Problems and Prospects of Tourism Companies in Sylhet -Customer Perceptions...

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  An Internship Report  On

“Problems and Prospects of Tourism Companies in Sylhet -Customer

Perceptions Regarding Services of orthern !"posure #angladesh$

Submitted to%epartment of #usiness Administration

&eading 'niversity( Sylhet)

Supervised by*r) *d) Abdul *uhith Cho+dhury

Senior Lecturer Department of Business Administration

Leading University, Sylhet.

Prepared by  *d) *untasir Ahmed ,han

ID: 1111!"BBA #rogram

$a%or in &uman 'esource $anagementDepartment of Business Administration

Leading University, Sylhet. 

%ate of Submission *arch ./( .012

(This report has been prepared for submitting to the Department of Business Administration, Leading University,

 Sylhet, as a partial requirement for fulfillment of the Bachelor of Business Administration rogram!"

&etter of Transmittal

() $arch, (1*$r. $d. A+dul $uhith ho-dhurySenior Lecturer Department of Business AdministrationLeading University, Sylhet.

Su+%ect: Su+mission of internship report on #ro+lems and #rospects of /ourism ompanies in

Sylhet0 ustomer perceptions regarding services of orthern 23posure Bangladesh4

Sir,It is a great pleasure for me to su+mit the internship report on 3Problems and Prospects of 

Tourism Companies in Sylhet- Customer Perceptions Regarding Services of orthern

!"posure #angladesh$) /his has +een prepared as a part of partial fulfillment of BBA program.

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Although the preparation of the study -as not an easy tas5 for me, I have en%oyed ta5ing up thechallenge and tried to face the pro+lems -ith patience. /his study gave me a real life e3perienceand opened my eyes helping me visuali6e the actual +usiness environment. It helped me gather various forms of 5no-ledge and increased o+servation po-er regarding tourism +usiness.

I have given my +est possi+le effort to prepare this report and tried to present all the relevantaspect that I have found through this study during my -or5ing days. I -ill +e glad if the reportcan serve its purpose and I also hope that my internship report -ill meet up to your e3pectation.&o-ever, if you need any farther clarification from any part of this report, then please let me5no- a+out it and I -ill try my level +est to ma5e it understanda+le to you.

/han5ing 7ouSincerely yours,

000000000000000000000000000000$d. $untasir Ahmed 8hanID: 1111!"BBA #rogram$a%or in &uman 'esource $anagementDepartment of Business AdministrationLeading University, Sylhet.

&etter of %eclaration

At first I -ould li5e to declare that this report is prepared honestly and sincerely. /he study is

original in nature. I have tried my +est to ma5e this report analytical, informative and descriptive.

I also ensure that, this report has not +een su+mitted to any other person earlier and -ill not +e

su+mitted to anyone in future.

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$d. $untasir Ahmed 8hanID: 1111!"BBA #rogram$a%or in &uman 'esource $anagementDepartment of Business AdministrationLeading University, Sylhet.

&etter of Acceptance

I am pleased to declare that $d. $untasir Ahmed 8han, ID: 1111!", Department of Business Administration, Leading University, Sylhet, has +een given -ith the topic “Problems

and Prospects of Tourism Companies in Sylhet - Customer Perceptions Regarding Services

of orthern !"posure #angladesh)$ for analysis and -riting an internship report on thesu+%ect. &is -or5 is uite satisfactory and I am glad to affirm that the entire pro%ect -or5 has +een conducted under my direct and active supervision.

 o- I am convinced to permit him to defend this internship report +efore the respective panel of 


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I also hope that the internship report is an original one and has not +een su+mitted else-here

 previously for pu+lication in my form. &e is sincere, honest and hard -or5ing. I hope that this

 pro%ect -or5 -ill contri+ute this career.

I -ish his all the success in life.

000000000000000000000000000000$r. $d. A+dul $uhith ho-dhurySenior Lecturer 

Department of Business AdministrationLeading University, Sylhet.


I -ould li5e to mention the contri+utions of all those -ho have inspired, influenced and guidedme on the -ay of completing this report successfully. ;irst of all, I -ould li5e to than5 myhonora+le supervisor, $r. $d. A+dul $uhith ho-dhury, Senior Lecturer of BusinessAdministration, Leading University, Sylhet, +ecause of his 5ind sincere guidance and personalsupervision throughout my -or5.

 o-, I -ould li5e to e3press my gratitude to our honora+le teacher professor Dr. $d. 8ismatul

Ahsan, <ice0hancellor =Acting> of Leading University for providing such an opportunity. I also-ish to ac5no-ledge my gratitude to all my respected teachers of Department of Business

Administration for their suggestions and 5ind cooperation.

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Besides, I -ould li5e to e3press my heartiest gratitude to ;aisal $ohammad Shahriar =2? of 

 orthern 23posure Bangladesh> for his sincere cooperation. It -ould not have +een possi+le to

 prepare the internship report -ithout his help and valua+le advice and instructions.

;inally, I -ould also li5e to than5 my lovely classmates and friends for their continuous


!"ecutive Summary

/his internship report is +ased on the pro+lems and prospects of tourism companies in Sylhet and

a study on orthern 23posure Bangladesh and my three months long internship program that

have done under different des5s of orthern e3posure Bangladesh, from 1 Decem+er (1@ to

1 $arch (1* as a reuirement of BBA program on school of +usiness, Leading university,


/ourism is one of the most promising sectors for Bangladesh -ith her huge natural +eauty, heroic

historical +ac5ground and archaeological resources. /his study has identified -hether the

contri+ution of this sector is significant to total D# of Bangladesh and its future prospects as

study pro+lem. It has served the o+%ectives of assessing different aspects of tourism -ith point to

 point analysis. Secondary data collected +y Bangladesh 2conomic 'evie- (1, Bangladesh

#ar%atan orporation and orld /ravel C /ourism ouncil have +een analy6ed -ith some simple

statistical tools. 'ecommendations are made for development of infrastructures, diversifications

of tourism form and esta+lishment of #u+lic #rivate #artnership =###> in tourism sector.

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/ourism is one of the fastest rising industries in the -orld. It has enormously gro-n, especially

over the last fe- decades. It is also rising +ecause the glo+al citi6ens no- often ta5e even the

slightest of chances to visit uncharted territory in the glo+e. So, countries around the glo+e are

eager to invest more and more in tourism development. &o-ever, -ith rich re-ards, tourism has

some dra-+ac5s too. At the forefront of all demerits of tourism is its impact on local culture and

the environment. Still, these demerits cannot out-eigh the enormous economic +enefits of the

tourism industry.

/hrough a glimpse of the tourism activities in our country, it appears, the tourism sector of the

country has +een suffering from serious shortcomings of especially policy initiatives from +oth

the government and private entrepreneurs. /ourism offers immense opportunities to increase

economic activities of the country. /he government thus should ta5e effective steps to develop

the tourism sector through ensuring professional and dynamic leadership as early as possi+le.

Table of ContentsChapter 1 Introduction

Introduction (

Bac5ground of /he Study !

?+%ective of /he Study !

Scope of /he Study !

