Proto Industrial Revolution AP European History 2009

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Proto Industrial Revolution AP European History 2009

The Industrial RevolutionAP European History

Capital High School


Why proto?

Definition of proto: “the first, the primitive, the original”

Proto-industrial revolution is the first movement of the industrial revolution, to be followed by massive expansion of industry in the 19th century

Closely related to...

The “putting out” system

Rural -> citiesRural labor = less demand

Merchant capitalists looking for



“Putting out labor”

--> Cottage Industries

Raw materials or partially processed materials to family

Workers paid by the piece or garment

Merchants sell the product for profit

Problems with cottage industry...

Weights and measurements = constant dispute

Rural and organized urban labor hard to control (quality control)

Merchants look for more efficient means of production

--> the industrial revolution...

The industrial revolution begins with...

Textiles in England

Spinning and weaving of wool

John Kay: the flying shuttle


James Hargreaves: spinning jenny


Image from:

Richard Arkwright: water frame


Originally designed by John Kay, then sold to Arkwright who made it work

Samuel Crompton: the spinning mule