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Transcript of PROFORMA FOR ACADEMIC AUDIT 2012-13 TO...



2012-13 TO 2014-15

(Period: July 2012 - March 2015 )


Proforma for Academic Audit of the Institution for 3 years

from Academic Year 2012-13 to 2014-15

Name of the Institution: Bharati Vidyapeeth University

College of Engineering, Pune 1. Curricular Aspects

1.1 Details about Academic Programmes

Level of the


Number of




Number of


added during the


Number of




Number of value

added / Career



PhD 08 -- 08 --

PG 08 -- 08 --

UG 10 -- 10 01

PG Diploma -- -- -- --



-- -- -- --

Diploma -- -- -- --

Certificate -- -- -- --

Others -- -- -- --

Total 26 -- 26 01

Interdisciplinary -- -- -- --

Innovative 01 -- -- --

1.2 (i) Flexibility of the Curriculum: CBCS / Core / Elective option / Open options

Note: CBCS is introduced for PG programmes (2011) and UG programmes (2014). For PG

programmes students have elective options as well as open options in the form of Self

Study Papers. Students can opt self study papers from discipline other than that of parent

discipline. For UG programmes core and elective options are there.


(ii) Pattern of programmes:

1.3 Feedback from stakeholders* Alumni Parents Employers Students

(On all aspects)

Mode of feedback : Online Manual Co-operating schools (for PEI)

1.4 Whether there is any revision/update of regulation or syllabi, if yes, mention their

salient aspects.

Yes, the syllabus and course structure of Engineering Programmes are revised

periodically. Since the inception of BVUCOE, Pune as constituent unit (2000), the course

structure and syllabi of Engineering Programmes was revised in 2004, 2007, 2011 and 2014.

Salient Features of new curriculum:

Emphasis on continuous assessment with weightage to the extent of 40 percent.

Scope for student’s creativity is given. Assessment of the students on the basis of his

performance in preparing new laboratory experiments, presentations, assignments

and live problems.

Addressing employability by way of introducing In-plant training (45 days) as

integrated part of course structure.

Professional Skill Development is a new subject added from first year to third year in

which all soft skills, analytical skills, interview techniques, communication skill,

aptitude test preparation, Preparing a CV, Group Discussions etc. will be taught. This

will expose the student to a wider scope for his placement.

To inculcate learning attitude among students, two Self Study Papers are introduced

for PG programmes. Students have choice to select Self Study Papers that of from

other disciplines also.

Wide choice of elective subjects for students.

Execution of project / dissertation work in two stages viz. Stage – I for literature review

and crystalizing the idea / concept and Stage – II for experimentation and analysis of


Curriculum comprises of core courses, interdisciplinary and computational courses and


CBCS for UG as well as PG programmes is in accordance with AICTE, New Delhi.

Pattern Number of


Semester UG: 10, PG: 08

Trimester --

Annual --

*Ph.D. & Certificate courses are excluded.

√ √ √ √

√ √


Assessment of Term work is based on understanding, presentation and timely


Introduced NPTEL curriculum based videos as part of term work.

Industry visits, series of guest lectures are integrated part of course structure.

1.5 Any new Department/Centre introduced during last 3 years. If yes, give details.


No new department / centre is introduced in last three years.


2. Teaching, Learning and Evaluation

2.1 Total No. of permanent faculty

2.2 No. of permanent faculty with Ph.D.

2.3 No. of Faculty Positions Recruited (R) and Vacant (V) during 2014-15

2.4 No. of Guest and Visiting faculty and Temporary faculty

2.5 Faculty participation in conferences and symposia during last 3 years:

Number of Faculty who attended at

International level National level State level

Attended Seminars/ Workshops 61 19 72

Presented papers 52 42 02

Resource Persons 35 01 02

2.6 Innovative processes adopted by the institution in Teaching and Learning:

Virtual Lab -: This new concept of Virtual lab an initiative of Ministry of H.R.D was introduced to the faculty members and students in the academic year 2014-15. It has been designed to improve remote access to labs and is used complement to physical labs. Virtual labs enables the students to perform experiments remotely as an on demand services on the web. It provides a complete learning management system that includes web-resources, video lectures, animated demonstrations and self-evaluation. Virtual labs, enables the students to learn at their own pace and to arouse their curiosity. Students of Semester IV and VI were made attend the workshop arranged for the same.

in-Pods -: in-Pod is a portable software platform, it can take learning beyond the boundaries of the classroom. Its fit-in-your-pocket ease, offers anytime, anywhere opportunities for teaching

Total Asst. Professors Associate

Professors Professors Others

196 127 43 26 --




Professors Professors Others Total


34 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

53 10




and learning. With the creative support of i-Life, it can help foster students’ information, visual, and media literacies. It enables teachers to promote collaborative, independent, and differentiated learning, adapting to the needs of each learner. As a professional development tool, it expands opportunities teachers have to strengthen their understanding of the subjects they teach and widen the repertoire of the instructional strategies they use. It is inexpensive relative to laptop and desktop computers. Much of the educational potency of in-Pod stems from its integrated nature. Whether functioning as an audio and video player that delivers compelling rich media or as a device that stores and transports student-produced content. Together, these tools have the capacity to support the development of a wide range of student skills and teaching strategies. And describing how in-pod functionality supports these particular skills and strategies is the aim of this software.

Saturday at Bharati Vidyapeeth -: This programme intends to mentoring of students. In this

programme, speakers are entrepreneurs and high ranked corporates share their experiences,

hardships & how they survived various industrial/managerial crises during their journey. This in

turn enriches the student with various thoughts, ideas and new approach to be successful

Entrepreneurs/Managers. This innovative concept is practiced on every Saturday of each

month without losing any teaching hours with almost all the students attending the same.

Continuous Assessment -: Subject-wise separate assignments to all students are introduced in

new format. This improves the ability of students to solve and enhance their skills for that

subject and regular assessment by the faculties during the entire semester makes them study

continuously and score well in their final semester examinations. These assignments are given

by subject teacher batch-wise, individually and in other ways. It covers all the six units taught in

class and evaluation for the same is done individually for all the students by the faculty itself. In

this assignments students learn to perform new experiments, work on live problems.

In-plant Training -: In-plant training programme of 45 Days for students after Semester (VI) was introduced as integrated part of curriculum. The importance of this addition was to make students interact with the industry & experience problems in the industry, during their course itself. During In-plant training students writes about knowledge gained, training he received, technology he experienced and interaction with managerial and technical personnel. He maintains a separate log book for the same. He is assessed on the same. All the students are employed for the training programme since it has been introduced. The details for the number of students attended for the last three academic year are-:

Academic Year Number of Students went for the In-Plant training

2012-13 717

2013-14 722

2014-15 656

Employment Enhancement Programme (EEP):

Clearing Aptitude Test is a very Important facet and preliminary requirement by all MNC’s and

Core Companies. The College has designed “Employment Enhancement Programme” (EEP) for

all Third Year Students.


The Employment Enhancement Program (EEP) will comprise of the following:

Communication Skill

Quantitative Analysis

Soft Skills Development (Group Discussion, Personal Interview)

Corporate Culture Development

IT Training – Domain Knowledge Enhancer This is the initiative and endeavour taken by the college to enhance placement of the students.

This programme is intended to help students understand the pattern of questions asked in

Aptitude Test and learn the quickest and easiest way to solve them. This will help them in

clearing aptitude test of various companies and get placement.

Webinars: Online webinars on different topics of curriculum presenting advancement in the

subject / topics are organized departmentwise frequently.

Industry Visits: Visits to the industry to understand prevailing technology, industry practices

and implementation of theory knowledge are mandatory for selected courses in each


2.7 Total No. of actual teaching days during this academic year

2.8 Examination/ Evaluation Reforms initiated by the Institution (for example: Open Book

Examination, Bar Coding, Double Valuation, Photocopy, Online Multiple Choice


Photocopy of answer book:

Photocopy of the end semester examination is given to the candidate on his request

through proper channel.

There is provision of rechecking and revaluation of marks for this examination.

Review of Unit Test Answersheet:

Assessed answersheets of Unit Tests are given to the students to review and comment for

quality of assessment. The grievances of the students were discussed in the meeting of

college grievance committee and action is taken accordingly.

Autonomy to Teachers:

In the new course structure, assignment with weightage of 10 percent are introduced.

The scope of assignment work is very broad and not only limited to the content of

syllabus. Teacher conducting this assignment has full autonomy to design assignment. He

can ask students to work on live problems, prepare a technical article on latest

technology, perform new experiments, give presentation on topic of his choice etc. and

assess him accordingly. This will develop overall understanding of subject, its application,

current scenario, advanced tools and techniques etc.



MOCK Practicals:

Before university practical / oral examinations a practice exams are arranged for the

students by respective teacher.

2.9 No. of faculty members involved in curriculum restructuring/revision/syllabus

development as member of Board of Study/Faculty/Curriculum Development workshop

2.10 Course/Programme wise distribution of pass percentage (yearwise): Results of final year examination for each course (2013-14).

Title of the Programme

Total No.






