Problem Definition - · - Stuart, G W, Laraia M T.(2001) Therapeutic...

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Transcript of Problem Definition - · - Stuart, G W, Laraia M T.(2001) Therapeutic...


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- Stuart, G W, Laraia M T.(2001) Therapeutic nurse-patient relationship. In Stuart

GW, Laraia MT, editors: principles and practice of psychiatric, St Louis, Mosby.

- Stuart, G.W. & Laraia, M T. (2005) Principles and Practice of Psychiatric Nursing.

8th Edition, Elsevier Mosby company.

- Walden-McBride, D L. et al. (2000) “Listening for patient’s story: the psychosocial

story of a patient with end-stage heart disease”, Journal of Psychosocial Nursing

Mental Health Services. 38(11):26-31.


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+�_�*� ���� ���� : References

- Carpenito, L J. (1995) Nursing Diagnosis Application to Clinical Practice. 6th

Edition, J. B. Lippincott Company

- Doenges, M E. Moorhous, M F. & Murr A C. (2008) Nursing Diagnosis Manual. 2nd

Edition, Philadelphia, Davis Company.

- Newfield, S A. Hinz, M D. & Tilley, D S. (2007) Cox’s Clinical Applications of

Nursing Diagnosis. 5th Edition, Philadelphia, Davis Company.

- Stuart, G.W. & Laraia, M T. (2005) Principles and Practice of Psychiatric Nursing.

8th Edition, Elsevier Mosby company.


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F-� 1���35� � \0��� �� ��!���� \0��� k� �� 9J��" �. ���4��� =*� #� ��� ���.

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F�-��& �� �<�� 1� �� ��� �*><� �%���� 1�% '�,�% � � ���& v��#5 ��`& . ���� ���� ��#�.

FF-� ��_: X! � +�.����." v��#5 ���� )[� /*�� ��!#�� . �,� +���& ��.���� )*� '��� #7%��.

FV-� �� ����z!�� �!#�7� +�!�% �� .� ��0�,� . ���� ��#8 1��� ���� �� .� )5#��C . ���&.

F�-Y�� 1& ���& z!��� �� +���%� �%�.�� ���� ��#� �� :���%� ��.

F¡- ���Z 9�� ���� �L*Z ½�� �����) %#5.3��*� ����� ���� �� K�®� 1� .( �#& ',.� ��#�

���& ���U* .� J� (���� X�?�0�* �L*.

F¹-��%3% �!#5 . �!#0% ·� �� ��� ���6.

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+�_�*� ���� ���� :

- American Speech-Language Hearing Association(2001). Stroke . retrieved from the

World Wide Web on May 29 2001.,cfm.

- Greener, j. et al. (2000) Speech and language therapy for aphasia following stroke,

Cochrane Database Systematic Review. 2:CD000425.

- Hahn, J. (1999) “Cueing in to patient language”, Reflections. 25(10):8-11.

- Lim, J K. et al. (2000) “Screening for hearing impairment in hospitalsed elderly”,

Annals Academy of Medicine Singapore. 29(2):237-241.

- Marquez – Rebollo, M C. & Tornel – Costa, M C. (1997)”Design of a non-verbal

method of communication using cartoons” , Rev Neurol. 25 (148) :2045-2047.

- Walden-McBride, D L. et al. (2000) “Listening for patient’s story: the psychosocial

story of a patient with end-stage heart disease”, Journal of Psychosocial Nursing

Mental Health Services. 38(11):26-31.

- Wells, E.(1996) “Assisting parents when a child dies in the CCU”, Critical Care

Nurse. 16:58.


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-��� �� ����� 1%�: #������� ) ��L�� �� ������ ¯.

-� �H�!��� �� ����� �~������ ) L�� �� ��������� ¯.

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F-J��!� ?.��� 1���� ��� �� ����� ��� 1&������ ) �." ��� 1� �� ( )*� +�,!�.

V-��� ����� �3!��� �� +�, �~������ ) *�#� �� ����� �&��.

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-����� +�, 1��� ���� J� +�_�*� 1� �� ��!�& z��.

�� ����+�_�*� �� : References

- Shives, L R. (2008) Bacic concepts of psychiatric mental Health nursing. 7th Edition,

Philidelphia Lippincott .


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F-� 1��6�� ����& 1�A6 �#��& ����� �� ��*. @!��& � � ��*#C X�& � ����J��.

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+�_�*� ���� ���� : References

- Monahan, F. Sand, S. Neighbors, M. et-al. (2007) Phipp’s Medical-Surgical Nuring.

8th Edition. Mosby , Eelesvier.

- Shives, L R. (2008) Bacic concepts of psychiatric mental Health nursing. 7th Edition,

Philidelphia Lippincott .


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�$�%� ���� ����!"#� Expected Outcomes

- �,� 1�,�� 1%�J.� �� )�?�5 G~%� 1� �!�� ����.

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- �!� ��*#C[�08�#� G~%� �� ����� 1%�:#�� ���* L�� ������ ¯.

- �!� ��*#CJ��!� A6�A � J��� ����� �3![�08�#� G~%� �� +�, �~� ���* ��." ��� 1�.

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F-J��!� ?.��� J� 1��." ��� 1� �� ��!�.

V-� J���� ��!�& />& 1ÊL��.

�-� ����� . �H�![�08�#� G~%��� ����� �~� ���* *�#� �� �&��.

h-%���J� �%��� �L0%��� . �#�� ���." v��#5 ���!�.

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� 1� 9J��"��� Patient Education

-�������� G~%� 1� �� ���� C�� k�� �#� +�,� ��� %"!�& z��.

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- Carol, T. Carol, L. & Lemone, P. (2005) Fundamental of Nursing. 4th Edition,

Lippincott Company.

