Product roadmap statistics are your road signs

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Product roadmap statistics are your road signs

Product RoadmapStatistics are your road signs

Who am I?

Why road signs?

You won’t know which way to go without them

PS.There is no Sat Nav, GPS or Google Maps to lead you directly home

The goal of every business



How to know where you are on this graph?

By gathering data and analyzing it!


1 simple reason:

Data doesn’t lie!

Divide the roadmap into 3 phases

Divide the roadmap into 3 phases

Product Market Fit

Divide the roadmap into 3 phases

Initial traction

Divide the roadmap into 3 phases



CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost),MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue), ARPU (Average Revenue per User), LTV (Lifetime Value), RoI (Return on Investment), COGS (Cost of Goods Sold),NPS (Net Promoter Score)

Product Goals




Other (ie Market Share)

Revenue (MRR)

Months to recover CAC

Key guideline for startups


Key guideline for startups

Time to recover CAC

12 months<

How to look at profitability #1 Microeconomics

ProfitabilityMicroeconomics (per customer profitability)



How to look at profitability #2 Overall profitability


Profitability (Accounting)





Services Revenue

How to look at profitability #3 Per employee

Profitability Profitability per employee

Revenue per employee

Expenses per employee

Drilling down to MRR


New customers from sales



Total no. of customers


Drilling down on Microeconomics





What’s the biggest startup killer?

The cost of acquiring users (CAC)

Are you profitable?

Customer Profitability



What is LTV?



Cust Average Lifetime

Cost to serve

% Churn rate

LTV = ARPU x Average Lifetime of a customer - COGS (Cost to serve them)

How to calculate LTV

What is CAC?


# closed deals

Total cost of sales &


Sales funnel convertion


Marketing program


Level of touch


Personnel cost

CAC = Total cost of sales&marketing / Number of deals closed

How to calculate CAC

How to put this data into action?

Old School funnel

What did the marketing normally do??

Lead acquisition

Who here knows who is Dave McClure?

What are Pirate Metrics?

Pirate Metrics

Why Pirate Metrics? (AARRR!!!)


Users come to your site/product from various sources

Examples of Acquisition Tactics

● SEO● SEM● PR● Social● Content

Marketing● Biz Dev● Webinar

● Referrals● Free trial● Newsletter● Guest post● Outreach● Q&A

Disclaimer:You don’t need huge volumes to acquire customers. If you have a few hundred of very targeted visitors every month - its fine!

Users come to your site/product from various sources

Users enjoy 1st visit: ‘happy’ user experience and leave contact info

Examples of Activation Tactics

● Social● Content

Marketing● Newsletter

● Lead nurturing● On-boarding● Screencasts

Difference between B2B & B2C

Example of a B2B Activation● Website form● RFP

Examples of B2C Activations● Create account● Buy something● Leave email

Users come to your site/product from various sources

Users enjoy 1st visit: ‘happy’ user experience

Users come back, visit the site multiple times

Examples of Retention Tactics

● Social● Content

Marketing● Newsletter

● Lead nurturing● On-boarding● Screencasts

Users come to your site/product from various sources

Users enjoy 1st visit: ‘happy’ user experience

Users come back, visit the site multiple times

Users conduct some monetization behavior

Examples of Revenue Tactics

● Scarcity● Discount● Annual plan● Up-sells

● Cross-sells● Evangelism● Guarantees● Support

Users come to your site/product from various sources

Users enjoy 1st visit: ‘happy’ user experience

Users come back, visit the site multiple times

Users like the product so much they refer it to others

Users conduct some monetization behavior

What should be the job of marketing?

