Proposal Guidelines for ^Rugby World Cup 2019™ Japan · 07/08/2018 · Proposal Guidelines for...

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Transcript of Proposal Guidelines for ^Rugby World Cup 2019™ Japan · 07/08/2018 · Proposal Guidelines for...


Proposal Guidelines for “Rugby World Cup 2019™ Japan:

Tournament Guest Programme Design and Delivery”

1. [Request for Proposal Instructions] / “Rugby World Cup 2019™ Japan: Tournament Guest

Programme Design and Delivery”

2. Tournament Summary

(Attachment 1)

3. Application Form

(Attachment 2)

4. Information to be Included in the Proposal

(Attachment 3)

5. Non-Disclosure Declaration

(Attachment 4)

6. Questionnaire

(Attachment 5)

7. Statement and Declaration Against Antisocial Forces and Groups

(Attachment 6)

(Date: 7 August 2018)


[Request for Proposal Instructions] / “Rugby World Cup 2019™ Japan: Tournament Guest Programme Design and Delivery”

by Rugby World Cup 2019 Organising Committee Introduction

Rugby World Cup 2019 Organising Committee (to be referred to as either “the Organising Committee” or “JR2019” hereinafter) is currently seeking a suitably-qualified contractor to whom the services associated with the design and delivery of the Tournament Guest Programme for Rugby World Cup 2019™ Japan may be outsourced. We eagerly look forward to receiving proposals that are based on and meet the requirements provided in these Request for Proposal Instructions (“RFP Instructions”).

1. Tournament Overview

Rugby World Cup 2019™ Japan (“RWC2019”) will be held in 12 venues across the nation during the period from 20 September 2019 to 2 November 2019, with 20 teams representing 20 nations and regions. During the Tournament, a total of 48 matches will be held, with 40 matches in the Pool Stage and 8 matches as part of the Knockout Stage. It will be the first Rugby World Cup to be held in Asia (i.e., outside the traditional heartland of the sport) following the inclusion of Rugby Sevens in the Olympic Games competition schedule. (See Attachment 1 for further information.)

2. Key Objectives of“Rugby World Cup 2019™ Japan: Tournament Guest Programme Design and Delivery” Due to the necessity to adopt the relevant experience, know-how and insight associated with

the Tournament Guests and Protocol at major international sports events, the Organising Committee would like to select and appoint a third-party contractor with adequate professional expertise to commission the design and delivery of the Tournament Guest Programme for RWC2019.

3. Subject

Proposal for “Rugby World Cup 2019™ Japan: Tournament Guest Programme Design and Delivery”

4. Service Configurations

As provided in “7. Service Period” below, the services detailed herein shall be commissioned to the appointed contractor from the date of the contract until 30 November 2019.

5. Commissioned Services

1) Management of the Tournament Guests

- The appointed contractor shall help to facilitate the planning, communication and

delivery of the Tournament Guests Programme across all match venues and hotels.

2) Development of the Concept behind the Tournament Guest Programme

- The appointed contractor shall take into consideration the relevant policies established

by World Rugby as the Tournament Organiser to study and develop the master concept


for the overall Hospitality Programme for Rugby world Cup 2019™ Japan.

3) Production of the Temporary overlay/FFE and decorative articles needed for the required

Tournament Guest Lounges and Hotels et al.

- The appointed contractor shall remain responsible for designing the plans and producing

the required items according to the following requirements:

- In order to establish the policy for designing and delivering the Tournament Guest

Programme, the appointed contractor shall be expected to pay visits to the respective

match and non-match venues as needed, to be arranged in accordance with the

direction coordinated and agreed with the Organising Committee in advance.

- The appointed contractor shall work with the Organising Committee’s Image & Look

FA to organise the requirements -- in terms of the decorations and wayfinding/signage,

including their specifications and quantities et al. at each venue to be visited by the

guests of the Tournament Guest Programme -- and proceed with their productions.

