Proscenium September 2017-B -...

Post on 04-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Proscenium September 2017-B -...

rela ng her stubbornness

and how she jus fies her

some mes ques onable

moral decisions.

The poor couple suffer

under the curse of the

Witch, played by Robin

Samek, who is also ending a

sabba cal from theater. She

is more than equal to the

task of crea ng this

complicated single mother,

who acts as the reality

keeper of the show. Robin’s

greatest challenge and

source of fun is playing a

character who is such a

different type than her usual


In order to break the curse,

the Baker and his Wife must

collect unusual objects from

Into the woods and who

can tell what’s wai ng on

the journey…

Into  the  Woods is possibly

Sondheim’s most complicat‐

ed and well‐known musical.

It takes a cast and produc‐

on team of insane talent to

pull it off with glorious

finesse and, blessedly, Zach

Harris has assembled such a


Each member of the cast

plays an integral part, but

the journey must begin

somewhere so…

The Baker is played by

William Lewis, who was hap‐

pily surprised to land this

unexpected part a er a

sabba cal from theater. He

loves the Baker’s original

story, as opposed to many of


other characters drawn from

fairytales. Zach recognized

William’s talent to bring

humanity to the Baker and

you will too.

No Baker is complete with‐

out his Wife. Lisa Shinn

audi oned with another role

in mind, but Zach saw her

poten al to fulfill this part,

and you’ll be glad he did.

Lisa loves The Baker’s Wife’s

for tude. The biggest

challenge of this role is


I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E :

Woods Continued 2-3

New Ticket Pricing 3

New Board 4

Company Production Team


Company Audition Information


Summer 2018 8

September 2017

For Tickets visit

Clay Comer and Steve 

Gondre Lewis as the 

two Princes singing 


The Proscenium

The Fredericktowne players

others wandering the woods.

From Jack, they need a milky white cow.

Cam Sammartano checks off a bucket

list role with Jack. He loves the

character arc of this complicated

persona. Jack naively takes his journey

into the woods where he experiences

many kinds of loss, but gains self‐

knowledge, and grows up.

Poor Jack’s Mother is played by the

incomparable Angela Thompson, who

seamlessly epitomizes the worried

single mother. Angela admires the lyrics

of the show, and how the careful

listener can learn about real life through

the story.

Li le Red supplies a cape as red as

blood. Local, Kaitlin McCallion loves

portraying this dream role of the naïve

and mischievous girl who must navigate

the perils of the woods. With her sweet

and sassy a tude, she grows up as she

faces hard challenges, only one of which

is being eaten by a wolf!

Speaking of the Wolf…Alex Prete digs

into the creepiness and duality of the

Wolf (think oily car salesman) with

relish, and brings some welcome comic


Where do the Baker and his Wife get

corn as yellow as silk? Rapunzel of

course. Abby Haffely is the youngest

member of the cast, but you won’t

know it by her voice. She’s performed

eight years with the Frederick Children’s

Chorus and studies voice privately. She

derives pleasure from hi ng insanely

high notes, and the emo onal dynamics

of the kidnapped Rapunzel, who falls in

love with a prince.

And who wouldn’t love the deep

baritone of Steve Gondre Lewis? A

recent graduate of UMBC with a BFA,

Gondre appreciates the over‐the‐top

regality and sense of en tlement of

Rapunzel’s Prince, and sharing a broth‐

erly bond of agony with Cinderella’s


Every show should have two princes

when one of them is Clay Comer, who is

grateful to fulfill this bucket list role. As

a youth, he performed with FTP and is

happy to return in this regal manly soul

chasing Cinderella.

Jillian Wiley (Cinderella) wanted this

dream role so much she submi ed a

video audi on all the way from

Tanzania! With a Masters in Vocal

Performance and Pedagogy from the

Peabody, it’s clear why Zach chose her

and her dulcet tones. She loves how

Sondheim changed up this classic

princess to a humanized mul dimen‐

sional character, who chooses to leave

behind her slipper as pure as gold

instead of a girl having a clumsy


And while the prince may be in love

with Cinderella, the Step Squad is not.

The Step Squad is the cast’s affec onate

nickname for the trio of women who are

“beau ful of face but vile and black of

heart.” As Cinderella’s Stepmother,

Amanda Berry leads Lucinda (Sydney

Aus n) and Florinda (Sam Fox) in the

mistreatment and torture of poor Cindy.

