Products have feelings too

Post on 09-May-2015

666 views 1 download

Transcript of Products have feelings too

I’m a good looking, smart and fun app

Why don’t you want to use me?

Products have feelings too

It’s not a product if it has no users

To start using something, people need to feel something

When something goes wrong

Or when you need to say something inconvenient

It all started with a doodle

The Takipi brand

Find your product’s ‘magic moment’

Yep. People are usually interested in themselves

AutoCAD WS – seeing your drawings on the mobile for the first time

Walk the Walk, Talk the Talk

Exception route -> Tale

But, how can I tell what drives feelings ?

Rely on Intuition Well… not yours…

How to ask questions

Use alternatives

Creating A Spectrum Of Alternatives

There are no boring features

