PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2 HANDBOOK 2016€¦ · Professional Attitude ... Professional Experience...

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Transcript of PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2 HANDBOOK 2016€¦ · Professional Attitude ... Professional Experience...

This Handbook is to be read in conjunction with PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE STANDARDS BOOKLET which is at




Master of Teaching in Secondary Education Course Code: C04255

Name of Teacher Education Student:

University of Technology, Sydney School of Education Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences PO Box 123 Broadway NSW 2007 Tel: 9514 5409/5289 Fax: 9514 5410 Visit Professional Experience Website at:





The University of Technology, Sydney Professional Experience 2 Handbook School of Education Master of Teaching in Secondary Education Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences 2016




Assignments and General Contact with Schools

Aspects of Professional Conduct and Responsibility in Schools INTERIM REPORT:

The Interim Report pro-forma is on Page 17 on this Handbook and also available online – please see the web address at the top of this page.


INFORMATION FOR THE SUPERVISING TEACHER: You should have received from your Teacher Education student:

Professional Experience Handbook

Professional Experience Evaluation Report

Feedback Booklet

Teacher Education student Emergency Contact Details Sheet

Claim Form for Supervising Teacher

Tax File Number Declaration


The University of Technology, Sydney Professional Experience 2 Handbook School of Education Master of Teaching in Secondary Education Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences 2016







4. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2 - OUTLINE 3 5. PLANNING A PRODUCTIVE PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2 5 6. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ORGANISING PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2 6 6.1 Phase 1: The First 5 Days 6 6.2 Phase 2: The 23 Day Teaching Block 7 6.3 Teaching Lessons 7 6.4 Lesson planning 7 7. COMPLETING THE PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE REPORT 8 8. PROCEDURES FOR CONCLUDING PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 9 8.1 Supervising Teacher 9 8.2 Teacher Education Student 10 9. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 10 9.1 The Teacher Education Student - Important information - prior to start of professional experience 10

9.2 The Supervising Teacher 13 9.3 The Tertiary Supervisor 14

10. ADDITIONAL SUBJECT AND COURSE REQUIREMENTS 15 10.1 UTS Rule 10.6 – Repeated Failure in a Subject 14 10.2 Withdrawing from a Course or a Professional Experience Subject 15 10.3 Anaphylaxis Training 15 10.4 Working with Children Check 15 10.5 Inherent Requirements 16 11. INTERIM REPORT 17 RECORD OF ATTENDANCE BACK PAGE Professional Experience 2 in Spring Semester

The University of Technology, Sydney Professional Experience 2 Handbook School of Education 1 Master of Teaching in Secondary Education Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences 2016


In all professional experiences all Teacher Education students are required to meet the following professional expectations:


All Teacher Education students are required to attend the School in the pattern stipulated for the Professional Experience.

Attendance at the School will typically be from 30 minutes prior to the first teaching session of the school day, and may involve remaining at the School until 30 minutes after the conclusion of the final teaching session of each day.

All absences must be explained and the School must be notified in advance, wherever possible. All absences must be made up through additional days negotiated with the cooperating teacher.


Quality teaching and quality learning rest on careful planning and documentation.

All teaching plans must be retained in a cumulative folder and be accessible to cooperating teachers and Tertiary Supervisors on a daily basis.

Each teaching episode must be evaluated, with written comments addressing: perceived lesson outcomes, contributing factors, and recommendations for future planning.

Attitude: All Teacher Education students are expected to demonstrate a professional attitude throughout their time in schools by:

arriving punctually for meetings, classes and duties,

implementing advice from previous discussions in subsequent teaching/learning episodes,

reflecting self-critically on teaching performance,

observing and reflecting on teaching by the cooperating teacher and (where possible) other teaching staff,

presenting in clean, neat, modest attire, consistent with standards evident in the school,

ensuring plans for teaching are completed by the morning of the day for which they are scheduled,

organising teaching/learning resources in advance of scheduled teaching times,

interacting with students, teachers, school personnel, Tertiary Supervisors and parents in a courteous manner, and

using non-teaching time as opportunities for observing, reflecting, planning, compiling, documenting and/or organising.

Underpinning all the specified requirements above is the notion that

Professional Attitude Professional Presentation Professional Growth

The University of Technology, Sydney Professional Experience 2 Handbook School of Education 2 Master of Teaching in Secondary Education Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences 2016

2. KEY STAFF CONTACT DETAILS TERTIARY CO-ORDINATOR, SCHOOL PARTNERSHIPS & PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE The Academic Co-ordinator for UTS Education professional experience programs is the primary liaison between the Supervising Teachers and Tertiary Supervisors and will be responsible for:

monitoring the quality of teacher education professional experience;

supporting Supervising Teachers and university liaison;

general co-ordination of the professional experience program;

fostering collaborations, with schools, supportive of professional experience; and

Tertiary Supervisors. The Academic Co-ordinator will also provide academic advice to Education Teacher Students with regard to their professional experience program.

Warren Poole Room CB10.04.243 (02) 9514 5269 Email:


The Director of Professional Experience is responsible for all matters unable to be resolved by the Tertiary

Co-ordinator in the following areas:

monitoring the quality of teacher education professional experience;

supporting Supervising Teachers and university liaison;

general co-ordination of the professional experience program;

fostering collaborations, with schools, supportive of professional experience; and

Tertiary Supervisors.

