(Project Code No. 18) SeSPHR: A Methodology for Secure ...

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Regional Telecom Training Centre, BSNL-Hyderabad B.Tech CSE/IT Mini Project Abstracts 2019

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ABSTRACT (Project Code No. 18)

SeSPHR: A Methodology for Secure Sharing of

Personal Health Records in the Cloud

The widespread acceptance of cloud-based services in healthcare sector has resulted

in cost effective and convenient exchange of Personal Health Records (PHRs) among

several participating entities of the e-Health systems. Nevertheless, storing confidential health

information to cloud servers is susceptible to revelation or theft and calls for the

development of methodologies that ensure the privacy of the PHRs. Therefore, we propose

a methodology called SeSPHR for secure sharing of the PHRs in the cloud. The SeSPHR

scheme ensures patient-centric control on the PHRs and preserves the confidentiality of the

PHRs. The patients store the encrypted PHRs on the un-trusted cloud servers and

selectively grant access to different types of users on different portions of the PHRs. A

semi-trusted proxy called Setup and Re-encryption Server (SRS) is introduced to set up

the public/private key pairs and to produce the re-encryption keys. Moreover, the

methodology is secure against insider threats and also enforces a forward and backward

access control. Furthermore, we formally analyze and verify the working of SeSPHR

methodology through High Level Petri Nets (HLPN). Performance evaluation with regard to

time consumption indicates that the SeSPHR methodology has potential to be employed for

securely sharing the PHRs in the cloud.

Furthermore, the cloud computing also integrates various important entities of

healthcare domains, such as patients, hospital staff including the doctors, nursing staff,

pharmacies, and clinical laboratory personnel, insurance providers, and the service providers.

Therefore, the integration of forementioned entities results in the evolution of a cost effective

and collaborative health ecosystem where the patients can easily create and manage their

Personal Health Records (PHRs). Generally, the PHRs contain information, such as: (a)

demographic information, (b) patients’ medical history including the diagnosis, allergies, past

surgeries, and treatments, (c) laboratory reports, (d) data about health insurance claims,

and (e) private notes of the patients about certain important observed health conditions.

Existing System: � Numerous methods have been employed to ensure the privacy of the PHRs stored on

the cloud servers. The privacy preserving approaches make sure confidentiality, integrity,

authenticity, accountability, and audit trial. Confidentiality ensures that the health

information is entirely concealed to the unsanctioned parties, whereas integrity deals with

maintaining the originality of the data, whether in transit or in cloud storage.

� Authenticity guarantees that the health-data is accessed by authorized entities only,

whereas accountability refers to the fact that the data access policies must comply with

the agreed upon procedures. Monitoring the utilization of health-data, even after access

to that has been granted is called audit trial.

Proposed System:

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� We present a methodology called SeSPHR that permits patients to administer the sharing

of their own PHRs in the cloud.

� The SeSPHR methodology employs the El-Gamal encryption and proxy re-encryption to

ensure the PHR confidentiality.

� The methodology allows the PHR owners to selectively grant access to users over the

portions of PHRs based on the access level specified in the ACL for different groups of


� A semi-trusted proxy called SRS is deployed to ensure the access control and to

generate the re-encryption keys for different groups of users thereby eliminating the key

management overhead at the PHR owner’s end.

� The forward and backward access control is also implemented in the proposed


� Formal analysis and verification of the proposed methodology is performed to validate its

working according to the specifications.


Literature Survey: Privacy-preserving multi-channel communication in Edge-of-Things

In this paper, we present a comprehensive analysis of the data security and privacy

threats, protection technologies, and countermeasures inherent in edge computing. Specifically,

we first make an overview of edge computing, including forming factors, definition,

architecture, and several essential applications. Next, a detailed analysis of data security and

privacy requirements, challenges, and mechanisms in edge computing are presented. Then,

the cryptography-based technologies for solving data security and privacy issues are

summarized. The state-of-the-art data security and privacy solutions in edge-related

paradigms are also surveyed. Finally, we propose several open research directions of data

security in the field of edge computing. A cloud based health insurance plan recommendation system: A user centered approach

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This paper describes a collaborative project between the University of Sheffield's

iSchool and OCLC (an international library cooperative), the aim of which is to develop a

prototype recommender system for WorldCat.org, the aggregated catalogue of OCLC's

member libraries. This paper describes a user-centered approach, utilizing both qualitative

and quantitative methods, which aims to establish how and why users engage with library

catalogues and WorldCat.org in particular, whether there is a need for recommendations in

the library domain, and if so what type of recommendations best support the information

seeking needs of users. An outline of the proposed methodology is provided, along with a

report on work completed to date. An analysis of UK library catalogues shows the

prevalence of recommender systems to be very low, while initial results from focus group

interviews and a pop-up survey show a significant demand for recommendations from two

key user-groups (students and academics).