% I % II % III %





% of


Chemical 47 87.23 10.64 2.13 0.00 0.00 100.00

Civil 70 65.71 27.14 5.71 0.00 0.00 98.57

Electrical 53 64.15 28.30 5.66 0.00 0.00 98.11

Electronics 91 59.34 23.08 6.59 1.10 0.00 90.11

Computer 130 83.85 9.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 93.08

Mechanical 67 86.57 8.96 2.99 0.00 0.00 98.51

Production 40 77.50 15.00 2.50 2.50 0.00 97.50

E. & Tc. 83 78.31 20.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 98.80

Info. Tech. 102 82.35 10.78 3.92 0.00 0.00 97.06

Biomedical 19 36.84 36.84 21.05 5.26 0.00 100.00

141 45 13


Results of final year examination for each course (2012-13).

Title of the Programme

Total No. of

students appeared


Dist. %

I % II % III % *

Pass %

Overall % of


Chemical 42 80.95 16.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 97.62

Civil 62 67.74 22.58 8.06 0.00 0.00 98.39

Electrical 83 72.29 19.28 6.02 0.00 0.00 97.59

Electronics 89 39.33 32.58 16.85 3.37 1.12 93.26

Computer 135 73.33 22.96 3.70 0.00 0.00 100.00

Mechanical 56 75.00 19.64 3.57 0.00 0.00 98.21

Production 42 71.43 19.05 7.14 0.00 0.00 97.62

E. & Tc. 71 77.46 19.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 97.18

Info. Tech. 102 86.27 11.76 0.98 0.00 0.00 99.02

Biomedical 26 61.54 26.92 3.85 7.69 0.00 100.00

Results of final year examination for each course (2011-12).

Title of the Programme

Total No. of

students appeared


Dist. %

I % II % III % *

Pass %

Overall % of


Chemical 56 85.71 8.93 3.57 0.00 0.00 98.21

Civil 61 55.74 24.59 13.11 4.92 0.00 98.36

Electrical 53 81.13 18.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00

Electronics 62 35.48 40.32 14.52 3.23 0.00 93.55

Computer 107 57.94 36.45 2.80 0.00 0.00 97.20

Mechanical 69 31.88 43.48 15.94 2.90 0.00 94.20

Production 69 44.93 43.48 10.14 0.00 0.00 98.55

E. & Tc. 32 75.00 18.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 93.75

Info. Tech. 81 95.06 4.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00

Biomedical 26 57.69 34.62 3.85 0.00 3.85 100.00


2.11 How does IQAC Contribute/Monitor/Evaluate the Teaching & Learning processes:


Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of college meets 4 times in a academic year. First

meeting is conducted in the beginning of the academic year, second at the end of first

term and third at the starting of second term and fourth at the end of academic year. In

its first meeting conducted in the beginning of academic year IQAC discuss and plan

about various academic and administrative activities. Accordingly, an academic calendar

of a semester is prepared. On the basis of suggestions from IQAC, information about

commencement of teaching term, schedule of internal assessment, organization of

seminar / conferences / workshops, compilation of attendance, arrangement for

feedback from all stakeholders, end of term, commencement of university examination,

schedule of social activities etc. are mentioned in the academic calendar. Further, IQAC

also collects and convey information about various funding schemes and agencies to all

faculty members through Heads of the Department. IQAC also organizes brain storming

sessions to decide the goals and best practices to be followed in the institution.


Academic Record Book (ARB), as per the suggestions from IQAC is prepared and

followed for monitoring Teaching – Learning Process. This ARB maintains the record of

lectures / laboratory works conducted by individual teacher, planning and execution of

lessons, record of Industry – Institute – Interaction, site visits, record of remedial

classes, profile of the faculty members etc. IQAC has prepared performance index of

engaging lectures and practicals, result and research to monitor advancement of

individual faculty member in respective fields. These formats are made available in ARB.

IQAC also conduct counselling of teachers on the basis of feedback received from stake

holders. As a part of getting first-hand information IQAC suggests Heads of the

Department to prepare a schedule and conduct class wise meetings of students. This

feedback is discussed in meetings with the Heads of the Department. IQAC also

suggested to establish academic monitoring committee to monitor conduct of lectures

and practicals, review of academic record books, compilation of attendance record of

students and communicating performance of students to his/her parents.


IQAC has given a guidelines for evaluation of performance of students in unit tests, oral

/ practical examinations and end semester examinations. It also suggested making use

of various tools of assessment such as feedback, rubrics for attainment of programme /

course outcomes. IQAC also assess Programme Education Objectives (PEOs), Course

Outcomes (CO) and Programme Outcome (PO) of respective disciplines.


2.12 Initiatives undertaken towards faculty development

Faculty / Staff Development Programmes Number of faculty benefitted

Refresher courses 09

UGC – Faculty Improvement Programme --

HRD programmes 32

Orientation programmes 33

Faculty exchange programme --

Staff training conducted by the university 133

Staff training conducted by other institutions 28

Summer / Winter schools, Workshops, etc. 47

Others 03

2.13 Details of Administrative and Technical staff


Number of



Number of



Number of


positions filled

during the Year

Number of

positions filled


Administrative Staff 100 14 04 04

Technical Staff 61 28 01 01


3. Research, Consultancy and Extension

3.1 Initiatives of the IQAC in Sensitizing/Promoting Research Climate in the institution

IQAC regularly encourages the faculty members to apply for research grants projects

and grants from UGC/DST etc. It keeps information about funding agencies and new

avenues for updating the same.

The college authorities provide all necessary infrastructural support for carrying out

research work.

Deputation of faculty member for qualification improvement in International University

and institutes of national importance.

MoU with international universities for faculty development and research.

Seed money for conducting research projects.

Suggestions for setting of new laboratories and modernizing existing laboratories.

Financial assistance for attending seminars and conferences.

Increasing liaison with industry and R & D Laboratories for research proposals.

Organizing students project exhibition and competition.

3.2 Details regarding major projects during last 3 years

Completed Ongoing Sanctioned Submitted

Number 03 05 10 23

Outlay in Rs. Lakhs 18.1 63.87 97.97 267.42

3.3 Details regarding minor projects during last 3 years

Completed Ongoing Sanctioned Submitted

Number -- -- -- 08

Outlay in Rs. Lakhs -- -- -- 4.00

3.4 Details on research publications during last 3 years

International National Others

Peer Review Journals 459 10 --

Non-Peer Review Journals -- -- --

e-Journals 459 -- --

Conference proceedings 25 14 --


3.5 Details on Impact factor of publications:

Range Average h-index Nos. in SCOPUS

3.6 Research funds sanctioned and received from various funding agencies, industry and

other organisations during last 3 years.

Nature of the Project

Duration Year

Name of the funding Agency

Total grant Sanctioned

(Rs. in Lakhs)

Received (Rs. in Lakhs)

Major projects 2012 -2015


113.97 113.97

Minor Projects -- -- -- --

Interdisciplinary Projects

-- -- -- --

Industry sponsored

-- -- -- --

Projects sponsored by the University/ College

-- -- -- --

Students research projects (other than compulsory by the University)

-- -- -- --

Any other(Specify) -- -- -- --

Total 2012 -2015


113.97 113.97

3.7 No. of books published during last 3 years

i) With ISBN No. ii) Without ISBN No. Chapters in Edited Books

3.8 No. of Departments receiving funds during last 3 years from


DPE DBT Scheme/funds


0.04 – 6.25


2.26 11 Max

2 Avg.

Avg. 2






07 04


3.9 Revenue generated through consultancy during last 3 years

3.10 No. of conferences organized by the Institution during last 3 years

3.11 No. of faculty served as experts, chairpersons or resource persons during last 3 years

3.12 No. of collaborations during last 3 years:

International National Any other

3.13 No. of linkages created during last 3 years

3.14 Total budget for research for current year in lakhs:

From Funding agency From Management of University/College


3.15 No. of patents received during the last 3 years

*Three invention disclosures are found suitable for filing patent, accordingly patents filed, got patent application number and opened for objections.

Level International National State University College

Number 02 03 -- -- --




Tuskgee Unv.

IETE, BOI, IRAJ -- -- --

Type of Patent Number

National Applied 10*

Granted 02

International Applied --

Granted --

Commercialised Applied --

Granted --


03 07 --


61.89 65


Rs. 16 Lakhs


3.16 No. of research awards/ recognitions received by faculty and research fellows of the institute during last 3 years

3.17 No. of faculty from the Institution who are Ph. D. Guides and students registered under them

3.18 No. of Ph.D. awarded by faculty from the Institution during last 3 years

3.19 No. of Research scholars receiving the Fellowships during last 3 years

JRF SRF Project Fellows Any other

3.20 No. of students Participated in NSS events during last 3 years:

University level State level

National level International level

3.21 No. of Awards won in NSS during last 3 years:

University level State level

National level International level

3.22 No. of Extension activities organized during last 3 years

University forum College forum

NSS Any other

3.23 Major Activities during last 3 years in the sphere of extension activities and Institutional

Social Responsibility

Blood Donation Camp

Tree Plantation Drive

Women Empowerment Programme

Drive for re-use of waste Paper

Drive for awareness about E – Waste

Total International National State University Dist College

07 -- 06 -- 01 -- --




04 -- -- 01











18 --


Swacha Bharat Abhiyan

Eye Donation Camp

Traffic Safety Awareness Campaign

Heritage walk

Beti Bacho, Beti Padhao Abhiyan

Health awareness programme

Celebration of various days such as Engineer’s Day, Teacher’s Day, Independent Day, Republic Day, Women’s Day.