Mark Sinclair Room CB10.04.208 (02) 9514 5237 Email: PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE CO-ORDINATOR

The Professional Experience Co-ordinator is responsible for planning and arranging Teacher Education Student placements, communicating and liaising with schools regarding Professional Experience, assists in the preparation of handbooks, liaises with Tertiary Supervisors, and arranges Teacher Education student

and staff briefing sessions. Sue Rohanna Room CB10.04.313 (02) 9514 5409 Email: PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE OFFICER

The Professional Experience Officer liaises and corresponds with schools to arrange specific placements, administers the collection of Professional Experience Reports and also administers the payment of claims.

Malti Vallabh Room CB10.04.313 (02) 9514 5289 Email:

The University of Technology, Sydney Professional Experience 2 Handbook School of Education 3 Master of Teaching in Secondary Education Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences 2016


Year 1 Autumn semester

Year 2 Autumn semester

Accelerated mode The School in the Context of Contemporary Society Literacy and Numeracy across the Curriculum Professional Learning Teaching Methods 1 Elective 1

Accelerated mode Teaching, Learning & Motivation Perspectives on Aboriginal Education Capstone: Professional Vision in Practice Professional Experience & Classroom Management 2 Teaching Methods 3 Elective 2

Standard mode The School in the Context of Contemporary Society Literacy and Numeracy across the Curriculum Professional Learning Teaching Methods 1 Elective 1

Standard mode Teaching, Learning & Motivation Perspectives on Aboriginal Education Teaching Methods 3 Elective 2

Spring semester Spring semester Accelerated mode Inclusive Education Designing Learning for a Digital Generation Professional Experience & Classroom Management 1 Teaching Methods 2 Teaching Methods 4

Accelerated mode Completed

Standard mode Inclusive Education Professional Experience & Classroom Management 1 Teaching Methods 2

Standard mode Designing Learning for a Digital Generation Capstone: Professional Vision in Practice Professional Experience & Classroom Management 2 Teaching Methods 4

4. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2 - OUTLINE Description Professional Experience 2 is 24 compulsory days. The details of the professional experience are provided in this handbook. Professional Experience provides an opportunity to engage fully in a school experience as a teacher, supported by mentoring with a cooperating teacher and colleagues. Teacher Education students observe lessons, team-teach, assist with classes, teach small groups of pupils and teach classes. In this subject the Teacher Education students analyse and modify their experiences in order to improve their practice. The Teacher Education student demonstrates knowledge of their subject/content and strategies for effective teaching. This includes effective planning, assessment, and reporting and demonstrating a range of strategies to create and maintain safe and challenging learning environments through the use of classroom management skills.

Outcomes Teacher Education students have opportunities to address specific outcomes/objectives that vary in each professional experience placement. The cooperating teacher, Teacher Education student and university liaison collaborate to determine how best to achieve outcomes in each setting. Teacher Education students have: 1. demonstrated knowledge of subject/content and how to teach that content to their students. 2. demonstrated that they know their students and how their students learn 3. planned, assessed and reported for effective learning 4. communicated effectively with their students 5. employed a range of strategies to create and maintain safe and challenging learning environments

through the use of classroom management skills 6. implemented a sound program to improve their professional knowledge and practice. 7. engaged members of their profession and the wider community.

The University of Technology, Sydney Professional Experience 2 Handbook School of Education 4 Master of Teaching in Secondary Education Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences 2016

Subject Content subject content and how to teach that content to your students.

understanding students and how your students learn

planning, assessing and reporting for effective learning

communicating effectively with students

a range of strategies to create and maintain safe and challenging learning environments through the use of classroom management skills

implementing a sound program to improve their professional knowledge and practice.

engaging with members of their profession and the wider community.

Learning Experiences Teacher Education students are required to engage in the varied experiences of a teacher in secondary schools (such as: staff meetings, meetings with parents, sport activities and carnivals, supervision duties [including playground duty], assessment, reporting, professional development sessions, excursions etc.

Assessment Professional Experience 2 is graded on a pass/fail basis. Assessment in this subject will be comprised of the following activities.

Assessment One: Assessment One is conducted by observation, as well as a review of selected teaching materials, sample lesson plans and reflections, during the professional experience placement, by the Tertiary Supervisor. When assessing Teacher Education students, Tertiary Supervisors will focus on and give specific advice about the following Assessment Criteria: Assessment Criteria: 1. Know Students and How They Learn – GTS 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.6 2. Know Content and How to Teach It – GTS 2.3, 2.5 3. Plan for and Implement effective teaching and Learning - GTS 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5 4. Create and Maintain Supportive and Safe Learning Environments – GTS 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 5. Assess and provide feedback and Report on Student Learning – GTS 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 6. Engage in Professional Learning – GTS 6.3 7. Engage professionally with Colleague, Parents/Carers and the Community – GTS 7.1, 7.2

Assessment Two: Assessment Two is conducted by observation, as well as a review of selected teaching materials,

sample lesson plans and reflections, during the professional experience placement, by the Cooperating

Teacher. When assessing Teacher Education students, Cooperating Teachers will use the Report


Text and or Required References BOSTES Teacher Accreditation in NSW – available at: (

The University of Technology, Sydney Professional Experience 2 Handbook School of Education 5 Master of Teaching in Secondary Education Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences 2016

