Proposal Mirza

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Transcript of Proposal Mirza




TERM 2009 / 2010


A. Background

There are many languages in the world. Every people use

Language in spoken and written way. According to Brown (2000:5)

“Language is a system of arbitrary conventionalized vocal, written, or

gestured symbols that enable members of a given community to

communicate intelligibly with one another.” It is means that language

is a tool to deliver a message to another even in vocal, written, or

gestured symbols.

Language is used by human being to communicate to each

other. People need a language to interact to other people, for share

information and interact with others in different culture, background

and so on. According to Edge (2001: 25) “English become the

important medium of communication in the world.” It is means that

English is important medium that be used for communication around

the world.

According to Kasiyani K.E Suyanto “Kegiatan siswa dalam

pembelajaran bahasa Inggris mencakup semua kompotensi bahasa

yang berupa ketrampilan menyimak (listening), berbicara (speaking),

membaca (reading), dan menulis (writing)”. English teaching covers

four skills, namely reading, listening, speaking and writing. The four

skills are supported by the learning of language elements. They are

structure, vocabulary, pronunciation and spelling. Therefore,

vocabulary is one of the important language elements the students

should master. Vocabulary includes collections of words. The words

are known not only as individual words, but also as a group of words

that have meaning.

Teaching vocabulary to children is not easy. There is a difference

between teaching children and teaching adults. The children have certain

characteristics and need a certain treatment. Kasiyani K.E Suyanto

(2008:47) “Pada umumnya anak-anak lebih cepat belajar kata-kata atau

kosakata bila ditunjang dengan alat peraga, misalnya gambar atau benda

nyata”. Teacher should find the best or the effective technique to teach

English vocabulary. Media as teaching aids are needed to help the

student’s understanding and to increase the effectiveness in the

communication between teacher and students in the teaching and learning

process. It is also used to stimulate the students’ motivation and student’s

interest to the lesson.

Kasiyani K.E Suyanto (2008:103) stated that “Berbagai macam

gambar yang dituangkan dalam bentuk cards (flash cards, circular cards,

flip cards, etc) sangat membantu melancarkan proses belajar mengajar

bahasa inggris untuk anak”. It means that any kinds of pictures such as

flash cards, circular cards, flip charts are important to help teacher in

teaching learning English for young learner more clearly.

Based on the background above, the researcher is important to do a

research entitled “The Application of Translation Technique by Using

Playing Card Media in Teaching Vocabulary for The Fourth Grade of

SDN Nglames 2 in Term 2009 / 2010”.

B. The Formulation of The Problem

a. How translation technique by using playing card media used in

teaching vocabulary to the fourth grade of SDN Nglames 2 Madiun.

b. What are the advantages and disadvantages of translation technique by

using playing card media in teaching vocabulary to the fourth grade of

SDN Nglames 2 Madiun.

C. The Objective of The Study

Based on the statement of the problem above, the research gets some

purposes below:

a. To describe how to teach translation technique by using playing card

media on teaching vocabulary to the fourth grade of SDN Nglames 2


c. To identify the advantages and disadvantages of translation technique

by using playing card media in teaching vocabulary to the fourth grade

of SDN Nglames 2 Madiun.

D. Significance of the Study

This research hoped can give great advantages:

1. For Researcher

By this research, the writer hoped that can know and understand about

The Application of Translation Technique by Using Flash Card Media

in Teaching Vocabulary especially in SDN Nglames 2.

2. For Teacher

To make the teacher get more strategies in teaching English language,

so the teaching and learning process can be interesting for the young


3. For Students

This research hoped that the students can be active in teaching and

learning process and make them easier in memorizing the English



A. Teaching

1. Definition of Teaching

Based on Brown (2000:7) “Teaching is guiding and facilitating

learning, enabling the learner to learn, setting the condition for

learning”. It is means that …………….

2. Aspect of Teaching

There are some aspects of teaching, According to Edge (2001:9), they

are presented as follows:

1. Teacher

The teacher has main role in the classroom. The teacher should

guide, help and facilitating the students in learn something to

understand and able to apply it. That is called knowledge. There

are many ways to use their important role in the classroom. As


1) Organization

The learner must feel that their activity is purposeful, they know

what they have to do in learning process so that they have room for

themselves to grow.