4. Infrastructure and Learning Resources

4.1 Details of increase in infrastructure facilities:

Facilities Existing Newly

created Source of

Funds Total

Building area 32,970 Sq. M.


From Institution

32,970 Sq. M.

Class rooms 43 No. 43 No.

Laboratories 102 No. 102 No.

Seminar Halls 05 05

No. of important equipments purchased (≥ 1-0 lakh) during last 3 years.

190 26 2116

Value of the equipment purchased during last 3 years (Rs. in Lakhs)

893.68 441.11 1334.79


4.2 Computerization of administration and library

4.2.1 Administration:

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Online Feedback system

Online Application Procedure for Change of Branch

Dynamic website for dissipation of information.

Mobile application of the college.

Maximum communication through e-mail.

4.2.2 Library:

The BVUCOE library is a dynamic unit requiring proactive thinking. The library is concerned with

the acquisition of materials for teaching and research, processing of materials for easy

retrieval, and the dissemination of information to facilitate the active and effective exploitation

of the acquired resources. The institute has adopted computerization of the library and

digitization of records to reshape the delivery of services.

Following are the major implementations in this context:


1) Library management software is used for overall library management. This provides

services such as resource sharing, ease of book search and database management.

2) Due to Library management software OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) searching

and tracking of books, magazines, videos, CDs and other media became easy, faster and

user friendly.

3) Circulation activities like issue, return and renewal are done using barcode.

4) Reports like transaction, book acquisition and stock are generated through the


5) Access to digital library with journals from publishers such as IEEE, ASME, ASCE,

McGraw Hill, J-Gate, Elsevier, Delnet and e-books from any computer machine in the


4.3 Library services during last 3 years


Existing Newly added Total

No. Value (Rs.)

No. Value (Rs.)

No. Value (Rs.)

Text Books 33794 7681105 390 135867 34184 7816972

Reference Books 19692 8542990 543 946454 20235 9489445

e-Books 306 630595 - - - -

Journals 151 423555 - - 151 423555

e-Journals 7 Package

1901936 01 8 Package 652000 2553934

Digital Database 1151493

11500 19232528

11500 203840210


CD & Video 28234 11500 - - 28234 11500

Others (specify) 05 27500 05 28500 5 56000


Existing Newly added Total

No. Value (Rs.)

No. Value (Rs.)

No. Value (Rs.)

Text Books 33687 7592286 107 88819 33794 7681105

Reference Books 19623 8447475 69 95515 19692 8542990

e-Books 306 630595 - - - -

Journals 150 431555 01 1000 151 423555

e-Journals 7 Package

1369552 7 Packag


72600 Package 7


Digital Database 116470 11500 15023 11500 1151493 23000

CD & Video 28234 11500 - - 28234 11500

Others (specify) 5 25500 5 2000 5 27500



Existing Newly added Total

No. Value (Rs.)

No. Value (Rs.)

No. Value (Rs.)

Text Books 33321 7386526 366 205760 33687 7592286

Reference Books 19519 8394023 104 53462 19623 8447485

e-Books 306 630595 - - 306 630595

Journals 150 425832 01 3000 150 428832

e-Journals 7 Package

1369552 - - 7 Package


Digital Database 1126890

11500 9580 11500 1136470 23000

CD & Video 3900 45000 - - 3900 45000

Others (specify) 5 25500 - - 5 25500

4.4 Technology up gradation (overall), as on today

Total Computers

Computer Labs

Internet Browsing Centres

Computer Centres

Office Depart-ments


1044 31 a) 10 Mbps Lease line


-- 02 25 2* 42 Lap tops

* Dept. of Computer Engg. & Dept. of Information Tech.

4.5 Computer, Internet access, training to teachers and students and any other programme for technology upgradation (Networking, e-Governance etc.)

Workshop on Virtual Lab.

Training programme on use of e-learning platforms such as in-pod.

Workshops on Microsoft Office for Non-teaching staff members.

Training programme for use of ERP.

Training programme for use of technical softwares such as MATLAB, Autocad, Labview, Catia, CHEM-CAD, Linux and Cloud Computing.

Workshop on Social Media for faculty members.

Training on Cyber Security.

BSNL certification course on GSM.


4.6 Amount spent on maintenance in lakhs during last 3 years:

i. ICT

ii. Campus Infrastructure and facilities

iii. Equipments

iv. Others

Total :







5. Student Support and Progression

5.1 Contribution of IQAC in enhancing awareness about Student Support Services

Guardian Faculty Member (GFM) gives information about the student support services

like Medical Hospital, Library, Reading Room & internet, Bank etc.

SMS system is used for sending messages to students and parents.

Academic calendars are displayed on all floors of the building.

Pocket size academic calendar is distributed to all students. College phone number,

Principal mobile number and Email ID is mentioned on the calendar. In case of any

difficulty student can communicate the Principal

Conduction of Guest lecturers for students about current trends in Industry by student

association of the department.

Employment enhancement programme arranged to help them for preparing the

students for campus placement.

Company specific workshop is arranged to prepare the students for clearing the

aptitude test and interview. In the current academic year Ms. APART conducted “TCS

specific workshop” from 20/09/2014 to 24/09/2014 and Ms. 6Pi conducted “TCS centric

workshop” on 25/09/2014 to 26/09/2014

NSS camp : Special Winter Camp is organised at village Gujar Nimbalkarwadi Tal.Haveli

Dist. Pune between 12th to 18th March 2015

5.2 Efforts made by the institution for tracking the progression

Reorientation of emphasis and modality of coverage of syllabus based on direct and

indirect assessment of course and program outcome.

Result analysis is carried out after every examination and students unsuccessful in various

subjects are counselled and remedial courses are organized for them.

Model answers of questions asked in the university examinations conducted in past are

made available to the students.

Library and reading room facility kept open till 12 midnight from day one of each term.

Conduct of additional Unit Test for students absent and having low performance in earlier


Personal attention is given by the GFM and the HOD for improving the performance of the


Regular meetings and follow up with students along with extended guidance to students

for hassle free progress of work assigned to them.

Mid term Review.


5.3 (a) Total Number of students in current


* Registered in last three years

(b) No. of students outside the state

(c) No. of international students

Men Women

Demand ratio – 1:12 Dropout % - 0.02%

5.4 No. of students qualified in these examinations during last 3 years.



5.5 Details of student counselling and career guidance during last 3 years

To facilitate the needs of the students, a two day bridge course is conducted for the

fresher’s at the entry level to know the basics of higher education.

The institution has classwise faculty advisors called Guardian Faculty Member (GFM) for

student support and mentoring.

Heads of the Department conduct classwise meetings of students with expert resource

person for counselling of students.

Conduct of special programme called ‘Saturday at BV’ with senior corporates for

mentoring and career guidance for students.

Career guidance seminars by faculty members from international universities such as Hong

Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong, North Carolina A & T State

University, USA.

No. of students benefitted

UG PG Ph. D. Others

2706 259 48* ---

No %

580 19.57

No %

2385 80.43













5.6 Details of campus placement during last 3 years


On campus Off Campus

Number of Organizations Visited

Number of Students


Number of Students Placed

Number of Students Placed

82 531 302 70


On campus Off Campus

Number of Organizations Visited

Number of Students


Number of Students Placed

Number of Students Placed

68 473 256 52


On campus Off Campus

Number of Organizations Visited

Number of Students


Number of Students Placed

Number of Students Placed

55 428 250 07

5.7 Students Activities during last 3 years

5.7.1 No. of students participated in Sports, Games and other events

State/ University level National level International level

No. of students participated in cultural events

State/ University level National level International level

83 62 02

-- 461 --


5.7.2 No. of medals /awards won by students in Sports, Games and other events


State/ University level National level International level


State/ University level National level International level

5.8 Scholarships and Financial Support (year wise)


Number of students Amount (Rs.)

Financial support from institution 71 56,83,620

Financial support from government 23 24,48,196

Financial support from other sources 04 16,0000

Number of students who received International/ National recognitions

-- --


Number of students Amount (Rs.)

Financial support from institution 81 35,22,875

Financial support from government 46 37,49,013

Financial support from other sources -- --

Number of students who received International/ National recognitions

-- --


Number of students Amount (Rs.)

Financial support from institution 96 43,66,050

Financial support from government 12 9,98,668

Financial support from other sources -- --

Number of students who received International/ National recognitions

-- --

-- -- --

-- 04 --


5.9 Activities organized and initiatives taken by Student during last 3 years

Fairs :

State/ University level National level International level


State/ University level National level International level

5.10 No. of social initiatives undertaken by the students during last 3 years



05 --

09 --



6. Governance, Leadership and Management

6.1 State the Vision and Mission of the institution

Vision: To provide high quality technical man power for the growth and development of the


Mission: Social Transformation through Dynamic Education.

6.2 Does the Institution has a Management Information System

Enterprise resource Planning system is used for facilitating and managing the

administrative and academic work. The features which are automated are:

Leave Management

Attendance of students

Teaching Plan

Report generation.

Administrative procedures automated and the information server is maintained centrally.

The institute is using AICTE enabled MIS web portal for maintaining the information

related to students, teaching staff, infrastructure, laboratories and land. This information is

available since the year 2010. The database also helps in decision making for taking routine

decisions related to students’ development and progress. It also make its footprint on

managing alumni in long run. The MIS is also helpful in managing our human resources and


The MIS contains following screen in which data can be added and can be retrieved for

decision making.