5. PLANNING A PRODUCTIVE PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2 Teacher Education Students must complete 24 COMPULSORY DAYS of Professional Experience made up of 5 days orientation, observation and initial teaching plus 19 days teaching commencing Term 3 Monday, 29 August and concluding Friday, 23 September AND commencing in Term 4 Monday, 10 October and concluding Friday, 14 October. There is a compulsory on-campus day on Friday, 16 September 2016 The 6-day Professional Experience Equivalent (PEP) is completed separately to this 24 day block teaching placement. The second Professional Experience helps Teacher Education students become confident managers of learning and effective communicators with students. The approach taken should be developmental. The needs of individual Teacher Education students will be specific to each person. Some will require a period of time in a supportive atmosphere to further develop confidence, while others will have a high degree of confidence from the beginning. Each Teacher Education student will set goals, in consultation with their Tertiary Supervisor and Supervising Teacher. The goals will be consistent with the expectations of graduate teachers as listed in the professional experience report. These goals should be realistic, and progressive, so that the successful achievement of the first few, leads to ongoing success. Teacher Education students need to develop confidence, gain skills in judging the level at which to pitch lessons, and develop the capacity to maintain a suitable pace through a lesson and sequence lessons. An individual Teacher Education student will be assisted to achieve these goals if they have strong collegial support from school-based associates. The depth of interaction will be enhanced if Supervising Teachers provide effective, analytical and measured advice. If the Teacher Education student reflects on that advice and demonstrates its impact in her/his teaching episodes, then the process will result in the development of positive teaching values, attitudes and skills.

The Teacher Education student would benefit from observing others teach, particularly when the lessons have been constructed with a teacher education point in mind. So, for example, if possible let the Teacher Education student observe high-quality discussions and small group work. The opportunity to observe teachers in other discipline areas is also a valuable professional experience, especially if the teachers are exemplary. Teacher Education students are expected to participate in a Plan, Do, Review, Improve (PDRI) cycle of professional learning.





The University of Technology, Sydney Professional Experience 2 Handbook School of Education 6 Master of Teaching in Secondary Education Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences 2016


6.1 Phase 1: Getting Started - The First Five Days Monday, 29 August - Friday, 2 September, 2016 Day 1

Head of the Department explains philosophy of teaching/learning at the school, various aspects of routines of the school and of the department.

Head of the Department confirms allocation of classes to Teacher Education Student.

The Teacher Education Students are given background information relevant to the forthcoming lessons.

The Department’s program for the units, methods of finding resources available at the school, method of placing orders for practical materials as required.

Teacher Education Students observe a variety of lessons in both senior and junior classes of Supervising Teacher; Teacher Education Students are encouraged to pay particular attention to how the pupils learn and class management strategies.

Day 2

Teacher Education Students will be advised by their Supervising Teacher about the format of a forthcoming lesson with a junior class for the following day in which they will be playing an active part by conducting teaching episodes.

Teacher Education Students will plan and rehearse their roles for this teaching episode.

The Teacher Education Student will interact with a small group of students on a personal level, to establish rapport. The Teacher Education Student will stay with the students for the entire lesson, first in an observing role, as the teacher introduces the class to an activity. The Teacher Education Student will then discuss the activity with the students. The object of the discussion is to allow the students to explain what they have done, why they did it, what they have observed and what they can infer, what other suggestions they can make to continue their explorations, etc.

After the lesson the Teacher Education Student and the Supervising Teacher in charge of the lessons will discuss all aspects of the teaching/learning situations which arose.

Day 3

The Teacher Education Student continues to observe classes taught by the Supervising Teacher, and assists students where appropriate.

The Teacher Education Student works with groups and teaches parts of lessons with Supervising Teacher.

The Supervising Teacher plans with the Teacher Education Student the content and suggested strategies for teaching parts of lessons and co-teaching with the Supervising Teacher on Day 4.

The Teacher Education Student writes lesson plans for the co-operatively planned lessons and has them checked by Supervising Teacher.

Day 4 – Day 5

Teacher Education Student continues to observe and co-teach parts of lessons with the Supervising Teacher

Requirements for the rest of the block professional experience are discussed – topics allocated and resources discussed.

During this time, the Teacher Education Student should contact the Supervising Teacher to confirm lessons to be taught and obtain a final timetable to send to the Tertiary Supervisor.

The University of Technology, Sydney Professional Experience 2 Handbook School of Education 7 Master of Teaching in Secondary Education Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences 2016

6.2 Phase 2: The 20 Day Teaching Block Tuesday, 5 September - Friday, 23 September plus Monday, 10 October – Friday, 14 October 2016 (NOTE: There is a compulsory on-campus day on Friday, 16 September 2016)

Scope of Experience Teacher Education students should engage in a broad range of activities that contribute to their professional learning. The focus of Professional Experience 2 activities should be the achievement of the listed outcomes. However Teacher Education students are expected to discuss, plan and take opportunities to work towards their achievement of the NSW IT Graduate Teaching Standards. The professional experience report serves as a guide in planning the Teacher Education student activities and experiences. The standards identified in the report should lead professional conversations to monitor progress, for self-evaluations and to provide feedback. Teacher Education students should target achievement of specific standards in particular activities, e.g. lessons, staff meetings, interactions with parents and community, collection and review of documents (such as assessment tasks & reports), contributing to assessment, engaging with community etc. Their performance in these activities will then establish evidence of the achievement of standards. Each school and professional experience is different. It is understood that, for a variety of reasons, all standards may not be addressed in depth in a particular professional experience. The standards outlined are to be met by graduate teachers and Teacher Education students in Professional Experience 2 who are not yet graduate teachers.

