Promotion Booklet

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Promotion Booklet

Transcript of Promotion Booklet


AIESEC in Switzerland Eigerstrasse 55, 3007 Bern | | e-mail | tel + 41 31 370 0505 | | fax +41 31 370 05 00



AIESEC in Switzerland Eigerstrasse 55, 3007 Bern | | e-mail | tel + 41 31 370 0505 | | fax +41 31 370 05 00


1. AIESEC                       3  a. AIESEC  History                   3  b. Our  Values                   3  c. AIESEC  in  Numbers                 4  d. AIESEC’s  Scope                   4  e. AIESEC’s  Approach                 4  

2. WHAT  ARE  THE  OPPORTUNITIES  IN  AIESEC?             5  a. AIESEC  Programs                 6  b. Team  Member  Program               7  

i. Incoming  Exchange               7  ii. Outgoing  Exchange               8  iii. Talent  Management               9  iv. Communications               10  v. Finances                 11  

3. AIESEC  RECRUITMENT                   16  4. PARTNERS  OF  AIESEC  IN  SWITZERLAND               17  




AIESEC in Switzerland Eigerstrasse 55, 3007 Bern | | e-mail | tel + 41 31 370 0505 | | fax +41 31 370 05 00


AIESEC  has  60  years  of  experience  in  developing  high-­‐potential  youth  into  globally  minded  responsible  leaders  


Present  in  over  110  countries  and  territories  and  with  over  60,000  members,  AIESEC  is  the  world's  largest  youth-­‐run  organization.  Focused  on  providing  a  platform  for  youth  leadership  development,  AIESEC  offers  young   people   the   opportunity   to   participate   in   international   internships,   experience   leadership   and  participate  in  a  global  learning  environment.    What  makes  AIESEC  unique  is  the  youth  driven  impactful  experience  that  it  offers  to  its  members.  AIESEC  is  run  by  young  people  for  young  people,  enabling  a  strong  experience  to  all  its  stakeholders.  



AIESEC  History  1948   –   7   students   from   7   Universities   (Belgium,   Denmark,   Finland,   France,   Netherlands,   Norway   and  Sweden)  came  together  in  Sweden  to  start  the  cooperation.  1949   –   A   new   generation   of   young   leaders   would   have   to   emerge   from   the   Universities   with   the  responsibility  of  rebuilding  their  countries.  1951  –  The  world  was  reconstructing  economic  machinery  and  inter-­‐European  trade  expands.  The  dream  of  the  European  Union  is  born.  1950s  –  West  Germany,  Austria,  Great  Britain,  Italy,  Spain,  Switzerland,  Yugoslavia,  Turkey  join  AIESEC  and  the  organization  grows  even  greater.  1960’s  –  Traineeship  programs.  1970’s  –  Activities  based  on  management.  1980’s  –  Social  based  projects.  1990’s  –  Learning  activities.  2000’s  –  the  organization  saw  a  steady  increase  in  exchange  performance  with  over  5000  students  and  we  for  the  first  time  created  mid-­‐term  ambition  called  AIESEC  2005,  which  was  followed  by  AIESEC  2010  and  AIESEC  2015.  2012  –  you  are  the  part  of  the  history…    








AIESEC in Switzerland Eigerstrasse 55, 3007 Bern | | e-mail | tel + 41 31 370 0505 | | fax +41 31 370 05 00


AIESEC  in  Numbers  

• 110  Countries  and  territories    • 730  Local  offices  • 2,100  Universities    • 60.000  Members    • 16.000  International  internships    • 20.000  Leadership  roles    • 4.000  Partners/sponsors    • 470  Conferences  annually  • 945,000  Alumni  • 60  Years  of  experience  




AIESEC’s  Scope    AIESEC   is   a   global,   non-­‐political,   independent,   not-­‐for-­‐profit   organization   run   by   students   and   recent  graduates  of  institutions  of  higher  education.  Our  members  are  interested  in  world  issues,  leadership  and  management.      AIESEC   does   not   discriminate   on   the   basis   of   race,   colour,   gender,   sexual   orientation,   creed,   religion,  national,  ethnic  or  social  origin.              


