!

ouncl'S. was born August 4 to Mr.and :\lrs. Gordon Jorgensl'n in 1J10(';(1 hrISpit:-d.

A MIn, w/'ighin h 7 pounds, 1:.!ounce's. "vas hOl'll III Mr. and Mrs.f lans Johnson of L-lut'(,J, in a localhO~Pltal August 1.

A son, v.,:cighing H pounds, 10ounces, was born in a local hos­[lilaL \\·ednesday, August 7. to Mr..Ind "'Irs. Ralph Aus1in.

:\. son, ......eighing 6 pounds and 5ounces, was born July 26 to Mr.and Mrs. Leon Gro .....· of Hastings.:\lrs. Grow is a sister of Mrs. M('l­\'in Longe of Wayne.

A son, v. ('ighing 7 pounds, 8ounces. was horn Tuesday morn­Ing. August 6: to Mr. and Mrs.Kenneth PlCrson in a Lincoln hos­pital. He has !l('('n nampd Richardl'....Uchael. Kf'nneth is a son of Mr.and .:\lrs. Ro) Pll'rson.



MASS.!! !

Sf. ~lal'Y'!'! C'alholi(· ('hun'h,r f{('\' \\"m, K('arn>;, pastor)

11, thp ninth Sum};JY af­:\lass in vVaynt' al



,;:. OWNED 8'1 iTAME5 !?'IAN!O=O=';-:::===-_N'lWAQ". N.J. '"

IBut It's True..-_









BaronMorrill'!'! B'nla,·,'

Beef Roasts

(;ro//Ild Beef39c 1

"'holt, or Shun" HaIf

Pork Roasts,Steaks, Chops

Cold Lunch MeatWeinel'SCheese



For AppetizingMeals on HotSummer Days




'I $2.9950-HIUll;';



While It Lasts

Limit of One

JAR LIDS, Kerr flat,.... p('!" dnze.n


----'-,0--,--, --+PLUMS, 1("d M,'at 2'3'

p,'t~ pound :' eCABBAGE, O'"lid H"ads 4c

Per pound

LETJ;.~~E~La~g;'He~i~-'---- ---"'-1-2-c-,

POTATOES,'Jlo;~-'Growll ._- 4-9-10-111, bal': ' C

BABY 1'-000. Hei~z------------ 20:l for", .... C

JAR CAPS, MasOI1Zillc. Pt'!' dnz€'ll

JAR RINGS, ,TaSl''';; dOI'.('ll

PICKLING SALT](1-1)). f,ag

SURE JELL~ jdq.,:",-;

CERTO, For .J('11 ,Iaki"g­Per l,ott!L'

"LEMONS, Sutlki,tPer pound

ORANGES, CaliforniaPer p'olllld

S" ._-_.-''-''''-'.'. .----.-------~.-.--~.-'~~~;~~-. h:~' High s~~~~-~~~-~;~~-;~~·avocal 5010'"j-9 .O·~O~k. Benediction and ca:te~

I -':"1. ,'. . 't' ~'~~f:n w~~~h e:~~edM~:' ~~~ ~j~f; t~h~~eS~~~~r:c~~ pr~~~n~~~\ Ch~(:f::~r:n~~~~'urdaYat 7:3Q.. ..OCI.e·,Q' Cavanaugh. Other guests were Mrs. Anderson Wl'rc given three SiJ!urday, the fcast of St. ~w-' " , Miss Barhara Strahan, Miss, movie films, these bemg of civic, renet', the martyr.

.',' " ,'I '.' ,~, ~arbara .. reiber, Miss Hell"n SChOOl. and church !iff' here. Miss .(Jur religious SU~day .schpol

, \lath, MIss Catherine Cava- Walker was presented a gold. opcnf'd :vIonday mornmg WIth 'an- . naugh. Mrs. Q. R. Whitmore and Ilin. Mrs. McGinn closed"" the pro- enroJJmenlt of ahout 40 children.

SOCIAL FORECAST "" . r . )en . visiting. The Mrs, Don Strahan. The hostess gram with a solo. Sls.ti'r Anna Marie, formcrl.y Elsie. 'I'. ~\~n)~\g,.s~ere p'·ese-nted gifts served. . * * * T~I('lma:~. now, of Kansas City. and

None pf. the .Methodlst clrcles l( nch~.~~Ub. * .;(- * Aid Has Program. ~~st~T }o r?nce!n('., also of Kansashave meetmgs In August. by t ,;~ * * EJdeen Club Meets. Redeemer Aid met in the ell). ,H'P In' charge. Both of these

Hillside club plans il picnic Redeemer Society Eldccn club met Tu('sday church parlors Thursday when a sislns havc many years of teach.

?efir~U~~~~,~<~~~~~ p\~,~.~~. en· Redeemer MiSSIOnary socie1y ~~:~'~;~;~~hR~r~~IJ:~~s~~~~:::: ~:~7J~~~m Da~~~(' g~~('~alti~~~~~ ~~; .t~xp{'\~~~~ccs~;:eS~~~1p~~~~:~tertain VUldicate club latl'r III ~;\~n.';;'~~~t~~YM~~'e~~~ ';;;nk\~~ Merlin Prcston WCl'e gupsts. sang "Messa~e" and spoke of school arc hnght.August. Ladi£'s wOl'ked un pl'Ograms for ~wr work and til£' tlll'('e Yf'.ars

l:astern Star has regular gpr, hostess, and ·MFtJ Bernard the year. Luncheon was seI'H,d. spf'nt in Baltimore '" deaconessmeeting as Masonic hall next ~:y~~~/~a~:~hJ.-j:~r~~t,~~c~~as The club mcets Tuesday, Sep- mother house. Her sisll~r. MrsMonday evening. *-""1'* *" .. tembf'l' :3. with Mrs. Henry H.(,]- llon LJiMaio !'iccompanied 'hC'r

Rural horne sockty has no ,Au- kkf'. and also played two piano sulns,gust mc'cting: ¥l"s. IJ"Jck Sandnhl Scoreboard Meets. * * -If "Indian Flute Call" and "Venit i-entertains, in St'!JtembeL . Scoreboard members wcrc WW Club Has Picnic. ('nne" C;ues~s were Sister

VFW Allxiliary will lllcet guests of Mrs. Chas. Baker Fri· WW members mel al East Damme, Mrs. DiMaio, Mrs. MikeMonday C'\'enim:, August 1~, at day when high scores were earn- park Tuesday for a social tune Karel and Mrs. Lizzie Longe8 in the Women s clul] room. ed by Mrs. W. P, Canning and and picnic lum:hC'on Guests Mrs. Bet'nal·d Mpypr, Mrs. Aug.

\\'' cluh 'nll'{'!s nex1 '(ues- Mrs, Oscar Liedtke. Mrs. M. V. WCI.C Miss Beulah Bomhofl, Brlldigam, Mrs, ,John nrudi-- day witll j\'ll's. Aug, lJOrl:li.Ul. Crawford entertains this Friday. Miss Doris Nf'lson and MISs; gam and Mrs ,John. Luschf'n

Mrs. ,Juhn llunklau will aSSls.t, * * * V· I W tb M' J h K I s('n·pd. T/w annUi-l1 picnic andPleasan1 \"allt,}' club nlC'mhf'rs for Royal Neighbors. MI~s~ ().(,sG.e;:rl:1So~,s·M(;~s,nM=~'t ('o\,('!'prl cli.";!) 1 :;W picni<: lunch-

and families will hil\'(' picniC dm- Royal !\'l'lghoors met Tuesday Westberg and Mrs. Ed. Sala I l'on a1 Brcsslt'r park arc plannedncr at WalHofll'ld lJ1:lrk August cvening at thl' Women's club d M N I for SC'ptembcr :J.18. roum. Plans ....'ere dis~ussed for f~r~·~.o· we~'~~.· eson CnlCl"tcUns l ,?__-'- _

Lal-'orlt' dull nH'mbers and lh(' Rov;-I! l\"('Jghhor tonvl'ntion I~their 1~ltllllll'." pwnic dinner whwh ~\'IJJ he lwld Octobel". For Norma Jean Test.ill ])r,'t'"l\'l' :-;llllCL,y. :\l:"";\lsl Th,' 1It''-, 1 1l1+'('lln~~ 1)(' SCjl- Ahout "1:-) iltl,'nd('cl a 1111~;('('I-

.1."\ !cllll!t'l':;' 'Ii' .:., _:~. Janpous ~h(l"\t'r Sunday Jtl tIlt,

"dil~~t'::~'·~'Y'l\\\~IlI~~'I~~dl.J::~~::.I"~l:;·//:· Louis Test home In honoy· of 'l:.I:H'lIllhilllS t:van.' (~hlln'h.Iln{! :\'lrs.' Gracc Hlison will Sc~~~~}-1~~~u~~~~~dF' Patty ~IS~:;.~~(~aAJU(~a:q?~'~\oW~~~r~~:: (f{P\·. LJ. Buel1t:>r, pasto!")

st.'~~'~;H·l' .tud nH't'ls In lh~ church ~~~: ~l:~l ~O~~I~:'nCI~~!p~r~:·bl~~~ ~a ..;:n:ul~~l~k~tJf~Scl~;~~edl·~:e~~~ an~u~J~'~~t'l~~'O~~~i~a~IS~~lO()1 at 10 lH'Xi ~\\'(,d.nt'SdaY \\"1I.h week \V('tinesday with :\1rs. H. brid('s colors. t'ust' and Whllf', Come and worship with us.:...11'>; Carl lIlt 'zman and .:\lrs. Lu- U. Addison and Mrs. LAl'Onard Two course luncheon was ser'.·- ('hurd) of ('hrist.g('ne hilll has ess('s SlrOng. All scouts meet ugust cd. Miss :\laxine Odegaard puur-

r Kmg's Duu htehrs I('~heet hthJi 8 at th(' park at 1 :30. ed and Miss l\'Iarilyn Test and B'f'l'~ AsJ~'hin"OGI,i('l·~~'"P.m"s.t~,,'nlmun_'hursday in ~ C . urc a * * * Miss Evelyn Odegaard were '- . L • U ~Chns1 parlors \\d'lt,h Mrsct· !\?jam Club Has Breakfa5t. waitresses. The shower was gi\'- iO~:"lul ,'",r·m" ·,·n"'·'--d 'e, Oll" s,'r,"""J\lcPfwrmn lea ('r an ;,v 1'8. Birthday cluh had brC'aldast en bv Mrs. Arthur Odegaard, ~ '-- L •

:::~1):~~:,;:~~~~~~~n l;~:'~Sf~'f~~:t ~,71~:Sl~:'(,o~7:~~ c-"h'.is~~f:i~~'~ ~11:~d'-::;~ ;n~ng~r£l~uli:,,~~:,n I R~:'thI';:,~~",~;h~~:~/:;,~s~~r)A LUlhcran World Ac1ion film ~;. ~~~tt;~~~~r~.rm~~I/ ;al~;ma~~~ This Sundav, AUf-;USl 11. sen.-iceswill he !:iho\\"n. r\-'Ir~, (ltl0 LUlt honon'd Mrs, Delilah Tyrrell. Entertain Friday. ;j( l() a.m, St~dt'll! Bernard RC:labcrVln;. ErWin F1N'I'. lIlrs. Utto who jU!:it 1"('lul"O('d from the Mrs. G, L. Rogers and Mrs. 101' \\"isnn will prt'Rch the s('rmon.Fll'l'r and 1\1t·s. \\'111 Lutt arc west Lillian Miller enll'rtainpd In ITllt're W.Ill. he rio G.l'rman SlT\-"l('('S.hosless('s. -;..:_ * * honor of Mr. and Mrs. Chris En'fyone IS welcome,

Ea~1('l"n Sl"I' Im'nll will he ::'\i('lsf'n and daughlprs, ,Joanne 1 .,- .-.,held at ·111(' (,lan'nct' Pn'ston With Mrs. Hughes. and Carol .Jf'an of Sf'i-1nlc, Fri- ImrnulHlf'1 E\'. Llith. ('hurl'll,hOnlC west of \\·ayrH' Sundi-i) Contract memhers and Mrs, day evening at the collegc, 75 I 7 mill'." :'\\\' uf Wakt'lj('ld, • LOGANAugusl 11. <;It ,1. AI] Eastern \VJlmpy' Gri('ss were gUl'::>l" of friends of the family and Jormer 6 mi1c~ :'\I:: of v"n\"nc ~'~ I LEYStar and :'vlasnnie nH'm\)el·s and ::vIrs, T. .1, Hughl's la$l Thuy·s- classmates and teachers of tht, IRc\', T. 1-1. BUl'hnpr, paslorl .' I\. ..... '.ttH'ir f<lInilit,s arc im'i!.l'd Eal'h dRY ('V('nmg wht-n, high score girls being gupsts, A program of I Then' will 1)(' no SI'n'Il'('S In the b~ ---<famiJ\" 1$ askt'd 10 pnzes went to I\'1rs, W H. \\'ag- music was enjoyed, The I\'lelsen Ipansh August 11 or 11-; ',s t h(' pasbaskl:l fur 1ht, .sup;wr net' and :vII'S GrJt:'ss .:\11'5 Paul girls plaYPd solos and duets on tur will he a"way on \"ac'<J,·twn. - Mrs. J. E. Bergerson

Pawelski' ~n1('rtai~s III two the marimba. Darlene Andrrson I Mr. and Mrs Andres Jorgensonwecks. ga\"(' a clarinet solo; Marlan nnd Fir!'!t BaJl-t-;~t ("hun'h. called in tht' Slahn home

* * * In'ing Carlson, violin and plano (Ht'\. Hoht. ,J, BulkJl'Y, pasl()r) Friday ('vcning.For Degree of Honor. For Chris Nielsens. numhers; MHrilyn Standley. \'()- Rt,\,. Lt'sIJi' Eads. jO!"t1w[' {Jastor, lVII'S. John R. AnclC'rson went to

of I!onor lll('mbt'f~ Hnd Mr- and Mrs. Chl'l.l> ;\;il'ls{'1l pi t.:al solo; \'irgmia Denkingcl', is 10 bt., thl' !'!pl',Jkc'r at :;('n·i('es SIOUX- CIty Sunday to visit rela~tht'lr had COH'!'t'd dish Scalt!c, were honordd Thursday piano solo R('[resllments wcrc Sunday murnim; and ('\'ening, li\'l's IJ kw days.]undH'un \I\:','dnc-sday CU'tlmg 1Il evening when I\1r. and :VIrs. C. 1'. sen'ed al close of the cv<,'nJnI; August 11. A cO\'('rt'd dIsh dinner Mr. and .\olr,'i. Reuben Johnson1ht, WOHH'nS club rtltim. Former Lapham dnd Miss :"jt'l! Fox f'll- * * or. v.JIl hI' s{'r\,cd al lh(' clost' of 1hl' vi.'illccl wilh 1\Irs. Anna Stnckertm('mbers were 1,;\1('s1s. :\1rs. Rc~ tf'rtaincd:25 fl"ipnds at a IHwn Dinner for Th{ee. morning s('n'ycc' 10 giw thl' mem- Sunrlay ~\('rnoon.hecea Sydow was chairman party at their home! ,Joanne and Dr. and Mr:; . .], T Anderson hpl's an 10 fellowship ElnH'r VHhlkarl1p of \\"a~'ne

* * 7(. Caro] Jean. .:"ilcl~('n'd and MISS Mar\' WallH'!' who are wllh Hl'\ famll\ Re\·. sp('nl Sunday and Monday in the'I Acme Has Picnic. manmha Sc!pc!IOn$ Visiting ka\'ing ttH' ('(;Ill'£!;t' W('l'(' Lids I~ (d th(' First 'I{iljll isl Hitrry £1,,,k('1' home

I Jr'. ilnd :'I1rs ,1 T /\11"lnO;011 ~~;~~~cl~~t~Y~~~ru~~ t(,1' Wh~~~'IS~~~~ ;ll(llt~()~;;~)tl~h\i,~~.;;/;l At tIT ;;l! dllJr'('!l c\lh;lllll'I',J, ('al \\'(~~~(':}u!~:;:;, rlll~nn('nringg~~~snts ~~~il~~~:.ll(,II~:/:~·;~~: \~'~i:'~:n~: /(:II~"~J}.f~t\::It't(: sIJPP('!' rn'lTnibht n('r. i\hs L\-\~, (' ;';\"ansnn open- R,'t1f'Pllln Lllltli'ran Chun'h, l;[,{: h'E:'nrwlh Barto home.wen' hnnnr('r! lil:->1 \V ..dfH'sdily gUl'!'ls In 1111' lJ'lnw. 'I'd !ll(' program \\'llh piano solos (R{'\', ,S. K. d('Fn'{'sl', pastor') l Mrs. U('/m<-lr Carlson ~md chi.l-p"'t'nmg \dwn !\cnw llll'mh('rs * Mrs. Carlo,; Metr/in spnl>.c imel EIghth Sunday ilf1el" Trinily, ,dren spent Saturday afternoon 10ami thplr l1<1d !JlcnH' Entertains Monday. paid tnhult.' to th(' Ihre(' Miss Augusl 11 Sunday schuo! at 1D Ithl' Rpub('n .!ohn>;on· home.dmn('r HI lIlt' slwllt'l".ln- ),lrs, G,'o. Berglund cnlertain- :YIarilyn Standley SHrJg et solo. a.m. \\'orshllJ st'n'J('('" al 11 a.m. I Mr. and 1\.Ir.". Paul B.engston andfOl"nml 1,tlk~ \\'t're .ci\en and the ed :\-londay (,venmg: al the F S. Dean Clarence ;"lcGmn and \\.. Thursd<-Jy. August tI, chOIr prac-: family were Sunday dmner guests

I~j~~i~ii~i~i~~~~~ii~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,mlltiel' at 7::W Il.m. 1m

Ihe Albert And(,r5on home.SClturd;IY. Augusl 111, junior I Mr. and Mrs. Fred .Borg a.nd

choir pri-lctJ('(' at 1 ::~(J p.m. I, of Omaha, called m the 'WIltWl'dnpsday. August H. Luther IBorg home Fnday afternoon.

Ll'agup ;--l\ H p.m. L('anrrs an' Lo- THelma B.lOrklund of. North

gC~C'c~;~g:;~~'~1:\~'oIl;~~~I;'~\haf;.r('sl'. I~~;~~r'ac~'~'k~~~~%ti~G°';il~ h~~1 pa!'Cn1.s.