“Incremental proxy re-encryption scheme for mobile cloud computing environment,”

In this paper, we have proposed an incremental version of proxy re-encryption

scheme for improving the file modification operation and compared with the original version

of the proxy re-encryption scheme on the basis of turnaround time, energy consumption,

CPU utilization, and memory consumption while executing the security operations on mobile

device. The incremental version of proxy re-encryption scheme shows significant improvement

in results while performing file modification operations using limited processing capability of

mobile devices.

Software Requirements: Coding Language: JAVA, J2EE

Database: MySQL

OS: Windows 7

Tool: Netbeans 7.4

Hardware Requirements: CPU: Pentium Dual Core or above

RAM: 1 GB or above

HDD: 120GB or above


� K. Gai, M. Qiu, Z. Xiong, and M. Liu, “Privacy-preserving multi-channel communication

in Edge-of-Things,” Future Generation Computer Systems, 85, 2018, pp. 190-200.

� K. Gai, M. Qiu, and X. Sun, “A survey on FinTech,” Journal of Network and Computer

Applications, 2017, pp. 1-12.

� A. Abbas, K. Bilal, L. Zhang, and S. U. Khan, “A cloud based health insurance plan

recommendation system: A user centered approach, “Future Generation Computer Systems,

vols. 43-44, pp. 99-109, 2015.

� A. N. Khan, ML M. Kiah, S. A. Madani, M. Ali, and S. Shamshirband, “Incremental

proxy re-encryption scheme for mobile cloud computing environment,” The Journal of

Supercomputing, Vol. 68, No. 2, 2014, pp. 624-651.

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ABSTRACT (Project Code No. 19)

FaaSeC: Enabling Forensics-as-a-Service for Cloud Computing


Recent attacks on the cloud environment highlight the necessity for conducting

forensic investigations. But performing forensics in the cloud is different from traditional

environment. Conforming the same, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

listed more than 65 challenges for cloud forensics. Even though cloud is a XaaS

provider, Forensics-as-a-Service was not included in that list. There are various

technical, organizational and legal reasons for it. But, performing investigation in the cloud

environment is practically possible only if support from the Cloud Service Provider (CSP)

is made available. Our proposed model-FaaSeC can extend the forensic support from

CSP and make CSP to provide Forensics-as-a-Service (FaaS) to the investigator.

Index Terms— Cloud Computing; Digital Forensics; Log analysis; Event Reconstruction.

Existing System: For performing traditional digital forensics, the investigator may follow various

phases- Identification, Preservation, Collection, Examination, Analysis and Presentation. The

process involved in each phase cannot be directly applied to the cloud environment due

to the multi-tenancy, lack of transparency and rapid elasticity properties of cloud.

The investigator can be trustworthy and uses CFT for performing all the healthy

activities. The investigator can be untrusted and performs suspicious activities using CFT.

Here, an activity can be classified as healthy/suspicious based on the access control

policies given to the investigator. If he/she violates those policies then it comes in the

category of suspicious else it is treated as healthy activity. For example, if the

investigator accessed the data of a tenant for which he/she does not have permissions

then it falls in to the category of suspicious. Since the investigator is given the access

for the cloud infrastructure during the forensic process, he/she can exploit the opportunity

to perform any suspicious activity.

Disadvantages: � Since the investigator is given the access for the cloud infrastructure during the forensic

process, he/she can exploit the opportunity to perform any suspicious activity.

� The CSP is unaware of the activities being performed by the investigator when using

any CFT.