- Carpenito, L J. (1995) Nursing Diagnosis Application to Clinical Practice. 6th Edition,

J. B. Lippincott Company.

- Doenges, M E. Moorhous, M F. & Murr A C. (2008) Nursing Diagnosis Manual. 2nd

Edition, Philadelphia, Davis Company.

- Monahan, F. Sand, S. Neighbors, M. et-al. (2007) Phipp’s Medical-Surgical Nuring.

8th Edition. Mosby , Eelesvier.

- Newfield, S A. Hinz, M D. & Tilley, D S. (2007) Cox’s Clinical Applications of

Nursing Diagnosis. 5th Edition, Philadelphia, Davis Company.


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q��� J� =#� (Y%�� (q���.

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���& ���.

F}-�#� ���� 1& ���& z!��� ��� k�& �� ��� 1%�J.� ��.

F�-H�& *�#� �!�." )*�� " ����� . ���� q��� 14�* ���� ��.

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VF-)�?�5 J� �>�? J� �$�%� ���� 1%�J.� �� �� ���� YË* . ���& ¯L�� �� .� ±!S. . ���& 1�[� �� ����

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VV- � µ#®� .��� ���� #:� ��$% 1& ���& '���� �� ®L, . ���& ��$% .��� ��� '�!� . #�� #� ��&

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V�-+.#: 1� �� ���� �� ³��� �.� )��* ����.

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F-X���� ���� 9J��" �� q��� J� �08 ��L� J� +�_�*� ! . ��� '��>� ( ���" '� ��.

V-)�?�5 1& ���� 9J��" ���� 1� !�35� �� ��� �� 1%�J.� 1& ���& z!��� �� �. . ��� kº-¹ J� �08 ()�*

+��C #�>� 1� '�5� ��& �.�.

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- �7�� ;45 ���>� +��?" q��� 1& �!.#� q��L��� 1�.

- � ����� /, 1��% 1& �7�� )�?�5 . �!.#� �#7!� �� 1� (�!�, ;45 . ���� G~%� �� ���" ��

+�, +��?" q��� 1& �!�#:#� q��L��� 1� +��.� %�J �!�.

-� ! 1�?]� ��#� )L� J� . ���& +�_�*� q��� )[� ;45 )L� ! q��L��� J� �!3!�H� ��H� �#

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-���& ������� #®� . #[S J���� �� �J �#� J�.

-�!�, ����� q��� J� %>�! �J �� @06 J.� #�.

- 1� 1%�J.� �#5 #� 1& ��,� +:"} ���� J�% q��� )�*.

+�_�*� ���� ���� :

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-��#: µ�< ���� �� 1!�M� ����� �� 1%�% . v!��.

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FV- ���& J. 1%�J.� �� ���� .


+�_�*� ���� ���� :

- Carol, T. Carol, L. & Lemone, P. (2005) Fundamental of Nursing. 4th Edition,

Lippincott Company.

- Carpenito, L J. (1995) Nursing Diagnosis Application to Clinical Practice. 6th Edition,

J. B. Lippincott Company.

- Doenges, M E. Moorhous, M F. & Murr A C. (2008) Nursing Diagnosis Manual. 2nd

Edition, Philadelphia, Davis Company.

- Newfield, S A. Hinz, M D. & Tilley, D S. (2007) Cox’s Clinical Applications of

Nursing Diagnosis. 5th Edition, Philadelphia, Davis Company.


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��!�% 5#�� .� 1� �� )*� [%" J� �#�:  �Z 1� ��8.


��+�_�*� ���� �� : References

- Carol, T. Carol, L. & Lemone, P. (2005) Fundamental of Nursing. 4th Edition,

Lippincott Company.

- Carpenito, L J. (1995) Nursing Diagnosis Application to Clinical Practice. 6th Edition,

J. B. Lippincott Company.

- Newfield, S A. Hinz, M D. & Tilley, D S. (2007) Cox’s Clinical Applications of

Nursing Diagnosis. 5th Edition, Philadelphia, Davis Company.

- Doenges, M E. Moorhous, M F. & Murr A C. (2008) Nursing Diagnosis Manual. 2nd

Edition, Philadelphia, Davis Company.


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�� ���� Problem Definition

- ?���� ����� �[*#�*� ! �¢��  ! �< �� %���% #�� �� '�!C Y_% 1� �����

-'�!C ���8�� Y_% �3� . ��� J� _�� ½�� �~!� #]� �y� K� )���. X! 1� ^*C ��:

k4% �� #��M� (�3�� ��� )*� J� (��#�H�� /�*" (��� J� %�� #!�®� �� ����� (��A� . #��M� �~!�

(��� J� �8�.#�` ���$�%� ('�5#: ��#8 ���5��� . )H_` ���� 14�* ( :�%��� . 3~� 14�* ( �����

9J�� � #!M� ����5� >� ����� (� �:" ��0�& ( �.

�$�%� ���� ����!"#� Expected Outcomes

-��#: Ì_< 0*�� @]* �� ���� Y_% �3�.

-�!�% ±�6�� �0y� ��]� �� ��� �,� ��8 ����.

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F-��& ¯L�� ()*� '�!C Y_% 1� ����� 1~��% 1& �� ~!�� ����5� 1& ���& X�& ���� 1�.

V-��." �J 1� ����� )���. ���� �� �� ��� ��5� . �*><� 1& ���& z!��� �� ����.

�-���� 1� � .� �� Y_% 1� ����� '�,�� /0* !�3�� 1� 1& ��& '���� � ���& X�& ��,.