Each source should have a dedicated funnel

Example1000 (100%)


100 (10%)

1000 (100%)


50 (5%)100 (10%)

1000 (100%)


20 (2%)

50 (5%)100 (10%)

1000 (100%)

5 (0,5%)


20 (2%)

50 (5%)100 (10%)

1000 (100%)

Friends, press, school, SEO, referral


Add 5 or more friends

FacebookFriends, press, school

You come back to see what are your friends doing


Add 5 or more friends

Friends, press, school

You click on ads in your news feed


You come back to see what are your friends doing

Add 5 or more friends

Friends, press, school

You ask your friends to join because you want to follow what they’re doing


You click on ads in your news feed

You come back to see what are your friends doing

Add 5 or more friends

Friends, press, school

Friends, press, SEO, referral


Set up your account to store and share files

DropboxFriends, press, SEO, referral

You want to upload more files or use the ones you’ve uploaded


Set up your account to store and share files

Friends, press, SEO, referral

You need more space, so you buy it


You want to upload more files or use the ones you’ve uploaded

Set up your account to store and share files

Friends, press, SEO, referral

You need more space so you invite your friends - invites give you both more space


You need more space, so you buy it

You want to upload more files or use the ones you’ve uploaded

Set up your account to store and share files

Friends, press, SEO, referral

Friends, press, SEO, referral


Your first ride (most likely for free)

UberFriends, press, SEO, referral

You want to use your remaining free rides / You never want to go back to regular taxi services

UberFriends, press, SEO, referral

Your first ride (most likely for free)

You start paying for rides because your free codes are gone


You want to use your remaining free rides / You never want to go back to regular taxi services

Friends, press, SEO, referral

Your first ride (most likely for free)

You and your friend both get free codes for the referral


You start paying for rides because your free codes are gone

You want to use your remaining free rides / You never want to go back to regular taxi services

Friends, press, SEO, referral

Your first ride (most likely for free)

PS. My referral code is atbe5wgge

SEO, Social Media, Referral, Influencers

eStore with socks

Unique sock patterns & great delivery terms

eStore with socksSEO, Social Media, Referral, Influencers

Remarketing kept stalking you until you really wanted these socks

eStore with socks

Unique sock patterns & great delivery terms

SEO, Social Media, Referral, Influencers

You bought the socks you liked so much….and 3 other pairs

eStore with socks

Remarketing kept stalking you until you really wanted these socks

Unique sock patterns & great delivery terms

SEO, Social Media, Referral, Influencers

The newsletter said that if your friend bought 4 pairs, the you’d get one for free so you talked your friend into it

eStore with socks

You bought the socks you liked so much….and 3 other pairs

Remarketing kept stalking you until you really wanted these socks

Unique sock patterns & great delivery terms

SEO, Social Media, Referral, Influencers

SEO, Social Media, Referral, Blog


Great features, many integrations, good pricing

CRMSEO, Social Media, Referral, Blog

You left your email and the nurturing campaign together with remarketing


Great features, many integrations, good pricing

SEO, Social Media, Referral, Blog

You decided to give it a go and after 30 days it was all you ever needed, so you started to pay


You left your email and the nurturing campaign together with remarketing

Great features, many integrations, good pricing

SEO, Social Media, Referral, Blog

You were so happy with the features, customer support and UI that when a friend was looking for a CRM - you recommended this one


You decided to give it a go and after 30 days it was all you ever needed, so you started to pay

You left your email and the nurturing campaign together with remarketing

Great features, many integrations, good pricing

SEO, Social Media, Referral, Blog

SEO, Social Media, Referral, Blog, Ads

Apple Equipment Fixing Service

Good reputation, they can fix my problem, pricing is within my range

Apple Equipment Fixing ServiceSEO, Social Media, Referral, Blog, Ads

I keep seeing their ads everywhere (remarketing) or I signed up to their newsletter and I need to fix my iPad

Apple Equipment Fixing Service

Good reputation, they can fix my problem, pricing is within my range

SEO, Social Media, Referral, Blog, Ads

You send/give them your device to fix

Apple Equipment Fixing Service

I keep seeing their ads everywhere (remarketing) or I signed up to their newsletter and I need to fix my iPad

Good reputation, they can fix my problem, pricing is within my range

SEO, Social Media, Referral, Blog, Ads

They did it really quick, the courier was free, they ask you to refer 5 friends and they will get you your next fix on the house while your 5 friends get a 15% discount - win win!

Apple Equipment Fixing Service

You send/give them your device to fix

I keep seeing their ads everywhere (remarketing) or I signed up to their newsletter and I need to fix my iPad

Good reputation, they can fix my problem, pricing is within my range

SEO, Social Media, Referral, Blog, Ads

Learn more on our meetups!

Any questions ?You can find me at◉◉
