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MUMBAI – 400016




(See paragraph – 6)I. Basic InformationSr.No.

Item Details

1. Name of the Project Proposed Polymer Modified BitumenPlant, Polyvinyl Chloride Plant, Gas BasedPower Plant Gas Storage Tanks and LPGBottling Plant within Dighi Port Limit atVillage Dighi, Taluka Shrivardhan, DistrictRaigad.Google image enclosed as Annexure 1

2. S. No. in the schedule Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) – 5(f)Polymer Modified Bitumen (PMB) – 5(c)Gas Based Power Plant - 1(d)Gas Storage Tanks - 6(b)

3. Proposed capacity / area / length /tonnage to be handled / command area/ lease area / number of wells to bedrilled.

1. Polyvinyl Chloride :1,50,000 MTPA

2. Polymer Modified Bitumen :3,60,000MTPA

3. Gas Based Power Plant: 18 MW

4. Gas Storage Area: 40,000 m3(Storage Area comprising of 16 gasstorage tanks, each of capacity 2500m3 for storage of Vinyl ChlorideMonomer, Propylene, Ammonia, LPG)

5. Gas Pipelines of 2200 RM from Jetty toPlant for - Bitumen Pipeline of 12” Diameter

LPG Pipeline of 8’ Diameter Vinyl Chloride Monomer of 8’


Propylene of 8’ Diameter

6. LPG Bottling Plant: 300000 MTPA

Total Built-up Area = 78267.80 sq.m.Total Plot Area = 15.9440 haLayout Plan Enclosed as Annexure 2


Item Details

Total Project Cost = 1323.75Crores4. New/Expansion/Modernization New5. Existing Capacity/Area etc. --6. Category of Project i.e., ‘A’ or ‘B’ A7. Does it attract general condition? If yes,

please specify.No

8. Does it attract specific condition? IfYes, please specify.


9. LocationPlot/ Survey/ Khasra No. Plot taken from Dighi Port Limited on

Long Lease. NOC from Dighi Portenclosed as Annexure 3

Village DighiTehsil /Town ShrivardhanDistrict RaigadState Maharashtra

10. Nearest Railway Station/Airport alongwith distance in kms.

Chhatrapati Shivaji Airport, Mumbai :88 km North.

Roha Railway Station – 25.32 kmNorth East.

11. Nearest Town, City, DistrictHeadquarters along with distance inkms.

Roha: 23 km North East.

12. Village Panchayats, Zilla Parishad,Municipal Corporation, Local body

Shrivardhan Municipal Council

13. Name of Applicant Veritas Polychem Pvt. Ltd.14. Registered Address Veritas Polychem Pvt. Ltd.

Veritas House, 70 Mint Road,Fort , Mumbai – 400 001

15. Address for correspondence:Name Mr. Nitin Kumar DidwaniaDesignation (Owner/Partner/CEO) Owner / PromoterAddress Veritas Polychem Pvt. Ltd.

Veritas House, 70 Mint Road,Fort, Mumbai

Pin Code 400 001Telephone No. 022-22755555Fax. No. 022-22755556Email


Item Details

16. Details of Alternate Sites examined, ifany. Location of these sites should beshown on a toposheet.


17. Interlinked Projects No18. Whether separate application of

interlinked project has been submitted?No

19. If yes, date of submission No

20. If no, reason NA

21. Whether the proposal involvesapproval/clearance under: if yes,details of the same and their status tobe given.

(a) The Forest (Conservation) Act,1980?

(b) The Wildlife (Protection) Act,1972?

(c) The C.R.Z. Notification, 1991?


22. Whether there is any GovernmentOrder/Policy relevant/relating to thesite?


23. Forest Land involved (hectares) No24. Whether there is any litigation pending

against the product and/or land inwhich the project is propose to set up?

(a) Name of the Court(b) Case. No.(c) Orders/Directions of the court, if

any and its relevance with theproposed project.



Capacity corresponding to sectoral activity (such as production capacity for manufacturing,mining lease area and production capacity for mineral production, area for mineralexploration, length for linear transport infrastructure, generation capacity for powergeneration etc.,

II. Activity1. Construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involving actions,

which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, changesin water bodies, etc.)



Yes/No Details thereof (with approximatequantities /rates, wherever possible)with source of information data

1.1 Permanent or temporarychange in land use, landcover or topographyincluding increase inintensity of land use (withrespect to local land useplan)

No The proposed project will be developedwithin the Dighi Port Limit.

1.2 Clearance of existing land,vegetation and buildings?

NoThe proposed project will be developed onvacant land.

1.3 Creation of new land uses?Yes

Dighi port land has approval for portrelated / industrial use.

1.4 Pre-constructioninvestigations e.g. borehouses, soil testing?

YesThe detailed Geotechnical Investigation isbeing carried out.

1.5 Construction works?Yes

Yes construction work will be taken forsetting up of plant

1.6 Demolition works? No Not Applicable1.7 Temporary sites used for

construction works orhousing of constructionworkers?

YesYes workers camp will be provided duringconstruction phase.

1.8 Above ground buildings,structures or Earthworksincluding linear structures,cut and fill or excavations?

YesYes construction work will be taken forsetting up of plant

1.9 Underground worksincluding mining ortunneling?

No Not Applicable

1.10 Reclamation works? No Not Applicable1.11 Dredging? No Not Applicable1.12 Offshore structures?


Pipeline for transfer of gas andchemicals will be constructed fromjetty till plant.

Intake of sea water & Outfall pipelines

for Desalination plant.1.13 Production and

manufacturing processes? YesThe production, production capacity,process details and raw materials aregiven as Annexure 4

1.14 Facilities for storage ofgoods or materials? Yes

Separate storage area for goods andmaterials will be provided within plantpremises.

1.15 Facilities for treatment ordisposal of solid waste orliquid effluents?


Construction Phase: Sewage generated during construction

phase will be disposed to septic tank. Excavated material generated during

construction phase will be totallyreused in backfilling.

Other waste’s such as glass, paper andmetal etc. will be sold to recycler.Other inert waste’s will be disposedoff through local facility.

Waste’s from labour camp will bedisposed off to local facility.

Operation Phase 250 kgs of solid waste Municipal

Solid waste generated will be disposedoff to authorized facility.