6.3 Teaching Lessons

Number of lessons to be taught: Teacher Education students are required to teach an average of the equivalent of half the load of a full-time teacher, i.e. 8 to 11 hours per week (the number of hours taught would usually have reached 11 hours by the final week of the professional experience period).

Preferred classes: The ideal assignment would be three classes: Stage 4, Stage 5 and Stage 6, but other arrangements are acceptable.

Lesson plans: Lesson plans MUST be provided at least 24 hours prior to the lesson being given. These should be available for the Supervising Teacher to check.

Lesson evaluations: Teacher Education students are expected to keep written evaluations for each lesson – both their own evaluations and those written by their Supervising Teacher.

6.4 Lesson Planning

The outline for lesson planning below is general. Designs and forms for lesson plans have been developed during University class sessions prior to the Professional Experience. Teacher Education students are expected to use these. They are expected to begin planning collaboratively with their Supervising Teacher but quickly move towards independence.

General structure of lesson plan Date: Time: Class:


The University of Technology, Sydney Professional Experience 2 Handbook School of Education 8 Master of Teaching in Secondary Education Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences 2016

Purpose: State the intention in terms of the curriculum. Note program links.

Learning Outcomes: State the anticipated learning outcomes for the Teacher Education students. Be specific about student skills, knowledge and attitudes.

Relevant Previous Experience: Where appropriate, indicate relevant previous experiences upon which this lesson will build. Note the mixed abilities of learners and consider how you will make provision for these.

Resources Required: List equipment which will be required by both students and teacher; indicate the facility that will be utilised for that particular lesson.

Presentation Outline the proposed sequence of steps, clearly indicating teaching procedures and student activities. The anticipated timing of lesson steps should be shown. Indicate important lesson features, e.g. distribution and collection of materials, use of teaching aids. All key statements and questions should be provided in this section. Procedures for introduction, the body of the lesson and closure should be clearly indicated. If appropriate, material that is to be provided or recorded (e.g. on the board), should be indicated.

Evaluation Reflectively examine the learning experience. To what extent were the learning outcomes, as indicated in your lesson notes, fully realised? On what basis did you make your analysis? What explanation could you make for your degree of success? Could alternative strategies have been employed to improve these learning outcomes? Suggest future steps which might be taken to enhance, consolidate or re-direct learning. Note your observations regarding children with special needs, e.g. those from non-English speaking backgrounds, Aboriginal children, and disabled children. You should also consider gender related issues applicable to this key learning area.


On those occasions where the Teacher Education Student is not progressing as expected for a successful professional experience, an Interim Report (see page 17) should be completed in consultation with the Teacher Education Student and the Tertiary Supervisor. At the conclusion of the Professional Experience period a report is prepared by the Supervising Teacher, which assists in the formulation of judgments regarding the Teacher Education students’ attainments. The report is constructed to allow for evaluation and specific feedback regarding Professional Experience. The final award of satisfactory on the Professional Experience Report is provided by the Supervising Teacher. If a final award is to be unsatisfactory, this decision must be discussed with the Tertiary Supervisor.

The Professional Experience 2 Report is supplied separately or alternatively you may wish to download it from the following Website at:

The Report should be based on Teacher Education student progress towards achievement of graduate standards related to the professional experience 1 outcomes. The report requires an assessment of achievement of items marked in bold. It is important to consider the Teacher Education student’s strengths

The University of Technology, Sydney Professional Experience 2 Handbook School of Education 9 Master of Teaching in Secondary Education Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences 2016

and weaknesses in the context of your particular school. While areas of weakness may be evident early in the Professional Experience, the Professional Experience Report should consider the progress/skill development demonstrated by the end of the practice teaching period. On each item the Supervising Teacher should consider:

the Teacher Education students’ current position in his/her professional learning continuum (this being the Teacher Education student’s second practice teaching experience late in the education programme); and

evidence from observations, preparation, evaluations and professional The cooperating teacher should form a professional judgement on the level of attainment and indicate this on the professional experience report as one of the following: ND = Not demonstrated for this professional experience as there was insufficient evidence on which to base

a judgement D = Demonstrated satisfactory progress at completion of this professional experience relative to the

National Standards Evidence Guide. E = Exceeds expectation with regard to the National Standards Evidence Guide. If the descriptors are not able to be demonstrated, please provide an explanation in the appropriate Comment section.



8.1 Supervising Teacher On completion of the Professional Experience, Supervising Teachers should complete and provide the Teacher Education student with:

the Professional Experience Report supplied separately with this Handbook - see Section 9 for assistance in filling out the Professional Experience Report. Please discuss this report with the Teacher Education student, and then give the report on the last day of Professional Experience to the Teacher Education student to hand to Faculty’s Professional Experience Office. If Teacher Education student has more than one Supervising Teacher, please prepare one report only signed by all Supervising Teachers.

Signed Record of Attendance on back cover of this Handbook. In the event that the Professional Experience Report has not been finalised at the conclusion of the Professional Experience, please mail the Professional Experience Report, together with the Record of Attendance, to the address below as soon as possible.