AIESEC’s  Approach    AIESEC   members   live   an   integrated  development   experience.   This  involves   leadership   opportunities,  international   internships   and  interacting  with  a  global  network  to  support  their  development.    




“The   United   Nations   has   long   recognized   that   the  imagination,   ideas  and  energies  of  young  men  and  women  are  vital   for   the  continuing  development  of  the  societies  in  which  they  live.  AIESEC   has   contributed   to   this   development   by  serving   as   an   agent   of   positive   change   through  education   and   cultural   exchange   to   develop   a  broader  understanding  of  cultural,  socio-­‐economical  and  business  management  issues.”    Kofi  Annan,  Former  Secretary  General,  United  Nations  (UN)  


"ebbf  has  found  AIESEC  to  be  an  excellent  platform  to  reach  a  select  audience  which  is  eager  to  learn,  ready   to   adopt   values,   and   capable   of   putting  them  into  practice.”      George  Starcher,    Founder  and  President,  European  Bahá'í  Business  Forum  (EBBF)  



AIESEC in Switzerland Eigerstrasse 55, 3007 Bern | | e-mail | tel + 41 31 370 0505 | | fax +41 31 370 05 00










Experience  in  AIESEC  Switzerland  


Experience  abroad  



AIESEC in Switzerland Eigerstrasse 55, 3007 Bern | | e-mail | tel + 41 31 370 0505 | | fax +41 31 370 05 00

AIESEC  Programs  

Team  Member  Program  is  an  experience  hosted  by  AIESEC  in  Switzerland  (Lausanne).  The  primary  purpose  of   the   programme   is   to   provide   a   practical   learning   and   development   experience   to   a   young   person,  through   being   part   of   a   team   and   having   responsibilities   towards   improving   AIESEC   performance   in   a  certain  functional  area.  (Find  more  information  about  the  opportunities  in  this  booklet)  


• Experience  of  team  work  • Global  network  • Practical  hard  and  soft  skills  development  • Personal  and  professional  development    


Team  Leader  Program   is  an  experience  hosted  by  AIESEC  in  Switzerland  (Lausanne).  The  primary  purpose  of   the   programme   is   to   provide   a   practical   learning   and   development   experience   to   a   young   person,  through  leading  a  team  and  having  responsibilities  towards  improving  AIESEC  performance  and  the  delivery  of  its  experiences.    


• Team  building  and  management  • Development  of  strategic  thinking  • Development  of  leadership  skills    • Personal  and  professional  development  

   Global   Community   Development   Program   exchange   is   an   internship   that   is   hosted   by   an   AIESEC   entity  under  a  project  or  a  non-­‐AIESEC  organisation  e.g.  NGO,  organisations  or   schools   in  another   country.  The  primary  purpose  of  the  intern's  job  description  must  be;  the  intern's  cross  cultural  understanding,  personal  development  and  the  opportunity  to  contribute  to  social  change.  An  internship  is  between  6  weeks  and  3  months.  (Find  more  information  about  the  opportunities  on  the  web-­‐site  


• Cross  cultural  positive  impact  • Personal  development  • Intense  learning  experience  • Global  network  • Practical  hard  and  soft  skills  development  

 Global   Internship   Program   exchange   is   an   internship   hosted   by   a   non-­‐AIESEC   organisation   in   another  country.   The   primary   purpose   of   the   intern's   job   description   must   be   the   intern's   professional  development.   An   internship   is   between   6   weeks   and   18   months.   (Find   more   information   about   the  opportunities  on  the  web-­‐site  


•  Professional  development  • Cross-­‐cultural  experience  • Global  network  • Practical  hard  and  soft  skills  development  


AIESEC in Switzerland Eigerstrasse 55, 3007 Bern | | e-mail | tel + 41 31 370 0505 | | fax +41 31 370 05 00

TEAM  MEMBER  PROGRAM  Incoming  Exchange  Member  

 General  description:    Incoming   Exchange   members   actively   approach   and   interact   with   a   corporate   sphere   in   Switzerland  whereas   they   seek   for   establishing   mutual   beneficial   partnerships   and   in   this   way   enable   international  students  to  live  professional  work  experience  in  Switzerland.    