Total Sewage Generated (28 KLD)will be treated in Sewage TreatmentPlant of Capacity 30 KLD and thetreated sewage will be used gardening.The sludge will be used as manure.

The Effluent generated will be treatedin Effluent Treatment Plant andtreated effluent will be reused forgardening, flushing, cooling etc.

Water Balance Diagram enclosed asAnnexure 5

1.16 Facilities for long termhousing of operationalworkers?

No Not Applicable

1.17 New road, rail or sea trafficduring construction oroperation?

No Not Applicable

1.18 New road, rail, airwaterborne or other

No Not Applicable

transport infrastructureincluding new or alteredroutes and stations, ports,airports etc?

1.19 Closure or diversion ofexisting transport routes orinfrastructure leading tochanges in trafficmovements?

No Not Applicable

1.20 New or divertedtransmission lines orpipelines?

No Not Applicable

1.21 Impoundment, damming,culverting, realignment orother changes to thehydrology of watercoursesor aquifers?

No Not Applicable

1.22 Stream crossings? No Not Applicable1.23 Abstraction or transfers of

water from ground orsurface waters?


Primarily desalinated water will be used inthe plant. The Water from MaharashtraJivan Pradhikaran and Ground water willbe used subject to availability andpermission for the same will be obtainedprior to use of ground water / MJP Water.

1.24 Changes in water bodies orthe land surface affectingdrainage or run-off?

No Not Applicable

1.25 Transport of personnel ormaterials for construction,operation ordecommissioning?

YesThere will be transportation ofconstruction material to the project siteduring construction phase.

1.26 Long-term dismantling ordecommissioning orrestoration works?

No Not Applicable

1.27 Ongoing activity duringdecommissioning whichcould have an impact on theenvironment?

No Not Applicable

1.28 Influx of people to an areain either temporarily orpermanently? Yes

Construction PhaseDuring the construction phase about 400persons will be deployed on the site fromnearby places. Influx of these people willbe temporary in nature.

Operation PhaseDuring the operation phase about 476persons will be deployed at the plant.

1.29 Introduction of alienspecies?

No Not Applicable

1.30 Loss of native species orgenetic diversity?

No Not Applicable

1.31 Any other actions? No Not Applicable

III. Use of Natural resources for construction or operation of the Project (such asland, water, materials or energy, especially any resources which are non-renewable or in short supply)



Yes/No Details thereof (with approximatequantities /rates, wherever possible) withsource of information data

2.1 Land especiallyundeveloped oragricultural land (ha)

No Not Applicable

2.2 Water (expected source& competing users) unit:KLD


Construction PhaseTotal Water Requirement during constructionphase will be 23 KLD.

Domestic use of workers = 8 KLD.Construction Work = 15 KLD.

Source: Maharashtra Jivan Pradhikaran fordomestic as well as construction use withprior permission.

Operation PhaseTotal Water requirement 3274 KLDSource: Desalination plant/Kudki Reservoir(MJP).

2.3 Minerals (MT) No Not Applicable2.4 Construction material –

stone, aggregates, sand /soil (expected source –MT)


Stone: 21,800 MT Aggregates: 24,000 MT

Sand: 236,000 MT Soil: 15,000 MT

2.5 Forests and timber(source – MT) No Not Applicable

2.6 Energy includingelectricity and fuels

YesElectricityConnected Load: 18010.5 kWh

(source, competingusers) Unit: fuel (MT),energy (MW)

Demand Load: 17 kWH

Other Fuel’sDiesel: 510 liters per month.LNG : 0.160 MT/MWH

Source:Gas Based Power Plant of capacity 18 MWwill be set up for fulfill the powerrequirement.

2.7 Any other naturalresources (useappropriate standardunits)

No Not Applicable

IV. Use, storage, transport, handling or production of substances or materials,which could be harmful to human health or the environment or raise concernsabout actual or perceived risks to human health.



Yes/No Details thereof (with approximatequantities/rates, wherever possible) withsource of information data

3.1 Use of substances ormaterials, which arehazardous (as perMSIHC rules) to humanhealth or theenvironment (flora,fauna, and watersupplies)

YesLiquefied gases will be stored. However,storage and handling of hazardous Liquefiedgases will be as per MSIHC rules.

3.2 Changes in occurrenceof disease or affectdisease vectors (e.g.insect or water bornediseases)

No Not Applicable

3.3 Affect the welfare ofpeople e.g. by changingliving conditions?

No Not Applicable

3.4 Vulnerable groups ofpeople who could beaffected by the projecte.g. hospital patients,children, the elderly etc.,

No Not Applicable

3.5 Any other causes No Not Applicable

V. Production of solid wastes during construction or operation or decommissioning(MT/month)



Yes/No Details thereof (with approximatequantities/rates, wherever possible) withsource of information data

4.1 Spoil, overburden ormine wastes

No Not Applicable

4.2 Municipal waste(Domestic and/orCommercial wastes)


Construction Phase: Excavated Earth.

Solid Waste from labour Camp.Disposal: Excavated Earth will be reused for

backfilling. Solid waste from workers camp will be

disposed off through AuthorizedAgency.

Operation Phase:Solid Waste such as paper, plastic, emptycartons and waste from pantry / canteenwaste will be generated during operationphase.

The municipal waste generated will besegregated as wet waste, recyclablewaste, inert waste etc.

Wet waste and inert waste disposed oftoo authorized agency.

Recyclable waste will be sold toauthorized recycler.

4.3 Hazardous wastes (asper Hazardous WasteManagement Rules)

YesDetails of Hazardous waste generation &disposal are given in Annexure 6

4.4 Other industrial processwastes

No Not Applicable

4.5 Surplus product No Not Applicable4.6 Sewage sludge or other

sludge from effluenttreatment

YesSTP sludge of 82 kg/day will be generated.

4.7 Construction ordemolition wastes

No Not Applicable

4.8 Redundant machineryor equipment

No Not Applicable

4.9 Contaminated soils orother materials

No Not Applicable

4.10 Agricultural wastes No Not Applicable4.11 Other solid wastes No Not Applicable

VI. Release of pollutants or any hazardous, toxic or noxious substances to air(Kg/hr)



Yes/No Details thereof (with approximatequantities/rates, wherever possible) withsource of information data

5.1 Emissions fromcombustion of fossil fuelsfrom stationary ormobile sources


There will be stack emissions fromcombustion of NG and fuel oil inmachineries such as Boiler, DG, Power Plantetc. The emission will be controlled byprovision of Air Pollution ControlEquipments such as Scrubber, DustCollectors, Bag Filters etc.The stack details enclosed as Annexure 7

5.2 Emissions fromproduction processes

Yes There will be emissions from productionactivity. The adequate stacks/ vents will beprovided. The emission will be controlled byprovision of Air Pollution ControlEquipments such as Scrubber, DustCollectors, Bag Filters etc.