2) Security.

The teacher must create good condition in the classroom to make

the students feel save so that they can feel comfort in learning


3) Motivation.

The students should be given motivation by the teacher. It can be

given when the teacher give tasks to the students, relate with their

experiences. So, they can feel more confidence to do the tasks.

4) Instruction.

Learners need to be told new things and told how to do new things.

5) Modeling.

Learners need to be shown new things and shown how to do new


6) Guidance.

Learners need a helping hand to discover new things and to

practice new skill. The teacher as a guide in teaching process

should guide the students to practice new things or new skill.

7) Information.

Learners need sources of extra information about what they are

learning, which they can call on as required.

8) Feedback.

Learners need to know how to close they are getting to their

targets. They have to know how much they can understand the


9) Encouragement.

Learners need to feel that the language is developing inside them,

even if what they are producing the moment seems unlike

standards English.

10) Evaluation.

Some learners have external standards that must be reached,

important examination to pass or fall. They need to know where

they stand. They have to define about their studies.

2. Learners

All learners in school are the same. Outside class, they have a

family, friends, work, study or play in their environment,

responsibilities, a place to live, and all joys and sorrow that come

with those things. Into class they bring their names, their

knowledge, experience, intelligence, skill, emotions, imaginations,

awareness, and creativity, sense of humor, problems, dreams,

hopes, aspirations, fears, and memories. Interest, blond spots,

prejudices, habits, expectations, like, dislike, preferences, and

everything else that goes with being a human being, including the

ability to express at least one language.

Learners are also influenced by their age and their educational,

social and cultural backgrounds, which all these factors they may

have the same as their fellow students. These factors very

influenced to develop the student’s knowledge.

3. Materials

Materials are used to support learning and teaching. Materials

exist in order to support learning and teaching, so they should be

designed to suit the people and the process involved. The materials

must be varieties it should be managed well based on the students

needs. So the teacher must be creative to choose which the material

is good for their students.

4. Method or Models of teaching.

A method according to Richards and Rodgers in Brown (2000:

170) “is an umbrella term for the specification and interrelation of

theory and practice”. To teach students, a teacher also needs

method in order to the teacher can organized and can give material

to students systematic. And the other, the teacher also use the

models of teaching in order to the students more fun in learning


5. Curriculum

Before the teachers teach their students, the teachers use

curriculum or syllabus to teach the materials Brown (2000:171).

States that:

“Curriculum/syllabus: Designs for carrying out a particular language. Features include a primary concern with the specification of linguistic and subject-matter objectives, sequencing, and materials to meet the needs of a designated group of learners in a defined context. (The term “syllabus” is used more customarily in the United Kingdom to refer to what is referred to as a “curriculum” in the United States.”

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the

important thing in teaching such as the applying of curriculum, the

material, purpose of the study and getting the result are needed to

carry out the language program. Teachers must develop the

curriculum to preparations in teaching and get the students need.

Curriculum is one of aspect in teaching, it is important in

teaching learning process, include the subject-matter objectives,

sequencing and materials and they are a set of learning tools that

have to teacher have as a guide in his/her teaching way in order to

the education target realized.

B. Teaching Media

1. Definition of Media

Kasiyani K.E Suyanto (2008:101) “Istilah media berasal dari bahasa

Latin medium yang arti secara umum adalah alat komunikasi atau

antara, yaitu apa saja yang membawa informasi antara source

(sumber) dan receiver (penerima)”. Based on the statement above the

word media is come from Latin language which means is medium.

Where the generally means is a tool of communication which deliver

the information between source and receiver.

2. Kind of Media

Kasiyani K.E Suyanto (2008:102) “Secara umum media dapat

digolongkan menjadi tiga jenis, yaitu (1) visual media atau media

pandang, (2) audio media atau media dengar, dan (3) audio visual

media atau media dengar dan pandang”. Here Kasiyani K.E Suyanto

divides the media into three kinds, (1) Visual media is kind of media

that can be touched by learners. For example; picture, photo, real

object, map, etc. (2) Audio media means the material of the lesson is

recorded and can be listened to the learners. The examples are radio

and cassette recorder. (3) Audio visual media is most used by the

teacher, they are; picture, flash card and real object (banana, mango,

dictionary, etc).