These women bring both comedy and

gruesome brutality to the story. You

don’t want to be on their receiving end

of their wrath…or the Giant’s.

Bri any Poindexter lends her vocals to

bring the Giant to larger than life

propor ons, while Ma Kopp shaves his

beard to play Li le Red’s Grandmother.

I n t o t h e W o o d s c o n t i n u e d

P a g e 2 T h e P r o s c e n i u m

Kaitlin McCallion as Li le Red 

Cam Sammartano as Jack 

T h e P r o s c e n i u m P a g e 3

All the characters and their stories are s tched together by the Narrator. Bob

Ashby spent many years refining his cra with the Arlington Players in

Virginia. He has performed in every Sondheim produc on, save this one,

which he can now check off.

Please remember as you’re giving your standing ova on in honor of the vocal

gymnas cs flawlessly performed by this amazingly talented cast, that there is

a produc on team of people who also deserve your applause.

Zach Harris for assembling the cast and direc ng the show with alacrity. The

reless and countless hours he put into the show deserve a pat on the back

and possibly a massage. Ma Kopp, the Producer, for keeping Zach sane

during this grueling and rewarding process of pu ng on a show.

Ma Dohm, the Vocal Music Director,

and Bri any Poindexter, the Assistant

Musical Director, for naviga ng the cast

and orchestra through musical and

rhythmical minefields to trick your ears

into thinking this libre o isn’t so hard. It is arguably one of the toughest musicals to

learn to sing. If you like the movement on stage then give it up for Kendall Sigman,

the Choreographer. Lastly, Katy Cawley, the Stage Manager who keeps it all running

smoothly without you even knowing she’s there. If you have the guts to enter the

woods, beware! Princes strut there, but wolves lurk, and humans too. You’re likely to

get lost and when you emerge, you’ll never be the same. Go to THE WOODS!

By Lisa Swinton  

An excited cast hopes  you'll join them! 

Announcing New Ticket Pricing! We hear you!

After reviewing feedback from our patrons…

FTP has implemented a new ticket pricing model.

Skip the movie theater and take your family to a night of live theater instead!

Announcing New Board Members!

Since our annual meeting on August 23rd and our recent Board meeting on September 2nd, we have several new faces and a few “old” faces in new

roles on our Board of Directors.

P a g e 4 T h e P r o s c e n i u m

Devin Taylor

Artistic Director

Karen Lane

Member at Large

Thank you to all our volunteers!

Katy Cawley

Technical Diretor

Chris Berry


Rick Weldon

Development Director

Matt Kopp

Vice President

T h e P r o s c e n i u m

Q a n d A w i t h n e w d i r e c t o r A l e x P r e t e

P a g e 5

Q: Why Company?

A: Company embodies everything that I personally love about musical theater. The show is, in my opinion, one of the best wri en shows of all me in regards to both the book and the music. It's also a show about real people and real problems. Anyone who's ever been in a rela onship in their life will find at least one character in this show they can relate to, or a plot line that resonates with them.

Q: What excites you the most about directing this show?

A: Even without having casted the show yet, I'm already surrounded by many talented people on my produc on team. I can't wait to see what we can come up with when we put our minds together.

Q: What do you think will be the biggest chal-lenge you’ll face?

A: I think my biggest challenge in direc ng will be trying not to second guess myself too much. Being a new director, some of what I do will be trial and error. Because of this, I’ll need to be able to trust my ins ncts and listen to the sugges ons of the much smarter peo‐ple around me.

The produc on team for Company can’t wait to get started. 

P a g e 6 T h e P r o s c e n i u m

Company Audition Information:  Produc on Team: Director: Alex Prete Assistant Director: Lisa Shinn Vocal Music Director: Ma hew Dohm Choreographer: Kendall Nicole Sigman Stage Manager: Katy Cawley Producer: Ma Kopp  Audi on Dates: 

November 1st & 2nd from 6‐10pm We are also accep ng video submissions for audi ons*   

Callbacks will be by invita on on November 5th & 6th from 6‐10pm

All roles are non‐paid

Everyone is welcome to come either audi on day at any me.  

Read‐Thru will be Thursday, November 9th from 7‐10pm  

*All video submissions should be sent to company@ by November 5th. 