5.3 Emissions frommaterials handlingincluding storage ortransport


There will be generation of fugitiveemission from storage and handling ofmaterials.

5.4 Emissions fromconstruction activitiesincluding plant andequipment


There will be emission of dust and othergaseous material during constructionactivities due to operation of constructionmaterial, construction vehicle, handling ofmaterials.

5.5 Dust or odours fromhandling of materialsincluding constructionmaterials, sewage andwaste

No Not Applicable

5.6 Emissions fromincineration of waste

No Not Applicable

5.7 Emissions from burning No Not Applicable

of waste in open air (e.g.slash materials,construction debris)

5.8 Emissions from anyother sources

No Not Applicable

VII.Generation of Noise and Vibration, and Emissions of Light and HeatSr.No.


Yes/No Details thereof (with approximatequantities/rates, wherever possible) withsource of information data with source ofinformation data

6.1 From operation ofequipment e.g. engines,ventilation plant,crushers

Yes Noise levels are expected to increase duringconstruction phase due to operation ofconstruction equipment, movement ofvehicles and other construction activities atthe project site. During construction phasenoise levels will be addressed by providingmufflers and earplugs to the personsworking at the project site and by puttingbarrier tin sheets around the construction siteto reduce noise in the surrounding areas.

6.2 From industrial orsimilar processes

Yes There will be noise generation due tooperation of plant machineries, handling ofmaterials, vehicle movement etc. duringoperation phase which will be addressed by: Providing noise barriers in the form of

Green Belt around the premises.

Proper maintenance of plantmachineries.

Proper equipment’s for loading andunloading of vehicles.

6.3 From construction ordemolition


There will be generation of noise fromconstruction activities. However, it will becontrolled by: Provision of noise barriers at the project

site. Maintenance of construction machineries

and vehicles. Construction work will be carried out only

during day time. Transportation of construction material

only during non-peak hour etc.6.4 From blasting or piling No NA

6.5 From construction oroperational traffic

Yes Noise levels are expected to increase duringconstruction phase due to operationmovement of vehicles carrying constructionmaterials and other construction vehiclessuch as excavators, bulldozers etc. This willbe controlled by:

Proper signage will be installed to reducehonking.

Provision of separate entry exit forvehicles.

Transportation of construction materialonly during non-peak hour etc.

6.6 From lighting or coolingsystems

No Not applicable.

6.7 From any other sources No Not anticipated.

VIII.Risks of contamination of land or water from releases of pollutants into theground or into sewers, surface waters, groundwater, coastal waters or the sea

7.1 From handling, storage,use or spillage ofhazardous materials

NoPrecautions will be taken duringtransportation, loading/unloading etc. MSDSwill be followed.

7.2 From discharge ofsewage or other effluentsto water or the land(expected mode andplace of Discharge)

No Wastewater generated during operation phasewill be treated in ETP and the treated waterwill be reused for Gardening, Flushing etc.Under no circumstances treated or untreatedliquid waste will be poured with marine water.

7.3 By deposition ofpollutants emitted to airinto the land or intowater

NoAir Pollution Control equipment will beprovided at source to prevent emissions in air.

7.4 From any other sources No Not Applicable7.5 Is there a risk of long

term build up ofpollutants in theenvironment from thesesources?

No Not Applicable

IX. Risk of accidents during construction or operation of the Project, which couldaffect human health or the environment.



Yes/No Details thereof (with approximatequantities/rates, wherever possible) withsource of information data

8.1 From explosions,spillages, fires etc fromstorage, handling, use orproduction of hazardoussubstances.

No Disaster and risk management plan will beprepared and implemented.

8.2 From any other causes. No Not applicable8.3 Could the project be

affected by naturaldisasters causingenvironmental damage(e.g. floods, earthquakes,landslides, cloudburstetc)?

Yes The project will be designed by taking intoconsideration these factors as per relevantcodes and standards. The proposed projectsite has not reported any kind of naturaldisasters like earthquake, floods. Tsunami etc.However, a proper DMP will be prepared andexecuted in case of any such eventualities.

X. Factors which should be considered (such as consequential development) whichcould lead to environmental effects or the potential for cumulative impacts withother existing or planned activities in the locality



Yes/No Details thereof (with approximatequantities/rates, wherever possible) withsource of information data

9.1 Lead to development ofsupporting facilities,ancillary development ordevelopment Stimulatedby the project whichcould have impact on theenvironment e.g.: Supporting

infrastructure(roads, powersupply, waste orwaste watertreatment, etc.)


Extractive industries Supply industries





Not Applicable

Not ApplicableThe project will have positive impact ofsupply industries, due to procurement of rawmaterials etc. required for production.--

9.2 Lead to after-use of thesite, which could have

No --

an impact on theenvironment

9.3 Set a precedent for laterdevelopments

No --

9.4 Have cumulative effectsdue to proximity toother existing orplanned projects withsimilar effects

No Not applicable.

III. Environmental SensitivitySr.No.

Areas Name/Identity

Aerial distance (within 15 km.) Proposedproject location boundary

1 Areas protected underinternationalconventions, national orlocal legislation for theirecological, landscape,cultural or other relatedvalue

YesPhansad wildlife sanctuary located at adistance of 11 km towards the North East.

2 Areas which areimportant or sensitivefor ecological reasons –Wet-lands, watercoursesor other water bodies,coastal zone, biospheres,mountains, forests

YesProposed project is located within Dighi Portsituated near Rajpuri Creek.

3 Areas used by protected,important or sensitivespecies of flora or faunafor breeding, nesting,foraging, resting, overwintering, migration

No Not Applicable

4 Inland, coastal, marineor underground waters

YesThe proposed project situated at intertidalzone and falls under CRZ I and IV.