Institute details: Contains information about institute, programme, faculty, students and

non-teaching staff.

Academic Output: Broadly contains the information about Research and Development

activities including publications in various forms and Industry - Institute – Interaction in

various forms and its related activities.

Institution Reforms: Contains information about academic and financial funds.

Database of faculty members contents contact details, state, caste, qualification,

experience, PG / Ph. D. guidance, subject teaching etc.


Database of students contents his / her contact details, parent’s contact details, admission

year and subsequent progress, caste etc.

The department uses ERP for marking the attendance of the students, sending the

messages to their parents in case of their absence. Enterprise resource Planning system is

installed for facilitating and managing following features: Leave Management, Attendance,

Teaching Plan, Report generation. Faculty profile, library management etc.

SMS system is used to inform them about various events.

Regular letters based on monthly attendance are sent to the parents of the students.

6.3 Quality improvement strategies adopted by the institution for each of the following:

6.3.1 Curriculum Development?

The following administrative setup is put in a place for curriculum development

Course Coordinator

Program Coordinator

Curriculum Improvement Committee (CIC)

Department Advisory Board (DAB)

Course Coordinators assess examination results and recommends suggestions about

curriculum. The program coordinator interacts and maintains liaison with key stakeholders

such as students, faculty members, alumni, industry and employers. He also conducts and

interprets various surveys conducted for the same. The CIC makes the analysis of the data

received from stakeholders and forwards the results of analysis with suggestions to DAB

for improvement in curriculum.

DAB is responsible for defining mission and vision of the department, process of

formulating PEOs and POs and modify/develop curriculum accordingly. Finally DAB

provides inputs to the respective BOS for curriculum development and approval.


Flowchart for Curriculum Development:

To improve the quality, the curriculum is periodically updated as per the needs of the industry. Choice Based Credit System is adopted as per the new curriculum.

Workshop on curriculum development is organized in which experts from industry, academic institutions, research institutions takes part.

Unit tests are introduced in the curriculum which helps a student in regular and continuous study of the curriculum, thereby improving quality of his understanding.

To inculcate creativity and technical thinking amongst the students, assignments are added in the curriculum. His performance in preparing new lab experiment, presentations, assignments etc. is assessed.

New subjects taking cognizance of latest technology, processes, design methods and softwares are introduced in every cycle of curriculum development.

Inputs from Course Coordinator, Program

Coordinator, Stakeholders and Various



Analysis of data inputs suggestions and result of surveys


Assessment of analysis received from CIC in accordance

with PEOs, POs and COs

Outcome of

assessment in

accordance with PEOs,

POs and COs



Conduct of Workshop

Submitted to BOS for approval


Professional Skill Development is a new subject added from first year to third year in which all soft skills, analytical skills, interview techniques, preparing a CV, Group Discussions etc. will be taught. This will expose the student to a wider scope for his placement.

To inculcate learning attitude among the students self study papers, seminars, projects based activities, mini projects, model studies etc. are introduced along with more number of elective courses.

In-plant Training is introduced where a student has to undergo a training in any industry

for 45 weeks and get himself exposed to the conditions and problems on the site.

6.3.2 Teaching and Learning

Use of modern methods like Power Point presentations, video clippings and animations, model presentations, etc.

Arrangement of on-field visits.

Provision of tutorials for one on one interaction with students

Use of group discussion/debate workshop on expectations and coverage on the curriculum topics

Introduction of mini-projects for selected subjects

Conduction of students seminars on curriculum topics

Conduction of remedial classes and counselling session for selected students

45 days In-plant training a integrated part of course structure.

Use of latest softwares in subjects wherever applicable.

Special preparation of the students for orals and practical is taken by discussing a variety of questions based on the term work and on the syllabus.

Reference material in the form of e-books and notes are provided to students.

NPTEL video lectures, virtual laboratories etc. is integrated part of term work.

6.3.3 Examination and Evaluation

Examination system is divided in to two parts viz. University Examination (UE) and Internal

Assessment (IA) with weightage 60 percent and 40 percent respectively.

Practical and oral examinations in every semester for selected courses (subjects).

Continuous evaluation of performance of students by way of Unit Tests (UT), assignments,

assessment of term work, tutorial etc.

Institute gives autonomy to the faculty members in evaluation of students. In the new

course structure, assignment with weightage of 10 percent is introduced. The scope of

assignment work is very broad and not only limited to the content of syllabus. Teacher

conducting this assignment has full autonomy to design assignment. He can ask students

to work on live problems, prepare a technical article on latest technology, perform new


experiments, give presentation on topic of his choice etc. and assess him accordingly. This

will develop overall understanding of subject, its application, current scenario, advanced

tools and techniques etc.

6.3.4 Research and Development

Motivation to faculty member for qualification improvement.

Deputation of faculty members to international universities and institutions of national

importance such as NIT, NITTE etc. to pursue doctoral programs.

Seed money for research projects of faculty members.

Continuous updating of laboratories with modern equipments, establishment of new

laboratories, computing devices, softwares.

Short term training programs and courses on research methodology, research paper and

proposals writing.

Financial assistance provided for attending seminars and conferences.

Increasing liaison with industry and R & D Laboratories for research proposals.

Enriched library resources such as international and national journals, digital library, e-

books etc.

Prerequisite of publication of research paper in peer reviewed international journals

before submission of M. Tech. and Ph. D. thesis.

Facility of text matching check-up with licensed software (Turnitin) and mandatory

submission of certificate of originality and non-piracy.

6.3.5 Library, ICT and physical infrastructure / instrumentation


The BVUCOE library is a dynamic unit requiring proactive thinking. The library is concerned with

the acquisition of materials for teaching and research, processing of materials for easy

retrieval, and the dissemination of information to facilitate the active and effective exploitation

of the acquired resources. The institute has adopted computerization of the library and

digitization of records to reshape the delivery of services.


Following are the major implementations in this context:

1) Library management software developed by Computer Planet Pvt Ltd is used for overall

library management. This provides services like resource sharing, ease of book search

and database management.

2) Due to Library management software OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) searching

and tracking of books, magazines, videos, CDs and other media became easy, faster and

user friendly.

3) Circulation activities like issue, return and renewal are done using barcode.

4) Reports like transaction, book acquisition and stock are generated through the


5) Virtual library facility is available with following e-resources.

6) Awareness about use of library is increased by way of organizing monthly visit of all

faculty members, PG students along with respective Head of the Department. During

this one hour visit to the library faculty members and PG students gets information

regarding new arrivals of books, periodicals, journals, the procedure of use of these

journals etc.


Digital library with journals from publishers such as IEEE, ASME, ASCE, McGraw Hill, J-Gate,

Elsevier, Delnet and e-books are made available in the library and its subsciptions are renewed

periodically. Further, all faculty members and students have access to all these journals from

any computer terminal available in the department / college / library.

DELNET ACCESS: - Institute is member of DELNET Library Network. All students & Staff is having

access of this facility at the Computer Center. Through this facility they have access to more

than 900 Libraries network in India & Six other countries having access to about Fifty Lakh

records of Books, Journals , Articles , & other documents..


Virtual Lab -: This new concept of Virtual lab an initiative of Ministry of H.R.D was introduced to the faculty members & students in the academic year 2014-15. It has been designed to improve remote access to labs & is used to complement physical labs. Virtual labs enables the students to perform experiments remotely as an on demand services on the web. It provides a complete learning management system that includes web-resources, video lectures, animated demonstrations &self-evaluation. Virtual labs, enables the students to learn at their own pace & to arouse their curiosity. Students of Semester IV & VI were made attend the workshop arranged for the same.

in-Pods -: in-Pod is a portable software, it can take learning beyond the boundaries of the classroom. Its fit-in-your-pocket ease, offers anytime, anywhere opportunities for teaching and learning. With the creative support of i-Life, it can help foster students’ information, visual, and media literacies. It enables teachers to promote collaborative, independent, and differentiated


learning, adapting to the needs of each learner. As a professional development tool, it expands opportunities teachers have to strengthen their understanding of the subjects they teach and widen the repertoire of the instructional strategies they use. It is inexpensive relative to laptop and desktop computers. Much of the educational potency of iPod stems from its integrated nature. Whether functioning as an audio and video player that delivers compelling rich media or as a device that stores and transports student-produced content. Together, these tools have the capacity to support the development of a wide range of student skills and teaching strategies. And describing how I Pod functionality supports these particular skills and strategies is the aim of this software.

Webinars: Online webinars on different topics of curriculum presenting advancement in the

subject / topics are organized departmentwise frequently.


Enterprise resource Planning system is used for facilitating and managing the clerical work. The features which are automated are: Leave Management (CL, DL, ML, etc...)


Teaching Plan

Report generation.

Administrative procedures automated and the information server is maintained centrally.

The department uses ERP for marking the attendance of the students, sending the

messages to their parents in case of their absence.

SMS system through group leaders is used at department level to inform them about

various events.

Physical infrastructure / instrumentation:

Audio – Visual facility with all necessary communication / presentation equipments in each


Research laboratories for PG programmes in each department.

Laboratories with state of art equipments, its maintenance and periodic removal of


6.3.6 Human Resource Management

Deputation of faculty members to international universities and institutions of national

importance such as NIT, NITTE etc. to pursue doctoral programs.