 SHOW DATES: January 26th, 27th, 28th and February 2nd, 3rd &4th!  Audi on Loca on: 306 E Patrick St, Frederick, MD 21701  PREPARING for the AUDITION: Cas ng actors ages 18 and up. Please come prepared with a 30‐60 second long comedic or drama c contemporary monologue. Please come prepared to sing 16‐32 bars of music in a genre or style similar to Company (Sondheim included). Be sure to bring sheet music for the accompanist, preferably in a binder. We will have monologues to choose from should you be unable to find one prior to audi ons. Depending on the role(s) you will be audi oning for, you may also be asked to cold read selec ons from Company. There will be forms that will need to be filled out before audi oning, please fill them to the best of your abili es. You are encouraged to bring a resume and head‐shot if you have one available for the Pro‐duc on Team. For ques ons you can email company@ We look forward to seeing you at audi ons! 

 WHAT IS COMPANY ABOUT?:  From musical theatre's most renowned composer, Company is largely regarded as a trailblazer of the dark‐comedy, modern‐musical genre and the winner of seven Tony Awards, including Best Musical, Best Score, Best Lyrics and Best Book.   On the night of his 35th birthday, confirmed bachelor, Robert, contemplates his unmarried state. Over the course of a series of dinners, drinks and even a wedding, his friends – "those good and crazy people [his] married friends" – explain the pros and cons of taking on a spouse. The habitually single Robert is forced to ques on his adamant reten on of bachelor's d during a hilarious array of interac ons. 


T h e P r o s c e n i u m P a g e 7

Character Breakdown:  Robert The story's protagonist, he is a keen observer who appears happy but holds pain in his heart. He is the only one of his friends s ll single. Terrified of marriage and fears a lifelong loneliness. Gender: Male Vocal range top: G5 Vocal range bo om: G3  Sarah Harry's hypercri cal wife. She is an avid learner of karate and tends to overeat. Open, accep ng, and full of love. Gender: Female Vocal range top: A5 Vocal range bo om: A3  Harry Sarah's husband. He is a recovering alcoholic con nually fall‐ing off the wagon. Believes the advantages of marriage out‐weigh the disadvantages. Gender: Male Vocal range top: A5 Vocal range bo om: A3  Susan A delicate southern belle. Peter's wife and ex‐wife. Motherly in her affec ons towards Robert. Gender: Female Vocal range top: A5 Vocal range bo om: A3  Peter Susan's husband. The perfect husband and ex‐husband. He is very liberal in his view of rela onships. Gender: Male Vocal range top: A5 Vocal range bo om: B3  Jenny Quietly manipula ve, simultaneously square and wise. Loves her husband, David, and will indulge him from me to me. Gender: Female Vocal range top: A5 Vocal range bo om: A3  David Jenny's husband, he is relaxed and always in control. Believes a man should be married and that the sacrifice of freedom is worth what you get in return. Gender: Male Vocal range top: A5 Vocal range bo om: B3  


Amy A fran c neuro c engaged to Paul but terrified of mar‐riage. A er a mental breakdown, she finally realizes that Paul is, in fact, her soulmate. Gender: Female Vocal range top: A5 Vocal range bo om: G3  Paul Amy's fiancé. Mildly clingy, but pa ent to her neuro c nature. He is fully commi ed to the idea of marriage and encourages Robert to do the same. Gender: Male Vocal range top: A5 Vocal range bo om: B3  Joanne Acerbic, demanding, and blunt. Too old to be part of the young crowd, but not old enough to be part of the older crowd. Puts on a brassy front that melts when she is alone with her husband. Gender: Female Vocal range top: B5 Vocal range bo om: G3  Larry Joanne's husband. He is stoic and centered, but has mo‐ments of goofiness. Indulges his wife's behavior but knows when to put his foot down. Gender: Male Vocal range top: A5 Vocal range bo om: B3  Marta A girlfriend of Robert's. Intensely modern, who is seeking adventure and excitement in the City. Gender: Female Vocal range top: A5 Vocal range bo om: A3  Kathy An old girlfriend of Robert's, who is now considered a good friend. She plans to leave the City for a life of do‐mes city. Sweet and loving. Gender: Female Vocal range top: A5 Vocal range bo om: A3  April A girlfriend of Robert's. She is a flight a endant who came to New York to live in Radio City. Ditzy and adorable. Gender: Female Vocal range top: A5 Vocal range bo om: A3 

P a g e 8 T h e P r o s c e n i u m

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