$ethodology of /he Study @Limitations of /he 'eport *

?rgani6ation of the Study *

Chapter . &iterature Revie+

Definition of /ourism

/ourism in Bangladesh 0)

#ast and #resent scenario of /ourism inBangladesh


Studies on 2co0/ourism E01

Sustaina+le /ourism 101)

/ourism and its impact on 2conomy 1)

Chapter 5 Organi6ational Profile

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Contents Page o

?vervie- of the Business (

ompany &istory (10((

<ision (($ission ((

Successes and $ilestones (!

hapter @: S7OT Analysis of Tourism Sector in Sylhet

S?/ Analysis of /ourism Sector in Sylhet (@0("

Chapter 2 Analysis of Customer Satisfaction on orthern !"posure #angladeshAnalysis of the report (0!@

Chapter 8 9indings of the Study

;indings of /he study !*0!)

Chapter : Recommendations

'ecommendations !E0@(

Chapter / Conclusiononclusion


Fuestionnaire @*0@"

'eference @

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In my report I tried to pic5 up the data considering #ro+lems and #rospects of /ourism

ompanies in Sylhet0 ustomer #erceptions 'egarding Services of orthern 23posure

Bangladesh. /ourism sector is a potential one in all over the -orld. Bangladesh is a country of 

natural +eauty. Its +eauty is spread all over the countryside -hich could +e a -onderful tourist

spot. /hough it is not yet developed in Bangladesh for various reasons. ;rom very +eginning of 

independent to till no- there havenGt +een ta5en any step to develop this sector. But there is

much potentiality in this sector. Sylhet is a prime attraction for all tourists visiting Bangladesh.Sylhet division occupies the north east part of Bangladesh, has an area of 1(*E" s. 5m. and a

 population of E.)EE million, laying +et-een the 8hasia and the Haintia hills on the north, and the

/ripura hill son the south. It =Sylhet> +rea5s the monotony of the flatness of this land +y a

multitude of terraced /ea gardens. /he Shrine of &a6rat ShahHalal, Sri haitannya Dev /emple,

Shahi2idgah, our o+inda ;ort, Haflong , /ama+il, Sripur, HointapurGs 'a%+ari, Srimongol,

$adha+5unda aterfall, La-acherra 'ain ;orest, &andicrafts of Sylhet, $anipuri Dance and so

on. In my study, I mainly focus on Sylhet. I find a great potentiality as a tourist spot in Sylhet,

although it is not -ell05no-n to most of the people. I ma5e my report to find tourism sectors

 possi+ility, recover its pro+lems and its potentiality as a -onderful tourist spot in future. At

 present, some of people are visiting this place throughout the year. And the rate of the visitors is

increasing gradually, especially in -inter and spring time. $oreover, if there +uild up any

interesting infrastructure li5e amusement par5 and related things, many tourists -ill visit there

and there -ill +uild up related small +usiness as -ell as medium enterprise. hich ultimately,

develop the living standard of local people as -ell as -ill ma5e some contri+ution on ational

Income4. Several pro+lems have founded in Sylhet these are lac5 of financial support from

government, political pro+lems, safety and security, lac5 of transportation system, a+sence of 

training institution related to tourism, lac5 of mar5et information, hotel facility. If overcome

these pro+lems then lots of tourists -ill visit in Sylhet.

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#ac4ground of the Report

Bachelor of Business Administration =BBA> ourse reuires a three months attachment -ith an

organi6ation follo-ed +y a report assigned +y the faculty supervisor. I too5 the opportunity to do

my internship in orthern 23posure Bangladesh. $y internship -ith the organi6ation started on

1 Decem+er (1@ and finished on 1 $arch (1*. Actually this is a feed+ac5 -hich department

accepts from the students -ho %oin in an organi6ation after the completion of theoretical part of 

the BBA program. $y faculty supervisor $r. $d. A+dul $uhit ho-dhury, Department of 

Business Administration, Leading University Sylhet, instructed me to prepare a report on

Problems and Prospects of Tourism Companies in Sylhet- Customer Perceptions

Regarding Services of orthern !"posure #angladesh3 as part of the fulfillment of internship


Ob;ective of the Study

eneral o+%ective :

/o identify the +arriers for developing tourism in Sylhet and provide

some suggestions to overcome those.

Specific o+%ective

/o +uild up 5no-ledge a+out this sector for future action in this field.

/o find out the service pattern for the tourist and the pro+lems faces +y

the foreign tourist for solution of these.

/o get a conceptual idea a+out tourism.

  /o find out the -ea5nesses of tourism in Sylhet.

Scope of the study

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In this report, I have covered pro+lems and prospects of tourism companies in Sylhet. But, I have

failed to point out different tourist spots in Sylhet. &o-ever, this report contains some important

issues -hich are crucial for the improvement of Sylhet. It can +e used for future development of 

tourism companies as -ell as spots of Sylhet.

*ethodology of the Study

/he report is descriptive in nature. Different data and information are used to meet

the goal of this report. /-o types of data are used to prepare this report. /hey are

 primary and secondary. /hose data and information -ere collected from various


Sources of Primary data

o ?fficers

o lients

*ethod of collecting primary data

o #ersonal o+servation -ith officers.

o ;ace to face conversation -ith officers

o ;ace to face conversation -ith client.

Secondary Sources of %ata 

o Internet.

o Different pu+lications regarding /ourism.


<uestionnaire %esign

Fuestionnaire -as prepared -ith +oth open and close ended uestions. /he target population -ascustomers -ho -ere en%oyed facilities of orthern 23posure Bangladesh. /he total sample -as

( customers of orthern 23posure Bangladesh, Sylhet.

%ata Analysis and report +riting

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/o complete this report different computer soft-are are used $S -ord, Ado+e 'eader. ollected

data -ere synchroni6ed according to meet the o+%ective of the report. ;inally findings are dra-n

 +ased on analysis and recommendations are given to overcome the pro+lems.

&imitation of the study

I have given my +est effort in preparing this report and there -as no lac5ing to-ards my

dedication. /his report is an overall vie- of orthern !"posure #angladesh. But there is some

limitation for preparing this report.

In many cases, up to date information is not pu+lished.

• Due to lac5 of practical e3perience, some errors might +e occurred during the study.

• 2mployees are too +usy in their responsi+le fields they could hardly provide little time to

having me discuss -ith them.

• ?nly three months is not enough to understand all the activities.

• 'elevant data and document collection -ere difficult due to the organi6ations


Organi6ation of the study

/he follo-ing report consists of eight chapters: Introduction, Literature 'evie-, ?rgani6ation profile, Analysis and ;indings, 'ecommendation and onclusion.

Under Introduction, it has given a detailed introduction to the scope of the report and hasindentified the pro+lem -hich -ill +e treated under the study. Under methodology it has given ane3planation a+out primary and secondary data sources. &ere discussed a+out ho- I have got

information. ;or the report purpose I have collected my data +y using primary and secondary.

Under chapter (, Literature 'evie-, it addresses the theoretical +ac5ground +ehind the study anddescri+es a+out /ourism in Bangladesh, #resent and #ast scenario of /ourism, tourism and itsimpact on economy, sustaina+le tourism, and studies on eco0tourism.

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Under Analysis and ;indings, it descri+es the report results analysis. /hrough this chapter anyone can get adeuate 5no-ledge a+out customer satisfaction these are company professional,company convenience, responsive to-ard customers, comparison service and price etc.