Development&Benefits:  • Selling  skills  • Negotiation  skills  • Business  network  • Overview  over  the  Swiss  job  market  • International  network  

 Relevant  professional  experience:  

• Sales,  Account  management  (Partners’  servicing)  and  HR    Main  stakeholder:  

• Corporate  sector  of  Switzerland  –  multinational  companies,  SMEs  

 Job  Description:  

• Preparation  for  companies’  contacts  • Product  packaging  • Sales  • Attendance  of  networking  events  • Company  meetings  • Recruitment  of  interns  for  the  needed  position  on  the  

internal  AIESEC  platform  • Partners’  servicing  • Interns’  engagement  


• 1  team  meeting  per  week  • 15  company  calls  and  1  networking  event  per  week  • 2  company  meetings  per  week  • Additional  needed  tasks  depending  on  the  time  period  

 Support  provided:  

• Sales  trainings  • Invitation  to  the  networking  events  • Individual  goal  setting  • Individual  career  planning  

 Requirements  for  applicants:  

• Effective  communication  • Commitment  to  results  • Stakeholder  focus  • Emotional  intelligence  

“Since   we   started   the   Sales  and  Marketing  department  at  Opera  Software  a  little  over  a  year  ago,  the  AIESEC  program  has   played   a  major   role.   The  AIESEC   program   was   a  natural   choice   based   on   the  speed   at   which   they   were  able   to   produce   high   quality  individuals   from   all   over   the  world   and   their   uncanny  ability  to  work  closely  with  us  to   bring   in   just   the   right  people.   We   could   not   have  recruited   betterqualified  people   for   those   positions   if  we  tried.  Yes,  I  am  a  big  fan  of  the   AIESEC   program   and  AIESEC   trainees   will   continue  to   be   a   big   part   of   Opera  Software's   continued  growth.”    Dean  G.  Kakridas,  VP  Desktop  Products,  Opera  Software  (Norway)  

Dean  G.  Kakridas,  VP


AIESEC in Switzerland Eigerstrasse 55, 3007 Bern | | e-mail | tel + 41 31 370 0505 | | fax +41 31 370 05 00

 Outgoing  Exchange  Member  

 General  description:    Outgoing   Exchange  members   recruit   and   coach   students  who  want   to   take   the   big   step   of   going   on   an  internship  abroad  ensuring  that  all  our  Exchange  Participant  can  live  the  wonderful  experience  of  working  and  living  in  a  foreign  country.    Development&Benefits:  

• International  network  • Foreign  languages  practice  • Stakeholder  focus  • Presentation  skills  

 Relevant  professional  experience:  

• Marketing  and  HR    Main  stakeholder:  

• Swiss  students  and  representatives  of  AIESEC    in  other  countries  

 Job  Description:  

• Product  development  • Development  of  marketing  strategy  • Organization  of  promotional  activities  (physical,  virtual)  • Cooperation  with  AIESEC  offices  in  other  countries  • Recruitment  of  Exchange  Participants  • Education  and  preparation  of  Exchange  Participants  • Clients’  servicing:  support  of  Exchange  Participants  during  their  internships  


• 1  team  meeting  per  week  • Organization/participation  in  2  promotion  activities  per  week  • Servicing  of  3-­‐4  Exchange  Participants  

 Support  provided:  

• Marketing  trainings  • Clients’  servicing  trainings  • Coaching  • Individual  goal  setting  • Individual  career  planning  

 Requirements  for  applicants:  

• Awareness  of  others  • Emotional  intelligence  • Communication  skills  • Open-­‐mildness  • Cultural  sensitivity  


“After  having  been  involved  in  AIESEC   in   Bern,   I   went   to  Egypt   for   one   year,   where   I  managed  the  organization  on  the  national  level.  Living   and   working   in   such  different   culture   was   an  intense   experience   that  helped  me   to   discover  myself  better.  I   acquired   professional   skills  that   complement   what   I   am  learning  at  university.”    Laura,  University  of  Bern  



AIESEC in Switzerland Eigerstrasse 55, 3007 Bern | | e-mail | tel + 41 31 370 0505 | | fax +41 31 370 05 00

