Professional Ethics in Engineering

Post on 22-Oct-2014

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Transcript of Professional Ethics in Engineering




Sub Title: Professional Ethics in Engineering Staff Name: M.Radha Rukmani

Department: CSE Year/Sem:IV/VIII

Sub Code :



1. Define Moral.

2. Define moral autonomy.

3. List out the theories of virtues.

4. Define Ethics.

5. List out the senses of ethics.

6. List out the types of inquiries.

7. List out the six steps to resolve moral dilemma.

8. Define moral integrity.

9. Define appraisal.

10. Define self-respect.


1. How did Gilligan view the three level of morals development initiated by Kohlberg ?

2. Discuss briefly on ethical theory of right action

3. Explain in detail about profession and professionalism.

4. Explain in detail about professional responsibility.

5. Explain in detail about types of inquiries.

6. i) What is moral autonomy? what are the skills to be possessed to become morally autonomous

ii) Discuss the criteria to call an occupation as profession.



1. List out the elements for engineers as responsible experiments.

2. Define code of ethics.

3. What is Babylon’s building code?

4. Define informed consent.

5. Define accountability.

6. What is meant by regulated society?

7. List out the fundamental canons.

8. What is U.S. Steamboat code?

9. What are the problems with the law in engineering?

10. Define minimal compliance.


1. Explain in detail the challenger accident. What are the ethical problems involved in this?

2. Give two case studies which will help us to learn us from the past.

3. What is the importance of “code of ethics”? Give a brief account on 4-canons of code of ethics quoted by international standard association

4. Discuss on “engineers as responsible experimenters”.

5. Give justifications on how the challenger disaster could have been avoided by engineers.

6. Explain in detail about “A Balanced outlook on law”.



1. Define safety.

2. Define Risk.

3. Define quantitative risk assessment.

4. Define personal risk.

5. List out the causes of “The Chernobyl Accident”.

6. List out the ethical implications.

7. List out the factors of safety.

8. Define risk benefit analysis.

9. What are job related risks?

10. What is voluntary risk?


1. Discuss on safety. Explain what safety measures are to be taken to establish a nuclear power plant in a country.

2. “A nuclear accident anywhere is a nuclear accident everywhere” explain this with respect to Three Mile Island case study.

3. Explain in detail about engineer’s responsibility for safety.

4. “Learning from the past”, Explain the phrase with respect to the Chernobyl case disaster, explaining on how ethical errors of engineers caused the damage.

5. What is risk benefit analysis? Explain the different analytical method used when testing is inappropriate.

6. Discuss on safety. Explain what safety measures are to taken by an engineer working in a deep ground mine.



1. Define whistle blowing.

2. Define collegiality.

3. Define loyalty.

4. Define IPR.

5. What is meant by authority?

6. What is meant by collective bargaining?

7. Define confidentiality.

8. What is a patent?

9. What is duty ethics?

10. Define professional rights.


1. Explain in detail about

i. Collective Bargaining.

ii. Risk benefit analysis

2. Explain in detail about Occupational Crime.

3. i) Explain in about Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).

ii) Explain in detail about white collar crimes

4. Explain in detail about

i. employee rights.

ii. Challenger case study.

5. i) What is whistle blowing? Discuss about main features of it.

ii) Explain in detail about type of whistle blowing moral guidelines and procedures of whistle blowing.

6. Explain the expected confidentiality to be maintained by a computer engineer while shifts his job on career advancement.



1. What is meant by multinational corporations?

2. What are the 3 senses of “relative values”.

3. Define technology transfer.

4. What is acid rain?

5. Define biocentric ethics.

6. Define ecocentric ethics.

7. Define consulting engineers.

8. What is Bias?

9. Define environmental ethics.

10. Define Hacker.


1. What is the importance of computer ethics? Discuss the functioning of anonymity and privacy as


Undesirable in computer aided activities with example.

2. Explain in detail about Engineers as Expert Witnesses and Advisors.

3. Explain in detail about moral leadership.

4. Explain in detail about

Engineer as good managers

Consulting engineers

5. Explain in detail about weapons development.

6. Explain in detail about environmental ethics.