Payment Claim Form and Tax Form The Payment Claim Form and Tax Form can be forwarded after conclusion of the Professional Experience to: Ms Malti Vallabh Professional Experience Officer School of Education, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences University of Technology Sydney PO Box 123 Broadway NSW 2007 Your payment can be processed only after receipt of: your Claim and Taxation Forms the completed Professional Experience Report the signed Record of Attendance.

The University of Technology, Sydney Professional Experience 2 Handbook School of Education 10 Master of Teaching in Secondary Education Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences 2016

8.2 Teacher Education Student Bring to the Professional Experience Office (Room 10.4.313) IMMEDIATELY after the conclusion of your placement:

the signed Record of Attendance - back cover of this handbook

the Professional Experience Report signed by the Supervising Teacher and Teacher Education Student.


Your Professional Experience Records are important professional documents, which you will need to keep on file so that they are available when you apply for teaching positions and for recognition of qualifications if teaching in any state around Australia or overseas. Establish a personal professional experience records file and keep copies of all your attendance sheets and Professional Experience Reports for the duration of your career.


9.1 The Teacher Education Student

Important Information - prior to the start of Professional Experience

Teacher Education Students must telephone either the school’s Professional Experience Coordinator or the Head of the relevant school department at least one week prior to the start of the professional experience. This is to arrange a suitable time to visit the school to introduce themselves to staff members and to deliver the Professional Experience Handbook and any other relevant documentation. Teacher Education Students should familiarise themselves with the facilities and school policies regarding discipline and welfare.

The Teacher Education Students should obtain their professional experience timetable indicating period times and room numbers and then email to their Tertiary Supervisor or to the Professional Experience Office, email address: or fax 9514 5410.

General Teacher Education Students will be placed with a nominated Supervising Teacher. They are expected to

observe and participate in the Supervising Teacher's work and undertake with them their assigned duties. Teacher Education Students are required to engage in the varied experiences of a teacher in a secondary school (such as: staff meetings, meetings with parents, sport activities and carnivals, supervision duties [including playground duty], assessment, reporting, professional development sessions, excursions etc.

Teacher Education Students may negotiate with the Supervising Teacher to visit other classrooms as much can be learnt from observing other classes including classes in other KLAs.

It is important not to overburden the Teacher Education Student in their first Professional Experience. Child Protection A mandatory lecture on the subject of Child Protection will be held in August each year. At the end of

the lecture, a Child Protection Attendance letter will be provided and this must be taken with you to each of your professional experience placements during your course - see page 15.

Anaphylaxis Training Certificate

This certificate MUST be taken with you to your placement school and a copy MUST be handed in to the Professional Experience Office prior to the first day of the Professional Experience – see page 15 of this Handbook for full details.

The University of Technology, Sydney Professional Experience 2 Handbook School of Education 11 Master of Teaching in Secondary Education Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences 2016

Working with Children Check

The Office of the Children’s Guardian issues a 5-year Working with Children Check for Teacher Education Students undertaking professional experience in schools. Teacher Education Students will receive a letter from the Office of the Children’s Guardian which must be taken to each professional experience placement during their course. (See page 15)

Student Placement Acknowledge Form (SPAF) This document needs to be signed by the Teacher Education Students after making themselves aware

of the inherent requirements of a teacher. These requirements are contained in the “Introduction of Inherent Requirements for Initial teachers Education Programs” discussed in a professional experience lecture prior to the commencement of professional experience. You are advised to attend this lecture. (see page 16 for more details).

Attendance Teacher Education Students are to be present at the school throughout the whole day during the 24

day professional experience which will include non-teaching activities. School principals and Supervising Teachers should be notified of absences and/or misadventures as soon as possible. All absences must be explained and documented. All days missed must be made up at a time convenient for the school and before the end of the semester.

Supplementary Professional Experience Supplementary teaching days may be arranged where a Teacher Education student has had an

extended and documented absence and where it is possible to complete the practice during the semester.

Complementary Professional Experience Complementary teaching days may be arranged where a Teacher Education student is judged to be

making progress in the Professional Experience but requires further time to arrive at a satisfactory outcome. Such complementary teaching days would normally not exceed five (5) days and can only be granted after consultation with the UTS Director of Professional Experience.

Professional Conduct and Ethics Teacher Education students are expected to be courteous, co-operative and punctual. They should be at

school at least half an hour before the school day begins. They are expected to be familiar with and observe the Professional Experience Code of Ethics (in Professional Experience Standards Booklet at It is essential that Teacher Education students become familiar with the multi-faceted role of teachers. Therefore, it is expected that they will attend staff meetings and any other related professional activities conducted during the assigned Professional Experience period.

Social Media When using social media (blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Pinterest etc) during your school


- Avoid identifying any staff or children at your school; - Do not use photos of children or staff at your school. NB. If you wish to record media at your school

(not to be placed on the web), you need to seek written permission from the principal, teacher and parents - see UTS Professional Experience Office for consent form;

- Avoid identifying your Professional Experience school. E.g. use a pseudonym or “an Australian school” ;

- Do not use photos that identify your school. Further reading

NSWDEC Social Media Guidelines:

0418.shtml Guidelines from other school systems e.g.