~ldhodist ('hurl'll. I I'lom.. Circle Club will meet nextIIJr. Vlclor \\-'('st, pa,;lml I Thursday with Mrs. Harry Baker.

:'I.-liss :':'::'Ilsic :--;()lJdl'I'~, (JiIT("lur ; Eilch on(' ts <tskc'd 1.0 brin); iiomc-

:\1r.'-, (. f\. Olson, ;Jrg;l1~':rl<ldl'dIth~~~. ~::~dl~1~:'i~e~~~11 Bpnp',lon Clnd

f;1t1Jl1.,. \'lsil!'d l!) the ll<truld An­dcr'-,o·n honw 1(1 !'!t'f' the n('\V baby

numtH)S hI. til( SI nlol (IHIII on ('\'('nmg.


St ImUll \\ JIJ hr a hUt st Sunrlay guests at Oscar1\11' :::i1uart of ,Bjorklund's were Mr. and Mrs. AI'-S( hoois 'thur Anderson and family and O .

.scnlOr ') nut h Fello\\ <:hlP 7 p, m. 1P. Lundstrom and Hilda of Con­louth \\111 flH,l dl chuH.:h at 6!t:ord.

for 1hl' trill tu ULxon lor the youth i Donald Rasmussen of Om.aha.rally : came Saturday for an mddmile

I a1 the Clar('ncl' Holm homehis parents are on q trip to




Wayne, Nebr.


To Rdll'fn 10 S1at(' ...

First Lt. Stanley W. St<1!-':(', fi('ldarlillery. son of 111'. and Mrs.Bru('f> Stagr' of \VaynC'. was I'p-'c('ntly processed at the n'plnel'­ment command disprn;ition ('rntl'rn{'ar M<lnila for h1s r'durn 10 Ill!'L:nitfld Sfat('s and rrl('a~p' from til('sprvi('('. Ll. Slagi' I('ft HII' state'sin May. En:). and participatpd IIIthe LtJl:on cnrnpn ign.

llollll' rrorll :-;('r\"j('I'.D(m Karl/ll'l'. \\ 11(1 had .';I'ITf'd in

lhr navy Ii m(Jnth'i. Tllo~l (If HH'timp in l'an;llll;1 ;llld 1'\lvrl0 J{iE"l.rrc('i"I'd his 11olwr;ll,ll' dl~dlal'g"

Monday ilt SI. LlllIlS ;llHl (';lllIE' tl'his, hnnH' !Je!"p Tw's(LIj' Ilf lastwf>('k IJlln plans 1'1 ;ttlpnrl Ihl'Universily of Ndmlsk;1 this fall.

:VII'S. RO'<E' ;lrri\-(·d illAlisl ria ,Jlllv (Jri\'pn ;\jl'('P tllrolw'h from (;('rmarl\- Ill-wri!E'~; that Auslri:l Ill"- nlO~;tinll'l'!'st itlf-'; iilld 11](' placl'Ill' hilS Sl'('n thus far.

J\.fiss EldrC'th Lu('I'IP of Pipr('(',and V("'1\ l'f'l('rson of Madison,

son of W('l'!' m:lrrj,,{j Slwday Inst w{'pk.

Your Corn Harvest Is JustAround the Corner?

I have ju.s-t received a car load of woodenflare top wagon boxes. The best you haveseen for sometime. Be t'"ure and see thembefore you buy and while they last.

Is that corn picker ready? Is your tractor ingood condition fjor harvest? If rot, we'can dothis job for you,NOW!

Nave You Been Thinking

Wayne 'Implement Co.Phone 150

Is in AU!'Itrla.Gprald Brindl('y, eldest


BLIND V~TERAN NOW A PIANO TUNER-.-lf ,n of 'h "'0""notes emitting from pianos is a true criterion, Froncis Chambers (right), New York.should enjoy a lucratrve busint5s criter completing treining ')$ a ?ieno'tu~er. ATechnical Sergeant with the 79th Division ot the time he wos wOlinded, Chomber~a der~ before the war-is training under Public Low lb, which prOVIdes fOI thlJvocational rehabilitation of disabled vdcraTlS. '


J..paw"s for ('allfornla.Cp!. Jerom(' Rf'inprs left Tups­

rby for Camp Stonpman. CaL. forrPilssiglJmC'nt after sp('nding afurlough at his 11001(' here.

Gops to Kansas.Pfc. Chas. Horrell, who had

been home on furlough, left Tues­day for Fort Riley, Kan., for re­assignment.

ors and lllncheon gtWS1S of -;\'lis:-,Edna IJ;lhlgrcn. That C'vpnim:;W('l'!' riinnl'f gupsts of :vir.Mr.'i. C R. Ash as wpre LelandHf'rmAn. Rohprt Johnsnn find MrsCharlnttr> Lundnhl. Th(' last nam­ed I'f'mainNj to spf'nd TuC'sday.

T-hu Lawr('n('(' Carlson r familyWf'rl' r1inTlf'1' guests Sunday in tIl/'RUlh('T'[onl Nimrod home RS a('(lUrksy 10 :vIr. and Mrs. Don1'('an'l' of Farragut, IR. The visit­ors ."Iwnt t hI' E'V('ning in thp Carl­son homr -;1" did Mr. and 1\'1I'sHarry Wrort Hnd Jo:q,. The HarryWprt family wrr(' MDnd<-Jy supperguests in th(' Alhert Gamblf' homr.

Langemeier Oit CO~'Phone 522.W614,Maill

Yes Sir! Already that good, new Skelly High-OctaneGasoline has given new zip, powe~ and pep to thou­sands of old cars. You've got a real thrill comingwhen you try a tankful ... and today is a mighty

good time to .



Miss Malvina Weisshaar whocame from Oregon for a visit.

Mrs. Clyde Gray and childrencame from Omaha to h(' with hprmother, Mrs. Ellen Backslrom,who i5 recovering from a J'('crntillnt>ss flnrl help celehr-atc herbirthday of August 1.

Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Ulson wpredinne'r gtlf'sts Sunday in 1hrJC'rom(' Pearson homr'. Mr. andMrs. Donald Pparson of \Vahoowerl~ there for the day and 10 se~thpir nr'w niccf>, J(}lf'nf'.

Norma Lau1.r'nhllugh of Sioux. City, visited hC'r alln1. Mrs. KL'n~

/~ . npth Ramsf>Y, . from Tllf'~day to• Saturday evpnlng. Thf' III dIPs W('1'e

in Winsid(' \\"l'dn('sday to SPf' hpr.. X-RAY AN() JO·JO, BELONGING TO grandmolhr'r ;illd aunt, Alma.

DR J 8 r:UL'TON o~ OtJEIDA,KANSAS Iq2S"'~ ""-.: j Mr. and l\..lI'.S. :'v1l'lvin Nf'lson./,~ " MI'. nnd Mrs. C1:Jrenl'p Holm and

(~\ ~~ ~ J~.1 I JLnl:ln ilnd

']);r/,......I ~~) ... ~~~r1 ~ l' of Omah;l. ;lnll ~~!;l~~~~'\ ~:J' '" ~~,r~r:-\" 1 ~ .~"'(J.:_'-_ gupsts 1Il the' PlUl Olson home

, \,'c '~ ~1'Ii 'l':! Sundayi~~,,_ ~\., ~ :;-,~,\~'\ ]J~ SundRY suppPr gUf>sfs 1Il thC' C

~'~~ _, ("~.~- f. \' ~ ~ "~/??/;~)'~~~~~ ~r~a;'~I~:11s~:~:r.~hl~~Sl'I~(,~)I!I)~~nnd'lJjJ.... I Dwaltli' (llj( \\ho IS Imnl!' on f\ll-

l"HE: MAN WHO WAS ~ - J lough \\ IS 1lJ( rp for MontIav SI1])-

"BEST/MAN" AT "00 WEDDINGS IN 'II ~~ Iper rind :\11' rind :viI'S I ! I1}-pse

~ ~ [

""'tn' C'\.f>nmg \lsltorsFIVe. yeARS.,. W,J.AI<IVl5TRON6, ~ ~ TIl!' Art Borg f::Jml1y nnrl MrSeCRETARY OF THE OLf) JoHN S1- M,E I) and Mrs Han'i Luh!l('rstf'r1t tnrlCHURCH ,NEW YoRK C1TY1 IQ30 35".. (11.;' chJldrPn Ilnd th('lr gUf'sls .of tlH

:7............ ~: \\'f'f'k. thp Frpr! Borg famlly nr(~~' 1.&~ Omahar

, hnd picnic SUPJH'r at~\;.1 ~ ( .. WakC'field p;'frk Friday. Mr. nnd

, /' \i) \1 )J Mrs. Borg nnd Jean r,,'urncd hom"


~~' "r ~~ r ~aturday, Joan and Gary r('mHin-

"'---::(::!~. mg for another w('{'I<./1' ~ -=~ll ~.. Mrs. Art Borg has rr('.. iv('(J wor£1

I.{f' , ~ ~~ that h('r hrothpr Al'l Larson.If ::;"/1 - :. formc,:, v\lnkf'fif'ld rC'sident is c~n-

~' ,1)"" " ' _/~ "j ~;~~:\\~~ ;~O~s h~m~P~~~;) ~;:::~~~ St., OmaIHl:, wl1('rr fric'nrls mHy

1 ~,~~.,..NU~.:!jce ,s('nr] lh('ir grrrtings... ,.......... . Mrs. Rudolf Kay and MarcC'llille

... .1.. , h{'lp('d Mrs. Aug. Kay conk forlhre~!lr'rs Saturday when th0 runwns finishf'd for t h(' spason. Neigh­bor.': in two runs 1hreshed thogmin nn the F. A. Suber f::T.rmThursday and Friday.

Th(' Martin lIolmbHgs, E. J.Lundahlf'i, Jas. Chamh"rs, PaulFisc!wrs, Ed. and Dick Sanrlahls,C. L. Bards and LRwrf'/lc(' Ringswprf' among those \i:ho pnjoyrrlt {1(' Sa If'm Congrl'ga f iona 1 picnicat the' Wakrfif'ld park Sunday.

Thf' Rollk Long(', W. C'. Ring,Ed. Sandahl. Diek Sandalll and C'.F. Sandahl famili('s and Richardand Gene Lund hfld thC'ir lhr('shf>rpicnic on the Inwn at·s Friday evening. lcp cream,cakl~ and cofff'(" and a social timewere enjoyed.

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Niels('n,JoannC' and Carol Jp;m of Seattle.Wash .. were Salurday visitors inthe Lawrf'nce Ring homf'. Mr. andMrs. Paul Fischer nnd PRulettpwere luncheon ,guests. Th(' girlsfavored the group with sP\'erallmarimba selections.

The Lorence Fischel'S and Mr.and Mrs. Burnpal Gustafson \\"rredinnf'r gUl?sts an(J sPf'nt SllIlday inthf' Pptf' Oherg hom" WI1f're rela·tive's from South Dakota, Cali­fornia and Washington, D. ('.~ Wf'rf'being f'ntf'rtainpd. Rrlativ0s fromOakland camf' to sr)('ml the day<'lbo.

Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Olson, Mr.and Mrs. Sigfrird ()lson anrI MissMinnie Lundahl. nl1 of Omaha,were \Vednesday e\"rning visitorsin the Walter Herman homE'. MissMaybelle Lundahl who arrived byplanE' Tupsday from Brooklyn, N.Y., to a!1('nd the flln0ral sprvicr, Iremain('d for th0 week. I

Mrs. Walter Herman <ind Twila'tog('t1lC'r with l'....1iss Mayb<'llf> Lun-jdahl w('re' Monday afl('rnoon ViSi~_~-=-=-=_..=-=-==--=-""....~_....--=-"".~._~_.................... ...........=~_:".- .....~

00\\\\~~@~~~o0 i'\Jl~D'UU




Fircm0n met Thursday eveningto conduct regular business. H. C.Mit1('lstaedt acted as secretary in ;1he absencp of Ed. Kollath. Fire­men will have a special meetingThursday, August 8, with the townboard and a rural committee inregard to purchasing a firc truck.Luncheon was served by ErwinUlrich and E. F. Winter. H, C.Falk amI Ralph Fairbanks willserve at the next meeting.

, ,

By Mrs. Erwin A. Ulri(',bHOSKINS NEWS

~AG* '8ft ..' . ': .=--~---'-------_._-_.~----~---_.-

Mrs. n. 1". Falk visited at HcI'- Mrs. Anna Klawitter and Hermanman Jochcns' Sunday. of Norfoll!, also called.

EmC'st Pfeil attended the mig· MI'.~ Mrs. Ernest Younger,sion festival at. Pif>rcc Sunday. Kathryn and .Jim of Forresl Park,

Gus Schroeder 'visitpd Sunday 'I1l., who have been visiting in theafternoon at Clarence Schroeder's Herman .Jochens home the past

Marjorie I.:.OI'f'nz spent Monday several days, left Friday.afternoon in the Fred Mann home. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bern-

Janet Anderson spent 1)J£>sday hardt, Mrs. Vernon Bdllllel' andat Fred Mann's as~a guest o~ Ivlary Marcia and Barhara .h'an and Mrs.Lee. Chas. Bernhardt visited, Saturday

Mr. and 'l'vT1~. II. C, Falk Wi"'I'C ('vening at' Herrnan ()pfC'r's.Sunday visitors at Edwin Kol- Mr. and 1\Irs. Paul Pattersonlath's. and ,h'an of Portland, and Mr. and

Reuben F'am: am1 l'vlr. and Mrs~ Mrs. Ezra Jochells .Ind familyFred 1Vlanl1 \\'('I"e ill ()m:lha \Vf'fl- \\TI'(' ditllwr gUt'sts in tlw ReubennC'sday. Fall( llOnH' Monday evening.

Rev. and Mrs. E. II. Sohl raIl('d ]\11'S, Lloyd Ruhlo\\'. l\ll's. AnnflSunday C'wning at Mrs. Herman Andl'rson of Chieago, Mrs. BillMarten's. S\vihart and sons and Mrs. Lloyd

Mr. and Mrs. Frank GrafIis and B{'hnwr and family visitpd Wed­Judy of Carl'Oll, spent Moncby at llesday last week at El'IlPst Puis'.GIE'n Frink's. . Mr. and Mrs. George' Wittler,

Verne Ulrich spent ,Satur~ay in Marvin and Shirley visited Sundaythe Hf'I'man PuIs' home visiting in the Rt'v. F. C. EbingPr home in

"Keith Bauman. ' Omaha. Miss Joan Hyder accnln-The Reubi"'n Fnlk family and panied 1he fo!k~ to (hnahu to

Harold Fall< \\'('11'(' in Omaha Sun- sp(>nd the and Monday, Miss Elaine Anc1<>rson I('ft Sun-

Mr. and Mrs. IIowan1 Morris, day for Chicago, whlTe she is cm­Rodger and Linda spent Sunday ployed. She had b{'CI1 wil h herat Ras. Nielsen"'s. mother. Mrs. Gus AnrlPrsun. il fl'w

Mrs. Erwin Ulrich and V<,rne days after h('ing c-al!l'd !wre hy thespent Wl'dnesday at Curtis Stahl- death of !leI' father.naker's near Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Herman OpfC'r,Mis~ ..(,ila Faye Nielsen spent Billy and Nancy we're Sunday din­

Sa turd' y night and Sunday night ner guests at Raymond Berll­,with aVe!"n Ncitzke. hardt's. Other guests \\'t'l'(' Mr.

Mrs. Clarence Gosh, Beverly and Mrs. Art Schultz and family

~:~ ~~<~'I~~"PS~.~~~~aKo:":~ Tues- ~:~v~:s. Charley Bernhardt of

Mr. and ~rs. Gus Schmidt were Rev. and Mrs. Paul Bl'clm1an,Sunday oVC'might guests at Mrs. Lynette and Curli.'is left TuesdayAnna Klawitter's in Norfolk. for 1I11'ir home <It Lm'NIl(', la.