Talent  Management  Member  

General  description:    Talent  Management  members  focus  on  our  most  valuable  asset  -­‐  our  members.  As  a  part  of  the  Talent  Management  team  you  will  organize  internal  events,  recruit  new  members,  and  develop  the  skills  and  competencies  of  existing  ones.    Development&Benefits:  

• Event  management  • Communication  skills  • Presentation  skills  • Contacts  with  training  agencies  and  companies  • Overview  of  the  requirements  of  the  Swiss  job  market  

 Relevant  professional  experience:  

• Human  Resources    Main  stakeholder:  

• Swiss  students      Job  Description:  

• Talent  planning  • Promotional  activities  for  recruitment  • Interviews  • Education  of  members  • Motivation  of  members  • Development  of  members  • Leading  the  meetings  of  the  Local  Committee  


• 1  team  meeting  per  week  • Organizing  of  1  training  each  2  weeks  • Preparation  of  Local  Committee  meetings  and  informal  activities  • Organizing  goal  setting,  performance  assessment,  reward  and  recognition  once  per  quarter  

 Support  provided:  

• Recruitment  trainings  • Members’  development  trainings  • Individual  goal  setting  • Individual  career  planning  

 Requirements  for  applicants:  

• Communication  skills  • Emotional  intelligence  • Awareness  of  others  • Stakeholder  focus  


“Collaboration   with   AIESEC  enables   PwC   to   get   access   to  talented,   reliable   and  dedicated   employees,   who  add   value   to   our   firm,   by  bringing   in   fresh   perspectives  and  innovative  thinking.”    Lioudmila  Mamet,    Partner,  CEE&CIS  CR  Leader,  PriceWaterhouseCoopers  (Poland)  



AIESEC in Switzerland Eigerstrasse 55, 3007 Bern | | e-mail | tel + 41 31 370 0505 | | fax +41 31 370 05 00


Communications  Member  General  description:    Communication  members   interact  with   all   our   stakeholders   in   order   to   promote   and   raise   attention   for  organizational   brand.   Members   use   social   media,   the   internet,   modern   design   tools   and   traditional  marketing  to  increase  our  brand  value.    Development&Benefits:  

• Product  packaging  • Design  • Contacts  of  social  media  • Professional  and  personal  network  

 Relevant  professional  experience:  

• Marketing,  Public  Relations    Main  stakeholder:  

• Swiss  students      Job  Description:  

• Product  packaging  • Design  of  promotion  materials  • Organizing  of  promotion  activities  (physical  and  virtual)  • Update  of  the  content  on  web  resources  • Support  communications  on  social  networks  • Attending  of  networking  events  


• 1  team  meeting  per  week  • Update  of  information  on  the  wed  sources  2  times  per  week  • Organization/participation  in  2  promotional  activities  per  week  

 Support  provided:  

• Marketing  trainings  • Design  trainings  • Usage  of  web  sources  training  • Individual  goal  setting  • Individual  career  planning  

 Requirements  for  applicants:  

• Creativity  • Communication  skills  • Awareness  of  others  • Stakeholder  focus  


“I   have   been   involved   on   the  local   and   national   level   of  AIESEC   Switzerland.   I   found  everything   that   I   missed   at  the   university   in   AIESEC,  challenging   discussions,  practical   experience   and  opportunities   not   usually  given  to  students.”    Jelena,    University  of  Zurich  



AIESEC in Switzerland Eigerstrasse 55, 3007 Bern | | e-mail | tel + 41 31 370 0505 | | fax +41 31 370 05 00


Finances  Member  General  description:    Finance   members   coordinate   work   of   all   functional   areas   to   ensure   financial   sustainability   of   the  organization.  Members  do  book  keeping,  payments,  invoicing,  check  budgets  of  the  projects,  and  develop  investment  strategies.      Development&Benefits:  

• Work  with  audit  companies  • Work  with  different  financial  systems  • Passing  financial  audit  

 Relevant  professional  experience:  

• Financial  management    Main  stakeholder:  

• Members  of  organization  and  partners    Job  Description:  

• Budgeting  • Invoicing,  payments  • Book  keeping  • Financial  audit  of  projects,  Local  Committee  • Passing  internal  and  external  audit  


• 1  team  meeting  per  week  • Book  keeping  of  few  projects/functional  

departments  • Additional  needed  tasks  depending  on  the  time  of  

the  year    Support  provided:  

