Project Report of Shopno Superstore

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Transcript of Project Report of Shopno Superstore

The Research ReportOn

How to increase the sales volume of Sopno superstore

Bus 301: Business Research

Prepared for

Mr.Kazi Khaled Shams ChistyFaculty

College of Business Administration (CBA)

Prepared by

Name IDMd. Oliul Islam 08102074

IUBAT- International University of Business Agriculture & Technology

20th August, 2010

20th August, 2010


Mr. Kazi Khaled Shams ChistyFacultyCBA - College of Business AdministrationIUBAT – International University of Business Agriculture & Technology4 Embankment Drive Road, Sector 10Uttara Model Town, Dhaka 1230.

Letter of Transmittal

Dear Sir

It is great pleasure for us to submit our proposal on the topic of “How to increase

sales volume of sopna super store in ………..” We have prepared this plan, as

partial fulfillment of the course BUS-301 (Business Research). To make this research

up to the standard we tried our best to fulfill the requirements by implementing the

knowledge we have gather from the course.

Thank you very much for providing us this type of opportunity and giving us the

necessary guidance and direction needed for preparing the report.

We express our heart full gratitude to you to go through this research and make your

valuable comments. We hope this type of research will be able to fulfill your

expectation towards us.

Yours truly

Md. Sajjadul Islam Nobel (Group Leader)


First of all we would like to thank the almighty because of successful completion of this work.

We would like to thank our honorable faculty Kazi Khaled Shams Chisty (CBA) for providing us with the opportunity to work on this subject and gain a real life project experience.

We also thank our faculty Mozaffar Alam Chowdhury (CBA) for giving his valuable time

& cooperation & support in performing our task.

Many thanks are due to Tanvir H De wan course coordinators of College of Business

Administration for his help and encouragement.

We remember with gratitude my beloved parents and their blessings, which inspired me,

grown me confidence and put me a deep concentration to carry on my course work and even

reached me at the end with great excellence.

We lastly would like to express my appreciation to the International University of

Business Agriculture & Technology (IUBAT) and us eventually grateful to the University

and its excellence that works for education encourages me and creates knowledge, as

knowledge is power.


Table of Contents

I. Prefatory Part:

A. Title Fly

B. Title Page

C. Letter of Transmittal

D. Acknowledgement

E. Table of Contents

F. Table of Figures

II. Empirical Part of the Report

A. Abstract………………. ……………………………………..1

B. Introduction………..…………………………………………2

C. Hypothesis Development…………………………………….5

D. Methodology…………………………………………………5

E. Hypothesis Testing…………………………………………...6

F. Pie Chart..….…………………………………………………7

G. Conclusion and Recommendation…………………………..23

H. References…………………………………………………...24

Table of Figures

Title Page

Fig. 01 Respondent’s view towards wages 13

Fig. 02 Respondent’s view towards promotion 14

Fig. 03 Respondent’s view towards training 15

Fig. 04 Respondent’s view towards workplace 16

Fig. 05 Respondent’s view towards overtime 17

Fig. 06 Respondent’s view towards leave facilities 18

Fig. 07 Respondent’s view towards equal opportunities 19

Fig. 08 Respondent’s view towards professional support 20

Student declaration

We are declaring that, this report on the topic of “How to increase sales volume of sopna super store in ………..” has only been prepared for the partial fulfillment of the course requirement BUS 301 : Business Research.

Student name with ID and Signature:

Md.OliulIslam ID#08102074


Shopno is a new dimensional superstore in Bangladesh. Although there are some established superstore here but shopno is formed differently to this country with new ideas. Others superstore is situated in the famous areas in the city and there product price is very high, so that general people cannot buy their daily products from there. But Shopno is growing rapidly and establishing their super shop every area of the city even the whole country. In every area they are establishing there showroom because they want to reach all of the people in the country. There product price is similar to the open market and they provide fresh to their customers. As a new superstore shopno is facing some problem although they are trying to overcome it.