5 State, Nationalboundaries

No Not Applicable

6 Routes or facilities usedby the public for accessto recreation or othertourist, pilgrim areas

YesMurud Jangira Fort: 2 km East across thecreek.

7 Defense installations No Not Applicable8 Densely populated or Yes Roha: 23 km

built-up area9 Areas occupied by

sensitive man-made landuses (hospitals, schools,places of worship,community facilities)


Dr. A.R. Undre English High School &Junior College, Diveagar: 13 km South.

Sir S. A. High School, Murud: 4.60 NorthEast

10 Areas containingimportant, high qualityor scarce resources(ground water resources,surface resources,forestry, agriculture,fisheries, tourism,minerals)

No Not Applicable

11 Areas already subjectedto pollution orenvironmental damage.(Those where existinglegal environmentalstandards are exceeded)

No Not Applicable

12 Areas susceptible tonatural hazard whichcould cause theproject to presentenvironmental problems(Earthquakes,subsidence, landslides,erosion, flooding orextreme or adverseclimatic conditions)


The project will be designed by taking intoconsideration these factors as per relevantcodes and standards. The proposed project sitehas not reported any kind of natural disasterslike earthquake, floods. Tsunami etc.However, a proper DMP will be prepared andexecuted in case of any such eventualities.

“I hereby given undertaking that the data and information given in the application andenclosures are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I am aware that if any of thedata and information submitted is found to be false or misleading at any stage, the project willbe rejected and clearance give, if any to the project will be revoked at our risk and cost.

Date: 06.07.2017Place: Mumbai, Maharashtra








Sr. no Product Quantity Unit

1. Polyvinyl Chloride 1,50,000 MTPA

2. Polymer Modified Bitumen 3,60,000 MTPA

3. Gas Based Power Plant 18 MW

4. Gas Storage 40,000(Storage Area comprising of 16 gasstorage tanks, each of capacity 2500m3 for storage of Vinyl ChlorideMonomer, Proplylene, Ammonia,LPG)


6. LPG Bottling Plant 300000 MTPA

5. Gas Pipelines of 2200Running meter from Jetty toPlant for-

Bitumen 12” diameter

LPG 8” diameter

Vinyl Chloride Monomer 8” diameter

Propylene 8” diameter


The Project comprises of a 150,000 MTPA Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) manufacturing plantand a 360,000 Polymer Modified Bitumen (PMB) plant, 16 mounded bullets for storage ofgases with a 18 MW captive gas based power plant at Dighi Port, Maharashtra. The briefdescription of Project is given below:

POLY VINYL CHLORIDE PLANTVPPL proposes to buy a PVC plant form Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) in Malaysia.This plant is capable of producing suspension grade PVC (grades K57, K67 and K70). Themanufacture of suspension grade PVC is envisaged through vinyl chloride monomer (VCM)route, where VCM is polymerized to produce the PVC slurry using agitators and additives.The license for the plant shall be provided by Ineos Technologies, UK., the world’s largestPVC technology provider having long standing experience in the related field.

Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) is the most versatile thermoplastic forming on one extreme,highly rigid products such as pipes and profiles and on the other, highly flexible productssuch as soft leather cloth & flexible footwear. The basic structure of this polymer is

(C2H3Cl)n. The degree of polymerization varies from 300 to 1500. The chlorine content inPVC is about 57% by weight which makes it less dependent on hydrocarbon content.

Review of Process TechnologyThere are mainly four polymerization routes for the manufacture of PVC. They are asfollows :

Process Route % of World ProductionSuspension Polymerization 80Emulsion Polymerization 10Bulk or Mass Polymerization 8-10

It can be seen from above that suspension polymerization is the most prevalent technology inthe world today. The leading licensors for this technology are Ineos Technologies (UK) andOxy Vinyl Corporation (US) In this process Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM) droplets aredispersed in water medium aided with suspending agents and agitation in the Reactors/polymerizers. Polymerization of VCM to PVC takes place in this medium initiated byperoxide catalyst. Multiple batch reactors discharge into a continuous polymer separation andfinishing line. The polymer slurry from the reactors is first separated from unconverted VCMby degassing and steam stripping. Water is separated from the polymer by means ofcentrifuging followed by drying.

PVC produced through the Emulsion polymerization process is mainly used as latex or pastein specialty applications. In Europe manufacture of PVC started with the emulsion process.The process is similar to the suspension process except that large amounts of emulsifyingagents are used which result in very fine PVC particles. Consequently, separation of thesefine PVC particles from water cannot be done by centrifuging action. Hence this technologyemploys spray dryers to separate water from the fine PVC particles.

Production capacityPlant capable of manufacturing K-57, K-66,K-70 grades of suspension PVC. Low K valueand High K Value grades also can be produced. The plant is capable to produce the full rangeof PVC grades for fulfilling most market requirements. 150,000 MTPA expandable to200,000 MTPA within the same infrastructure without any further expansions. The plant atpresent is assumed to be working for 300 days in a year of suspension grade PVC.

Raw materialsSr. no. Raw Material Quantity

1. Vinyl Chloride Monomer 15,000 m³

2. Water (De-Mineralized) 25,000 m³

3. Suspending Agent (Poly Vinyl Alcohol) 50 MT

4. Initiator (Peroxy Compound) 30 MT

5. Alpha Methyl Styrene 40 MT

Unloading, storage & Feeding system for VCMVCM is a colourless liquid with a characteristic sweet odour. It is highly reactive, though notwith water, and may polymerise in the presence of oxygen, heat and light. Its vapours areboth toxic and flammable. Aluminium alloys, copper, silver, mercury and magnesium areunsuitable for vinyl chloride service. Steels are, however, chemically compatible.

Unloading conditionUnloading at : Dighi PortUnloaded by : Marine Unloading armPressure at ship pump flange, kg/cm2g : 30.0 (min)Unloading Carrier : 7500 CBM

Each consignment of 7500 cbm pressurised liquid VCM shall be unloaded from ship with thehelp of ship unloading pumps through one numbers of 8” marine unloading arm & shall betransferred to proposed VCM storage bullets at VPPL gas storage Terminal.

Pipeline transfer facilities8“ lines shall be employed for transfer operation of VCM from Ship. Two mass flow meters,one at jetty end & one at tank end shall be provided for mass measurement & input to leakdetection system. The motorized operated valve shall be provided at jetty for emergencyshutdown operation in case of leak.