¡- ��� �� �� )8�? . 7�>!, =><� (=#�*� ��8 . ��� +��& µ���� z!#B J� � ���& z!��� �� ����

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¹-� . 7��#5 ;!�#, 1� 1��� � . G�#�<� � +�#�� )0A6 . Y�? (+7% J� \0��� ��#� +�_�*� ���� 0��


º-��%��L� G% � �� .� É�� 1� �.�. G7�� . +���% )0A6 G�#�<� � ���� �.

{-)�*>< . ���� 6�®� �j5 1� �!���7� G�#�<� .� ��.

}- �� �#®�L� @���� ����� %��� #~�*.#C #� G~%� J� �08 �������� 1Ç��� ".

�-����� J� � ���Z +�_�*� ������!�% �¢," �� k�*><� ����.

F�-��, �:J* )��8�. � (�¢%� �~� ���Z  �Z ���� 1�.

FF-���Z )!�< �08�#� ��� �� )�?�5 G~%� G7�� �� ����.

FV-)!�.�A� ��#�� �� ���� ��¢�� . )Z��� �3�� ���Z �!J�� �� %��� ��.

F�-�#� q�#]�� . :�#>5� v!�� #$% J� �� �������� ³��� ¯®L�� 1� J�% ���6 �� . ���& *.

F¡-���� ³��� ����� ���� 3Z�#� 1� �� ����.


���� 1� 9J��" Patient Education

F-1& ���� 9J��" ���� 1� ����� ]�A�!� +���Z �~��& !*�, ( �� Y_% 1� ����� k�& #]�.

V-�!J���� �� 1HU>� �< ��!�#5 ���� 1�.

�- ��� �� ���� 1� ��������& X�& ��,� #��� Y_% �3� #� )*� '��� 1& H��� �����&5.

¡-)�45�� . +���% �.#� �� ��� :�%J � ���& X�& ���� 1� ��Z !*�, . '���� �� ��� ��.

¹- 1!C 1%�J.� �� ![��?�5 . ��� ����� ·>�� +.#: X! � ���& X�& ���� 1� ��& �3!�.

º-���� 9J��" ���� 1� �� " )���� . �08�#� ��� ��6� .¶�y� � 1���� 9J��" ���1& �:

-���¢% #�4A� �� ����.

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-���Z J`" �� ��� 1� 9��C 1���.

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1Z �!J* ��4�� �� ��� ��%��� � " z!#B J� 1Z )*� ![��� '!#� **� J� ¢! " J� )08�#�

���>� ,J�� � >%�.

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(�,� 1%���)F�}¡(.


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1�>��. )�®L, �����

�$�%� ���� ����!"#� Expected Outcomes

-, X!�3% ! 7�>�� . #� �0� ����5� J� ( �#7!� � ��� \0��� �� ���� +�_�*� �#7!� 1� �< J� k�� �


- ��� G~%� �4�>� ��B 1� �� ��� �� �#�: v��®� 1& �,� ��8 ����.

- ��! k�& ���� �� �#7!� 1��� /H� #� ��0� ����5�.

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F- ����� �� ��� J� )08�#� 1� 1B��#� �� v��®� �L�� . ®L, �� )�?�U>� � ���& z!��� �� ����

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V-)*� 7�>��. G�� J� &< 1& ���� ����5� J� 1�*� "( ��!�% )0y� )!�4� ��.

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���� 1� 9J��" Patient Education

- ���� 9J��" �. 1� �� ���� J�% ���� ����� �[��[�.

-�!J���� ���� 1� �� )��B8 9.� . �� �. ��4�*� . +�, ���� Y_% �3� ¤4��� /��� ����%��� '!�

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+�_�*� ���� ���� :

- Carol, T. Carol, L. & Lemone, P. (2005) Fundamental of Nursing. 4th Edition,

Lippincott Company.

- Carpenito, L J. (1995) Nursing Diagnosis Application to Clinical Practice. 6th Edition,

J. B. Lippincott Company.

- Doenges, M E. Moorhous, M F. & Murr A C. (2008) Nursing Diagnosis Manual. 2nd

Edition, Philadelphia, Davis Company.

- Newfield, S A. Hinz, M D. & Tilley, D S. (2007) Cox’s Clinical Applications of

Nursing Diagnosis. 5th Edition, Philadelphia, Davis Company.


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-���� 9J��" ��� �����* ��#�� . ����� ���� �� ���� 1�.

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+�_�*� ���� ���� :

- Carpenito, L J. (1995) Nursing Diagnosis Application to Clinical Practice. 6th Edition,

J. B. Lippincott Company

- Doenges, M E. Moorhous, M F. & Murr A C. (2008) Nursing Diagnosis Manual. 2nd

Edition, Philadelphia, Davis Company.

- Newfield, S A. Hinz, M D. & Tilley, D S. (2007) Cox’s Clinical Applications of

Nursing Diagnosis. 5th Edition, Philadelphia, Davis Company.

- Stuart, G.W. & Laraia, M T. (2005) Principles and Practice of Psychiatric Nursing. 8th

Edition, Elsevier Mosby Company.


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��� #!�®� �� #��M� (��� %·�B ��� . ��� (k!*" G�� (±�� ( !²�?�¢!* )���. #�� �� ����� %

��� J�

"#�!���� �$�%� ���� Expected Outcomes

� ����!�,� ��8 �:

-�,� ��.���� ��� . ��� ��¢�� �< 1�.

6���� 1� ��*#C� Nursing Recommendations

F-�!�% �� . !*�, �� k�*><� ���Z  �Z ���� 1�.

V- " �5� ��#� . !*�, �� �����% +���Z �~!� ��� ����� z���* *�#� . H��5 1ÊL!�� '�5#: �

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� 1� 9J��"��� Patient Education

F-���Z z!��� k!� !%��� !*�, 1� �� ����.

