Profile Review Instructions (Odesk Test)

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Transcript of Profile Review Instructions (Odesk Test)

  • 7/29/2019 Profile Review Instructions (Odesk Test)


    Project Instructions: Reviewing School Profiles for Language International(Odesk Test)

    This contains very detailed step-by-step instructions on how to complete the project. We need 100%accuracy for this project. If there is a single mistake found, you will not get paid. If there is something youare unsure about, please ask and do NOT make any assumptions that you are not 100% confident about.

    1. Open the Excel file called QA new schools . Column B contains a sample.

    For this test, please work on columns C and D . Please submit a completed Excel filetogether with your application.

    2. Go to the link on cell C9 . Press CTRL-C to copy this.

    3. Open Google Chrome. Press CTRL-V on the URL bar to paste the URL above.

    4. You will be directed to the School login page. Enter the following login information andclick Sign in. You will be directed to the schools content page.

    Email address: supportPassword: odeskodesk1

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    5. Copy the name of the school.

    6. Go back to QA new schools . Paste the school name next to the cell labeled Schoolname.

    7. Go back to the school content page. Click on the Location tab. You will be directed tothe school location page.

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    8. Click View your school on a map on the middle of the page. A Google maps image of

    the school location should appear. Click on Close. If a Google maps image doesntappear, remember this and close the window.

    9. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Under Location contact make sure that there is

    a name, an email addressn and a phone number.

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    10. Go back to QA new schools. On the very left you will see the category Location withthree confirming questions: one for the Google maps image, one for email address, andanother for phone number. Under the column you have made for the school, enter y if the answer to the question is yes. Enter n if its no.

    You must also enter the first name of the account holder inside the cell on therow labeled First name.

    11. Go back to the school location page and scroll all the way up. Click on the Overviewtab.

    12. Scroll down to School schedule, open and closed dates. Look at the question Is your school open year round. If Yes is selected, count the number of holidays enteredunder Holidays .

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    If No is selected, make sure that the school provides an opening and closing date.

    Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Check if the school has entered any videolinks.

    Go to QA new schools. Look at the Overview section. Enter y if the school isopen year- round and n if it isnt. Enter the number the holidays. Enter y if theschool has a video link and n if it doesnt.

    13. Go back to the school page, scroll up, and click on the Photos tab . Count the numberof photos uploaded and check whether or not the photos have been categorized with adescription.

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    Go to QA new schools and look at Photos. Enter the number of photos and y if the photos are categorized and n if they are not.

    14. Go back to the school page, scroll up, and click on the Fees & policies tab.

    Check if there is an Express mailing fee entered. Make sure that the fee is enteredin both columns. If it is only entered in one column, enter the fee in the other columnyourself.

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    Check if there is at least one Airport pickup fee entered .

    Scroll down to School commissions. Check if there is a Default value entered for Tuition.

    Go to QA new schools and look at Fees and policies. Enter y if the condition ismet and n if it is not.

    Now you must confirm that the school s courses and accommodations are entered correctly. At this stage you must research the schools course and accommodation information ontheir website. Every school presents and organizes their pricing differently, so beflexible and pay special attention to details. There is no one right way to do this.

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    Go back to the school page and click on the school logo. You will be directed to theschools Institution profile.

    Under School institution information you will see the School website. Copy thewebsite and paste it in the address bar of a separate tab.

    From here on always have the school webpage open on a separate tab.

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    Also enter the url in QA new schools in the row labeled School website near thetop of the page.

    Check if the school webpage has a list of its course pricing. In this example it isprobably under the tab German Courses.

    Often times the pages with course information, dates, and fees are separate.Sometimes you have to check all of these pages. Sometimes you dont . Sometimesthe information is not available on the website, but on a brochure (usually a pdf file)

    that you can download from the website.

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    15. Go back to the school page and click on the Courses tab.

    16. All the courses are listed on this page. Open each course on a separate tab by Ctrl +clicking on each course.

    17. First you must check that the school has entered its course start dates. Click on the tabcorresponding to the first course. You will eventually go through every course.

    Scroll down to Course start dates and schedule. Make sure that the school hasselected its Start dates and Start dates for absolute beginners.