Mr. an~ ~rs. Walter Rethwisch Mrs. Beckmun and children Slwntand famJlY,.f,f Carroll, were at the past two w('eks \vitll the fOl'm­Henry Voss' Sunday evening. er's parents, Mr. and M~s. Herman

Mr.•d ~rs. Andrew Mann and Jochcns.

daughters 0: Winside. spent Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Gus Schmidt at· man BronzynsJd, Mrs. LeRoy Ition will bl' on this dat" Ilt R::10 ,'" hor 1,"oIJ,",' 1"., \\', '"n,1 f,"m,·ly ,"dafh~t.~~~~rn ak~~~de~a~~t Mr. tcnctC'd the wedding of their grand· 1"'" ,~and Mrs. E., O. Behmer were at ~~l~ghketr~c~;~~nhc H~lie, ~~.d ~~l ~~~'l.~:.~.'rL~\\~~h~:l~\V~II~'~"r;r~~d~ar-~~.~ .:.~~en~)\n~~U;{', Il[Jseml'nt of ~\~~.~1~' O.f d:l~.'S th(' Of. th.'Henry Asmu~' Friday evening. Lutheran church. A reception was -- -_.- \ - Mr~. Rudolf K<lY attpn<1Pd ;:J

Rollie Hanks, who is employed held at Grace Luthcran church Bn"y Hanti" Mppt. EvanJ{plkal ('hur('h. sho\\"l'r for Norma J('an Tl''it inat Neligh, spent last week-end in bascment. Busy llands 4-11 club mel Tups· (Rr\'. Ezra H. Sohl, pastor) the Louis Tt''il home Sunrlay'afl-his parental R. W. Hanks h9me. Wm. Pierce of Shelton, camp day {'wning, July :~O, at Paul Mil- nIbil' school at 10 a. n1. and ('I'noon

Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Sohl and Thurspay for an indefinite stay ler's with })£,lor('s as hostf'-ss. All worship sprvice at 11 a. Ill. No I Tlw' E. J. L\Jndnhl fnmily anrIJanis and Jess Sohl were Sunday in the: Clarence SchroC'det· homC'. nl(>mt~rs l,l.Ut .on,' \'~1'~'(' I~~'e~ent: (,v;!lln~ S('rvlcr. .. IMrs. Charlottf' Lundn.hl "prnt Fri­dinner guests at Rev. E. H,Sohl's. Mr. Pif.>rce is Mrs. Sch;ocdpr's Holl Cd.ll \\<1S" ·1-II go,lI. }<1l1lSh051lhUrSday ('\,.pnmg tilLS w('pk t.l](' (by p\'('ning in Ill(' IIe."rlwrt Lun­

Frederick and Johnny Bauman father. Mr. and Mrs. Schroed('r, for summl'l' dr('ssl's and PHttl'1"ll annual assembly op('ns nt River·' (bill IHHll('.

spent Tuesday and W~nesday Wm. Pierce and Norris SrhroC'(]er altC'ratlOns \\"4'\'('. disCUSf.:{'(1 and sidp pnrk. Milford, Hnd carrlrs Mr. and -:\I1's·. \\'altcr Chinn andlast week at H. C. Mittelstaedt's. spent Sunday at Oliver Pierce's. practiced. TW(1-('OUI'S(' luneh~'on over SU/lrlay, August lH. A num- tl<lup;htrrs \\'l'r(' at C"ryslal lak('

Mr. and Mrs. Glen Frink and Mrs. Lloyd Ruhlow and Mrs. was s{'rVl'd. TlK' npxl ~lle(>ting ~ilI bel' of young peop](' plan tn Rl1end. Slln·r!:l.v for a picnic with rf'lali\-'l'spaughters were supper guests' at Anna Anderson of Chicago, Mrs. he at William PiweOltzky's WIth During thC' absence of the pastaI', and frionds.Verne Frink's ncar Winside Sun- Otto Woockman and Darlpne, Mrs. Fern as hoste'Ss. the class ]P-ad('r, Erwin Ulrich, will :vIr. and !\lrs. Jack Sodprbergday. Gus Anderson_ and Elaine, Junior have charge of the worship sel"\'- find cl[lughtf'r~ werr Sundny afU'r-

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aaberg and Langenberg, jr., were Friday visi- Hoskins Happy WOl'k(,1'9. ice. There is always a Christian ijOon luncheon gu('~ts of of Norfolk, were Sunday tors at Mrs. Minnie Krause's. Mr. Hoskin!! Happy Workers 4-H welcome to all and especially to Alma Larson.guests in the Sievers Aaberg and 1\;1r8. Herbert Schwindt and dub m:t Thursday at Mrs. Mary thos(' who have' no chur('h home. Richard Lund and (";]('n Ol!';onho~e. Dor01hca and Martha Rohrke and Krause s with Beverly as hoste'ss. lpft Sunday ('\"pning for \Vindom.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gosh and Lloyd visited there Saturday. Roll rail was in chargf' of Marjorie I-~---~------I I','Hnn .. whr1'r lhey will work in thcoaughtl?-rs visited. Sunday after- Mr. and Mrs. lver Anderson ·Lorenz. All members w('re pre's- I ' h \ t f' Id

.._ 'M woo "'"~, "~,••, _", '" CO,,"," Th"~~ n" ""' "OW"~ """'" w'" rom ] ""'THWE>T , ";,::' ,::, ;"""" ""'0 M"Melvhf...·H-aRse's. were acconlRanied by Mrs. Hulda pleted and j~dgrd. Plans Wf'l'e WAKEF"'IEI.~D IChris Friday ew'ning and

E. E. Potter, Fred -Lorenz, .Tohn Swanson(Ulld'Mrs. Beda Erickson, made for a~h]('.vemf>nt day to be later \-\,er(' lunchpon gUt'sts of 1\-11'.Krause and Ras. NielsC'n attended who will'return to their home held August ,{O III thE' Harry_Strate by !IntI Mrs. Art IIan_';;"n.the firemeri's convention at Os- there, The Chicago folks were hom('. Luncheon wa~ s£'rvpd. Mar- Mr. nnfl Mrs. Adolf Carlson andmond Thursday. herc to attend funeral ser\'iccs of jorje Lor"/lz (,nlprtams n('xt in the Mrs. LawrC'n('f> Ring Mis~ MariRn Non11untl of Stroms-

Mrs. Hans Asmus, Gary and Ar- their brother, Gus Anderson. Th(' Fred Lorenz 110mf'. Mr. anel .Mrs; Dlck,.San!lahl anrI bllr_~ w('r(' SUr,Jrlny dinnf>r guestslene, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jochens Andersons will go on to Cuyahoga son~ were m S~oux ( lfy Saturday. in thr K('rmit Johnson homC'.and Lawrence Visited Monday at Falls, Ohio, to visit Leland and ' Ct'lf'hrntt' Birthday. :h,e Wm.. Vlc~ors nltP~de-d the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mahonf'y,Herman .Tochens', Orville Anderson. IId:.~~~s l~t~ltsur~~I~p('~~ni~~lpinl\i;<j~ Ml,sslon festival m Wakdleld Sun- MisSI'S Marinn find Joyf'f' Gustaf-

Mrs. Mary Krause and family Mrs. Mattie Voss l£'ft Sunday day. s/)n and VC'ra Andf'rson visitNI inand Mrs. Minnie Krause and Mar- for a three months' visit in Cali- PuIs ('('Iehrat(' h\,r birthday in- A numbf'r from out this waY-at- thf' C L. nard 11OmC' Fridny pvc-jorie visited Thursday evening at fornia with ner daughters. Sne will C'!udf'd ;\11'. and Mrs. lIf>l'man tended 1Iw rod(lf) in Noffolk satur- I!ling.Fred Kleensang's. visit the Kenneth Ericksons and Bauermeister, Mr. and Mrs. Er- day

Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Behmer and Verna Voss in Glendale, Mrs. ('has. nest Wichman of Norfolk, Mr. and lV1r. and Mrs. Edgnr Larson ViS-I' G. A. Sundr'll ~\'as a dinn('r guest,Mr. and Mrs. Albert Behmer were Swihart of Bell, and Mrs. Tom Mrs. Erwin L:lrich ;u1d V"rne and itf'd ~t Kl'nilll'th Hams('y's Monday ;~I\-~,hJ~I1J~I~){~'~: l~~t~:~;,:~rt;l~)~~('jnS~I~~t_·visitors in the Fred Frevert home Coles of Hollywood. Miss Blanche Mr. and Mrs. <";ary Bauman and evenmg'. VI' Sill I C,:SUtldll)l' afternoon. Marten, who acrompanied Mrs. Keith of Luverne, Minn. Aftpr- Jolem'- Pr;:]rson stayC'd wilh hpr - n~rr .. urH f' lmnf' near nn-

The A. J. Sohl family of MC'ndow Voss, will visit Mr. and Mrs. A. noon gu('sls WNe .Mrs. Herman n\lIlf. Mrs. Elvis Ol'ion, Monday I ('on. y.. .

Grove, called Sunday afterno(Jn in E. Rost at Whittier. Mr. and Mrs. Marton, sr" Mrs. Mjnni(' BrUPC'k- nftrrnoon. 1\-Ir. and ~\lrs. AllH'rt hJllJOn \'IS-the Rev. E. H. Sohl home. The Herman Op~er and Billy took thc ncr, Mrs. Gus Schm.idt and Mrs. The Kpnnptll R::Jmspys W0r(> at itC'l! al R(Jllit, Longe's Monday c\"('-

men are brothers. ladies to Columhus. . E. O. Behmer. Tf'kemah for th(' hall gnm(' Sun- ning. The hoys accompanierl the-mAlbert Pentico, Dena Marquardt day ('w'ning. hOlllP to sp('nd til(' r('st of the

and Mrs. E. A. Langenberg were Home 011 ,Furlough. Oh"f'r\'(', Birthday. Richard and Gf'nf> Lunel Wf'rr wpek.Saturday aft~rnoon visitors in the pvt, Virgiil J. Buss of Lowry To h(,}p Herman Puis celpbrate Sunday dinnpr gupsts in the FrC'd TWf'nty rf'lati\'C's anti friendsGus Marten home. Field, Colo., spent a lO~day fur- his 75th birthday, a group of reJa- UtC'cht homf'. , Ihrought lunch and hf']p('r! Elvis 01-

Miss, Mary Lee, Miss Nancy and loogh with home folks. He re- tiws and fricnds called in his Mrs. Cliff Munson visjjpo Mrs. IOlson ('C']('!lratp his hirthday Wed-Miss Elizabeth - Mann spent July ported to duty August 5. homp Wpdm'sday {,Vl'ning. Gursts Wm. Vietor and Ardath Ann Mon~ I!If'sday f'\'l'ning. A socia! tim(' was30 and 31 and August 1 in the included Ivlr. and Mrs. Ernest PuIs, dtly aflPrnoon.J h M tl h Picnic Is Hp,ld. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bauman and Mr. ilnd Mrs: Fritz· Leud('fs and I and ]\:It's, Car] n:lrk W('fE'1o~rS. ~~~:rAn~:':~n 'and Mrs. Mission band of Evangelical Keith, tl1(' Erwin Ulrichs, Mr. and J0rry visilcd, at Rollic Longe's ~llinll('r gUf'<';\s S~l~day il~ Ow Cliff

Lloyd RuhJow of ~hicago, called church had a picnic in Hoskins Mrs, Fr<'d Puis of Norfolk, Mrs. Sunday afternoon. IMunson homt'. Lhey Il'lt MondaySaturday afternoon in the Mrs. Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Erwin Louise Strate, Ernest and Walter, Jim Suher'arrived home Sunday morning for Oakland, Cal., wl1('re

. Augusta Bromels home. Ulrich and Mlss Elna Walker wpre Mrs. Reuben Miller, _Larry and morning from 51. Louis wh('lrf' hI' tlwy pl:l.n to lo('al('.Mr. amI Mrs. Gary Bauman' and in charge~ Lorraine of' Sioux Clty. A d('('o- re('l'ivE,(j his rJis('hargE'. TVlrs. Aaron Swansn~, Mrs, EN~

Keith of Luverne, Ia., came Wed- rnt('d hirthday cal<e ('C'ntl'r<'d the Mr. and Mrs. Carl SundC'll had '!111 Dnrsncss [Jnd chtlrln'n, Mrsnesday and spent until Sunday in Daughter Is Born. table. LUllcheon was sprved. Sunday dinnN \\-'ith Mr. and Mrs. (;ordon Ba1'd and Barhar:l. werPthe Hennan PuIs home. A d U ht . h' R d F!'f'() Erickson at Winside. Monrl:IY af!t'rnoon ]unchl'on gUf'sts

,,_tedROVF'rl'"-dnady eMvl'eSn"'nEg' Hat· SHOhelrmVla'Sn- 11 ou~e~, ~~sw~;n l~hur~;:yn t~ WEDDING SERVICE Mo;ris San~li1h] :l.ccompnniC'r] in ~,;~{.' ;r;r{-'~i~,~~lb:~~l~~iSChf'r vis.

Jochens', Mrs, E, 0, Beh'm·er was Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wittler in a HELD THURSDAY M~l'\'lJl and WIlford .Nelson 10 the' itpu at John RpckcnhauC'r's Sun-

there Thursday evening.' Norfolk hospital. The Wittlers Miss Letha Bernstrauck, daugh- Mmnesota harve'st fl('lds Monday. clay evC'ning. Paulette spent tl1('Miss Ardyce MittelRtaedt, have another daughter and a son. 1er of .Mr. a.nd Mrs. Hl'rman Bern- Mr. and. Mrs. Burneal Gustafson, day nnli Monday with her grand-

Chuck. Dick and Jody begaillez of tJnderKOf'!s Operation. .! I ~~~~l(:\OO~ ';:O~~~k~nda~rs.E~';;~~ accompallled .by Mr. and Mrs. Pete parf'nts. the Emil Rodgcrs.Norfolk, were Saturday afternoon Mrs. E. C. Fenske underwent ari Appel of Hoskins, were married at Oherg, wcre m Columhus Wednes- ::\1onday pvpning the LprencC'callers at H. C. Mittelstaedt's. operation on an arm Thursday in 4 o'clock Thursday, August 1, in d<iy for the annual Pionper seed and Paul Fischer families joined

Miss -Lois Nelson~of Fans City, a Sioux City hospital. She is rc. Norfolk. Rev. Theo.Harms, paSlor corn pleD-ic. relatives in the Mrs. C. K. Fisch{'rcame Sunday ev'ening to visit in ported improving. Mr. Fenske of the Christ Lutheran church, of".:. Miss Maybelle Lundahl visited home to visit the latter's niece,the Herman Buss, 'Ralph 'tair- took her to the city Tuesday last fic-iated.

, banks and Arthur Behmer hdrtles. week. Mr. and Mrs. Evans Meier ofMrs. Rober1: McBride of Broken O'Ne'ill, attended the couple.

Bow:,' arl'd Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy ,For Luthp,ran Ald.Wachter and sons visite.d Saturday Lutheran' Ail:) met in the paro-evening jn the' Frank Marten chial school basem('nt Thursdayhome. ~ with 27 present. Rev. W. F.

Mrs. Henry Wilson- and Do aId SprengIeI' had devotions and Mrs.were in the Gus Marten l~ome A. Bruggeman presided. Mrs.Thursday afternoon, Mrs, F:! 0, RalPj Fairbanks . was a guesl.

-:E~.':~~:~:t::;7:;~~;;.. n.~~.f;~; L:::a:~:e:~~:e;;:::~rs galhcr-Koplin and children were: -T, urs- ed Thursday evening in the Gustavday' afternoon guests in the R fus May home to honor Mr. Mayan hisMann home. birthday. Prizes In cards wpnt to• Merlin, Benshoof of 0miaha, Mrs. Ernest' May, Marvin May ofl:!pent la'st week-end in Hos~ltJs. Pierce, Mrs. Herman May, GilbertHe went from her~ to Sioux llalls M~y and H. F. Mittelstaedt. Two- Peaee Re'ormf~d Ch~lrch.where he will begin work f6r a course'luncheon was served. (Rev. C.·H. Riedesel, pastor)

5h:r~~r::~~~,H. H. Gray of :tltin- ts In tn Hospital. Divine services at 9:45 ~nd Sun-

neapolis, Kan., and Max Gr01~t of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jochcns and da~;~~~o~:;p}~,~4~~agueof PeacePetaluma, Cal., were Sunday idin- Lawrence spent from Friday until and Immanuel churches meet Fri­ner and supper guests in; the Sunday in New Ulm, Minn.,' visit- day, August 9, in the Wm. Lang-Frank Maas horne. t ing Mrs. Donald Duehn, who is in enberg home.

Mrs. Minnie Krause and ar- -a hospital there suffering from Ig-ery accompanied Mrs..' Ma tha brain fever. Her ·condition remains Trinity Luth:'tah Ch~rch.Rohrke and Lloyd to Norfolk at- about the same. Mrs. Duehn is a (Rev. W. F. Spre-ngler, 'pastor)tirday when they called inithe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jochens. August 11, divin.e services 'at 10

"Paul Rohrke home. o'clock. Si.1ni!ay school at! i1. Visi-Mrs. Mj,ilnj~ Brite.cknet':' wa ~ Dorcas Society Meets. . tors- are always welcome,

,dinner sunda.Yin.the. M. 1.0'/ 'Dorcas society met Thursday in August 9, choir practice. OuiWilson hrime, S, SgL He erl the Frank Marten home, Rev,' mission festival will be on the sec­Brueckner of Fort ttiJey, ,an., C. H.· Riedesel led devotions and and Sunday in '""September. Thecalled in the afternoon. - , Mrs. Merman, lVIarten, jr., presided. choir rehearsals are in preparation

Mr. and Mrs. Garl OestriGb of It was decided to haye guest day for that event. Evening at 8:30.Norfolk" : visited' in the Gus August _29 8;1 the Herman ;tYIarten. 4ugust 13, the next gatfiet"ifig of

.,,_ ":;':~~I~i,; ~onie' :3undli>': ~:tern.O,9~'; ~:r", ;hoI:tl~. O:U~5t5 were Mrs. Her~, the young people'of the congre&a~

l$:i,J:i:i:li,IIJli.k:;:-:: : :,:~ :; :,i;'::;>.: ~;, :;;:11;: )-"', {:' l'.':i-:: :;::i!:,,;,i',::!,




-. I "I I I THE WA11"E HERALD, WAY101E, NEBRASKA, Tm"RSDc,,-y. ArGrST 8, 19~a P."G~_~~_


-,Immf'diate opening for

man },et \\ ('('n thp ages

or ~1 and ~n. :llu,t n,,\.l'car to USC' in conncttion





Wit:h HomeguardInsulafion

Why pay exorbitant ])]'ices to haye-your home insulated'! Have Gam­hIe,,' bonded, trained Cl'eW~inS"~lateyOUl' sidewall and attic. Reduceyour home telli\-perature 1, degre~s

in summer. Saves up to 40~; 6f ~ourwinter fuel bill. Reduces you'fp'aih't­ing and redecorating costs. Fire andvermin proof. Gambles guaranteeall jobs against condensation andsidewall settling. Costs as low as$175 to $200 on average 5 to 6 roomhouse.

Your Job Can Be Handled on Our ThriflyPayment Plan. Can Us For ~

Free Estimate.




Sunooy, Aug. 112:30 p. m.

Full time opening for

man who is looking for

a job with a future.

1Il ust be between ages

of 18 and 30. Veterans

given -~reference. Good

~alary. Vacations with

pay. Employee dis-



MAKE BRICKS. Millions arene€ded. Start a quick CASHbusiness, returns can start intwo weeks with an ine1-pensive,easily hand operated TYRABRICK MAKER. only sand andcement and any old shed needed.Build y.our HOME of brick. Geta TYRA-PLAN. See what 'Can bedone. R. K. TYRA. CO.. WYO­MING, MINN. j18t4p

FoR -t 'strictly .co-operativ~ fi~,

lig!itiling, wind or tornado m­surance. also ,on your car ortruck, see W. E. 'Roggenbach at5th and Nebraska street. No. 50'7Wayne. Neb., or call 358LJ flit




Sofa Bed

Shag Rugs

Vanity Bench

In Auto Accessories


Masonite Table




-$5.95 and $7.95


Loup twist-s, chenille bath. sets. and

Kitchen work table.Regular $6.95. $4.95Sale Price. ---

Full sprin~ construcl)on with hard­\\/ood frame.

~:~~l~r~:·~o. ....._$54.50

Kitchen StiJolRed anrl white metal ki\Chen stooL

Regular $1.R9. . ..$1.49Sal'!. Price. ...