I. Introduction

The concept of a self-service grocery store was developed by American entrepreneur Clarence Saunders and his Piggly Wiggly stores. His first store opened in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1916. Saunders was awarded a number of patents for the ideas he incorporated into his stores. The stores were a financial success and Saunders began to offer franchises. The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company (A&P) was another successful early grocery store chain in Canada and the United States, and became common in North American cities in the 1920s. The general trend in retail since then has been to stock shelves at night so that customers, the following day, can obtain their own goods and bring them to the front of the store to pay for them. Although there is a higher risk of shoplifting, the costs of appropriate security measures ideally will be outweighed by the increased economies of scale and reduced labor costs.

Early self-service grocery stores did not sell fresh meats or produce. Combination stores that sold perishable items were developed in the 1920s.Other established American grocery chains in the 1930s, such as Kroger and Safeway, at first resisted Cullen's idea, but eventually were forced to build their own supermarkets as the economy sank into the Great Depression and consumers became price-sensitive at a level never experienced before. Kroger took the idea one step further and pioneered the first supermarket surrounded on all four sides by a parking lot.Supermarkets proliferated across Canada and the United States with the growth of automobile ownership and suburban development after World War II. Most North American supermarkets are located in suburban strip malls as an anchor store along with other, smaller retailers. They are generally regional rather than national in their company branding. Kroger is perhaps the most nationally oriented supermarket chain in the United States but it has preserved most of its regional brands, including Ralphs, City Market and King Soopers.Traditional supermarkets in many countries face intense competition from discount retailers such as Wal-Mart, Tesco in the UK, and Zellersin Canada, which typically are non-union and operate with better buying power. Other competition exists from warehouse clubs such asCostco that offer savings to customers buying in bulk quantities. Superstores, such as those operated by Wal-Mart and Asda, often offer a wide range of goods and services in addition to foods. The proliferation of such warehouse and superstores has contributed to the continuing disappearance of smaller, local grocery stores, increased dependence on the automobile, suburban sprawl because of the necessity for large floorplates, and increased vehicular traffic and air pollution. Some critics consider the chains' common practice of selling loss leaders to be anti-competitive. They are also wary of the negotiating power that large, often multinational, retailers have with suppliers around the world.

There has been a rapid transformation of the food retail sector in developing countries in the last fifteen years. This applies particularly to Latin America, South-East Asia, China and South Africa but growth is being witnessed in nearly all countries. With growth have come considerable competition and some amount of consolidation. The growth has been driven by increasing affluence and the rise of a middle class; the entry of women into the workforce; with a consequent incentive to seek out easy-to-prepare foods; the growth in the use of refrigerators, making it possible to shop weekly instead of daily; and the growth in car ownership, facilitating journeys to distant stores and purchases of large quantities. The opportunities presented by this potential have encouraged several European companies to invest in these markets (mainly in Asia) and American companies to invest in Latin America. Local companies also entered the market. Initial development of supermarkets has now been followed by hypermarket growth. In addition there were investments by companies such as Makro and Metro in large-scale Cash-and-Carry operations.While the growth in sales of processed foods in these countries has been much more rapid than the growth in fresh food sales, the imperative of supermarkets to achieve economies of scale in purchasing means that the expansion of supermarkets in these countries has important repercussions for small farmers, particularly those growing perishable crops. New supply chains have developed involving cluster formation; development of specialized wholesalers; leading farmers organizing supply; and farmer associations or cooperatives. In