Faculty members are assigned different roles as per their skills so that they get

administrative and technical exposure.

Decentralization of power by appointing of senior faculty members as Head of the

Department, Lab. in-charge, Guardian Faculty Members (GFM), NAAC and NBA


coordinator, PG coordinator, Placement coordinator, R & D coordinator, UT Cell In-charge,

Professor In-charge of Library etc.

6.3.7 Faculty and Staff recruitment

Well qualified faculty members, satisfying UGC norms is called to appear for interview in front of selection committee.

Well qualified faculty with additional industry experience is given extra increment during the selection process.

Permanet appointment is given only to the faculty selected by the University selection


6.3.8 Industry Interaction / Collaboration

Industry Interaction:

Through in-plant training the students can get the exposure of Industry environment.

Industry Interaction / Collaboration through project exhibition, technical seminar,

sponsored projects.

The projects are evaluated by industry experts which helps them to get the idea of

industry requirements.

Interaction with personnel from industry is called while framing the curriculum.

Site visits at various industries and construction sites are arranged for the students.

Experts /managers from construction industry are called as Guest Speakers under ‘Saturday at Bharati Vidyapeeth’.

Experts from industry are appointed as Members of BOS / Faculty of Engg. & Tech.


Collaborations with international universities such as North Carolina A & T State University, USA, The University of Tokushima, Japan for Faculty development, research, collaborative PG programme, student exchange.

Liaison with 396 industries for In-plant training.

Association with industry such as SKF India Ltd. and ARM University Programme for laboratory development.

Best Student and Best Project Award jointly with TCS.

6.3.9 Admission of Students

Eligibility norms defined by AICTE, New Delhi are strictly followed.

Admissions to all programmes (UG & PG) are given on the basis of performance of

students in CET conducted by BVU, Pune.


6.4 Welfare schemes for

Teaching Sevak Kalyan Nidhi Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical Health Scheme

Non-teaching Sevak Kalyan Nidhi Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical Health Scheme

Students Fee weaver scheme for needy students

6.5 Whether annual financial audit has been done Yes No

6.6 Whether Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA) has been done during last 3 years?

Audit Type External Internal

Yes/No Agency Yes/No Authority

Academic Yes NBA, NPIU Yes BVU, Pune

Administrative Yes NBA, NPIU Yes BVU, Pune

NPIU: National Project Implementation Unit, MHRD, New Delhi.

6.7 Does the University declares results within 30 days?

For UG Programmes Yes No

For PG Programmes Yes No

6.8 What efforts are made by the Institution for Examination Reforms during last 3 years?

Emphasis on continuous assessment is given.

Weightage of internal assessment has been increased from 20 percent to 40 percent.

Appreciation of timely submission, presentation and understanding of student is done

with due weightage.

Weightage to creativity, thinking ability and problem solving capacity of students.

Additional credits for research aptitude of student and his performance in

extracurricular activities.


Standard norms for paper setting and assessment such that student will apply

knowledge of Mathematics, Science, Engineering Fundamental and Engineering

specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

Review of assessed answer papers by students and rechecking of answer paper after

redressal in Grievance Committee.

6.9 Activities and support from the Alumni Association during last 3 years

Alumni Contributed in curriculum development as Member of BOS.

Services as examiners for assessment of project work, thesis and oral / practical


Alumni entrepreneur contributed by admitting students for ‘In-plant Training’ in their


Mentoring of students in the programme ‘Saturday at BV’.

Sponsoring projects for UG students.

Developed and installed Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software for college.

Financial assistance to organize seminar and conferences.

Scholarships to needy students.

Donations of working models by alumni.

6.10 Activities and support from the Parent – Teacher Association during last 3 years

Though not formal, there is continuous interaction of Guardian Faculty Member (GFM) and

Heads of the Department with parents of students having poor performance. Parents are

communicated attendance, UT marks and about activities of the students through mail. System

generated SMS goes to the cell ph. no. of parents of a student remaining absent for lecture and

practicals. Feedback about Teaching – Learning process, infrastructure etc. also collected from

parents periodically.

In few departments parents are very interactive and participative in various activities such as

workshop on revision of PG syllabus, they work as external examiners for theory and M.Tech

viva voce examinations. Parents having self-employment and placed at senior corporate level

proactively help in getting students in-plant training, sponsored projects, industry visits,

sponsorships to college tech-fest, training programs and placement activity also. Further there

is an informal meeting of parents in few departments periodically.


6.11 Development programmes conducted for support staff during last 3 years

Training program for laboratory assistance about preventive maintenance of

equipments and experimentations.

Training and awareness about use of computer in day to day administration and record.

Training programme on Behaviour skill training.

Opportunity for qualification improvement.

6.12 Initiatives taken by the institution to make the campus eco-friendly

Inter departmental and administrative communication in e-format.

Short Messaging System for administrative communication.

Use of both sides of paper when printing is unavoidable.

Research paper competition, lectures and projects on green energy.

Gift of tree samplings to the guests instead of bouquet of flowers.

More than 700 plants placed in corridors / passages of the college.


7. Innovations and Best Practices

7.1 Innovations introduced during last 3 years which have created a positive impact on the

functioning of the institution. Give details.

a) Employment Enhancement Programme (EEP):

The Employment Enhancement Program (EEP) will comprise of the following:

Communication Skill

Quantitative Analysis

Soft Skills Development (Group Discussion, Personal Interview)

Corporate Culture Development

IT Training – Domain Knowledge Enhancer

This is the initiative and endeavour taken by the college to enhance placement of the students.

This programme is intended to help students understand the pattern of questions asked in

Aptitude Test and learn the quickest and easiest way to solve them. This will help them in

clearing aptitude test of various companies and get placement.

b) Saturday @ BV:

Having national jurisdiction, students across the country admitted in this institute. Graduating

Engineer needs many attributes to make him employable and contributory member of the

organization. Further, making him aware about corporate culture, working environment in the

industry, skills to be adopted during his proposed corporate life and mentoring him accordingly

is essential. Hence, this programme intends to mentoring of students. In this programme,

speakers who are entrepreneurs and senior corporates, share their experiences, hardships &

how they survived various industrial/managerial crises during their journey of career. This in

turn enriches the student with various thoughts, ideas and new approaches to become

successful Entrepreneurs/Managers. This innovative concept is practiced on every Saturday of

each month without losing any teaching hours with almost all the students attending the same.

c) In-plant Training:

In-plant Training is introduced as integrated part of curriculum where students have to undergo

a training in any industry for 45 days and get himself exposed to the prevailing technology,

industry practices etc.

d) Professional Skill Development:

In addition to technical knowledge, students need to adopt additional skills to enhance

employability. Hence, Professional Skill Development is introduced as integrated part of


Engineering curriculum. Professional Skill Development includes all soft skills, analytical skills,

interview techniques, preparing a CV, Group Discussions, corporate e-mail writing,

communication and training on aptitude test. This will expose the student to a wider scope for

his placement.

e) Company Specific Training:

There are few companies such as TCS, Sears, Zensar Technologies etc. are mass recruiters and

have recruited good number of students from this institute. To strengthen this number further,

training programmes which will help students to clear selection process of these companies are

organized every year. This has resulted in enhancing placement in these companies.

f) Originality of Research Work:

Facility of text matching check-up with licensed software (Turnitin) and mandatory submission

of certificate of originality and non-piracy. Every research publication, M. Tech. / Ph. D. thesis is

accepted after checking the document for text matching.

7.2 Provide the Action Taken Report (ATR) based on the plan of action decided upon at the beginning of the year (year wise)


Proposed Actions Actions Taken

1. Organised international

conference “Nanotechnology-

Smart Materials, Composites,

Applications and New


NANOCON-014, a two day International Conference has

been organized by Bharati Vidyapeeth University (BVU) in

association with North Carolina A&T State University,

Greensboro, USA (NCA&T), Tuskegee University, Alabama,

USA (TU), University of Tokoshima, Japan and Centre for

Materials for Electronics Technology (C-MET), Department

of Information Technology, Government of India” on 14th

and 15th Oct 2014. The conference was organized at

Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University College of Engg.

Pune. In this conference, 26 distinguished international

scientists, 59 renowned international researchers presented

their inventions and discoveries and 266 research scholars

presented their research work in the field of


2. First International Conference

on Emerging Trends in

Electronics & Communication

Engineering (ETECE-2015).

Conference is scheduled on 2 April 2015.


Proposed Actions Actions Taken

3. Bar Coding for Library Out of total 60,186 books, the Bar coding of 49,947 books

has been completed.

4. To enhance placement

activity arrange company

specific training program

Company specific training programme was organized. M/S Apart and M/S 6Pi were appointed for the same. Total 798 students benefited from the same.

5. Professional Skill


Professional Skill development is included as one of the

course up to 6th semester. This activity is successfully


6. Syllabus revision for M.Tech

courses for all branches

Syllabus revision workshop of M. Tech. Program for all

branches are organised in current academic years. Experts

from industry and from academics were involved.

7. Centralised assessment

program for Unit Test


To declare the Unit Test result within three days as per

academic calendar prepared at the beginning of year it is

decided to arrange activity “Centralised assessment

program”. After its implementation the results are declared

as per plan.

8. Arranged Guest Lectures by

experts from Industry.