    ** Usually the school will have selected Every Monday.

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    ** If the school has selected On specific dates for any of the start dates, make surethat it has provided a complete list of start dates.

    Do the same for the other courses you have opened in separate tabs.

    Go to QA new schools and look under the category Course . The two cells beneathCourse asks you to list courses that DO NOT have Start dates or Start dates for absolute beginners.

    **If there are multiple courses missing start dates, make sure that the coursenames are separated by commas.

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    **The easiest way to enter courses is to copy and paste the course names from the schools listof courses.

    **If all the courses have start dates entered then leave the cells blank!

    18. Check whether or not the school has entered most/all of the courses that it offers.Sometimes a school with 10 different courses will enter only 1 in our website, and wedont want that! Go to the schools website to find out how many courses it offers.

    As Ive mentioned, you have to be flexible when researching course in formation on a

    schools website. This example happens to be pretty easy: just from dragging mymouse over German Courses I can see that the school offers four different courses.

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    Check if this matches the number of courses entered in our website. In this exampleit does.

    Go to the third cell under Course on QA new schools. If there are courses on theschools website that is not entered on ours, enter them in the cell. Again, make surethe courses are capitalized and separated by commas. If all of the schools coursesare listed on our website, leave the cell blank.

    ***Enter up to 5 missing courses. There may be cases when the school offerstoo many extra courses to list.

    19. Check whether or not there are any courses with a purple question mark before thecourse name. This means that the school hasnt entered the courses pricing information,

    or has provided inaccurate start dates.

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    Go to the fourth cell under Course. Again, enter the courses that fit the d escription,capitalized and separated by commas. If there are none, leave the cell blank.

    20. Now you must check whether or not the pricing is entered correctly for each course.This is the most demanding part of the profile review. You will be going back andforth between pages while maintaining a high degree of concentration andattention to detail.

    Like before, have the courses opened in separate tabs. Again, you will eventually gothrough every course. Click on the tab you have opened for the first course.

    Scroll all the way down to Pricing. There should be a pricing entered for this year. Itis usually labeled 2013 pricing. Look at the date entered under Effective for enrollments booked after. Make sure that the date is NOT AFTER todays date.For example, if today is Feb. 2, 2013, then the following date is correct:

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    However, if the date is AFTER todays date, enter the name of the course in the third

    cell below Course Pricing.

    If there is no price listed under Pricing, enter the name of the course in the secondcell below Course Pricing.

    If there is a pricing entered, click on it. You will be directed to the courses pricingpage.

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    Take into account the general features of our pricing system.

    o There is a box to set minimum and maximum number of weeks. Our systemcan accept up to 52 weeks of courses. Prices are entered by week inside thePricing table, with price per week on the left column and total price onthe right column. Course material fee is an extra fee for textbooks and such.Certain weeks can be removed by checking the box under the Removecolumn.

    o On the bottom of the section there is a section for supplemental fees such ashigh season fees or maintenance fees.

    Now you must check if the course pricing corresponds to the pricing on the schoolswebsite. Note the name of the course (on top of the pricing page).

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    Go back to the schools website and try to find a list of course fees. In this examplethere is a link to the schools fees page under German Courses.

    Since the pricing for every course is different, you have to stay flexible anddetail-oriented . The name of the course entered in our website might not match thecourse name on the schools website word for word. For instance, notice that on theschools webpage Intensive Course is actually German Intensive Course A1 -B2.

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    Some important things to note:

    o Look at the range of weeks that the course can be taken. In this example, theminimum is 2 weeks, and there is no maximum since students can bookadditional weeks for 75 euros each after 12 weeks. This means that theschool should enter at least 12 weeks of pricing on our pricing table.

    o Our pricing system is arranged in weeks. If the pricing is stated by month onthe schools website, every month should be entered as 4 weeks in our system.

    o Notice that in this example, the total price is given for options up to 12 weeks.Sometimes a schools webpage will have price per week for a given numberof weeks (i.e. 75 euros/week for 2 weeks).

    o You also need to check for materials fees and supplemental fees. In thisexample there are none listed on the schools website. Go back to QA newschools and look at the fourth and seventh cells under Course pricing.Ent er y if the website mentions these fees . Enter n if it doesnt.