Under onclusion and 'ecommendation, it -ill initiate final research findings and suggest

recommendations for future enhancement of the sector.



  &iterature Revie+

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%efinition of Tourism

/ourism is travel for recreation, leisure, religious, family or +usiness purposes, usually for a

limited duration. /ourism is commonly associated -ith international travel, +ut may also refer to

travel to another place -ithin the same country. /he orld /ourism ?rgani6ation

defines tourists as people Jtraveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for 

not more than one consecutive year for leisure, +usiness and other purposesJ. /ourism has

 +ecome a popular glo+al leisure activity. /ourism can +e domestic or international, and

international tourism has +oth incoming and outgoing implications on a countryKs  +alance of 

 payments. /oday, tourism is a ma%or source of income for many countries, and affects the

economy of +oth the source and host countries, in some cases +eing of vital importance.

Tourism in #angladesh 

/ourism in Bangladesh is a developing foreign currency earner. /he country -as listed

 +y Lonely #lanet in (11 as the J+est value destinationJ.

BangladeshKs tourist attractions include, historical and monuments, resorts, +eaches, picnic spots,

forests and tri+al people, -ildlife of various species. Bangladesh offers ample opportunities to

tourists for angling, -ater s5iing, river cruising, hi5ing, ro-ing, yachting, sea +athing as -ell as

 +ringing one in close touch -ith pristine nature.

In the northern part, comprising the 'a%shahi division, there are archaeological sites, including

the temple city #uthia in 'a%shahi the largest and most ancient archaeological

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site, $ahasthangarh in Bogra the single largest Buddhist monastery, #aharpur  in aogaon the

most ornamental terracota &indu temple in Bangladesh 8anta%i /emple, and many ra%+aris or 

 palaces of old 6amindars.

In the south0eastern part, -hich is the hittagong division, there are natural and hilly areas

li5e hittagong &ill /racts, along -ith sandy sea +eaches. /he most nota+le +each, in o3Ks

Ba6ar , is a contender for the title of longest un+ro5en sandy sea +each in the -orld. o3Ks

Ba6ar  is the longest natural un+ro5en sea +each in the -orld.

In the south0-estern part, mainly the 8hulna Division, there is the Sundar+ans, the largest

mangrove forest of the -orld -ith 'oyal Bengal /iger  and spotted deer . /he historically and

architecturally important si3ty domed mosue in Bagerhat is a nota+le site. In the north0eastern

 part, Sylhet division, there is a green carpet of tea plants on small hilloc5s. atural reserved

forests are great attractions. $igratory +irds in -inter, particularly in the haor  areas, are also very

attractive in this area.

$inistry of /ourism and /he ivil Aviation $inistry designs national policies for the

development and promotion of tourism. /he $inistry also maintains the Beautiful Bangladesh


Present and Past scenario of tourism in #angladesh

/he tourism sector of the country is undergoing a terri+le phase this year, as a result of the

ongoing non0stop +loc5ades and occasional hartals. /he sector has incurred losses of at least

1crore =/a5a>, as foreign tourists have cancelled their +oo5ings, +ecause of the ongoing political

unrest in the country. And tour operators have had no option +ut to refund the +oo5ing money.

'estaurant o-ners and hoteliers in o3Gs Ba6ar, the countryGs main tourist destination, are

logging losses of *crore =/a5a> in +usiness, a day. According to the /our ?peratorsK Association

of Bangladesh =/?AB>, the uantum of losses -ould go up in the pea5 season, since the

country-ide +loc5ade has +adly disrupted the hotel, motel, rest house, restaurant, guest house

and transportation +usinesses.

 During the last five years =(10(1@> Bangladesh received a total num+er of 1*,(E, visitors

and earned US @1!. million. In order to ma5e these figures more relia+le at the national and

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at the international levels, steps should +e ta5en +y the government to moderni6e the methods of 

collecting such statistics. /here is a /ourism Satellite Accounting System for aggregating the

figures of tourist arrivals and earnings, -hich have +een introduced +y the United ations orld

/ourism ?rgani6ation =U/?>. /he orld /ravel and /ourism ouncil =//> and U/?

reports say that international arrivals have +een positive in (1(, although in the 2uro Mone, due

to sovereign de+t issues and national austerity policies, tourism spending has declined. /he pace

of gro-th in the developing countries, including Bangladesh, is faster than in developed nations.

Studies on !co-Tourism

2co0tourism is a sustaina+le form of natural resource0+ased tourism that focuses primarily on

e3periencing and learning a+out the nature =erafe et al, 1EE@>. It is ethically managed to have

minimal impact on the environment. Its nature is non0consumptive and locally oriented. It

typically occurs in natural areas, and should contri+ute to the conservation or preservation of the

same. According to ;ennell =1EEE>, eco0tourism is ature tourism encompassing all forms of 

adventurous, lo-0impact tourist activities -hich uses natural resources in a -ild or undeveloped

form N including species, ha+itats, landscape, scenery and salt and fresh -ater features4. 2co0

tourism is primarily a lo- impact nature tourism -hich contri+utes to the maintenance of species

and ha+itats either directly through a contri+ution to conservation andOor indirectly +y providing

revenues to the local community -hich are sufficient for local people to value, and therefore,

 protect their -ildlife and heritage areas =;air+rain et al, 1EE)>. By nature, ecotourism isdependent upon a num+er of eco4 resources, e.g. natural, cultural and heritage resources

=;air+rain et al, 1EE)>.

There are several goals of eco-tourism these are given belo+(

P #rotection of the environment Qeconomies that are e3periencing loss of resources due to

 population gro-th, hurricanes and e3tractive industries li5e fisheries, ecotourism can provide

economic support for the protection of the environment.

P 2conomic sustaina+ility Qeconomies that are facing the loss of revenue in the near future and

rely heavily on imports, eco0tourism can provide a ready means of foreign e3change. /he goals

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of eco0tourism are also to +enefit residents +y ensuring sufficient financial returns and an

euita+le distri+ution of costs and +enefits.

P ultural integrity and enhancement Q the -ord RecologyG in eco0tourism implies a t-o0-ay

relationship +et-een visitors and residents involving cultural e3change, +ut also mutual respect

and reciprocity. If these elements are missing at a tourist destination, the -arm -elcomes could

soon turn into resentment.

P 2ducational value Q this can +e seen in the education of +oth visitors and residents in

creating a-areness and appreciation of the natural environment and cultures, including -hat is

 passed do-n to the ne3t generation.

Sustainable Tourism

 Sustaina+le tourism can play the significant role for the development of tourism industry.

/ourism in Bangladesh is of no e3ception from this. Lac5 of promotional activities is li5ely to

affects the development of tourism in any country as -ell as in Bangladesh. But the e3isting

literature on the sustaina+le tourism of Bangladesh tourism is very rare and even on the literature

covering the mar5eting aspects of tourism industry in Bangladesh is very limited. As a result, the

study is e3ploratory in nature. It -as assumed that sustaina+le tourism is a vital force for aneffective mar5eting strategy of tourism products and services. But Bangladesh is far +ehind from

the reali6ation of the fact and due to that Bangladesh could not ta5e advantage of the full

 potential of the sector and -hich causes not to develop the industry significantly and e3pectation

-hich could +e and failed to earn sufficient amount of foreign currency. /he present study on the

use of sustaina+le tourism development in Bangladesh tourism industry is an attempt to highlight

the issues related to promotion and put for-ard some suggestions to -hat actual promotional

measures are +est suited for attracting more tourists to Bangladesh and contri+ute more

 positively to the economy of the country.

