Project Tanzania 2009

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Transcript of Project Tanzania 2009

Project Tanzania 2009

He who learns, teaches.~ African Proverb

Where in the world?

Kinampanda Area Development Program

• Located in the Singida Region in central Tanzania.

• Total population is estimated to be 33,693 people.

• Sponsored by World Vision Canada.

• This is where Kristle & Michael’s sponsored child – Miriamu – lives.

Impact: Education

• Between 1999 and 2008, Kinampanda Area Development Program constructed 115 classrooms, 10 teachers’ houses, 20 teachers’ offices and 120 pit latrines.

• Enrolment of girls in school has increased by 73% since 2005.

Impact: Agriculture

• The most important food crops in the area are maize, sunflowers, millet, sorghum, groundnuts and sweet potatoes.

• Farmers have been trained in efficient and better food management practices including how to grow new kinds of crops.

Impact: Water & Sanitation

• Five wells now connect 6,724 households in 14 villages with ground water.

• The creation of pit latrines in primary schools has helped to reduce contamination of water sources.

Impact: Health

• Women and children have greater access to medical services through 2 renovated and 1 newly constructed dispensary.

• The percentage of vaccinated children has increased. 97.1% of children have been vaccinated against polio, 95.5% against diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus, and 80.4% against measles.

What We Know

• Everyday 26,000 children die from malnutrition and preventable diseases worldwide.

• The leading causes of death for children under 5 are: – malnutrition, – malaria, – vaccine-preventable diseases, – pneumonia, and – diarrhea.

• We know that simple tools like mosquito nets, vitamin A capsules, immunization, and antibiotics can help children reach their 5th birthday.

Survive Five Partners

• World Vision is partnering with:– Members from 12 Tanzanian communities– Canadian International Development Agency, who will

provide life-saving commodities– Local partners such as the Ministry of Health, Ministry

of Agriculture and UNICEF

Survive Five

Ac c es s t o ORS Or al r ehydr at io n r epl enis hes t he f l uids and

s al t s l o s t t hr o ug h il l ne s s . Diar r hea is c o mmo n

wher e t he r e ar e s ho r t ag es o f c l ean wat e r and

po o r hyg iene pr ac t ic e s .

Diar r hea

Heal t hc ar e wo r ker t r ain ing and

t ime l y r e f e r r al s .

Ant ibio t ic s al l o w heal t h f ac il it ie s t o t r eat

dis eas e s and t r ain ing he l ps s t af f r e c o g nize

inf ec t io ns . Pneumo nia is t he 2 nd mo s t c o mmo n c aus e o f c hil d mo r t al it y in

Af r ic a.

Pneumo nia

Reg ul ar vac c inat io n thr o ug ho ut

c o mmunit ie s and impr o ved

c o l d s t o r ag e o f vac c ine s .

Immunizat io n c o nt r o l s dis eas e l ike po l io ,

meas l e s and tuber c ul o s is . Fo r ins t anc e ,

Meas l e s c o nt r ibut e s t o 9 % o f c hil d deaths in

s o me c o unt r ie s .

Vac c ine Pr event abl e Dis eas e s

Co mmunit y educ at io n Bed net s pr o t ec t c hil dr en f r o m mo s q uit o e s .

Mal ar ia kil l s o ne -f if t h o f c hil dr en who die be f o r e

the ag e o f f ive .

Mal ar ia

Vitamin A distribution twice a year in partnership with theMinistry of Health.

Vit amin A, pr o per br eas t f e eding and nut r it io us

l o c al f o o d s uppo r t pr o per g r o wth.Fo r mo r e than 5 0 % o f t he c hil dr en

who diebe f o r e ag e f ive , mal nut r it io n is a

c o nt r ibut ingf ac t o r .

Mal nut r it io n

Five Community Supports Five Solutions Five Threats

• More than one half of all child deaths in developing countries are due to just five communicable diseases and malnutrition. Below are the causes of 10.5 million deaths among children under five in developing countries (1999). Malnutrition is a common link in these diseases and it increases the likelihood of child illness.

Consider the Need

6 / 1 0 0 0Under -5 mo r t al it y r at e in Canada

1 2 2 / 1 0 0 0Under -5 mo r t al it y r at e

7 6 / 1 0 0 0Inf ant mo r tal it y r at e

3 8 %% o f under -f ives (1 9 9 6 -2 0 0 5 ) s uf f e r ing f r o m s tunt ed g r o wth

1 7 2 ,0 0 0Annual number o f under -5 deaths

’ Tanzania s Children Under the Age of Five Years

Consider the Need

In Tanzania…

• A Survive Five pilot project was funded by the Canadian government (Canadian International Development Agency). The pilot was conducted from January 2005 to February 2006. – 54,580 children under five participated in the pilot

project.– 34,000 insecticide treated mosquito nets were

distributed. Now almost 70% of the households in the pilot project area have bed nets.

In Tanzania…

• Through Survive Five, World Vision was able to increase participation in national immunization campaigns from 45% to 83%.

• World Vision’s connection to the community members helped staff members recognize the barriers that prevented families from bringing their children to immunization events.

• Most notable, World Vision supported mobile clinics for families that lived in remote areas.

Project Tanzania 2009Project Tanzania 2009 was born from Kristle & Michael’s desire to build

community and healthy futures for children. Together they wanted to transform the celebration of their upcoming wedding into a powerful

and lasting legacy.

Kristle & Michael travelled to Tanzania in August 2009 to visit their sponsored child, Miriamu, learn about her community, and provide

educational supplies to her primary school. They wanted to learn first-hand about the needs of children in Tanzania.

They learned there is no greater need or better gift than health.

Your generous contributions will support a widespread implementation of the Survive Five Program in Tanzania to create health

and a future for all children.

Kudos & Thanks

Project Tanzania 2009 would not have been possible without the passionate support and participation of the following people:

Chantal Scerri (World Vision Canada)Diane Kelly (World Vision Canada)

Fabian Shemtawa (World Vision Tanzania)Peter Rwechungura (Kinampanda Area Development Program)

Kitukutu Primary SchoolThe Kilimba Family

Love & AppreciationBig love and appreciation must go to Eddie Calisto-Tavares & Gilbert Tavares for planting seeds of generosity and love of community in the

hearts of their children. Project Tanzania 2009 is a testament to the values they have instilled in Kristle.

Special thanks to all who helped in making our Seeds of Love & Hope event on August 30, 2009 a wonderful success. We are so grateful to:

Eddie Calisto-Tavares, Gilbert Tavares, Khorie Calisto-Tavares, Emanuel Calisto, Brad Tyler-West, Mickenzie Tyler-West, Laura

Calisto, Charlie Calisto, Judy Calisto, Jean Foderick, Carol Foderick, Lucy Calisto, Chaise Calisto, Manuel Calisto, Maria dos Anjos Tavares,

and Marina Grinchuk.

On behalf of Kristle & Michael, thank you to everyone who attended the event and sent in donations for Project Tanzania 2009. We are

honoured by your hope, conviction and generosity.