The University of Technology, Sydney Professional Experience 2 Handbook School of Education 12 Master of Teaching in Secondary Education Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences 2016

Lesson Preparation Teacher Education students are expected to prepare their lessons at least one day before the lesson

is to be given. In order to see progress throughout the Professional Experience, lesson plans need to be maintained in a durable book form or ring binder, and should be available on a day-to-day basis to the Supervising Teacher and the Tertiary Supervisor. Lesson plans should be submitted to the Supervising Teacher before the school day commences so that advice may be given regarding appropriateness and resource implications. A Teacher Education student must not teach without a written lesson plan.

Level of Responsibility for Class While Teacher Education students should exercise due care with students, the responsibility for the

class rests with the Supervising Teacher. Teacher Education students are not permitted to be left alone with the class – THIS IS A LEGAL REQUIREMENT.

Occupational Health and Safety Teacher Education students should be informed of relevant Occupational Health and Safety policy and

procedures operational at the School to which they are appointed for Professional Experience. Particular questions should be directed to the school principal. The following aspects reflect UTS requirements relating to occupational health and safety for Teacher Education students in all Teacher Education Professional Experience sites.

Professional Behaviour As a member of the educational profession, the highest levels of responsibility to the students and staff

should be maintained. The university works hard to locate quality Professional Experience sites, and Teacher Education students, as representatives of the university, should ensure that their behaviour fosters positive working relationships.

Teacher Education students must: adhere to all Professional Experience site policies and routines

notify the Supervising Teacher and the university before lessons begin in the case of unavoidable absence

not seek access to personal information on student records. As the Professional Experience will not involve using student information for university assignments, access to records is not required.

respect the rights of students, school staff and parents, and ensure confidentiality of information which might cause harm or embarrassment.

be very sensitive in discussions about students in their presence, or in the presence of other students.

speak to each student in a manner which is appropriate for his/her age, taking into account each student's skills in language comprehension.

communicate with parents only as guided by the Supervising Teacher.

Medication UTS Teacher Education students must not administer medications to students in any circumstances.

Each school will have its own procedures and nominated personnel for the administration of medications.

Protection Against Infectious Diseases In circumstances where the Teacher Education student is exposed to any body fluids or substances (e.g.

blood, vomit, saliva), appropriate hygiene practices must be strictly adhered to. Such practices would include the wearing of gloves and thorough washing with soap.

Physical Restraint of Students Cooperating teachers should ensure that Teacher Education students are familiar with specific behaviour

management strategies for students with challenging behaviours, as well as general behaviour management strategies employed in the classroom.

They should be familiar with crisis management plans, should know the procedures for getting assistance in an emergency and should seek assistance as a priority in emergency situations.

As UTS Teacher Education students have not received specific training in restraining students they should not be expected or requested to physically restrain aggressive or violent students.

The University of Technology, Sydney Professional Experience 2 Handbook School of Education 13 Master of Teaching in Secondary Education Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences 2016

9.2 The Supervising Teacher

Responsibilities The major responsibility for Supervising Teachers is the professional development of Teacher Education

students during the professional experience period. They have a vital role in developing the teaching skills of Teacher Education students. By advising and helping, Supervising Teachers encourage Teacher Education students’ reflection and self-evaluation. Such a role is facilitative and where appropriate, directive. Feedback is most effective when it is focussed, regular and constructive.

Professional conversations Arrange professional conversations with Teacher Education students to target specific standards, plan

for, discuss and identify evidence of progress towards their achievement.

Provide mid-professional experience verbal feedback Provide mid-professional experience verbal feedback on general Teacher Education student progress.

Based on such feedback the remaining time in the school should be planned to address weaknesses and build on strengths. If a Teacher Education student is at risk of being graded as unsatisfactory the Teacher Education student should be advised of this at least 5 teaching days prior to completion of the professional experience period. Interim Report should be filled out and faxed to the UTS Director of Professional Experience.

(Interim Report pro-forma is on Page 17 of this Handbook and is also available online at:

Advance planning Provide class programs for Teacher Education students and allocate lessons, in the context of such

programs, well in advance. These allocations should ensure a variety of lesson types.

Check Teacher Education student preparation Check lesson notes prior to the lesson to ensure adequate preparation. As a rule lesson plans should be

prepared by the Teacher Education student at least by the previous day. If a Teacher Education student has not prepared adequately for a lesson the Teacher Education student should not teach the lesson.

Check processes and content Consider the content both in terms of teaching-learning processes and relevant curriculum. Teacher

Education students should be encouraged to show independence and initiative, but may require counselling if inappropriate content or strategies are planned.

Observe and provide written feedback Regularly observe lessons and provide written feedback (a feedback booklet is provided). Teacher

Education students find focussed written feedback provides them with a touchstone for future planning. As well, Tertiary Supervisors may consult written feedback as a means of better understanding Teacher Education students' professional development. At least one lesson per day should be treated in this way.

Supervise Teacher Education student teaching

Teacher Education students are not permitted to take a class without supervision.

Encourage Teacher Education student self-assessment and reflection

Consult with Teacher Education students regarding their own evaluations of teaching episodes.


Demonstrate teaching practices which will complement and supplement the feedback provided to the Teacher Education student.

Encourage professional conduct

Facilitate the development of the Teacher Education students' professional attitudes, especially in their relationships with students, other teachers, support staff and parents.