Characteristics of Sustainable Tourism

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Sustaina+le /ourism see5s deeper involvement of locals, -hich provide local people an

opportunity and ma5e their living. A+ove all, Sustaina+le /ourism stresses pointedly upon

integrity of the tourist places. haracteristics of sustaina+le tourism are follo-s:

a= Informative /ravelers not only learn a+out the destination, they learn ho- to help

sustain its character -hile deepening their o-n travel e3periences. 'esidents learn that the

ordinary and familiar may +e of interest and value to outsiders.

b= Supports integrity of place Destination0savvy travelers see5 out +usinesses that

emphasi6e the character of the locale in terms of architecture, cuisine, heritage, aesthetics,

and ecology. /ourism revenues in turn raise local perceived value of those assets.

c= #enefits residents /ravel +usinesses do their +est to employ and train local people, +uy

local supplies, and use local services.

d= Conserves resources 2nvironmentally a-are travelers favor +usinesses that

minimi6e pollution, -aste, energy consumption, -ater usage, landscaping chemicals, and

unnecessary night time lighting.

e= Respects local culture and tradition ;oreign visitors learn a+out and o+serve local

etiuette, including using at least a fe- courtesy -ords in the local language. 'esidents

learn ho- to deal -ith foreign e3pectations that may differ from their o-n.

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f= %oes not abuse its product Sta5eholders anticipate development pressures and apply

limits and management techniues to prevent the loved to death4 syndrome. Businesses

cooperate to sustain natural ha+itats, heritage sites, scenic appeal, and local culture.

Sustainable Tourism %evelopment in #angladesh Problems

/he pro+lems facing tourism and the development of a sustaina+le tourism sector in

Bangladesh is diverse its o-n touristic features, level of development, and national

development priorities and policies.

i) &ac4 of 4no+ledge and a+areness

In Bangladesh, there still is a fundamental lac5 of +asic cogni6ance of the economic

importance of tourism as an industry and its positive impact as a potential source of foreign

e3change and employment.

ii) &ac4 of >uality service

Fuality of service needs to +e improved. ;or the purpose, training at different levels from top

management do-n to door +oys N should +e initiated at national and regional levels. In thisconte3t, /hailand, the most successful country in tourism -ithin BI$S/2, can ta5e the lead.

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iii) &ac4 of training

In Bangladesh, there is lac5 of training 5no-ledge +et-een tourist guides. /raining shouldalso +e provided to promote activities that are indirectly lin5ed to tourism, such as printing,

dying and fol50arts. Special training for -omen might +e needed in many cases.

iv) &ac4 of tourism-related infrastructures:

Bangladesh has the lac5 the sufficient infrastructures necessary for the development of a

successful tourism sector. #rimary amongst these are hotels and lodging services,

transportation and communication, safety and security and tourism information services.

/his ma5es it difficult to provide the standards of facilities and services -hich tourists


v) &ac4 of inherent tourism potential

In Bangladesh, the development of tourism is impeded +y their lac5 of inherent natural,

historical or cultural tourism resources. &o-ever, as mentioned earlier, though it is a crucial

factor, tourism heritage assets alone cannot ma5e a successful tourism industry.

vi) &ac4 of technical 4no+-ho+ and +ea4 promotional activity

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2ven -hen that fundamental a-areness is there, in many cases there is generally a

lac5 of tourism 5no-ledge and professionals. /ourism, as a modern industry, is recent in

the -orld. It is also a ne- and unfamiliar activity in Bangladesh. Another related pro+lem is

the a+sent or -ea5 pu+licity promotion and mass media e3posure due, in many cases, to the

limited technological services availa+le.

vii) &ac4 of tourism investments:

hile investment in services is a -ell0esta+lished economic activity in the developedcountries, it is still lagging +ehind in developing ones. Investment in service0oriented

 pro%ects, particularly tourism, in developing countries is often regarded as a high0ris5

tas5. Accordingly, though they may have a natural tourism potential, it is very difficult

for Bangladesh to gain access to reasona+le financing for their touristic pro%ects even

-hen they manage to tac5le the pro+lems of pro%ect identification and planning.

viii) &ac4 of consistent tourism strategies and policies:

In Bangladesh, there are still difficulties in getting integrated tourism policy0ma5ing

due, in general, to policy conflicts +et-een the government departments and the

tourism private agencies. /his is coupled in many cases -ith the lac5 of effective

administration, regulation and institutional frame-or5s of touristic activity.

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i") &ac4 of tourism diversification

;or many years, international tourism has +een characteri6ed +y its concentration in

coastal or -atercourse areas, and in summer for rest, rela3ation and leisure. &o-ever,

modern touristic activity has sho-n a gro-ing tendency to-ards diversification and change.

/his ma5es it difficult for Bangladesh, including those -ith a relatively developed tourism

sector, to 5eep pace -ith the rapidly changing and comple3 reuirements of tourists. In

a highly competitive international tourism mar5et, and considering the emergence of

ne- touristic destinations, improvement of the conditions that foster modern tourism

development is not an easy process.

") &ac4 of tourism safety

/he safety of tourists is among the primary factors for any successful tourism industry

and should, thus, +e one of the +asic o+%ectives of tourism planning and provisions.

Safety0 related tourism pro+lems, -hether real or perceived, e3ert a negative impact on the

reputation of host countries. In this regard, negative perceptions appear to play a

detrimental role in the prospects of tourism in Bangladesh. 2ven such factors as rumors

may cause great damage to complete tourist seasons.

Strategic Policy for Sustainable Tourism %evelopment

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done +y ensuring that the integrated, sustaina+le features of the industry are 5ept in mind as

all sta5eholders e3press their vie-s and interests, and that decisions are made accordingly.

oordination, management and planning +y government agencies are prereuisites

for creating the modalities to sustain tourism development and ensure that sta5eholders 5eep

in vie- their collective interests. Sustaina+le tourism development reuires direct attention

and e3plicit statements -ith regard to policies and future plans.

5) Issues to be addressed

/he recommendations of various meetings, seminars and -or5shops, including the

Intergovernmental $eeting on /ourism Development, have sho-n that there is considera+le

scope for strengthening national capa+ilities and promoting regional cooperation in achieving

sustaina+le tourism development.

/here is a need for a clear mandate from the government to facilitate appropriate roles for the

various sta5eholders. /here is also a need for integrating and coordinating tourism policy0ma5ing and planning -ith the full range of other government agencies, such as those involved

in infrastructure, human resources development, environmental management, immigration,

 +order0crossing formalities and social development at the community level.

Both su+stantive and procedural policy issues -hich influence the strength of national

capa+ilities -ere considered at the Intergovernmental $eeting on /ourism Development.

/hese policy issues serve as the parameters for the present draft plan of action.

Indicated +elo- are some of the ma%or policy issues -hich need attention.