Total 28 lectures were planned at the beginning of the

year. Till date 22 lectures were completed.

9. Faculty Development /

Training Program

Total 07 programs were planned.

10. Outreach programmes /

Institute Social Responsibility


‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ by UG students in Pune city on 30thJanuary 2015.

‘Beti Bachao -BetiPadhao- Abhiyan’

‘Make it happen’-Theme of Women’s day celebration for greater awareness of women’s equality.

Special Winter Camp by NSS Cell of the college is organized at village Guja-rNimbalkarwadi Tal. Haveli Dist. Pune between 12th to 18th March 015. Following programmes were arranged.

Presonality Development

Dental Checkup.


Proposed Actions Actions Taken

Eye checkup.

Gram SwachataAbhiyan.

Social awareness.

Medical checup.

11. Alumni Activities 11th Alumni Meet was held on 01/02/2015

Mr Ameet Mehta, Managing Partner of Law Firm ‘SOLICIS

LEX’and Mr KiranBhirud, Director ,Vaitarna Paints and Resin

Pvt Ltd were geust for the function.Dr. Anand Bhalerao

,President, Alumni Association introduce new concept

“Saturday at Bharati Vidyapeeth- To Mentor the Student”

for which he requested the Alumni to come to the institute

and share their experience and success stories to mentor

the present students. More than 200 Alumini were



Proposed Actions Actions Taken

Implementation of Choice

base Credit System

Implemented for PG Programmes from academic year 2011-

12 and proposed to implement at UG programmes from

academic year 2014-15.

Plagiarism software Implemented for M. Tech., PhD Thesis and Research Papers.

Outreach programmes /

Institute Social Responsibility


To Celebrate Golden Jubilee Year and On occasion of

Birthday of our Honorable Chancellor

Dr.PantangraoKadam and Honorable Secretary

Mr.VishwajeetKadam, Blood Donation Camp is

organized by NSS group of BVCOE at Dhankawadi


Pune is a city of historical importance so to aware about

historic moments placed in the city and review the

historical events and On occasion of “Celebration of

Golden Jubilee Year” “HERITAGE WALK” is organized on

15 Feb 2014 by NSS group of BVCOE from


Proposed Actions Actions Taken

ShaniwarWada To VishrambagWada

Celebration of Shiv Jayanti on 19th February 2014

On occasion of Launching Ceremony of “National Youth

Policy-2014 and Rajiv Gandhi KhelAbhiyan” Rally is

organized on 21 Feb 2014 by NSS group of BVCOE at

Dhankawadi Campus.

Special Winter Camp was organized from 05 March,

2014 to 11 March., 2014(Seven days) in the village

Bopgaon, Tal- Purandar, Dist-Pune

Arranged a dental check-up and Eye Check-up camp for

the villagers as a camp activity. A team of Eight doctors

from Bharati Vidyapeeth University Dental College was

invited. Total 270 patients were checked up including

60% children of village school.

Faculty Development Program During this academic year eight faculty members have

completed their Doctoral degree and nine faculty

members have completed their Masters degree.

Workshop on Cloud Computing

Workshop on Red Hat Linux

Workshop on Social Media

Workshop on NBA Awareness

Social Media Marketing for Education – University

Preparing of NBA accreditation

Fundamentals of Cloud Computing

Advanced Cloud Computing

Mantras for Personal Effectiveness



Proposed Actions Actions Taken

1. Identify laboratories for modernization and submit the proposals for AICTE funding.

1. AICTE MODROB -Modernization of Metrology and

Quality control Lab (CNC Coordinate Measuring

Machine )- Rs.13,00,000/- Sanctioned Date 20.02.2013

2. AICTE MODROB -Modernisation of Thermal Laboratory

(Steam Power Plant)- Rs.13,50,000/- Sanctioned Date

2.1 2013

2. Development Program for supporting staff.

1. Basics Pneumatics and circuitry

2. Positive attitude towards work and life

3. Maintenance of Hydraulics

4. New word new thinking

5. Life is a learning process and learning in lifelong process

3. International and National Conferences

1. International conference on Nanotechnology ‘NANOCON’ was organized in Oct. 2012.

2. National Conference on Advanced Electrical Engineering – for Ph.D Scholars Only 17th & 18th May 2013

3. National Conference on Communication &

Instrumentation 18 & 19 April 2013

4. Number of faculty competency and development programmes proposed

1. Leadership & Team Building

2. Good Teaching Practices & Challenges

3. Development of positive attitude towards work

4. Working climate Analysis

5. Enhancing Administrative Skills

6. NPTEL awareness

7. Managing Personal Energy And Work Life Balance

8. Charging the human battery

9. Ethics and Values


Proposed Actions Actions Taken

10. Personal Effectiveness and Career Progression

11. Cyber crime security

12. TCS Faculty Development Programme (FDP):Sub- Text

Mining / Data Mining-Mr Girish Palshikar

5. Community extension programmes implemented

Participation in state level inter collegiate slogan competition-2012 organised by Anti Dowary Movement , Bombay

Participation in 3rd Indian Student Parliament (Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad) organised by Govt Of India, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, National Service Scheme Regional Center-Pune, Maharashtra at MAEER's MIT Pune.

"Road Safety Drive" State level Social Awareness camp conducted on the occasion of birthday celebration of, Dr.Pantangrao Kadam Chancellor, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University and Mr.Vishwajeet kadam, Secretary Bharati Vidyapeeth,Pune on 9th January 2013 at Alka Tokies Chouk near Bharaati vidyapeeth Bhavan, Pune

7.3 Give two Best Practices of the institution

A) Title of the practice: Institutionally Funded Research Program

Goal: Institute Proposes to inculcate research aptitude among teaching faculty

members. Sometimes it is observed that research proposals submitted by junior faculty

members to the national funding agencies are not shortlisted for the same because of

tough competition with senior researchers, limited research credentials in comparison

with researchers at national level etc. Hence to promote faculty members for research,

conduct experimentations accordingly and create their own standing in the research

community the said scheme is designed.

The impact of research in teaching pedagogy is highly emphasized, so there is a need to

create a platform for young teachers to imbibe and implement research perspective in

their teaching that would greatly enhance the quality of education. Funding of research

by national agencies are greatly circumvented by credential, cadre and experience. The

institution aims to remove the disparity in term of fund/resource allocation and

inculcate research aptitude among young teaching faculty members irrespective of

cadre and experience.


The practice gives the faculty member an opportunity to undertake research, conduct and

perform experimentation within the institution on his/her area of interest without much


1. The Context

Due to tough completion at the national level by institutes vying for fund from various research

funding agencies and the bias in term of credentials, cadre and experience leaving very less

space for the members at the lower strata of the teaching fraternity which stems the purpose

of research from young faculty members at the institute level.

Funding of research is always a bottleneck and not easy to come. Funding from agencies have

procedural approach with inherent delays and formalities which are time consuming.

Challenging Issues:

Funding of research by national agencies are greatly circumvented by credential, cadre

and experience.

Synthesis and aligning of Research outcomes with academic environment

Recognition of Research work

Creating of conducive Environment for participatory, hassle free and focused research

within the institute

2. The Practice

Faculty members of the institute based on their area of interest prepare a research proposal in

a specified format approved by the Research cell of the institute. Research proposals are

further scrutinized by an team of experts comprising senior faculty members under the

Chairmanship of the Principal with experienced senior faculty members.

3. Evidence of Success

Total 11 out of 20 projects submitted by faculty members were sanctioned for funding under

institutionally funded research programme. Total Rs. 15.58 Lakhs were disbursed for these

research projects.

4. Problems Encountered and Resources Required

Inspite of good response with significant number of research proposal, limited exposure of

young faculty members results in few quality research work being approved and undertaken.

Infrastructural set up and support for research in upcoming and advanced areas.

B) Title of the practice: In-plant training


1. Goal:

The students of the Engineering colleges are exposed to the practical aspects of

Engineering only through the practicals conducted in laboratories. However there is

always a wide gap between the laboratory conditions and actual practices. In view of

enriching the practical knowledge of students and bridging the gap between the

academics and actual industrial practices, Bharati Vidyapeeth University College of

Engineering has introduced unique feature in the curriculum. Under this activity every

student has to undertake In-plant training of 45 days in the relevant industries. Such in-

plant training will provide an industrial exposure to the students as well as to develop

their career in the high tech industrial requirements.

2. The Context:

With the constraint of keeping duration of Engineering programme in accordance with

that of the Universities it was difficult to decide period for In-plant training. After the VI

Semester, normally students get 20 days vacation before commencement of the next

semester. Further, minor changes in number of courses (subjects), it is felt that seventh

semester commenced late by 25 days. This was only possible duration which can be

allotted for In-plant training. Accordingly, number of subjects in seventh semester by

reduced by one and its commencement delayed by 25 days. Thus, In-plant training of 45

days planned in course structure.

This In-plant training starts in June and ends in first week of August. This helps students

make themselves available for the placement session which normally starts from the

month of September.

3. The Practice:

At the commencement of the sixth semester, the coordinator of this activity gets in

touch with various industries located nearby the city and prominent industries from the

distant places as well, requesting them to offer In-plant training to the students of this

institute. On receipt of the consent from the industries, the list of industries is made

available to students to choose from and the data of the interested students is sent to

the concerned industries which gives final nod to the students.

