Proposals from Turkey

Post on 24-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Proposals from Turkey

To raise the objectivity level in the Court of Justice, members of Non-European countries

should be included in the jury.

Visa requirements between all countries European and Non-European should be

abolished to provide easier mobility.

It is a must to practice primary and high school student exchange programs between

European and Non-European countries in

order to provide cultural awareness.

The EU should do more programmes to let Turkish citizens know about its facilities and

benefits of the union by making effective media programmes.

The criteria EU forced to be done by the candidate countries should be flexible

according to the cultural features.

EU should seriously encourage the use of renewable energy sources in place of

nuclear energy inEurope

New energy sources should be taken into consideration such as solar energy

EU environmental organisations should develop projects to make people more

conscious about environmental issues than they do.

The applications of sanctions about environmental issues should be supervised

by the related organisations of the EU.

We avoid and eliminate the prejudices among the cultural, religious and political differences of all inhabitants in the world.

The differences in all positions should be accepted as a reality and richness of our

lives and people must be trained about this matter.