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    Go back to the pricing table on our website and check if the prices have beenentered correctly.

    Already you can see that the prices have been entered incorrectly sincethe minimum number of weeks is set to 1 week, when it should be 2weeks . If the price is incorrect, enter the name of the course in the first cellunder Course pricing.

    There will be annoying cases such as this where a school enters a Coursematerial fee, even though there is none mentioned on the website. In caseslike this I assume that the school does indeed have a course material fee.

    After all, the school wouldnt have entered it if they didnt charge a materialsfee. Cases like this depend on your judgment.

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    There will also be cases where the school has not entered the full numberof weeks a student can book a course. If this is the case, enter the nameof the course in the 2 nd cell under Course pricing. For example, theIntensive Course can be taken up to 52 weeks (the maximum on our system). However, if the school had only entered pricing for up to 12 weeks,you would enter Intensive Course in the 2nd cell under Course pricing, asfollows:

    Look at the 5 th and 6 th cells under Course pricing. These cells are to

    confirm that the materials fee has been entered into our website if thereis one mentioned in the schools website.

    o If you saw a materials fee on the schools website, but there was noneentered in the pricing table, you would enter n in the 5 th cell.

    o Then you would go to the bottom of our pricing page to check if thematerials fee was entered as a su pplemental fee, and enter y if itwas and n if it wasnt in the 6 th cell.

    In this example you can leave these cells blank since the schools websitedoes not provide a materials fee (even though theyve entered one in our

    website, which is unusual).

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    The same idea applies for supplemental fees. Look at the 8th cell under Course pricing.If there was one or more supplemental feel mentioned on the school webpage, you haveto make sure that it was entered on the bottom of the pricing page. But in this examplethere was none mentioned on the school website, and none entered in our pricing table,so you can leave this cell blank.

    If there is a supplemental fee on the schools website that has been entered into our pricing page, make sure the school has specified the appropriate category, amount,dates, and whether it is required or optional. And note that the $ isnt symbol for US dollars but a symbol for all the different currencies in our system.

    There may be instances when a school has entered the necessary information, butmade a few minor mistakes. An example of a minor mistake would be forgetting toselect a category for the supplementary fee, or entering a price incorrectly by oneor two digits. If it saves more time to correct a mistake yourself, you can go aheadand make the correction. It is up to your judgment to decide whether it is faster tocorrect a mistake yourself, or to have the school correct it.

    Go back to the beginning of step 20 and repeat for every course on the school profile.Remember, when multiple courses are entered into a cell, they must be separatedby commas .

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    21. Now you must check whether the school has entered most/all of the accommodationoptions that it offers. Sometimes a school with 10 different accommodations will enteronly 1 in our website, and we dont want that. Go to the schools website to find out howmany accommodations it offers.

    o Again, every school website is different. You may have to search around a bit. Inthis example there is an accommodation link under the Service tab.

    o There are annoying cases such as this one where the Accommodation is outlinedin a vague paragraph instead of as a chart.

    o Regardless, the process of checking back and forth for accommodationinformation and pricing is very much the same as for courses.

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    o Accommodations on the schools profile are listed under the Accommodationstab. You will be directed to the accommodations page.

    o If there are accommodations on the school website that are not listed on ourwebsite, enter up to five of them inside the 1 st cell under Accommodations. If there are any accommodations on our site with a purple exclamation mark nextto it, enter them inside the 2nd cell under Accommodations.

    22. Now you must check if the accommodation prices have been entered correctly. Like youdid for courses, open each accommodation on a separate tab by ctrl + clicking each ofthem. You will eventually go through all of them. Click on the first tab.

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    o Scroll down to Pricing. Check if the school has entered a pricing for theaccommodation.

    If a price hasnt been entered, enter the name of the accommodation inthe 2nd cell under Accom modation pricing.

    If the school has entered a pricing, check the date entered under Effective for enrollments booked after. Make sure that the date is NOT AFTER todaysdate. For example, if today is Feb. 2, 2013, then the following date iscorrect:

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    However, if the date is AFTER todays date, enter the name of theaccommodation in the 3 rd cell below Accommodation Pricing.