?) Policy-ma4ing for Sustainable Tourism

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/ourism policy: /he tourism policy of a country provides the most e3plicit indication of the

governmental approach to sustaina+le tourism development and the role that all sta5eholders

in the tourism industry need to play. As part of tourism policy, organi6ations can +e set up

-hich are a+le to set o+%ectives, formulate plans and implement programmed. #olicy ma5ers

also need relia+le information and good0uality data on a timely +asis in order to appreciate

the comple3 and long0term interactions that tourism has to maintain -ith the rest of the

economy. If information or data are lac5ing, then the importance of the contri+ution of 

tourism to sustaina+le socio0economic development tends to +e overloo5ed. In our country,

the national tourism organi6ations do not receive enough resources, and their capa+ilities

therefore remain limited.

2) Planning for Sustainable Tourism

#lanning has +oth policy and operational elements -hich form part of the process +y -hich

the government decides on o+%ectives, sets out the means for achieving the o+%ectives and sets

 priorities. #olicy planning involves the long0term outline of general goals, o+%ectives and

directions for sustaina+le tourism development. ?perational planning covers the strategies

and procedures to +e implemented in order to carry out the policy. Integrated planning also

reuires relia+le and timely information in order to highlight clearly the lin5s +et-een

national economic development and the tourism sector.

Development of a tourism master plan and introduction of integrated tourism planning are

appropriate approaches for sustaina+le tourism development, +ecause all aspects can +e

covered in a comprehensive -ay, including the social, cultural, economic and environmental

aspects. A master plan and integrated tourism planning can indicate that the tourism sector is a

ma%or part of the national economy and that the planning process -ill +e ongoing and action0

oriented in -ays that facilitate implementation.

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In most Asian and #acific countries and areas, the private sector is recogni6ed as a

ma%or sta5eholder since it is largely responsi+le for providing tourism services. So

Bangladesh has to encourage private sector for this potential sector. ?ne of the most

important issues has +een ho- to attract greater private sector participation, including

development of partnership +et-een the pu+lic and private sectors.

Tourism and its impact on !conomy

/he orld /ravel and /ourism ouncil =//> reported in (1! that the travel and tourism

industry in Bangladesh directly generated 1,()1,* %o+s in (1( or 1.) percent of the countryKs

total employment, -hich ran5ed Bangladesh 1* out of 1) countries -orld-ide. Direct and

indirect employment in the industry totaled (,1@,* %o+s, or !. percent of the countryKs total

employment. /he // predicted that +y ((!, travel and tourism -ill directly generate

1,)*, %o+s and support an overall total of !,)E1, %o+s, or @.( percent of the countryKs total

employment. /his -ould represent an annual gro-th rate in direct %o+s of (.E percent. Domestic

spending generated E. percent of direct travel and tourism gross domestic product =D#> in(1(. BangladeshKs -orld ran5ing in (1( for travel and tourismKs direct contri+ution to D#, as

a percentage of D#, -as 1@( out of 1".

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  ?rgani6ation #rofile

Organi6ation ame 

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Scope of Operations 

/ravel planning, reservation C +oo5ing, visa assistance, pac5age and customi6ed tours, guided

tours, tourism C hospitality research assistance, tourism industry colla+oration.

Organi6ational Slogan

$emora+le 23perience of 'esponsi+le /ourism.

istory and #ac4ground of the Organi6ation

Bangladesh is a land of +eauty -ith rich heritage and culture. /herefore, it possesses immense

 potential of tourism development. /he potential for nature +ased, cultural C heritage, religious

and adventure tourism for Bangladesh is truly unlimited. ?ver the past t-o decades especially,

the num+er of local and foreign visitor to the various destinations of Bangladesh has +een

increasing rapidly yet steadily. /he num+er of local tourists visiting foreign country destinations

has also increased significantly over the years as a result of increasing disposa+le income and

opportunities for leisure especially among the younger employees and +usiness people.

As a result of the gro-ing potential of the tourism industry, the num+er of tour operators in

Bangladesh has also increased significantly. ?ffering different types of tourism services, these

firms are indeed contri+uting to the development of the industry and the country as a -hole.

&o-ever, the types of services provided +y these firms are almost identical and some-hat

orthodo3 in nature. Also, such firms are largely concentrated in the capital city Dha5a although

most of the tourism destinations are situated in other parts of the country.

Sylhet, the spiritual capital of Bangladesh is also 5no-n as the land of t-o leaves and a +ud.

 ature has decorated this serene landscape -ith lush green tea gardens, adventurous hills, dense

forests and mostly the holiness of shrines. A spectator al-ays finds nature at its +est in this

region. umerous attractions are laid over here and there for the curious tourists. Besides, its

inner +eauties, Sylhet is conveniently located near the spectacular Indian north0east, the ne-

focus of tourism in this su+0continent. /ourists can easily travel to the near+y Indian destinations

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through a num+er of land +orders of this region and complement the tour -ith visit to local

attractions. onsidering the num+er, variation and convenience of the tourist attractions, it can +e

conveniently forecasted that, this region is going to +e the ne3t tourism capital and regional

tourism hu+. &o-ever, the num+er of tour operators catering this increasing traffic of tourist in

this region is only a handful and are mostly lac5ing the innovativeness reuired to tap the

diverseness of the mar5et.

8eeping the potential and need for innovative services in mind, orthern 23posure Bangladesh

has +een founded in (1( in Sylhet, Bangladesh -ith a vie- to cater the changing needs of the

tourists -ith value, sophistication, innovativeness, responsiveness and sincerity. #romoting

responsi+le tourism, orthern 23posure Bangladesh put do-n all of its efforts to minimi6e any

adverse impact of tourism on nature, people and structures in every step. orthern 23posure

Bangladesh offers a -ider range of services to its clients and partners and largely promotes

tourism in Sylhet region and Indian north0east. reating value in every activity is the motto of 

 orthern 23posure Bangladesh that ma5es every %ourney a memora+le e3perience.


/o promote and create memora+le e3perience of responsi+le tourism through providing value,

sophistication, innovativeness, responsiveness and sincerity.


1. #roviding a -ide range of tourism services ranging from travel planning, reservation C

 +oo5ing, visa assistance, pac5age and customi6ed tours, guided tours, tourism C

hospitality research assistance to tourism industry colla+oration to the valued clients and


(. /o promote responsi+le tourism among all the sta5eholders.

!. /o colla+orate and cooperate -ith other industry mem+ers to promote tourism to Sylhet

region and Bangladesh at large.

@. /o create a platform for all the sta5eholder of the tourism industry to enhance the

 potential of Sylhet and Bangladesh at large as a preferred tourism destination.

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Successes and *ilestones

1. orthern 23posure Bangladesh has provided guided tours in various destinations of 

Sylhet region to more than * tourists since its inception, among them a mentiona+le

 part -as foreigners.

(. orthern 23posure Bangladesh has inaugurated its out+ound tour operations in early

(1@ -ith some innovative and out0of0the0+o3 tour pac5ages to orth02ast India and

other regions. Since inauguration, orthern 23posure Bangladesh has conducted " tours

ta5ing nearly 1 tourists on their lifetime e3perience.

!. orthern 23posure Bangladesh has +een relia+ly providing Indian 'ail-ay /ic5eting

service -ith minimal fees and created a good num+er of satisfied customers already.

