Productivity on your Android Mobile - Sara Rosso

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Productivity on your Android Mobile - Sara Rosso

Productivity on your AndroidProductivity on your AndroidMobile: 10 Tips, and Apps thatMobile: 10 Tips, and Apps that

make them possibleSara Rosso

VIP S i A t tti (W dP )VIP Services per Automattic (

GGDMilano#18 – 14 ottobre 2011

Evernote (free)

Astrid (free)

ColorNote Notepad (free)

AK Notepad (free)

Catch Notes (free)

Note Everything (free)

Springpad (free)

Take notes

Take notes...with your voice

Evernote (with voice to text) (free)

ReQall (free)

Voice Recorder (free)

Voice Calendar (paid)

Keep track of To Do Lists

Remember the Milk (paid)

GTasks (free)

Astrid (free)

Action Method (free)

Taskos (free)

Edit your docs from anywhere

Google Docs (free)

Quick Office Pro (paid)

Documents to Go (free)

Communicate with groups, for free

Beluga (free)

Facebook Messenger (free)

Google+ Messenger (free)

Whatsapp (free)

Get where you need to go

TripIt (free)

Google Goggles (free)

TripAdvisor (free)

Yelp (free)

PageOnce Travel (free)

Track your appointments

Business Calendar (paid)

Jorte (free)

Calengoo (paid)

Android Agenda Widget (free)

Stay on task

Rescue Time (free)

Pomodroido (free)

Now Do This (free)

Store and access your files in the cloud

Dropbox (free)

MyBackup (free)

Sugar Sync (free)

Exchange contact information

CamCard Lite (free)

Document Scanner (paid)

Scan to PDF (paid)

Thank you!

Sara @rosso on Twitter