    Click on the pricing to go to the acc ommodations pricing page.

    The accommodation pricing table layout is the same as the course fee pricingtable layout, but without a column for material fees.

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    This case is fairly unusual and highly annoying since the school doesnt provide acomprehensive list of accommodation prices on its website. Usually a school willhave a chart or a list of accommodation fees, and supplemental fees if there areany.

    The most you can do for a case like this is trust that the pricing entered into ourwebsite is correct, since we cannot compare it to anything on the schoolswebsite. Again, how to handle cases like this are ultimately up to your judgment.

    However, if the school website does provide a chart or a list ofaccommodation prices and relevant supplement fees, you must comparethem to the pricing entered into our website, and follow these steps:

    o If you find an accommodation that is priced incorrectly on our website,enter it inside the 1st cell under Accommodation pricing.

    If you find an accommodation that does not have up to 52 weeks of pricingwhen it should, enter it into the 2nd cell under Accommodation pricing.

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    Confirm whether or not there are any supplemental fees listed on the schoolsaccommodation page. Supplemental fees can be high season fees,maintenance fees, etc. If there are supplemental fees, enter y inside the 4 th cell under Accommodation pricing.

    If the supplemental fees are entered correctly on the bottom of ouraccommodation pricing page, enter y inside the 5 th cell underAccommodation pricing . If the supplemental fees are entered incorrectly , ornot entered at all, enter n.

    Make sure to check the prices for all of the accommodations enteredinto our website. If multiple accommodations are entered into a cell, besure to separate them with commas.

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    Now that you have finished reviewing the school profile, you must find out whether or not theprofile is approvable, and then notify the school via email. I have provided an excel file entitledProfile review feedback generator. You will copy the information from QA new schoolsinto this file, which will then generate an automatic email message.

    23. Before you copy and paste the information from QA new schools, you must makesure that there are no extra spaces inside the cells.

    Start from the first cell under Location. You will check every categorized cell,even if you left it blank.

    Double click the cell. You will not be able to tell whether or not there areextra spaces inside the cell until you double click it. If there is an input, makesure that there are no extra spaces before and after it.

    ***If you had entered something, and there are spaces after it, it wouldlook something like this:

    **delete the space(s):

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    ***However, if there are spaces before the input, you will not be able to seeit inside the cell. You will have to look at the function bar on top of the page.

    *delete the space(s).

    *When you double click an empty cell, the curser should be blinking on theupper left corner of the cell.

    *When something has been entered inside a cell, it should be sticking to theupper right corner.

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    *If the input is not on the upper right corner, but in the middle or the bottom ofthe cell, then there are spaces before the input that must be deleted.

    *Delete the space(s)

    *The same applies for blank cells. The cursor should not be on the upperright corner, the middle, or the bottom of the cell.

    *Delete the space(s)

    24. Once you have checked for extra spaces, right click the very top of the column (rightclick the letter). This should highlight the entire column and open a small window withediting options. Left click Copy.

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    Open the excel file Profile review feedback generator . Left click the top of theB column (left click the B) to highlight the entire column.

    Hold Ctrl and press v (Ctrl + v) on your keyboard to paste the copied informationinto the column. You may get a window that looks like this:

    If you do, click OK.

    All the information should be copied into the column:

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    Look at the lower left c orner of the spreadsheet. Click on the tab labeled Emailtemplate here.

    Under the A column you will see the categories Decision and Feedback for content manager. You will have to copy and paste the corresponding feedbackunder the B column to QA new schools.

    o Right click the first cell under the B column. It should either say Fail or Pass. Left click copy.

    o Go to QA new schools. Scroll down to Others. Copy the information insidethe cell next to Decision.

    o Do the same for the information generated next to Feedback for contentmanager.

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    25. Go back to step 1 and repeat the same steps for column D. Once you re done withcolumn D save the Profile review feedback generator.

    26. Apply to the Odesk job posting and attach the two Excel sheets called QA new schools and Profile review feedback generator .