@. orthern 23posure Bangladesh is planning to e3tend its out+ound tour operations to

 epal and Bhutan very shortly. Designing tour itineraries is no- in progress.

*. orthern 23posure Bangladesh has +een the only tour operator of Bangladesh that has

 +een a+le to use Sylhet as a hu+ for out+ound tourism. $ost of the tours of orthern

23posure Bangladesh to India pass through Sylhet even if other routes are availa+le.

". orthern 23posure Bangladesh has +een a relia+le source of updated and valued

information a+out tourism and travel to anyone in need of so. orthern 23posure

Bangladesh regularly provides +eneficial information to the tourists though its -e+site

and face+oo5 page, +esides face to face counseling.

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  S?/ Analysis of /ourism sector in Sylhet


&eaven li5e atural +eauty =including mountain, flora and fauna, rivers and la5es etc>.

#ollution free environment.

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ost effective transportation facility.

'ich history and heritage.

Li+eral +ehavior of local people to-ards tourist.

$oderate level of traffic.


• #oor transportation system.

• Unavaila+ility of proper mode of communication.

• Insufficient num+er of restaurant.

• Lac5 of accommodation.

• &igh price of resorts, hotel and motels.

• Long time -aiting for +oo5ing system.

• $any attractive location of sylhet still remain une3plored.

• Lac5 of security.


• Building a-areness among tourist, policy ma5er and local community.

• /raining program to local community.

• &uge campaign to create a positive attitude to-ard tourism, Building positive attitude

to-ard Sylhet. Li5e positive Sylhet.

• /o flourish handicraft and locally made organic food.

• 2sta+lishing +etter transportation system including launching lu3ury +us, lu3ury +oat,

helipad etc.

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• $a5ing cost effective accommodation facility.

• Increasing strong security system for +oth in+ound and out+ound tourist.

• Ho+ creation.

•2nriching standard of living of people.


• ;ear of a+duction.

• #oor coordination among tourist, local community and policy ma5ers.

• ;ear of local communities for loss of land.

• $isinterpretation or misconception a+out tourism in local communities.

• onflict +et-een ethnic minor community and migrated Bengali for coe3istence in hill

tract area.

•  on0sustaina+le +ehavior of Bengali and tourist, and sometimes +y tri+al.

• Destructing nature.

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  Analysis of the Report

Analysis of the report

/o collect the primary data a survey has +een conducted of orthern 23posure Bangladesh. /he

 population -as the ( customers of the company.

1) Company professional /he customers of the company -ere as5ed ho- they %udge of 

company professional. ;rom the customers their perception on company professional are

e3tremely professional =*>, very professional =*>, moderate professional =!>,

slightly professional =1> and not at all =*>. /heir ans-er is stated in the ta+le and

 pie graph in percentage.

23tremely professional<ery





 professional ot at all

=*> =*> =!> =1> =*>

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Company professional


;igure: ompany professional measurements

.) Company convenience /he customers of the company -ere as5ed ho- they feel of 

company convenience. ;rom the customers their perception on company convenience

are e3tremely =*>, very =*>, moderate =!>, slightly =1> and not at all =*>.

/heir ans-er is stated in the ta+le and pie graph in percentage.

23tremely <ery $oderate Slightly ot at all

=1*> =**> =(> =1> =>

Extremely Very Moderate Slightly Not at all





 Company Convenience

 Company Conveniene

  ;igure: ompany convenience

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5) Customer needs /he customers of the company -ere as5ed ho- they feel that

company understands their needs. ;rom the customers their perception on company

understands their needs are e3tremely -ell =(>, very -ell =!*>, moderate -ell =@>,

slightly -ell =*> and not at all =>. /heir ans-er is stated in the ta+le and pie graph in


23tremely -ell <ery -ell $oderate -ell Slightly -ell ot at all -ell

=(> =!*> =@> =*> =>

Extremely !ell Very !ell Moderate !ell Slightly !ell Not at all !ell0%









Customers needs

;igure: Understand ustomers needs

?) Comparison service +ith competitors &ere I as5ed customers that compare to

competitors ho- a+out company service. ;rom the customers their perception on

company services are great deal +etter =*>, +it +etter =@>, some-hat +etter =!*>,

a+out same =1*>, +it -orse =*>, great deal -orse =>, and donGt 5no- =>. /heir 

ans-er is stated in the ta+le and pie graph in percentage.

reat deal

 +etter Bit +etter 



A+out theSame

Bit -orsereat deal




* @ !* 1* *

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Comparison Service


9igure Comparison service +ith competitors

2. Comparison price +ith competitors /he customers of the company -ere as5ed that

compare to competitors ho- a+out company price. ;rom the customers their perception

on company price are great deal higher =>, +it higher =>, some-hat higher =*>,

a+out same =@>, +it lo-er =@>, some-hat lo-er =1>, great deal lo-er =*>, and

donGt 5no- =>. /heir ans-er is stated in the ta+le and pie graph in percentage.

reat deal






A+out theSame










* @ @ * 1

8/16/2019 Problems and Prospects of Tourism Companies in Sylhet -Customer Perceptions Regarding Services of Northern E… 40/57

"reat deal higher

#it higher

Some!hat higher

$o&t the 'ame

#it lo!er

"reat deal lo!erSome!hat lo!er

(on)t *no!

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

Comparison Price


9igure Comparison price +ith competitors

8) Responsive to+ards customers &ere I as5ed customers that ho- responsive of 

company to their needs and feed+ac5s. ;rom the customers their perceptions on company

responsiveness are e3tremely =1*>, very =@*>, moderate =(>, slightly =(> and not

at all =>. /heir ans-er is stated in the ta+le and pie graph in percentage

23tremely <ery $oderate Slightly ot at all

=1*> =@*> =(> =(> =>

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8/16/2019 Problems and Prospects of Tourism Companies in Sylhet -Customer Perceptions Regarding Services of Northern E… 42/57

/) Regarding Sylhet facilities should be improved &ere, I also as5ed a+out that facility

should +e improved for Sylhet)  /hey had shared their valua+le opinions these are

transportation facility =">, hotel facility =(*>, and safety =1*>. /heir ans-er is

stated in the ta+le and pie graph in percentage

/ransportation facility &otel facility Safety

="> =(*> =1*>



Facilities should be improved

 -ran'portation .aility

/otel .aility


9igure 9acilities should be improved for Sylhet

B) o+( 9actors may help to reduce crisis of tourism companies: I also as5ed

customers that recently huge crisis is facing +y /our ompany and -hich factor may help

to solve it. /hey had given their opinions these are government ="*> and pu+lic

a-areness =!*>. /heir ans-er is stated in the ta+le and pie graph in percentage.

overnment #u+lic a-areness

"* !*

8/16/2019 Problems and Prospects of Tourism Companies in Sylhet -Customer Perceptions Regarding Services of Northern E… 43/57

"overnment +&li a!arene''0%





Solution for present situation


9igure Solution for present tour company crisis

10) Customer feedbac4 for orthern !"posure #angladesh At the last part of the

survey I as5ed our served customers that -hat facility should include in our itinerary.

/hey had shared their valua+le speech these are -e+site facility =*>, customer 

feed+ac5 facility =(>, 23pand mar5eting =(>, and lo- rate pac5ages =1>. /heir 

ans-er is stated in the ta+le and pie graph in percentage.