- The gifts to be presented to the Tournament Guests need to be easy to carry and take

back home, and the appointed contractor shall study the kinds of items that will help

to drive home the fact of Japan being the host country for this Tournament.

- The appointed contractor shall work with the Image & Look FA to review the designs

for the invitation letters and cards et al. to be sent to the Tournament Guests, to

ensure that they remain consistent with the Image and Look of the Tournament.

4) Services Pertaining to the planning and delivery of the Tournament Guest Lounges and Hotels

as required

- The appointed contractor shall work with other FAs and relevant agencies/organisations to

establish an efficient and effective operational structure for the runup to and during the

Tournament Period.

- The appointed contractor shall formulate the venue plans for the 12 match venues and

Tournament Guest Hotel et al., which should include the traffic lines needed for the guests

and their use of the Tournament Guest Lounge, among other things.

- Based on the aforementioned concept, the appointed contractor shall be responsible for

setting up and fitting out the temporary structures (e.g., wayfinding/signage) for the

special airport-style lounge (to be called the “RWC Club”) at the 12 match venues and

Tournament Guest Hotel.

5) Other Tasks and Duties Required for Performance of the Commissioned Services

- Any and all of the tasks and duties that are incidental to and necessary for the performance

of the services detailed above.

- The details of such tasks and duties shall have to be proposed in each applicant’s submitted

proposal (→See 15(2) below).


6. Personnel Structure

The appointed contractor shall be required to secure an adequate number of personnel needed to ensure the satisfactory performance of the Commissioned Services under the supervision of the Organising Committee’s TGP Department including the provision of staff for secondment to JR2019 as required to ensure the effective delivery of the programme.

The names and the relevant previous business experiences of the appointed personnel must be submitted in advance to the Organising Committee. Each proposal to be submitted in response to this RFP must also include the applicant’s overview of the optimal personnel structure in performing the Commissioned Services.

7. Service Period

From the date of the contract until 30 November 2019.

8. Eligibility for Entry

Each participant shall be required to meet all of the following requirements:

1) Confirmation that none of the below A), B) and C) may apply:

A) A person (or entity) who does not have any legal capacity to enter into a contract

in relation to the relevant transaction.

B) A person (or entity) who has received a ruling for the commencement of

bankruptcy proceedings and who has not had his/her rights restored.

C) A person (or entity) who is substantially controlled by an organised crime group

prescribed in Article 2, Item 2 of the ‘Act to Prevent Unjust Acts by Organised

Crime Group Members’ (Act No. 77 of 1991) or similar person (or entity)

2) “A”, “B” or “C” ranked suppliers according to the eligibility standards for the tender

participation relevant to the “Provision of Services” as defined by the Japanese

government agencies (2016, 2017 and 2018 versions), OR any suppliers whose eligibility

has been specifically acknowledged by the Organising Committee.

3) A supplier who was (or is) contracted for any previous (or ongoing) project to provide

services (similar to those mentioned in 5. Commissioned Services above) for a major

international sports event, with several teams competing in different match venues in the

course of the same tournament.

4) A supplier who has previously worked with different government agencies/organisations

to provide a coordinating role for the protocol implementation purposes.

5) In the case a consortium is formed by multiple suppliers, the representative supplier

should be clearly indicated in the proposal, with at least one of the suppliers meeting all

of the requirements above.

6) A supplier with the capability to conduct business in both Japanese and English.


9. Key Dates

(1) RFP Distribution: between Tue. 7 August and Mon. 20 August 2018

(2) Submission of Application Form: by Mon. 20 August 2018

(3) Submission of Proposal: by Mon. 10 September 2018

(4) Contractor Selection: after Wed. 12 September 2018

10. Application for Participation

(1) Submission method: Each applicant is requested to submit the Application Form

(Attachment 2) and the Non-Disclosure Declaration (Attachment 4) to the Organising

Committee by e-mail (→ See 20. below).

Upon receipt of the Application Form and the Non-Disclosure Declaration, the

Organising Committee shall distribute other documents including a draft contract ,

specifications and Attachment3/5/6 to those applicants who are deemed to have met

the participation requirements.