Receipt & Storage facility at Gas Storage TerminalThe VCM from ship will be transferred & stored in 6 nos of pressurized VCM bullets at 10.5kg/cm2. The Mounded Vessels shall be fabricated & installed as per OISD-150.The mechanical design of storage vessel shall be based on following considerations:i. Design Code - ASME SEC. VIII or PD - 5500 or equivalent duly approved by CCOE. A

single code shall be adopted for design, fabrication, and inspection and testing. Thespecific consideration shall be given toa) Internal vapour and hydraulic pressureb) External loadings on the vesselc) Internal vacuum

ii. Material - The material of construction for bullets is SA 537 CL.II, the selected materialconforms to design code.

iii. Design Temperature is (-) 27 oC to + 55 oC.iv. Design Pressure is 25 kg/cm2 g.v. Other Considerations

a) Internal Corrosion Allowance: 1.5 mm (minimum)b) Radiography: Fullc) Stress Relieving: 100% irrespective of thickness.d) Earthquake pressure as per IS: 1893e) Hydrotest pressure: As per Design Code

The Cathodic protection shall be provided to protect the external surface of the bulletfrom corrosion.

Fire safe Remote Operated Valve(s) (ROVs) shall be provided on first flange on liquidline(s) at a minimum distance of 3 m from the vessel.

Each vessel has two safety relief valves (SRV). Each storage vessel shall have minimumtwo different types of level indicators and one independent high level switch.

Each vessel is provided with one pressure and temperature measuring instrument. Thepressure gauge shall be provided with isolation valves.

Process DescriptionPreparation and charging of de-mineralized waterPart of de-mineralized water from de-mineralized water tank is used in polymerizationcharging, bearing seal priming, sealing, agitator/ pump seal flushing, reactor rinsing etc.. Partof cold de-mineralized water cooled by cooling water is stored in cold de-mineralized watertank and used for buffer preparation, catalyst preparation and additive preparation.

Preparation and feeding of addition agentsAll the chemical agents of polymerization, such as initiators, dispersants, buffering agents,de-foaming agents, Shortstops (terminators), etc. are prepared and stored in their ownreservoirs. When the polymerization reaction occurs, chemical agents are sent to polymerizerby pumps according to specified quantity in the recipe and specified procedure.

PolymerizationDe-mineralized water, dispersants, buffers and initiators are automatically added into thepolymerization reactor in a closed state according to PVC production process recipe for thetype and amount of raw materials and the feeding program of DCS settings. Polymerizationstarts when the initiators are automatically added. By automatically adjusting the level ofcooling water, the reaction temperature is maintained. Polymerization reaction takes place inaccordance with the required temperature curves; the polymerization reaction heat ismeasured by a microcomputer to calculate the monomer conversion rate. When the

conversion rate is met, the terminators are automatically added into polymerization reactor toterminate polymerization, PVC slurries automatically discharged to the Vessel. After PVC isblowdown, the reactor wall shall be rinsed with water of appropriate pressure.

Shortstop (Terminator) SystemThis process adopts two shortstop systems for two different purposes, and adopts differentshortstops. One is for normal production stop of each batch operations; the other is foremergency, during mechanical or power failure.

Vacuum SystemVacuum system shall be adopted to draw out air from all equipment of the unit contactingVCM to ensure safety of the unit after maintenance.

VCM recovery SystemUn-reacted VCM from polymerization reactor and stripping outlet trough shall pass throughthe VCM Recovery unit in order to be used for utilization in the polymerizer.

PVC slurry strippingPVC slurry stripping process shall be provided to efficiently remove and recover residualvinyl chloride monomer from PVC resin. The PVC from the blowdown vessel enters thestripping tower. In the stripping tower PVC slurry shall make heat exchange with coolingwater in a countercurrent flow. After stripping, the PVC slurry shall be stored in bin and sentto PVC drying section. The VCM after stripping tower passes through the top stripping towercondenser then to gas-liquid separator and finally sent to VCM recovery section.

PVC Centrifuge and dryingThis section is composed of dewatering, finished product drying, screening and gasconveyance. PVC slurry after stripping enters centrifuge. After de-watering in the centrifuge,wet PVC resin is fed in dryer. Warm air shall be used to dry wet PVC resin. Then after, thePVC enters the vortex type cyclone dryer for drying of critical moisture content. The driedPVC powder shall be separated with the air flow by the cyclone separator set. Finished PVCproduct after screening shall be delivered to PVC intermediate silo and it goes into packagingprocess by mixing pump.

Part of the mother liquor from the PVC centrifuge goes to stripping tower for flushing thetower, and part of it goes to PVC mother liquor treatment and recycle system.

PVC Packaging and Product ware housePVC material from finished product silo is measured and bagged into 25kg/bag byquantitative semi-automatic packaging machine. After packaging, the packed PVC will betransported to PVC ware house by forklift.

Process Flow DiagramBrief process flow diagram is indicated below. Detailed process flow diagram is attached asAnnexure.

Figure 1-Process flow diagram for PVC manufacturing


Bitumen, one of the commercial products of petrochemical refinery, is primarily used in roadconstruction, the tar roads to be specific. PMB is a specific type of bitumen which has highertensile strength than normal bitumen. Locally, PSU’s such as IOCL, BPCL, and HPCLproduce VG30 grade of bitumen. The manufacturing process of PMB entails heating normalbitumen (VG30 grade bitumen) with styrene butadiene styrene (SBS) or ethyl vinyl acetate(EVA) at about 180 Deg C in large Blenders. SBS or EVA is thermoplastic additive whichbinds with the bitumen when heated at high temperatures to produce PMB.

Raw MaterialsSr. no. Raw Material Quantity

1. Bitumen 15,000 m³

2. SBS (Polymer) 200 MT

3. EVA (Polymer) 200 MT

Design Basis Plant Capacity :- 1000 Tons / Day Bitumen Class :- Class 60 – 70 and Class 80 – 100

Bitumen Property Table:-Properties Class 80 - 100 Class 60 - 70

Penetration at 25°C, 0.1mm 80 100 60 70

Softening point, °C 45.0 52.0 45.0 52.0

Flash point, °C 276 - 276 -

Viscosity at 60°C (Poise) 140 - 260 -

Viscosity at 170°C (Poise) 0.45 - 0.65 -

Process DescriptionUnloading & Handling facilities at Dighi jetty:Bitumen shall be unloaded from ship at a with the help of ship unloading through onenumbers of 12” marine unloading arm & shall be transferred to proposed storage tanks atVPPL.