-e+site facility ustomer feed+ac5 facility 23pand mar5eting lo- rate pac5ages* ( ( 1



Customer feedback for NEB

Cri'i' may 'olve y t!o


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  9igure: Customer feedbac4 for orthern !"posure #angladesh


  9indings of the report

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9indings of the report

It is -idely recogni6ed that Bangladesh is very rich +y the natural +eauty and panoramic vie-s,

-hat a tourist -ants to en%oy. But there is lac5 of effective initiatives, proper management plan,

and uic5 C sincere effort from responsi+le authority. Bangladesh is a reverie country. She has

vast natural +eauty and a glorious historical +ac5ground. Since li+eration Bangladesh has

 progressed a lot and has paved her -ay to development -ith a good agro0+ased economy as -ell

as industry and service sector. /ourism is a part of service. But it has good associations -ith

some other su+0sector of service and non service sectors. A large num+er of employment

opportunities are +eing created +y this sector. /our operator +usiness is doing -ell in

Bangladesh. /housands of young people have engaged themselves as touristsG guide. $oreover 

some other induced impact of truism results in economic progress in local area and the country

as a -hole. ommunication, throughout the country, is developed +ecause of tourism. As a

result, other economic activities are augmented. Several lac5ing founded -hile -or5ing

 preparing report these are given +elo-.

Problems of Tourism sector in Sylhet /here are several pro+lems have founded these

are listed in the +elo-

A) &ac4 of financial support from government

In a report of orld travel and /ourism ouncil =//> 2conomic impact (1(, predict that the

investment at tourism sector -ill reach /8!".*( +illion in (1( and rise +y ". percent over the

ne3t 1 years to ta5a "E.) +illion in ((( in Bangladesh. It is a glo+al report +ut in Bangladesh

no relia+le report, data or statistics on tourism are availa+le. But this assumed investment ho-,

-hen and -here -ill +e invested are not clear. All policy, planning and moneys are allocated for 

already esta+lished as tourist organi6ation. /here is no e3tra planning or +udget allocation for the

development of Sylhet district to esta+lish as a popular tourist spot.

#= Political problems

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Bangladesh is no- in the grip of unpredicta+le political violence and resulting insecurity of thehighest order. /he nascent tourism industry of Bangladesh is no- facing long lasting damagesdue to civil unrest in the form of uninterrupted +loc5ade, freuent hartals and associated violenceof various natures. It is the pea5 of tourism season0Decem+er0$arch00 and tour operators of thecountry -ere +uoyant -ith e3pectation that performance and gro-th in (1@01* -ould surpass

 performance and gro-th of (1( +y a +ig margin. But picture changed radically +ecause of  political turmoil. Almost all the +oo5ings for the month of Hanuary from foreign tourists have +een cancelled. A+out *, tourists -ere e3pected to arrive in Bangladesh until $arch, +ut if  +loc5ade, hartal and associated violence do not end soon, rest of the +oo5ings are also going to +e cancelled.  Starting from Hanuary *, nonstop +loc5ade and the accompanying violence anddestruction have created highly unsafe situation in the countryV a situation seriously damagingthe sector. /he un-elcome and highly adverse situation prompted the tour operators to organisean urgent press +riefing to voice their concern. /hey told that the tourism sector may count a lossof /5 1 crore in the ne3t three months due to cancellations of planned tours +y foreigntravellers, +ecause of political violence.  It can +e safely said that, the +udding tourism industryin the country is reeling under the situation, created +y civil unrest all over the country and tour 

operators are going through pro+lems of unprecedented nature, in addition to huge financialloss.  It is interesting to note that cancellations of +oo5ed trips result in only monetary loss to thetour operator or loss of +usiness, no other trou+le. But they are facing really tough time inhandling the foreign tourists -ho have already arrived.  In a situation as uncertain as prevailingin the country no-, a num+er of tour operators of the country are displaying lot of ingenuity inhandling their groups of foreign tourists, already arrivedC= Safety and security

Safety and security is one of most necessary element for tourism development. If any tourist feel

insecure in a tourist spot, if there is fear of a+duction or fear of losing precious possession, then

ho- attractive the tourist spot is, people -ill not feel urgency to see the spot. In Sylhet,

Bangladesh army and district administration and Bangladesh police engaged to ensure the

security of the tourist. But it is not enough to protect tourists from a+duction. Local people

should +e encouraged to ensure the security of tourists.

%= &ac4 of transportation system

It is a most common pro+lem of Bangladesh. ;or this transportation system is not good in sylhet.If tourists -ant to go any remote tourist place, li5e &um&um aterfall, Bisna5handi or Lala5hal,at first they thin5 a+out the transportation system of the particular area. Also, price of 

transportations are higher than other districts of Bangladesh.

!= Absence of training institution related to tourism

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Prospects of Tourism sector in Sylhet /here are several positive vie-s of tourism sector 

in Sylhet these are given +elo-

A) atural #eauty

Sylhet is called the tea capital of Bangladesh. It is 5no-n for its tea0gardens and natural

resources. /he vast area of Beautiful greenish vie- of tea plants attracts an enormous num+er of 

tourists. estled in the picturesue Surma <alley amidst scenic tea plantations and lush green

tropical forests, greater Sylhet is a prime attraction for all tourists visiting Bangladesh. Laying

 +et-een the 8hasia and the Haintia hills on the north, and the /ripura hills on the south, Sylhet

 +rea5s the monotony of the flatness of this land +y a multitude of terraced tea gardens, rolling

countryside and the e3otic flora and fauna. &ere the thic5 tropical forests a+ound -ith many

species of -ildlife, spread their aroma around the typical hearth and homes of the $ainpuri

/ri+al maidens famous for their dance.

#) People of Sylhet

A+out (" million people lives in Sylhet. /hey are very much friendly -hich is attracting

foreigner . An interesting feature of Sylhet region is the a+original tri+es such as the /ipperas, the

$onipuris, 8hasis and aros -ho still live in their primitive -ays in the hills, practising their 

age0old rites, rituals, customs and traditions. During festivals such as, 'ash Leela =;ull0moonnight in ;e+ruary> and Dol%atra, the attractive young girls dressed in colorful ro+es, dance -ith

the male mem+ers of their choice C love. /he $onipuris perform their famous dance, +ased on

allegorical love themes of the ancient mythology.

C) Investment Opportunity

In comparison to others less people are interested to invest in the tourism sector. /his

 phenomenon is not only in Sylhet +ut also all over the country. /hatGs -hy this sector is lagging

 +ehind to come into focus though it has a great potentiality. It is +ecause of lac5ing of 5no-ledge

of a+out this sector. Sylhet is a dream land for natural lover for its multitude of terraced /ea

gardens, /he shrine of &a6rat Shah%alal , /ama+il, Srimangal, %aflong, etc.

%) *oderate level of Traffic

/raffic congestion -as rarely seen on roads of Sylhet city. $ost traffic0clogged cities in

Bangladesh are Dha5a and hittagong. /his opportunity can help Sylhet to attract foreigner.