(2) Submission deadline: Monday, 20 August 2018 11:00am

(3) Language: Please use BOTH Japanese AND English to complete the Application Form.

(4) Cancellation of Entry: Any applicant who elects to cancel the entry after submitting

the Application Form shall be required to immediately notify the Organising Committee

by e-mail.

11. Questions Relevant to this RFP

(1) Submission method: Any questions regarding this RFP needs to be submitted by e-mail

to the Organising Committee (→ See 20 below). Be sure to include the necessary

contact information, e.g., the Department/personnel in charge and e-mail address.

(2) Submission deadline: Monday, 27 August 2018 11:00am

(3) Language: Please use BOTH Japanese AND English to submit your questions (with the

Japanese version taking precedence).

(4) Response method: Each question shall be answered by e-mail from the Organising

Committee to the designated recipient according to the contact information provided in

(1) above.

(5) NO verbal questions/enquiries shall be accepted by phone or in person under any


(6) For the sake of information sharing and transparency, please note that the Organising

Committee may elect to forward the answers to these questions to all of the applicants

to whom these RFP Instructions have been distributed.


12. Proposal

(1) Submission method: Each applicant is requested to submit its written proposal by

post and by e-mail to the Organising Committee (→ See 22 below).

(2) Submission deadline: Monday, 10 September 2018 (→ To be postmarked by this

date, or in the case of e-mail, to be received by 17:00pm at the latest).

(3) Language: Please use BOTH Japanese AND English to draft the proposal (with the

Japanese version taking precedence).

(4) Number of copies to be submitted: 10 copies each for the project proposal and the


(5) Information to be included in the Proposal: See Attachment 3.

(6) Any data to be submitted by e-mail should be in the PDF format.

13. Contractor Selection

The Organising Committee shall establish a special sub-committee to review all of the submitted

proposals and candidates and then proceed to make the final decision for the appointed

contractor upon completion of the appropriate selection process by this sub-committee.

14. Contracting Process

Upon completion of the selection process, the appointed contractor shall be required to note

the following prior to the contracting process:

(1) There shall be no negotiations whatsoever to ease any of the service requirements during the contracting process.

(2) The contractor shall be required to prove the validity of the proposed service fees, e.g., by submitting competitive quotes et al.

(3) The contractor shall be required to submit a signed copy of the Attachment 6: “Statement and Declaration Against Antisocial Forces and Groups.”

(4) The written contract shall be drafted in Japanese. Any English translation to be prepared by the appointed contractor shall be used for reference purposes only, and the Japanese version shall always take precedence for all applicable contract terms and conditions.

15. Entry Conditions

Each applicant is kindly requested to take special note of the following in addition to the service details stipulated herein:

(1) The appointed contractor shall be required to ensure its full understanding of the objective of this project in providing the Commissioned Services, taking into consideration various requirements regarding the venues and consultation requirements as set forth by World Rugby (WR), Rugby World Cup Limited (RWCL) and other stakeholders, to help promote smooth development and maintenance of the venues and reduction of the relevant costs.

(2) Each applicant shall be required to propose the relevant details for “the tasks and duties that are incidental to and necessary for the performance of” the Commissioned


Services as mentioned in 5. 6) above, and such descriptions shall be considered part of the overall evaluation of the proposal. The budget provided under 9. above shall also be applicable to these proposed tasks and duties. The Organising Committee does not assume that a separate contract may be concluded for any other tasks and duties unless they have been clearly provided for in the applicant’s proposal.

(3) Any act intended to limit the competitive nature of the bidding process, including consultation, discussion or agreement with other applicants or any other parties about the details relevant to the proposal, shall be strictly prohibited.

(4) No applicant may be permitted to encourage others to submit -- or discourage others from submitting -- their proposals with the intention to limit the competitive nature of the bidding process, or to engage in any act to influence any party that may be interested in applying for the bidding.