The University of Technology, Sydney Professional Experience 2 Handbook School of Education 14 Master of Teaching in Secondary Education Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences 2016

Liaise with the Tertiary Supervisor Communicate to the Tertiary Supervisor information about the professional development of the Teacher

Education students. If there are concerns regarding the progress of Teacher Education students these should be communicated as soon as they arise, i.e. as early as possible (this includes using the Interim Report).

Encourage Teacher Education student resource file development Encourage Teacher Education students' collation of a resource file which will support their future

teaching. It may be helpful to direct them to other teachers, teacher/librarians and support personnel as well as specific school documents such as mission statements, submissions for funding, special projects and so on.

Complete the Professional Experience Report. At the conclusion of the Professional Experience period, complete the Professional Experience Report

(provided separately) in consultation with the Teacher Education student. The recommendation of the final grade should be as discussed with the Tertiary Supervisor.

NB. If the Supervising Teacher has concerns about the Teacher Education student’s progress, an Interim Report should be filled out and a second visit by the Tertiary Supervisor arranged (see page 17 - Interim Report pro-forma for details).

An ”unsatisfactory” grade must only be made in consultation with the Tertiary Supervisor.

9.3 The Tertiary Supervisor

The central role of the Tertiary Supervisor is to act as liaison between the university to support the professional learning of Teacher Education students. Tertiary Supervisors will clarify university policy and practices relating to Professional Experience as well as provide support for the Teacher Education student and the Supervising Teacher.

The Tertiary Supervisor will :

Liaise with school personnel to facilitate the smooth running of the Professional Experience. The Tertiary Supervisor will meet with Supervising Teachers to discuss aspects of the current Professional Experience program to ensure communication is facilitated.

Confer with Teacher Education students on matters relating to their plans for teaching and learning.

Counsel Teacher Education students requiring assistance or advice.

Consult with Supervising Teachers regarding Teacher Education student progress, assess and report progress and evaluation. Where there is cause for concern regarding a Teacher Education student’s progress the Tertiary Supervisor will consult with the UTS Professional Experience Coordinator.

Visit the school during the Professional Experience Program and observe at least one teaching/learning episode of the Teacher Education student, providing written and verbal feedback.

Engage in professional conversations with co-operating and Teacher Education students to target specific standards and, plan for, discuss and identify evidence of progress towards their achievement.

Evaluate student progress in relation to the following standards contained on the report pro-forma:

Know Students and How They Learn – GTS 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.6

Know Content and How to Teach It – 2.3, 2.5

Plan for and Implement effective teaching and Learning - 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5

Create and Maintain Supportive and Safe Learning Environments – 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4

Assess and provide feedback and Report on Student Learning – 5.1, 5.2, 5.3

Engage in Professional Learning – GTS 6.3

Engage professionally with Colleague, Parents/Carers and the Community – GTS 7.1, 7.2

NB. Tertiary Supervisors are not required to fill out a separate report. Tertiary Supervisors should consult with the student’s Cooperating teacher if they believe the student is weak in these areas.

The University of Technology, Sydney Professional Experience 2 Handbook School of Education 15 Master of Teaching in Secondary Education Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences 2016

10. ADDITIONAL SUBJECT & COURSE REQUIREMENTS 10.1 UTS Rule 10.6 – Repeated Failure in a Subject In accordance with UTS Rule 10.6 Repeated Failure in a Subject, FASS Faculty Board has resolved that students with two fails in a Professional Experience subject in the primary or secondary teacher education courses will not be permitted to re-enrol in that subject. Professional Experience subjects are a compulsory component of the Teacher Education degrees therefore students unable to re-enrol in a professional experience subject will be unable to complete the requirements for their course and will be directed to seek academic advice as to their options. These options include:

transferring to C10209 Bachelor of Arts in Educational Studies, or

withdrawing from the course (students can then apply for admission to another course at UTS or other institution, if desired).

Students failing to seek advice within the specified timeframe, or refusing one of the above options, will be excluded by Faculty Board (refer to 10.6.4 at The FASS Faculty Board may waive exclusion for students who appeal (Resolved FASSFB/2011/02/11), based on the condition that the students pursue an option nominated in 10.6.2.

10.2 Withdrawing from a Course or a Professional Experience Subject When a student decides to withdraw from their course or any Professional Experience subject, they must ensure they notify the Professional Experience Office immediately.

10.3 Anaphylaxis Training The NSW Department of Education and Communities requires that Teacher Education students are trained in anaphylaxis management before they undertake any professional experience in NSW public schools. Students are required to complete the online training module at Once the training has been completed, students are required to provide a copy of their certificate to the Professional Experience Office. The certificate remains current for two years. Every year a student must provide a copy of a current certificate the Professional Experience Office. Students are also required to present a copy of their current certificate to the principal at the school they are attending for their professional experience placement.

10.4 Child Protection Training It is a requirement that ALL students undertake mandatory Child Protection Training before a Professional Experience placement. UTS provides Child Protection Training in the first semester of each year and issues students with a letter of attendance to be kept in their portfolio and shown to a school, if requested to do so. Once completed, there is no need to repeat the training.