some cases supermarkets have organized their own procurement from small farmers; in others wholesale markets have adapted to meet supermarket needs.Rahimafrooz Superstores Ltd. (RSL) made a breakthrough in the urban lifestyles by launching the first retail chain in the country, ‘Agora’. Currently there are four Agora outlets at Gulshan, Dhanmondi, Moghbazar and Mirpur in Dhaka. Agora mainly focuses on food items - ranging from a wide variety of fish, meat, vegetables, fruits, bakery, dairy, and grocery - it also carries a vast array of other household, grocery, personal care, and miscellaneous products. At any point in time, there are nearly 20,000 different products available at agora superstore. So although the history of superstore is age old treadition in the world but this idea is not known to our country. Now the new superstore called shopno which established in 2009 and start their business with a lot of brunches around 39. These branches are situated around the Dhaka and Chittagong. They want to provide this superstore facility to the high level to low level people. They are establishing there brunches all the areas even narrow areas. Shopno has their own firm, so they can provide the fresh food to the people. They are introducing all the people with this superstore idea. There price is lower than market price. There Target is to provide the home service delivery all around the Bangladesh. (Md.Alauddin,Bonosree Branch manager, Shopno superstore)The name of Shopno is entwined with the glory of-the shopno super store marketing policy“To create a best atmosphere for clients”.A man gifted with an inherent entrepreneurial sense. In 2002 shopno was introduced to the Bangladesh so their success was immediate as there was a demand for such business in the local market. Shopno super store state-of-the-art technology and creative strategy gave it an edge ocher its competitors at local market.Shopno super store is a Dhaka-based supermarket chain. It is the largest retailer, both by local sales and by domestic market share, and the largest retailer in Dhaka leaving behind Agora, PQS, Meena Bazaar, Nandan Mega Shop, Pacific, Pick and Pay, Etc, Shop & Save and others.Originally specializing in food, it has moved into areas such as clothes, consumer electronics, and consumer financial services, selling and renting DVDs, compact discs and consumer telecom accessories.Shopno super store state. is an enterprise that combines industry and trade, mainly engages in retailing the quality products at the most lowest price in the market. The management of Shopno super store, was an enthusiastic advocate of trading stamps as an inducement for shoppers to patronize their stores: They signed up with all types of quality products manufacturer, and became one of the company’s largest clients. But the management was a fan of pile it high and sell it cheap, and in the mid-2005 Shopno super store faced many cost problems associated with not properly integrating its purchased chains of stores. When the firm overstretched itself opening few more outlets throughout the city, management consultants were called in to sort out the mess. In 2006 Shopno super store launched Operation Checkout, an across the board price cutting campaign aimed at countering the threat.There are thousand of item products is available in Shopno superstore. In chain shoper store because initially they collected of product in manufacturer for customer. Always they research their superstore how to improve their Product Quality & service. They always service first the customer. Approximately 1600 product item they supply their super store


With a view of fulfilling the objective some relevant hypothesis have been formulated for this study:

1. HA: Sopno superstore needs to advertising to increase their popularity

2. HA: Offering seasonal discount Sopno superstore can increase their sales volume

3. HA: Sopno Superstore should capture more market share by using more promotional activities

4. HA: More quality full product can increase Sopno superstore sales volume

5. HA: Use more effective price policy Sopno superstore can increase their sales volume.

6. HA: If Sopno superstore opens some new branches in sweet able place, they would increase there sales volume

7. HA: If Sopno superstore takes some incentive on customer services, it would effect on sales volume positively


Sources and collection of DataThe data of this study has been collected through questionnaire interview. For the secondary sources different journals, articles, research publication, and internet etc. has been also reviewed

Sample Frame

The sample frame of this study has considered customer to the Sopno superstore. A total 40 surveys have conducted. The stratified probability sampling approach has selected for this study. The population has defined as a person who’s the regular customer of Sopno super store. TheCollection of data survey was conducted in July 10-August 10, 2010.

Analysis of data

I have used Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word to analyze the data. To entry data, coding

option has used at the initial stage. The measure of dispersion, correlation co-efficient, and

index number are applied. In addition, basic statistical of different measures of central

tendency has used in analyzing the data.


H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7

1= Strongly


2 1 5 6 6 0 3

2= disagree 3 5 6 5 5 0 2

3= Neither agree

nor disagree

5 4 4 11 11 10 12

4= Agree 18 21 18 12 12 18 10

5= Strongly agree 12 9 7 6 6 12 13

Total 155 152 136 127 127 162 148

Average 3.88 3.8 3.4 3.18 3.18 4.05 3.7



1.09 1.02 1.68 1.28 1.28 0.75 1.45

Z-test value 8.02 8.13 3.46 3.4 3.4 12.92 5.22

1. Ho: Sopno superstore do not needs to advertising to increase there popularity.

HA: Sopno superstore needs to advertising to increase there popularity.

Ho: μ =2.5 HA: µ >2.5N=40Here X = 3.88σ = 1.09

Z cal=(X- μ)/ (σ/√n) =8.02At 5% level of significance follows Z distribution Z 0.05 =1.645

Since Z cal > Z tab, the null hypothesis is not accepted. So at 5% level of significance, it can be said that Sopno superstore needs to advertising to increase there popularity.