All metal medium cabinet. Two sizes.

as>iorler! throw rugs.

Sale Price

All walnut bench with tapestry cover·

ing. Reg~lar $5.95. $3.95Sale PrIce ......."""...

~ Rcal Buy.Regular 65c

Sale Price


Kitchen Table

~ro:~:;f;~;' ,......,$14.95

Special group of f1orals, as,.;ortcd pat­terns, different sizes. 1/'Sale Price .......".... I' 3 OFF

Sturdy and Compact.Rc'gular $1.39

Sale Price

~~-/~\ ,.

:' '. \~" - , ' '.<r~'


Big Discoun~ on


Our RC'gularLow Pricl', $1.~9

Sale Price.

3fi Rah'hf't TYJlP i

BUMPER JACK~Our RegularLow Pricc', S~.4a $1.66



IIr'l\y DUly Type

Regular ~19R i 1 '1>9Sale Price .tL»



Sale Price






$169i_-~ Price ,

CUBA LlBRA-Cuhan-hccl play shoe which lies,oxford-fashion, ,Slriped platform With '127cork and t ubbel Hole - --_ -.- .. __ -

STRIP TEASE-Enticing leatherette jandalwith wee wooden heelo and half- ~167platform cushIOn over leather sole...". .

MEXICO JOE-Thal honey, the huara­l'ha. Beige leather woven into al fool­favo~'itc which gain:-; more $166admIrers every years .. ----- ..... -- ....

SLiNGAROO-Casual oling slyle ireadyfor anvthll1g , lounging", sporting, orclass-d-ashll1g Fdb'lc WIth $177metalliC rmg trIms ~

GYPSY SWIRL-Smoolh elk J athersandal \\ lth an unusual SWII I f theolrap, FabrIC platform cush- 277IOn and wedge heel

......... 7cPATTE R N S



Draslic Redudions

1 ~ Pinls inA:-;~()rlcd ('0101'.,-;






Odds and End'Sale .

All Sa'les in ](oom Lols Only

MAGICOLReg. Low Price, $1.79.sal~~ Prkt', rer (iul.Quarts


Border to MatchPer 2Yard ... _ C


Reg. $5,98to $12.49

One-half off

















.lf2..... 1,4

lIe,ll\'y (!ltll\'as;



Large Heavy Dut.y

Regular $1.63

Sale Price.

Regular 49~

Sale Price.

GALVANIZED PAILSRegular $1.39 $1 00Sale Price .. "''1'; .. ... •

ODDS & EtWS SALEon Many Us~ful Farm Items




Clean-up Sale on


Implt'mcnl Type







23 MEN'S DRESS STRAWS.Somp Genuine' Panamas




................ lf25 GIRLS' SUMMER 'SKIRTS 1/

Ideal for School Wear .!4

12 LADIES' SKIRTS I/.Wool and Rayon ;3

SPECIAL GROUP OF CO!;1METICS 1/Face Powder, Lotions, 'Cologne, Toothpasle, ! 2Shave Cream, Razor Blades, Sanitary Napkins"Creams ctc. \


10 CHILDREN'S SPR,NG COATSIdeal for School Wear.

16 BOYS SHORT PANTSTwo It&t Months Ahead.

2 Cocl<shutt IO-in. burr grinders.Roller Iwaring with special third

bearing. A real buy $69 95at present price levels. ' ".



Genuine Boyl learn harness, Firstquality leather. 1%Min. traces, 1 %;-in.lines.Regular $H9.95.

Sale Price.

Can he u<;('d for many thing<;, suchas oil drain pans, chicken waterers,batchering .pans, etc.

'RegulAr $1.39 88'Sale Price ....... , C HOUSEWARES

>1C' 3 Figurines-I~ieal for lJri,dgp ~.~~:i~~s. Rpg. *1,f):)\ 3 Hostess Servmg Sets~hpg". ,~" 2,)

~ii~~~:~:~:~~i;; :~\_ ~ "'o~. V_';;f::.:~.::;~:;::;"''' ."..".WASHING TANK GiLmble's (;Il'ane.r and Wax


, ~ I Bug Screens . Tire R~line"

Heavy galvanized iron. Buill 10 la'l. " ~ ODDS AND ENDS AUTO POLISH Tire Palches ' , Windshield WiPersIdeal for washing separator and mJlk ~. ("lA/It uSC'';. Full jll'lll~ at giv(..'-u\\"ay Accessories

Good used Coronado cream separator equipment. Has convcni<'nt (\rl-Ul1. '.~~ 1 9 Regular 49C __ ...2t_..~ M_A__K_E_U_S_A_N_0_F_F_E_R_':_:_only 3 years Old" $65.00 Regular ~~4,95. $16 95 e to e Sale Price. ... IA ~eal BargalO.. __ ,. Sale Price. •

:.:====-=-----==~----------t:""---------------iWOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S

CARNIVAL - All fab­ric play ohoe, wilh open

heels 'and toes, Il~l;:; ,I'.platforrr: s?les $12 •In gay stl Ipes .

JAUNTY - Easy to slip i~toelk leather play shoes wtth

platform cUBhions '345 G ~

G' "Ue4'" ~;~T:~d~~:;~l~ CO~~y elk lc~thcl' . '6WlIIH. . _ . ... ....~ . shoes with perforated tnm. Thick .,..,•• ., _

""'1'11, .. ."~usWony platforms and "398 .• Th;Friendly Store . ~RNI'fVRE IlEI'T,'DOWNSTAIR.,'

I~'_'J:;!.'-'•.Th:··:·:~~·J!":':ri:~h~d:-lY:'''::!S:t:b::!r:~!I''''!I'~'!'~!!I!~!!!I~I!!'I!I_!!!I!!!I!l!!III!l!!III_!l!!III__!!!!8_!!!I~ !'!l!__, ~~1~e:a:tll:e:r~sO:I:e:s~.~..~,,~_.~..~.::'~"-~'~"~"';'':' ''''I!1!!!! , ~~~=iiiiiiiiii_~~!}:,i':i). '" ,- ----------- ..--- I ., "1 \1\\\.






Coat and Legging


The practical "get-up" for chil·dren of all 3i:"es - coats ",ithleggings to IDat(ih.

Now is tJ;le time to be thinkingof cold weath~r anead. 100%""'001 ("oats and leggings can behad at below today's marketprice.,

Sizes 1 to· 4.2 to 8. 7 to 11.

Sizes 10 tu 20, 38 to 46

This squan' neck Cardigan

Coat of luxurious ~ucde fabric

supplies the necessar~' setting

for success A one button clos­

ing at the neckline and shear­

ed waist with set in belt arecomplemented by painstaking

braid detail on body and cuffs"

Sizes 9 to Ii)

Sizes 10 to 20

You cannot afford to waittill the .now flies" Buyyour needs at Larson'snow. Save at least 200/0'Use our convenient lay­away plan ·if you wish.

The trim ,.,Cardigan neck fea­

tures the popular single hutton

closing and IJlt-'l1ds gracefull~'

into the Jines of the' new brush

up sleeve.

Delightfully pleasing is themanner in which the waist

choker in t1,is fitted topper,tailored of California fleece.

Stunning shuulders, accentenhy a Hollywood drape and

\vinged slee\"e, ~onYerge to aflattering slimness of the wrap

around belting.

You'll thrill to your \'er,' ex­

tremities in this tailored coat

fashioned of 1O-ounce aJl worst­ed mannish gob gerge ... Made

to wear and wear and ' ..'car.

This year the early shopper will save on her FallWardrobe.... You'll marvel at the new stylesand lovely 10(J'; wool fabrics.... Choose fromour complete stock of Bobby Jeans, Fashion-builtand Teentowners.



UPay Little By Little"

- "II•••••••:


Red Kap Hit



Some more of those farnomiReel Kap uniform pants and

shirt;.:. Full cut sanforized

garments tailored to fit.The'Y conll' in sun tan and

po~tman blue.

Blu<.' twill sanforized uniform

~hirts. Sizes 14L~ to 17.



solt's. hoth







The rir~t ill

Lallies' Rayon





and snlid col­o!'." fhJpular For-

~~~~I~']('" to ,~fi.H.). $2.99



Thursday - Friday -.Saturday

man.\' m{)llth~ and at the

prj,·(· .\'('11 Jjl-;(' 10 pa.\·.

mo....;!.. ::VI i~" t:Jaillc' ra~·on

knit gl;W!1,C;, sJightl.\· ir-



Miss Elaine Gowns

MEN'S WORK SHOES-Genuine 'l~ther work shcws withnHilrd and s(,we'd, good sprmgy 1"1Ih!l('rPalr

M('n'sWORK SOCKSMadl' of fine knitter! yarn,closc'ly \',."o\,('n, thaI WIll

;=~ and weal', 20c



" Ir\ ,. ,I .1 I' '_!

N«:arly t 000/0

THE WAYNE HERALD Section TwoCoverage of theCounty Field

Pages 1 to 6I

==- ~"""""""" $_2._49 l·

<M iss Eileen Werner Bride

Of Ti~othy N. Terry atRites Thursday.

MalTV at SeniceIn Lmrpl. Church

Is Sccldng DivorCl~.

In a petition filed I in districtcourt JUly 30 Lucille Olson seeksdivorce from Martin E.'O'son. The

couP,lewere married in 1.918. w. A'ICrossland is attorney for theplaintiff.,

Homp run: Smagacz.

~ii~~h. c~~~~~t~ut~:Ti~~~a:,eCo~~~lin 11. Bases on balls: Best 2,Conklin 1. Double plays: Retzlaffto Benton to' Page, LeMaster toClements Left on bases: Wayne 1,TC'katnah" 9. Hits and, runs: OffBest, 10 and 5 in 7 innings; offDickens, i and 1 in :2 innings.

Wayne rfeam Remaina in;

Second Place Regardless SIXTY.FOURTH YEAR WAYNE, NE~RASKA, THURSDIAY, AUGUST 8, 1946 NUMBER THIRTEENOf Sunday'~ Loss. --- _ -- -- I -

Pion".' !\'lte LeAgue Standln~s. Way;'--;;-ii~n-wi~~ - ICRO-UND-Ai'FALFA- Will Be Married. : ~Tekamah 10 2 .838 In Wisner Contest I IS SHIPPED OUT At Wayne Church: ,,/ :WAYNE ~ 5 ,.634 . I I A good many cars of gro1md al- . f: AUG USf .Fremont 7 G .538 Roy Langemelers 1904 Maxwe I fdlta hay have' been shipped from MIss Allee Smolskt, daughter 0 I • •

Wah'po 7 6 .538 car was one of the featUlcs In the Waynt' lhp ast iPw wccl{s by Mr and Mrs Joe Smolskl of ::West Point 6 6 .500 JUOIor LIVestock, show parade al Lloyd M()rrJs~n·01 'Salma, Kan Mr Waym" and Fredrlck FranCIs _ =Schuyler 6 7 .462 Wisner Fnday fhc car won the MorrIson has a portable grInder Relfcrt, son of Mr and Mrs Ralph j) /' .Peridcr 4 9 .308 pl,'lZe as one of the oldest cars In here. He buys ha stacks at fanns, Relfert of HartIngton, Will be mar- '"I/,.David eity 3 10 .231, Nebraska 10 a contest·'m G.maha gr.tndS,' the hay" S';CkS It and brmgs- fled at St Mary s Catho1tc chur~, JL.~ LAY-M,_." ~. 'A~ .

a few weeks ago. , . It to Wayne depot for car loadmg. here Monday morning, A~gust , ;. _l>iontlCr Results SlInda:y. I Riding with Mr. Lartgemclcr .In The ground hay goes to various at 9 o·clock. Both were freshmen .

Tekamah 6, ~Waync O. . th~. parade was Hen.ry' Becker of parts of the c.ountry to be used as at Wayne college the pas~ year.Pender 6, Fremont 5. Wlsne!'. Both were In .'hlack face an ingredient in mixed feeds for " .

~:~I~)(~~i.nb~~,~C~~rj~e~. 2. :~: ~~~~~em~:r.a1j~~~~r~~~~ ~~c{;~~ stock ~- p~~~,~~~~~ -.---.--, - ,- A ba;~d~~n:lV;~j~ia~:r;~om the "C0 ATEV· ENTplace In the clown class. In S..urc'h of Information. Pine Ridge and Roosevelt rescrva-

Da\'i~'{~~~~~~l'~)~~~;'l;. Will Go to Coast. ~' A, Lerner is scarching for tions was. in Wayne F:~~a~efdni~ , _TC'kamah at Wahoo. Mrs. Effie M, Lund, who solrl inlormaliun aboul a baseball game booster ~IP for t~e ~Sunda\Vest Point. at. Fremont. her home to Chas. Temme and who Iplayed between Madison and Norfolk ... aturday 3_n__ y.Pender at Schuyler, has a furniture auction next $at- \~.'ayne about 30 years ago, and -- ---

urday plans to go to Los Angf'les. r any ",;ho know about it arc aske"? Rohert Dale who attends sch?OlConvincing proof of Tekamah's Her s~n. Harry Robinson. arrivc.d I10 conlact lum. I: is rf'ported t.h~t a~ Amcs. spent the week·end, WIth

right t.o leadership in t~r Pionller 'from Los .Angeles Tuesday and his' the g~)m~' ('~d~~ In a scoreless tiC hiS parents, Prof. and Mrs. F. G.Nite League was displayeq Sunday mothf'r. ~111 accompany 111m .1~~r11?_: Iafter ~1 InnJn~s..:.__ .. ,,'_.__~__ . Dale, 4-('vening under the Tekamah flood- - ••1111-..-1.- -••••••••*0..11.•11•••11•••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,hghts, when the top-spot. team ~

humbled wayne, 's second plac,e • ,. U.rnine by a 6-0 count., . : ~ nlrorm

"Lefty" Con.klln.. Tfk~mah h~rI- = ".,. --cr, was well·nlgh m\"~nclbl('. facmg • cJ Sh-only 29 \\layne batters-two more : ~ p . t .. rt~l~~~ jr~:~~~g~.lJn~11t~1~~~~U~i~~i\"I~~ m J an 5 an I 5only 11 strike outs, he held W<;lyne

~ll0 three scattered singles while by,RED KAP'- 'being gi~\'h faul.tJess suppo!'t bj,'

his, team ales.Bud B t was decidedly off

form in hIS pitching for Wayne.He was poundc,d for a lotal of 10hits, before being, rolieved by

.Dickens in the 7th.Tt'kamah's scoring driyes -were

aided materially by pOOl· defensive I "lilay 'on the pen! ul the ~Vaync _

nl;~~'k\~;:~~~~ ~~~l;~l~~, t~~s ~I::o,',~'~~ori~ 5the bottom of the Lnd, pUShll;g :

~~('~~~~n~_~~~~i~~l :~~gl:S d~}~t~~at~}~ I §Filch. 'i =

It tallj('d l\yo m(Jl'C in the -it 11 I El

on Flj'("h'~, slf,glc and ii, r".'ur at I :el"l;l~'~' leadL'l." ii:ldcd Olle m gthe 61h Clements and IJ

Smll hand gscore came 111 tnt\ 71h m

when Smilgacz, mhn to ,face I :-,Dickens. for a 1n'!llCn- m

dOllS hqITH:-rUTl dr'j\'{: on',· tlw left gfjpld j('n('('. ~

The htl:\. score: m"'a,ynl'; cd) I h (J He:Benton, :':1) 4 () 1 U 'OJ

~~~~~:~~m3IJlf 1 ~ ~ ~ ~Rtc!z]aff, 'ss :) () 01 [j :! gBest, p. rf J () m

r~~~~ol~~ cf ,~ g ~ 1~ 5~~~,~', Zr ~ ~ ~ 5Dickens, II 0 0 0 :



Totals .:n 0 32113

Tekamah: ab , h 0 a eLeMaster, ~b 5 1 U 3 0Clements, lb 5 1 7 0 0Beard. 3b (J 0 0 0 (J

Smith, c 1 311 1 (J

-\\o-'achtlcr. cf 1 0 (J 0Smagarz, 3h, Iv 1 1 1 0Kranda, ,r[ 1 UYowell. If 1.1 f)

Fitch. ss 4] "Cunklill, l' I 11' 1 0

Totals 35 611 :n


. f - 5.. - . - ;

j~ I , 1"1 • I /I' I'" ,~,J , ••••••••••.:............ : ~.~ " '

Itli:ijli,liiir::,:iL",:.iW;,.";,."."."I';;Wo,,.'k.ill";'1/ ,:,'1';,. ' '.,1.

TIl(' rnarnage of Timothy N.Terry, \o\'"(--I:;ne cullege sTudent. son

;'"" of lVII'S, Anna Terry of M,cadowGrove. and Miss Eilcen Werner,daughter uj Mrs. Faye Werner ofMt'acto\\' GrO\-·(', 10ol~ plac(' Thurs­day. August 1. at ImmanuelLutheran church at ,Laurel, Rev.II, K. NiCTman officiating at thedouble ring scr\'Jc('.