10.5 Working with Children Check All students who are undertaking a Primary and Secondary Education course are required to complete professional experience placement in schools and are required to have applied for and received a Working with Children (WWC) check number. First year students will be given details about applying for this at the time of their enrolment. Other students who have not applied for and received their clearance number must do so prior to starting the professional experience placement. Obtaining a Working with Children Check is the responsibility of the student. Individuals applying to work with children are required to apply to the Commission for Children and Young people for a clearance. The process involves either completing the application form online or downloading it from the Commission’s website and lodging it at a NSW RTA office. The website is:

The University of Technology, Sydney Professional Experience 2 Handbook School of Education 16 Master of Teaching in Secondary Education Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences 2016

For students there is no fee and the Check lasts for five years. When filling in the form check the box: Volunteers and Students. If this box is not checked then the student will be charged the fee for paid workers of $80. Once you have completed the online application form you will receive an Application Number. You must take this application number and your identifying documents to the RTA to be verified. Please notify the Professional Experience Office of the Application Number whilst waiting for your official WWC number. After the application has been processed by the RTA, the applicants will receive from the Office of the Children’s Guardian the results of the check by email or post which will include your clearance number. Students MUST supply the Professional Experience Office with a copy of the notification which will be kept on file. Students or graduates applying for positions within the Department of Education will need to re-apply for a Working with Children Check as a paid worker. This costs $80 and lasts for five years. The Department of Education will reject an application if it is not accompanied by the Working with Children Check clearance. The paid worker application is required for child-related paid work.

10.5 Inherent Requirements and Student Placement Acknowledgement Form (SPAF) Inherent requirements are the fundamental competencies that must be demonstrated by all Teacher Education Students. Teacher Education Students with a disability or chronic health condition can request extra support and can have adjustments made to enable them to meet these requirements. Similarly, students experiencing challenges with English language skills may request extra support. There may also be other considerations, such as cultural or religious considerations or carer responsibilities that may impact on your capacity to demonstrate a specific inherent requirement and may necessitate support. To successfully complete a teacher education course at UTS, you need to: a. successfully complete all required professional experience placements; and b. demonstrate all the inherent requirements If you do not satisfy (a) and (b), you will not graduate from your course. If you have a disability or medication, carer responsibilities, challenges with English language skills or cultural/religious considerations that may require assistance you are strongly encouraged to contact, prior to the census date, the areas list on page 1 of the “Introduction of Inherent Requirements for Initial teachers Education Programs”. You will receive a copy of this document in the lecture prior to the commencement of your professional experience – attendance is mandatory (refer to page 11). Failure to complete this requirement will result in you being unable to start your professional experience.

The University of Technology, Sydney Professional Experience 2 Handbook School of Education 17 Master of Teaching in Secondary Education Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences 2016

11. INTERIM REPORT This report is to be filled out ONLY where the Supervising Teacher is concerned that the Teacher Education students/associate teacher is at risk of not successfully completing the requirements of the professional experience. The report should be completed no later than 5 teaching days prior to the scheduled completion date of the professional experience. The report must either emailed to Sue Rohanna at The Supervising Teacher must advise the pre-service/associate teacher and the Tertiary Supervisor of their concerns and a meeting must be arranged between the Teacher Education student/associate teacher, the Supervising Teacher and the Tertiary Supervisor aimed at improving the Teacher Education student/associate teacher’s performance. If appropriate, this meeting may serve as official notice that the Teacher Education student/associate teacher is in danger of failing.

Concerns Relating to Teacher Education student/Associate Teacher Responsibilities (please list and explain)

Concerns Relating to Assessment Criteria contained in the Professional Experience Report (please list and explain)

School: ____________________________________________ Grade: ______________

______________________________ _______________________________________ Name of Supervising Teacher Name of Teacher Education student/Associate Teacher ______________________________ ________________________________ Signature Signature _____________________ ___________________ Date Date

The University of Technology, Sydney Professional Experience 2 Handbook School of Education Master of Teaching in Secondary Education Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences 2016

CALENDAR & RECORD OF ATTENDANCE Master of Teaching in Secondary Education

Professional Experience 2 in Spring Semester

In total 24 compulsory Professional Experience school based days must be completed. Monday 29 August - Friday 23 September 2016 PLUS Monday 10 October - Friday, 14 October 2016


School : _________________________________________________________

Teacher Education Student : __________________________ S/No : _____________

Subject (e.g. Maths, Science, etc): ________________________________________

Student teacher: Please indicate Time of ARRIVAL and DEPARTURE against each date below and initial each entry. This must be handed in at the Professional Experience Office at the conclusion of Professional Experience. Please make sure you have completed and initialed 28 days.

5-Days Orientation, Observation, Initial Teaching MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY

29 August 30 August 31 August 1 September 2 September











19-Days Block Teaching


5 September 6 September 7 September 8 September 9 September Arrive










12 September 13 September 14 September 15 September 16 September Arrive









Campus-based day

19 September 20 September 21 September 22 September 23 September











School Holidays: 26 September - 7 October 2016

10 October 11 October 12 October 13 October 14 October Arrive










Supplementary teaching days: Specify dates ____________________________________

(only to be arranged if Teacher Education Student has documented absence from scheduled days) Complementary teaching days: Specify number of days (max 5) ______________ (only to be arranged if Teacher Education Student judged to make progress by extending days for satisfactory outcome)

Total Number of days completed by the Teacher Education Student ______________________ Name and Signature of Supervising Teacher ____________________________________
