Proficiency-Based Teaching AND Learning AN … Conference 2013... · MAXIMIZING LEARNING PROMOTING...

Post on 10-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Proficiency-Based Teaching AND Learning AN … Conference 2013... · MAXIMIZING LEARNING PROMOTING...


Proficiency-Based Teaching

AND Learning =

AN Individualized Education Plan For All Students

Special Education--Specially designed instruction

"Specially designed instruction" means adapting

the content, methodology, or delivery of instruction:

¡  To address the unique needs of the child that result from the child's disability; and

¡  To ensure access of the child to the general curriculum, so that he or she can meet the educational standards within the jurisdiction of the school district that apply to all children.

Modified Assessments

�  Modifications are changes to the achievement level, construct, or measured outcome of an assessment.

÷ This means that IEP teams may adjust the administration of the assessment and or the assessment’s achievement standard.

  Example: successful demonstration would be a 220 on the OAKS Reading instead of the regular “meets” cut score of a 236

a minimum score of 9 on each work sample as opposed to the minimum of 12 for a regular work sample.

Post Secondary Goal/Course of Study

�  IEP must include appropriate measurable postsecondary goals based upon age appropriate transition assessments related to training, education, employment, and, where appropriate, independent living skills.

�  The course of study should identify the courses that the student will take, whether special education or general education, that relate directly to helping the student meet his/her specific postsecondary goals.

Iden%fica%on  of  Learning  Disability  

Lack  of  Appropriate  Instruc%on?    

v  Are  Expecta(ons  Clear?  v  Is  Instruc(on  Differen(ated  for  Each  Student?  v  Did  Teaching  and  Learning  Move  On?  v Was  Student  Given  Mul(ple  Opportuni(es?  v  Is  Material  Engaging?  v  Are  Assessments  Differen(ated  for  Every  Learner?  


IEP Goals/STOs (Behavioral)

�  Before  Proficiency        

Student  will  …  Be  on  %me  to  class  on  9/10  opportuni%es  Demonstrate  appropriate  student  behavior  

Remaining  seated  during  class  Come  to  class  prepared  Turn  in  8/10  assignments    Maintain  a    homework  log  

Be  respecNul  towards  teachers  and  peers  Remain  on-­‐task  for  twenty  consecu%ve  


AQer  Proficiency      

Student  will…  Be  proac%ve  by  scheduling  a  re-­‐take  when  deficient  

in  a  standard    

Access  on-­‐line  grade  reports  one  %me  per  week    in  order  to  keep  current  on  

assignments,  projects  and  standards.      

IEP Accommodations

Traditional point-based/assessment

Ø More time on written assignments Ø May retake test if grade lower than C Ø May take test in resource room Ø May use student-generated notes on tests Ø May write ½ of written assignment when

over 5 pages Ø May have tests read aloud or taken orally Ø Student may leave class when feeling

frustrated Ø May use calculator Ø May have due dates for math homework Extended up to one week.

With PBTL Ø  May re-take standard to demonstrate

proficiency in special education setting; proctored by special education staff. (when reading or behavior, emotional issues dictate)

Ø  When assessing a standard, assess one component/learning target at a time.

Traditional accommodations are

no longer necessary, as they are built-in to the PBTL model, and so accessible to all students.

“Tear down that wall, Mr. Gorbachev!” �  Barriers to achievement

Traditional, point-based model Seat Time Tardiness

Homework Subjectivity

Preparedness On-task, “appropriate” behavior

•  Assessing what matters PBTL

Multiple Opportunities Diversified Instruction

Transparent Learning Targets Assessment of Learning

“The covers of this book are too far apart”

ü  Break up the STANDARD into learning targets

ü  Teach the learning targets ü  Assess each learning target individually when


Standard: Getting a driver’s license. Learning Targets: Know meaning of

signs, stopping at a red light, right-of-way laws, etc.

Students learn one component of a standard at a time, each “learning target” is measurable and meaningful –students who struggle are successful when they learn and are accessed one learning target at a time, and not on the time spent in the driver’s seat.

IEP Goals/STOs (Writing)

Before PBTL

Student will…

Score a 4 or better on two consecutive writing samples.

Increase spelling skills to a 5th grade level

Increase writing skills in the area of

organization to a 9th grade level.

After PBTL

GOAL: Using graphic organizers as pre-writing tools

and a proofreading checklist, the student will demonstrate proficiency in the writing process including pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing and publishing.

S.T.Os: Given instruction and examples, student will

utilize graphic organizers as pre-writing tool. Given instruction and guided practice, student

will utilize a proofreading checklist when editing his/her writing.

IEP Goals/STOs (Math)

Before PBTL

Student will…

Increase knowledge of multiplication facts to the 6th grade level.

Be able to add and subtract fractions with like and unlike denominators at the 7th grade


Will graph a linear equation given the slope and initial value (y-intercept.)

After PBTL

GOAL: Using graphs, visual cues, problem-solving

strategies and simultaneous equations, student will demonstrate proficiency in representing and solving systems of linear equations with two variables.

S.T.Os: The student will be able to solve a two-step

equation with 90% accuracy. The student will graph a linear equation given

the slope and initial value (y-intercept.)

Example of PBTL Reading Goal

�  Reading �  GOAL �  Given instruction and practice on a

variety of summarization strategies, (e.g. Cornell notes, determine important information) Student will determine the central idea and theme of a variety of texts and proficiently provide an objective summary of the text and proficiently evaluate and assess an author's argument.

�  Criteria: Proficiency on 4 of 5 opportunities

�  Evaluation Procedures: Grade C or above (proficient) on grade-level English class reading standards.

�  Objectives Will demonstrate proficiency on the

Common Core Reading Standard (RL.9-10.2) “Determine a theme or central idea of text and analyze in detail its development over the course of the text and provide an objective summary of the text”

Will demonstrate proficiency in the

Common Core Reading Standard (RL.9-10.8) “Evaluate the author’s argument”

Example of PBTL Math Goal

Given direct instruction and guided practice on algebra terminology and guided practice on evaluating expressions, Joe will demonstrate proficiency on the Algebra Standard “Evaluate, compute with and determine equivalent numeric and algebraic expressions with real numbers and variables that include absolute value, exponents, square roots, pi, and scientific notation.

�  Short- term objectives �  Joe will evaluate or compute expressions

involving real numbers. �  Joe will evaluate or compute expressions

involving exponents.