V-�� 9J��" ���� 1����Z °�� )0y� �¢5� � �� ��� 1� _�� +7% �.

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�,� ¯L�� µ���� 1� ��*� �J . �#�: ���6 +��Ê�C.

+�_�*� ���� ���� : References

- Carol, T. Carol, L. & Lemone, P. (2005) Fundamental of Nursing. 4th Edition,

Lippincott Company.

- Carpenito, L J. (1995) Nursing Diagnosis Application to Clinical Practice. 6th Edition,

J. B. Lippincott Company.

- Doenges, M E. Moorhous, M F. & Murr A C. (2008) Nursing Diagnosis Manual. 2nd

Edition, Philadelphia, Davis Company.

- Newfield, S A. Hinz, M D. & Tilley, D S. (2007) Cox’s Clinical Applications of

Nursing Diagnosis. 5th Edition, Philadelphia, Davis Company.


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�$�%� ���� ����!"#� Expected Outcomes

- 1[���� G7�� =*� � =#� 1� #~�� 1& ���8�� ! ¤ , � ���� �� �� +���& ���% =#� (��#: � .�

���% 1�#~�.

- ��� G~%� �� ��� )�?�5 ��*#� )��8�� ! ¤�,� ��4� �� (�!�, �< �� q�#]�� 1�#~� .�� �%���� ����.

- !#!�� 1� ��8 ���� �,� ��*#� )��8�� ! ¤ , ��4� �� ��� q�#]�� ).

���*#C �� 1�6�� Nursing Recommendations

F-* ���� 4]��#�` =#� 1& �#� (��& J�#�� 1%���J" ���6 1� �� ��� �*><� ���� 1& ���� +J�� /0

��, � �. �� q�#]�� �~!�.

V- q�#]�� �� )��8�� �� � ��& 10H` ��� q�#]�� #� �#�:�! ;*�� �%��� � 1& ���� ���B� ���� 1�

���% )*� J� �� ��� �#��& (�.".

�- ����� �. +#�J.� �� )�?�5 �� 1& ����� ����5� . =#� ���< �� \0��� 1& ���& X�& ���� 1�

~!� ��� ¯�L�� �� ���& � �.

h- �#& +�_�*� ~!��� !��J )�*>< 9.� J� ��� � ��� =#� #� ���� 10H` ��$�� 1�.

�- �#7% )*� '��� ���� �!�, q�#]�� )?< �� ���� ���B� �. 1� ���� )��* J� )08�#� ���� ��

�,� ��� :�%J.

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�#& �����L%.

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�#0� . ��� � k!�35� �. �� �� ����,J�� ��� =><� (���� 1� qL�%� +J�� ���.

�- �!�#:#� H08 G: 1� �, q�#]�� ��� ���� G: #� �� 1& ���6 ��.


F�-� �& 1� G: �� ����� ( �J* G��" '�� . +�#& ³.#, ���� #��& q�#]�� 1& !� )��8�� J� �� ����

�!#0� �H� G:.

FF- �!�#:#� H08 G: 1� �, q�#]�� ��� ���� G: #��� 1& ���6 ��.

+�_�*� ���� ���� :

- Carol, T. Carol, L. & Lemone, P. (2005) Fundamental of Nursing. 4th Edition,

Lippincott Company.

- Carpenito, L J. (1995) Nursing Diagnosis Application to Clinical Practice. 6th Edition,

J. B. Lippincott Company.

- Doenges, M E. Moorhous, M F. & Murr A C. (2008) Nursing Diagnosis Manual. 2nd

Edition, Philadelphia, Davis Company.

- Newfield, S A. Hinz, M D. & Tilley, D S. (2007) Cox’s Clinical Applications of

Nursing Diagnosis. 5th Edition, Philadelphia, Davis Company.


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-%�.� �·< )�����(( %���% �#�� ����& ���6 1� ��� k�� ( >�� J.~� ���� �, �8�.

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(���� ���� �·������ �#A� (!>�� ) ( 1� ����� C Y_%�!'.

"#�!���� �$�%� ���� Expected Outcomes

-��! k�Z '¢�� �8��< 1� ���� �� ��� 1� /�*" #]� . ���<�.

-��#: �#�7��C . �#��Z ���� ��* J� ��� 1� /�*" 1%�:#�.

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- #� �� ���� ����5�F¹ ���& �#��Z 14�8�.

- 1H65 � . �,0% 6� ��7?� )A� ���� �#��Z ��,� 1�,�� 1��� ��#: G~%� v$��% ��.

- ;�A����!��� 17% '�� �� �� 1��6 �!*. 1�� . ���& �.� �A� J� �� '!#5".

- '¢�% 1��, J�)*� ��� 1� 1��6 #]� �� 1& ����� ;�A� �����Z +�_�*� (.

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F�- � 1�#~� �� �< J� k�� q�#]�� ���� 1& �7�� ;��.� J� ��& ���& +�_�*� X! 1� X!.

FF-���![ � q�#]�� k�& /0* 1& (9J�. �y� �%�, ���& )!�4� �� �*><� ���� �� )0A6 ! )�?�5.

FV-#7,�#C . ���< 14�* ���. #$% J� �� �������& *�#� 1�,�: �� � .

F�-��*��� �� [%" . ���� 9�: ��� 1� �� ���� )�%0®� 1� \��#� �*><� .

F¡- �� 1H���� :��" (���% �#7,�#C ���� #:� . ���& +���� )8�� �&#< )�?�5 k!�35� #$% J� �� ����

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F¹-� �� 1� ()*� ���% ��� ��5� �#��& ��#� ���� #:���,� 1�,�� .� #� ��5 ��$% (���� ���% �� ..

