Problem Statement Shipping and importing food wastes unnecessary fuel and money when it can easily...

Post on 04-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Problem Statement Shipping and importing food wastes unnecessary fuel and money when it can easily...

Problem Statement

Shipping and importing food wastes unnecessary fuel and money when it

can easily be bought from a local source.

Facts/Statistics - The EPA has estimated that

the U.S. produced 11.9 million tons of plastic packaging, and over 90% of this went to a landfill after being used just once. (2003)

- Trucks and locomotives are responsible for 25% of smog-causing pollution and the majority of the cancer threat posed by air pollution in some urban areas.

- Most food in the U.S. is picked a week in advance of reaching a store. Typically, a carrot will travel 1,838 miles to become part of a meal.

- Transportation by shipping produces emissions of 1 billion metric tons of CO2 and uses 11 billion gallons of fuel per year internationally.

- Environmental Sustainability

- Product Diversity

- Local Character and Prosperity

- Keeping Dollars in the Local Economy

- Fresh Food

In-Store Redirection

Out of Store Redirection