Pipeline transfer facilities12“ lines shall be employed for transfer operation of Bitumen from Ship. Two mass flowmeters, one at jetty end & one at tank end shall be provided for mass measurement & input to

leak detection system. The motorised operated valve shall be provided at jetty for emergencyshutdown operation in case of leak.Unloading through 1 No of 12” transfer line

Receipt & Storage facilityThe Bitumen from ship will be transferred & stored in 2 nos of storage tank with a storagecapacity of 2500 Cu.M. each.Bitumen is stored in Conical Roof & inverted cone at bottom storage tanks. Each inlet line isprovided with motorized valve which has provision to open / close by hand in case of powerbreak-off. These tanks shall have one nozzle for inlet & one for pump recycle inlet, also oneoutlet nozzle for PMB blender pump suction header. Tanks are provided with LP steamsupply & condensate return line to keep required temperature inside storage tank.

Inlet nozzle of recycle line is provided with jet mixer to mix the content in the tank &maintain uniform density. Tanks are equipped with temperature & pressure transmitter whichare connected to level indicator. Level indicator will indicate level of tank after consideringtemperature & pressure in the tank. High level switch is also provided.

Combining AgentCombining agents are sometimes added to PMBs to improve their performance propertiesand shelf life and will comply with the requirements of the AAPA Guide to the safe use ofSBS.

PolymerThe common generic polymer types used for the manufacture of PMBs are StyreneButadiene Styrene (SBS), Polyethylene’s and Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA).

MixingAll polymer maintained at elevated temperatures for long periods will be subject to threecompeting reactions: increase in molecular weight leading to gelation, caused by crosslinking of the unsaturated bonds; a similar, oxygen induced, polymerization; and breakdownreactions. Additionally bitumen are subject to hardening on prolonged high temperatureexposure. All of these reactions can be minimized by maintaining close control of operatingtemperatures and residence times in the mixing equipment. Additional measures that willreduce any tendency to polymerize by nitrogen blanketing of the mixing vessel. Componentmaterials have to be thoroughly mixed to ensure production of a homogeneous PMB. Criticalelements that are common to all processes include procedures for proportioning of materials,temperature control, mixing time and conditions, and maintenance and cleanliness ofequipment.

Storage of the Finished Product2 nos. of Tanks for the storage of finished product with a storage capacity of 2500 cbm willbe designed to minimize deterioration in storage, with strict control of temperature, minimalsurface area to reduce oxidation, and provision for mixing or circulation to ensure that the

product remains homogenous in storage.

Polymer Modified Bitumen is stored in Conical Roof & inverted cone at bottom storagetanks. Each inlet line is provided with motorized valve which has provision to open / close byhand in case of power break-off. These tanks shall have one nozzle for inlet & one for pumprecycle inlet, also one outlet nozzle for drum filling pump suction header. Tanks are providedwith LP steam supply & condensate return line to keep required temperature inside storagetank.

Inlet nozzle of recycle line is provided with jet mixer to mix the content in the tank &maintain uniform density. Tanks are equipped with temperature & pressure transmitter whichare connected to level indicator. Level indicator will indicate level of tank after consideringtemperature & pressure in the tank. High level switch is also provided. The heating systemwill be designed such that the PMB is not exposed to high contact temperatures around theheating elements or flues for prolonged periods. Prolonged exposure of PMBs to heatingelements may result in deterioration and carbonization of the binder. Tanks will be providedwith good circulation of the PMB around heating elements or flues, either through the use ofmechanical stirrers and/or by circulating the tank contents with a pump. The tank heatingsystem commonly used for PMB storage uses heat transfer oil and automated temperaturecontrols to limit overheating.

Loading GantryAll supply lines throughout the plant, including loading equipment to be designed andprocedures will be established as to avoid contamination during change of product orcleaning of supply lines. The use of oils such as kerosene, diesel, or gas oil for flushing lineswill be avoided. Where lines need to be flushed, it will be done with hot bitumen or finishedproduct. Any oils used for flushing or cleaning of supply lines will be collected and disposedof separately and will not be added to products or components in storage or delivery vehicles.

Bitumen Barrel Filling and Packing FacilityThe Polymer Modified Bitumen will have a mechanized and semi auto with a capacity of6000 Drums per day. Facilities for receipt and storage of Bulk Bitumen and allinfrastructures required for Bitumen handling including tank truck unloading arrangement.

Bitumen process flow diagramBitumen process flow diagramBitumen process flow diagram

3. GAS STORAGE TERMINALVPPL proposes to construct 16 mounded bullets which would be used for storage ofchemicals at high pressure. Each of these bullets would have a capacity of 2500 m3aggregating to storage capacity to 40,000 cum. Out of these 16 tanks, 6 are proposed to beutilized for storage of VCM, the raw material for PVC production. The remaining 10 tankswould be utilized for trading other chemicals viz:- LPG & propylene.

Design BasisLPG – Composition – mole %Designation Straight Run LPG Cracked LPG

Sp. Gr. @ 15 Deg C 0.51 – 0.58 0.51 – 0.58

Viscosity @ ST, CST 0.18 – 0.40 0.18 – 0.40

Water content in LPG 200 ppm

(As Caustic Solution)

200 ppm

(As Caustic Solution)

RSH – H (wppm) 10 (Max) 5 (Max)

Re Entry – S + RSH – S,wppm (Max)

40 40

Caustic (NaOH) Traces Traces

Total Sulphur Presence, ppm 150 (Max) 150 (Max)

Liquid Propylene: - Composition wt%Designation PROPYLENE

Composition, Wt. % Case - 1 Case – 2

Ethylene 0.02 0.093

Ethane 1.089 0.233

Propylene 95.196 95.198

Propane 3.69 4.470

Properties of PropyleneWater Content in Propylene 200 ppm (As Caustic Solution)

As H₂S, RSH & COS, wppm (max) 5, 10 , 10 Respectively

Sp. Gr. @ 15 Deg C 0.515 – 0.522

Viscosity @ ST, CST 0.15 – 0.38

Total Sulfur Presence, ppm 25 (Max)

Caustic (NaOH) Traces

Unloading conditionParameter LPG Propylene

Unloading at Dighi Port Dighi PortUnloaded by Marine Unloading arm Marine Unloading

armPressure at ship pump flange, kg/cm2g 30.0 (min) 30.0 (min)Unloading Carrier 7500 cbm 7500 cbm

Process DescriptionUnloading & Handling facilities at Dighi jetty:Pressurized liquid LPG and propylene shall be unloaded from ship with the help of shipunloading pumps through two numbers of 8” marine unloading arm & shall be transferred toproposed LPG and propylene Bullets at VPPL gas storage Terminal.