Fº- � ���� 1& ���& ��&Ð� . ���� )Z��� ( �08�#� 1�%#� �� �� ���� �,� 1�,�� qL�%� �%���.

F{- ����5� 1� . ���� G~%� )0y� )!�4� (9#!�C '!� ��#� . �#!�� �� kL� '�%��8 �!� ���� 1& ���& ��&�

/�*" 1� % . +��%J ���& µ�]�� �& 1��� �~��.

F}-���� )&#, %��� +.#: �� �� ���� .9.� #��M� ��#� %��� +.#: J� ( ![�� � ��:J* ��

1%�� ���& +�_�*� ��#5 '�� ;��.� . ��� /�*" ��.

F�- !%���#� ���& 3&#�� ���� �� . � ��� ���� �� _�� �L* 1���7�� 1& �����L� ���� J� �:1�H& �!

"±8�� "��& '!37!� )0y� ���0� � �� " . ��.�� '�� �� ��.

V�-v�>�* 1� �� ���� (���� ���. '�5#: ��#8 J.~� ���� #� ��� �����, #:� ���� ³��� �!�< ��.

VF-���& *�#� '!#5" #]� �!*. ���. #$% J� �� 1%� ;�A�.

VV-�� )[� �� .� (�, �!��� ���� ����5� #:����� ³��� %�.� )��* ����.

V�- �Ê�� ( !.��� µ#®� ��#� �� ����clozapin ���� ³���  ,3C 1�.

V¡-.��� 0%� °���� . #��Ð� �3��� ���& �!J�� ��.

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���� 9J��" [%" 1� J�% ���6 �� . ���& *�#� " 0%� °���� . .���.

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+�* µ.#S '�>, �Ê�� ��.(

�- %�J � )*� '��� ��C )���#C ��%� H08 +��Ê�C ±!S. ��#�� �,0% #>�� ���% ��& ���� ��� 1&.

h- ����� �8�� )���. J� �>!� .� +���%� . ���� ��,� 1�,�� �:" +��".

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�� ���� Problem Definition

\��#� ����� 1� �&��� #]�:

-���5� :�#� 9�� 14�*� �&��� #� (1�,�:��!�� (1AH*� ������ (�.��� �#& ��� . +# *. �#&! �

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- ��Z :�[�!� (��� '��& 1� ��� ��#� 1� �.

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- ���, )���� :�* #$% J� '>� ��#5� ( (#� %����% . �H� '* �� �#>C / 1�5#: �B %J . ��#�

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"#�!���� �$�%� ���� Expected Outcomes

-:�#>5� ��, �#��&.

-�~�[�% ��5� ��, �#��&.

-��:�%J 1� � �35�! k!��.

-q�#]�� k�&!1�8 v��� . ��, �#��&.

-����� ��� �*><� ���� �� ��& )0A6 %0®� .� ��� )� �����& .

-*.!�%#]� � � ���,0% =#�*.

6���� 1� ��*#C� Nursing Recommendations

F- ������ ��*#C!�> 1%�% J� �� �&��� #]� J� ����0� 1& �,� +:":

-1%�% �� ��& ��%�»�� G��� +�#� 9&«

-.3��� �, +�#>5� .

-���5�� � . 1%���>� �.#C

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-M� J.#�����# �#5 #�S . �·< (��5� ��

-���� . ��?� µ#®� ¤�*

- J� �#� ¼%�!M� X��:�%J �� # ! ��� )*� J� !Ï�3�3�� X

V-�®��v � .��&��� � �� �7�� ����&5 1&� J!�� �� #!� 1ÊL����� ���. �� *�#� �&��: :�#>5� (

��?� . ���� µ#®� ¤�*( *!%�.� �·���� # ( �#� 9��� �&��� 1�,�:��( ��� . É�B ! ���#(

�� T�#���#)�Z �A� J�(( �`��!:� ���# ('�3� ���.

�-4�!7��#5 � [,J�� .� ���&��� J� .� ��� ���� �� �� �� *�#� �&��.

¡->%�C�:��" . � ���#� ��� �&��� �& 9��3: ���J �� .� . �!7� #$% #�#!�.

¹-����, #:�� �&��� �®8 #� ��� . �.�� 1� �� �#5 ���� ���.!#�>� � � ����� ³��� �*���� .

º-� +���%� J���� ���� �� ��!� :��" +����%�% 1& ���#� ��� �&��� �& ���U* ���>���.

{-�!�#� �� ����� � J� T�� 1&�®8 . )*� �*���&��� � ?�5 �����) � ! 7� #$% �� ���#! � v

�&��� 1� #��& . �,� ��M�� ��& #�5.

}- � �*><� 1��%��& �#A� ���� �� �� �& 1���� " 1� . v )������� v) ;*�� �y� ���� 1� !� 9.�

� �*><� =��%� ��%����(.

� 1� 9J��"� �� Patient Education

- �&��� ��#� ���� �®8 ���� �� |A� ��#� �?* 9.� . +�� � ���& k4% �_!� .� +���%� . ���� ��#�


-Ï#� ��.��� 1� �� ���� *#�*� � ���& +�.�� �#5 +���%� �j�� . '!�?�. � �!*. #7!� . �."

� �Z������& �.�A.

+�_�*� ���� ���� :

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- Torrey, E F. et al. (2001). “Outpatient commitment: what, why, and for whom”,

Psychiatric Services. 52(3):337-341.


������� ���� �� ���� � ��� ����� �


���� �� Problem Definition


�$�%� ���� ����!"#� Expected Outcomes

-���% =><� �#7,�#C 1� J�% ���� 1& ��, Ì_< ��< �� ���� q�#]��.