(5) Changes or revisions to the submitted proposal will be accepted only before the deadline as provided under 9 (3) above. After this submission deadline, no change or modification may be made to the submitted proposal under any circumstances.

(6) Any rights associated with the proposal to be submitted in response to this RFP, including but not limited to copyrights, intellectual property rights and associated entitlements (with such copyrights including all the rights specified under Articles 21 to 28 of the Copyright Law) shall belong to the Organising Committee upon submission of the proposal.

(7) The Organising Committee may elect to request individual applicants to provide further explanations regarding the specific details of their proposals; in such cases, the applicants shall be required to comply.

(8) For the selection results, the Organising Committee shall notify each applicant by e-mail, and no individual enquiries pertaining to the selection results shall be accepted by the Organising Committee under any circumstances.

(9) With regard to the participation in and/or the selection results of this RFP process, individual applicants shall be strictly prohibited from negotiating in any manner with the staff members or other interested parties of the Organising Committee, either directly or indirectly.

(10) The Organising Committee fully retains the right to immediately suspend all dealings with any applicant who is discovered to have acted in violation of any of the requirements stipulated herein, by dismissing the act of application itself and potentially cancelling the selection results.

(11) The Commissioned Services relevant to the design and delivery of the RWC2019 Tournament Guest Programme shall be performed in collaboration with the respective FAs of the Organising Committee involved in the project.

16. Copyrights et al.

(1) The entitlements to the industrial property rights relevant to any inventions and/or devices to be generated in the course of performing the Commissioned Services, as well as the associated copyrights and other rights shall belong to the Organising Committee.

(2) Any rights associated with the deliverables from the Commissioned Services (including but not limited to copyrights, intellectual property rights and associated entitlements, with such copyrights including all the rights specified under Articles 21 to 28 of the Copyright Law), as well as their ownership rights shall be transferred from the appointed contractor to the Organising Committee immediately upon submission of such deliverables.

(3) The appointed contractor shall grant permission to the Organising Committee to engage in the following acts while refraining from exercising the rights provided


under the Article 19 (paragraph 1) or the Article 20 (paragraph 1) of the Copyright Act:

(a) Disclosure of the details relevant to the deliverables from the Commissioned Services;

(b) Attempts to change, modify or add any other forms of revision to any of the deliverables from the Commissioned Services either by the Organising Committee or through any third party commissioned to do so by the Organising Committee.

17. Confidentiality

(1) Each applicant shall be required to handle as strictly confidential any and all of the information provided herein, as well as any data, documents/materials or other information prepared by the Organising Committee or the applicant in relation to this RFP process ("Confidential Information") and to refrain from disclosing any such Confidential Information to third parties under any circumstances.

(2) No applicant may be permitted to disclose any and all of the information provided herein and/or the fact of its own involvement in this RFP process without prior written consent of the Organising Committee.

(3) The Organising Committee shall make sure that any information of a confidential nature being submitted by any of the applicants may be disclosed exclusively to the selected stakeholders of the Organising Committee, including but not limited to World Rugby and Rugby World Cup Limited, and that no such information may be disclosed to any other third parties.

(4) Upon completion of the selection process, any applicant that has not been appointed as the contractor for the Commissioned Services shall be required to comply with the Organising Committee’s request and immediately return or destroy any and all documents/materials relevant to this RFP process (including electronic files and copies thereof). The Organising Committee shall be entitled to ask any such applicant to confirm in writing that the applicable documents et al. have been properly returned or destroyed as requested.

18. Prohibition of Ambush Marketing and/or Any Other Promotional Activities

(1)The appointed contractor shall not be permitted to publicly announce the facts pertaining to its successful selection as the provider of the Commissioned Services and/or its own relationship with the Rugby World Cup for any promotional purposes without prior written consent of the Organising Committee.

(2)The appointed contractor shall not be permitted to engage in any form of ambush marketing whatsoever, either on its own or through a third party in a deliberate fashion.

(3)The appointed contractor shall not be permitted to use any trademarks, names, logos or

other displays of branded materials that may be similar to or cause confusion with the official RWC marks.