Pipeline transfer facilities:Both the 8“ lines shall be employed for transfer operation of LPG and propylene from Ship.Two mass flow meters, one at jetty end & one at tank end shall be provided for massmeasurement & input to leak detection system. The motorised operated valve shall beprovided at jetty for emergency shutdown operation in case of leak.

Receipt & Storage facility at Gas Storage TerminalThe LPG from ship will be transferred & stored in 2 nos of pressurised LPG bullets at 14.5kg/cm2 and Propylene from ship will be transferred & stored in 8 nos of pressurisedpropylene bullets at 23.0 kg/cm2 .The Mounded Vessels shall be fabricated & installed as per OISD-150.The mechanical design of storage vessel shall be based on following considerations:i. Design Code - ASME SEC. VIII or PD - 5500 or equivalent duly approved by CCOE. A

single code shall be adopted for design, fabrication, and inspection and testing. Thespecific consideration shall be given toa) Internal vapour and hydraulic pressureb) External loadings on the vesselc) Internal vacuum

ii. Material - The material of construction for bullets is SA 537 CL.II, the selected materialconforms to design code.

iii. Design Temperature is (-) 27 oC to + 55 oC.iv. Design Pressure is 25 kg/cm2 g.

v. Other Considerationsa) Internal Corrosion Allowance: 1.5 mm (minimum)b) Radiography: Fullc) Stress Relieving: 100% irrespective of thickness.d) Earthquake pressure as per IS: 1893e) Hydrotest pressure: As per Design Code

The Cathodic protection shall be provided to protect the external surface of the bullet fromcorrosion.

Fire safe Remote Operated Valve(s) (ROVs) shall be provided on first flange on liquid line(s) at aminimum distance of 3 m from the vessel.

Each vessel has two safety relief valves (SRV). Each storage vessel shall have minimum twodifferent types of level indicators and one independent high level switch.

Each vessel is provided with one pressure and temperature measuring instrument. The pressuregauge shall be provided with isolation valves.

Despatch Facilities at Gas storage TerminalLPG & Propylene truck Loading:LPG and propylene will be sent to truck loading facility.

Process ParametersUnloading & handling facilities at Dighi jetty:Ship unloading frequency Max. 2 Vessels in a weekUnloading by 2 Nos of 8” Marine Unloading Arm

Pipeline transfer facilitiesUnloading through 2 Nos of 8” transfer line/

Receipt & Storage facility at LPG Marketing TerminalStorage Capacity of Bullet cu.m 8 Propylene bullets with storage capacity of 2500 M³ in

each bullet

2 LPG bullets with storage capacity of 2500 M³ in eachbullet

No. of Mounded Bullet 2 LPG + 8 PropyleneSize One mound consisting of eight (8) Propylene bullets (each

70m long & 7.4m dia. Propylene storage capacity of 2500M³) shall be constructed and One mound consisting of two(2) bullets (Each 63m long & 7.4m dia. LPG storagecapacity 2500

VCM / Propane / Butane Transfer Pump:Liq. VCM from bottom outlet of all the VCM bullets is pumped to the PVC plant by two (2)VCM transfer pumps out of the two pumps, one is standby.

Liq. LPG from the bottom outlet is pumped to marketing area by two (2) LPG transfer pumpsout of two pumps, one LPG pump shall be used for Recirculation and another pump iscommon standby.

Two Propylene pumps (1+1) of similar draw suction of liq. Propylene from bottom of thePropylene Bullets and send the product to marketing area.

VCM Transfer PumpType : Vertical Canned Type with double mechanical sealFlow, MT/hr : 25 (1W + 1S) Each for LPG & PropyleneMOC : LTCS

LPG Transfer PumpType : Vertical Canned Type with double mechanical sealFlow, m3/hr : 100 (1W + 1S)MOC : LTCS

Propylene Transfer PumpType : Vertical Canned Type with double mechanical sealFlow, m3/hr : 100 (1W + 1S)MOC : LTCS

Dispatch Facilities at Gas TerminalLoading to : Un-insulated road tankers.Loading temperature, ºC : 15Loading by : LPG / Propylene transfer pumpsNo. of loading Station : 4 bay Tanker Loading FacilityPumping Rate, MT/hr : 100

4. GAS BASED CAPTIVE POWER PLANTVPPL proposes to setup a 17MW gas based power plant for captive consumption. The gasrequired for the production of power is proposed to be sourced from GAIL through gaspipelines including the Metering Station, which shall be within the boundary limit of theplant. There is already a pipeline connecting Dabhol and Panvel passing through Mangaon.GAIL will lay the pipeline up to the plot area including metering station located within theboundary limit of plant. Alternatively, LNG can also be procured using the local transport /can be imported at the port and can be re-gassified from the third party contractor.

Raw MaterialsSr. no. Raw Material Quantity

1. LNG 0.168 MT/MWH

Direct pipeline from GAIL

2. Water (De-Mineralized) Common 25,000 M³

Process flow diagram

5. LPG Bottling Plant

Veritas have also proposed an LPG bottling plant of 300,000 MTPA. LPG will be coming tothe unit by road in trucks or imported LPG by vessel at Dighi Port. This will be stored inbullets and then filled in various cylinders within the plant and sold to the customers. Theproposal is only storage and bottling of LPG.

Demand – Supply GapLPG is a growing market in India and every year the demand is increasing from 6 to 10%.Veritas will provide energy solutions to the nearby industries for better safety and costoptimization Company has seen the interest of industrial customers in the Konkan area forconversion from conventional fuels to LPG.

Type of the ProjectThe proposed project is new LPG bottling facility to bottle 300,000 MTPA. The proposedproject falls under the schedule 6 (b) as per the EIA notification dated September 14, 2006and its amendments. There is no interlinked project. The project falls under the Category B.