Proposed System: We designed a comprehensive forensic process such that the chances of CSP

providing forensic services to the investigator would increase (ii) the transparency in the

cloud forensic process is improved by creating forensic logs at the cloud end. (iii) We

propose two approaches namely SeMS and CoPS, which can automate the detection of

suspicious events/processes from forensic logs at the cloud end. Using SEMS and Cops

we can find suspicious sequences from cloud forensic application.

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Advantages: � SeMS and CoPS are designed in such a way that, they can be applied to detect

suspicious sequences in any application log.

� FaaSeC Model gives the complete process of providing forensic as a service starting

from the investigator registration to report generation.

� The suspicious events from the CFI log were identified automatically without much

human effort.


� Data User: In the first module, we develop the Data Owner Module. Owner Will Signup and

upload data to cloud server with private key and encryption. After Getting key Owner can

authenticate data using key, and upload any data related to users to cloud.

In this module, data owner will check the progress status of the file upload by

him/her. It has large data needed to be stored and shared in cloud system. In our

scheme, the entity is in charge of viewing his own data and executing Encrypt and key

generation operation. After the completion, owner logout the session

� Investigator Module: We develop Investigator Module. Investigator will register with application and

request for registration is sent to CSP for verification. After CSP accepts investigator

request then only he can login in to application.

Investigator can view data of any owner, which are uploaded by respective owner,

but he can’t view data directly without verification from data owner.

Investigator will send data view request to data owner who will respond to request

and authenticate by sending key, which is used to decrypt data.

� CSP: We develop cloud service provider module, which will handle authentication

and verification of investigator.

CSP can view all uploads of different users. CSP can’t view user data as it is in

encrypted state. He doesn’t have permission to view user data.

CSP will view investigator log files with time and owner name. Taking this data as

input for both algorithms (sems and cops) CSP will analyze which investigator is attacker.

Based on the output of algorithms he will finalize attackers and normal investigator and

unauthorized attackers.

� COPS and SEMS Model: We use TKS to initially get the top-k frequent item sequences. Then SEMS is

applied to get the suspicious sequences. Say, the CSP is interested to know the

suspicious sequences in CFI log, then each new sequence in the log during Time

Window T is compared with the frequent item sequences (freq seq). If a

mismatch occurs, the percentage of fraction left (per fractionLeft) will increase and if it is

more than the user threshold (thseq) value then it is considered as suspicious sequence.

We can also get the suspicious sequences of a cloud forensic application using

conditional probability. In COPS we use two methods for conditional probability

1. Threshold value checks

2. Key mismanagement.

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System Architecture:

Software Requirements: Tool: Net beans 7.2.1

Coding Languages: Java / J2EE

Database: MySQL

OS: Windows 7

Hardware Requirements: Processor: Min Pentium-Dual core

RAM: Minimum 1 GB or above

HDD: Minimum 120GB

Conclusion: Recent attacks in the cloud systems show the importance of performing forensic

investigation in such environments. Forensics in the cloud environment is at a nascent

stage and requires the cloud provider support for facilitating FaaS. We proposed a new

Cloud Forensic Service model called FaaSeC. This model creates the forensic application

log in the cloud from which the CSP can know the activities performed by the third party

investigator. For forensic analysis, identifying the suspicious events plays a significant role

and we find those events from the cloud forensic application log using SeMS and CoPS.

We also compared both the approaches in terms of execution time and memory


References: � BKSP Kumar, G. Meera, and G. Geethakumari. Cloud forensic investigation: A sneak-peek into

acquisition. 2015 International Conference on Computing and Network Communications (CoCoNet).

IEEE, 2015.

� Lee, Jooyoung, and Sungyong Un. Digital forensics as a service: A case study of forensic

indexed search. ICT Convergence (ICTC), 2012 International Conference on. IEEE, 2012.

� Grispos, George, Tim Storer, and William Bradley Glisson. Calm before the storm: the challenges

of cloud. Emerging digital forensics applications for crime detection, prevention, and security 4

(2013): 28-48.

� Van Baar, R. B., H. M. A. van Beek, and E. J. van Eijk. Digital Forensics as a Service: A

game changer. Digital Investigation 11 (2014): S54-S62.

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ABSTRACT (Project Code No. 20)

A Three-Layer Privacy Preserving Cloud Storage Scheme Based on

Computational Intelligence in Fog Computing

Recent years witness the development of cloud computing technology. With the explosive

growth of unstructured data, cloud storage technology gets more attention and better development.