Miss Marian Beehe sang "Be­'cause"' as the cDuple, mi}I"ched t.ofhe allar and "The Lord's. Prayer"at the c1osi'. She presided at t.heorgan, playing the. marches andsoft. music durin~ the c~remony., oThe bride wore a beige suit andthe brid'egroomi a conventionalblue suil. Mrs. Anna Terry and

I Mrs. Faye Werner were witnesses.Mr. Terry recently returned

from service· as signalman on the

~~~' ~~1iP~~n~:t ~~te~~Sgin~~,h~volunteer and taking boot trainingat Fjlrragut. He was in the Pacific •most of the'. time and saw action •raboard the White Plains in the =¥arshall islands, Saipan) Philip- •

. pines and Okinawa. He>.is ,now tak- =iog pre-engineering at· Wayne. •

Mrs. Terry is a graduate ofMeadow Grove high school.

The couple will live in a Quo~sethut in Waync.

Library' table.

Two end tables.Two small square tables.'Two card 'tables.


Radio, RCA, 7·tube.Mohair davenport and fwo chairs.75·lb. ice box.

Two space heaters.Large hall rack,Good oak wardrobe and another


Five kitchen chairs.Dishes.Maytag electric washing m.achine.Fruit cupboard.

Porch cupboard.!. barrel.12.ft. ladder" -125 feet of garden hose.

Flower urns.Bird bath.Lawn mower·Garden tool., etc•• and many other


Phone 65 for Appointments



The Beulah beauty shop ifl now'open for businefls in its new lo­cation above Mines' Jewelrystore.

New and Old CustomersAlways Welcome

Beulah Beauty Shop

Starting at 1 :00 p. m.

All property must be settled for before being removed

The offering includes the following:

302 East 7th Street, Wayne, Nebraska

As I have sold my property and a'f moving away, I will sell all my household

goods a;t public auction at-


Gas range, apartme~t size, whiteenamel.

Monarch electric kitchen range·Kitchen set, consisting of extension ,

table, China cabinet and kitchencabinet.

Cabinet sink, white enamel, allmetal.

Bedroom set, consisting of oak bedwith box springs and mattress,and dresser.

Vanity dresser.Axminster rug, 14 x 14.Congoleum rug, 9 x 12.Wicker porch set, two rockers and

swing.Two floor lamps.Two table lamps.

Couch, 3 rockers, guest chair, anc!settee, all oak and Itather:o.,;uP-holstered. i <to',

Franklin sewing machine. . ..,'

Round dining table, "":i:. 4~,i~h.12·foot extension.

Square extension kitchen table, oak,4S-inch, with four extra ,leaves.

Sat:., Aug. 10


State Bonuses.Granted in New Hampshire,

Vermont and Massachusetts.Insurance.

Provisions in next week VetCorner.

! !

The,: .Burea~ of SecurlUes of .ho State of Nebraska, StateHouse, Linc::~.will turnisl(You Uterature and intormatlO1l i

about ae.curiUea and men who' seU them. -

'5tateNational Bank


!~lIliii~ eIlie,1oU Iinolf how lIl1ie)iiil'frjj I.-~~.mtod III th••lIlonttJo""~...ea~.d.odaaved.",[\iY~'" -r-tP thtbolJlr, ar ~i!st8d In War BOlida-rop.'· •,. '........ta I!ll)oth. or fears at IIld~ aDd .eU deniaL ( ~.. /"/,c "r~ tarMd It the liard ';a:r:"f!oo'nose\t th;0007 'W~Jt .,"

- ~: ". "''', ' ' , I ," " ..

~1o'11a1l .. evert b1voilim",,!{:VO!i caD redu•• th~'~~J It.;(. :when :fOI! Gl'J: :nm 1".¢C'I$~ .. '. ..,Betort IIlveJltIog III aoy~ 0.leci!!Ity I!o~., les.... all YO;;'.... about It,


',I" .:'1

:.It., ·.1>, I,:' ,",do·ltG' .,:nv~. THE WAYNE HER/!>LD, WAY E, NERRASK/!>, THURSDAY,,;\UGUST 8, 1946

:::':,(.!ffi¥1pl:::' "-:!":I:~:O'i'-,;Fr~·-·~C"'."-'-"~i':-.""Ts' ~ -'-'----Iredu~~ W~yne county valuatlo~maginationof th d~:;, able ser~~-~Y~-;~l~gJob ~pcnmg~lmonths ~~s --~e-~e~~:~;-~- ~~~d-~~nday to spend -;--;~:"." ",'" ,".,,' ,'"~ ".,.' .n·,'....e'"e''.r:....:.." llruc ure \ from $111.06 to $10f;,62, thiS bemg but it 'also SUIts the pocket oak. In WJ~~l the employment service Korea. He Was statIoned 40 mIles With her; brother He a e S a~:il son, Orson, jr., of Plainvie}V, Mr."I; 4.44 per cent.. DIxon county's as- tImes when demands fi:)r bo ks are Mr. Kafka, representative of the from the Russian border. Korea, Jr, and famIly , nuan un , ~~~e,M~~. ~:~'n iJr.~~re~u;;~a~~~sessed valuatIOn was left at $71..72. great and book budgets a e woe~ Norfolk employment office, IS In the penmsula between ChlOa and Chns Tletgen was In Herr k S Jimmie Burr and Sandra drove to

D', i'!,'j':;,,::J db' I Rev. H" M. HOpert of Winside, fully inadequate, such col echons Wayne at the court house ('very Japan, IS dlvJded 10 two ZOnes of D, from Wednesday to Satl~rday Lake Okoboj'i Sunday. The Jcffrpy

'a'"·m·a'g·e y was able to speak at TIlden f have been servlce~savers t many other Thursday from 81..30 a.m. to occupatIOn by the 38th degree of With his' parents Mr. and' Mrs families are there' for one week',,'.' ',".",., .. ' .,' ..... ¢ azes pLalaUnreelHinlsOenoeusd,anY, IbrYvetnraEverxlIlngeb n, libraries. The av~r,age c. st of a noon. I latit'tlde. The Russians have the Henry Tietgen. : . and the Davis family for two

book is $2.00. ThIS Js 1 deed a -------~- --- area north and the Americans Mrs. Melvin Meyer Miss Ruth weeks.--.,--:-:::;r--+- Ipiloted the plane. nomina.] drice to pay for a lasting SERVICE NI~WS so~th. Americans were r:t0t por- Lundberg, Mrs. Haroid West and:~uly 9f",~930, Is ".l-f0tte'st, and dietitian's in .rncship in a Des Fire thought to have started memor18il . J11Itted to, cross the border Jnto the Miss Elda Cramer were in Sioux

, I,t "QD in Moines hospit 'I. from a short in a car destroyed In t.hat the .p':lblic library lteceh:~s PromotJnn. Russian zone. " City Thursday evening. ARROW STAGE LINESthe garage, car and implements at may maIOtam a defmIte s~andard Don El Sandahl has bC'cn pro~ In Theodore Roosevelt s ad- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Utterback BUS SCHEDULE

This Area. ,Mrs. C. 0tFiSher suffered a the Da". id Sylvanus place west of for its. memorial. b~O.k e.o lCCtiO.n, moted to co;poral. IIC', is stationed ministration the U.nite~ States and Geo. Oman of Wakefield, weri~-. " ~ stroke at the, .]1. Fisher ,home. Carroll. three SImple rcstnct.lOns ha e bl';'en at LowrY'IFwld, Denver'. guaranteed Korea Its mdepend- Tuesday evening luncheon guests Wayne to Omaha.Eilrly Da~ from the An elevat at Pender burned E. E. Werner, F. B. Decker, Miss placed on every a?ditio : The encl'. The Japs i,: 1905 wont -into in the W. E. Lindsay home. Daily Service

~e~~·t~~i ~'~:igT~ ;;:~I:te~I~~ from Hr:e stu,:ed by. lightning. Evelyn Anderson, Miss, Dorothy book .must be new.: ~t mu. t he in Is Homo from St'l'vi{'('. Korea and ,establJs?ed that cou~- Miss Dor,?thy ~yons spent from Lv. Laurel.. · 8:00 a.m.cOnSideral:be' loss to the Howard . Je~s Hall, ~2, father F.0~ D. !::fa1:), Bartels, Miss !."'rances 'l'ayJor and t.he field of nOf)flctt~n, and thr Pfc. Floyd Glmlsm(,Yf'r who had try as the fIrst Jap<~nf'se c~lony 111 ?un~ay untl~ !,"!"Jda:y of last week .~v. Wayne 8.:20 a.m.Hrabak store stocJ;<:. and to the ~lCd m DeT.1m~rk July ~~~,193~:;/ Miss Leila Adams are teachers in book must have perma,:en ~aJu.e. been in service sin('(' Junl" 1945, the pr~gramKOf Jap aggreSSlOn and 10 Lmcoln vIsltmg In the home of A~:6~~~~n~ ·········i~~~g::~:Sam Sadden building at 3rd und pan Champe:s of, ne~,~ ~~q~~l Carroll school for the coming year. It has .been proved bY libr rl~s In received his hanorab10 discharge cx~nslon, orea ,t~en aske? the fM-r.;ijndI[Mr,s. Marvin Mann. Ar. Lineo'1n ·, ..12:30 p.m.Main. ~treets in Wayne. About half was burned on the hands a~~~tegs ~heat taken from a binder at other ~tat~s, ~oo, ~hat the system at ~amp LeJeuIH" N. c., last w('('k l!nJte~ States for aJd and thiS na~. Mr. and' Mrs. J. R. Dysart and Return Schedule,the. loss i~ insured. The firc, Wh.ich "'~h~.n. filling~ gasoline engine. i7'119 11·'a.m. near Tecumseh was. made ~an b~ mamtamed many c mmun- and a{rived Thursday to he in his lton did n?t :espond. Now Koreans Mrs. L. G. Todd of Union, Nebr., Lv Omaha 6 00seems t6 have started an the gro- liqUId explod d and threw burning into flour by 4 p,m. and into bis- Ity, ~Jther ]ar~e or small. he me- pare-mal E. H. Glas"n1l'yer home. want their, mdependence. The.y a,pd Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Rihn' of Lv: Lincoln ::::::~:~:::::::.. Si45 g';;;:cery .where matches were stored. gHso!i~eove him. cuits by 6 p.m. mortal sh?lf IS here to st y. Per· wa~t American troops out and thIS Plattsmouth. were here Wednes- Lv. Fremont. ... 7:45 p.m.spread fp.!:>t throughout tbe build. Willis BU~ham of Sholes, and A 'barn and garage were de- haps some reader of the column Home from Spl·.... i<'l'. natlOn has agreed to leave in five day and Thursday in the R. B. AI'. Wayne. 10:05 p.m.:lng. Dr. W.1M. Hawkins Miss Winona Otrich of New York, stroyed by fire on; the Aug. Hingst will thing that Wayne, too should Tr:: Ruth Allvin d'lughtf"r f ~ears. The .Wayne man found (hat Standley home, The Dysarts are ~~: ~aath-~t:::: :::::::IIOO,.3100 pp',nm,,'I'the fir~,whe~.he saw smoke pour.. were marri July 31,1930. place at Emerson.. have a memorial library helf as Erntrid Allvins of 'Wa;nC' a~riv~d th.e Japs m Korea were more parents of Mrs. Standley and theing from 'the" windows about 5 in Rev. Walt '1" Ulrich of Winside, Rev, E .•1. Moede of Altona, Rev. ?O so many other towns. ~yone home Sunday after n'cc'i~'ing her frJe~dlY. than the others arc friends. Wayne to Sioux Citythe.niorning. The bUi,ldi;ng is one of a~d Miss. MiI;mie ROh;rts of H. M. Hilpert of Winside, and Rev. ~nterested r:n~y co~sult the llbrar- honorable discharg(' at Fl. Shcri~ L~~~. In Korea IS p~Jmltlve and Mr. al)d Mrs. W. C. Swanson, Lv. Wayne ,.,_.,.,_., ..",",,---'8:20 a.m.the pioneer structures of Wayne, :IgeOn, Mm ., w~re married July Geo. Pohlman of ·Wausa, spoke at Ian fOT addltlOnal mf0Ji!l~t on. dan, Ill. She had 11('C'n in s('rvice con I I?ns very unsanitary. Kor£'- June Dawson and Maril'yn Stand- Lv. Wayne 2:20 p.m.haVing be-en started by· Henry Ley 29, 1930. Hev. Ulrich has a churCh dedication of the new Immanuel . A flOe ~ew boo~ recelve( a~ the 22 months. lIeI" plons are indefi- a~ natI~e~ are larger than ~he ley went to Lake Okoboji Sunday. Lv. Waynf;' 6:05 1881, the year the town was es~ at Ithaca, N. Y. Lutheran church at Laurel. ltbrary thiS week IS The A enClln, nite Ja~s an ? not have t~e .shufflmg Mr. Swanson returned",Wednesday Wayne to Norfolktablished. ,_ A daughter was born to Mr. and' In Early Wayne Fnl~s. by Howard Fast. Is it a middle . galt that IS!c o~ .the and the others arc re;rlaining until Lv Wayne 3 00 P m

Winside iSl.arran~ing for an ,old' Mrs. RusseUJohnson of Wakefield, ~ro~ the W~yne Herald for Au- wC'stern historical legend. eOml'S to Staff''';. ~:~:ie~~~eam~~Sy491:~~~: p~~tl~~i ~e.xt Sunday. Mrs. R. B. Standley t~: ~::~:'~~~~~~~~~~~~~::,~~~iJ:J~pp:~:settlers' picnic which will be a August 4, 1930.. gust 22, 1912, Tatal assessments Marine PrivalC' Virgil L. IIofeldt, revolutions to result when i~de- JOlDed the group Wednesday forbright day of recollection for old- A da.ughter was born to Mr..and ~or Wa~ne county for the year son of Mr. and ::vII's. Harry Ho- pendence is granted. the rest of the we~k. Arrow Stage~Lines

sters and an inspiration t.o young Mrs. Dick Chan:tbers at Wakefield, S(~~I~~~;~i~nT~Ij'~~O'~~:S~I~~her~~~ (rid!. of Carr.oll, spl'nt. last W(,f'~- Nationalists ,~nd ('ommunists of t ~~M~r~,~a~nd~M~r~s=.~o~'~M~,~J~e~ff~re~y~a~nd~~~~~~~~~~~~~folks. , JU~.3~~.1~~O~ce of Allen, was se- was ·ttl' ded 1 200 C; I (l~d 10 ~an ])u'g(). C()llllllg [rom hiS China are fightmg over control 0f[1

Robert, 10, son of Rev. and Mrs. verely injured when he fell back- Niela~d,(70rmet~ry of \~ayn(' ~i~ air siat.lon ;~~ r':\\'a_t~asr, Oahu Manchuria which was taken from \~rank Farner, formerly of Wa~e- ward over a uanister in an Allen at Ashton, Idaho. August 1;)' 1912 Island, }.-Jaw:ll.l, hy R.ll) fr~'lnSport China by the Japs and th('n return- Announcementfield, was drowne~ August. 3, IH3U, uuilding. M S I· K . 96 d'· d . plane. The trip requlI"l.'d 1., hours. cd to China 1\'losl Amf'rieans ,HI'

when he stepped .ll}to a hole at a. July, 1930.:--- was 1hc driest and t'~e' hO~~ (~t ~l:r S~~I, :Joi~n I~r:it ~Q telephoned to his Inotlwr.while out of China·. but plenty of discordlake n~r Norfolk. hottest on record at Wakefield. nortitleast ·of Wayne, 'in .August' In th('. slatc~. Pvl. lfof('ldt \ ad- seems prevalent there between the

Mar 10 Lnge and. Miss Anne Rainf.all a.m~1unted 10 .2 as com- 1912... A 40-gallon ehC'mical- en~ dress _~s Marine Transp~wt Sq ~d- two groups.':Peters n were married August 6, pared to ,6.8 the y.ear befor('. Tern- gin.e was bought by the city coun- r.on 3~2, c< of ::l~('l lost OffICe, Mr. McConnell was in Japan a1930. perature rea hed 110. cil for the fire department at u r Vet's Corner JSan FranCISCO, Callf. short time an~ found that .the GIs

Mrs. ,Ted GHders~eeve and Dixon co nty" old settlers will cost of $375... Mr. and Mrs. Bert ' Rf.tnrns from ~l'r.... i<'('. there were qUlte well recP)ved.daughter, Miss '\ Eupke Moran, picni,c at Aufn. HornbY' who wl;!re recently ~ar. I." •• The sight of Scattle on returnA.()Mrs. E. R. Moran. and. Miss Alta Five tons of·~hay were lost in a ried at .Elliot, Ia.. , visited a. t, Win- . (By w.m. A. IJernprl' '. .JlI!! GOld.c.r, .formprlY Ol."Vaynr, the states was the most thrilling inErickson of Hartihgtoo, and E'mil fire at ,n ba n on the Ezra Boeck- side and Carroll. .. Wayne post of- . received hiS honorable. discharge Mr. McOmnell's army experience.Ahderson. O.f Wakefield, sftstained enhaucr far near Wak('fjeld. The fice will be moved to 1he J T . Veteran HO.USlD~. . ~ from the m('r('hanf mann(' July 9 It was a wonderful dream that ac-injuries in a car ~ollision near blaze start d from spontaneous Bressler huildrng formerly o~cu~ JIou~mg Ex p e d ItO l' Wilson after fiel'ving :-G mont hs oversC'as~ tually came true.Wayne.·. i , ... combustion, pied by the Clinkenbeard grocery. Wyat,t s dr~am of a low~c s~ vet- H: had en!erNI 1\1;:II.'ch 13, 1943.' ~__.!farrY'l'4cMm~ reports an oats Mrs. Paul SeHenline of .:sholes; ... Mr, and Mrs. S. R. Theobald erans housmg program. Jth. 50 HIS last. ~rl~ took 111m 10 Guam, LOCALS

yIeld of..''lt) bushels an-acre. suffered inj~rY to her chest and went to Chicago to buy fall mer- per cent of a.H.-new housm. sellmg the PhliJppmrs and Shanghai,CIPthing...,and cash· we.• re,;takeJjl left arm wh n k.icked by a colt. chandisc . at $6.000 eeIlIng or rentl g at a China. Prp.vlollsly he had hpen in Dr. C. E. Bush, dentist, phone

from t~e.4 P. Thomas home on o. M. D'venport of Winside, Miss Mary Ma~on is recovering $.'5~ top is as dead as dodo. ~a~t's' England, Scotland. h'pland. Spain, 424, Wayne, Nehr. tfthe Sam '·'Barnes farm northwest suffered a d ep gash on one hand from an operation in a Sioux City ofhce now concedes that onglnal M?roceo, Gibraltar, Algl'ria, Pan;~- The Chris Nielsens of Seattle,of Wayne. ' when glass In his car door broke. hospital. .. Wayne chautauqua goal of 2,700.000 h~mes by the end rna and Haly., I\1r. Go~der is now were Friday dinner guests at R.

MiS;S 14a:rgaret f'dine~ finished The state board of equalization opens with an address by Gov. of 1947 eshmate .of starts. associatf'd with his fathf'r. G. M. Porterfield's.

••.~•••••j.JII••Ji•.•••••••••••••••••••\.............. Hadley... C. W. Hiscox demon- not com.pletlons. ~yatt l~$greatl?' Golder, in the Gnldf'r hatchery at Mrs. C. p. L'1pham and Miss

.,. strated a new type' of plow at the concerned o,,:er mcreasl g eVI- Madelia, Minn. NeB Fox \.\'ere in Sioux City Mon-• Lou Owen farm. This operatE's d.ence and gr~pes over nb -('s?C'~- day last week.\, A,d',•.•.•sJ.a·bl-e Floor Jack' with kerosene and has six 14-ineh :101 eonstruehon okayed I rlvll- Charles McConnell Baldwin Fischer and Paul RoggeH u l; plows... Prof. F. M. Greeg of ran production admlnI t.ratlon ' were in Minne-sota fishing from

Peru, instructs I at the county h('aded by John D. Small. i • IsHorne f ronz.Korea Thursday until Sunday._ Sag.ging fioors leveled -hrith this teaehers' eonventiGn, , , LightnlOg Rrtlrem~nt Law•. ', First Sergeant Charles McCon- Alfred Koplin, Chas, Baker and.... did considerable damage in this Veteran-reservists and ~atJonal nell, who had !)('f'n in s0rvic0 two IDan Thomas were in Sioux City, m.odern, scientific equipment. vicinity. The Wm. Blecke house guardsmen who satisfy the! service years and in tl10 Pacific tlwatre a last Thursday on business.

was hit, James Grier and Mike requirements would be ent~itled at year. rcceh'C'd his hnnorabl0 dis~ The Alfred Koplins were in the. . I' Lyons lost valuable horses. A hay- age 60 to 21,~ per cent of active chargf' a1 Camp Beak Cal., Sun- Rufus Mann home at Hoskins, last

!Adjusts· to any height- stack at John Dunl<lau's was burn- duty base and longevity pay for day last w('ck <lnd arrivpd home Thursday. The women are sisters.4 ft. 9 in. to 8 ft. 6 in. ed. each year of active service-war last Wednesday. His wifr' and son Mrs. Grace Anderson of West

Rf"(~Ol~ded in Ponca IJaper service bcing counted. of course, flave heen in the True Pr('scott Point. came Friday to spend a fewI From Northern Nebraska jour- and % of 1 per cent of Rctive duty home h('re while he was overseas. days in the home of her daughter,

Nelson Composition Shingles nal, Ponca, for July ~9, 1886: and longevity pay for each year of Mr, McConnell ,,'as in Japan, Mrs, F, A, Mildner,/

I He"ypruiriefiresareruginginin~tiveservi~. lici~~i~nia~a~n~d~K~~iri~~,~~~p~n~ili~n~g~n~~~C~~M~i~a~F~rnid~a~s~u~n~d~w~e~n~t~~~B~~io~m~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I the western part of the ."Itate. . . 'Varning Is Gil·pn. -~~~--~~-

MARTEN CISTERN FI~TER The population of Bcatrj('(, has in- The-war department wants rela-I creased 1.500 in the last yi"U·,. A lives of war dead to shun all' per­

starch factory is to bc put in oper- sons and org-anizations attl?'White Cedar Posts ation at Nebraska City this fall. to sell information or adviqe about

4 d r: i h ~ ... A drove of sheep numbering the graves of fighting m('rl huriedan i.J. nc tOils ... 7 ff'f' llon~ 6S.(JOO head 's t)('ing driv('n from overseas. All available information

WEED - NO - MORE rA ~~~~~~~l t;~c%~~r;~sl~)~i~g· o~;~:;~~~ ~~~~i~e~(':i~~U:~~dc~~':~~~~ ~!~; o~=. :: in Chey('~~, county, and a fair will fice o~ th(' quartermaster gC'npral,

Pesti·oy DDT Conceflt,.ate • be held i"'f: fall., Crops in Fill- Washmgton, D, C.: more and !Qayer count ies will not VF'V and Jlollsing- Plans.

J • averag.e ov('r on('-1hird as much as ThC' V('f('rans of Forf'ign WarslUlls Flies and Mosqnitl!ps : t~l('Y u.ld las! yt'ar... Thl' Missouri ar(' coming up wi1h a CODrTPtc

I • r!~(\r IS eatmg ~h(' bank aWay at plan for hOll."Iing-. This will prohah-


· (~Ihson at a rap~d rate. . Marion ly be announc('(l soon, built around

t: L C : Cust~r co~nty, IS to have fl new r('volul ionary Higgins hO\l~e. ('on-U er on um er O· flOUTing mill which w~li cost $50,- cC'ived by AndrC'w J. ~Iiggins,· =000... The new nlliroad from whirlwind builder of N('-w (j)rlf'ans.• DAVE 'J'IIEOIJJlII~US, M jR. =. North Loup to Urd is about com- The houses are huilt of ~hermo~= 11;3 S Main Phone 78 pleted. , . 1.'h.e Otoc county farmers namel materials and th(' prcfah-• j: are orgamzmg a protective aJIi- rica ted Higgins housC' will not face: ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••11••••••••••••••••••• ance to guard against the raids of bottlenecks of scarce materials.=;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;~;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;:::~:;:;:¥~~~~;;:::=;~~Ihc:rse thiev~s... Four persons were I-.Iome .can be ('onstructPl in. 10.~~ kIlled at Mmden during the wind- days at cost of $4,481, th same