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!) otels in Sylhet

 o- a dayGs num+er of tourists has +een increasing remar5a+ly. /housands of people visits

Sylhet every year. ;or meeting demands of tourists at Sylhet no- so many hotels and resorts has

 +een +uilt for meeting accommodation. /hese hotels are rand Sultan /ea 'esort C olf,

 a6imghar 'esort, &otel 'ose <ie-, &otel Star #acific, &otel <alley arden, &otel $etro

International, and Britannia &otel etc.

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/ourism is an industry of providing services. It could not +e isolated from other sectors rather it

depends on some com+ined effort of other service su+0sectors li5e hotel and motels, transports,

foods, security, guide etc. /hese facilities are the infrastructures of tourism -hich is still far 

 +ehind from satisfactory level. Sylhet is +lessed -ith huge natural +eauty -hich constitutes

ma%or part of tourism industry. #roper maintenance of these +eauties along -ith assuring other 

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guide may encourage tourists to tour around the country. Availa+ility of tour operators and guide

may promote people for tourism.

%iversified 9ood Culture

Availa+ility of food according to tastes of different countries and their choices is one of the

ma%or prereuisites to attract international tourists. ;ood ha+it varies from region to region. /o

increase tourist e3ports, proper arrangement of food from different culture is important.

Public Private Partnership EPPP= in Tourism

;or s-ift development, #u+lic #rivate #artnership in /ourism is emerged in recent years.

Bangladesh #ar%atan orporation has ta5en steps to +uild ne- facilities, including hotels, motels,

restaurants and amusement par5s in 1! districts, to accelerate gro-th of tourism, mainly

domestic. /he ne3t fiscal yearKs +udget may consider (1 tourism pro%ects across Bangladesh

under pu+lic private partnerships =###>, -hich are planned to start operations +y (1!.

Implementation of Tribal Tourism

Bangladesh has huge tri+al population living mostly in the hittagong &ill /racts and in the

regions of $ymensingh, Sylhet, and 'a%shahi. /he ma%ority of the tri+al population lives in rural

areas, -here many practiced shifting cultivation. /hey have completely different culture and life

style. $any curious tourists interested in their culture and life style may +e attracted +y

 promoting tri+al tourism.

Introducing Slum Tourism

Any country li5es Bangladesh having a large num+er of slum d-ellers that has high appeal to

first -orld country people can attract huge tourists every year. Slum tourism is a type of tourism

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/ourism is a promising sector in Bangladesh. It is a gro-ing sector -ith an increasing

contri+ution in D#. $ere some infrastructural development can ma5e the sector sustaina+le.

/hough the contri+ution of this sector is already at significant level, it is important to maintain

the industryGs sustaina+ility for not to hamper regular gro-th in D#. An economy has a regular 

gro-th in its si6e. /his gro-th is contri+uted +y all sectors of it. Importance should +e given on

tourism for its maintenance and gro-th. Sylhet is one of the districts of Bangladesh that is

 +lessed -ith unparallel divine +eauty. /here are more than si3teen popular tourist spot at Sylhet

in Bangladesh. In (11, 1!" foreign tourist sand in (1(, 1(* foreign tourists came Sylhet to

visit and en%oy its natural +eauty.

It is a great pleasure to me to do my internship program in reputed organi6ation li5e 2B. /he

three months of practical orientations helps me to provide a -ide range of scope to o+serve the

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operations. Because of the confidentiality of the organi6ation, I am allo-ed to get limited

information for my study, therefore all the information used in the report -as meant for the free.

/he o+%ective of the study is to find out pro+lems and prospects of Sylhet. /his report also tries

to identify the relative factors that satisfy tourist interest. Lac5 of proper planning, lac5 of 

coordination among administration, lac5 of transportation and lac5 of accommodation facilities

are the ma%or pro+lems of tourism at Sylhet ./o overcome these pro+lems overnment should

ta5e initiatives +y esta+lishing a good transportation system, training institution, esta+lishing

tourist 6one, announcing i0;i 6one in the tourist destination. overnment can introduce

mountain tourism, culture tourism, rural tourism and pro0poor tourism at sylhet.

Appended part

A uestionnaire on the study of ustomer satisfaction on orthern 23posure Bangladesh

Dear respondent, a very good day to you. /his survey uestionnaire is done to understand the

analysis of customer satisfaction of orthern 23posure Bangladesh4. 7our personal perception

and honest ans-er is considered as vital importance for the success of the study. #lease ans-er 

all the uestions. o ans-er is %udged right or -rong. /he results of this study -ill +e of 

 paramount importance for development of this sector and overcoming the challenges. 7our 

identity -ill +e 5ept confidential. /han5 you so much for your time and the cooperation. $ay -e

no- proceed to the survey pleaseW

ustomer name  ?ccupation:  ame of the ?rgani6ation:  Signature and Date:1. &o- professional is our companyW

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o 23tremely professional

o <ery professional

o $oderate professional

o Slightly professional

o  ot at all professional

(. &o- convenient is our company to youWo 23tremely convenient

o <ery convenient

o $oderate convenient

o Slightly convenient

o  ot at all convenient

!. &o- -ell do you feel that our company understands your needsWo 23tremely -ell

o <ery -ell

o $oderate -ello Slightly -ell

o  ot at all -ell

@. ompared to our competitors, is our service +etter, -orse or a+out the sameWo A great deal +etter Fuite a +it +etter Some-hat +etter 

o A+out the same Fuite a +it -orse A great deal -orse

o DonGt 5no-

*. ompared to our competitors, are our prices higher, lo-er or a+out the sameWo A great deal higher Fuite a +it higher Some-hat higher 

o A+out the same Fuite a +it lo-er Some-hat lo-er o A great deal lo-er DonGt 5no-

". ?verall, ho- responsive have -e +een to your uestions or concerns a+out the serviceWo 23tremely responsive <ery responsive $oderate responsive

o Slightly responsive ot at all responsive

. hat sort of pro+lems did you face -hile travelingWo Social

o $onetary

o ultural


#oliticalo ?thers X#lease -rite9999999999Y

). 'egarding Sylhet, -hat 5ind of facility should +e improvedWo /ransportation facility

o &otel facility

o ?thers X#lease mention: 99999999999.Y

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E. #resent crisis of /ourism companies, -hat factors may help to solve itWo overnment

o #u+lic

o ?thers X#lease mention99999.Y

1. 'egarding ?ur ompany, hat 5ind of facility should +e includedW #lease comments in the +elo-.#lease -rite9..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Reference1. A5ter, $. B. =(*>. #ro+lems and #rospects of /ourism Industry in Bangladesh: A Study onSylhet 'egion. 'esearch paper under the Department of $ar5eting, University of 'a%shahi.(. &ossain, D. M., 8a6al, $. $., C ;aisal, ;. $. =(1>. Lack of Utilization of Local Funds and 

 Productive Investment Climate in Sylhet Region: A Percetion Analysis! Dha5a:2conomic 'esearch roup.!. Islam, . =()>. Significance of /ourism #roducts in Bangladesh. "#lorar $ % =1>, pp. "E0)(.

@. 8han, S., ;erdous, /., Ahmed, S., C 'ahman, A. =(*>. Prosects of tourism in Sylhet!

Department of Business Administration, Shah%alal University of Science and /echnology. Sylhet:Department of Business Administration, SUS/.

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