On completion of the theory examination of semester VI, students join the allotted

industry and undertake the training as per the schedule or program prepared by the

industry. Few industries offer some mini projects, whereas few offer a structured

induction training to the students. Students maintain a log book, a specially designed

activity record book, which is duly signed by the training supervisor assigned to him by

the industry. One faculty from the department is also assigned as a training supervisor

from the institute, who is in constant touch with the student. Students keep reporting

the progress on weekly basis through email. This helps in tracking the development of


the students and further the problems faced by the students can be addressed

immediately and brought to the notice of the supervisor from the industry.

On successful completion of the training, students join back to institute to complete the

remaining two semesters of the program. He prepares a detailed report of his training

and submits the same to the department. At the end of Semester VII the student

appears for a via voce examination, which helps in assessing the knowledge the student

has gained during the training program. The external examiner appointed for this

assessment is invariably the person from industry.

4. Evidence of Success:

Since introduction of this practice in the institute, it has been observed that the interest

of the students in learning the courses has increased considerably. They could see the

theory happening in the industry which helped in bridging the gap in academics and


In addition to this the students now being familiar with the industrial environment

could take special efforts on the qualities required for the placement and train

themselves accordingly. This helped in improving the placement scenario of the

institute. The students being under observations of the industry for at least six weeks,

some of the students directly got the job opportunity in the same industry.

5. Problems encountered and resources required:

The major problems faced are related to placing the students in the companies of their

choice. Usually students look upon for the MNCs and demand for such companies is

very high. However, number of students to be admitted for in-plant training per

company are limited. This issue may be sorted out by considering the performance of

the students in the university examinations.

Few of the students do not undertake the training seriously and do not perform to the

expectations of the industry, this affects on the reputation of the institute and in future

these industries deny to offer inplant training to the students. However this number is

very small, and institute needs to take additional efforts to sort out issues of this kind.

Though no special infrastructure or resources are required to undertake this activity,

dedicated efforts from the faculty members are required to faculty to maintain good

rapport with the industries which offer inplant training to the students.


B) Title of the practice : Employment Enhancement Programme

1. Goal:

Aim of this practice followed by the institution is to enhance the employability of a

student, thereby increasing the overall placement of the institute. For individuals,

employability depends on the knowledge, skills and abilities they possess, in addition to

the way they present those assets to employers. As such, employability is affected by

both supply-side and demand-side factors which are often outside of an individual's


For getting a high profile job in a well-established company, simply having a good

academic background is not sufficient for a student. In addition to a scholastic record of

his academic, he /she must be strengthened with other capabilities such as analytical

skills, soft skills, interview techniques, group discussions etc. Preparing his own resume

is the beginning towards his placement. All these skills will be inculcated in him after

completion of the Employment Enhancement Programme. Thus for a student, this

practice will open the doors of placement more wide.

2. The Context:

In designing and implementing the practice, certain challenging issues had to be

addressed. Every company that comes for placement has a different requirement from

his employee. These requirements depend upon the type of the company, product of

the company, location of the company and standard of the company. These

requirements also differ discipline wise. Example may be given of company Tata

Consulting Services, which insists on giving specialized training as per their

requirements. The training which they wish to be given to the students may not suit for

some companies in Mechanical or Civil engineering discipline. In that case, special

agency has to be employed separately for the students from Computer, Information

Technology Electronics and Electrical branch and separate agency for Mechanical, Civil

Branches. This creates a challenge of selecting different agencies and matching their

availability with the time slots available to the students. Thus implementing this

practice effectively is a challenging task.

3. The Practice:

This practice involves giving hands-on training to the students on qualitative,

quantitative aptitude, solving questions of general knowledge in stipulated time, having

positive group discussions. The program starts with a Mind Opener Workshop,

consisting of previously asked company questions to give the students a feel of

program. Post this, a student is introduced with various concepts and aspects of all the

above mentioned parameters by the renowned faculty involved in personality

development. To get the instant feel of what he is achieving by these trainings, he is

exposed to various types of quick and short tests and assignments. These assignments

and tests are of similar nature as he has to face during the actual placement. Slowly the

students starts gaining interest in training and confidence in himself. Simultaneously,


online Employment Assessibility Tests is conducted for the students to expose and know

them with their abilities at the beginning of the program. Advanced problems are

solved by handling tough questions and minimizing the mistakes. Double /multiple

handling and simple tricks to solve complicated problems are taught and practiced from

the students. Computational skills and solving company specific questions are covered.

Communications skills are taught and practiced from the students.Topic based

questions are given for discussions.

A special session on “ How to write your own resume” is conducted which helps a

student to prepare his own resume in an impressive manner.

Thus this program enhances the employability of all our students, undergraduate and

postgraduate, in order to enable them to compete and flourish in a competitive, fast-

moving knowledge-based economy.

This type of course is conducted at University of Kent ,UK, which has successfully

proved to be a path of success towards employment.In Indian Higher Education, such

programmes are not conducted by the institute and a student has to join private

institutes conducting similar such programs by paying exorbitant fees.That way ,

Employment Enhancement Programme conducted by B.V. College of Engineering

proves to be unique in its nature and is oriented towards better future of its students.

Only one constraint or limitation of this program is that to complete the required

teaching hours of this , a students has to come extra for 2 hours daily in a week or on

Saturdays and Sundays and adjust his schedule accordingly. But our experience tells

that very happily and willingly students are completing this program as they have

identified and realized the fruits of it.

4. Evidence of Success :

Success of this program lies in the results of placement. After implementation of this

program , the employment scenario has changed drastically.

These results indicate that Graduate employers across all industries want more than just a Degree but want graduates who can demonstrate a wide range of skills, attributes and

knowledge, often called ‘employability skills’. This program enhances these skills and increase the employability of students and thus the overall placement of the college.

S. N. Name of the Company 2013-14


Enhanced Placement Increased %

1 TCS 36 62 26 72%

2 Zensar 08 29 21 262%

3 Nihilent Technologies, Pune 04 08 04 100%

4 Fiserv 04 16 08 300%

5 Lava International Ltd. 04 07 03 75%


5. Problems Encountered and Resources Required : Problems Encountered: Preparing the mindsets of students was the problem faced at the initial stage. It is hard to realise and digest for a third year student to take extra effort , spare extra time and study hard ,one year before graduation .It becomes necessary to make them ready for all this and face the challenges of the industry right from third year. Also a students at this stage is in a confused state of mind and not able to decide whether he wants to pursue higher education or wants a job.Proper counselling of the students need to be carried out and a confidence has to be developed in their mind about the program. Resources Required : State of art infra- structure with computer laboratory with internet facility, provision of LCD projector and screen in the classroom are the resources required. Regular help of supporting staff beyond college working hours , appointment of a regular teaching faculty in smooth conduction of the program, support and involvement from heads of the departments in counselling the students are requirements for the successful conduction of the program.

7.4 Contribution to environmental awareness / protection

1. Tree plantation College conducted tree plantation activity in college and Taljai Hill. This year, tree plantation activity was conducted on Sunday, 27th of July 2014 in collaboration with the forest department of Maharashtra State. This year was the 5th consecutive year of tree plantation at Taljai hill. The trees which are planted are useful to human being, birds and are of medicinal importance. Students take responsibility of watering the plants in summer season at Taljai Hill 2. Reuse of papers In the college used papers are used to take printouts on another side of papers which saves papers as well as electricity and manpower which is used to manufacture the paper 3. Green Energy At the annual Tech Fest of the college ‘Bharatiyam; papers presentation completion organized on Green Energy Paper Toss. 4. Lectures on Green Energy to students College faculty delivered lecture on wind energy to students to create awareness of green energy in young minds to promote green energy. 5. Students Projects on green energy Students take projects of renewable energy sources like wind energy and solar energy to create interest as well as expertise in green energy


6. Compulsory Subject of environment in the syllabus Environmental studies subject is made compulsory to students to create awareness of green energy 7. Tree sapling as a gift to guest Instead of Bouquet of flowers small tree sapling is given to the guests to promote tree plantation

7.5 Whether environmental audit was conducted? Yes No

7.6 SWOT Analysis of the institution during last 3 years


Deemed University status provides impetus for beneficial changes in academics and

administrative reforms.

Collaborations with international universities and industries.

Excellent infrastructural resources.

Motivated faculty members with strong sense of dedication. Number of faculty

members as per council norms, healthy staff : student ratio (1:15). Qualified and

experienced faculty members

Vibrant and disciplined student community.

100 % success in student admission.

Formulation and meticulous implementation of good academic calendar.

Good harmony among faculty members.

Syllabus delivery is good.

Notable research initiative by faculty members, appreciable rise in number of research

publications in referred international journals. Publications in journals having Impact

Factor in the range of 0.4 to 6.25 and h-index maximum 11 and average 2.

Management is with attitude of employee welfare.

Good faculty retention.

Good common facilities such as bank, hospital, sports, guest house, health centre etc.

State of art infrastructure, computer and internet facility, latest softwares.

Liaison with 396 industries.

Well supported Training and Placement facility for students.


Periodical revision of syllabus with involvement from the stakeholders, industry

oriented curriculum.

Technology enhanced learning.

Good monitoring of Teaching – Learning system through Academic Record Book (ARB)

for every faculty.

Well connected campus.

Well planned Faculty Development and faculty training Programmes.