stc:rm. July 19... Six hanking in- type of home that J;lonnallj

takesStitutlOns are located at Hehmn... 6 mont.hs to construct and costsThe bu.sin~ss nwn of Grand Island $6.653. If vf'ls support the progr;mare agltat 109 a canal and water- Higgins will Sf't up on-the-job-power scheme. training systems to train teams to

L- -..--~----- ~~~~g~i~fin~J1~OU~n~;:~JO~~:~~~

tbrary News Higgins says.lhe houses will last100 years and are proof agamst

One of man's most worthy traits rflts, vermins, termites, spidersis h~!> desire to keep the memory mites, germs, dust. ('verything:of hIS heroes and his loved Ones-- The basis component is a comhina~sometimes the same! Out of this tion of porcelain enamel and non~

urge, awe-inspiring monuments of carbon fused tOg"ether under greatbrick, bronze and 'stone have been heat ·anil pressure to form a con­erected in every sizable town struction material. There is virtu­throughout the count.ry. ThEse nre ally no transportation costs on thefitting memorials for the eminent principal material weight, Port~

tlnd the beloved. Yet, by reason of land cement necessary in Com­'heir wealth or renown, relatively pound can be secured locally as!few people are immortalized in well as the water . and a smallsuch a manner. Within the last 20 amount of foaming agent ncces­years, however, a way has been sarY.discovered in which many loved Rumored V. A. Head ChanA"f'.cnes in even the Fmallest commun- General' Omar Bradley is Roonity can be commemorated, simply to quit as head of the vctrrans' ad­and effectively, through the me~ ministratjon. He is tired of run­morial book system of the public ning around and speaking to ('on~

library, ventions. Dope is that Brig, Gen.IntcreRted librarians, trustees Hershev may suc~p.ed him. Vet or­

and laymen ask, "How can such a ganlzations would ra1 hf'r havesystem be established?" The ac~ someene who isn't an co-operation :md interest of Terminal Leave Pay Grant~(l

the people of the whole community Enllste<l Men:are important. Once the idea Latest provisions will be printedcatches the imagination of a few in Vet Corner next week.library-minded, persons, the future Burial Expen~es.

of the system is assured. i Raised from $100 to $150 on JulySuch has been the experience in 24, 1946.

a town in Kansas. A chance re­mark started the public ,library'smemorial bookshelf. As. a relativefrom Tennessee viewed the ex­travaga~t floral d,isplay at thefuneral of a prominent banker, sheremarked: liThe flowers arebeautiful, but what a pity that Manager Urges 'some of the money represented H .here could not have been put i~to untlng f or Jobsmemorial books. .' Our public 11- Readjustment allowances arebrary ~as a memorial shelf. When poor substitutes for a job, Waltera, relative or friend passes away, A. Steffen, area manager, warnedwe· send flowers; sometimes we unemployed veterans. "In spite of

place a book on the library's me- the increased number of workers ff M L dmorial ~he-If in his memory; some- available, scores of people arc be- M' E.times we do both," ing hired every day," 5 leun

From this casual comment the Mr. Steffen urges veterans to r • ..?'. 'Kansa._ library has reaped a har· do more than to register With the

" .'. ~~~J.:e~.~~~::~:~ ••~~,,~t~., ~~~':::~~:~~~e. f;e;5hli~e':,":cJ~= ~=~~m::t\erO~~e~ddi~n~i~e:;v:~ T. J; HUllhes. Auctioneer OWNER First N~tion~J Bank, Clerk

i ,Member of F.ederal,Reserve Systej ,and ~. D.'I. tJ. _ a ~~~n~~~~~a~fb:~ .~~~~~n~~t ~~~y~~~~j~:~i~e~hOse of .the ein-ll~iii~~iiiiii~iiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~ii~~~~j~1;:;~~'~'l',.J!:~~!'!!lig!"~/!";~!":W;,"!II':I!'i~~d!",:}!II'::~;,·!II'.. !II';":~::',.,~r''''.;i"'·;~i;!'!!,/!11'::"lll!"·!", "',';'i"!'\~i'!'J!!"!;J"I';U!ll'!!::!II'y~l!'!r!'i"":!j;..t\l!~i';:!'!!';;II!",::',i!ll'?!,"'j;:"':'::"'.;""j.'i"!,I!",,!",---..,....".,,1 ~,~~~.\i,fi~s" ~~e t:I~.e~· ,of the library A~~ .,employers ce.n rende~ invall,l~ < , 'J1,'~j,

"" I I!




OES l\'leet-s.OES held a regular business

meeting Tuesday evening.

Alva Olson, Hartington, DieThursday After Operation

In City H08pital.

• Runaway 'AccidentInjuries Are Fatal


Have Picnic in Park.Employees of Frank Pilley &

Co., and their families had a picMnic supper in Wakefield park WedMnesday evening last week. About50 attended.

L, '. . , ,.,(.

Reele:~ted to POSt. •• Socae.ty •In Flrelnen Group -(oclalForecast.

Presbyterian La~ies' ,Aid will

Weat Point Will ~ntertain ~.C~~r~i~ :~u~~~~J~~.hp~:~~c~:Men at, Convention to

Be Next Year,

Members ,of the Northeast' N{'~braska Firemen's association metat Osmond Thursday. ""'hen Rich­

. nrd Wickert of West Point, waschosen president; Earl Hinds,Ponca, .vice president; and VernerFischer, Wakefield, was re-electedsecretarv~trea~urer. The groupwill hav~ the 1947 meeting in WestPoint.

Speakers at th(' meeting were For Birthday.E. C. Iversen of Ponca. deputy A ~r()up of neig-hbGI' ladies andstat.e fire marshal, Joe. E. Fetters, . friends called in the~. C. Nuern~

Lincoln, state fir£! instructor. and llx-rger home Thursday to helpVal Peterson, ,Elgin. republican Mrs. Nuernbcrger celebrate hernominee for governor. . birthday. Luncheon was served.

Fir(' Chi('f V. H. R. Hanson. As­sistant. Fir£' Chid Fl"f'd Salmon,GeorgI' Eickhoff. Hi<'ha"d Wolters,

,. Dave Borg- and Gi!<·s Ch-;nf'y at­tcndcd .he mC'ct!ng from WakeMfit'ld, besides Mr. Ff$chcr.

~utrena Feeds from SHERRY BROS. PRODITE ;{o wellwith your e"'l{ manllfa('turin~ plant<;! :So factoT)' ('anoperate· effkiently without a ()roltf"r supply of raw In~

jtTf-'dipnts. OUT mash slIJlplif-'s thp materials ,necessaryto build e.p;g!'l, when ft'd \\ ith grain. We help you get" produc.tion. .

Ha~dware Automotive PartsHousewa;e8 and Electrical

Special Values in

and Accessories,Equipment.

Griess RexaliStore

A Modern Fly.Control ProgramFarm fly control is certain with two new Dr.IHes~products.

L D·r. Hess Barn Spray-a wettable powder con­taining 50% DDT..Mix with water to spray barns.

"'~ milk houses and other fann buildings. Flies die..~!tet"'lighting on sprayed surfaces. One or two spri"1ng~

~ last throughout the fly season. , ' I

2. Dr. Hess Livestock Fly Spray concentra~!o~use on animals. Contains thanite and DDT. Th .te,fastest fly killer known, giv~s quick k?,ockdo andkill at milking time. DDT bUIlds up for.killing flies on animals in pasture. One plnt ;Fl~_ ~ a~

in water makes 2Y. gaHons of spray. . .._.So, here's a modern By-control program. We (:llI3

supply both these products. Satisfaction guaranteed.


SALE STARTS ON FRIDAYAugust 9th and I.asts Through Au~ust .17th


Club l\feets Friday.B. C. Club met Friday with Mrs.

Earl Wade. Mrs. Bernard Splitt­gerber led the lesson.

Train/j in CalHornia.

Pvt. Lf'r' Stauffl'r, training withtil!' mi'lrinf' ,lir corps in San Diego,has lile folluwing address: Pit. 112,n.. D. M. C B., San Diego 41. Cal.

COUh(~n Meeh.City council met August 6 to

conduct routine business.

Firompn Meet.WakefiPld firemen mpt August

5 to conduct regular business.

For Lions Club.Lions club members met August


Install Flood Light",.

Two large flood lights we're in­stalled Monday last week at thetennis court in Wakefield park.

En",. Sf. .John's I~uth. Chllr(~h

(Rev. Robert Kruse, paslor)Sunday school and Bible class

at 10. Services at 10:45.

New Fire TruckIs Received Here

Community fire truck, whichwas purchased through contribuMtions of farmers in this vicinity,arrived in Wakefield ·Wednesdaylast week. The truck is white andis complete with the latest equip­ment for fighting country fires.One fe~ture of the truck is a largebooster' tank which carries enoughwater to extinguish an ordinaryfire.

Legion to SponsorCelebration Here

Wakefield American Legionpost will sponsor a Victory daycelebration Tuesday, August 13,when a full program of cntertain~

ment is scheduled. A booster trip,organizNl' hy the post and Wake­field business men. will leaveWakefield this F.riday tu visitsurrounding to\o\"n5 to advertise1h(' celebration.

Featurf>s of the day will includeH barberm; of a 1.()()()Mpoundsteer; a horse show to he helddown town from 10 a. m. to 12noon; concert by Wakefield bandunder the direction of JamesKoontz at 12:30 p. m. and 7 p. m.;pet show and parade at 1 p. m,;hasehall games at 2 p. m.; danceat 9 o'clock with Vern Hall andhis 10~picce orchestra furnishingmusic.

Peters amusement company car­nival with rides and concessions,which will be in Wakefield theweek of August 12, will also be inoperation that day.


Funeral services were conductedSaturday afternoon in Ponca forOmar Butler of Ponca, 79. whopassed away July 31 at the homeof a twin brother in Ponca. Rev.Chas. Rabenberg of WakefieldPresbyterian church. officiated atservices. Burial was at Wynot.Mr. Butler was treasurer of Dixoncounty from 1922 to 1926.


Calf Roping

BraHma Riding

R. C. A. Approved

Tri~\i and Fanry ROI)ing- ['horse Racing



Trick and Fane.}' Riding-Clowns Indians


August 14·15·16

UI'lI trade this!' c~~"pion' !any :day for Socony..

Vacuum products frhmthe MEYER OIL CO;"

In Cas£' u-f .Bad Weathf~r,Sho", Will B~· t:~nUnu(-',d ()Ot'> Day

Daily Program Starts at 1 :30 Night Show at 8:00DaD{'('I rayiHon on (~round"


Member of I. R. A.

Bronc Rifling

Bull Dogging

Miss Ruth Williams is spendingSalem Lutheran Churt~h. Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Sprague the vacation at Solon Springs, Wis.

(Rev. Curtis W. Wiberg, pastor) ;1~; at Roy Pierson's Friday eve- 42~\v;yn~: :eu~~, dentist, PhO~~

Th~l~~~.~y~~dU~~~itV~il~:~~ei~t~~ Mrs. Ida Robins'on called at Vir- The Alfred KopUn family visitedgil 'Kardell's TU1sday aftern..Dbn Sunday in the Art 'Weichenthal

Ch~~~~~a~I~~~~I an~ Bible classes last week';n\ home at Stanton.

at 10 a. m. Holy communion scrv- da~~i~a;;h~Ce~~a ~ t~:ntGi~nf~~ fro~sL~~~a~~~reO~~~~~d h~~~iC~~ ~~~i~iy invite you to at- Sahs home. employed for some t

Daughter Is Born. tend our serv,J~~s. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bilsda0n were IdvaRodelle Jpohnson'turnDOrid dA daughter, weighing 8 pounds, at Harry Beckner's Sun y eve- an bert enn re e

was born Tuesday, July 30, to Mr. Mission Covenant Church. ning last week. from Camp Merrill Baptist gather-and Mrs. Melvin Anderson of (Rev. Ervil Gustafson, pastor) . Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Echtenkamp ing. . .Wakefield, in a Sioux City hos~ Sunday, August 11: Sunday were at Emil U3ht'S Monday .H. A. Preston returned Saturdaypi~a1. Mrs. George Anderson and Bible school, 10 a.m. Morning war.. evening, July 29. from five weeks' visit with his son,Mrs. J. E. Bergerson were in the ship,.11 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Ar en Fitch and l{arold, and family at Portland.cit"y to see her Friday. Wednesday, August 14, meeting Duane were at Ed. H!;lgemann's Ore. .

of the la,dies' aid at 2:30 p.m. Re- Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bressler, Jr.,I To Play at 'PIcnic. freshments .served after the pro- Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hinnerichs John and Richard were Saturday

Wakefield Legion baseball team gram. Hostesses Mrs. Charles were at Amos Beckenhauer's Sun- evening dinner guests at Dc;mwill' play Allen Legion team at the Fleetwood Mrs.~ :Elmer Fleetwood day evening last week. Wightman's.Dixon county Old Settlers' picnIC and Mrs. Edythe Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. John Sie.vers had Dr. and Mrs. C. V. McKim,to be held at AlleQ this Thursday, Thursday, August 15, Mary picnic dinner at Niobrara state Marilyn and ~iscilla of Fresno,August 8. Martha picnic on the church lawn park Sunday last week. Cal., came Friday to spend a few

at 2:30p.m. Senior Y. P. meeting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lessman, Mr. ,"days in the C. H. Bright home.'Undergoes Operation. at 8 p.m. Program and refresh- and Mrs. Simon Lessman and .Mr. Miss Beryl Nelson returned Sun-

. Mrs., W. L. Byers underwent a ments. Hostesses, Mrs. Warner and Mrs. Fred Ruser, were at Paul day t.o work at Ames, la.! afterrriajt)1",operation in a ,Sioux City E~landson and Mrs. ·Will Borg. Lessman's Sunday evening last spending several days wlth·her M. D. Fisher. Ownerhospital ~day. Dr. B~e,rs and This will be a c~p rally. week. ." parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Nelson.IIL.._... ....c;.;:;.:~~~ ......--....~~~~-,;,,;

'~........."'"----~-- ....,;;..="'"'"~~ .....~.....~~....~~~~"!!I~'t:w:"o~· .•'·~s~orts'were'in the citY'with hl~r. "Friday, ·August ,16, Sunday The Joe' BeCkenhaue9 attended Mr. and Mrs. Alfre.d Rasmussen

c r








'ITO KEEP," COOL '-- .....1



Qltmlng- your dOOB .nd windows-and puning down the shades

I doesn'c ml.ll-out the heat. for heat freeL» passes in through the empty

~ outer wills and ceilings,. That's why, after a long. hot day yow:

ibouse iJ boatt inside than our. To keep your home cool and reiresh.Iu:g in ~he summer-cozy and war~ all wimer Tempera/lire Condi."""'.wuh. PAlCO WOOL Insulation. For maximum.-)U1 'round,comIoLt ae a mioinw.n1 cost, call us toda¥_I'.IIP_YOUR HOKI IN THE COMPORT ZONE

Kugler Elec~ric Co.Office Phone 322 106 Main ~esidence 12·J

Sells 's~ep at' Is Home from Service.,e It Marris sold' two- pu:reb~d John Sahs. who had: beem in the

s.heef) at the state sale in Li'ncOh1 navy since January, 1945, receivedFriday., ,He and'Mrs. Morris went ihis 'honorable discharge and arriv­there Thursday and visited friends :ed Tuesday last week from Longin. Lincoln and Roca. They, went to Island" N. Y., to be in his parentalthe N., F. -Morris home at -Milfo:rd. :A. C. Sahs home. He spent Sunday

)~'aturday and returned Sunday. ,and Monday last. week in theMr. and Mrs. Warren \-'Vingett ·Chas. Garwood home at Perry', Ia.,were. in t,he Morris home While Eenroute home. He ~Hans to attendthey' were gone. f, 'ijle sta.t university this fan.




Farmers •.You can depend on Meyer &:Bichel 10 supply you with

the gelllWlie IHC repairs to

keep your farm equipment

runn\nll in top'shape dut~the h.,rvest season.

Call ~ when repairs Dluat

tie quickly and oati.,.

'. fac;forirx.•. We are always. ready to serve.




At Warn'lllon, (In',, T\IuY()l' F. _1\'1. \\'ilsol1 ran up agajl1~l some bad Rut,h F arl('y, . Pasad('na, Cal.lilCl\; wheh llC' !l1.1t'lTIpted 'to pass a Iste?pmg. on a, sIdewalk scalE' to,Ci.ty" dl'iving liet'Hse u'st,. "\r1/ith Ex- weIgh, hit the Jackpot when 8h(' jn­umirlCr A. M. Urnhrr'v ',Portland ser1ed her penny and the mach mealon!.':' 10 dlf'ck OUl 1h~: loayOl', h~ cotj.ghcd 2()~) cojns a1 her, Thegete'C' his hr;"ll new cal' the gas store propnctor r.u~h('d out toaIld rn:lrf'd lilckward across the swe",p up 'th? penO\es and assuredsweet i:lto a 'Ol'lhvood ~tot'.c..By- Miss Farley It was not one of those


! i

Dr. E. L. HarveyVeterinarian

122 East Second StreetWayne, Nebr.

Day Ph. 76 -.., Night Ph. 480


HOOf1Y B,d{){f'n, a [annpr n('ar ~omebnf~ stooped pretty low atDpviJs 'Lak(~, N, D., is hetWf'('n Chicago, 111, John Pue-In, 37, of$3,UOO aort' S.1.000 ridwr !.wcaus(' l-Iollywo?,d, ,Cal., haI'l11onjca-play~his il'ucl, gol s1uck in til(' mud. ing manager' of the Harmonica\\'Ililc dig-t.:in~ ai'ouncl the w}wds Ra5ei.~ls, I'l'ported his po('k{~t. pick­

.. of }ds ll'tH:k 'ill the \l,:otHls on his Ied 01 the ,troupe's ..'S~UU pay, :\11:.,nilkken's shovd strllckiMr.. Pllelo IS 4 feet:) melles tall.a.- box \\TllJ'lPi'd in hllriap, The box 1 - ~

J;~:~~~:(,::,l]'-'d \\:~ ;lm~;~:~\I.'('nl'Y. At t~~~= Iw~~~~)a~~~'l'A:~Z~~lnt~lIS;;.~ (:~~fict' 'it The-IJames F' GoldlJhch at Lancaster,1110lwy j" :'Ill' "unless it 1)a., said: "Tht' brjd('groum wore('lin tip rll'finitr'lv that lht:' same shirt worn hy the hri(!t"sjt'lJclolli-:S 1'1 S(1~l('Ollt' l'lst'." father and thre{' brotlH'l's at their



For the Treatment of


And Other Pests

AILMENTS and Wounda




Use Medicrude

Sold on a Generous

Money-Back Guarantee

A whole dmm will be delh'ered, •• Ust" ODf" third of it. If resultsare not satisfactory the re­mainder of the 'drum will bepicked up and the entire pur­chase price refunded.




The man we select can assure himself of a 2"'~ iucomewith many opportunitie3 for advancement!

Write in confidence to one of the mongut, l:mest-growingLite Inmr3nce companies in the United" State!i and let tl! showyou bow our men are succeeding in building a Career. Give ~reference3 and past experience.


Joari Gahan of Columbus, hadhis C<lr back om' morning after hereport cd 1hat it Wet::; missing fromin front of his homc tiw night be­fore. He found it in IlLs garage, The I

speedometer showed it had travel­ed 86 miles.


C. M.Coe, M. D.Physicians & Surgeons

Offices at

Benthack Hospital. Phcinel06

Dr. T. T:jJonesOsteopathic Physician

Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted

Wayne, Nebr.

Ralph, ]3. son of :VIr. and Mrs.Herbert Harm of Bloomfie-ld, suf­fered a concussion and other in-

::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;~Ijuries Monday. last \veek when a• pole bE'ing used to lift a grain

DR J Tseparator fell and struck him.. .' .



Phone 305·J forAppointment .

111 West Second St;€~tjii'Wayne, Nebr.

Nourse I{nok-Em-Kold"does just that-Kills on contac't­repels for hours-keeps yDur live­stock insect free and working foryou--:-not fighting flies. 'NouriBKnok-'; Em -Kold' -·f

~r.~~:a:oi~:r~~ .~luI, effects on ,:, ,livestock or bu. ~ '\mans, Don't letflies fake profits. '.... ~. ..See your Nourse ,.....,aler today, get ,!

Knok-Em-Kold. 'Puts cash in your

.'No~rse SpraysContaining D:D.T.Nourse sprays containing ,D,D.T.are "farm and ,laboratory' :'tested".They are backed by 'years of Naurseexpe~ien~e producing quality 'fannpro,ducts.r .Your Nourse dealer 'hallNourse iSprays with D.D.T. forevery use - indoors or outdoors_

livestock or farm build..ings. See him today andget· your supply of

.t'" Nourse Spray D.D.T.-Followdirections on label.

'. J!,ocket.

.. 'r,,'ec' Your Mill. Profif. - fromllies an.d Olher /lrsecl Pests

Brome Crop Light, For This Season


is also tops in quality, service and efficiency.


"C" stands forCollege - Campus - CLOTHES

Visit Brown-McDonald's OftenDuring t:he Coming Days



xtands for the store where dream-wardrobes forcollege come true with a Raving in money andeffoI't. We have been making very specialpreparatinn" for you college folk. Do keepdefinite tab on our ads, \vindow displays, andready-to-wear department. We are going tohave some very interesting styles to make yourclassroom and social hours a -very happy re­membranc~. The largest 'college enrollment inyears is the forecast, which means that you willbegin mak\ng preparations early.

That's why so many people use PREMIUM NOURSE

FRICTION.PROOF OIL. It treats your engine kind-

ly and keeps your car inl good c?ndition. ,


Sunday Is THE, Day]GO~TO THE