However, in current storage schema, user’s data is totally stored in cloud servers. In other words,

users lose their right of control on data and face privacy leakage risk. Traditional privacy protection

schemes are usually based on encryption technology, but these kinds of methods cannot effectively

resist attack from the inside of cloud server. In order to solve this problem, we propose a three-

layer storage framework based on fog computing. The proposed framework can both take full

advantage of cloud storage and protect the privacy of data. Besides, Hash-Solomon code algorithm

is designed to divide data into different parts. Then, we can put a small part of data in local

machine and fog server in order to protect the privacy. Moreover, based on computational

intelligence, this algorithm can compute the distribution proportion stored in cloud, fog, and local

machine, respectively. Through the theoretical safety analysis and experimental evaluation, the

feasibility of our scheme has been validated, which is really a powerful supplement to existing cloud

storage scheme.

Existing System: � User uploads data to the cloud server directly. Subsequently, the Cloud Server Provider

(CSP) will take place of user to manage the data. In consequence, users do not actually

control the physical storage of their data, which results in the separation of ownership and

management of data.

� In order to solve the privacy issue in cloud computing, previous researches proposed a

privacy-preserving and copy-deterrence CBIR scheme using encryption and watermarking

techniques. This scheme can protect the image content and image features well from the

semi-honest cloud server, and deter the image user from illegally distributing the retrieved


� Previous works consider that in traditional situation, user’s data is stored through CSP, even if

CSP is trustworthy, attackers can still get user’s data if they control the cloud storage

management node. To avoid this problem, they propose an encrypted index structure based on

an asymmetric challenge-response authentication mechanism. When user requests data from

cloud server, the user sends a password to the server for identification. Taking it into

consideration that the password may be intercepted, the structure uses asymmetric response


Disadvantages: The CSP can freely access and search the data stored in the cloud. Meanwhile the

attackers can also attack the CSP server to obtain the user’s data. The above two cases both

make users fell into the danger of information leakage and data loss. Traditional secure cloud

storage solutions for the above problems are usually focusing on access restrictions or data


Proposed System: However, all of these solutions cannot solve the internal attack well, no matter how the

algorithm improves. There fore, we propose a TLS scheme based on fog computing model. Fog

computing is an extended computing model based on cloud computing which is composed of a lot

of fog nodes. These nodes have a certain storage capacity and processing capability. In our

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scheme, we split user’s data into three parts and separately save them in the cloud server, the fog

server and the user’s local machine.

We propose a new secure cloud storage scheme in this paper. By dividing file with specific

code and combining with TLS framework based on fog computing model, we can achieve high

degree privacy protection of data. It does not mean that we abandon the encryption technology. In

our scheme encryption also help us to protect fine-grained secure of the data.

Advantages: � Compared with traditional methods, our scheme can provide a higher privacy protection from

interior, especially from the CSPs.

� From a business perspective, company with high security degree will attract more users.

Therefore improving security is a crucial goal no matter in academia or business. In this

section, we will elaborate in detail, how the TLS framework protects the data privacy, the

implementation details of workflow and the theoretical safety and efficiency analysis of the

storage scheme.


Software Requirements: Language: JAVA / J2EE

Tool: Netbeans 7.4

Database: My SQL

OS: Windows 7

Hardware Requirements: CPU: Pentium- Dual core or above

RAM: 1 GB or above

HDD: 120 GB or above

References: � P. Mell and T. Grance, “The NIST definition of cloud computing,” Nat.Inst. Stand. Technol., vol. 53, no.

6, pp. 50–50, 2009.

� H. T. Dinh, C. Lee, D. Niyato, and P. Wang, “A survey of mobile cloud computing: Architecture,

applications, and approaches,” Wireless Commun. Mobile Comput., vol. 13, no. 18, pp. 1587–1611, 2013.

� J. Chase, R. Kaewpuang, W. Yonggang, and D. Niyato, “Joint virtual machine and bandwidth allocation

in software defined network (sdn) and cloud computing environments,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf.

Commun., 2014, pp. 2969–2974.