• Financial  trainings  • Individual  goal  setting  • Individual  career  planning  

 Requirements  for  applicants:  

• Diligence  • Details  orientation  • Persistence  • Financial  education  is  required  • Analytical  thinking  abilities    


What   has   been   the   major  benefit   of   working   with  AIESEC  to  your  organisation?    “It   has   opened   our   eyes   to  people  who  are  well  qualified  and   with   a   lot   of   potential  who   add   value   to   our  company.   The   fact   that  interns   have  work   experience  in   different   sectors   also   adds  diversity  to  our  company.  Our  experiences   have   been   very  positive  with  AIESEC.”    Minqian  Hu,  Senior  Product  Manager,  DHL  Express,  Same  Day  (UK)  

 DHL  Express,  Same  Day  (UK


AIESEC in Switzerland Eigerstrasse 55, 3007 Bern | | e-mail | tel + 41 31 370 0505 | | fax +41 31 370 05 00


General  description:  Team   Leader   is   responsible   for   a   leading   of   a   team   (3-­‐7   people)   in   a   certain   functional   area.   It   includes  planning  of  activities,  support  and  development  of  members,  ensuring  achievement  of  planned  results  by  the  team.    Development&Benefits:  

• Management  skills  • Leadership  skills  • Work  in  a  team  • Negotiation  skills  

 Relevant  professional  experience:  

• Manager    Main  stakeholder:  

• Members  of  the  team    Job  Description:  

• Planning  of  the  activities  • Leading  the  meetings  • Individual  support  and  development  of  members  

of  the  team  • Evaluation  of  activities  • Transition  to  the  next  team  


• 1  team  meeting  per  week  • Weekly  individual  support  of  team  members  • Follow  up  on  the  accomplished  tasks  and  achieved  results  of  the  team  2  times  per  week  

 Support  provided:  

• Management  trainings  • Leadership  trainings  • Self-­‐reflection  support  • Individual  goal  setting  • Individual  career  planning  

 Requirements  for  applicants:  

• Personal  effectiveness  • Leadership  skills  • Emotional  intelligence  • Team  work  • Self-­‐awareness  • Awareness  of  others  • Organizational  and  functional  understanding  


“Why   it   is   interesting   to   hire  someone   with   National  Committee  experience:    Being   part   of   the   National  Committee   you   pick   up  practical   management   skills.  You'll   never   get   this   far   by  reading   textbooks   .   You're  able   to   develop   a   leadership  style   which   is   highly   focused  on  people  and  this  is  a  crucial  asset   for   any   further  leadership  position.  These  are  people   which   show  engagement   beyond   what   is  obvious  and  just  necessary.”    Daniel  Schmutz  CEO,    Helsana  



AIESEC in Switzerland Eigerstrasse 55, 3007 Bern | | e-mail | tel + 41 31 370 0505 | | fax +41 31 370 05 00


AIESEC  in  Switzerland  recruits  new  members!    We  are  glad  to  invite  you  to  join  one  of  the  programs  of  AIESEC!    Find  the  application  form  on  our  web-­‐site    Info  sessions:    Members’  recruitment:    UNIL:      March  1  Internef  123  at  6.15  pm    and  March  2  Antropole  4021  at  6.15  pm  EPFL:    February  29  EPFL  CO121  at  6.15  pm    Outgoing  exchange  recruitment:    UNIL:    March  27  Internef  129  at  6.15  pm  EPFL:    March  28  EPFL  CO121  at  6.15  pm    Application  deadline:  Team  Member  and  Team  Leader  Programs  –  5th  of  March  2012.  Global  Community  Development  and  Global  Internship  Programs  –  1st  of  april  2012.    Selection  process:  Application  form  Interview    Don’t  hesitate  to  approach  with  questions:  




AIESEC in Switzerland Eigerstrasse 55, 3007 Bern | | e-mail | tel + 41 31 370 0505 | | fax +41 31 370 05 00


Upcoming  Event    




AIESEC in Switzerland Eigerstrasse 55, 3007 Bern | | e-mail | tel + 41 31 370 0505 | | fax +41 31 370 05 00




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