Tire and Tube Vulcanizing Service

Goodyear Tires and Tubes

ClUb Meets Friday., Altona Social circle will meet

Thursday with Mrs. Anton Pfluc­. ger.


lias ]{nee In Cast.Donald W~ible has a k ee in a

cast as a 'result of an i.nj ry suf~

Cered while playing haseba I a fewwceks ago.

Undergoes Operatio .Mrs. Catherine Mclntyr under­

went -a major operation in anO,maha hospital Thursday. She is·reported getting along nie ly.

I-lb. packages


Jolly Worke~s Meet:.Jolly Worlters 4-H Cooking club

met Friday with Marilyn Lewis atLaVern Lewi~'. Eight membersand five gu~sts were present. RolleaU was recipes of favorite cakes.Contests were conducted by Bon­nie Lou Fisher and Marilyn Lew­is. Questions about cake bakingand dish washing were discussed.lee cream and cake were served.The _next meeting will hl" August20 at Sam Ulrich's, with Lorraincas hostess.

Good Rains I'~aIl.

Rainfall in Winside Sat rdaynight amounted to .25 of an inch,and Sunday night .50, accor-d ng tothe gauge at Gaehler & Ne Iy.

Firemen Meet.Winside firemen met M nday

evening to conduct regular busi·ness.

ReceiVt~s Dis(~har~p,.

PhM2c LeRoy F. Wittl('r arriv­ed home Thursday evening fromSt. Louis, Mo.. , where he receivedan honorable discharge Augus1 1.·He had been stationed in I uene­me, Cal. He plans to contin e hisstudies at. the University a Ne­braska this falL

Complete Line of Fai,.moVegetables in I-lb. c

N.Fees • Stock • CoannJuI....

• Stra:wberril:lS and pineapple'


• Fr:ozen Apples.In 2jb. lugs!• Peaches and Apri<i;9t~,:(~ , i30-lb. lugs


Martin,L. RingerWayne, Neh~a.ka ,I

Aflthorl%ed Mortg,:,ge Lo~SoUcitor lor j



FARM ~LOANS1I0m(Offic.,:N.wark~.J.I



Pioll~erResident' ' ley, and Dale 'HedriCk,LeROY andI ri" " • 'S', , '~atym H~rscheid. Ice cream and

r'as~es zn "tanton..a;(" were served 'after cards.~arJ' Scl1l1eider" 'about '85, of . 1_

St~nton,. brother~in~law o~' Mrs. Celebrate Birthdays.~m..)'1offman of Winsi~e, di~d at Sunday Oinner guests_ at W. B.his',home in: Stanton. Satui'd~y,eve- Werner's to' nelp Mrs. Lowellni~g.'- Mr,. Schn~ider was a pioneer Werner, Gene Baird a-nd Mrs. Tedresident' of Winside. 'He :,'lcaves Foote celebrate their birthdays,two sons arid three daughters.' His included Mr. and Mrs. Ted Footewife' died in 1923. and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell

~::~:;ho~:~~~~,:{;. {~gl ~~~:Gene Baird and Miss EvelynBAird. . :'.)

Wioside 'Department ....Wayne Herald,',! ' " BY MISS EMELVN GR FFITH

Plans :ProgressingFor Picnic Here

, ;;,iCOJ)1fr'dttees eire working toformulate' a. program for thc an­nu~l ,Old Settlers' .picnic 'Which

'wiH be held ',at Winside Thursday,August 22: Dr. N. L. Ditman isg~neral chairman. '

Socia:I.\VSCS Meets.

~ WSCS met Tuesday with Mrs.Walter Gaebler and Mrs. H. L.Neely hostesses. After the regularbusiness meeting and quilting,luncheon was served.

In,fant Is Baptized.ljtoger Lee, infant son of M . and

Mrs. Jake Miller, was ba t izedSunday evening in the Miller home

G. T. Club Meets. with Rev. H. M. Hilpert. of idat-G. T.' club met Friday wjth Mrs. ing. Mrs. Melvin Nydahl. lfrNI

Ch.arles Unger. -Mrs. Robert John~IMiller and Reuben Voecks wereson and Mrs., Helen Weible were sponsors.guests. Mrs. Carl Nieman won 'the prize. The club meets in two Llhrary Board 1\1('('ls.weeks with Mrs. Fred Wittler. .Library b9arct mf't. Satllrrl.ilY

Wlt.h Mr~. n. H. Morrow, MISSContract MC("tM. Gertrude Bayes and' Mrs. eorge

Cont.ract met. Tuesday last week Gabler being present. Books loan­with Mrs. D. O. Craig. Mrs. OUo ed total 266; new readers, ; andGraef was a guest. Prizes went to fines, $2.Mrs. Harry Rhudy and Mrs. N. The, club meets in twoweeks \yith Mrs. 1. F. Gaebler.

and FauneiI, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ~ sto~e Rev., Bulkley's par­Larsen, Mardelle' and Janet, Mr. ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bulkleyand Mrs. Eldon ,Barelman and Mr. his brother, Burdette E. Bulkley:anQ Mrs. AlvIn Johnson were and family and his aunt Mrsguests Sunday in the H. C. Barel~ Jean Swan'k, all' of Denv~r, wili . 'J!1c 1946 br?mc grass seed cr~pman home at Wakefield. join them. The Wayne fOlks then l~ lIght and, prices for the,seed wIll

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Koplin, go to ColQrado with the Denver ltkely bQ ~Igher. A few f17~ds pro­Wanda, Yvonne and Paul plan to folks and will have a cabin in the duced a fairly heavy. crop In Dixon

to Sioux City Monday to meet LOCALS leave by ear next Sunday for Ni- mountains ncar Deckers. . county ~ut most fields over theJunith and Sonia Thompson, who pawln, Saskatchewan, Can., to vis- county dId not prC?duce. well, stateshad spent the past week at. Dale Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Swan were it Mr. Koplin's sister, Mrs. Albert Agent Howard GIllaspIe.Thompson's at Alton, la. in Sioux City last Thursday. Yager, whom he has not seen for Airborne Service I~formation from the college of

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sundell of Dr. C..E. BUsh, dentist, phone 19 years. They plan to be gone N' . a~~leulturc indicates cI~matic con-Wakefield, were Sunday dinnerj424. Wayne, Nebr. tf two weeks and will return through RecrUIts dltlons cut down. seed YIelds...and supper guests at Fred Erick- ~he Leland Ellis family spent the Black Hills. _ '111e U. S. army has openings for L.No exact prices for certlfu"dson's. Mrs. Wm. Janke visited Mo'nday last week in Sioux City. Mrs. C. E. Pf('jjfer and son. three-year enlistments in the 11th mcoln bro,me se:d are beingthere Thursday afternoon. " Mr. and Mrs. Don Strahan and Wayne, and Miss Gcr-trude Pfeif- airbo~division Pc:.cific theater quoted ?ut growers 10 Gage coun­

Mrs. Lena Bojens and Hnman Sally spent Monday in Sioux City. fer of Nickerson, and Miss Ida An- and for the 82nd 'airborne division' ty, ~hlch has more than 30,000Boje.ns took Mrs. L. W. Schom- Mrs. Baldwin' Fischer visited at ,derson of Lincoln, spent Saturda,y' in the zone of interior, 'according acres of brome, hav~ beef! ap­berg and children to Sioux City West Point Friday and Saturday. here with Mrs. P. C. Crockett anti.' ,tb S. Sgt. AlVin N. Fredriksen. proached hy buyers wlth offe~ as

WINSIDE LOCA S Thursday after they had spent two Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roc of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Crockett. MJ.5~ :1 Shorter term enlistments will be ~~Ch as 4~ ~ents a pound. PricesBill and John Gabler ere in and a half weeks at Bojens'. Beresford, S. D., Spent Sunday in Anderson~ former Wayne colleid- '*cepted for airborne unassigned. e range rom 15 to 35 cents a

Norfolk Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. H. M. Hilpert and Wayne. student, IS spending her vacatidl1' A. critical shortage of men in the ~o~nd ~ver .the past flO years. ~ndThe Fred Ericksons w re in Janice were Sunday dim~cr guests Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Birdscll were at the Pfeiffer hom~. airborne army exists. This branch be ras a . IS one 0 th~ leadm;:::

Wayne Saturday afternoon at Ray,Ebmeier's. Mr, and Mrs. in Sioux City from Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs. Chr~s Nielsen and of service calls for IT).en between . rot~e 5r~ssds~ed producmg statesMl';. Henry Wacl<er and sons of August Ebmeier and Arnold Eb- Friday. daughters Joanne and Carol Jean the ages of 18 and 26' t t h 10 C mte tates.

Ca, rroll,' visitrd Sunday a Artie meMic,rss,oSf hL"raIUeryCIW'waderee, Walhsoo t",helraek·, renDtrc'daannd aMparSrt'mRcOnY, ,MnatthsconBr",atcvjel of. Seattle: who had been here with physical condition. A/;hO~~('n~ecr_ -~---

F'Isher s. ,fnends, went to Winside Satur- sonnel receive additional [.lay if ki;;;~~ ~th~i~t~~~~~r;;x~:n:('tdJackie Wendt of Brus , Colo .. ing nurse's training at the Uni- property. day. They were in Oakland Sunday they become quapficd paratroop- fliers a special invitation-to sen'-

spent last. week-cnd at Re . H, M. versify hospital in Omaha, arrived Mr. and Mrs. Roy Daniels and for' a family reunion and stopped ers. ices. He provided free auto trans- •Hilpert's. Thursday evening to visit t.wo Jerry and Miss Clara Bergt left here Monday before leaving for Additional details and infonna- portal ion from the airport to th('

Mrs. Will Cary went t.o Verdel weeks with her parents, .Mr. and Sunday for a vacation in Colorado. home Tuesday. They planned to tion about airborne enllstments church and fliers were guests atSaturday to visit her m ther a Mrs. Earl Wade. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Fred French of ~top in Lincoln and Wyoming on can be obtained Friday, August dinner Sunday noon.few days. Mrs. Otto Graf'f and children Olathe, Colo., were Sunday callers theIr way west. 16 and 30, at the post office in

MI'. and Mrs. Gerald lli kg and were at. Robert Graef's Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Rev. and Mrs. Lf'slie Eads, Tpr- Wayne. Room 301, post office MelVin Evcring~am, Wayne stu-sons were Sunday dinner g lests Ilt afternoon and ('v('ning. Mr. Hnd Ley. ry and Joyce of Alhambra, CaL, buliding, Norfolk, is open daily. dent, will teach <l't Allen.Burt Lewis'. Mrs. Loren Ttlppert and Patty :lnd Mr. and Mrf'i. 1.. A. Wagner of were here from Friday to Satur-Ir========:::::::==========:::~=::::::;

Mr. and Mrs. Werner Ja ke and Mrs. Josf'phine Scofipld of. Nor- Jasl)('r, Minn., camc' Saturday for day in the J. K. Johnson home.sons were Sunday dinner g ests at folk, were also 1here. a few days' visit in the J. N. Ein- ThC'y were cnroule to MinnesotaWm. Janke'.s. Mrs. Sam Reichert, Miss Gladys ung home. to visit Mrs. Eads' pnrpnts. The

Mr. and Mr-f'i. Dave Luel< rspcnjt ami Willi.s Reichert went to Lin· Mr. and Mr.s. E. A. ],\;,ohle and Ipmily plans to drive heT(' to spl'ndSunday afternoon in, tllr ferman coIn Sunday to visit Mrs. Reich- ."on, Richard, of Lincoln, and ',Miss next Sunday with the Baptist can·Schuetz home. ert's sister, Mrs. Elna Dill, who Lois Noble of Washington, D. C, gregation. A fellows.hip dinner at

The Otto Grae-fs were unday is ill in a Lincoln hospital. They visited Dr. and Mrs. Victor West noon after services will be held indinner gU0s1s at LeonaI' Gour- were dinner guests at O. B. Dill's Sunday. thpir honor.ley's at Norfolk. at South Bend. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gleghorn of Mrs. Ber1ha Chichester and

Mr. and Mrs. Loren PI i1by of MI'. and. Mrs. Wayne Long of CaspC'r, Wyo., wer(' dinner guests daughter, Miss Esther, of Omaha,Sioux City, spent last wee -end at Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. Russell of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ahern Sun- came here Sunday from CreightonRobert Jo'l-lOson's. Likes and daughters of Water- day whf'n they were going through to spend a few days with rcla-

The H. C. Hansens were;' in t.hc hU1'Y. \'\'rre Sunday supper guests this statc. tives. Mrs. Chichester had spentFrank Lorenz home at R~ndolph at O. R Selders' . F'auniel Selders Mrs. E. R. Love and M'l Pa- three weeks with the Leo FinnSunday afternoon. i returned home with the ~ Likes tricia went to Sioux Falls, . D., children at Creighton, while Mr.

:Donilld Grarf of siouk City, family for a visit. Monday for a week's visil wi ~hr and Mrs. Finn and Miss Esther I F:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;~sppnt lfiSt week-cnd in hisl parcn- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shirts and former's sister, Mrs. n. M. Banton, Chichester went to Chicago. Mil·1


tal 01 to Graof home. 1Evelyn of Yakima. Wash., spent and husband. waukee, S1. Louis and Des MoinesMj~s Rose Lound wcn~ to maim from Tuesday last week until Sat- Mrs. J. N. Einung, Roh{'rl, Pn.ul on a vacation.

Sunday to viSit her siste, Mrs. urday at Burt Lewis'. Mr. Shirts and Mary Elizaheth leave Satur- Mr. and Mrs. Ernrst HollmanLee Wells, two weeks. is a brother of Mrs. Lewis. The day fdr two weeks' visit with rela- and Patsy Ann of Concord, Cal.,

Re\'. and Mrs. H. A. Hi] ert of Shirt.s family and Mrs. Burt Lewis tives in., Milwaukee, Wis., and arrived Saturday to spend aboutNorfolk, visitC'd Sunday vening were Friday afternoon guests at points in Michigan. three weeks with Mr. Hollman'sat Rev. H. M. Hilpert's. G. A. Lewis'. Mrs. Lewis Sanders of Anna- mother. Mrs. Sophie Hollman, and

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard artens Allie Srlders of Omaha, was a polis, . wh? accompanied Mrs. :~~hM~~~·r..;~~~I~~~~)~~r~nrt.s'H~~~and John spent last week i at Big Sunday dinner guest at O. R. Scl- Quentin Vlihltmorc and son here,Stone lake in Minnesota. ders·. O. 'R. Selden;, Altie Sel- went 10 G?~don Wednesday of last man recently received his dis-

Mrs. Roy .BUCkinghaml sp('nt f!rrs, AliclO Koch and Leon at- wC'f'k to ~lSlt hrr parents. charge from the army after ser\-'-fmm Sunday last wee until tended the roelco in Norfolk, Sun~ John Elnung and Gordon John~ ~~gt~~t~f~~h~no~~rr~ea~s, 10 mont hsThul"~day at Alfr('d Wagne ·s. day afternoon. Mrs. Koch and s<:~ I~ft TU.f's(]a~ for a few wef'~s

David Koch, Mrs. Alia Koch David spent the day with Mrs. v~s~t I~ Caltfornla. The' formC'r will M;;.r·Sr~l~a~!~;c;~~sT~.r~;~~~~~tai~~and Miss Marian Dangber, were u. R. ~e~d~rs. , ~\~oh~i~~~~ ~~d ~;cc~~'ia~lal"a and h W L' d h

in I\~~.a~~~~j ~~~.f(~~b~;:e~~ ~~~ of Mrs. flllH' Lanse find granrt- Mr-. and Mrs. Marion Cfflmcr of ~~~~d~~ ~v~nin~ri~ h~n;:~f ~~~PiC'l"cP. \'is.ited Friday witl their-, Marlene Nkholas. of Corning, Ia.. came Saturday to Florence Montgomery's birthdaydaughter. Mrs, Milton .Johnson. Vale.n.lIOP, CHnw Monrlay evenlOg sppnd a wcrk or 10 days with their of Friday. Mrs. Russell Lindsay

Mrs. \\lm. lIoffm:-m I' 'turnrd 10 \'1."lt Mrs. Mary Laase. Mr. ~nd daughter, Miss, Elfin of Wayne, and JunIOr were Friday dinner'\ 1-;rs. 0('orge Gahler took lhe Cj.ndthcir snn. Guy, of Laure!' gUfsts in the~ Lindsay home. Her-

home Sunday a[kr a lO-d<~y visit valenttnr folks to Norfolk Tues- Mr. an(t Mrs. Frank Larsf'n ann bert Pelers. Caron Hertd and Mrs.WIth Mrs. Tillie Mahlkc at Wisner. da" Thl"'Y w nt 1) N l'gh on hus' Martha Lull of ncar W,'ns,'ct" ,"nre

MI's. PC'fer C'. Jensen ~ViSil('d J. (' (. (' I . 1- Mr. and Mrs. Glpnn Granquist and .......from Wpclnrsday IRst wee until n('ss before rplurnmg to ValentlOc. KarC'n wer(' guests Sunday {'vening afternoon luncheon guests.

. h R d F'j' I . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Weaver ofISalurday at Martin Jell n's at m t e aymon orlne lOme JOAllen. rJlQ9lES honor of Judy's third birthday. Oakland, and Mr. and Mrs. Ear-

'Mr. HIlt! NTrs. Heiny Grnnqujsl Arnold Reeg' and Jamrs Grier. ~~.~ ~pr:~a~~ea:~e:~~e~~~\:;t~O~l~:<lmllamJly of \\d~n(' \lSltr Sun- sr., w('rf' gUE'sts Sunday in theday e\('nlng With Mrs Ildred Harry Kinder hom{'. Billy Reeg is ~~~ ~~. ~~i~'g~~~~~O~~dT~cp~~~:Witte l\1dhodist (;hurdl. staying with Kin~crs while his sell Pres tons, Mr. and Mrs. Quen-

The Carl Rronzynskls spent (Hev. Mrs. C. T. Dillon, paslot) mother is in a hOSPItal with a new tin Preston. Mr. and Mrs. HenrySunday afternoon and \\crc lunch- Sunday school at 10. Services ba~~. Bl'ftha Hamer, Mrs. Lynn Bull and Mr. and Mrs. Chus. Bulli~;~rc~u('sts ,If Wm St1l\ 'r'::; Ht IalII. Brown and daughters of Minnea- and Camily of Belden, had picnic

Mr. and Mrs. {({'nnrth Wf'r1l0r ImmaOlH'·1 Rf-rnrmf'd ('llIm'h. polis, were SUllday guests at C. C. ~~~~~r P:~s~~~~~.r Sunday at CJa-and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. rvernpr (Rev. C.', II, R,'cclcs'''I, 1>,',,'lorl Powers' Thry w0nt 10 Bloom-'- Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Eickhoff andwen'. at Ralph Anderson's unday Services a1,,19:43. Sunday c,chool ~~~n~;~~~.ay and left for home daughter arrived Tuesday evening('vemng-. ,at 10:,1:). las I wcek from Oklahoma City,

Mrs. Rufus Mann and ra

yli1 Y of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Nelson <Jnd,-, I I I I' ' I Okla., to visit Mrs. Henr-y Eick-

lfosldns, v],..,i!ed ::-;UllcJny wi h Mrs. st. I'nlll 1.IIl11f'rIln Churl'll. son of. ~ort 1 P l~lte, cl-lme lrJ{.ay hoff. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burmejs-Mann's pan'nts, Mr. i.lll(· Mrs. I Rr'v. II. M. llilpf'rt, paslnrl ,wd VISIted untli SunrlHY W.llh 1C'r and,' two sons of Pender. \V('I'('

(Hto Scilnf'id~r, :-;Iltlday sl'hool O1t If}. :-;f'l"vic'('S Mrs. Mac Young- who a~~colnP<ull~d in Wayne Salw'day to visit theMr. and Mrs. lIe[1nan "-11 ,lIld' F T]"'I • 1 IO·'m . nd in Ger lilT daughter and family to theIr Eickhofis. Ttll' UI.;lahoma fotks

('hildl,'~'n and, Mr. lind Mr.. ('I'd I, ~Hn'[<~~ 1;"11::~~~. ." ,I - - 11On1(> for a visil. went to Hawardrn, la., Sunday to))rin('{' and son~ wrrp at Kpnf Church councilme'.l 1lH'{.' <It 1he ca~~' f~~~ M~~'C(J~ms~~~';~~~I~~ visit relatives. Monday, thry IllPl I.)aMekr~,o,n'M5 aFurr:~;Ylj~~~~~n~ d ehil- church Su.nday evrnmg WIth Mrs. visit in the A. T. Cavanaugh home. Ellice Joy Kuhl in Si~ux <;ily and I

dren and Kathy Ann an JLidy Adolph MilicI' hostrss. Ann Cavanaugh had accompanied all went to the lakes m Mmnesota IJorgensen were guests at . Jor- Trinity Lutht'ran Chur("h. her grandparents here last week. to ~~~n~n~O~tr~~'Perry Barnett ofgensen's Sunday afternoon, (Rev. H. G.' Knaub. pastor) The Lincoln folks will be here for Sioux City, and Mr. and Mrs.

Mrs. Anna Lindberg of !Laurel. Sunday schooL at 10. Services a while. Harry Barnett were Sunday din-came Saturday to visit lat Ed. Mr. and Mrs. Warren L. MauLindbC'rg's a few days. Mr~. Lind~ at ~I~;)ir F'ridaY evening at 8. and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Polfhast of ~~~~~e~~~rii~gt~/:~~~('~r~.o~~~~berg is Mr. Lindberg's L th L ·11 t A Norfolk, spent Sunday in Wayne, ley Linn and two children of

Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Gar ley ar- ust ~ :i~h ~a:r~~nW]aco~~~n. M~~~ the first two with Mrs. Anna Ma;u Pharr. Tex.. who arrived Saturdayrived home Tuesday eveni g last LaVerne 'Apking and Lyle Nelsen and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Canning to visit in the Harry Barnett and.weck from Idaho Sprin sand . . while .. the Potthasts attended the Everett Roberts homes. Mrs. LinnDenver after a two week vaca· onB~~~h:~~l~J ~~m~~~~. Thurs- reunion at the college-, is a daughter of the Barnetts and'1 Mr. anq Mrs. C. C. Herndon andtlO~·r. and Mr~. Harold Vir ch and ~~:'a~r~~~dl;~n:~~hh~~r2s Wei- Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Decker and ~~~t:ru;~ ~i~~ ~fb~~~~e~j~i~~~sons vi,sited a1 F:v('r(~tt. itzlcr's daught.ers of Linc61n, returned the group for supper in the eve-at: Norfolk Sunday. The 1 0 fam- Sa1urdClY from a two weeks' out- ning. The Wrsley Linns go to 1305-

ilies h"d picnic dinner at a~J-Ia- ~ ing on Long lake near Brainerd, ton. Mass., from Wayne.Zouka park in Norfoll<. • A I~ rr 0 _N A ~~~~. hon~ch~n~~C~<~~~~~~rned to Rev. and Mrs. R. ,I. BulJdey.

Sunday dinner guests al C!ws- J Mr. and Mrs. A:dolph 011e and Dawn, Patty and Rpbert plan toter Wylie's were Mr. an Mrs. by family of Neligh, were Sunday leave next Monday on a three-IP. C. Jensen and Jim, Mr. and , Staff Correspondent dinner and supper guests in the :~Jkco~~~:d~n_ ~~~y t~ilt~~o;~~~