� H. Li, W. Sun, F. Li, and B. Wang, “Secure and privacy-preserving data storage service in public

cloud,” J. Comput. Res. Develop., vol. 51, no. 7, pp. 1397–1409, 2014.

� Y. Li, T.Wang, G.Wang, J. Liang, and H. Chen, “Efficient data collection in sensor-cloud system with

multiple mobile sinks,” in Proc. Adv. Serv. Comput., 10th Asia-Pac. Serv. Comput. Conf., 2016, pp.


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ABSTRACT (Project Code No. 21)

Encrypted Video Steganography – JSP Web application This application project is a data security application for hiding sensitive textual

information inside a video in an encrypted format. When information is hidden inside video

in program or person hiding the information using DES algorithm .The Data Encryption

Standard (DES) is a symmetric-key block cipher published by the National Institute of

Standards and Technology (NIST). Steganography in videos is similar to that of

steganography in images, apart from information is hidden in each frame of video. White

space and tabs occur naturally in documents, so there is not really any possible way using

method of steganography would cause someone to be suspicious.

Existing System: The existing system is an Image steganogarphy but this has a limitation of amount of

data that could be stored particularly if the size of the data after encryption is enormous.

Disadvantages: Size of data to hide is a limitation Image is to be large in size More number of

image bits are to be used for steganographic hiding using algorithms like LSB.

Proposed System: The proposed system is more robust and can hide enormous data in it as it is a

video file that hides the actual data unlike images.

Modules: 1) Sending Message:

The sender can send a message to the destination more securely. This can be

done by attaching a video file to the message. So the third party can be unaware the

secret message. They think that a video file is sending and they not at all know about

this secret sending of the message.

2) Encryption Module:

In this a sender can encrypt a file by entering a key. The same key must be

entered during the decryption process

3) Decryption Module:

This process can be done by entering the key that previously entered during the

Encryption process. If the entered key is wrong the message won’t be received correctly

4) Receiving Message Module:

In this the Receiver can receive the hidden message by the decryption process.

In this the user enter the same key as the sender sends. The receiver can receive the

message by correctly entering the key.

Software Requirements: Front-end: JAVA/JSP, JDK 1.7 Web server: APACHE TOMCAT

Tool (IDE): Netbeans

OS: Windows XP/Vista/8/8.1

Hardware Requirements: CPU: Pentium-IV, 1GHz or above

RAM: 1 GB or above

HDD: 80 GB or above

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ABSTRACT (Project Code No. 22)

Automated File Transfer and Folder synchronization in

Network Based Systems – JAVA

This project is a novel idea of implementing preliminary Robotic Conversations

between computers based entirely on Java Technology, thereby setting a new trend of

creating speaking devices (to start with computers), that exchange a formal conversation

between them, when initiated to make a conversation by the user. The project is based on

network programming and shall include socket based reception of voice conversation

converted to text and text converted to voice between any two computers that start a formal

talk with each other and finally end up with synchronizing any changes in a particular folder

in one of the systems with that in another system so that the latest files are transferred

automatically to the receiving system periodically.

Existing System: The existing system has computers that only can interact with a text based data

transfer between systems with human intervention and thus cannot speak or communicate

with each other and automatically synchronize file transfers periodically.

Disadvantage: 1. This type of a system is not very useful in Robotics

2. Often Robotic systems should understand voice-based commands and respond

to them. This is not existing in the current or existing system

Proposed System: The proposed system is a preliminary Voice conversation system between computers

that exchanges text between two computers for the equivalent voice generated by any of

the two system that are talking to each other for periodic synchronization of a particular

shared folder for automatic synchronization of files between sender system and receiving


Advantage: 1. Particularly very useful in Robotics.

2. Efficient voice based Interaction is very useful in Robotics where the

background exchange is through socket programming.


• Socket Based Data Exchange Module:

This module is particularly useful for exchanging data between the two

computers for efficient voice based interaction

• Text to Voice Conversion Module:

The text data received in the network is verified and a suitable text to voice

conversion is done for the reply text that has to be spoken out by each computer at

their respective ends.

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• Folder Synchronization Module:

This module is required to start a formal conversation between any two

computers for starting voice based conversation that in the background uses socket

programming to automate the file transfer mechanism from sender to receiver from a

particular synchronized folder

• Database Module:

This module is for selecting question-based interaction between sender and

receiver for speech conversation and automatic file transfer from a synchronized folder

in the sender.