Active student organizations.

Interactions with professionals through industrial visits, guest lecturers & In-plant training.

Innovative methods in teaching and evaluation process are adopted.

Opening to the faculty members to work on University authorities such as academic

council etc.

Bureaucratic / procedural delays are practically minimum

Well established five stored library with large number of volumes, journals, digital

library, book bank etc.

Value added Courses

A proactive, well developed and registered Alumni Association

Tutor Ward System


Involvement of faculty members in consultancy projects is insignificant and need to be


Shortage of faculty members with Ph. D. qualifications.

Insignificant number of technical staff members in the laboratory.

Absence of transport facility for industrial visit.

Participation of students in competitive examinations should be increased.

Scope to increase number of research paper per faculty member.

Shrinking employment opportunities in core sector.

Infrastructure needs to be modernized.

Entrepreneurship development programme needs to be strengthened.

Financial constraints, which hinders the growth of the institute.


The College still needs additional infrastructure for future growth and hence funds.

There is scope in strengthening alumni association.

Scope for interdisciplinary research.

Job opportunities are concentrated in select disciplines such as Mechanical,

Automobile, Information Technology and Telecommunication. It has not grown

proportionately in other disciplines of Engineering.

Limited number of students pursuing higher education.

Limited availability of interdisciplinary electives.


Policies of the new government for promoting research and manufacturing. Hence,

opportunities for improvement of consultancy and testing in engineering field.

To enhance industry linkages through collaboration for sponsored projects, consultancy and testing.

To receive funds from funding agencies AICTE, UGC, DST etc.

To enhance professional society activities through student chapter.

Entrepreneurship activities through incubation centre.

To introduce new PG programmes in emerging areas such as Nano Sciences, composite material etc. in association with International Universities.

To explore new funding sources to cater for research, faculty development, training and students enablement.

Vast opportunities for research in association with the Industry through Ph. D., PG and UG Projects.

Scope to enable the institution for interaction with leading industries and research organizations through faculty members with appropriate qualification and research attitude.

Interdisciplinary and need based programmes in alignment with the Industry requirements.

Commencement of skill development programmes.

Community empowerment & Social awareness programme (Socio-economic)

Sandwich programme /Hybrid programme in collaboration with industry.

Promote research in Nanotechnology and Composite Materials.


Preference Syndrome towards statutory university by students.

Engineering Colleges affiliated to other universities in and around Pune.


Poor response of intelligent community towards teaching profession because of

lucrative pay packages from the industry.

Peer competition.

Lack of growth of job opportunities to new graduates.

Global competition - Competition from foreign University.

Scarcity of qualified and experienced faculties.

Volatile and changing job market and changing global economy.

Change in Industry expectations about professional skills of students.

Poor response of Industry towards research work in association with academic institutions.

The availability of large number of technical institutes has diluted quality of students intake.

8. Action taken on the recommendations of NAAC Peer Team




of NAAC Peer Team

Action taken

1 Preparation of

perspective plan of

constituent unit:

Perspective plan of BVUCOE, Pune in consultation with all stake

holders has already been prepared. plan consists of;

S. N.

Plan Action taken

A Providing Wi-Fi connectivity in the college campus

Technical survey for providing Wi-Fi connectivity to the college has already been completed and proposal is in the stage of submission.

Organizing international conference on Nanotechnology

Series of International conference on Nanotechnology ‘NANOCON’ has been organized in 2012, 2014 and planned in 2016.

Promote and work towards more research patents

12 invention disclosures which may be patentable matter in India were submitted to Patent Office, Mumbai, Govt. of India. Out of this two patents were granted and three invention disclosures are open for objection and seven are


in process.

Establish linkage with industry

College has established liaison with 396 industries for In-plant training of students, sponsored projects and industry visit.

Collaborations with international universities

College has signed MoU with

(i) North Carolina A & T State University, USA (ii) The University of Tokushima, Japan for

Faculty development, research, international conference, student exchange etc.

Upgrade the syllabus and course structure of UG & PG

The course structure and syllabus of UG & PG programmes are upgraded in 2011 & 2014.

Start new PG programmes

The new PG programme M. Tech. (Nanotechnology) is started from academic year 2011-12 in association with North Carolina A & T State University, USA

Introduce CBCS CBCS is introduced for PG programmes from academic year 2011-12 and for UG programmes from academic year 2014-15

Promote faculty members for qualification improvements

Five faculty members are deputed for doctoral programme at international university and five faculty members at institutions of national importance. 43 faculty members are pursuing Ph. D. in parent / other universities of repute.

Promote faculty members to attend seminar / workshops

86 faculty members attended international conference, 62 faculty members attended national conference, and 211 have attended training programs / workshops in last three years.

Strengthening of Total number of volumes increase to 60,186 in 2014-15


library facility from 52,840 in 2012-13. Costwise books worth of 16 lakhs Rs. were added in the library.

150 journals in hard form are subscribed every year.

Digital library with e-journals, e-books, video recordings, periodicals and article database. Total number of e-journal and e-resources available now in the library are 58,664.

Making more e-journals / e-books available

Digital library with e-journals from publications such as IEEE, ASME, ASCE, McGraw Hill, J-Gate, Elsevier, Delnet etc. added. Total number of e-journal and e-resources available now in the library are 58,664.

Implementation of ERP

Enterprise resource Planning system is installed for facilitating and managing following features:

Leave Management,

Attendance, Teaching Plan,

Report generation. Faculty

profile, library management


Develop English language lab. For honing communication skills of non-English speaking students

Institute is providing lingua phone facility to the staff members and students. This consists basic study of English Language Phonology and Morphology which teaches the learners to think and speak in global English. The printed material, audio content and video content programme provides command over an active vocabulary of 2500 words.

Encourage self learning capability in students to enhance

To inculcate self learning two Self

Study Papers for PG programmes.

For UG programmes. In the new


their creativity course structure, assignment with

weightage of 10 percent is

introduced. The scope of

assignment work is very broad and

not only limited to the content of

syllabus. Students have to work on

live problems, prepare a technical

article on latest technology,

perform new experiments, give

presentation on topic of his choice

etc. This will enhance self learning

capability of the students.

2 Implementation of

Choice Based Credit


CBCS is introduced for PG programmes from academic year 2011-

12 and for UG programmes from academic year 2014-15

3 Strict

implementation of

the Academic

calendar of the

constituent unit:

Semesterwise academic calendar is prepared. This calendar

contains information about commencement of teaching term,

schedule of internal assessment, organization of seminar /

conferences / workshops, compilation of attendance, arrangement

for feedback from all stakeholders, end of term, commencement

of university examination, schedule of social activities etc. and

displayed at prominent places in college. In addition to this short

version of the said calendar (pocket calendar) is prepared and

given to all students. The same is made available on college


4 Implementation of

the Programmes of


Programmes of e-governance are implemented in academics as

well as administration. In-pods and NPTEL video lectures are made

available to the students as academic activity. ERP is installed in

the college.

Online system to collect the feedback from the stake holders is designed. This feedback system is linked with the Institute website and is available online 24X7 throughout the globe. This enhances the user experience for distant participants and also motivates for a neutral & constructive feedback. The feedback system has been implemented on reliable GOOGLE FORMS. The feedback forms have been categorized into three types:

1. Alumni feedback 2. Employer feedback 3. Parent feedback


Online system is also designed for Change of branch of studnets.

5 Functioning of the

IQAC at constituent

Unit level

IQAC at the institute level as per the guide lines given by NAAC is

established. IQAC comprises Principal as Chairperson and senior

faculty members as Coordinators. The meetings of IQAC are

conducted four times in a academic year. IQAC contributes,

monitors and evaluates teaching-learning process. It gives

suggestions and guidelines to college administration for

preparation of academic calendar, organizing seminar /

conference, research activities, funding agencies etc.

6 Establishment of

Finishing School at

the Constituent Unit


Though formally not established, activities of finishing school are

conducted in college. In order to address employability of students

100 Hrs. Employment Enhancement Programme is executed in the

college. In this programme students are trained for

communication skills, quantitative skills, soft skills, corporate

culture and domain knowledge. Professionals and experts in the

said field are called for conducting sessions on topics mentioned


7 Organization of

Faculty and Staff



In last three years college has organized two international

conferences, five national conferences, 19 seminars, 49 workshops

and training programmes.

8 Establishment of

School System

9 Initiating Virtual



This new concept of Virtual lab an initiative of Ministry of H.R.D

was introduced to the faculty members & students in the

academic year 2014-15. It has been designed to improve remote

access to labs & is used to complement physical labs. Virtual labs

enables the students to perform experiments remotely as an on

demand services on the web. It provides a complete learning

management system that includes web-resources, video lectures,

animated demonstrations &self-evaluation. Virtual labs, enables

the students to learn at their own pace & to arouse their curiosity.

Students of Semester IV & VI were made attend the workshop

arranged for the same.


9. Plans of institution for next year

Establish School of Design and School of Nanosciences.

Setting of webcast / podcast facilities in all classrooms.

Provide transport facility to students for industrial visits.

Making available more online educational study material through e-journals and e-

books to the students.

Strengthen and expand the use of ICT.

Increase revenue generation through testing and consultancy.

Establish parent-teacher association.

Increase association with alumni for academic and administrative development of


Development of mobile app.

Prof. Anand Bhalerao