-�,� =#�*� � 1H�4� #��� �� 9.� J� +�_�*� 1� ��8 ����.

-�%*#% 1��6 �#7!� . ��� 1� ����.

���*#C �� 1�6�� Nursing Recommendations

-���� ��#8 +���� ���� #��>� ��B 1� �� ���� ��5� .���& q���� (��*#� #$% 1� ��$� . /8�#� 1��!� J� .

)*� ��.#� �#7!� . ���� )���� )[� ���5 1H���� ��$�� 1� #��>� +����.

-����� �% ���� 1� �� =#�*� � 1H�4� . )�%0®� 1�HL� @�A6 +�� . ���& ��� �7?� X! ��% . +�A% 9J��"

,% /H`� �#7!� 1� )0>% ��[� ����5� �#!J )*� v[� ��>� ���� 1� )�%0®� . v�� J�#�� @�A6

)*� %.�� v�� �, 1�,0%� J�.

-� =#�*� J� �� '!#5"#]� �!*. 1�H&�!��� 17% �.� ���.

- ��%� �>� �� )�?�5 z!#B J� �� �. 1%�#7,�#C . ��[� ��5� ���& �* ���� )�%0®� G7�� ��

" Y&�� 1>�& 1� �J 1�#� " ���� k�&.

- �!�%�J� ��� ��5� 1� )0>% . �*��� �� � )��8�� J� ��� ��� . )�%0®� �0�� � ���& X�& ���� 1�

1�,�� �,�.

- =><� ���� 1� ����� ��8 �#5 ��j< 1& �#� ��%�� .� ��& �� ���� q�#]�� . k�� k!�35� G7�� 1�

�!�% � �#�:�H� q�#]�� �!#* '�5� ·� J� . ��� � )����.

-�,� 5& +J��%� 1� )��8�� �#��& )[� kL� �&�& �����.

- �� ���� �.��� ( X,3C 3!�~� ���6 �� ����� .� 1� (�,� �!3�5 �[� 1� J�% 1��!� J� �08.

- ���& +�_�*� �!3�5 �[� +��, J� ��% �8�. #��� �5 ����8� 1& ���6 ��.

���� 1� 9J��" Patient Education

- ���� 9J��" ���� 1� �� %.�� �*><� J�#�� @�A6 +�� . =#�*� � 1H�4� �� 9.�.

- �,� 1�,�� �!�%�J� ��� ����5� 1� )0>% . �*��� �� ��� )�%0®� �0�� 1& ���� 9J��" ���� 1�.


+�_�*� ���� ���� :

- Stuart, G W, Laraia M T. (2001) Therapeutic nurse-patient relationship. In Stuart

GW, Laraia MT, editors: principles and practice of psychiatric, St Louis, Mosby.

- Stuart, G.W. & Laraia, M T. (2005) Principles and Practice of Psychiatric Nursing. 8th

Edition, Elsevier Mosby Company.

- Walden-McBride, D L. et al. (2000). “Listening for patient’s story: the psychosocial

story of a patient with end-stage heart disease”, Journal of Psychosocial Nursing

Mental Health Services. 38(11):26-31.


������� ���� �� ���� � ��� ����� �

�@A% �1� %�

������ Problem Definition

4H� �·���� ���. � �����

"#�!���� �$�%� ���� Expected Outcomes

� ��*#C!�,� ��8 � :

-4H� �·���� ���. � �� ���L�� ������ ¯.

-� �H� ��� �< �!��� . +���& �~!� +���& �!� �� �� #�� '�L�� ������ ¯.

6���� 1� ��*#C� Nursing Recommendations

F-J��!� ?.��� J� 1��." ��� 1� ��!�.

V-� J���� ��!�& />& 1ÊL��.

�-� �����!��� . +���& �~!� +���& �!�& ±�& �� #�� '��.

¡-A��] �#� v?*� ���." v��#5 ��!�.

¹-% ���6 ���� J�#�>� ��� ��, .

º-.��� ����8� ! �~�!�� G~%� �� +�, 3��.

� 1� 9J��"��� Patient Education

-���.� 1� �� ��� �#, J�!A� . ;�[]� 6�� �J =#�*���& 1��.

-��#�>� 1� �� ��� � ���% ���6 �� �*���6�� J��& 1��.

-���~� ���6 �� �� ��!8� µ#®� 1� (.��� 3�6�� [%" z��& 1��.

+�_�*� ���� ���� : References

- Monahan, F. Sand, S. Neighbors, M. et-al. (2007) Phipp’s Medical-Surgical Nuring.

8th Edition. Mosby, Eelesvier.

- Shives, L R. (2008) Bacic concepts of psychiatric mental Health nursing. 7th Edition,

Philidelphia Lippincott.


������� ���� �� ���� � ��� ����� �


���� �� Problem Definition


�$�%� ���� ����!"#� Expected Outcomes

- ���% �% ��� J� �� v��� v!�� ����.

- � 1� ��8 �����,� ����� �, #�S . q�#]�� k!�35� �� \0��� ¯�L�.

���*#C �� 1�6�� Nursing Recommendations

F- ���� ����� v!�� ) (�!��� ! �#& )0A6 ��� � ('�5#: ��� 1� �3�� 1� �#& 9�: 15�8 ±8���

. 1H�� ;*. �� �, ( .... ��[� �� k�&�. J� � ���� ��#8 +���� ���� �� ,% 1& �����*� J�

��, �#�:�H� �8�� 1� (��, � +��� �#5 1� v��� ;*��.