Software Requirements:

FrontEnd: JDK 1.7, JAVA Network Programming

Back End: My SQL Server 5.1 or DerbyDB

OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1 or Linux

APIs: Free TTS

Audio: Realtek or High definition Audio Drivers

Hardware Requirements: CPU: Pentium-IV or above with 1 GHz

RAM: 1 GB or above

HDD: 80GB or above

Speakers: Creative or any other

standard (Not required for Laptop)

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ABSTRACT (Project Code No. 23)

Encrypted Audio Steganography – For security against Audio Piracy

This application project is a data security application for hiding sensitive Audio

information inside a video in an encrypted format. When information is hidden inside video

in program or person hiding the information will usually use the discrete cosine transform

(DCT) method. DCT works by slightly changing the each of the images in the video, only

so much so it is not noticeable by the human eye. To be more precise about how DCT

works, DCT alters values of certain parts of the images, it usually rounds them up. For

example if part of an image has a value of 6.667 it will round up to 7. Steganography in

videos is similar to that of steganography in images, apart from information is hidden in

each frame of video. White space and tabs occur naturally in documents, so there is not

really any possible way using method of steganography would cause someone to be


Existing System: The existing system is an Image steganogarphy but this has a limitation of amount of

data that could be stored particularly if the size of the data after encryption is enormous.

Disadvantages: 1) Size of data to hide is a limitation

2) Image is to be large in size 3) More number of image bits are to be used for steganographic hiding using algorithms like LSB

Proposed System: The proposed system is more robust and can hide enormous data in it as it is a

video file that hides the actual data unlike images.

Advantages: 1) Large data could be hidden in a video file

2) Video file is usually large and hence no suspicion about the file would arise

3) Only rounding off certain parts of the video frames is done by DCT and thus enormous

encrypted data could be stored in a video.

Modules: 1) Sending message: The sender can send a message to the destination more securely.

This can be done by attaching a video file to the message. So the third party can be

unaware the secret message. They think that a video file is sending and they not at all

know about this secret sending of the message.

2) Encryption module: In this a sender can encrypt a file by entering a key. The same

key must be entered during the decryption process.

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3) Decryption Module: This process can be done by entering the key that previously

entered during the Encryption process. If the entered key is wrong the message won’t

be received correctly.

4) Receiving Message: In this the Receiver can receive the hidden message by the

decryption process. In this the user enter the same key as the sender sends. The

receiver can receive the message by correctly entering the key.

Software Requirements: Front End: JAVA, JDK1.7

OS: Windows XP/7/8/8.1 or Linux

APIs: freeTTS

Hardware Requirements: CPU: Pentium-IV or above with 1 GHz

RAM: 1 GB or above

HDD: 80GB or above

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ABSTRACT (Project Code No. 24)

An XML Database System for storing web data in a secure manner - Java

This project is a novel idea of implementing Encrypted XML as database for secure

storage of data in a web application with features to retrieve this data in a decrypted format

and process it for use in the web application for retrieving various files or data in the web


This would prove to be a secure and license free database for the development of any

web application based on XML storage. A powerful MD5 Algorithm has to be used in this

project for secure web transactions and XML data storage in an encrypted format.

Existing System: 1. The existing system uses traditional databases for any web application.

Examples: Oracle, MySQL Server, MS SQL Server etc..

2. Licensing Issues arise when using some of these databases.

3. Security is preliminary only.

Proposed System: 1. The proposed system uses XML in an Encrypted format as database for any web

application to be designed.

2. No Licensing Issues as XML is absolutely free.

3. Security is enhanced with the usage of powerful MD5 algorithm for encrypting the

stored data.

Modules: 1. Login Module: This module authenticates the web application by using a secure encrypted

list of authentic users along with their encrypted passwords respectively for entering into

the application.

2. File Upload Module: This module uploads files into the web server for their retrieval later

by the authenticated users. It stores the encrypted paths of the files in XML Database

using MD5 algorithm.

3. File Download Module: This module uses the decryption of MD5 algorithm for getting the

exact path stored as encrypted path in the XML Database for displaying or downloading

files form the Web Application.