19. Disclaimer

(1) The preparation and submission of the proposal for this RFP process shall be done entirely at the applicant's own expense. The Organising Committee assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any expenses et al. that may be incurred by the applicant in connection with the application to this RFP process. Regardless of the selection results, the Organising Committee shall not be expected to return any of the documents/materials submitted by the applicant to the Organising Committee.

(2) The Organising Committee assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any and all of the details provided herein.


(3) The selection and appointment of the contractor for the Commissioned Services shall be only finalised by conclusion of a legally binding contract by and between the Organising Committee and the successfully selected applicant. Any and all dealings between the Organising Committee and any of the applicants prior to the conclusion of such a legally binding contract should not be interpreted to signify the contractor selection by the Organising Committee.

(4) The details provided herein (including but not limited to the scope of the Commissioned Services and key service details to be provided by the appointed contractor) are only meant to serve as guidelines, and the Organising Committee shall be entitled at any given point in time to change such details or to cancel the RFP process altogether. In such cases, the Organising Committee assumes no responsibility whatsoever.

(5) The details provided herein do not cover all of the information pertaining to the final scope of the Commissioned Services, and each applicant is requested to understand in advance that the Organising Committee may elect to present additional terms and conditions et al. at any point in the future.

(6) The Organising Committee makes no guarantee as to the accuracy and completeness of the details provided herein.

20. Department in Charge

Finance & Procurement Department Rugby World Cup 2019 Organising Committee 4-1, Kasumigaoka-machi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 107– 0061, Japan* Telephone: 03-5771-2019 E-mail: *When sending mail by post, please confirm receipt by telephone.


Attachment 1

Tournament Summary

Tournament name Rugby World Cup 2019

Governing Body World Rugby

Tournament dates 20 September – 2 November 2019

Participating teams

Ireland, Scotland, Japan, New Zealand, South Africa, Italy, England, France, Argentina, USA, Tonga, Australia, Wales, Georgia, Fiji, Uruguay, Russia, Samoa. Two teams are still to be confirmed.

[Total of 20 teams]

Tournament format Qualifying stage - 5 teams x 4 pools (round-robin format) / Total of 40 matches. Final stage - Quarterfinals, Semi-finals, Play-off from Bronze Game, Final / Total of 8 matches.

[Total of 48 matches]

Match venues City of Toyota Stadium Fukuoka Hakatanomori Stadium Hanazono Rugby Stadium Yokohama International Stadium Kamaishi Recovery Memorial Stadium Kobe Misaki Stadium Kumagaya Rugby Stadium Kumamoto Stadium Oita Stadium Sapporo Dome Shizuoka Stadium Ecopa Tokyo Stadium

[Total of 12 venues in 12 Host Cities]

Special feature of this Tournament

First Rugby World Cup to be held in Asia and first Rugby World Cup to be held after Rugby Sevens inclusion in the Olympic Games competition schedule.


Rugby World Cup 2019

The Rugby World Cup (RWC) is staged every four years and is the biggest Rugby event in the world with a significant global impact. The next Rugby World Cup will be held in Japan during September and November 2019 where 20 teams will compete to become Rugby World Cup Champions. The Rugby World Cup is organized by World Rugby (WR), through Rugby World Cup Limited (RWCL), a wholly owned subsidiary of WR. RWCL has awarded the 2019 tournament to Japan with the JRFU (Japan Rugby Football Union) as the host Rugby Union and Japan Rugby 2019 (JR2019) as the tournament Organising Committee (OC). The OC is responsible for staging the tournament in Japan.

Japan Rugby Football Union


Japan Rugby 2019

(JR2019,Organising Committee)

Rugby World Cup Limited (RWCL)


Attachment 2

Date: ………………………., 2018


In accordance with the Request for Proposal for “Rugby World Cup 2019™ Japan: Outsourcing of Services

for Tournament Guest Programme Design and Delivery,” I hereby apply for this proposal.