V-����% )!�4� �� ���� v��� .���>�% .� �&���� z5��� �, ��[_� ���� 1& ���� +J�� . ��!�7� " � 1& ��� #�

G��, �% �� !��6 �� '� ?. ���>� �8�. �, ��#� ���6 v%�� ." 9.� 3�% ���� � +#��� 1�0?�

)*� A�A6%.

�-���& z!��� ��#5 '�� �� )�?�5 . [�.#: �� )&#, 1� �� �. (���� ����� k�& )[�.

h-�!���7% [�� �� �. ()*� v��� ��� ���� �8..

�-��� 1%�#�" ����� 1� G~%� K� H�� 1& ��& ��0~� �� ���� ����� '!� )*� '��� (���& )8� ¶��& (�


w- )?< � . +�#& ��� ��!�[� ���6 1� �� Y�? )*� '��� ���� (����% Y�? �� ���� H08 ³�B� .��

��� ^*C ��[�.

{-qL�%� ���� ��#� )�� /8�#� (���� ����� /H� )[� ��� ���6 �� ���&.

}-�#0� C v��� �J . q�#]�� k!�35� �� \0��� 1� ���� 1& ���& �* . �#�:�! � �%���� ���� #:�

��#: �#�:�H� ����� J� �!, ��, ��� q�#]�� k!�35� �%� (=#�*� )!#!�� �[,.�.

�- ,J�. �� )�?�5 �� )&#, . 4�*�� 1� ��� 9�: (#�5 µ�#A%� #�$% !� )�?�5 ���� ��#� ��

���0� �����.

F�- �, �%���� ���� 1& ?< �� �#& )0A6 1�>�" ! ,�:�� . �!��� J� (���%��C ����� � ����#� ��

���& ������� (����% �� �!� µ#< ?. ���0� ��.

FF-���& 3��#C ��8� �� )�?�5 G~%� J� ���%��C ����� ���� �� .


���� 1� 9J��" Patient Education

-���� 9J��" ���� 1� �� =#�*� �#��& �� 9.�.

-��!�% +�_�*� ���� ��#� �8�. �� )��8�� ­#, )[� �6#5 #� J�.

+�_�*� ���� ���� :

- Carpenito, L J. (1995) Nursing Diagnosis Application to Clinical Practice. 6th Edition,

J. B. Lippincott Company

- Doenges, M E. Moorhous, M F. & Murr A C. (2008) Nursing Diagnosis Manual. 2nd

Edition, Philadelphia, Davis Company.

- Newfield, S A. Hinz, M D. & Tilley, D S. (2007) Cox’s Clinical Applications of

Nursing Diagnosis. 5th Edition, Philadelphia, Davis Company.

- Stuart, G.W. & Laraia, M T. (2005) Principles and Practice of Psychiatric Nursing. 8th

Edition, Elsevier Mosby Company.


������� ���� �� ���� � ��� ����� �


���� �� Problem Definition

!��)#�_� ��!"#5 �� #��M�(

�$�%� ���� ����!"#� Expected Outcomes

- �,� )��8�. J� %!�� #�_� X��_� 1� ��8 ����.

- �,� )*��% . �B� ���4��� . q�#]�� k!�35� �� \0��� ¯�L�� 1� ��8 ����.

- ��*#C�� 1%�: #� ���.! . " ��,� �� ���L�� ������ ¯.

���*#C �� 1�6�� Nursing Recommendations

F-�� ���.!* . !%�.� �·���� # J�� ����� �� �� 1���!� �&��.

V-���� ��, �3!*�#� ����� �� �� 1��� �·���� . �&��.

�-A��] C )[� �� v?*�7��#� �&��� J� ?��<� �." v��#5!�.

¡-#0� ·� �� ����� Y_% 1� �����!�.

�-� =#�� �� k�& �� ����� q�&��.

w-���>�% z5��� .� �� !�� � �� (�!#!�C � �� )*��% ���4��� 1� �. J�% 1& ��%�[_� ���� 1� . ��08

�!��� ��08 )��8�. ���� 1� �� .� !�� 1& ��& � �~!� .� �� �� �.� '!� ���� �� !��.

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)*� ���� '� ��#�."

}-���& )0A6 ���� � �8�. ���< . G�#� +���� . +�#& 3&#�� )��8�. . )4�4< #�.

�-�#0� C %!�� . �B� ���4��� . q�#]�� k!�35� �� \0��� 1� � ���& X�& ���� 1� .

F�- ���& z!��� �#7!� � /*�� \0��� ���#8#� 1� �� ����.

���� 1� 9J��" Patient Education

- ���� 9J��" ���� 1� �� =#�*� �#��& �� 9.�.

- 7%�7� ���� �� ���� 1� /0* �*><� /*�� 1�HL� G�� 1& �#� ���� 9J��" ��� %.�� �*><� ��

��#: � ���� q�#]�� k!�35�.


+�_�*� ���� ���� :

- Carpenito, L J. (1995) Nursing Diagnosis Application to Clinical Practice. 6th Edition,

J. B. Lippincott Company

- Doenges, M E. Moorhous, M F. & Murr A C. (2008) Nursing Diagnosis Manual. 2nd

Edition, Philadelphia, Davis Company.

- Newfield, S A. Hinz, M D. & Tilley, D S. (2007) Cox’s Clinical Applications of

Nursing Diagnosis. 5th Edition, Philadelphia, Davis Company.

- Shives, L R. (2008) Bacic concepts of psychiatric mental Health nursing. 7th Edition,

Philidelphia Lippincott .

- Stuart, G.W. & Laraia, M T. (2005) Principles and Practice of Psychiatric Nursing. 8th

Edition, Elsevier Mosby company.


������� ���� �� ���� � ��� ����� �

#��� B��� C��

���� �� Problem Definition

���� µ#®� ¤�* �����

�$�%� ���� ����!"#� Expected Outcomes

-� J� ����� �!�% q���� (��L� ���� µ#®.