4. Change Password: This module is useful for changing the existing passwords of users

in an encrypted format and storing them in XML Database.

5. Admin Module: This module is for performing admin operations like managing existing

users & managing files uploaded etc. This module also contains an encrypted admin

password for admin login. This also could be stored in separate or same XML file.

Software Requirements: Front End: Java Server Pages, JDK1.7, Apache Tomcat 7.0

Languages: Java, HTML, JQuery, Java Script

Back End: MySQL Server 5.1

Data Source: My SQL ODBC Driver 5.1

Hardware Requirements: Processor: Pentium-IV or above

RAM: Minimum 1 GB

HDD: Minimum 40GB

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ABSTRACT (Project Code No. 25)

A Server based Android SDP Video Call

This is a boot-strap based Android App for making a Video Call using SDP

(Session Description Protocol) protocol in a Wi-Fi network. The call initiates from an

Android Mobile and the other Android Mobile willing to connect to this Video Call should

access this call through its app again. The app is to be installed in both the server and

client phones for connecting to the video call.

Existing System: The existing system is a audio call like in whatsapp. This feature of video call

doesn't exist in this app.

Proposed System: The proposed system is to develop an app for making video call from IP network

using a server based SDP call.

Advantages: 1) GSM Network need not be used always for a video call.

2) Sender and receiver can observe their live videos streaming from their phone cameras.

Modules: 1) Server Module: In this module, the code for handling live video streaming is to be

developed for establishing a video call between the two user android mobiles from their

respective android apps. This is to be done using HTML5, SDP (Session Description

Protocol) and JSP.

2) Client Module: In this the code is to be developed in android for connecting to the

Server in a Wi-Fi environment (which could be a LAN/WAN) depending on whether

server is having a public or private IP Address.

3) Server Login Module: This is a login required for the client to login to the server before

making or receiving a video call.

Software Requirements: Front-End: HTML5, Jquery, JSP,

Javascript-Angular.js OS: Server - Windows / Linux / MAC

Mobile – Android

Coding Languages: JAVA 1.7, JSP, Servlets,

Android SDK programming

Web server: Apache Tomcat 7.0

Hardware Requirements: CPU: Pentium-IV or above with 2.4 GHz

RAM: 1 GB or above

HDD: 160 GB or above

Regional Telecom Training Centre, BSNL-Hyderabad B.Tech CSE/IT Mini Project Abstracts 2019

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ABSTRACT (Project Code No. 26)

Task schedule Server SMS App This is an android app for scraping the Tasks of employees on the Task

Scheduler website to send SMS messages to these employees every day at 09:30 AM,

the information about their official tasks load on that day. It’s a scheduled app that runs

everyday automatically to show the task load to the respective employees who have

specific tasks on that particular day. It runs as an automated thread in the admin

android mobile to send SMS to the employees from it.

Existing System: In the existing system, there is no such app to automatically schedule and send

SMS of task to employees from an android mobile everyday.

Disadvantages of Existing System: � Every day employee has to visit the website for knowing his task.

� No Co-ordination and possibility of missing lecture schedule sometimes.

Proposed System: In the proposed system, an automated thread runs once daily in the android

mobile of admin to scrape that day's task schedule and send messages to only

respective employee who have load that same day well before the first hour (say 09:30


Advantages of Proposed System: � Good and Convenient Co-ordination between Admin and Employees.

� No need to manually verify lecture load daily in the website.

Module & description:

� Scheduling Thread Module: This module is for running a thread everyday in the

android mobile of admin to start scraping process.

� Web Scraping Module: This module is for getting the contents of a particular day

timetable once the thread has started.

� Filter Module: This is for filtering those mobile numbers of employees who have tasks

on that particular day

� SMS Sender Module: This automatically selects the filtered mobile numbers and sends

the task load respectively to these numbers on that day.

� WebServer Module: This is for entering daily task load occasionally by the admin

once in 15 days.

Software Requirements: Front-End: JSON, Java, Android SDK

Webserver: Apache Tomcat 7.0

Back-End: MySQL Server 5.1 or above

IDE: Android Studio

OS: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 or Linux or MAC

Hardware Requirements: Processor: Intel i3 or above

RAM: Minimum 4 GB