Around 75% respondents had identified that Sopno superstore needs to advertising to

increase there popularity

2. Ho: without offer seasonal discount Sopno superstore can not increase there sales


HA: offer seasonal discount Sopno superstore increase there sales volume

Ho: μ =2.5 HA: µ >2.5N=40Here X = 3.8σ = 1.02

Z cal=(X- μ)/ (σ/√n) = 8.13At 5% level of significance follows Z distribution Z 0.05 =1.645

Since Z cal > Z tab, the null hypothesis is not accepted. So at 5% level

of significance, it can be said that offer seasonal discount Sopno superstore

increase their sales volume

Around 76% respondents had identified that offer seasonal discount Sopno

superstore increase their sales volume

3. Ho: Without promotional activities Sopno Superstore cannot capture more market share.HA: Sopno Superstore can capture more market share by using more promotional activities.

Ho: μ =2.5 HA: µ >2.5N=40Here X = 3.4σ = 1.68

Z cal=(X- μ)/ (σ/√n) =3.46At 5% level of significance follows Z distribution Z 0.05 =1.645

Since Z cal > Z tab, the null hypothesis is not accepted. So at 5% level of

significance, it can be said that Sopno Superstore should capture more market share

by using more promotional activities

Around 63% respondents had identified that Sopno Superstore should capture more market

share by using more promotional activities

4. Ho: More qualitiful product can not increase Sopno superstore sales volume.

HA: More qualitiful product can increase Sopno superstore sales volume.

Ho: μ =2.5 HA: µ >2.5N=40Here X = 3.18σ = 1.28

Z cal=(X- μ)/ (σ/√n) =3.4At 5% level of significance follows Z distribution Z 0.05 =1.645

Since Z cal > Z tab, the null hypothesis is not accepted. So at 5% level of significance, it can be said that more qualitiful product can increase Sopno superstore sales volume.

Around 45% respondents had identified that More qualitiful product can increase Sopno superstore sales volume.

5. Ho: Use more effective price policy Sopno superstore cannot increase their sales volume.


HA: Use more effective price policy Sopno superstore can increase their sales volume.


Ho: μ =2.5 HA: µ >2.5N=40Here X = 3.88σ = 1.09

Z cal=(X- μ)/ (σ/√n) =2.604At 5% level of significance follows Z distribution Z 0.05 =1.645

Since Z cal > Z tab, the null hypothesis is not accepted. So at 5% level of significance, it can be said that Use more effective price policy Sopno superstore can increase their sales volume.

Around 45% respondents had identified that Use more effective price policy Sopno superstore can increase their sales volume.

6. Ho: If Sopno superstore opens some new branches in sweet able place, they would

not increase their sales volume .

HA: If Sopno superstore opens some new branches in sweet able place, they would

increase their sales volume Ho: μ =2.5

HA: µ >2.5N=40Here X = 3.88σ = 1.09

Z cal=(X- μ)/ (σ/√n) =2.604

At 5% level of significance follows Z distribution Z 0.05 =1.645

Since Z cal > Z tab, the null hypothesis is not accepted. So at 5% level of significance, it can be said that If Sopno superstore opens some new branches in sweet able place, they would increase there sales volume

Around 75% respondents had identified that If Sopno superstore opens some new branches in sweet able place, they would increase there sales volume

7. Ho: If sopno superstore takes some incentive on customer services, it would no effect on sales volume positivelyHA: If sopno superstore takes some incentive on customer services, it would effect on sales volume positively


Ho: μ =2.5 HA: µ >2.5N=40Here X = 3.88σ = 1.09Z cal=(X- μ)/ (σ/√n) =2.604At 5% level of significance follows Z distribution Z 0.05 =1.645

Since Z cal > Z tab, the null hypothesis is not accepted. So at 5% level of significance, it can be said that If Sopno superstore take some incentive on customer services, it would effect on sales volume positively

Around 75% respondents had identified that that If Sopno superstore take some incentive on customer services, it would effect on sales volume positively.


Now a days there are a lot of superstore in Bangladesh who has already capture the market.So it is hard to capture the market. If sopno want to capture the market ,they have to maintain following works :