~~~ie~~~a~ :y~~li~iSS lfranees wi~~%r~::%rMr~~~~be~~S~er"g'~Ck~~~ g~~: ~~~efami~r~t~ar~~~: two Sundays. The family will go

5eowt 5 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest. Eld r went Mrs. George Hughes and Mrs. were afternoon and .supper guests. t1th~r~OU~g~h~th~e~B~I~a~ckgH~il~ls~~t~O~Y~~C_I~IO~"~"b'~~;:;;:;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;~:;;;;;;:;:;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;~riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii__iiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiililiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiilllrmaKraemer and children of The Neligh folks brought their son .,


Dixon, were last week Sunday din- to Wayne for the music clinic.ner guests at Ernest Siefken's. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Guthrie of

Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Bute of Lin~ Omaha. were here from Friday to'[ coIn, were Tuesday last W('{'l<, Sunday with 1he lat ter's sister,overnight guests at HeroNt Mrs. Amelia Lessman. The Guth­Bergt's. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wnl- ries, Mrs. Lessman and Willis. thetel's were at Bergt's Sunday last Robert Johnson and Wm. Parentiweek. families were' Sunday dinner

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hansen wrre guests at Merlound Lessman' Fred Frevert's Wednesday evc- Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Nelson ofning last Week. Mr. and Mrs. AI- Mondamin, Ia., were here Sundaybert Behmer and Mr. and Mr:s. and Monday in the home of theirE. O. Behmer of Hoskins. were at niece, Mrs. Fred Denkinger. TheyFrevert's Sunday afternoon. had visited MrsJ Nelson~s brother,

Mr. and Mrs, Perry Bennett and Elmer Gailey. and wife at BattleMr. and Mrs. Grover Bennett ar- Lake, Mir'.!n., and went to Genoarived Tuesday, July 30, from to sec Mr. and Mrs. A. J: Lewis.Marionville, Mo., to spend a few Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Bathke, Bob­days at Earl Bennett's. Mrs. Aden by and Gale TheOt joined PoncaAustin was at Bennett's Wednes- relatives Sunday for a picnic atday last week. the Ponca state park in honor of

Mr. and Mr:s. Ray .Bathke andJac'queline of" Los Angeles. TheWayne folks sf)ent' the evening inthe Hugh Bolton home at Ponca.

________ Mr. and,Mrs. Ernfrid Allvin and

Christ Lutheran church of Nor~ ~~r;;ilj;;~;' a~~dd ~~a~°ita~~~~~~~~i ;:~l~u~~s;i~~~,~~~o~~~~~~ sen were Sunday dinner guests inis pastox:~ The congregation will the A. L. Ireland home. Ruth AIl~

;'If':'(':';';''';''~':']I·,:,j,~,i,~,!,.,~,;,•.:,P,'~~~ _WW ~~ll_P_h_O~D_e~3_0_5_~_w_o__r_y__e_,_I_I_w_A_A_Y_N_E_~_!_E_O_B~R~~_P_.'_,_~i_'_' __C__O~2~1_:~L_o_g_~~_S_t~~_,j~~~~~~~~Ft~~r~~7~r~~~M~~.-~'.' '~"',~~·Il!lJ!!Il!lJ!!~r_·I,eous combustion. ville, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Frevert

l· :~~:~

1"01' Threshing Crew.A threshing party was held in

the Herbert Klug home Fridayevening" August 2. Present werethe families of Walter Janssen,Anton Janssen, Fred Damme,Lawrence DonnellY and Fred Siph,.

" • Society ••Social Forecast.

,Rebekah lodge wUl meet thisrriday' evening., Royal Neighbors will meet Tues-

l g~~~s:~;.ust 20" a1 Mrs. Robert

. 'American LegiQn- Auxiliary will :For Saturday, August 17, with To help Mr. Jorgensen crlc-Mrs. Mildred Witte. brate his birthday, the following

Neighboring, Circle will meet called in the M. Jorgensen home

~urSdaY, AUg,ust 8, at Mrs. GE:o. Friday night: Mr. and Mrs. Chas,ulter's. Mrs. Herman Kbll will Jorgensen and family, Mr. and

ave the program. . Mrs. Maurice Hansen and family,Trinity Lutheran Ladies' Aid Mrs. Lars Larsen and Ernest, Mrs.

will meet Wednesday, August 14, Hannah Nelson and Eddie, the church with Miss Alma and l\I1;rs.! Rasmus Rasmussen, MI'.Lautenbaugh as hostess. and Mrs. David Nelson, Mr. and

Winside's Women's Study club Mrs. Harvey: Peterson and son ofwill meet August 16 at Mrs. Sam Pilger, and JYIr. and Mrs. GeorgeReichert's with Mrs. Hiram Wil- Jorgensen ". and daughters. Iccson hostess. Mrs. Reichert ,will crcam and ca,ke were served.have an article on the Louisianapurchase, Mrs. R H. Morrow onthe Lewis and Clark, .expedition,and Mrs. Wm. Sy.dow· on the oldstage coach lines and the Oregontrail.