Project LocationThe plot of land is acquired from Dighi Port, as stated above. A number of other industrialundertakings are being planned and under execution in the nearby notified industrial areas.

Magnitude of Operation

S. No. Proposed Packing Quantity (No./ Month)1 Composite Cylinder 2 Kg 7,500,0002 Composite Cylinder 5 Kg 9,000,0003 12 Kg 6,250,0004 17 Kg 5,294,1185 33 Kg 909,0916 Bulk Supply 1,800 Tankers (18 MT each)

Bottle filling SystemAs mentioned above the filling station will fill the cylinders and the composite cylinders withthe capacities mentioned above. In the filling station the empty cylinders (various capacities)will be fed to the automated chain conveyor system. The conveyor system will be routedthrough the following units for completing the filling process: Empty cylinder weight scale with CVT Cylinder washing unit Electronic filling machines (60 No.s) Online electronic cylinder weight scale unit Digital compact valve tester unit (DCVT) In line Test bath

Hot air sealing unit

The filled LPG cylinders will be conveyed and stored in the filled cylinder storage shed. Ifany cylinders are rejected from the online electronic check scale unit then it will be directedto the manual weight correction unit where the weight correction will be done manually andthen it will be routed to the automated conveyor for subsequent process. If any filled cylinderfails in the DCVT and in line test bath unit, then the defective cylinders will be directed toevacuation rack for evacuation and repairing work. The evacuated LPG from rejectedcylinders will be collected in an evacuation vessel and then will be transferred to the storagebullets. The emptied cylinder will be purged using the purging unit. The liquid LPG will besupplied to the filling heads through LPG vane pumps. The LPG pumps suction anddischarge lines will be designed with all safety requirements.

Fire Fighting Details for the Bottling UnitFire Fighting System DescriptionFollowing are the type of fire protection systems for proposed LPG bottling plant: Automatic Fire Water Pumping System consisting of one Main Pump, one Standby Pump

& one jockey pump. External Hydrant & Water Monitor System covering the entire proposed bottling unit area

for manual firefighting. Medium Velocity Water Spray System for Cylinder filling sheds, Filled storage sheds,

Tank truck gantry (four bays), LPG Pump / Compressor shed, Fire Detection & AlarmSystem covering the entire proposed unit area.

Portable Fire Extinguishers. Personnel Health & Safety Equipment.

Design Basis for Pumps for the UnitSpray density of 10LPM/m2 is considered as per OISD: 169 clause 4.4.2.Highest Water Requirement for water spray system is 4000 LPM for cylinder filling shed.As per OISD: 169 clause 4.4.2. (iii), the fire water system in the plant shall be designed tomeet the highest fire water flow requirement of a single largest risk of any cases at a timeplus 72 Cu. M per hour for operating 2 hydrant points.

6. PIPELINE FROM JETTY TO PLANT AREA8“ lines of 2200 RM length shall be employed for transfer operation of VCM from Ship.Two mass flow meters, one at jetty end & one at tank end shall be provided for massmeasurement & input to leak detection system. The motorized operated valve shall beprovided at jetty for emergency shutdown operation in case of leak.

Both the lines shall be employed for transfer operation of LPG and propylene from Ship. Twomass flow meters, one at jetty end & one at tank end shall be provided for mass measurement& input to leak detection system. The motorised operated valve shall be provided at jetty foremergency shutdown operation in case of leak.12“ lines shall be employed for transfer operation of Bitumen from Ship. Two mass flowmeters, one at jetty end & one at tank end shall be provided for mass measurement & input toleak detection system. The motorised operated valve shall be provided at jetty for emergencyshutdown operation in case of leak.

Service gas 12” Bitumen pipe line from jetty to terminal

Material : A 106 Gr.B seamless

Pipe sch./thk. : Sch. STD

Design/dimensions : ANSI B 36.10

Lengths : In 5 to 6 m lengths

End finish : Bevelled end as per ANSI B 16.25

Pressure Rating : Class 150#

Service 8” LPG pipe line from jetty to gas terminal

Material : A 106 Gr.B seamless

Pipe sch./thk. : Sch. 40

Design/dimensions : ANSI B 36.10

Lengths : In 5 to 6 m lengths

End finish : Bevelled end as per ANSI B 16.25

Pressure Rating : Class 300#

Service 8” VCM pipe line from jetty to gas terminal

Material : A 106 Gr.B seamless

Pipe sch./thk. : Sch. 40

Design/dimensions : ANSI B 36.10

Lengths : In 5 to 6 m lengths

End finish : Bevelled end as per ANSI B 16.25

Pressure Rating : Class 300#

Service gas 8” Propylene pipe line from jetty to terminal

Material : A 333 Gr.6 seamless

Pipe sch./thk. : Sch. STD

Design/dimensions : ANSI B 36.10

Lengths : In 5 to 6 m lengths

End finish : Bevelled end as per ANSI B 16.25

Pressure Rating : Class 300#

Typical cross section of piping on sleepersTypical cross section of piping on sleepersTypical cross section of piping on sleepers

Layout plan for LPG & Propylene unloading & transferLayout plan for LPG & Propylene unloading & transferLayout plan for LPG & Propylene unloading & transfer

Layout plan for LPG & Propylene unloading & transferLayout plan for LPG & Propylene unloading & transferLayout plan for LPG & Propylene unloading & transfer




NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE1 Biological ETP Waste 30 TPA Reuse as Manure in gardening2 Garbage 80 TPA The municipal waste generated will be

segregated as wet waste, recyclable waste,inert waste etc.

Wet waste and inert waste disposed of tooauthorized agency.

Recyclable waste will be sold to authorizedrecycler.

3 Canteen Waste 10 TPA

4 Insulation waste 12 TPAHAZARDOUS WASTE

5 Rejected Filter / Scrap 4 TPA

Will be given to MPCB authorized recycler6 Spent / Lube Oil 10 TPA7 Sludge and Filter Contaminated with Oil 3 TPA8 Discarded Containers / Barrels 10,000 Nos/ Annum9 Industrial Batteries 15 Nos/ Annum

10 Chemical Sludge 50 TPA Common Treatment facility11 Water Treatment / Phosphate Sludge 5 TPA Common Treatment facility