- ��& ��� (��, � �6< ��L� ���� +�_�*� J� 1& �� ��#]� ��, �%���� ����.

- ���% 1�#~� �� 0�*" . 1��6 (.��� µ#®� �]8 1H<#� �� �����.

���*#C �� 1�6�� Nursing Recommendations

F- ������� 1� \��� ����� [:" k�C 1& ���& ��&� . ���� ­#, ���� �� #� �� ���� J� +�_�*� ¤�* ��#��

�,� � .��� µ#®� J� . (���� �� #� ���� J� +�_�*� ¤�* 1& �#L� ��#�� J� ����� J� ���>�

�%���% �*�� ��B�.

V-!� ¯�L�� �� �� ���� ���� ��! ()*� +�#& �~!� ���� �. :�%J �� ���� J� +�_�*� ¤�* 1& ' . J� �08

��& ��� �� ®L, ����� . �!>� . ���� J� +�_�*� '�� 1]��� �!� ���� ��, ³.#, �L0%��� 1��!�.

�-1� ��." �.� �� 1� %�.� ��5 �8�� �� �. 1& ���� 9J��" �� _H�L� �� 9.� ���� 1�

��& +�_�*� [%" J� �%��� � (µ#®�¤�* )��%� : G��" �� 9.� ( �>� �� 9J�. �J* . ( ...

h-���& ������� ����� k%J#* 1%�:#�J�.

�- ���& z!��� ��!��� �[�.#: �� )&#, 1� �� ����.

w- ���& X�& ��08 ��8 É#B J� ��� �*><� �� �� ���� 1�.

���� 1� 9J��" Patient Education

-���� 9J��" ���� 1� �� 1%�B8 #$% �[S� �� 9.� . ���� �#7!� � 1%�B8 9.� 1� �%���� �#5 1���

��! � k!�35� �. Y_% �3� ��& ��#8#�.

-� !����� \0��� +�A% 9J��" )[� k4% �_!� 9.� J� ��!�% +�_�*� '!#!*.


+�_�*� ���� ���� :

- Carol, T. Carol, L. & Lemone, P. (2005) Fundamental of Nursing. 4th Edition,

Lippincott Company.

- Carpenito, L J. (1995) Nursing Diagnosis Application to Clinical Practice. 6th Edition,

J. B. Lippincott Company.

- Doenges, M E. Moorhous, M F. & Murr A C. (2008) Nursing Diagnosis Manual. 2nd

Edition, Philadelphia, Davis Company.

- Newfield, S A. Hinz, M D. & Tilley, D S. (2007) Cox’s Clinical Applications of

Nursing Diagnosis. 5th Edition, Philadelphia, Davis Company.


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"#�!���� �$�%� ���� Expected Outcomes

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6���� 1� ��*#C� Nursing Recommendations

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�& 1�����.

VV-� �*><� 1�� ���� ����.#� 1�8�. 1�� X +��� �( ���� )����.

V�-�<!%�� 1� [%" ^*C . +���%� )�G3 �� �:J*� ��*�#� �� �� �&� �� +���%� G.3? ���6 �� . �

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®L, 1� �� .��� ��U>� +���%� ���& ��A���.

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� 1� 9J��"� �� Patient Education

F-�J.� �� 1& 1Ê%"� ��.#� 1��< J� YC �.��" �� . X!� J� +���+���%� . �� ��� �$�%� 9�!�( ������ @��.

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%�J K�®� . v<�3� ��5� 1&! !�."�� 1�8�. �J(flash back) � É_�� ��5�.

¡-*!²� ��%� �� q�� ���� #!5& q��� (/*�� v ?�5 (v$�� 9J�. (�) �� :���%� ���!�& z��.

¹-��+.#: 1� �� �� �� �<!� ���!�� ³��� ��.

º-��%��� �5�®� 1& Ö���< .)�������0���� ((... 1�,�� �#� �� �%�� 1� 1A%* J� YC =#�*� �·����

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{-��%��� 3M� ���6 ��� 1&� ��.#��+�, X �%�( �#�� �� ³��� 1A%* J� YC ����� )[� +�.����.

}-+���%� 1� ��[�� , 1� +���Z  �Z . �!�<� 1��6 ¯L! +�" ���� 9J������#� . �� 1� �#& 9�: )


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�-��� J� +�_�*� �� �� ��#8 #$%�� v� �� ������.

+�_�*� ���� ���� :

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"#�!���� �$�%� ���� Expected Outcomes

-%��� @]* Ì_< ?���G�.

-:�H��#� °���� J.#� J�.

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6���� 1� ��*#C� Nursing Recommendations

F-��?.#��?� �·���� #$% J� �� ���� *�#� �&� �.

V-���� #$% J� �� ���*�������. . ���% �#��& X�% µ#®� )�! �.

�-��!< v�� ���& �#��& ���*� z0B �� ��� �.

h-��% J� �� ���� #$!?.� v���>� 1�?� )��� G� )>&�" ( vH�� ����� ( � G��%� 9J#? (�� ��#8 #$% )A��� .

�-�� ���.!,���: v � ���*�#� �� �� �&�� ���. ���6 �� . �!�� '!� 1� ( v�6�� ����& 1�? 1& ���� G�

��& µ#®� ��` J� YC ��.

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+�_�*� ���� ���� :

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- ��? .� * �#� ( .L���� ¯� ��*#C� %�.� .�8���.� = –q"#[, -�#[� (F�}{.

- �8�% ��*�(ØH� ��<� . �.� ���*#C .�#�� �����%�( �#[� (F�}{ .