Name of Business


Position of representative

Name of representative


【Contact Details】

Person in Charge

Department/Division Telephone Number

(FAX Number)

Email Address


Attachment 4

Non-Disclosure Declaration

Date: ……………….. Mr Akira Shimazu Secretary General Rugby World Cup 2019TM Organising Committee

Name of Company Representative [Seal]

………………………. (Hereinafter referred to as ‘Applicant’) hereby promises the following in relation to the

non-disclosure of information pertaining to the application to the Rugby World Cup 2019TM Opening

Ceremony Service (hereinafter referred to as ‘this procurement’) conducted by the Rugby World Cup

2019TM Organising Committee (hereinafter referred to as ‘Organising Committee’) with the submission of

this declaration (hereinafter referred to as ‘this Declaration’):


(Confidential Information)

Article 1

‘Confidential information’ referred to in this Declaration means any such information disclosed to

applicants or disclosed by applicants pertaining to this matter irrespective of content or method of

disclosure (including, but not limited to, the contents of this proposal, the fact of application, all

materials submitted by the applicant for the purpose of tendering for this proposal, and any

discussions conducted between the applicant and the Organising Committee concerning the

progress of this proposal and this matter). However, this excludes those that fall under any of the

following categories.

(1) The information disclosed to the applicant at the time of disclosure is public knowledge.

(2) The information enters the domain of public knowledge after the information is disclosed to

the applicant without breach of this Declaration.

2. Unless otherwise specified in other provisions of this Declaration or the Organising Committee

consents otherwise in writing, the Applicant hereby certifies to comply with the following items.

(1) To strictly practice the same degree of care and protection of Confidential Information that the

Applicant would use to protect his/her own information of similar importance.

(2) To not divulge Confidential Information to any third parties.

(3) To not make any use of such Confidential Information for any purpose other than the purpose

for which it was disclosed.


3. Notwithstanding any provisions in this Declaration, if an Applicant is compelled to disclose

Confidential Information to a third party in accordance with applicable laws or in legal proceedings,

the Applicant shall provide prior notification of such action in writing to the Organising Committee.

4. In the case where an Applicant discloses Confidential Information for the reasons set forth in the

preceding paragraph, disclosure of Confidential Information shall be limited to the minimum extent

necessary by law and the Applicant shall make every effort to levy the same confidentiality obligations

as stipulated in this Declaration to the disclosed party (except to those legally bound to confidentiality


5. The Applicant shall, with the written consent of the Organising Committee, levy the same

confidentiality obligations as stipulated in this Declaration, to the third party when disclosing

Confidential Information to such third party. In the event of a breach by the third party of the

confidentiality obligations, the Applicant agrees to be jointly and severally liable to the Organising

Committee along with such third party.

(Return of Confidential Information)

Article 2

At any time, the Organising Committee should so request, the Applicant shall, pursuant to the

request of the Organising Committee, promptly return to the Organising Committee or destroy any

medium of Confidential Information and all copies, copies thereof, summaries, analyses, excerpts

that are owned and managed by the Applicant and any other items as designated by the Organising


(Breach of Declaration)

Article 3

In the event that the Applicant breaches this Declaration, the Organising Committee reserves the right

to claim injunctive relief or impose any other measures of remedy on to the Applicant, in addition to

those specified in this Declaration, and the Applicant shall comply with such measures.

2. In the event that the Applicant breaches this Declaration, the Applicant shall reimburse the Organising

Committee for all related expenses incurred by the Organising Committee as a result of such violation

(including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys’ fees and other expenses required from a legal



Article 4

The Applicant understands that the Organising Committee does not make any representation or

warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of the Confidential Information disclosed by


the Organising Committee; furthermore, that it is not obligated to revise the Confidential Information

to reflect updated information, nor is it obligated to notify of inaccuracies or incompleteness of the

Confidential Information.

2. This Declaration is governed by the laws of Japan, and if there is a doubt or dispute regarding this

Declaration and judgment of the court is required, it is agreed the matter shall be submitted to the

exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court in the first instance.