Progress in Agriculture

Post on 24-May-2015

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Transcript of Progress in Agriculture

  • 1. PROGRESS IN AGRICULTURE BY: GROUP 1 (BOYS) - John Rennen Ney Quezada - Rickmer Joshua T. Laceda - Daisun Maru Penarroyo

2. MANY SCIENTISTS CAN GET MANY MEDICINE IN MANY PLANTS SO WE NEED TO IMPROVE OUR AGRICULTURE. 3. Planting seeds, watering and tilling fields, harvesting food, and caring for cows, chicken and other animals is a day in the life for the 3 out of 4 people that live in extreme poverty. Roughly 1 billion people, 265 million who live in sub-Saharan Africa, rely on agriculture for their livelihoods or, more simply put, a source of food and income for all their needs. 4. The majority - two-thirds - of these farmers work small plots of less than two hectares and are predominantly female. Poverty is projected to remain overwhelmingly rural until at least 2025, which is why agriculture plays an important role in poverty reduction and development. 5. Helping smallholder farmers grow more food and create more job opportunities for those living in rural areas is a proven pathway out of poverty. Growth in agriculture is twice as effective in reducing poverty as growth in other areas. 6. Investments in agriculture and rural development are helping millions earn a better living, grow more nutritious food, and build better futures for themselves, their families and their communities.