3. Playing Card

The are some definition of playing card, ………..

C. Translation

1. Definition of Translation

“Secara luas, terjemah dapat diartikan sebagai semua kegiatan

manusia dalam mengalihkna seperangkat informasi atau pesan

(message) – baik verbal maupun non-verbal – dari informasi asal atau

informasi sumber (source information) ke dalam informasi sasaran

(target information). (Suhendra Yusuf 1994:8).

In this theory Suhendra Yusuf stated that translation is all of the

human activity which transfers the information or the message in

verbal or non-verbal from source information to the target information.

2. Kind of Translation

Suhendra Yusuf (1994:13) “Pada umumnya, kegiatan terjemah

dibagi menjadi dua bagian: kegiatan terjemah lisan dan tulisan”. Based

on Suhendra Yusuf statement, generally the translation can be dividing

into two activities; the first one is verbal and non-verbal. Because the

writer chooses the translation technique in teaching vocabulary for the

young learner so the translation technique non-verbal is chosen one.

3. Process of Translation

Rudolf Nababan (2003:25) “Proses penerjemahan terdiri atas tiga

tahap, yaitu 1) analisis teks bahasa sumber (Bsu), 2) pengalihan pesan,

3) restrukturisasi”.


The writer needs some experience in teaching English the writer

need to do the research in SDN Nglames 2 Madiun especially in

teaching English vocabulary. Here the writer use the translation

technique by using playing card to teach English vocabulary.

A. Place and Time of the Research

Place and time of research are important for research, it is

shown bellows:

1. Place of Research

Place of the research is a place where the research

taken place. Place of the research is located on SDN

Nglames 2 Madiun, in Madiun regency.

2. Time of Research

The research will take on June, …. 2010.

B. Method and Research Design

This research was intended to describe The Application of

Multiple Intelligences Approach in Teaching Writing on The

Seventh Grade of Students of SMP N 2 Wungu in term 2009/

2010. Based on this purpose, the most suitable research design

is qualitative study because it has natural setting definition of

Qualitative Research.

Based on the statement above, it can be conclude that

Qualitative Research is method of research which interprets the

information. Researcher enters and spends considerable time in

school, families, neighborhood, and other locales learning

about education concerns. In detail, the researcher uses the

Descriptive Research. Descriptive Research is not only

gathering and ordering the data but also analyzing and

interpreting them.

C. Source of the Data

Source of data is important in research, it is used to find the

data from the research done by the researcher. The source of

data comes from population, sample, and sampling technique,

shown as follows:

1. Population


Based on those theory it can conclude that population is all

of objects of tresearch. So, the population of this research

is the seventh grade of students of SMP N 2 Wungu in

term 2009/2010

2. Sample


The sample of this research is the seventh grade of students

of SMP N 2 Wungu in term2009/2010. It is consist of 3..


3. Sampling technique

Arikunto (1992:107) divides Sampling Technique into:

random sampling, stratified sampling, probability sampling,

proportional sampling, quota sampling, cluster sampling, and

double sampling.

The researcher uses purposive sampling because this

research has purpose to know the answer of the problem related

with the students writing skill of seventh grade students of

SMP N 2 Wungu in term 2009/2010.

D. Technique of Collecting Data and Research Instrument

1. Collecting Data


a. Observation


b. Interview


c. Documentation


2. Research instrument


E. Technique of analyzing Data


F. Prosedur of Research

The procedure of the research includes before and after

study be done. It consists of four major steps; planning,

application, analysis data, and reporting. These steps are bellow.

1. Planning

a. Preparation of the research.

b. Making a permission letter from rector.

c. Making an agreement with the school organizer.

d. Finding proper class to conduct observation.

e. Doing Former observation or preliminary study.

f. Arranging research instruments.

2. Application

a. Collecting data.

b. Observing the study.

c. Interviewing subjects and respondents.

3. Analysis Data

a. Classifying data collection.

b. Analyzing data collection.

4. Reporting

a. Making report about the activities in thesis.

b. Submit the thesis.